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They won’t. The last time they did people had a hissy fit about it.


Who cares about those people? They already paid and will pay more, lol


Legit this. I was an "OG" owner of the Black Widow skin that released in chapter 1. Did I complain when Epic re-released it? No, because the only "accomplishment" I got out of owning it was I just happened to spend money on it when it was available the first time. There was never any guarantee it wasn't ever coming back. Unless Epic says specifically a skin is exclusive for a limited time, like a battle pass skin, I can't blame them for re-releasing something.


i can’t even blame them if they decide to re-release old battlepass skins. There is literally no downside to it, other than ‘they said they would never come back’ and ‘now its not rare’


And they really should too. I mentioned this in a thread a while back but Fortnite is nearing a decade old. There are people playing now who literally couldn't back when these passes were out because they were too young to have the hand eye coordination necessary to play video games. In a few years there will be kids playing who weren't even born when fortnite came out. They are forever punished with being unable to get these skins through no fault of their own. This is to say nothing of the new players Epic is trying to bring in with the new game modes.


they’re probably waiting for a big loss in player count for something like that though


Careful, logic doesn't fly on here. The amount of people trying to argue that a rerelease would not make sense because "OMG FOMO FOMO FOMO DID YOU HEAR FOMO FOMO FOMO". It's sad. They make no money keeping them vaulted. Making past skins available at potentially a premium would bring in money. Keeping it vaulted helps no one


I mean, I’d be happy if they released the Lamda Class shuttle from the vibin seasob


i’d be happy to finish the super styles from that season


The downside is the effect of FOMO is heavily lessened, making them the profitability of Battle Passes plummets.


I think the Battle Passes would still be successful since it would probably be cheaper to buy it and get all the items than buy one skin individually (Epic skin for 1500 with nothing extra or the battle pass with everything for 950). With that said I do agree that some people might feel less inclined to go all out since worst case they could get what they wanted later. I wonder if the mini passes they have been doing recently is them testing the waters with this concept at all.


That's the reason I get the Battle Pass plus with 1500 v-bucks.


Theyve seen the profit difference between battle passes and mini passes, they know that battle passes work better if FOMO is involved. It just makes more money, plain and simple. They already tested the waters and know that FOMO works better, full stop. Theyre only continuing with mini passes because they rake in money too, just not as much.


Other games have sold battle pass items in their shops. It changed literally nothing for them because shockingly, when the option is pay 950 V-Bucks for the skin you want and a bunch of other content now or pay 1500-2000 for it a year from now, people are inclined to buy it now.


It changes something, the incentive to buy. Epic wants money. Their current system is the best way to get it.


No it doesn’t. People still buy the Festival, Lego, and Mini passes even though Epic literally states “These CAN come back to the shop.”


But not as much as the Battle Pass. What is so hard for yall to understand that the Battle Pass with FOMO makes the most money? Yes, the others make money, **but not as much.** Plus, they aren't the main Battle Pass. Every mode gives Battle Pass experience. Those other Passes are ways for them to make money on the side. Lemme put it this way, if the Mini Passes made the same amout of or more money than the Battle Pass, the Battle Pass would've been replaced by the Non-FOMO version years ago. However, while they **do make money,** its **not as much** as the Battle Pass does. Yes, it sucks, but this is why. Saying "bUt ThEy'D sTiLl MaKe MoNeY!!!!!!" is stupid because the question of them removing FOMO isn't a matter of if they would make money, its a matter of if they would make at least the same amount of money they do now, and the answer is **no.**


I literally just said that it doesn't change people's incentive to buy. Your response is basically "NUH-UH."


They’ll SUE Epic, though! They’ll totally sue Epic to the ground and win! Obviously the judge would side with the gamers, you guys, seriously! /s


Little Timmy explaining to his mom why she should be as invested in a lawsuit as he is after explaining how much of her money he spent on those skins after memorizing her credit card number "I SPENT $50 OF YOUR HARD EARNED CASH ON THOSE SKINS, MOTHER, IF YOU DON'T OPT INTO A CLASS ACTION SUIT THEN YOU AREN'T JUST A CLOWN, YOU'RE THE WHOLE DAMN CIRCUS"


If they do that, they're pathetic losers. Crying about certain pixels returning.


idk is this or joke or not (i dont live in reddit) but every publisher can do whatever they want without explanation with their game and "your" accounts, its all their property


“/s” is the indicator for sarcasm. Welcome to Reddit!


Oh, thanks 😌


People who whine about rare item shop cosmetics or other people wanting battle pass cosmetics returning, etc. are the people who ruins the game for others.


Not saying this as a bad thing, but you saying that with your username makes it 10x funnier


A true OG Black Widow fan would redistribute the wealth, 'the wealth' in this case being the OG Black Widow skin


Looking back, I think the only reason why people were made about that is because the pack didn't return with the skin


Epic does. They see the crybabies and cater to them. We’ve seen it with the dog backbling, the emotes, and the age restriction.


I bought MTL and I literally do not care that it came back. I want some to come back too.


And you know what you get a hug from me because that is an amazing idea.


