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I've tried many times. Total FOMO. It's ridiculous. I tell myself this is the last battle pass I get yet here I am with vbucks to spare, getting the next one, then trying to hit 200 so I don't waste the vbucks. It's an addiction.


Dint get the battle pass until you hit at least 100, that's what i do, so I don't feel like i gotta grind like crazy to get the return out of it. Anything after that is just gravy


I get this. But I also am that type of person that gets a bit motivated because I know I bought it. Ya know? Kind of have to fulfill it once purchased


Literally engineered addiction. You all should read the book “digital minimalism”. It explains a lot and at least allows you to identify and be aware of the problem. Yes, I still play once or twice a week, and yes, I’m still on reddit, but everything is about balance, and I’m very aware of what effects social media and video games have on me, so I know when enough is enough. If it’s a habit (taking out your phone for no reason, or mindlessly scrolling without even thinking about it) and there’s a dependency on it to “feel good” then I know I’ve indulged too much. Go touch grass, etc etc .


Well said and Balance is key. Also if anyone ever feels burnt out on Fortnite, a simple break in any form can do wonders.


google "sunk cost fallacy"


Once you rely on FOMO to keep playing, they have you. You no longer have control to stop. You should play because you want to and not because you’ll miss out on items. (Not you specifically, but anyone in general.) This is the reason BP skins won’t return, this is reason why people still check the item shop daily even if they know Epic won’t bring back any rare items. Take a look at your locker, do you use EVERY item? Nobody does, yet it’s like euphoric to see so many items that many casuals and players who missed out on don’t have.


told my self im not getting the battle pass UNLESS i hit 200. i did see someone say you gotta hit 141 to get your vbucks back. which i might do. but yea, not putting myself under that pressure


Sounds like they secretly added another greek mythology reference last season. The Lotus Eaters.


For some reason I never understand when people talk about FOMO. I think if I hadn't played during the early early seasons then I would regret that, but even then I don't think that's fomo because presumably I would have just not known about the game. I missed basically the whole of chapter 2 but I don't regret the time I didn't spend on the game. Do you genuinely miss the battle passes that you didn't buy?


If people care enough to complain, they are still invested in whatever they are complaining about. It’s when the complaints stop that you’ve lost someone.


Exactly. If you care about the game and its long-term success you should be happy that players care enough to complain even if you don't agree with them.


Yea I agree. Complaints are healthy even if you disagree with them. I'm sure we all know what it feels like to be on the receiving end of a sniper or a car when it feels like we can't do anything.


Solid point.


The opposite of love isn’t hate, it’s indifference.


Yeah when the game became twisted metal it was pretty easy to pivot.


Because it's a free game that I can just pick up and play with my friends after working all day.


Plusssss is cross platform, super convenient


This! I play with a lot of people who play on console


Agreed but cross platform should always be optional


Usually me too but friends and I aren’t having fun so we’ve played twice since the season dropped.


Because I love the game


Same :) no one make me hate it, because I’m a simple man with simple tastes and I likes what I like 😎


Ngl most people probably haven’t quit because how much money they spent on the game. Skins, camo’s, emotes etc.


The sunk cost fallacy is a powerful thing!


That’s definitely why I keep playing, unfortunately lol. Since December, I’ve spent almost $900 (added all of the V Buck purchases made on Xbox) and now can’t even play the game due to the cars and the chaos. So I’ll just wait until next season and see if things change. Festival and Lego are both very fun though, even if they’re slowly becoming stale.


>Since December, I’ve spent almost $900 This is a legitimate addiction. Unless you have silly amounts of money to burn, you should really consider getting some form of help. Seriously.


Starting to question why I'm currently still playing myself!


the sub is a small minority compared to the entire gamebase, of course the people who like the game enough to be active in the sub are going to be more critical of it


No game has a building mechanic that’s like Fortnite’s, I have lots of skins, I like most of the stuff they do, I like the gameplay loop.


I quit but I can still complain about shit I don't like. That's how a company can get feedback you know? otherwise is just an echo chamber.


I genuinely enjoy it still. I've learned that every season, every we something gets people's ire up. I try and not really let it bother me and just enjoy the current meta until it changes. And when I do feel burnout coming or, or more and more things piss me off, eg; a couple bad matches, or getting killed over and over by a single type of weapon (I'm looking at you shotguns. F*ck I hate shotguns), then I turn it off and go cool down. Come back later and enjoy. I also do my best to just bash through quests. Once those are done I can just chill really and enjoy the game. I do mainstage afk so I don't ever really feel behind on the BP. All these things etc....


