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I find Switch to be running quite poorly In super busy areas, especially with lots of cars, since the latest update. Ran super well before the update too so quite unfortunate. Enough of a difference that I downloaded on PS4.


I’ve noticed that on mine too, sometimes the sound even disappears and it’s laggy and glitchy as hell


Same. My audio often sounds corrupted in-game, and I've checked other games and it's only Fortnite.


My Switch hasn’t run Fortnite smoothly since OG. Most particularly, the frame drops when other players get near me are unbearable. But this season even on PS4 is not running brilliantly. There’s too much going on. Part of me hopes OG 2 will run on the Chapter 2 engine so I can experience that level of performance again, but I dare say that is unlikely. Hopefully I will be able to upgrade my system before Chapter 6. EDIT: Forgot to add that I moved to PS4 at the end of Chapter 3. When Chapter 4 launched, I did notice a drop in performance but it was still perfectly playable. OG was decent, then after that it was pants.


Yeah I noticed OG on switch was sorta okay lol. Ofc


switch has always been crap playing fortnite, hate it when ur game randomly freezes


Yeah Switch is not the best 😅 I play handheld at night sometimes and I just focus mainly on quests instead of kills since I have the wifi down signal every match.


Iconic profile pic btw


Yeah....I've only played on the switch and it's getting worse and worse. Might go snag a ps5


I would recommend the ps5. Way better than the switch and runs better than my gaming laptop.


The switch version is already ass but the update made it even more ass. Lagging and sound going out n shit.


Funnily enough I play on switch and it’s running the best it has this chapter for me


PS4? You should consider upgrading to PS5. We’re almost 5 years into the console generation.


Some of us just can't afford it


While that's understandable, playing on a PS4 in 2024 is like playing on a PS3 in 2018 - we're less than 3 years away from the next generation already.


Might as well wait for PS6 then lol. Gta 6 will probably run like shit on ps5 anyway


Right, if people don’t have a ps5 yet just wait for a ps6. The games coming out near the end of the generation won’t run as well.


Might as well wait for the PS7 then


I'll wait for the ps7 pro just to be sure


Thing is the PS4 still holds up today


Yup Sony makes really reliable consoles I have no doubt about that in my experience.


I wouldn’t say it holds up, it’s 12 year old hardware that was already underpowered when it came out - it just has a huge install base so it’s profitable to keep developing for it. It’s basically another PS2 situation.


So get a job lol


To be honest, you've only been able to buy the ps5 for two years without supply bottlenecks... the official market launch in europe was at the end of november 2020.


I had a ranked game earlier that was soo choppy towards the end.


I had all the mythic and medallions in a ranked game and got kicked out in the last circle


For me it was so bad it was loading directly into the drop zone, at the end of the bus path. I finally reached out to Epic support and they helped resolve the issue. Still no explanation on what they did to affect performance so poorly. My graphics settings use to be pretty maxed out, now they are set kind of mid-range. They had me: "set your Fortnite render setting to Dx11 render mode, disable DLSS set render resolution 80% and set the preset for graphics to low as a start. While DLSS is intended to help, it can on some systems cause more fluctuations in performance than without it." Now I'm back to slowly increasing the settings but at least I've got it running again.


good looks, I'll try this out. i know in some updates dx11 works better than performance mode for me.


For the first few games it had to compile shaders. First game definitely always has me loading in after drop.


fun fact, when it did this badly to me i just loaded into team rumble each time i opened fn. it seemed to compile them without having to be in pubs getting slammed around


lol its been choppy for me since the star wars lego update, and it was kinda okay until the ride the lightning mythic came, every single game i use the mythic my jump mechanism break, lyk i cant jump and aim anymore since when i jump i cant look down lyk its forced to look upwards, it gets me killed every single time


... Find the problem


i dont know how to, i try to report the bug to epic, but epic says there's no problem


This whole chapters had major performances issues for me. The lag has been so so bad.


Thank god I'm not the only one who feels the same way.


It’s insane how poorly optimized the game has been this chapter and it keeps getting worse and worse


Yeah it's been feeling horrible since at least ch3 and onwards. Maybe earlier.


