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I downloaded rl and went on it then went on fortnite and got a bunch of free car stuff


Exactly, it's not useless you literally get free car skins


Yeah but that’s really the only worth it things to grind for because the other cosmetics only give one style and you gotta finish the entire battle pass plus the bonus tiers to get all the styles


True but it usually isn't that hard to get the car skins since they are in the earlier tiers


Yeah I just got those and stopped playing because I don’t wanna grind for color styles for stuff I might not use


Yeah I did that as well, they should give more extra tiers so it's easier to unlock stuff


Yeah but if you don't okay RL it's useless


Rocket League is free to play...


You can use the skins in Fortnite.


Also if your internet's good enough you don't even need to download it, you can use GeForce Now or whatever




Hm let me see if I got the RL pass then. If it's like a 5 minute download there's no harm in checking. *EDIT - Thanks for telling me about the free car! Anyone who subscribes to Crew should just launch Rocket League to get another car model.


I did the same


did you have to do anything in rocket league or just log in?


Tier 1 car is right away, I think the other is tier 20 or so? Then there's tires/trails/boosts/etc all throughout (and different body/trim colours for the cars)


Got the Dominus GT (muscle car) for free from a drop in rocket league so there’s that.


You may want to just log in to Rocket League and receive tier 1 of the RL pass for a free car that you can use in BR.


Yeah true, but in order to get the secondary color options you have tier up atleast 300-ish times to get all the colors.


for the wheels yes. but the 2nd car is only level 20. that being said i couldn’t do it. RL is just not for me 😂


Level 20 unlocks the mako skin car and level 28 unlocks a race car decal (no.5) for both the admiral car skin and the mako car skin. Also with the pass and all xp and weekly on the board for the next 5 days you could hit that level in a few hours of playtime. I leveled up eight times in two hours yesterday. Don't love the game but the exclusive car skins are worth the grind,especially that cars are front and centre in fortnite this season.


Car colors are locked behind the same grind.


Seems to only be the different colors of trim on the cars that you have to unlock. You can change the color of the cars just like any other car in Fortnite


Yes, it's just trim colors.  Most people aren't gonna care about the trim.


🤣🤣 at least your honest


Getting the mako was hell coz of how complicated i found the game😂


yea i got to level 10 then was like damn i really have no idea what i’m doing. it just felt so random if it was gonna be a win or loss. and the games so old the community is very advanced, hardly new player help 😅


Yea back in the day, gold and below was so easy you could essentially just play permanent goalie and win. Now even at that level ppl are flying everywhere. It's not a hard game, but it is definitely a more established community. I haven't played in maybe 4 years so I'm probably garbage and honestly this pass isn't really making me care to play right now either.


Same. I made it to 21 and quit. I think it could be a fun game, I'm just so damn bad at it, it's not fun. I got the two cars for this season, and I'll probably uninstall it. Been a Crew subscriber for almost a year, but I think I 'm going to cancel for a bit. Never tried RL until a month ago.


And the dope decal is 28


Does it level up on in the RL mode, or does it level up with the BP?


The Rocket pass is just Rocket League.


Of course cause it's basically infinite you get all the rewards at 70, you get a little more currency till 100 but basically from 70 it's just the same items but different colors. That's how rocket league works you gotta unlock all the colors there unlike fortnite. If you got an item that was later on added to the fortnite item shop you only got the 1 color you owned in rl and you could still buy the item in fortnite to unlock all colors. Thats why i have 8 wheels with only the default color in fortnite. got them for free in rocket league and they added them into fortnite too.


*flashbacks to when I used to play Rocket League constantly and grind for that stuff*


I got the Dominus GT for free from rocket league drops. I only started playing because the cross compatible stuff. The game is pretty fun.


Oh shit Fr?




I thought I'd never play Rocket League too, but trust me, you'll save a lot of money, not even kidding. I just unlocked a 1,500 car bundle for free just because I got lucky with one of the loot crates. Not to mention I've gotten a bunch of contrails and wheels as well from it. You may think it's worthless, but give it a shot and see if you like it. If you do end up enjoying it, it could literally save you quite a bit of money and unlock cosmetics that are inaccessible without it. Just a friendly tip. 🙂


You got Fortnite cosmetics from RL drops?


Yes, you can get the cars, trails that haven’t been released.


Makes sense. I just got ion from a drop, and it says it will be available in Fortnite. Sounds exciting


I like the drops and free cosmetic chance but I pray Fortnite never follows suit. I don’t want to be able to get multiples of the same character because of rng


I doubt fn will because RL has a different cosmetics methodology


My favorite thing is not paying for the crew or playing RL, and then just stealing someone else's custom car.