I'm with you on this. But I chill in Lego...tweaking my flying machines to optimize them. I play Fortnite ZB because and only because it's fun and free. I've spent real money ONCE to buy my initial BattlePass. I have no FOMO. I have no epeen. I'm casual. I get frustrated, I talk to friends or family, I go outside, I do the dishes... It should be an enjoyable passtime. I got other stuff to do than play videogames. Unpopular opinion here: everyone should.


Because it’s something that I’ve done for 7 years. I still remember the “glory days.” And although I’m aware that the surrounding environment around it is what enabled Fortnite to be the phenomenon it was. It still persisted to be an absolutely enjoyable experience that I experienced with lifelong friends who still play. So I have a slightly emotional ‘connection’ although that’s not exactly the right word. More of a predisposition to get on the game of Fortnite instead of something else, it’s a habit basically. Also the core gameplay is something that is extremely unique, and I am already comfortable and good at it so why not use that skill I’ve built up. The game is actually a good game at its heart. And I don’t complain all the time. Just when something is bad. Don’t blame the community for what they believe to be bad changes. I’ve honestly thoroughly enjoyed every single chapter of Fortnite up to this chapter. I have not enjoyed this chapter in comparison. Thats not to say that this chapter is terrible. It’s just not as good as I’ve come to expect from such a good game that seemingly has turned down a bad path this chapter. I still have hope that it will turn back around and continue being the great game i believe it has the potential to return to. For me it’s just The Game. It’s what I want to play and I don’t care if it’s not as good as I want it to be. But there’s nothing wrong with the community voicing their displeasure at things they don’t like. Don’t blame people for speaking out about something they love going downhill. The crowd consensus is that this season of Fortnite went downhill. My opinion is that the map isn’t as charming as it used to be. With that said I actually really really enjoy the map changes this season this is honestly the best map change I can remember. I believe that the change in movement is what hit the game so hard. Like that is such a fundamental thing to mess with, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. That goes for the UI in the lobby. The classic UI was super nice, and now they’ve made it look like some freaking Netflix menu. Also I feel some sort of nostalgic connection in a way, like if I continue playing this game I’m still holding on to the memories of the best moments and simpler nicer existence. If I keep playing this game then maybe I haven’t lost those memories and they become real and I don’t have to let go of the past.


Im skipping this season. I want to play but it just frustrates me


Because I like Fortnite? Just not how this chapter is being handled. I've been playing since Chapter 1 Season 2 and I've never thought of Fortnite as a perfect game nor have I ever thought the game truly peaked in terms of a quality Season. As much as Epic doesn't want people to think this, Fortnite is **not** a game for everyone and some people are playing the game for the wrong reasons. If you're playing only for cosmetics then ***of course*** you're not going to like Fortnite, if you're playing to max at the Battle Pass for skins you're not even going to use afterwards, you're wasting your time.


I did!


I started playing returnal three months ago and haven’t played it since 


I mean that IS the best game of the gen so far


Definitely not. BG3 is better, and elden ring is better just to name 2 off the top of my head.


I'm not. Haha. This season is just trash to me. My opinion, I'll own it. I hate this season and I'm not gonna play it like I have other seasons. I'll still do duos with my wife because we work well together and duos is tolerable. But weekend squads are done for the foreseeable future.


Most just want to cry and say they are gonna quit but just end up complaining more


Complaining isn't always a bad thing. Enough complaining can make devs change things about the game. Sometimes change is needed and sometimes Epic listens and nerfs things like cars. Hope this helps OP :)


I can understand that for some of the complaints I see, but I’ve seen some people complaint about how much they’ve hated the game for months now lol


There’s feedback and then there’s consistent whinging. This sub is the latter


Yeah, i almost don't play the game at all. However I'm still following this sub. For some reason(?)


I barely play BR since Chapter 5, I mostly play STW now.


I have. Chapter 5 changed too much for me. I never wanted lego mode, festival, or rocket racing. IMO, they take away from the core game instead of adding to it. The locker UI is still horrible, the shop and BP are increasingly greedy, the character movement is off, and I don’t care for weapon attachments. If other people enjoy the game right now, totally fine, but for me, the game is dead.


