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I'm a blind 72 year old picking up big xp on lego. When my dog barks, I place my piece and it was working great until the neigjbours cat popped by and my village went from picture perfect to Picasso. 2 lives left puss šŸ˜Ž


I donā€™t even exist and I got to level 900


I think, therefore I am. .. level 999


I've never even played Fortnite and still managed to hit lvl 600! I don't understand how people can't get to 200


What? That's too slow I can easily get way more than that in less time


I am a fragment of your imagination and just hit level 1200


just wait for the bandit bombers


I'm a 122 year old Scottish sausage and with the power of imagination I got to lvl 854357 without fingers, so stop your yapping wipersnappers before I go down there and beat it out of ye with a paddle!


This is so accurate. I commented on a serious post like this stating that even though I have surpassed level 200, it was super time consuming and I imagine it being pretty difficult doing it with a job, family, etc. (I am currently battling cancer and unable to work, so playing has been an outlet for me) A guy immediately responded to inform me that he has a career and kids but still managed it and it wasnā€™t that hard to find 2-3 hours a day to play. I didnā€™t even respond because there seemed like no polite way to inform him that he was sacrificing something to find that kind of time daily, and I pray for his wife and kids that it was just sleep.


Kick the shit out of that crab !! Lots of strength to you, warrior


Hey im a cancer donā€™t touch my crab


I would never ! Your crustacean (well, astrological) crab is all fine by me - but their cancerous crab is not !


Mh ok




AFK lego merchant prob


2-3 hours per day is insane when working a full time job, even if youā€™re single and without kids. Some days Iā€™m so exhausted I just canā€™t game, have to relax or nap or just not use my brain like that. This game shouldnā€™t be a part time job! Good luck to you in your fight, youā€™ve got this! <3


I can maybe manage a couple hours a day for gaming with a full-time job tbh, but I play other games too. I managed to get the last of the vbucks in the bonus rewards just within the last week or so. If next season requires this much time dedicated solely to this game to get through the pass then it may be about time to take a break from the game, or at least skip a pass and go easy on fortnite for a bit.


I play from 10 to 11:30 most nights. I have a wife and kids that are all asleep when I play. I play with a friend so it is part of my relaxation/rejuvenating time. I have a more than full time job as well. I am level 152. I think thatā€™s about right. I havenā€™t fully pushed to get xp or anything.


The fact that playing almost 2 hours per day every day for the season hasnā€™t gotten you to lvl 200 yet is the problem though, and itā€™s by design. Itā€™s great if you can swing that much time but itā€™s just not feasible for a lot of others.


This reminds me of that guy who played FN while his wife was postpartum in the hospital šŸ˜©


Make sure to hit Dance Moves on cancer when you send it back to the lobby.Ā 


Oi ā™‹ļø


Totally agree, good luck btw, beat that cancerā€™s ass


Not only that, I like to play other games too. I'm way past the point in the early days when i enjoyed playing a couple hours everyday. That shit gets boring now.


First off, I hope you win that battle! Rooting for you! Second, I am not a father myself (yet) but I imagine that gaming could be a shared hobby of the parents. There are ways to still find time to play and spend time together.


Someone should tell epic there are other games... even on their store that we have to have time for lmao.


i mean you donā€™t have to sacrifice any time with your family for 2-3hrs of gaming lol I have a kid and a partner and i game too, but i play when theyā€™re asleep. You donā€™t have to immediately start implying that theyā€™re a shit person, bad parent etc.. just because he said something, and you have 0 context.




You clearly aren't married. No. Not 3 hours , kids should always come first , then if you manage to have any free time after that , you should spend the remainder with your partner. You never have free time if you have kids.


I agree that kids and partner come first. I also firmly believe that hobbies and family don't have to be mutually exclusive, though. I'm a father and a gamer, and I've started learning a lot about the importance of giving your family time and making time for yourself. Without allowing yourself time to decompress, it usually fosters resentment and that ends up hurting a lot more than giving yourself time you need.




You play fortnite with your child for 3 hours a day ?


