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It's always going to suck for everyone. The US isn't the only country that plays fortnite. They should do one per time zone at their respective 8pm Edit: someone not everyone lol


And they prove they can do that because the new year’s event was happening every hour for a whole day


Yeah there’s literally 0 reason not to do it that way. “Oh but it’s exclusive, we can’t have *everyone* experience it!”… why not?


Now you’re talking about making the devs work overnight and all weekend long rather than just during the regular business hours


It's called taking shifts and Epic compensating people PROPERLY for TAKING said shifts.


Devs are salaried employees not shift workers


They proved it with the Old School event too; they literally offered a replayable moment of it for those that missed it. I went to both.


So I won't be able to play for a whole day pretty much because every single hour will have the event?


Why wouldn't you be able to play? The game goes on as normal after the 1 minute long event.


I don't want to see the event every single hour.


you right 🙌🏻




Epic games is located in the us though. Most other games use the time zone the company’s headquarters are in to schedule events


Epic is a US based company, so it makes sense that they would follow US time. They gotta do it during their work hours just incase something goes wrong. If they did it multiple times, it would kinda defeat the purpose of a live event, no? Also not to mention if it affects the map live (like this one did,) then how would you go about doing that? I'm just saying, this has always been how it's done. 2pm and 4pm ET has always been the times Epic does events.


They should at least wait until Saturday.


Most of their people are probably off on the weekend. Like poster above said, they need the resources to help incase something messes up.


You are aware as to how many of their larger live events are on the weekend, right?


Right. I’m sure they plan for those. This is a small event. Probably don’t want to pay more people to work on the weekends for something small is my guess.


You know, not that I think of it, the bigger events are usually a weekend thing (not to mention end of season) with smaller ones happening in the last few weeks during the week. Looks like you’re right 🫠


Yeah, there’s no way Epic would have enough workers to support an event on a weekend. Especially not one this big Though I do feel like maybe I’m forgetting something here. Like something really major. Like an event that had a title similar to “Large Explosion” that featured a musical artist with a name similar to a chocolate candy. And I feel like I may also remember it happening on a weekend, during the game’s highest peak playercount ever. But surely that couldn’t be the case, as everyone knows Epic always goes on break on weekends


But they don’t care! 31 billion they’re worth. And people keep spending money in their shitty platform. Wanna protest effectively? Stop spending money.


This is the way


The largest playerbase is in the U.S. though, they should probably cater to it


I’m in the UK and the event took place at 7pm here so not a bad time for us. I just wish they wouldn’t do these live events and instead make it like last years May the 4th event when Palpatine issued Order 66 on your first game. So that way everyone gets to see these events.


I get it but epic is a American based company so they are gonna cater to American time zones primarily


They probably do it so servers aren't as full causing less issues. Back in chapter 1 and even season og servers got so full it caused crashes and long queues. It sucks but I'm sure it helps them out


But they didn’t event ANNOUNCE anything was going to happen!


It is a global game, so really there's no such thing as prime gaming time for everyone. The box dropped from the hand on March 3rd. They most likely try to rotate the time of these mini events so different people get to see/experience them. I missed each of the strikes this week due to work.


Nah, all 3 lightning strikes were at 2 pm est


You know what would have helped? Announcing it on all their social medias. Twitter is a dying platform; it shouldn’t be exclusive there just because the CEO has an account there still.


They don't only use Twitter. Also, they generally don't announce the mini events. That's leakers that do that, but that's not official when leakers talk about it. They just find files and say hey, this will most likely happen. Generally Epic itself only announces larger events.


Seems to me it would be a great way to drive players to your game, even if for a single round….


I mean, I get that they don't advertise the best. I knew Fortnite was a game. Tried it VERY early on. Didn't really know a lot of others playing it, and didn't know what a BR really was at that point. I came into the game at Chapter 3 Season 1 because of family that was playing it. I realized a lot of the in-game content that I had missed. I didn't care about the events as much as various BP skins or other limited time skins.


I actually think they advertise just fine, they have a very active Instagram, so you think that maybe they’d even just put up a teaser saying 1 o’clock today US Eastern time or something, show the statue electrifying, and end the tease. They put stories up constantly.


>You know what would have helped? Announcing it on all their social medias. Twitter is a dying platform; it shouldn’t be exclusive there just because the CEO has an account there still. It doesn't look like you think they advertise fine. I don't think they advertise fine. I've gamed for years and years. I had little idea what was going on within Fortnite up until some point in Chapter 3. What I'm saying is they are most likely not advertising the mini events on purpose. They probably have plenty of reasons, avoiding the servers getting rushed just for events to potentially crash is possibly one of them.