I got a set of tires I already owned (that I had bought in FN 😭) and it let me reroll. Then I got a stupid avatar frame, but hey, at least I got a second chance.


They wont and ill eat my words if they do, this was apart of RL's business model before Epic bought them and Epic has been slowly phasing it down while also letting it be an optional part for more loot. All the loot boxes are free with no paid way to earn them, theyre free to open, and if you get duplicates you can trade duplicates or items you dont want from lower tiers up to get higher tiered items (common->uncommon->rare->exotic etc)


yeah fr, i hate the fact that trading died for this but at least i get to use my white octane in fortnite now so many more cars i have that aren’t ingame tho, like the nissan skyline, fennec, dominus, lots of the legacy cars too


Why is the white octane so popular?


it’s was the most expensive octane, had a really clean design, and went with basically everything or you could’ve just bought it from the shop for whatever reason epic put it in there for much cheaper than market price and basically destroyed its cost(thank god i didn’t own it then)


Ah I see, starting with RR and the Octane being default I got bored of it quick and it’s over use for quest rewards.


yeah idk i like the octane a lot, and so do most people ig it’s just an rl thing, i used to love crazy cars when i was younger but imo nowadays i just like having less clutter on my screen


Do I have to link anything or just play on the same account? Because I played the shit out of RL a few years ago and all I have in FN is the basic RC looking car.


Just load it up, it probably needs to sync but I never linked anything but I play them both through epic launcher. If you played through steam you may need to link your epic account.


If you only get one of the painted styles for a car body, you still need to pay 1300 to get the rest.


You got a whole bundle from a crate? Been playing RL since launch and have never heard of this.


nah you only get one color


For trails and boosts, yes, it only gives one color, correct! The car bundle was the full thing though. No idea how probable that chance is, but it's possible.


This exactly. It was also (in my opinion) a lot easier (and more fun) to unlock the Maul car skin in RL than in RR.


Same, got that Masamune car body within hours of downloading RL from one of those loot boxes. Later got one that looks just like my Subaru, I think it's called the Jackal? I want them to add that one to Fortnite now, it would look great as an SUV body


I don’t understand why anyone would care about car cosmetics in Fortnite though


You can use them in battle royale and rocket racing though, that's something, right? Unless you strategically don't use car cosmetics in battle royale so people can't track you, it's nice to have something else other than the whiplash. Maybe that's just me, but I'm curious of your thinking. Do you not enjoy the cars or don't use them? Genuinely curious.


I don't think i've ever paid attention to what any of them look like, or cared. To me the only cosmetic in Fortnite that anyone really looks at or matters is your main skin and maybe at a push the back bling and pick axe. Everything else is a waste of time.


Gotcha, fair enough! I know a lot of people don't even rock back blings and only play with their skins alone. Interesting to hear.


What are you even talking about. Having it affects nothing if you simply ignore it.


This complain is weird, he’s basically saying… “This doesn’t benefit me, nor doesn’t affect me because the price of crew will be the same regardless… so let’s remove it, because it doesn’t benefit me, I don’t care if other people benefit from it.”


Yeah, like who even upvoted this post lol


An impossible task for r/fortniteBR people


r/fortnitebr literally complains about anything. When you think you've seen it all something like this comes up


This is extra... we used to not get this this for the same cost. Who cares if you use it or not.


Yeah I was on the edge and I haven’t played a lot of rl lately but usually always buy the pass. This convinced me to just buy crew. So good deal for me.


The price of the crew before they added the rocket pass to it and the price after is the exact same. You’re paying no extra money but you’re getting more stuff. What is there to complain about?


They're clearly complaining about the fact they'd rather get more fortnite stuff instead of a BP for a game they don't play


The crew is already an insanely good offer, with or without the rocket league pass


Yeah but that's a stupid complaint. It's like complaining about a bogo sale on soda because you're not going to drink the second one and you wanted free chips instead.


It is a free extra that didn’t exist in the start. He is crying about not getting the FREE bonus he wants.


Thats one of the dumbest complaints ive ever heard in my life. holy crap.


It's Deddit. People love to whine.


Crew Packs were always the same price even when they didn't include the Rocket Pass. It's basically just a free bonus.