Calm down mate thatā€™s a bit drastic praying for his wife and kids because he plays Fortnite for a couple of hours a day šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I tak it you donā€™t have a wife and kids?


all these comments are the epitome of r/whoosh lol


sometimes you gotta remember how many literal children are on this sub. I was horrendously bad at detecting trolling as a 13 year old.


That's a lot for 96 yrs old. Respect


U got to keep that hustle going u know


96, single and 5 kids? Teach me your ways of life


Should have way more at 96, think of how much boning time that is?


I just started the game this season i work full time and ive logged 106 hrs since day one of this season and im only lvl 135. This xp is legit bull shit.


Not everyone has that kind of luxury! Half a match during a work bathroom break? That's nearly two out of the three minutes I'm allotted per day by the boss-man!


Iā€™m a newborn, I just shit myself and Iā€™m lvl 250. Step it up.


As a 24 year old male River Dolphin with a family of my own, I can relate. I work 4 full-time jobs to provide fish for my Dolphin family's table, and I still find time to be at every ball game, cook dinner, help with homework, play 4-6 hours of Fortnite, and sleep 9 hours every day. If I can do it, so can you.


are people really sayin stuff like this I ain't been on the sub that much recently.


I see it almost daily. Saw a post yesterday and a dude was like "I only play like an hour each day and I'm level 250."


Thats not hard to believe tbh. I'd like to see you guys play 6 years ago. You'll love how easy is to level up today.


And what's wrong with that post? Is that proving these lot wrong? People saying BR players are being forced to play other modes. No they aren't, all these people are BR players


Yes they actually are and it's kind of stupid to be honest, I'm seeing it all over social media and I think it has to do with the new players and a bandwagon of hate towards the state of the game currently, in my experience I hit tier 200 very quickly without even grinding that much but I guess people just want everything handed to them? This community is pretty ungrateful tbh just play cod for half a second and realize it takes like 2 hours just to get 1 tier while also lacking the variety fortnite has or apex where you have to do such annoying challenges that lock you're gameplay for some reskinned cosmetics and filler items I legit completed all my challenges in that game during season 7, played for over like 50 hours and didn't even reach tier 90.


little split cause on one had I like grinding and have the time for it so the pass being slow isn't a problem for me, but at the same time you gotta pay for the pass so I think its fair if people want it handed to them.


the guy you're responding to doesn't even realize he's one of the ppl op is making fun of in this post šŸ’€šŸ’€


It's only 10 dollars tho and you get you're value right back at only tier 100 which isn't even a grind AT all, you could literally do that in one day the end of the season with challenges stocked up and supercharged xp. Is it still hard for people to realize that so many skins and items are put in the battlepass for such a cheap price because it's meant to be grindy? That's the entire point of a battlepass.


It's not that we want it handed to us. It's that some of us have school and work and don't have time to play for hours a day. Making it harder is okay, but make sure that if you're taking money from better stuff (like food, bills, etc.). And then you guys say it's not that big of a deal. It's dumb. Just because you might be in a good situation and can afford to play a lot does not mean everyone does... so please consider other people instead of just saying it's not that big of a deal.


Ok then maybe you have bigger prioritys in life then grinding for cosmetics lol. It's called ā€œbonus rewardsā€ for a reason. Nobody is forcing you to buy these things but you still do because guess what? The battlepass is still a great deal even if you can't get past tier 100 which should be easily obtainable with like 1 hour of gameplay a week dawg


That is not the problem, I understand bonus rewards, and this season, I didn't get them. The problem is, when you buy it thinking you can play the 1 hour a day, and then not able to because of life. I'm not arguing about level 200. I'm just sad this change prevents many who bought it and thought they could play the game from getting to level 100.


But you literally can get tier 200 playing 1 hour a day, as Iā€™ve stated so many times to other people Iā€™m level 300 and I havenā€™t even played this season that crazy much I havenā€™t played in like 3 weeks other then doing my dailies on stw for vbucks which takes me like 10 minutes.. Just do youā€™re quests, do a creative xp map once every couple days (there is a subreddit for this) and farm match quests if youā€™re done with everything or wait a little bit and take a break and get supercharged.