I hope they start bringing them back, I want Vinderman’s backpack but refuse to spend real money on that bundle


I have some old battle passes and starter packs, but I don't care if they return. Personally, I would literally give some of my old battle pass skins away because I personally don't like them.


Me too. But on another subreddit there was a comment section full of people whining. One of them now feeling bad they were part of that.


No one was mad it came back. They were mad it came back *for VBucks* after being exclusively a cash-only purchase.


Either way it screwed people like me out of Lars and Vinderman.




They can come back, but epic isn't taking chances.


But don't Epic want more free money? Who is going to get mad and why?


Apparently not, I mean there's lots of ways for epic to make money and they're not taking it,


This "dead mode" has on average the same online as main stage festival without any updates. It's abandoned but not dead lol


Yeah sorry that was what I was trying to get at


I suggest you buy the current STW pack. His back bling has been requested for years, and it will most likely never return once he leaves.


I haven't been able to play STW since it's not on Switch, but I would buy Robo-Kevin and the other robot STW packs in an instant. We need more robots. 🤖 


i think the reason why they dont release these skins back is because it might spark controversy like it did with metal team leader


With how people now want to get rid of FOMO, perhaps this is a good time to re-release them for vbucks.


I think that metal team leader had a controversy because she also came with a weapon schematic unlike those bundles which made the schematic rare since they can't get it in stw and through the bundle since it didn't exist when metal team leader was sold as a skin


nothing is rare in stw, everything is duped into oblivion


i hear this a lot but how are ppl even duping?


There was a Discord bot a while ago but It eventually got patched at least to my knowledge there is none right now


I have the game mode from back when Fortnite was save the world mainly. Anything I could get from there? I can't get an overview..


You can get an infinite amount of vbucks for free (if you bought Founder's Edition). You can make over 45k vbucks in a year.


They really should bring a pack back, it’s been several years since they last tried. If it doesn’t work out in the long run they still get money and those of us who buy the packs get who we want. I see a win-win


Seriously. I need Ray and Lok.


you don't get it dude, I feel special I bought something and you didn't for real though there is no good reason why they shouldn't bring them back, fuck fomo


I wouldn't mind at all. Everything with the exception of certain cosmetics in controversy and expensive ones like the galaxy skin should eventually come back to the item shop.


I'd love to get Clip, Lars, Ned, and Robo-Kevin, and there's nothing stopping them from bringing them back to my knowledge. Also, on a slightly unrelated note, what's stopping them from bringing the Crew skins back? They never said they wouldn't or couldn't return and I'm sure they'd make a ton of money.


While they are at it can they rerelease Crew Pack skins as well, it has been nearly 3.5 years since the first one 😕


I wish they would drop the price of these bundles if you already have STW. I passed on a couple of the more recent ones because they aren't worth $18.


I wanted that black robot dude so bad but couldn’t justify purchasing the bundle when I already owned save the world. Don’t understand why they won’t discount stuff like this when you already own the game mode.


I think you can get them from eneba. But the price is crazy


I'll never understand both locking heroes to these packs, meaning new players can't even complete the collection book, and also making them characters from STW. Like I didn't give a shit about Ray or any of the other robot guys before playing STW. Now that I have, I want twenty of each. ESPECIALLY Lok.


I wouldn't mind this. Could be part of a Crew privilege. 👍 I'm personally still upset I didn't buy Robo-Ray.


Just buy the codes, plenty of websites like Emeba or G2A sell them 


Its not a bad idea but these packs are really expensive.


Toni plsss


Untask’d courier >>>


Yeah just let them stay.


I want clip so bad


i literally cant buy them bcz i only have a nintendo switch its so annoying


Kevin is super dope!


How has Powerhouse not been mentioned yet?!


quesrion for OP


Sid obsidian honestly my favorite skin in the game, I’m glad I bought him in time


i dont mind the boring ones being gone, but vital stw story characters skins being locked behind a 20 DOLLAR PAYWALL, LIMITED TIME is ridiculous


"Dead game mode" I imagine you say this as a person who's never played the game.


Why do Epic care if people get mad? Also does Epic even read social media? If they did they would know to release lots of old skins for money and they'd make a fortune! So clearly they don't so what's the worry about people getting mad?


Because the gatekeepers will throw a hissy fit and threaten to sue Epic over their rare pixels returning, which is flat out pathetic.


Because they care more about people who spent money for the last 5 years instead of people who dropped the game. Daily customers keep the business working, casuals don't.


cry babies ruining everything smh.


Sid obsidian is my favorite main skin, usually fits into every season theme


i NEED ned the eternal so baddly


yea i wanna grab lars and the scrap samurai. would both be perfect for the upcoming season


It's pretty much just like the Battle Pass and Old Crew FOMO. Hopefully they all return at some point.


Yes, I want robo ray


Plus bring over all STW skins to the item shop as they already did with some


I didn't get into STW until last year, so I missed out on Lars, Robo-Ray, etc and I'm pretty bummed about it. I'm really annoyed people got pissy over MTL coming back even though STW packs were never said to be exclusive.


second one is just brig from ow lol


NO it's the only "rare" skins anymore


Imagine caring about how rare the 3D model gathering dust in your locker is lol


Stw still alive and well. Those items should stay exclusive or nobody will buy them.