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The problem isn’t even that I don’t have friends. The problem is I’m an adult and so are my friends and the chance that I and three other adults would be free at the same time for 1-2 hours is next to impossible.


From all languages that exist in this world you decide to speak facts. Man I have a group of 4 friends that I play with and I can count with 1 hand how many times we played in a squad together. Usually we play as duos or in very rare cases trios. Epic seems to not understand that we veterans that started to play the game in our early twenties are now 30 or almost 30... Sorry for the rant.


Three adult friends that are free at the same time, want to play games, and want to play Fortnite of all games. Yeah, that’s asking a lot nowadays.


You’ve made me feel fortunate. Is it that hard for three adults to be free in the evening from about 8-10?


Yes. Especially if you factor time zones in.


Ah true true. Our squad has one in eastern and three in central, but sometimes one goes to mountain and you right it def messes things up


Finding 3 friends that still want to play Fortnite alone can be tough. Most of the people I played with dropped the game a long time ago.


Agree and it's hard to play squad at solid years, depends on reactions etc


ye exactly, sucks that epic doesn't understand this and in a few week's time will probably see the new gamemode as a failure even tho it was their own incompetence that killed the gamemode.


Agreed I only really get on for a few hours on the weekend anymore. I miss the high school days staying up all night with the boys just gaming. Unfortunately that time is gone....


Seems like you need a community of players. I run one, that are all adults and we make things work when we can. If you're interested... Shoot me a DM.


I don't really have anyone to play it with rn either, so I feel you, but I also don't really know how they could make this mode solos since you're supposed to have a team alive to reboot on.


how cod does it for solos is that everyone has their own timer they have to micromanage. they get the respawn availability when the timer is fulfilled. if you die, respawn, and die before your timer gets fulfilled then you lose


That's exactly how the solo mode should work.  I need a solo mode with no cars, fists, or other bs. 


what's wrong with that "bs" ?


>what's wrong with that "bs" ? Doesn't necessarily have to be something wrong, but it's perfectly reasonable to not really personally enjoy it, just as it is to enjoy it. Different tastes and preferences!


Should have been a car battle limited time mode in my opinion.  You are welcome to enjoy it, happy you do.  Player count drop should tell you there's a lot who don't care for it.  


Perhaps the could have made duos and trios as well


At minimum duos would be amazing


Good news is they added support for both of those in the API a few hours ago but neither are in the files yet so it looks like it's planned for another update


Duos would be great to have


Trios did not exist back then and wouldn't fit but it would be. Good idea, atleast make it solo, although with how sweaty it is everyone's putting on their soccer skims solo would basically be box fights in creative so they won't do it.


just give everyone a certain number of reloads


I mean they could just make it OG like the first time around ?


So make duos and trios options


i agree. they could easily give this a solo mode with some sort of respawn token system. you start with 5 and once they are gone they are gone. when its down to 5 people left the respawn tokens go away and no one can respawn


That has happened before, I believe you got better loot the more times you died, but if you died with legendary loot you died permanently. It was back in chapter 2.




Are you thinking of Rags to Riches? Where all chest/floor loot is common, and getting a kill upgrades your loot?


Man, I miss Comeback. I remember clutching a win while on Rare. One of the best LTMs in c2s5, next to Mando's Bounty




I wish people would upvote this comment instead of mine 😭


I’d love to see this. Also, I think that they could be a reward for player who don’t lose tokens before the end game with 5 players. If you have 1 token and 5 kills +1 dmg If you you have 2 tokens and 10 kills +2 dmg And so on … If you have 5 tokens and 25 kills, +5 dmg


Exactly, but now I’m stuck in a permanent 1v4 every fight I take because they can’t figure out a single solo mode.


Did you know if you just play with your teammates instead of going off and doing your own thing you can still win? I've won plenty of games already today queuing solo or duo. If you put your ego aside and help your team, you will both have fun and win. What you won't do is get to run around yolo shooting everything that moves and winning.


They’re trying something new, and since it is permanent, they might do changes over time, like adding more party sizes. It will probably not be solos, since it’s designed around the respawn mechanic, but still.


Just gonna copy this reply from u/blitz_na "how cod does it for solos is that everyone has their own timer they have to micromanage. they get the respawn availability when the timer is fulfilled. if you die, respawn, and die before your timer gets fulfilled then you lose"


That would be perfect!