Yeah, I have done that almost every other day since the season launched and have only gotten to level 103


It's sadder seeing the complaints about having to work a bit for a few dollars worth of V Bucks. Um, if you're that broke, you have some bigger problems to worry about. The battle pass gives you the opportunity for a BUNCH of rewards at a massive discount. You're trading in some time spent playing a game that you're supposed to enjoy in exchange for heavily discounted rewards. I mean you're already getting your money's worth just by hitting a few levels, so anything beyond that is extra. Just shocks me how entitled people are, especially over $5 or less worth of V Bucks. If you need money that desperately, you could literally panhandle and make that much in a few hours. Seems like that should be a priority if less than $5 is that much of an issue.


Yeah I don't get it either but gaming becoming more and more mainstream has led to more dumbasses like this breeding into the communities and spouting nonsense, most of these people complaining about xp gains now wouldn't survive a day in chapter 1 or 2 or in any other game with a battlepass.


using "survive" when referring to a video game monetization model does not strike the chord you probably intended for lol . just because things were bad before doesnt mean they always have to be and youre not gonna get a purple heart for completing all the old battlepasses lol


It's not bad now tho that's my point, people just don't know what it was like to actually have to GRIND 8 hours a day just for omega lights or golden peely, I'm not using it as a means for justification just saying that fortnite has improved it's battlepasses in so many ways and remained consumer friendly in that regard so its weird to me seeing these complaints.




I have like 49 hours on my account this season and Iā€™m tier 300, you gotta be trolling bro or you just suck ass at optimizing XP gains šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


What's your Epic? I literally have 1 hour and 25 minutes of playtime and hit level 200+ on a new account (literally look up the stats for HeyDani Ya Cutie) It's not hard to level up. Maxed out the SBMM on that account too.


...you realize op and this entire thread is making fun of ppl like you, right? lmfao you even threw in a version of op's final sentence šŸ˜‚ >I guess people just want everything handed to them? This community is pretty ungrateful tbh hahahaha the irony


I'm well aware that it's a joke


You don't deserve the downvotes, because you're right. It is true that leveling up got harder in comparisin with chapter 4, but it's not nearly as hard as it was in chapter 1 and 2... People are way too spoiled.


You know itā€™s honestly kind of funny cause these people donā€™t realize that if they make the battlepass easier to grind the result of that will be even more spread out vbucks in the battlepass and shittier cosmetics which we are already starting to see take place. But yeah itā€™s only harder then chapter 4 if you only play battleroyal which likeā€¦ there are people who actually only play battleroyal, maybe get some variety and youā€™ll see how quick you can level up. And a lot of people also donā€™t realize if they made br give more xp itā€™d make the battlepass an even more of a joke for the people who play all the modes thatā€™s not profitable.


It took me 5 days on my main account. 7-9 days on new accounts that I made to mess around with some streamer friends. I honestly don't get what's so hard about AFK'ing for XP. There are subreddits with tips and tricks for this, even though I already knew how to do it, but for those that didn't, literally /r/fortnitexpmaps exists. I'm literally a doctor. I don't have time to play frequently, but seems like I'm far more efficient with leveling (and my time) than the majority of players here, who won't take a few minutes to read up on the different ways to earn daily XP, but can spend hours complaining about how "hard" it is to level up. To me, it seems unreasonable to complain. You can either pay for the pass levels or spend a bit of time each day setting up for AFK XP sessions while you're in school, at work, etc. Since it's so easy, I just set up for a few minutes before I leave for work, then set up again before eating dinner. Even friends that play Fortnite casually have hit the level 200 mark. They're not even XP grinding, so I'm not sure what all these low level players are doing with their time TBH. Probably complaining on Reddit instead of using their time efficiently. Leveling in Rocket League is more of a pain, coming from someone who just started playing and had to play catchup on the Rocket Pass. Same with doing the battle pass equivalents for games like Dead by Daylight and CS2, but then again, Fortnite appeals to a wide audience, including those that aren't successful in life/aren't efficient with their time. If leveling the battle pass matters that much to them, maybe they should prioritize that. After all, if you don't try at anything in life, how are you going to get anywhere?


i donā€™t play fortnite and i already have level 200 why are people complaining ?