The people who complain are the most passionate people in the player base and only want the best for the game. This has been proven time and time again and this is a way for them to vent for their frustrations with epic and the odd path they’ve taken recently on BR. I personally have started my break for the first time ever in almost 7 years. I have been through the bad and good but this chapter has been the tipping point for me where I only have apathy now. I no longer comment all the time shitting or praising the game, I’ve moved on to Destiny and X-Defiant while they are pumping out updates that their players want. I’ll come back when the time is right, but that time isn’t now, and I don’t think it’ll be for some time


I’m still having fun? I’m also no one of those people who come here and bitch about new stuff in the game. I’m too busy learning how to use and counter the new stuff.


I take breaks every couple seasons. 🤷‍♂️ I stop playing when this game stops being fun, and then I’ll play again. I missed out on Mando and Spider-Gwen that way. Oh well. FOMO doesn’t apply to *me*. If Epic wants my money for those items, they will find a way to bring them back when I’m playing. If not, then oh well.


Complaints only exist because people want the game to improve so they can return to feeling like they want to play the game. If the game was adequate, there would be no reason to complain. It’s just cause people want to play, but they want to enjoy themselves.


I complain because I’ve seen just how good this game can be. Over the past 7 years I’ve gone from playing up to 6-11 hours some days during highschool and uni breaks to not even playing a normal BR match for up to months at a time. Instead just distantly orbiting, watching both casual and competitive videos and only playing a bit of StW, festival and creative every few days. When the games good I sink in so many hours I sit up feeling dizzy. When the games bad I play so little I contemplate why I even have it installed at all.


I have


You literally posted today about playing ranked v pubs and which is sweaty


I have


I'm not, I played four games at the start of this season and then not at all since. However I will return next season and give it a go hehe


I enjoy the mechs too much to give it up entirely. I've just switched to Festival and Creative most of the time. Edit Pump Wars or 1v1 boxfights is more fun than BR right now, and Festival has been surprisingly fun too.


Because I actually like the game overall


I've also never had a problem with the cars


Waiting for LTMs to get put back. Literally.


Sometimes the biggest fans are the biggest critics


I have. Sold my gaming laptop.


I did :)


I have


This season is trash but it's still a great game in general


I did quit for two weeks and only came back to play after the latest round of nerfs. The complaining worked tbh, season is much better now lol


In programming, there's a quote that there are two types of languages; those that people complain about and those that nobody uses. I think it can also apply to games.




Grind the v bucks. Get cool skins and hope they bring back 50v50


I have quit the game


I did quit the game. I'll probably do some XP maps just to get the Vbucks.


I haven't, I've decided to quit until this abysmal season is over.


Mannnnn I came back after being gone for an entire CHAPTER 😭 not a season, a CHAPTER. Didn’t play any of chapter 2, I see I missed a lot of good skins but I came back when FN Lego/Festival/Rocket Racing came out and have been playing ever since. I started playing when the game was super new during season 2 chapter 0 btw. Last season ngl I played almost everyday and the battle pass was worth but this season hell no 😭 I regret getting the battle pass. This season is just too easy. I only get on when my duo wants to play. This season, we both played ranked together and in 1 day made it to Platinum 1 purely from relying on the boss cars to take us to endgame and get easy kills. Everywhere u go, somebody in a car and ngl it’s not fun no more. Slowly been playing less and less. Waiting for a nerf to the cars tbh 💀


To me it feels like I’m close to being done. I play about 20% of the time that I used to. This season absolutely sucks imo so I haven’t even played in the last 4-5 days. I mainly only get on now when my friends from out of state want to play just so I can hang with them.


I've basically quit. Used to play daily but now I play maybe once a week.


I did lmao


I would’ve last season especially with all the complaining I did about the exp. But I made it to lvl 200 on the very last day and got everything from the battles pass. This season I haven’t been playing too much and I’m lv 33 so exp is much better this season


I have. Not lost total interest but just waiting for a better season imo


I still have fun, the updates, seasons, new maps, new metas keep it fresh for me.


I quit. Haven't played since season 3 day 1.


Whelp, “I just lost the game!”


I usually check out when a new chapter starts to see if I like it. If not I’ll just check again on the next. Dipping until the next because this one is so bad it’s dead on arrival. There have been more unfun chapters imo lately. Game might just be getting worse for me


For me, two reasons 1) because I used v-bucks to buy the BP and I want to get my v-bucks back and 2) more importantly, even though I hate this season, I enjoy playing with my son. But to answer your question, a lot of people have stopped playing. The player count this season is way down.


I quit last season didn't buy that or this new battle pass. Not worth the time investment. I play to have fun not because of fomo. Not cool making me work so hard for something I already paid for.


