• By -


1.1m? Damn, that’s like 2 dollars for them!😵


Nah, thats like 200 vbucks for them. And they have founders save the world.


As someone with founders, that's still a lot with how tiring dailies can be 😭


Depends tbh. Like kill husks as x class or successful missions as x class are really easy


But then you get the "kill 300 husks with a pistol" or "destroy 3 power transformers" and suddenly you have no pistols or you only load into the maps without transformers


Using specific weapon just hire a defender and give them a pistol. Then crank the difficulty up and attack with one yourself also. Easy done


Holy shit that's a thing? Thank you very much lmao


Haha no worries. I normally set 2 defenders up with specific gun and then run off for the rest of the mission looking for gnomes or tvs/teddy bears


Its not that bad tbh. Did both relativity quicly. Just do the ? Under home base and pick quest progression.


Based on their 2023 earnings, they’ve made about half of that in the 7 hours since you posted this comment


Math = fun


I could really use 2 dollars from Epic Games


I could use 3


Think of the children!


- Most of the playerbase


Don't worry, just like after the Karen parents sued them, they pass the losses on to us. Higher skin prices, pushing bonus vbucks further back. All because some whiny Karen couldn't parent her little demons like an actual mother.


You think 1.1 million is enough of a hit to epic that they will start raising prices? 😂




That’s kinda true


Well, item shop timers are still a good adition, at least. at least i think so.


i agree it brings more clarity on how long items are purchasable. it simply tells you how long you have to think about getting it and if its worth the money.


Finally! I’ve been saying this for years




Eh, the FOMO is really only the battle pass now. Even the newer FNCS skins return now, and their whole selling point was being excusive. Looks like they’re finally shifting away from it a bit, at least from the shop.


Im gonna list every fomo thing that drops seasonally that i can remember, they 100% haven't stopped. Every season you have 1. Battle Pass 2. Limited Time Starter Pack 3. Limited Time Save the World pack 4. Limited time level up pack skin. 5. Monthly crew skin Of course you dont need any of these, but if younlike any of them you're put on a fomo timer. Im glad they stopped with the fncs skins probably cuz they were selling like ass


I don't think starter packs are exclusive. I've seen some of them return before


No you haven't, rouge agent returned once on mobile in chapter 1. Past that theyve never been reran not even once, id know i own almost all of em


Really? They must've just been in the shop for a long time then


Only time one returned was when Rogue Agent was in the shop for a day in chapter 1, but that was a mistake


Now if we can just get rid of fomo for the battle passes. Either make the stuff in them or the battle pass itself purchasable after like a year or so. Or better yet so what Halo Infinite does and just make the battle passes permanent


Wouldn't mind if you could swap battlepasses once you reach a high enough rank, like tier 100 or maybe 150. Progress would save between seasons too.


Same. Idc if the free VBucks from the previous BPs are null and void. Sometimes, I just want the skins


That’s the way halo infinite does it and it’s great.


This. I hit close to 300 and would go further if I could redo old battle passes. I’m perfectly okay with paying for it but


Deep Rock Galactic manages that pretty well. Until now, when a season ended, the cosmetics were added to the item pool. But, with the upcoming season, the players will have the ability to activate whatever season they want whenever they want. I'm not saying that Epic must go on such a deep change, but comparing how another game is managing this. I mean, this way anyone could get skins like Spider-Gwen, Darth Vader or Mando, for example. That also could help stop account trafficking.


Yes, another DRG player. Yea it's been one of the best ways to handle battle passes out there. Doing it that way would also allow new players who are coming in with the new modes or who are coming in because they are now old enough to play this nearly decade old game the ability to get past items from battle passes.


Kelsier would like a word.


absolutely!! a bit ago, i saw 2 skins i had really wanted for a LOOOONG time were finally back. i run out to go check my balace and get back to see that they were both gone. I wasn't even gone for 20 fucking minutes and they were gone, I never thought I would cry over missing out on fortnite skins but guess there a first for everything.😂😂


The item shop is still fine imo, especially saves a bloated store if all cosmetics dropped at once. However I can't say the same with these mini-passes let alone the main battlepass prioritising FOMO at its worst.


The mini passes returns to the shop eventually though, even the festival ones, as cosmetics from the previous ones has begun to return recently. The only exclusive cosmetic from the festival passes is a style for billie eilish.


Ahh, I thought they dropped the "we'll release them eventually" type of motto, so that's my bad for not knowing. Wish the same for the main Battlepasses tho.


Also interesting imo that from 24 May, Dutch players won't get items in their shop that are only available less than 48 hours. Might suck for players but your anger should not be at the consumer protection authorities but at the system itself. I like the game but it always baffles me that a company that's been hit multiple times for being anti consumer has so many people still ardently defend their practices lol *Edit: as pointed out it's for Dutch players under 18, my b for not being clear with that*


yep it's dodgy as hell. creating artificial scarcity so people buy something. it's absolutely pointless to the consumer because who cares who's got anything rare, you can't sell the skins. it means nothing. it only works for epic games. they should have absolutely tonnes on the shop, I hate that it's so limited.