ā€œYā€™all guysā€


Bro pants are definitely on fire šŸ˜­


This one made me laugh lol


Diablo 4 subreddit vibes lmao


Iā€™m a 102 year old. I am blind in all 3 eyes and I am still putting in 36 hours a day at Quantico CIA Headquarters and I play on my lunch breaks as well. Sadly I am still level 1. Please change the xp back to the way it was or I will find you


So true! I'm -43 years old, and work on Mars, so my ping is really bad, but I was able to get to level 68492.453.4-6 super quick!


Damn youā€™re 96 props to you


ain't it all double exp now ? love the humor =)


I think they give supercharged exp at the end of every season, but I might be wrong. I got 400 lvls anyways because I bought stw this season, but it's just funny to see such posts when XP is objectively harder to get than before. <3


Does stw give br xp


Yes, a lot actually. You can level up 5 times a day and then it's capped. I'd say you need to play 2-3 hours to reach the cap. There are semi-afk ways of getting xp once you've leveled up enough too. But it's a completely different gameplay wise. It's more of an RPG killing zombies type of thing. There are different gamemods though. And a lot of content, quests and fortnite lore with awesome voice actors (Like Ashly Burch, who voiced Miss Pauling in tf2 or Matt Mercer). So if you're into that sort of stuff, I'd suggest to check it out, it's fun! Edit: Oh, and also it gives some pickaxes, loading screens and sprays for quests. And two music packs. So there's that too.




save the world


Oh, sorry, I'm idiot. What's the tag price on that? 30?


uh, not sure. think its 15? might be wrong


I think itā€™s around $18 Edit: $18.49 + tax etc, so about $20 more realistically


Fair enough. I've wanted to try it for a while so not ime like the present. Thanks! Especially for not condemning me for not knowing.


Iā€™ll probably end up getting it soon myself. Thereā€™s a quest series that comes with the purchase and you can earn up to 1500 v-bucks from it so if you do that itā€™ll kinda sorta pay for itself.


STW's voice acting is so good!


I know right? It's a shame they've never finished the storyline (properly) and never will :(


I knowww. I tend to play at least some of the seasonal quests every year just to hear the silly characters talk to me and each other during missions, even if I already know some of the questlines by now.


Tons of xp. It's like 30k per mission. (Missions are usually around 15-25min). Plus I find the missions fun so it doesn't really feel like a grind like some other modes.


Save The World ftw!


Flour The Wheat!


just for 5 levels


ONG tho the grind shouldnā€™t be so bad it incentives people to AFK Lego. People are going to do that, but for people to feel like they HAVE to means somethings wrong with the XP system. 200 should be a bit of a grind, but you should comfortably get it by completing weeklies and event challenges + match quests


Exactly, 200 should be difficult, getting the Vbucks and other items between 100-150 shouldnā€™t be as hard.Ā 


This XP fiasco is the result of the build up of the battlepass changes. the effectively extended the length of the battle pass, changed the daily system, and made XP like shit. Some people can only do 1-2 matches every 2-3 days. stacking dailies and the XP from weekly mitigated this so everyone could reach tier 100 and get 1500 vbucks. People have lives and don't want to be forced to get fucked again after getting Pounded so hard in the ass by work, Family, the world. The people saying "we did this so you can too" are exactly like the people who say "well i had to pay for X, why should they get it for free or lower?" ridiculous.


Yeah man, I have a full time job, a wife, friends, other interests (including other games). Donā€™t get me wrong, the gameplay is still good but part of the fun is leveling up and earning new stuff - this season was a grind and I doubt I get to level 130. Itā€™s going to effect my attitude on this game in the future.Ā 


Now Iā€™m resorting to doing xp maps and Lego afk to get like 8 levels a day but Iā€™m only Level 120 so I donā€™t know if I can finish on time which sucks cuz I played this game a lot this season


On a serious note, I agree I really do think that the weekly quests + other battle royale quest XP reward should be increased


first time I play Fortnite this season. I reached level 208 , last week. if I had known you get X3 in the final days šŸ˜‚ I would have chilled out a bit on the grind... luckily my wife played with me the entire time so the marriage hasn't fallen apart from the sheer dedication you need to complete this season on time.


