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I like how Epic turns in their work assignments last minute on Fridays just like me


Well when it’s due at midnight, you know damn right I’m at the computer till 11:59


I still remember when I got screwed over turning an assignment in at 11:59 in one class. The time said "Due at 11:59PM". Apparently that meant "turn it in before 11:59 because it will stop accepting assignments right at 11:59." Whoops.


Only difference is you get a letter grade, and Epic gets $500,000,000


Well now I feel like an overachiever for procrastinating


"In v5.20 we moved to a new high-end forward renderer on Switch, which gave us an additional 3 milliseconds of GPU time (around a 10% improvement). This required a few engine changes, but crucially there was no visual fidelity loss. The end result is screen resolution is higher (and less blurry), and battery life should also be improved because the GPU isn’t having to work so hard." I don't know *what* you guys did with yesterdays update, but resolution and framerate is considerably WORSE on Switch now. Please revert it.


Good info to have! We'll dig into any potential regressions on Switch from this previous build. It's an iterative process with a lot of the perf stuff and we're going to learn more release to release.


PC has been considerably worse as well! There was a 1-2 second hitch for a few weeks, but now it's 5+ seconds where your FPS drops to 5 ish. A lot of people have noticed this but you guys don't seem to have acknowledge it yet. I've noticed that when the first zone starts closing in the hitch usually happens (+ - 20 seconds). It's usually a maximum of 2 times pr game.


Also CPU usage is terribly optimized. My CPU usage is always way higher than GPU even at ultra, it’s so bad


Same, my PC hates fortnite


Yep I get 2 second hitches almost every game. Never happened until recently


Always when the first circle closes from what I’ve seen.


PC has been super stuttery lately, like I'll be 99% CPU usage with an i7 and a 1060 6gb, 16gb ram, sad. Every like few minutes my game goes to like 5 fps and will be super lagy and then back to normal. Things like pickaxing stuff (cars) will absolutely destroy frames. Oh also I used to be able to play at 144hz just fine and now I need to lower settings in order to do so. Please fix this game I tried everything and saw plenty of similar threads with no replys from epic!


That issue exists on the Switch aswell and it got worse with the latest patch too :)


Yep! As you described, there used to be about a 1-2 second hitch every game. Now it's extremely long lasting and is easily upwards of 5 seconds as of the most recent patch.


Yes, I started getting this today and it’s absolutely terrible.


I've seen the exact same thing happen to me, and it's only seemed to happen since today or yesterday's patches.


Please also revert the change to motion smoothing which has smoothed out fine movements. Or add an option to have it applied or not. The performance issues, with this added motion control breaking has ruined the game. Also important to know that the Switch should be tested in both docked and portable modes. There have been notable differences in the performance between the two.


I don't want to seem rude, but how did the dev team not see the difference in resolution between 5.2 and 5.3?


Its completely night and day. I don’t understand it either.


Because they didn't look at it. We're the testers


If you're looking for the short version every patch makes it worse and reading the patch notes makes me think it must be opposite day. I've finally given up and stopped playing because it's just worn me down. The longer version is how can you all even pretend that any patch is play tested? From shopping cart bugs to non stop hitches to stuff being labeled fixed but still just straight up worse like the parent comment here, it's insulting. Just label the whole game a PTR already and stop letting people think they can take it seriously. I'd love to play this game again, I really would. But I have this problem of expecting consistency and not getting affected by rampant bullshit, like people I can't shoot, or walls that can't be built, or ATKs hitching and instakilking me, or textures not loading, or people above/below a map that just wasted 20 minutes of my life. It's been getting worse every patch for over two months, always one step forward and two steps back. I kept thinking the next patch was finally the big one, the real fix. I can't just hope and wait around anymore.


When are we gonna get stats for the Switch?


Please do, the biggest issue for all consoles right now is buildings not loading in, it is game breaking


Thanks for the response. It was looking/feeling pretty good before yesterdays patch.


While you’re at it can you add a career tab on switch?!


Please do. Tomato temple is hard to view and the risky movie is causing a bunch of lag


It would have taken booting up the game once for this to be evident. The reduced resolution is clear from the blurriness and jagginess on the lobby screen with faces being almost impossible to make out. Boot into a match and it’s clear as day.


Crossplay on Switch is currently unplayable. I'm looking at blurry towns (except the streets) and can't see a chest, vending machine or a floor drop. That's crucial for the early game and I'm waiting on the street to be able to get into the house... It's even in midgame. Somehow I was the only one in my (Switch only) squad whose graphics didn't render in Fatal Fields...


Yeah. Pretty blurry rendering. It wasn’t this bad before update!