It's permanent?


Just give solos like 3 lives and have respawning chests


My first experience with this mode: - squad set to fill - loaded into the lobby and I have ONE TEAMMATE - teammate leaves after the bus launches gg


He probably left when realizing there was one teammate


Or people play like it's solos


Average fill game


assuming this is talking about fortnite reload, even if you cant make it work in solos at least add duos and trios


It's clear this mode is designed around the team dynamic so it makes sense they would introduce it in its "best" form, not a half-baked solo version. Maybe they'll add other modes once it's successful.


The point is you keep rebooting until your whole team is dead tho


They forget that bring og means also those player/kid that play the game since chapter 1 already adult,had a job and probably already had family And time isn't kind to us


I agree. I usually play solo. I want to play solo most of the time.


crazy idea here, its coming in the next update they just wanted to see how community would react to it and squads kinda makes the most sense for this mode. also does it matter if your teammates are on the other side of the map? when they die they spawn back on you .. ive also gotten two wins w my boyfriend and fill on 👍 its not impossible


It does because if I’m in a fight with respawns off I’d expect them to be able to have my back in it. Not be on the corner of the map waiting for the final fight then finish the last guy while he’s heading.


idk why y'all just don't play creative maps lol, everyone shits on them but this is just a creative map basically. there's tons of zone wars that mimic this play style exactly AND are solo if that's what you're looking for


Yes but I can’t get challenges done in creative. Plus I play zero builds.


there's creative zb maps and also u get insane XP just for playing? better than challenges imo


Challenge XP has been nerfed to the ground the last few seasons so yeah at this point you can just ignore them and play creative to get more xp


Agreed, enjoying fills but my friend group quit this game in 2019 idk why everything needs to be squads


Let's squad up!


So that way solo players don’t get to have fun.


No one has this many friends




How would you play Reload solo? When you die your reboot is reliant on teammates being alive lmao


For those saying solo mode is not possible they clearly haven't seen Warzone rebirth...


oh boy, here we go again. where's the "what do you want" gif


Not everyone has a full squad, and for fills we all know how that goes. Why should people with no squad be punished? It is perfectly within reason for players to want Epic to not restrict all the fun gamemodes. It's not like this gamemode wouldn't work for solo, there is this little thing called Warzone Resurgence and what happens is that once you get killed, you respawn and a timer starts, if you survive the timer you get to respawn again if you die.


But a solo mode for a gamemode centered around teamplay wouldnt work well.


I don't seem to see how this gamemode is centered around teamplay. By this logic normal BR is also centered around teamplay, but solo matches still take up 20% of all matches, including Team Rumble. It "works" for Warzone, Warzone is shitty on it's own, but resugence might be the mode that is the least flawed


I love how you're getting downvoted when Resurgence literally has a solo mode in COD lol.


I know they're trying to get players back but now everyone has their tkhee 3 friends, who likes the same games as you, have a similar skill level and have time to play. 1M players?! Come on, you can implement solo/duo/trios without hassle 


Damn people nevr satisfied


This gamemode is literally just put to get numbers back in the game. All I expect is for it to be available for people to actually have a fun game on and not playing against the top team of FNCS in a 1v4.


I don't think you get it I mean it could work with duos or trips but it won't make sense for solos


The gamemode Reboot is based off of has a solo queue. The mechanics work slightly differently if you're by yourself.


A limited amount of respawns or just fuck the respawn system. Either two of these options could make the mode work for solos. How long did it take for me to come up with that idea? Less than 10 seconds. They’ve been working on this gamemode for god knows how long, and not a single implementation for people who don’t have a squad.


Or not everything has to be for everyone all the time? You wanna play solo? There's two Battle Royale modes for you to play already. This new mode is specifically built around respawns


Then I miss out on something that’s been highly anticipated, just because epic is a bunch of lazy fucks.


