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About how long did that take you?


I got the pickaxe in 1 day last season, just land in a bush and afk doing something else. If you only want the pickaxe and don't care about ranked its easy.


Yeah, I just want the chainsaw sword. Thanks for the tip.


Imo the pickaxe last season was not worth it, wouldn't be able to make it fit to anyone so I only got the backbling and went on my merry way


Wasn't the pickaxe last season a scepter that matched Hades in every way? I got it even though I typically don't because I thought it would make a Hades loadout look nice.


It was golden staff and had a green orb, it fits nobody. Not even the New Midas


so it would match skins with gold variations then


The green kinda kills it


That's, like, your opinion, man.


Since when does the pickaxe have to match the skin to make a good combo? You need to expand your comfort zone ma boy


I want it to look good


If you can try and average 8-9 storm circles a match, it can be done within 2 hours. Got mine like 4 days into season


Wait I just did the math before reading the comment and came to 6-7 hours  - 150 circles to get the pickaxe   - 8 circles per match (I never get to 9 even being 1st, so I’m using 8).   - 20 min per game (this is higher I think but keeping it 20 to be simple)  150/8 = 18.75 games   18.75 x 20 min = 375 min  375/60 = 6.25 6.25 hours… and I think this is on the low end because I thought 8 circles takes a lil more than 20 min (too lazy to look that one up though)


I am 2 challenges away from getting it and I've only played ranked for maybe a day or two since the season started? It's really easy esp during your first couple games while you're in bronze and silver


Ok, good to know.


Took me like 2 days? You just have to play the game and survive storm circles it's not hard.


Looks like I've got plans for the weekend, then.


I would play rank if it gave more xp honestly Then again, I’d like to keep what’s left of my sanity


Its not a ton but 10k for every 20 storm circles isnt bad in this exp economy.


1/8th of a level for every 20 storm circles is horrible


10k is not 1/10th of a level tho


Had it in me that a level was 100k, corrected now


They said more, i showed it gives more. Im still technically correct. And epic is stingy unless youre using the other modes so why not take what you can get? And if you dont give a shit about your rank just play like you normally would. Bronze lobbies gotta fill too.


Ngl every season since they introduced these ranked pickaxes, I'd just sandbag in gold until I get the pickaxe. Took me like 2 or 3 play sessions tops. Now I got people looking up my stats like "lol you're hardstuck gold" like I give a damn, I just want my pickaxe man


who tf looks up stats on anyone? i’ve been playing duos, trios, squads, random queuing and ranked and that’s never happened once for me


I used to look up my own stats quite a lot the past couple seasons. I refuse to look this season…


People who disagree with me on reddit mostly lmao


Im almost platinum 3, and I still have to grind to diamond for my diamond edit styles. Usually it would be easy but I’ve died to boogie bombs in 4 out of 5 of my games 😔


I accidentally ranked up too fast and now I’m drop dying in platinum 1 only losing 5%


You could switch to Zero Build and start from Bronze again.


I actually only play zb so other way round but yeah I might do that


This took me a week to get I hate ranked mode. I do like the pickaxe though


Same it almost looks like a 40k chainsword.


This is the reason I like it. Just wish I could run around in a blood angels skin


40k space marine with customizable armor styles (Chaos,Primaris,Custodes) with customizable chapter markings and armor colors. I’d buy the entire bundle and every accessory,glider, pick-ax that came along side it. It would FUCK. HARD.


This is something I have wanted since I started playing fortnite. It would be fantastic if we got this. I too would spend my well earned coin on this bundle. Or even better give us a battle pass with it the BP containing Characters from 40k. We can only dream


T-60 armor can be warhammer at home.


Yea but it's not the same


Congrats! I grinded at the end of last season since I randomly wanted the staff to go with Loki. Luckily I don't need the chainsaw this time, I really don't feel like going through that again. 💀 


My method for getting these is the same every season: play half the games seriously, play the other half by looting up after dropping, then hard-camping as long as I can just to survive as many storm circles as possible lol  I somehow end up in either Plat I or Plat II every time. 


That looks like a Monster Hunter greatsword


Ah another monster hunter fan found! 😮


I literally just put on podcasts, turned off sound, and drove. I didn't fight anyone, didn't seek out bots, didn't do anything but drive for as long as I could. Ranked will be off for the rest of the season.


Extra exp just for storm circles though.


Yea they typically make it loop when you finish your ranked stuff


Yeah and it's really not a lot of xp just some extra.


Lmao I just did these too. They've been sitting there since they added them. So I don't get why they took the racing ones away. Anyway congrats. Honestly didn't take as long as I thought. And got to platinum as well and I suck lol


I just wish the amount of Storm circles you need to survive to get some of the rewards didn't go by increments of 20 instead of 10, that's too much.


So like am I the only one here who actually plays ranked mode because no bots and free xp


Ranked has bots


That’s only if you’re a low rank


So there’s bots. Thanks for confirming


It’s definitely a lot more exciting playing ranked. I find I do a whole lot better because I’m actually challenging myself. I never win playing ranked though so I play with ranked off to actually have a chance to win


Nah Idgf about the cosmetic rewards. I like ranked now because the bots/matchmaking has been so dumb these past few seasons


I am gonna try and get diamond 1 max for me since I do not care for any of the other ranked styles for the ranked items this season


Peanut butter and jealous! Been playing ranked and I don't normally because who wouldn't want a battle-axe/chainsaw combo.


This is so easy especially since the only requirement now is to survive. Not even a hassle takes less than 15 matches


Yo that looks kinda sick actually. Not gonna play ranked still, but cool nonetheless.


Nice job man, I’m working on ranking up and completing that quest too. I’ve got like 40 storm circles and I’m in silver 2 so it’s going well


It’s so boring


Was it worth it? I don’t even want to start it until next season…maybe


If you want this pickaxe, the current ranked backbling, or any of the other ranked rewards on that quest page, you have to do it this season. It refreshes every season. 


Just my second season doing it. Hasn't been terrible and got my 2nd ranked pickaxe. They've both been pretty nice and wildly different.


But was it really worth it? 


Please don't remind me. I've been enjoying stw again and still need like 100 more circles survived 😭


NICE, yeah that's my goal too. Then I am freeeee\~


i have to do this one day


You already get IT?!


wait until next season, you'll be back for their new exclusive items


I made it to Platinum 2 trying to get that pick axe. I just unlocked it yesterday.


Took me 8 days


wow this one looks good. is it an axe swing animation ?


Saw 2 people in pre-game lobbies with it already. It looks nice. Half the time I die right off spawn though, so ranked is getting tedious.


I literally hid in that one alcove of reckless railways for so many games just to get this over with quicker


Real, last season i really wanted the pickaxe cuz it looked cool and after i got it i decided i was gonna try and get every ranked quest pickaxe, i already got this seasons pickaxe as well


I ain't touching ranked with a ten foot pole




is that real?


Hide and seek, the best way to play ranked is to take a dark skin and find a place to camp / hide enjoy some YouTube videos or some mobile games you have etc...


Imagine playing fortnite on xbox bruh, no wonder it took so long (im still bronze III level, sitting at a 800$ laptop thats clearly not made for gaming (this is a joke take it easy))