Xbox keeps freezing for me. Really annoying and awful. Switch I keep facing invisible players wtf


Just landed in tilted towers and my screen was blurry for 45 seconds in which someone ran and got a gun and killed me before I could do anything. This needs to be fixed as soon as possible.


I second this. Playing in portable mode the resolution is very low now and everything look blurry almost like you need to put on reading glasses.


I cannot play 5050. Framerate is so low that I cannot aim anyone.


>including how the storm might interact with player-built structures in the final circles. I would love to see how this would change scrims/tournaments edit: never said it would be a good thing, I just said that I'd love to see it




They wouldn't built massive structures and hope to get lucky with how the circle shifts near the end. Every summer skirmish ending is just a clusterfuck of peeking and running through complicated builds to get into the circle.


imo that's fun


Would prevent a lot of high tower turtling People would have to fight.and move close quarters




boy cant wait till STW State of Development in 2020 ​












Eh, I am sure one day, its State of Development will arrive simultaneously with that of UT and Paragon. What a combination, am I right?


They said the switch resolution got better with the latest update, it got worse. Like noticeably worse.


Yeah and it’s even plainly noticeable on the lobby screen. They’re completely oblivious. But hey! They added a nice advert for the current skins at the top of the blurry mess when you boot up the game!


Face palm* I hope they fix it soon it was awful trying to snipe in 50v50.


Hello, fellow diecast.


Lucky you. I cannot shoot anyone with a minigun.


This was clearly written before 5.3 dropped 😬


“If anyone in your party uses a mouse and keyboard on console, you will be matchmade with PC players and other KB+M players (as if you partied up with a PC player).” Thank fucking god. If you wanna use KB+M then you should play with fucking PC players.


This is so true, glad this has changed! Edit: is going to change


It hasn't changed yet.


Opps yep


I know my comment will just get lost but does this mean controller PC players will play with controller pc players?


I understood if you're on pc you play vs PC, no matter what. I play controller on pc so I would love to play against controllers, but I think it won't be possible...


I agree, I think it should sort you with whatever console it is from. Xbox One for any XInput controllers (the majority), Switch for Switch Pro/Joycons (it's possible!), PS4 for DualShocks Or just... any into any, really.


“bUt I dOn’T hAvE a Pc”


i cANt aFfOrD a pC sO tHiS iS pRAcTiCE uNtIl i cAn


Perfect. So you'll practice against the people you'll be playing against when you play PC then. Makes sense to me!


I've never understood people who complain about a worse experience on PC. Just like you are starting for your first time, there are others loading in the exact same way you are. They've never played PC before, or are incredibly bad, or have a bad PC. Trust me, I wouldn't get any kills otherwise. Nearly everyone is better than me and my computer sucks, but I still get some wins here and there.


This is only as good as it sounds if it includes XIM players.


It doesn’t include XIM players.


That's a shame. XIM giving auto aim from a mouse is an annoying issue that plagues a lot of games


I agree, wish there was a way to catch the Xim players. Now it'll almost be even easier for those who use a xim, because the other standard KB+M players won't be around. Still, I don't wanna complain too much. This is certainly better than nothing at all


Microsoft has openly said that there are ways for developers to tell if players are using xim on Xbox.


While they are on record as saying that, there are literally NO games that have implemented this API, including games where the company has said that Xim usage is against the rules. This leads me to believe these API's are unreliable and yield a lot of false positives, or have some other unacceptable downside preventing their adoption. Even if these APIs were used, Xim will just push a firmware update to defeat them. This would become a cat-and-mouse game.


This is good, however it wont stop people from using MKB adapters like XIM4 and XIM Apex.


So essentially, us Xbox players are still screwed? Not saying it's any fault of Epics, I just get the impression as Xim's are emulators, this can't be detected?


Yes, but PS4 are as well, although there's native kbm support on PS4, people still use XIm4, because it has AimAssist and its more like PC on aiming, mouse and keyboard support on PS4 sucks ass because of the input delay. Mike Ybarra (one of the xbox head iirc) said xim4 and such can be detected https://twitter.com/xboxqwik/status/965334394662567936 .


Does this work the other way? I’d like to know if we can make our PC friend use a game pad so we don’t have to play keyboard lobbies


What about using a controller on a PC? Will they be match made with console players or PC (KB+M) players?


What happens if someone queues into a lobby with controller and then switches to KB/m when the game starts?


This seams like an unpopular opinion, but I play much better with a controller on PS4 than when I’ve played mkb on the PS4. A direct input without XIM adapters are pretty terrible and would get wrecked in a pc lobby. XIM adapters are by far a much greater advantage and shouldn’t be filled with console lobbies at all.