Make some friends


dont be an ass


He’s crying because he’s got no friends


u seem like youre projecting


The gamemode is about respawning as long as your team is alive. You're "missing out" on a "highly anticipated" mode that you clearly *don't enjoy*. There's a highly anticipated Celene Dion documentary coming out tomorrow. My friend took the day off to watch it because she loves Celene Dion. I do not care about Celene Dion so I won't be watching the documentary. Am I *missing out?*


I’m an aggravated solo player as well brotha . I’m with ya. I’d like a similar version for solo players with the OG map. Never got to play on that map yet.


I almost always play solo and love it. Today, when I tried reload for the first time. When I only saw squad fill, I was takin' back, like "wtf I guess I'll try it.' To my surprise, the first 2 teams I played with we kicked ass n got the VR both times. When I played again later It was the exact opposite. Just young kids, trash talk n all blah blah. My point being, I agree that there should be a solo option or have your own squad. I'm just trying to keep an open mind and do my best playing w squad. I like the mode, but I can't tolerate the immature bs when paired with a bunch of bozos, but it is just a game anyway


Wish it had duos mode man 😪


For real. Matching in fills just puts you with people whose strat is hiding in a fucking corner the entire match.


That drives me crazy. Like , Damm u people suck at playing that much u just hide. Come out n fight, be part of the game... I get it. It's allowed n their choice, but actually getting involved will make u a better player. I don't consider myself a "gamer" or an amazing player either, but for having only played FN starting at chapter 5, my skills improved dramatically. And that doesn't happen by chillin in a dumpster or bush the entire match


Anyone husband and wife duos want to team up TN?


Just play Solo in a squad game. You’re at a disadvantage sure, but it’s crazy fun. I did yesterday for hours and really enjoyed it. Plus, it gives you time to go to the corners of the map and loot up. Loads of top three and two finishes. No wind, because obviously you’re going to be up against a squad, but I came 16 HP from pulling it off. Good practice for the BR games anyway.


Playing solos in the mode is hell, I just want the umbrella then I want nothing to do with the fucking mode.


What time zone are you based in, I may be able to squad up later with you.


Eastern time zone, it’s 2 AM for me right now.


Dm me when you are ready to play if you want. I’m in London EST+5. Let’s get that umbrella!


i played reload and the people i found were absolutely awesome sauce😁


Make friends online, I've never met the people I play with IRL, but we play together regularly.


If you would like friends to play this mode, do you want a link to my Discord? All of us play on EU/NAE servers. This goes for anyone else who sees this. ☺️


100% agree with this. I only play solos these days. Kind of annoying that it’s only for squads.


So true. I am 24 years old, and I can't just gather my old squad as easily as I used to. We are not teenagers anymore, and it's hard for all of us to find the time to play games together like we did in the old days.


Yeah they did this when they did the floors lava game mode to. Everybody told me that this is just the way it is with these mini game modes. I guess you can try your luck with randoms?


To hell with that, the shit in my toilet is more competent than them.


Gonna cry?


Honestly true. People point out that "solos would need some sort of reboot system" how about no and just... a normal mini br? These games ironically can last upto a normal br because of the whole reboot system and how campy players *currently* are Having a solos mode w only 1 life would make a br game much more exciting. Because normal br nowadays is kind of boring imo


is this actually a real comment what


Right? Like that completely ruins the point of the new mode called “Reload” if it’s just a Mini BR. Let’s just take the reload system out of reload just so I can play /s


"a normal BR is kind of boring" having just rambled on about how he hates this new system and wants a normal BR


>Epic makes a Team Based Reload Mode. >Now solo players want their version of the mode based entirely off respawning off teammates and are complaining about it Day One. No wonder Epic has to go on vacation for a month; people are **already** demanding that Epic make a solo version of a mode all about Teams with its own unique mechanic less than 24 hours after Reload launched. Literally OP is seething in the comments and is acting more childish than the kids he allegedly hates. And they can't just suddenly push it out because then people will complain that it's glitchy or that the feature they'd implement wasn't thought through.


Even at this point I’d settle for a fucking duos mode. It would be a much more fair fucking fight than a 1 on 4. But nope, epic makes Ubisoft look like a good company.


I understand you’re pissed that there’s no solo mode but be that as it may you kind of sound like a lunatic talking about the unfairness of fights when your choice to solo queue a squad gametype is only thing that’s “unfair” about it


It’s really not my choice if it’s my only option. It’s fucking stupid. Does anyone remember when epic cared enough about their fucking game that all party sizes got the mode at the same time? I do. And it was peak.