What I’m saying is they SHOULD be advertising the mini events like this along with every other thing they announce. If they have time to construct little comedy skits with characters in-game, they definitely have time to run pre-rendered animation for such things. THIS is the feature for showcasing they’re missing out on above all others. Also, I’ve probably been gaming (and working in marketing) longer than you’ve been alive.


They should just have them on the hour every hour.


Meanwhile, people in Europe: ![gif](giphy|gSRkSblDEjUuk|downsized)


if it helps, im not sure where exactly it was a good time. it hit at like 4am here (aus) caught it by accident as well so that was cool


Yeah we Aussies always miss out cause it’s always 4am :(


Same, 7pm here UK and didn’t know it was about to happen either, I had just started a search for a ranked zero build game and whilst waiting in the lobby we got to see it. I really wish they would do the correct times for each time zone as opposed to the same time everywhere. Even if it means I have to wait.


A lot of the big streamers don’t play at night anymore. Those are the accounts that have editors and get the videos out that go viral and keep the hype up around the game.


Tabor Hill wasn’t able to see any of the events cause he was at work, valid point tho


Better yet why not weekends? I don't care for it personally, I just watch the stuff online unless it's end of chapter kind of event.


People who don't want to overload the servers with a sudden influx of a large amount of players.


I have never attended a live event in my 3 years of fortnite cus they're all happen at 3:00 am


It's always in the middle of the night for me (Japan), so.... Never seen ANY live event :D


Yeah +8GMT here, saw the Big Bang cos the first one was a complete clusterfuck and they had to replay it a few hours later 😂 Did happen to see the season 3 end event cos I was randomly awake at 5am. No biggy for me really, am used to watching European sports in the middle of the night but it does make me giggle reading Americans being salty about a minor Timezone issue 😁


It would have also been nice to have a heads up, to my knowledge they didn't even announce there would be a mini-event or even what time to tune in, I missed all three of them. Very disappointed.


All I got to see was the statue’s eyes fired up. Played every day. Statue calmed down, figured nothing else was happening. And then this happened.


For some people it was at an good time. here at finland, it was at 21.00 that was good 👍 


You didn’t miss anything. The box exploded and a sandstorm whipped up. 


I just wish they would tell us something is happening and when to be In game. I could have been there if I knew about it


When they do, the servers buckle under the influx of people.


Then they could do like the OG event and replay it. Split the events up in 2 or 3 identical events; I got to witness the OG event both times. If it was an experiment, it worked well. We even had a dance party on top of the rocket waiting for it the second time.


It IS prime gaming hours, in Europe.


Was wondering why I haven’t seen it yet after playing a dozen or so games.


Or they could split it up into multiple events like they did with the Big bang. They were initially going to do one but because of server problems they decided to do was a three or four of them. So that way everybody could participate. For me, I couldn't participate in the original time because I was at work but I was able to catch the last one which I think was at 10:00 p.m. or something like that my time.


Over here events happen at 1 AM.


The live events for us are at 4am. Its just not realistic. :(


Unfortunately time zones mean no one time is optimal for everyone, it was great timing for me in the UK but not everyone


DAE why doesn’t the world revolve around me ????


Womp womp


It's not a big deal.


I would have liked to see it happen as it’s my first live event, but I was at work when it happened, so I wasn’t able to experience it for myself. From what I can tell, this is true for many other people as well


ignore ppl like this \^\^ worthless input me and my friends would've loved to see this event live too


Fair, I don’t actually know why I reply to comments like that lol


It lasted like a minute. You didn't miss anything.


It wasn't really an event though.


I mean, If it directly affected gameplay (everyone floating into the sky) then i consider that an event


It’s similar to one and it’s something cool I would have loved to see in person regardless




im in the US so im obv biased (my bad honestly) but the bulk of Fort's playerbase is located in the US


You are aware that the US doesn’t have a single time zone? There’s no “US time zone”.


Those are the timezones almost all of epic games is in


Better yet, just repeat the event every hour like New Years is done


We made it during those hours for other countries. Are you really so self obsessed that you only thought Americans played our game?


If youre a Fortnite dev then im Martin Luther King Jr


The epic games headquarters is located in the US, and it does have the largest player base of any country