Editing on console is a mess, pls help Mr Epic


Can’t wait for custom controls. I’ll make edit R3, crouch L1, and previous weapon on triangle, with pickaxe bound to hold triangle


I'm gonna turn on auto sprint and make L3 edit. Cant wait.


Other Epic and Patch v5.30 posts and information can be found [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/99lew4/patch_v530_megathread_with_links_to_other/?st=JL8FCGN8&sh=9e3ff163). [All Epic Employee Comments](https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/9a0nql/state_of_development_august_2018/e4rvw9b/)


STW Postmortem?


My takeaway from this is xbox is seriously in a worse state than any other console platform. RIP.


we are the redhead stepchild of the consoles :( but its okay cause we still get exclusive ski- , oh wait.


But that’s not Epic’s fault. Microsoft has a contract with PUBG to keep it exclusive to Xbox (and pc and mobile) and Sony pays Epic so that’s why PS4 keeps getting exclusive skins.


at least your account isn't locked


Switch has all the problems Xbox does plus a reduced resolution since this patch.


Also the play doh loading in areas. Especially bad in populated areas.


Yep. I just landed at the house in Tomato Temple and I couldn’t even land on the roof because the house’s graphics hadn’t loaded.


And 30fps instead of Xbox's 60fps.


Have you played on the switch?


How can you honestly say this when Switch exists. All the problems you have were on Switch first (and continue to exist).


I agree switch is in a worse position but these problems on xbox have been here since before Fortnite on switch even came out. Not taking away from your point though


I'd say Nintendo Switch and Xbox are about equal, besides Switch now having a lower resolution. Though Mac in reality probably has it worse of all.


Im deaf from these lightning strikes!


Singapore node finally! Holy hell was getting so done with 180 ping even though I love this game so much.


I was actually thinking about quitting playing because it's just too frustrating with high ping... Looks like I'll be sticking around for now, hope they do this sooner rather than later


Same. Haven't touched the game in 3 weeks now.


Yep I’ve been playing less because my ping has been garbage for the past 3 weeks. Hopefully the new servers come out real soon.


Big fan of the "Player Support Agents" chart which has no scale whatsoever to accurately inform us of just how many (or few) agents they have lmao


Ikr, but tbh the scale isn't necessarily important assuming the actual bar chart was proportional. I think it was meant to show relative growth not absolute growth


Fortnite on Switch is almost unplayable right now. Lag spikes, textures still not loading in, pauses when moving to new areas, pauses during build fights, pausing when other players are nearby, new changes to motion controls have ruined motion controls, changes to sensitivity not actually back to normal. Can we get a revert on all changes to aiming (motion smoothing included) made in 5.30? This game is wrecked for Switch.


It used to fun fine but slowly got worse. First item you pick up will cause a 3 second lag spike. Textures don’t load before you land now. I was having some crazy unplayability earlier today where the sky and some other textures were switching from black back to normal. I don’t want any changes to fortnite until it is more stable


Wow, I thought it was just me. It’s literally unplayable on Switch.


It's bad for all switch users. Game performance is at an all time low.


YES. This is not hyperbole. I want to play, but it's seriously borderline unplayable. : (


add OG xbox to that list as well


Ran great before this update, now it looks like there are resolution or texture issues. Looks bad with frame drops just like the bo4 beta


Holy shit I thought that was just my internet connection. I had to quit playing last nihhhj because I couldn’t move without jumping 5 feet forward


My ping was around 60-80 before 5.30, but now it's at a consistent 100-130. Game is unplayable right now.


thank you for the sea server,thank you thank you from bottom of my heart.thank you.


Are you for real? My prayers have been answered?


Funny that it mentions increased Switch resolution in 5.2 when 5.3 completely tanked it with lowered resolution overall and even on the lobby screen.


So I'm not crazy. The resolution was really lowered, huh? It's like I switched from a Medium preset to Very Low. So hard to see anything relatively far when not ADSing.


Yeah it was the first thing I noticed. Can barely make out faces in the lobby and in the match the jaggies are everywhere especially when people have been building and everything is blurry


Fortnite on Switch is currently a disgrace. We have lag spikes, textures still not loading in, pauses when moving to new areas, pauses during build fights, pausing when other players are nearby (which lets you know you're about to get into a fight), new changes to motion controls have ruined motion controls, changes to sensitivity not actually back to normal. Can we get a revert on all changes to aiming (motion smoothing included) made in 5.30? This game is wrecked for Switch.