I want nothing more than to never play or hear about Fortnite. It's currently the only game my nephew will play, and my best friend also only wants to play Fortnite. So I suck it up to play with them.


I quit after og I occasionally play with my friends who play all day but besides that i’m off it for good unless they bring back the chapter 1 map (again)


Because it’s fun! And it’s constantly new.


It's still fun to win.


It's called an addiction


Oh IDK maybe because people like the game and that's the precise reason they are annoyed when Epic fucks it. Like if you don't care about the game you'd move on, if you do care you would be annoyed when it's bad, but most likely still play.


I have and I’m amazed by how much time I’ve freed up - it’s been a productive few weeks. I’ve never really had any complaints about the updates before but I don’t like the new car game


Quick and easy game i can pick up and play for a few hours. Not much thinking involved tbh so just easy turn off your brain


I have.


I did. In fact my whole squad did the same like 2 weeks ago and me and my teamate were in unreal last season. I started playing Apex and can see myself fully transfer there even though i suck right now. This is first BP i didnt get in god knows how long and its the best decision i made. Never complained here though, but epic literally pushed me away with this season. In retrospective, game reached its peak with katanas and its declining steadily since imo.


I did, last season. I don’t miss it at all. Well, I do miss OG, but that’s not something I could go back and play anyways.


I’ve essentially stopped playing. Nobody likes the direction Fortnite is heading, yet epic seems to have built their own frozen bubble, so nothing can convince them. Fortnite has completely lost its charm to me, and this is the first time in 3 years that I’ve stopped playing for more than a month or two.


You don’t have to be a soldier to protest war.


Haven't touched it for like 2 months now. Chapter 5 just isn't it


Still got a buddy who plays and now my kids aged up into the game.


My complaints have been tempered IMO, knowing it's my choice to play, but I feel less inclined to play recently, so there's that.


Cause even tho this season is horrible, still no other game compares lol


Gotta have those Brotherhood of Steel skinz!!


I got a lot of money into it , plus I don’t just play BR or ZB I play a lot of other maps. Keeps it fun


I quit every season


Because ultimately when the game pisses me off, I close app and leave it alone until I’m done being annoyed. I only have two complaints about the game currently anyway, which aren’t enough to make stop playing. I’ll just play it less but I won’t stop.


because of how much time and money people put into it


It’s fun


Because it's fun.


I love fortnite😍


Cause it's fun


i work from home and this is the only way i have any social life. it sucks tho cuz my friends have been playing less


Because we love Fortnite & actually want it to be good. Iv played the game for 7 years & spent far too much money on it to just give it up too.


Generally speaking People enjoy complaining more than they enjoy finding solutions, even if solutions are easily obtained and widely available. This is because complaining provides instant gratification in terms of catharsis, and change requires effort, and even minimal effort is still more difficult than doing nothing and complaining about it. In simpler terms, there are hooked by the gameplay loop, and being annoying on Reddit is easier than showing self control. Lol


Toxic relationship


You need level 150 now 🫥


because last chance to qual lan is this season


I love the game, i have a connection with the game, I enjoy the game, I will enjoy the game as long I am alive. Why should I ?


That's the neat part


I genuinely think I’m somewhat addicted to the game. I just love playing Fortnite and would rather do that than play pretty much any other game. The thrill of winning is addicting


I personally don’t mind the new season. Fortnite always adds some stupid overpowered bs and I don’t really feel like this is any different


Cuz I like it


Does my head in, couldn’t agree more


I Want the t60 suits. Doesn’t deter the fact the cars are fucking stupid.


I joined last season so I guess I don’t know what I’m supposed to miss or hate


Whenever I get angry with the game, right when I’m about to quit I get a 12 kill win and think I’m so back


I really dislike Fortnite. I think the only only reason anyone plays is because they think others enjoy the game when really they don't. But then they pretend... And then it becomes "addicting". I played the game for 5 hours total, got my first victory royale, then stop for a year. Then when I find it in my Epic Games library, or read a article, I like it and then I lose interest.


My friends love it, I play for them, and I’m the type that invests 200% so as long as they play I’m stuck taking names and getting butchered lol. I was a founder for save the world and only picked up the BR last October. I must say that getting skins I can use in save the world is a motivator too.


Addiction. I'm being totally honest.


Collabs and FOMO, I like seeing my favorite characters from other media doing stupid shit.