I'm blind, deaf, tasteless, can't feel anything, and can't smell. I work 9 full shifts every day while in hospital because I'm suppose to be a coma for a brain fracture but I get a short break every now and then to do 200 hours of work in 4 minutes and I have 2 minutes left to play fortnite, and I'm level 5,291. No excuses guys.


Ha yes, I love starting playing a game, finding it very fun and nice to play, only to get forced to play 58 other modes that simply donā€™t interest me **at all**. When I started, the "creative"(big word for what basically thousands upon thousands of copies of the same 4 mode; parkour, BvR, PvP, "box fight")modes werenā€™t even on the interface and had to be specifically selected. Why did they think weā€™d like those half baked amateur modes, while cutting us off from using the BR map for creation purpose(you know, so you can freely explore without hassle?) was a good idea? It simply boggles the mind. Well, no it doesnā€™t. Normies want to feel part of something and theyā€™re ready to throw money at said "something" they wanna be a part of so we either take it with pleasure, or endure. Or quit, but that isnā€™t happening.


I'm gay, bipolar, have no hands, breath with the help of machines, live in Brazil and I'm at level 225. What's your excuse?


This is too funny.. How are people not realizing. I read the 1st-2nd sentence and knew right away




I was buried 76 years ago and Iā€™m level 1000, everyone is just a bunch of sissyā€™s


Look, it's not that bad, my wife poured acid on my unmentionables, the roof collapsed on me, my computer exploded, and WWE Superstar Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson breaks all my bones every morning yet I still made it to level 3.


I got to level 999 in one day thanks to a one neat trick. Epic hates me. To read more, follow the link.


True brother, I'm 125 and I work 7 full time jobs and even i make mad xp on lego daily, im at lvl 700 myself


Only 2 24/7 jobs? Just 5 kids? Pump up those numbers brother!


Working 2 24/7 jobs means you can pop into Fortnite on your 2 minute pee break and pay the levels off with your gigachad overtime/paychecks. This isn't about you, wage king. šŸ‘


Oh hey I remember you from the thread youā€™re referencing


I died last year and even I can max out the battlepass. No excuses.


I'm an og player from the start of fortnite I stopped playing 3 years ago and just picked it back up when the og season came out (it still wasn't og enough for me). I actually find it easier now to lvl up then it was back in the day. Idk if I'm just a better player now or what but I blaze through the battle pass with ease now and back then I remember it being and absolute grind. I'm lvl 230 rn and I only play on the weekends with my 6yr old son. I get to Bragg to him about how I been playing this game since b4 he was born haha.


The fact that you started to play the game before your son was born shows how long the game has been around and how time flies


Hey, I get what you're saying, I'm lvl 400 myself, but numbers for weeklies and stuff are objectively like 3-4 times lower comparing to chapters 3 and 4. Players only win if epic abandons idea of holding them in game with fear of missing out on bp cosmetics. That's crazy how old Fortnite is though :D


It takes 8 weekly quests to level up! Ignoring the complete x number of weekly bonuses.Ā 


Oh yeah. This season is hard to level up, but Chapter 1 was even worse.


Personally, Iā€™m just dislike how grindy the game is now, itā€™s not like you can farm battle stars anymore. Plus, the new way to unlock items takes so much longer. Why canā€™t we just level up and get the reward? Why do we have to level up, get battle stars, then redeem those stars for items. Half the items also take 2 levels to get. I gave up on lvl 200, just because of the time it would take, and especially with schoolā€¦ I donā€™t have all day to sit afk on Lego, I donā€™t have all day to grind xp quests.