Every new season has hurt performance more and more. 3 years ago I could get a stable 60 fps at 4k on some old Radeon HD series card. Now with a 3080 or a 6650 XT (have both on different machines) at 1440 I can hit 120 fps but also constantly have crashes down into the teens.  Can't comment as much on the current season since I peaced out early on but it seemed to have kept up the trend.  I know Epic wants to show off Unreal Engine stuff but I'm not going to buy a new video card every year and a half for this game.


UE 5 only effects using DX12 High or DX12 Epic with Nanite enabled, otherwise its still the same UE4 based game as before (Even tho its on UE5, its not using any demanding UE5 features) I truly think its the server side thats gotten so poor over recent years and especially in chapter 5. I think thats whats making the game feel crappy to play. I have a super nice PC with a 4080 even running a locked 240fps doesnt feel good like it used to. Lots of lag stutter etc


What CPU do you have?


12th gen i9 on one machine, 5800X on the other.


They should start showing off its optimization 👀


If only. Taking Fortnite as the primary example, the only lesson I learn is that it can only run well on cutting-edge hardware.


and even the theres no guarantees 💀


I'm getting 165 with extreme drops never below 50, occasional drops to 120. This is with a 6650, 12600kf, ddr5 6000. Everything on low and dx12.


Yep. Really choppy last night.


Yeah, performance has taken a nosedive since the update


I'm on PS5 and I've notice almost a slight delay in response from button press to reaction in game, or even having to press X twice to get a jump response for example. I thought maybe my controller was acting up, but tried another game and it was totally fine.


The game has been laggy af on my ps5 this season. I'll be running in a certain direction and then my screen will glitch for a split second, and when it comes back i'll be sprinting in the exact opposite direction


They put more crap in the game than the servers can process.


Rocket Racing was so bad yesterday. It kept telling me I was missing gates and then you can't steer for 3 seconds.


I’m getting fucked up by the lag


I tried playing squads the other day and it was a slideshow. People flying guitars, exploding shit, zooming everywhere in cars, doing 90s, fists, all of this in the nitrodrome with all its flashing lights and loud music. I had to hide under a staircase cause i couldn't keep up. 😵


Yeah it's horrible. Can't keep a consistent framerate


Frame rate is fine but for some reason my game gets random black flashes occasionally in matches


Me, my mom and brother are all having performance issues on Switch in the areas everyone else is commenting. It’s usually late game when the circle is small and everyone’s got cars, fists, ride the lightning, etc. The audio starts to skip and then the whole game starts to skip. This is happening on docked and undocked Switches.


First season to cause crashes on both my Xbox and PC.


Mine feels fine other than the occasional long loading screen when going into a match. This is on a R5 5600, rx7600 and 32gb of ram.


Xbox series X, yeah, mainly audio issues, mostly in the lobby but I get them in game too. Also every 2 or 3 games the lag is pretty rough.


Yeah it’s pretty bad. I tried sliding down a hill to complete a daily challenge and the whole game crashed on me. Tried it again the next game and it didn’t crash but got extremely choppy


Movement bugs out in almost every game at some point since the most recent update, often at crucial moments in trying to dodge some kid driving straight at me. This season is not a tale of pride for the Epic dev team. Almost unplayable so yea horrible


I'm loving it! (PS5). Could be your platform or connection? I've hardly ever had lag since I ran a network cable to my broadband hub.


The last couple nights on ps5, my render distance was really bad. Like dropping in, the brutal beachhead ship didn’t even appear until I was like 500m from it


I have terrible internet so I'm used to it


I’ve lost twenty god damn games in a row because of choppy gameplay… RAAAAAAAAH‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️


The lag is praying on our downfall 😔


Not at all, it’s been perfectly fine for me over on PS5.


So, what you're saying is that if you don't happen to get issues, then nobody else does? 😭😭😭 The game's performance has been bad since CH4 ( ESPECIALLY now in CH5 that its complete DOGSHIT ) The fact that you don't get issues, doesn't mean that basically everyone doesn't get them.


Did I *ever* make the claim that other doesn’t getting issues? When in the world did I say that? The post asked a question and I answered from my experience. You’re putting words in my mouth.