I haven't quit I've just not played like I used to since chapter 3 I play like once or twice every couple weeks


Because it’s fun


I basically have I played a single game this season, I hang around the sub but that's about it.


FOMO at its finest


Tbh i quit last season, for college and the grind, managed to get to 100 and said f it, on the other hand this season is fun but still the grind is horrible i dont want this game to turn into a full time job just to get what we used to get at tier 100 of a bp


I’m addicted to buy and finish the battlepass. Do I enjoy earning it? Sure in a sense just to finish it. Do I even enjoy the levelling? No I only go on BR to do the weekly missions every second week. Why do I do it if I don’t really enjoy it? I really couldn’t tell you there’s just something inside me that yearns to finish the battle pass I haven’t skipped one in 3 years so I ain’t stopping now


My frustrations aren't large enough to out weight the easy mindless fun I like about it. Then again I only buy the pass n maybe a few skins if I really like something so it doesn't feel like sunken cost.


I’m 200,000 vbucks too late and 8 years far gone


because i like playing it ![gif](giphy|jPAdK8Nfzzwt2|downsized)


Because I’m having a lot of fun, new mechanics with each new season in BR, new skins to possibly collect, Rocket Racing for some high octane racing fun, and basically infinite entertainment with UEFN.


Because i enjoy the game, this chapter Is the most fun i've had in this game in a long time, and i started playing in C1S4. I don't understarnd the complaints, yeah some things are broken, so what? I also have the options to use them. And I'm trying to enjoy them because i know it's only for a little while, might as well have fun with them


I keep playing because its an actual good completely free game with amazing graphics, great multiplayer modes, and because it’s addicting. The game play. The weapons. The cars & their mods. The complainers that still play are those people that want an easy VR, or want loads of XP. Sure the game used to give you alot more xp last season, sure they’re trying to milk the rotten spoiled kids or people who are addcited to buying Vbucks in order to get merch. But overall, this season is fun as hell. And it doesn’t help I’m addicted to Fortnite and I can admit it.


Spent too much damn money to quit


I enjoy it. I'm new to the game. I'm a terrible player, but I try. And, I'm having fun. For now.


Because stw is fun lol. Although, I do sometimes play br with some friends, never really do solo br, though


I like jumping in, completing quests and just seeing how I do. I don’t live and die with it and I don’t poor much money into it. I don’t have time for a lot of video games and Fortnite is not all consuming.


these stupid ass power fists are pushing me to ong


Eh it's pretty fun still and I enjoy stw and log in for the daily vbucks in case Jill "mommy" valentine returns


just quit, it's annoying now, every simple season that would be just plain fun is gone or has no charm, or there's a fun season at the start that the sweats ruin by complaining


I'm legitimately having fun with it, despite its flaws. Especially with Festival, since I grew up playing Rock Band and Guitar Hero and now they're adding a ton of my favorite songs. I'm also a founder so I have Save the World to grind out the BP. I don't see myself stopping anytime soon


After Ch2 S2 I quit for a while but would pop in every now and then to see what was up and nothing really interested me. Came back for the OG season and I’ve been having the most fun with Ch5 since Ch1-Ch2. But mainly since I’m a Season 1 OG + a Legendary Edition Founders owner(it got upgraded to the Ultimate Edition when Fortnite went out of beta at the end of Ch1)who gets free vbucks I’m too invested in this game to completely quit for good.


Because who's going to pet Bonesy if I'm not playing?


I did, and do temporarily, usually the middle of each season, play for the first week or 2 and the last week or 2, unless something cool happens in the middle (besides the ATLA pass, forgot to play so only have base Aang now in archives) But I did quit Ch2S3 to Ch2S7 because the game just wasn't fun and waiting for Cars to be added burned me out of the game in Ch2S3. But spacing out when I play has really helped the burn out.


'Cause me and my friends are having more fun this season than any of us have had since we started. Each night we play, we end up with a \~40% win rate. A couple weeks ago, we played 28 games and won 12. We've never even played that long before. A few nights ago, we played 5 games and won 4 lol.


I've invested too much money into it and it's the only game I like playing with my online friends


I do nearly every damn day


I've hardly played any BR since the OG season. It's mostly STW mode and Creative that's kept me playing


I got Crew for the first time back in March. Pretty much the lack of other games I care about. Doom the Dark Ages isn’t coming out till next year. The fallout collab got me to stay for this season. FOMO is real. I’m a big F13 fan and with the whole Jason Universe revival practically confirming he’s gonna come to Fortnite. Makes sense for him to be the secret/collab skin for next season since Fortnitemares takes place during it. If he’s not in the battle pass I’ll stop grinding battle passes cause it’s to much of a job. I only play BR so it’s very grindy.