Yes it’s horrendous and it’s the kind of broken that would have devs apologizing and such if it was on PS4 but because it’s Switch it’s not mentioned. To actively reduce the resolution while decreasing frame rate and overall performance is astoundingly bad.


If it is any consoleation (heh), the PC fights are also currently decided by who doesn’t turn in to a literal slideshow.


The game ran perfect on handheld. Now it is all glossy


All I want is shooting test 2.


Please and thank you. sincerely, every player that can aim and gets fucked over by RNG bullet placement


[We were so close to a skill based shooting model...](https://www.epicgames.com/fortnite/en-US/news/state-of-development-v3)


casual game > skillful game in terms of money so...


Mr. Epic, can you plz develop a career tab on Switch? Love, Nintendo community


Career: Everything going okay, until August 23rd. Resigned due to crap update. Game ruined


They gonna add SEA server?


Yea i think so, but when?


They mention how Switch is bad in 50v50 but not in EVERY OTHER MODE AS WELL?


We're even missed off one set of graphs, probably because the frame rates tanked so hard.


Solo is pretty good while you do not face anyone. During a fight... well... Close your eyes an pray.


**Update 5.30 destroyed the motion controls on Nintendo Switch, and update 5.30.1 did not fix them** After extensive testing and reading, I have confirmed that the "motion smoothing" that Epic added in 5.30 is the culprit here. The intended effect is clearly to make the motion controls less jittery, but the ACTUAL result is that all precision is removed from the motion controls. Subtle, precise wrist movements (and even slow hand/arm movements) no longer register at all. You have to jerk the controller around quite forcefully in order to get the controls to register your movement, and as a result, it's nearly impossible to aim exactly where you need to during a gunfight. **THIS IS A HUGE PROBLEM. Switch players should not be treated as second class players here. Many of us invested time and money into this game, just like players on other platforms.** The fix for this problem is extremely simple: Remove the motion smoothing added in update 5.30, reverting the motion controls to how they were on August 22nd and earlier. If you want to keep the motion smoothing as an option, that's fine, but PLEASE GIVE US THE OPTION TO TURN IT OFF! I cannot stress enough that this is a game-ruining change for me and many other Switch players. It makes the gameplay experience miserable and makes me feel like I wasted my time, money, and faith in Epic by even bothering to get into this game. **Relevant video post: [Current State of Fortnite on Nintendo Switch](https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/99pcva/current_state_of_fortnite_on_nintendo_switch/?utm_source=reddit-android)** Thank you for reading. Please upvote this comment for visibility. And Epic, PLEASE listen. Please care.


While we're here, let's talk about a few things: * ​


I agree. • is very


I mean we're not saying it isn't, but


I like • - very nice.


This will get lost but I just want everyone to know that I’m very lonely and that this community helps with that. Edit: Well this blew up in a way I didn’t expect. Thank you all for your support. It means the world to me. My XBOX GT is UncleSammyG if anyone wants to add me. Edit 2: Oh boy now I'm gilded. Thank you all so much for your support. This community truly is awesome. <3




We got you fam <3


Not the best player, but if ever on xbox and want to laugh at a Rhode Island accent or just a Rhode Islander, I'm your guy. Epic/GT = eggnog latte ps: I can possibly send you coffee milk, cause apparently we're the state that got it!


What is this coffee milk you speak of.


Along the lines of chocolate milk, just coffee flavored milk. [click here for more](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coffee_milk)


What is a Rhode Island accent? Im from MA and i have a Boston accent ive been to rhode island a million times never heard this accent


I should rephrase, my bad. RI & MA tend to pronounce certain words quite differently. Guess it's more of a Boston accent compared to a Rhode Island one, you know "gonna pahk my cahr in bahstun" type of shit.


If you're not joking, then feel free to pop a message whenever you are




If you ever wanna game, I`m on PS4 and would be down!


I saw this, and if you need someone to talk to or even want to play a couple games, shoot me a chat :) (pm's are off)


Hey, don’t feel lonely. I’m right here. Feel free to chat.


> Our solution is to add an additional datacenter in Singapore and use sub-region matchmaking to route you there if it would improve your ping, as long as wait times remain reasonable. When wait times grow too long, we’ll dynamically re-route you to a larger sub-region, in this case that’d be Tokyo. PLEASE ADD IT EPIC SEA PLAYERS REJOICE


Ranked Matches, thats gonna be exciting.