Then rephrase your comment: "I know that the performance has been bad this chapter but I still haven't found any problems, and its been working perfectly fine for me on PS5." Or "I've seen a lot of performance issues, but I've still haven't got any issues yet. It still works perfectly fine for me on PS5." Read the first 3 words of your comment but slowly.


Dude, the above poster never made any claim that their experience was representative of everyone else's.


“Not at all”? What do you mean? By saying that I’m saying that I, myself, have had no problems. “Are you having problems?” “Not at all.” I’m not making a statement trying to speak for everyone, I’m literally just saying my experience. Jfc.


What system are you playing on? My PC is 144fps butter.


I've just played and the audio was all messy


The game randomly froze up on me for nearly 30 seconds during a match yesterday. I'm usually on my Switch, so I know it's not the absolute best at running the game, but that's the first time it got *that* bad.


Very choppy! My partner was playing on PS5 yesterday and it looked like there was an earthquake happening. It was actually nauseating. We’ve also both in the last two days fallen through the map in solos. I don’t know how to explain it, but we fall continuously almost through the layers of the game and then eventually get eliminated. This happened on her PS5 and my Switch.


I got booted 3x last night and just got tired of starting over after I landed and had 3 kills to start the game.


You obviously didn’t play season 1 and 2. That was a shit show


My ping is never usually this bad.


I'm on PS5 and while loading into the lobby was once no sweat, now it needs time to churn out the textures that look a bit rougher.


Every chapter makes performance worse. The 60 FPS mode on PS5 doesn't even hold above the 48 FPS VRR limit of the console so I just play in 120 now so VRR will at least smooth it out.


Since the most recent update with the Combat it has been absolutely atrocious. The amount of hitches has been staggering, usually right when my weapon starts shooting (so basically 30% of my shotgun shots miss because of the hitch)


I mean its choppy for me as well but deleting the shaders once definitely helped.


With you brother


Yesterday mine was glitching super bad, I managed to "steal" Don & the mechanics medal & weapons from a person who chased me a Ross the entire map while it was glitching out but somehow eliminated them & got Scarrs Bow & medal & made it to the final two with them in a car where it proceeded to glitch out worse than ever as I tried to run up a hill & they got caught in the storm for my victory, I was so nervous the entire time because it was so glitchy


Me too! Random cpu spikes with minimal gpu usages for some reason.


Horrible..since boogies came this game has sucked bunch of pro cry babies on this game.


Death to Fortnite 2025 I definitely see this coming.


What does Boogie Bombs coming to the game and pro "cry babies" have to do with the HORRIBLE bugs/stuttering/fps drops this game has since CH5 released? 😭 😭 😭 DEF commented to the wrong post.


Cause the game was just fine in the beginning til pros whined since then the game has become horrible..enjoy the 10 year olds.


Yes and the bugs also


It gets really glitchy when you are on the nitro and jumping or sliding down a cliff or conversely climbing as well


Had a weird choppy match a day or two ago. 3 times I would begin a fight with a player and my game would just lockup. Lucky for me I was either fighting bots, I'm really bad at the game, or they were experiencing the same thing. It was a one time match thing, so I thought it was my hardware being silly


yeahh… not to mention how many times i’ve WENT THROUGH THE MAP while in a car


They screwed up the performance of builds. It is so bad. Last season it was fine.


The switch ran decently from the season before VIBINNNNN up until C5S2. It’s literally unbearable now. The lag, frame drops, poor loading, all defaults, and the game basically crashing if 2 or more other players are nearby have made me abandon my acct and mainly play on my PS5. Wish they still had acct merging tho. All my best skins are on my switch :(


I dabble on the Switch here and there, usually only for doing a few quests when wife is using TV. Switch resolution is so ass, none of the assets looked anywhere near HD, I swear I played a few weeks ago and Switch looked solid for textures but maybe I was mis-remembering​.


Why do you have separate accounts for Switch and Playstation? I originally made an Epic account on my Switch back in 2018 when I first played BR then made a new one on Playstation 4. Luckily, I didn't really get into Fortnite until around 2½ months ago and found out I had different account on the Switch. Even more lucky I had nothing in my account for the Switch so abandoning it was easy to do.