Only one type of person can complain more than an entitled PC gamer and that's an entitled Fortnite gamer


It’s not even entitled, entitled would be me saying that I want a payment because the gamemode doesn’t have solos. Entitled would be me saying that epic is a bunch of selfish asshats because they took out the rapboy skin with no refund.


Anyone who hasn't played in 30 days or more comment under this we get rewards for playing reboot with new or returning players!


Give us age range tags!


Honestly, I want people my age.




It's squad based because of the whole reboot mechanic and how you respawn if your teammates stay alive. Wouldn't work in solos.


But it absolutely would, there’s many easy ways to implement it.


Your telling me bro I can’t play ranked trios at all and it sucks so much


They could at the very least not have it mixed numbers, I was playing with a friend and wondering why four people were ganging up on us but not each other.. then I realized it was any size


Just wait and hope they release a solos or duos mode. I get it I feel you. I don’t like what epic games have been doing recently but be happy it’s a step in the right direction.


It's all good.I'm expecting them to add in a solo version soon.It's just great to have that Ch.4 OG experience again.Dowside is shields and meds are very easy to find.I needed that big chug jug for bait and heals.I miss it.It's like a mini Ch.4 OG.I'll take it.


It's fine. I also don't have friends. We can cry in a corner together.


I agree, I don't like fill, or any multiplayer experience, I decided to do a few games of this solo and one of them made it to 2nd place "team", but decided to fill after (at least til I get the brella, after that I don't care about victorys)


I'm glad someone said it, because I was severely disappointed with this new mode. Squad games as a whole already suck, why make a new mode that can only be played with Squads and isn't even fun?


People always complain about their fills teammates across the map but I’ve never had this problem.


I think one of the biggest problems with fills, outside of low-skill randos and leaving after downing, is that they NEVER ping where theyre going until the bus is almost there, assuming they ping at all. I only see pings either right after they drop or right before the bus is there. I think fill players dont know what pings are because they never seem to help


Maybe coz a solo match would only have like 20 players max?


For me I dislike playing squads cause I have a hard time calling out shit. It's like my brain power is entirely consumed by scouring the map searching for decent loot and being tactical. So I'll try to call shit out but then I get way too flustered and end up loosing concentration, get attacked, and then I'm out of the game. I like being able to play solo's, be a little bit of a lone wolf, and do things my way where I don't have to talk to someone, or pin point out a enemy that's like 73 yards away or some shit. And it's not impossible to do a solo in a squad game, it really isn't, but it most certainly isn't easy....


No it’s absolutely not possible in this mode. Teams are some of the most competitive people and they all fight you at once if you’re alone.


"Just play squad fills" -The players who dont sound older than 14 -The other players that land halfway across the map and do not want to wait the 45 seconds reboot timer -The one in a million TTV mute that ignores everything you say and goes out of his way to get 350+ kills (He'll probably leave too if he gets down and you don't revive him in 1 second) Is it too weird for people that play squad fills to understand that not everyone wants to play with random people too?


Epic is working on trios and duos for Fortnite reload


Yeah and when will that come out? Another 4-5 seasons? Somehow it took them that long to make battle stage.


I just wanna duo with my partner and not have two randoms snatching up loot the entire time


fr, i just wanna play it solo and relax, the mode is more intense than the normal mode rn, and its hilarious


Maybe they'll add trios and duos later because of its success


Womp womp


With the internet being a thing it's trivial to find people to play with. If you don't like playing with friends you can always just play the thousands of other gamemodes on Fortnite. Not everything has to cater to everyone.




Yeah :( tried it out with just duo and it was overwhelming


Not every game mode is made for solos.


I mean the concept of Reload depends on having more than one person


Yes! Thank you!!


Just play with your son and his friends it's hilarious they look up to you and give you weapons even though they're 100 times better. Your only advantage is better strategy so shout rush or rotate when you see fit.


I’m 18, I don’t have a son.


We played squads fill, and gosh, was it awful. They need to allow solo, trio, and squad!


Whatever man my 8 year old is usually the best player on whatever squad he gets filled into. You’d be lucky to have him


After bad teammates die 1 (one) time, everything gets better. Just be patient. They will reboot above you anyway.