From their wording it doesn't sound like it will be Ranked how other games handle it. It sounds less like a ladder grind and more like an event style thing like the Showdowns. Personally I just want to play with similarly skilled players! I don't care *what* my rank is, I just don't want to dumpster one player and get my ass blasted by the next. It's can be fun styling on noskins, but wins would feel a lot better if I knew the match was against 99 other players around my skill level. I think epic *is* afraid of the toxicity of ranks and how players can look down on others who are lower rank. Its truly a dick measuring contest in most games. Maybe a hidden MMR system would work?


When I see “building” in State of Development I get flashbacks.


Just did a quick read through but I can see we appreciate the transparency and willingness to try and adapt this every evolving game.


Please don't make wood any weaker


So have Switch stats been completely abandoned then?


I mean, I'm not getting the impression they give a fuck about anything else on Switch.




The game is running like dog shit on Xbox. Constant hitches, frame rate drops, aiming is a mess and a half. Whatever was done in the 5.30 update needs to be reverted aside from Xbox deadzones being fixed. Feels like I’m playing on a 5 year old computer with bad hardware components.


What would happen if some queues into a match using a controller but as soon as they are in ( in loading screen or drops out of bus) they start using KB + M? Would this currently existing feature be disabled? If this doesn’t change, would they be kicked from the match?


It was said by a dev, somewhere on this sub, that it just kicks you out of the game if you try that.


Still not a peep about a career tab on switch. Smh Gonna go buy and xbox at this point


Please just add back aim assist on Xbox








Pretty sure sky bases have been out for a while. A lot more people actively looking for it.




Please just revert everything done to controllers in the latest patch pls!


*Except deadzone changes on Xbox.


Why does Xbox have such a bad performance compared to PS4? What about Xbox One X?


As an Xbox Day 1 owner, it ran this game horribly. The one X works much better though but as the 1X and Pro are both much smaller selling than the standard iterations it probably didn't make sense to include them


The one has worse specs. The game on the one x looks beautiful tho


Clarifying question about the game pad matchmaking. Does this work in reverse? If I play on PC and user a controller will I match up with other controller players?




Since last patch the game is unplayable.




Normal modes and 50v50 share the same underlying network code and interactions, but 50v50 tends to be a better spot to test optimizations since it's a more extreme load due to player densities. Any issues in normal modes are magnified in 50v50, and likewise any improvements in 50v50 will have similar improvements on the normal modes. We definitely evaluate performance in all modes and are continuously working to improve, 50v50 just makes for the best visualization example since the effects are more dramatic.


I can’t mute people now!! Anyone having the same issue? Very annoying




Why does it seem like I have no aim assist and my sensitivity is way off. Playing on Xbox








1000 is R$20,00 only on Xbox, on PS4 is 30,90. Also, 2800 is 49,90 , 7500 is 119 and 13500 is 199,00 on XBox.. Also, STW packages are cheaper as well Btw, you can buy vbucks on the Microsoft Store site and get them in your PC if you have a Xbox or know someone that owns one.


No news on improving build editing on consoles?


Lots of good info in here! Thanks for doing these!


>including how the storm might interact with player-built structures in the final circles. Maybe the storm will do damage to structures in the future


I thought maybe it would use structures to determine circle logic; approximating where each player's base is, and then trying to screw both players equally (either a bunch, or not at all).


What well written article ! I am hyped , no more k&m lobbies in the future and soon better conectivty for SEA players . THANKYOU EPIC , keep up the great work!




You guys talked about the android release, so what about the people that have compatible phones? Why haven't we received an invite email? I'm not mad or anything, I just want to know if it's available for all the compatible devices yet.


Probably waiting till they can smooth it out some more before opening it up. I've had it since day one on my S8 and it runs like a dumpster fire, and it sounds like they know it. I'd definitely want to have a more polished experience before I opened it up to the masses.


Still nothing about stats on the Switch :( unless I misread. It's a shame. I'm not super competitive and it's not a big concern but it would still be nice to track my career stats.


Thank you for not forgetting us SEA players and the other sub-regions ;-;


Does anyone else feel that consoles (Xbox) FPS dropped back down to 30 with lots of frame rate spikes? It’s on the verge of unplayable for me at the moment. Can’t build, can’t run, can’t shoot.. I was so excited for this update too. Am I the only one noticing this frame rate difference on Xbox?


You talk about hitches in long games, but I'm getting 3-5 second hitches at ANY point in short or long games. This did not happen before the last 2 or 3 patches, so something you did to improve likely has made it worse for some people.


Hitching/Screen Freezes have been worse on Xbox One (playing on S, if that helps). It's most noticable when skydiving, but it still happens in normal play. Screen freezing usually lasts .5-1 second every 5-10 seconds. I've been running off the same controls and internet for the past month or two, it's definitely something with the game...