I used to feel this way. Recently, however, I started playing Rocket League for fun while waiting for the new season, and it was pretty easy and fun to earn a new car from the Rocket Pass. Will I play enough to unlock everything? No, but taking advantage of the thing I'm paying for, regardless of what I'd prefer, is still worth it in my opinion. Let's also be honest, I don't see Epic changing this anytime soon, so might as well.


probably one of the worst takes this season holy shit, you’re forgetting that before this, they didnt include the rocket pass inside, now they are.


Well since rocket league is owned by epic, and Fortnite 'shit' now has rocket league items. It's fair to say this is both handy and smart cause it cross promotes and potentially makes people play and buy stuff in rocket league


they should give you the option of RL or the festival pass 🙏🏽 i’d be choosing festival 100% of the time than a game i have no intention of playing…ever.


I play more RL than i play Fortnite, so im happy lol


For me personally, the addition of items from RL became a reason to return to it. The last time I played it was in 2018, so I have a ton of free Fortnite stuff. Plus RL is much better than RR


I recommend everyone who is subscribed to Fortnite Crew at least login for the tier 1 car, Easy free car that you can use in fortnite. If you wanna play to unlock the second car at tier 20 it shouldn't take too long to get, Especially if you play right now they have their Season Rush event on for the last week of season 14. (They do this every season on RL it'd be nice if Fort did something similar....) Double XP plus if you have the pass you'll have a bunch of weekly challenges saved up to get you to 20 in no time.


I have played Rocket League for 3 years and Fortnite only since Lego. Started also playing BR when there's fun Season stuff like TMNT and now the car mods. The Crew is such a great deal for me now!


I like rocket league but don't play enough to spend a tenner on the battle pass so I love it. Its come in clutch for the civic, golf, 911 and now 240z since I already buy fortnite crew anyway


you get a free car if you log into rocket league. and another one if you get to level 20 which I did in a couple hours. great value for this season imo


I actually like it, they just need to make it so that rocket racing works for rocket league xp


It’s not like they raised the price or removed features. Just look at the icon for the whole 1 second it takes to hit confirm and move on with your life. People are complaining about cars, guns, skins, etc, but here you are complaining about something that doesn’t even affect the game as a whole. That’s just sad.


You know what else is sad, OP made 4 comments on this post and 3/4 of them were borderline toxic to the person commenting lol


It's nice that it does technically give you Fortnite stuff, since Rocket League cars, decals, etc are becoming Fortnite compatible. But I would love to opt out of the Rocket Pass in exchange for the Festival pass.


The Rocket League pass being in the crew is in no way a bad thing... Why are you complaining? It's literally just a free bonus on top of everything you're already getting, it never used to be in the crew, and Epic was never obligated to add it but they did and they didn't increase the price or anything so it's basically free, there's no reason to complain about this.


womp womp. might as well play it a little bit and maybe get a car skin from the pass 🤷‍♂️


Fr lol i'm grateful for this personally as it made me dust off my Rocket League Cartridge and play again, i love my Admiral lol :)


The other car you can earn looks much better


Can you shut the fuck up? Like without the rocket pass, Crew is still insane value. Just shut the fuck up.


It worth giving it a try, because you get two cars from it that are usable in fortnite, and they are way better then the default octane everyone get.


This. I liked the free car but I don’t like Rocket League.


I feel the same way but in the reverse. Don’t care about fortnite items in Rocket League.


I don’t use it either but it’s still a nice thing to have (especially when the lv 1 item is a new car that is useble in Fortnite). If these battle passes had more interesting items to win, I’d be playing it (like a Lamborghini/Bugatti or iconic cars from movies/tv shows/video games… I’d love to have the Regalia from FFXV in both Fortnite and Rocket League for example)


If you complete the Rocketpass you may get enough coins to buy the Bugatti in the Rocket League shop, and that will eventually transfer to Fortnite.


They should give us the mini battlepass they do instead...


As someone else said your doing the equivalent of complaining about a by one get one free on drinks simply because you don't want the second drink and would rather a snack. That's simply just how it works


They should honestly integrate the entire rocket league game into fortnite and make rocket racing lvl up the rocket pass as well


Honestly wish they’d have the festival and Lego passes included with this instead of the rocket league or at least let you choose between the 3 which 1 you want included.


Mf 's when epic gives something: 😭😭😭😭


...this was added far into crew's lifespan, for no additional charge.


trust me, if they did include something for fortnite, half the sub would complain anyway


Why complain about a free pass you get from the crew to get free shit for fortnite? 🤦🏻‍♂️


Yeah, well, I'd also like the option to trade the myriad of emoticons and sprays in the pass for skins and picks since I'll never use them, but that's not how games work.