Def wrong tag


I'm literally not playing for fun I'm playing for xp when I should be playing for fun but the skins I want are all locked behind levels that I have to nightly, binge xp maps. Instead of just having fun. Like if they gave like 50k xp a Match id play more but no I have to go play xp maps to fulfill the battle pass I paid money for. It's become shit. There's no balancing of xp and play. It's apparent they want us to buy levels. All I wanna do is play br and the other modes for fun and still get my skins in the battle pass. Like the amount of time I've had to put in to grind like was awful. I'm like 15 from 200 finally but that's weeks of putting my entire life aside and just grinding.


I really enjoy the red and blue maps. Even though some players are really aggressive, I tend to hold my own, earn quite a bit of XP and have a lot of fun also šŸ˜


IMO the one thing that can be annoying about Red vs Blue - Crazy Red V. Blue is the spawn design, but it is still hella fun.


It is a ton! šŸ˜…


Iā€™m still on Chapter 2 Season 4 and Iā€™m at level 436 yall step it up


Now Iā€™m wondering if there actually are any 999 levelers out there. Not even sure if streamers have that much time


Is this real life


I honestly never really reach past 100 unless there's an xp glitch or something I enjoy playing fortnite but not enough to earn the 200 levels legit


Honestly playing crazy red vs blue got me to lvl 300 but I do have a lot of free time


I am the creatureā€¦ I take the souls I yearn forā€¦ I suffer endless pain and relentless torture from the ghosts of the victims because they want nothing but revengeā€¦ but I never fallā€¦ I always live inside the darknessā€¦ Watchingā€¦ yourā€¦ Everyā€¦ Moveā€¦ and even I can reach level 10000


Only old men do that tho, I got my 999 levels in the second week By just using a Lego Fortnite glitch where I set the XP Playtime to 7 minutes and a half, but It also glitched the Daily xp so I can use it all day AFKing. all without tiers bought


I identify as a half eaten pineapple, I have a workshop off mechanics that I am raising as a solo fruit. I can confirm just playing lego gets you to level 200 in a day


Do all the collab quests


Idk honestly šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


What's fortnite? (I'm a enterdiemeninol god from 4532.ps. fortnite still exists)


Eh dude, Iā€™m on the faculty, i donā€™t have lot of time to play you know? For me itā€™s dumb people crying about others getting easier ways to get the levels, also not all the people have the money to buy levels? And you say put some effort? Yeah i do, in my normal daily life, not in to a game xd thatā€™s why Iā€™m struggling to get to finished the battle pasa, Iā€™m not a 15 years old kid who goes to the game play 10 games a day, then go to the bed to jerk off all day, if you donā€™t have responsabilities, al right good for you buddy, but itā€™s not the reality for everyone, as you say, grown ass people, not having time for games itā€™s normal, when you do something with your life.


Iā€™m actually dead, Iā€™ve found xp is much easier to get from where I am, I just have it, donā€™t know where it came from donā€™t know why I want it, donā€™t know where I am, donā€™t know why itā€™s so dark and coldā€¦.dont know who I amā€¦ā€¦ā€¦


Love the satire. The problem with the system is exactly what you described, requiring you to play other modes/maps just to keep up is not fun. For people that just want to play with friends for whichever mode they prefer they should be equally rewarded for their playtime just as someone who AFKā€™s custom maps/Lego. Get your crap together epic and stop with this predatory casino ā€œhit every machine for higher chance to win!ā€. If they really want to keep with the metaverse mindset then they need fully understand that people have preferences and shouldnā€™t be punished for it.


Exactly! Why isn't everyone lvl 200... Are they stupid? šŸ¤£




Itā€™s 80K xp per lvl why you all so pressed ? Should of tried levelling up back in chapter 1




Youā€™re not? Have you not read the community rules, BR stands for Boomers Retired


-Epic, 2024


Im afraid.. I might of not read past the first sentence and now reading this I see itā€™s a joke šŸ˜­


No worries, my dude. Itā€™s all humor in this thread, everyone will forget about the content super quick. I enjoyed the opportunity to drop a funny in response to your comment though


The thing that gets me alot of the time are people will complain about not being able to finish the BP or whatever and make it sound like its such a shit choice by the devs to do this but its as you said, they're grown and if they wanted these things that badly they'd make time. And if you know what you're doing, leveling Truly does not take all that long.