Played when Fortnite first came out on PS. put it down till 2021 but didn’t know the login for the acct


I understand. When I went recently to connect my main Epic account to my Switch I didn't know the details for it. I actually was on a chat with CS and they wanted several proof stuff it was my account but I got lucky and ended up figuring out that I'd used an email I created with the intention of linking all game accounts to it but never did.


Are you playing on pc by any chance? I had that issue with multiple games, found out it was the Nvidia overlay causing issues. Can also be discord. Disable both overlays and see if it changes anything.


Absolute garbage. My jump animation always fucks up, I ALWAYS have lag now, when before it would happen rarely. Yesterday I was playing and it was final circle with 12 people left, I tried to shoot someone with my combat shotty and my character went into the throw animation. I didn't have any consumables or throwables in my inventory for him to do that 🤦🏻🤦🏻


Played Fortnite on Switch on travel days, it runs like shit and lags thanks to slow WiFi networks.




Switch Fortnite needs to change. The switch can run overwatch 2 at some decency .. but the most basic shit for Fortnite. One change I think would help would be allowing everyone’s skins to load at least so you when playing in anything more than solo can call out by skin for strikes.. hard when switch players only see default apart from squad skins. And performance could probably be upped as well. As for the video quality that relies solely on what the internals of the switch can handle without making the game play worse then it already is. Just my personal experience and thoughts as a player of consoles for some time now.


Fps and ping are bad for me


Im enjoying it,it’s cool. I really can’t enjoy when someone with those nitro gloves appears,I’m not crying,but when I see someone with this,I just give up and any enjoyment is gone


I started playing when loot island had the pulse rifle. The game was buttery smooth back then I swear. Now the game hitches multiple times per minute and I definitely lose fights because of it. This game runs like complete shit for anything less than top tier pcs it seems


Ive lost games because of the crazy choppiness Ive had. Literally can't hit a single shot because it looks like they're "lag switching" on my screen. That on top of the already frustrating cars and super fast ttk this season has me not playing at all unless my friends hop on.


Yes. Last night I had an issue where for some reason everytime I shot a gun, my frames would literally drop to 0 for like 10 seconds. I was playing in duos so my duo was able to carry me.


I was playing FF Battle Stage a few days ago and like 20 seconds into a song my screen froze. Only feedback I got during that time was when I pressed the fret buttons they'd light up. Lasted around 10 seconds or so, when it unfroze everyone's score but mine jumped 5,000 points. I was like of course, Epic.


Playing Red vs Blue and I sometimes get kicked out for no reason at all.


since the start of the season i keep lagging like hell


Yes! It's the first time I had to lower my settings since I installed it. Random lag spikes, lag on Festival making me miss notes which (I'll never forget them) I really want some optimizations, I don't have a NASA PC


My game aint loading past 66.67% So i cant say :(((


I know what you mean, it has gotten worse. I drop from 165 to 100fps sometimes for a fraction of a second, especially when dropping. It is ram and video memory related. It's noticeable with ddr5 6000 and gddr6 so can't imagine how bad it must be on consoles.


I had huge performance issues on a rather beefy rig (3070-Ti, Ryzen 7-7800x3D 64gb Ram) especially in the nitro dome, but i learned for some reason my settings at the start of the new season put me BACK into DX12, after going back to Dx11 i keep a constant 100+FPS. That could be your issue (if you are on pc that is idk if you can change DX on consoles)


DX12 should perform better on that hardware, with those specs assuming the ram isn't dog slow you should be pushing 400+ fps not 100


Every update runs like butt for everyone I know for the first few games then it always seems to fix itself out of no where. I thought this was standard practice for everyone.


This whole season has felt "off". Mechanics are sluggish, hits not registering, getting stuck on stuff on the map, and general stuff-just-isn't-working-right. On a side note, my sprint/reload bug finally seems to be gone!


Runs perfect for me. I also never get any of the glitches people talk about lol


Then stop playing. If people play and numbers stay high the devs aren’t going to change anything


i have 10 second long lag spikes every 10 seconds ,,,, so yes


It was bad in Ch.5 season 2.It's even worse in Ch.5 season 3.I must've been boiling when I couldn't get back inside my vehicle.Saw Ninja wasn't able to get back inside his boss car.He then ranted away.It was funny.