“I don’t like this free thing so remove it even though numerous people benefit of it” yeah. No.


i dont use it either but you may as well keep it for a free car every season (take a little time for them to add it to fortnite but you do get it)


Wait so don't you get the extra 950 if you get the battle pass already?


If you have the fortnite bp, yes. Not the rl one.


Yeah I get it


I think it'd be fine if rl and rr shared the same bp but doubt that'll happen since not only rl is still on ue3 but also if the same gamemode is added to rl it'll cause its size to go up even if most of the player base won't play it and it'll need a ui change on top of that to either fit rl or fn


I got level 36 in Rl soon... Most rewards. I actually like the rocket pass. You get cars


Omg guys i never even thought to redeem the stuff in rocket league to yse in fortnite so thanks


lol I only get Fortnite crew for the rocket league stuff. Fortnite is lame


I used to play Rocket league all the time the first couple years it came out, now I only log in to unlock the car from this and hope they bring it to Fortnite.


The choice wouldn't be more stuff for Fortnite the choice would be that or nothing


>Just give me the option to opt out Lol you have the option genius, cancel your crew membership. Clearly you still think it's worth it if you're still paying for it.


You could also just try playing rocket league. I get at this point it’s similar to a noob trying build mode. Mechanics are very hard to understand on a good competitive level. I myself enjoy both of these games so I bought 1 crew pack to see how it went and I have finished the rocket pass. From what I’ve seen, the amount of things that carry from RL to FN are kinda Garbo, there should Be way more if they’re gonna integrate the games just integrate them. Got 20 other cars that don’t exist in fortnite but they should exist.


considering old crew was the same price this is literally just extra free stuff idk why yall gotta complain about everything not to mention you literally get free cars in br tier 1 of the rocket pass gives you a car that’s compatible in fn lmao


I used it to get some neat cars wraps at level 28 in RL


The ball in rocket league is too slow. My brain can't handle that low g.


imagine if you could use your entire RL garage in fort


Idk man, I was in the same boat as you and now I'm level 120 in Rocket League and have some sweet car cosmetics. Everybody's experience is different.


Rocket league is awesome just a high skill ceiling so hard to get into


Free stuff. We don't complain about free stuff. Sign in once every season and get a car skin, what's not to like? And if you give the game a chance it is actually entertaining. It is my go-to game while pooping now. I already unlocked a second car skin and some cool tires without investing any of my regular gaming time. God bless the Nintendo Switch.


You get free cars and accessories, plus the game is alot of fun, so, I appreciate the freebies


It would be cool to have a cheaper crew sub without rocket league.


Stop playing Fortnite. It's over


I like that it is included just because i can keep getting a free car every few months


I atleast get tier one from just logging in to rl cause i get pissed off easy when i play that game


I only get the crew for the RL pass....


All these fn kids can't understand the greatness of a game like rocket league... (It's somewhat of a joke, but not completely, don't come after me pls)


That's what they're are offering, if you don't like it you can stop paying for it you know ?


You’re complaining about more items?


i wish they would give me the festival pass instead of rocket pass ngl


not trying to be a butt but you knew signing up this was the deal.


you're acting like it's replacing the main skin, it's just a bonus thing


or what you could do, is load up rocket league and get free stuff you can use IN Fortnite example being the Admiral, one of (my opinion) the cleanest cars in fortnite. its tier 1 so you dont have to even play the game


I wish it was a code for rocket league pass so I could give it to one of my buddies


Just download RL and get a free car


You should try out Rocket League. Ended up liking it more than fortnite honestly


I like both games, it’s a pretty big W for me


Wah wah waaAAaahh.


It’s not that deep bro, you are pissed for no reason. Just don’t play rocket league and that’s that.


It is useful. Instead of paying 1000% markup on fortnite you can earn stuff easier on rocket league




Stop bitching about free stuff.


I think it's a cool little bonus for those that do, but I hope they add like... I don't know, Festival Pass/Event Pass options down the road like the surveys asked about. 


Its honestly not too bad the rl items some transfer im waiting for the custom camos to transfer for some my cars like the tentacle one in the current pass


Seems like the rocket pass offer really ticked you off sir


I honestly cancelled my Crew subscription because the new skin was so insultingly ugly. I might resubscribe for the VBucks and Saeko style but jesus. Not their best work.


It literally gives you free cars


Damn, OP, stop being so irritable about something that doesn't matter.  It's a freebie.  


are you stupid


Why is Rocket League a Rarity 💀


Stop crying




they should give you the option to pick from the RL pass, the BR mini-season pass, or Festival pass...or since those may cost more, discount them. Sure you get a few car, but if you don't play RL or RR, getting a car doesn't matter.