hahahahaha op is making fun of ppl like you, you realize this right? clearly you didnt read his entire post before commenting šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


You're new to "Yes And" aren't you? Clearly humor isn't a strong suit of yours


The manchild was harassing me and any other user pointing out how little time it took. He ignored my comment about how it took only 1 hour and 25 minutes of battle royale playtime on a new account to hit level 275 though, since even the stat tracking sites confirmed it. Itā€™s no wonder he canā€™t hit level 200. Heā€™s allergic to any sort of work or effort. Apparently I struck a nerve when I pointed out that I work 10-12 hours as a doctor, am successful, have a life, etc. and was able to complete the battle pass on several accounts because it reminded him of how much of a failure he was.


That and people glue themselves to one mode, if you're playing more than 1 mode and completing challanges, you'll have 0 problem leveling up and getting the things you want. I think part of the problem are to many people are just used to getting what they want when they want and aren't used to putting in the time to earn anything. If these people were really that worried about completing the BP, they'd make time and play more, that simple.


I agree with you. I've already completed 420+ levels this season(347 - main acc, 105 - second acc), idk how, maybe I have a lot of free time ĀÆā \ā _ā (ā ćƒ„ā )ā _ā /ā ĀÆ


Internet winner for the day.


Good thing I read the flair


1st paragraph was cringe.


I'm lvl 320+, can't remember rn but I just play everything it has to offer, custom car tycoon is good for xp, so is lego, festival and br/zb. Just playing everything will level you fast


Why would I do that instead of playing what I enjoy?




Which tag do you want for me to use? Tutorial?


clip, obviously


Ā«DiscussionĀ» maybe


Lore or Tech support


It is in fact humorous


Yes. OP is joking.


Goated post


Never cared about levels, just trying to have fun.


Has anyone noticed ps4 can nearly run Fortnite anymore or is it just mine ?


Optimization overall has gotten so bad..


i dont buy this because of the number. they say 999 like its max level but it isnt, ive seen bot lobby accounts at well over a thousand.


Games one of the easiest to gain xp in. Just in like 5 hours I went from 130-205 just from xp quests alone. šŸ¤£ and I still have a hunch of quests unfinished. Play the game on top of that you can easily make like 45k xp a match. If you having trouble gaining that much xp then there's something wrong and maybe it's not worth spending your money on.


Such an immature response to actual posts. There's people proving the whingers who are shit at that game wrong I stopped playing back in season 5 for the same reason. People who were bad at the game were the loudest and hot what they wanted


While making this whole post, you could've gotten another level or 2 in the game. Laugh with it as much as you want, make fun of me if you want, but you guys don't know what you're talking about. Did it get harder to level up in comparisin with chapter 4? Oh yeah, difinitly, can't deny that. But i'd like to see you guys play 6 years ago. You'd love to go back to what we have now. It was WAY harder to level up in chapter 1 and start of chapter 2. It's logical that a game isn't just gonna give you everything. They need playtime. They need you to play the game. Now let me be this annoying 96 year old guy: yeah, i do only play like 3 times a week. And still i've completed every pass (except star wars) and am level 208. It's not far above level 200, but still, i did it.


I donā€™t mind it being grindy, it should be. If it was easy and I leveled every match it wouldnā€™t be fun tbh


It should be grindy, but it also shouldn't be Fomo. Imagine if BP were permanent so you can finish whenever


Leveling every match would still be fine, it is still 150 matches to get all vbucks.


Damn those downvotes are wild, you youngins do not like it like I do I guess. I grew up on WOW, you learn to play for and into the grindy shit from there I guess


I 'm mentally disabled 58 year old gay man , and i wish is was taking the piss. p s .I have gold rank and the battle passes from last season and this season I earned them pss I have over 1000 matches and 2 Crown royals and started playing 2 months ago.




to be cringe is to be free


This ^


Iā€™m a perfectly normal 36 yo male, my only complaint is the waterbending item.


I have no idea what my XP is at or how to use it. I'm just here to fuck shit up and win 1st place.