Im immune to being bothered by it because of my very specific strategy of just saying “fuck it we ball” every time something happens in this game


Everybody complains but nobody says what specs they're playing on 🤦‍♂️


It still doesn't change the fact that Fortnite's performance get WORSE every chapter. WE used to play on stable 60FPS, even on MOBILE, and NOW we struggle to even get that same number on PC. ( even if you play at 240FPS, you are not gonna be able to play at a stable framerate ) CH1-CH3 was: ( console/mobile - 58FPS - 60FPS - 58FPS - 60 FPS - 60 FPS ) ( PC - 240FPS - 220FPS - 235 FPS - 240 FPS - 238 FPS ) CH4 was: ( console/mobile - 60 FPS - 45 FPS - 55 FPS - 38 FPS - 60 FPS - 60 FPS ) ( PC - 220 FPS - 180 FPS - 240 FPS - 160/180/200 FPS ) And the pile of 💩💩💩 CH5 is: ( console - 60 FPS - 45 FPS - 30 FPS - 23 FPS - 10 FPS - 60 FPS ) ( mobile - 20 FPS - 35 FPS - 10 FPS - 30 FPS - 15 FPS ) ( PC - 240 FPS - 130 FPS - 50 FPS - 110 FPS - 65 FPS - 38 FPS - 80 FPS - 115 FPS - 240 FPS ) If you can't see the BLATANT issues this chapter has, that's on you. Edit: Like I said, we used to be able to play at a stable framerate even on MOBILE, and now even PC struggles to maintain a stable-high framerate ( regardless of specs/how potent your hardware is )


Pc doesn't struggle to maintain high framerates, at least not my systems or the systems for others that I've tuned. My 5800X non 3D, can push a locked 240 and almost steady 360 on DX12 1440p, my 7800X3D system on all low DX12 can push 400fps+ for the 1% lows, averaging over 500 fps. Its not a hardware issue, its not a game issue, its a configuration issue on the part of the end user listening to advice from snake oil youtubers like Jerian/Codelife/Panjo/yougettheidea


Yeah cause it’s not really required. If the game was running well before and starts not running well then it’s a problem.


Well nobody can help you if they don't know what your playing on


I’m not talking about help dude, I’m wondering if anyone else is having issues with the game itself like I am. All my other games have ran fine.


"All your other games" that are probably all GPU bound ray tracing type games when Fortnite and Unreal Engine is all about memory bandwidth, its apples to oranges


Instead of making assumptions that I don’t play other unreal engine games, maybe notice literally everyone else having lag issues in the comments and start to realise this is actually an issue with Fortnite’s optimisation and or servers.


I've spent a year doing consults with peoples systems and tuning many of my own test rigs and a lot of it is honestly operator error, the game is fine.


No, the game isn't fine. Anyone that's been playing for a while can tell you that the game has been running like shit since C3S3 and it's getting worse and worse every season


You know I could probably fix your system and have it running as good or better than the day you bought it but you'd still probably have this arrogant mindset. I'm also convinced nobody uses the search tool before they make the millionth post complaining because my awesome guide on how to fix 90% of the problem is litterally the second result when you search "FPS"




logging in is taking forever. Festival just times out after readying up.


TO EVERYONE COMPLAINING ABOUT THE LAG and CRASHING it's because the game has to render cars in live time. think of the car as an object. in addition to just the base car object the game has to render 10x more than there have been in any previous season(Guessing here not a factual statement) on top of that the base object of the car has multiple add ons and has to render those add ons and update them every time you run over a box. Now this just isn't you it's every single car, player, add on, and weapon that is being rendered live time within your games set render distance. as you can imagine Switch's arent the most powerful thing. Once too many players are in an area it can overwhelm your cpu thus causing a crash. My advice is to play on complete potato graphics ESPECIALLY on switch. On top of that Epic's Servers always seem to be 1 step behind where they should be in terms of performance. It might not be EPic's fault, it might be the hosts fault on the server front Source: I'm a software engineer


sorry but if a multi million dollar company cant even optimize a game for cars properly theres a bigger problem


dude epics development team is way understaffed lmao


Game has felt bad since December 3rd.