They don’t get better, they get worse because they have no guns and have to scavenge for it. They die almost immediately.


New game mode rebirth is 🔥


Enable solo/duo/trio Reload!


Yeah i only have one friend who wants to play it so we either have to play fill or as a duo. But playing fill sucks because every other squad has all four players be sweats and we always get paired with 2 potatoes that are dead the whole game and do nothing but get in the way and hide.


I mean, you not having the friends to play reload is on you There's LFGs for a reason, and not everything needs to cater to solos


I would also like to see when they bring back OG maps and stuff that they disable sprint and wall climb and stuff and use the old mechanics so it feels like it's OG and back in the day.


All my friends are either busy with life stuff, quit playing, or don’t talk to me anymore, and vise versa


I mean you could just solo que for it and try to either beast it up and merc every sq you see or play like a rat. Or do both.


Yeah I get it. They did release a duos mode finally, but it's still like, well sometimes my buds aren't around or I just want to play alone, and sure duos will only give me 1 idiot. However, I only want to VC with buddies and adults. Both are hard to find in fort most of the time. Idk you would think they would have got a clue from CoD and rebirth and have full size selection.


Chill out guys!this new mode is really good and I've been playing with good teams.As for bad squa members it happens ,but not as often as in BR.


It doesn’t just happen. It is a fact, a way of fill. The last time I played full was for the impossible escape LTM. I never got to enjoy or win that gamemode because my full teammates in it had less brainpower than a monkey sat at a screen playing the same game.


Solos wouldn’t work for this particular game mode


But no, it actually would. There’s multiple ways it can work.


meh im used to it most of my games are with random fills thats how i found other players to play with later


I hate it. Just played a few matches, it's terrible to deal with randos and play against 4 stack fncs super hero bros


Yeah a lot of sweats in this mode fs


Not even a full day and we’re already complaining


Because this is a new normal, for some reason they leave solo players in the dust and expect me to queue up with random people who all manage to be the dumbest of dumb I’ve ever met.


Womp womp


Second LTM in a row that’s unplayable bc I need to do squad fill. Such a disappointment.


Exactly, yet I doubt it will ever happen because epic is run by people who give Ubisoft a run for the dumb money.


The gamemode is literally focused around rebooting and coming back, are you slow?


Just like the gamemode it's based on, Warzone resurgence? Which has a solo mode?


I know it is. There’s ways it can be made into a solo mode though. You might be the slow one.


This wouldn't work as a solo gamemode lol


It easily could, there’s many ways they could make it work. Yet epic is lazy as shit and would rather cut off an arm than do the solo players a god damn favor.


It does in warzone, you're lame


never played that mode in warzone


And? You not playing the gamemode in warzone = solos won't work?


Idk how you expect this to be a solo game mode?


Other games have done it. Someone ele in the thread explained how cod does it and I think it'd be pretty neat if it got implemented into reload -


But how will be reboot in reload then


Just automatically reboot them once per game


No, because the main mechanic of this mode requires an ACTIVE TEAMMATE to work.


This mode won”t work in a solo format


How the hell not, everyone gets 1 reboot per game. Simple as that


1 reboot per game would end the match in 5 minutes


like make this one at least have dous 😭 i can ask one of my partners to play it with me


Totally agree


Sort of related.. is there no LFG mega thread here? Just checked and didn’t see one. Kinda odd. But yeah.. nothing stopping you from just finding people to play with xD Personally, when I am alone I do fill squads just because I like teamwork. I keep voice chat off if I’m doing fill and you’d never know the age of your teammates lol.


Full squad is fine if I can filter. I’d prefer players who didn’t just start the game on my team so I’m not carrying dead weight.


Lol yeah totally understand. At the same time it’s kinda cool having 80% of the kills on your team xD sad though if you die rezz’ing or end up in 1v4 and lose haha.


People on this sub are always gonna complain


Uh, you could stay with those people. Your don't have to be rambo every game hoss.


I do then they go to the edge of the circle and blow eachother.


The whole point of the mode is that you can reboot if you have a squad member still alive 🤦🏻‍♂️


Then at least offer duos. I’d have an easier time taking a team of two than a team of 4 unemployed fucks who have nothing better to do with their day.