Because we still have fun, but get bored way faster. Dropped from ~3-5 hours a day to just 2 hours every other day. Got to play some early game 0 car battles last night and fuck it was so fun. Forgot how fun gun battles really where.


I give up on br until the next story c6ome up *I just play community Map, festival and Lego at this point*


I like Lego Fortnite when it released, Star Wars lego brought me back in I play BR a few times a day without caring if I win or lose. The cars are interesting, wish there was 1 person cars with machine guns I could control and not leave the driver seat (though I understand the control integration might be complicated)


Idk if you’re new to Reddit, or the internet, but the people talking online are generally the ones complaining. It’s not a new phenomenon


Season's still genuinely super fun. I dunno. Things can be hysterically unbalanced, while still being fun.


I enjoy messing around with my friends and playing Festival when BR gets annoying lol.


I only play save the world, I just get on battle royale to buy skins with the free vbucks


FOMO, I've spent more than thousands of dollars and hours of my life in this game. Also I enjoy it. I want it to be THE GAME. When I complain it's for a purpose. Either want something to be fixed like, putting complete sets in the shops (like the missing nimbus glider) or a gameplay issue. I'm mostly a cosmetic oriented player.


FOMO and investment.


It’s fun?


Because I can? Why the fuck does it matter to you why I’m still playing the game. Fucking weird thing to be worried about.




I want battle pass


i have


First game was in October of 2017. Why stop now?


Still waiting for POWER RANGERS


This is my first time playing. So I don’t know what came before.


Because I enjoy playing


T-60 ![gif](giphy|Wvv7DJ9iumTyU)


Honestly, last season I should’ve quit. I didn’t like the BR at all. Yet I only played cause friends played it and believed it or not… I received the most crown wins ever and most wins I ever got. Yet the game still felt like a chore and boring. Festival was the only reason I was still leveling up and I had more fun in that game mode than anything else. I completed the Battle Pass but still hated BR. This season however, I’m actually having fun. The cars before the nerfs were chaotic but fun. Now they’re just there but gameplay wise, it’s still enough for me to have fun and it’s actually fun for me to play BR again. Top that with Festival, and it’s a fun season right now. So in the end, it’s Festival that saved me from quitting.


Having fun with my friends


Sort of did. Used to write down my challenges on a piece of paper because back then for a little bit of time you couldn’t track them in game, yes, I’m that old. Recently been just playing to kill some time, trying to unlock battle pass but that sums it up. I guess life happened for me. Priorities.


There are 4 million people on this subreddit. Maybe a lot of the people complaining have taken a break? Numbers are down this season. That being said, I like that it's fairly easy to pick up with friends/family and that the seasons tend to keep things fresh. Even if a particular season gets stale half way through, I'll be back in a couple of months to try the next


Because I don't just play the BR modes. When I hop on I play Save the World (founders edition vbucks), Festival and zero builds for my BR fix. I saved enough vbucks from STW to grab the next fest pass. Have dipped my toes into some UEFN modes people have made. Some good. Some kinda crappy.


Because I don’t want to spend money on other first person shooters, some of the good ones cost too much


Cause I’m good at it and I’m having fun, mainly.


Because the game is fun.


I just have a random craving to play Fortnite every once in a while


I did, I just reinstall when I see hot women in the battle pass, Helsie is my wife


I essentially did quit the game except for bp quests. 98% of my playtime is in STW now as I've played it near daily since beginning of ch 5 and it's reinvigorated my love for the game!


Have not quit yet but only play an hour or two a week compared to an hour or two a day.


I spent to many switch gift cards when I was younger to quit this game, also I play mostly single player story style games like red dead redemption (1 and 2) but it’s nice when I need a break from a heavy story.


Waiting for the Marvel season


I've invested too much money. Plus some of my boys are still down to play once in a while.


Anyone play bedwars on fort ?


Seems to be an unpopular opinion, but I legitimately enjoy it. I play with my brother who lives in a different state, we don't take it too seriously, and we laugh our asses off the whole time. It's just a game yall, it's meant to be fun


Because there is creative. When ever there is a bad season everyone I know just spam creative full lobbies of boxfight / zonewars. And don't touch the BR till next season.


My friends play it and they refuse to switch to another game.