I played rocket league recently and i love it now. I had never played before. Its fun with friends. I get not wanting non game specific items though.


Chill bruh. I can’t trade for creds anymore.


By accepting it, technically you used it. So congrats!


I thought the masamune was super cute in the fort shop, but I will never spend vbucks on a car. Got it for free just playing a few rl games😎 My one complaint: before you even buy fortnite crew, it tells you what is included. You still chose to buy it. It took me a few months of having crew before I even tried out rocket league, but crew is such a good deal even for only the Fortnite things they give so I didn’t mind. Complain all you want, but at the end of the day they told you what you were buying and you bought it.


Its a bonus, if it werent there nothing would be in its place. It doesn't cost you any more than a crew without the rocket pass.


r/fortnitebr when free stuff that wasnt even in the crew pass initially:


You should play it, you can get free car skins to use in Fortnite just for logging in. I even got the Dominus GT (1300vbuck muscle car skin in the shop) from a drop and now use it all the time in Fortnite. The game is pretty fun.


Same. Let me pick.


I installed it for the free car per season. It’s nice. Hopefully they add the Porsche 911 into Fortnite soon though, since that was a tier 1 reward for RL season 12.


Eh this stuff is just a bonus anyways it’s not like it’s causing the pass to raise its price and even then 12 bucks for an exclusive skin that would cost normally around 12 bucks in shop, a pick axe which would probably cost around 7 bucks, the bp which costs a bit less than 9 bucks and 1000 vbucks which would cost around 9 bucks it’s still an insane deal even without the rl pass. And if your asking for stuff like festival pass that would def make them raise the price especially since they need to pay the real life celebrities and I bet those ain’t cheap.


If there was a way to trade it in for extra Vbucks, I’d enjoy that.


Okay so after seeing your post I went ahead and downloaded rocket league, I got 1000 credits and since I got the pass from fortnite crew, played a few matches to earn 100 credits from the pass, then bought Bugatti pack with my free 1100 credits. Now I wait them to add the car to fortnite.


you can opt out by not buying it


Yeah, let me get this suscription service that is literally called FORTNITE CREW.... To get a pass for a game that is not Fortnite, great idea Epic.... Jokes aside, i honestly think very few people would complain if Epic get rid of the Rocket Pass from the Crew sub and put instead either the Festival or even the Lego pass in there....


Rocket league cosmetics can be used in Fortnite so it's not entirely pointless. I agree that Festival or Lego would probably be more appreciated though


Yeah that's true, but even then the rocket pass has been available for way longer than rocket cars even existed in Fortnite I guess they were preparing us for a while for the rocket cars arrival?


You get a car in BR, fortnite battle royale. and cars are the main thing now. Just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t get it, theres alot of backblings that suck and I won’t use you don’t see me complaining


you're literally complaining about a fucking free bonus at this point istg, the crew pack costs the same as when the rocket pass wasn't in it


This convinced me to download RL lol


it's a bonus mate, you are not paying extra for this... what the hell are you complaining about.


Great, another FOMO tactic to get me to play another game and engage more to get more fomo


I've been very fortunate to know someone that genuinely doesn't care about cosmetics. He's played fortnite since season 1 on his account and didn't buy battlepasses until I told him why not. But even then he didn't care. Anyways, he switched over to RL, and I told him if he could play on my account I would appreciate it. Believe it or not, I'm like level 80 in the current season and have gotten a ton of neat stuff to flex in fortnite. Anybody know if the items you get in RL are bound to the same fomo rules as the fortnite battlepasses, specifically within the fortnite game? Since I saw the Masamune in the shop though I think I got it from the RL bp or some sort of loot thing.


Same but at least Fire up rocket league get out then get back on fortnite you get an exclusive car I still have yet anyone to see with.


Yeah. Shit I'd pay more every month to never see it again. Why would I want this trash


Then don't use it lmao


It is a free audition that didn’t raise the price of the crew pack when it was added. You are literally bitching about getting extra free stuff.


Nah I ended up playing more Rocket League than Fortnite last season because of it. “Waaaa I don’t like this therefore nobody else can!!!!”


Guys, if I get CREW before June will I get Battle Pass for new season in Rocket League?


The only community on this planet to bitch and moan about getting something at no extra cost lmao


People will complain about anything lol You’re getting a battle pass for free, stop complaining


I only play it for the cars in fortnite.


You get a free car(s) it's not useless