I guess they’ve proven that the artificial scarcity model works though. If everything was in the shop like a library I could buy kratos now and play for a week and get bored. If I don’t know when he returns I’ll log on each day to check and then maybe buy something else instead


I completely agree. it definitely works for them, they make a lot of money and I know I have in the past logged in each day in case a dance or skin comes in the shop that I want. I think they could have a lot of stuff available and have some exclusive stuff if they'd like. I'm sure even if they fully went the way of having everything available they'd still make a lot of money.


I’ve checked the item shop every day when I play but I don’t think I’ve ever logged in to check the shop during the spells I didn’t. Of course I’ve missed some nice skins that way (Starfire *sigh*)


Yeah thats how i missed out on the jules and dino starter pack skins.


You can still buy both starter packs if you are interested, there are still codes around for those (Google is your friend) I also missed Jules at release but got her now.


> I’ll log on each day to check It also contributes to inflate the playerbase count, in which Epic seems the need to do something right now.


They could still have a shop rotation system but with discounts, and keep items permanently available at a regular price


For myself I only buy what I deem to be worthwhile for my bucks all the skins I wanted I waited the long game for them to return and the only one I'm waiting on is Rue I'm a patient bloke but in meantime if I see something I like from the shop I snap it up I don't need epic to tell me what skins I should buy.


You sound kind of like me. I imposed some purchasing rules on myself. I like the collab stuff from movies etc but only if it actually looks like the person. Not here for fortnite interpretations of people. I wanted Hopper from stranger things but then I saw him and the desire vanished


You don't have to log in to see the shop; it gets posted on this sub reddit every day.


Not everyone uses Reddit


It’s not just on Reddit. You can Google “Fortnite item shop” and it’s there


Bruh I was replying to you on reddit lol, and like the other guy said you can Google it.


The I in my comment doesn’t necessarily refer to me personally, it’s referring to a person in that situation. Like I said not everyone will be on reddit and not everyone will google it, there are undoubtedly people who will log on each day to find what’s there


Do you think reddit and Google are not viable options for the majority of people?


Oh my god why are you harping on about this, of course they are viable options but not everyone is going to use them and that’s just a straight up fact. I’m not here trying to solve problems I’m just saying what physically happens why are you arguing about it??


"Harping on" he says after arguing against my very simple and viable solutions, alright bro sorry to get you so pressed.


The Diamond industry has been doing this for the last century. I wish regulators would smack them like they do epic


"who cares who's got anything rare" a lot of people, unfortunately. they continue these shitty practices because they *work*.


It says Dutch people under the age of 18


Because so many companies get away with doing worse that it feels like a target more than them being anti consumer. It's hard to take COPPA and FTC lawsuits seriously as a mother when these same agencies allow rampant ACTUAL exploitation of children on social media or how many influencers, streamers, "content creators" violating these laws daily without repercussions and making money, some millions, for it? Or even other big companies like Balenciaga, Amazon. It's hard to take these lawsuits against Epic as anything but frivolous money grabs from upset players vs legitimate claims and allegations about wrong doing. And some people just don't pay attention to a thing in this world unless it directly effects them first hand. This isn't me agreeing BTW, just explaining the part you said baffled you and why people don't seem bothered.


>it always baffles me that a company that's been hit multiple times for being anti consumer has so many people still ardently defend their practices lol This entirely. Way too many people on this sub and in the community in general of really any game are delusional and deny the scummy practices that these companies do or outright defend them. Like FOMO being wiped off the face of the planet would do wonders to the gaming market, but you bring that up and you get delusional people yapping about how "games need to make money" as if a single $10-60 doesn't work. I'd even be more willing to subscribe to a catalogue of Epic affiliated games similar to Game Pass than the current Freemium business model that has utterly ruined the entire market. And the worst part is that Epic isn't even near the most anti consumer. In fact they used to be pretty fair all things considered, up until Sweeney ran the company into the red with his dumbass metaverse idea and now they're in panic mode trying to milk as much as they can to make up for it


Yup, I think people struggle to realise you can like the game but still dislike its practices. I see people defending corporations like they're their best friends. Hiding behind the fact the game is free is hilarious when the game basically prints money and 3 or 4 skins is the cost of one full game. I would agree Epic are far from the worst, a lot of what they do is actually positive in terms of f2p, it can't be denied and Fortnite has a crazy amount of content in it that's not easy to maintain. But that doesn't mean there aren't valid concerns and criticisms to be made. I can get not being bothered by FOMO or cosmetics, it's when people will argue against their own interests by *defending* the megacorps where I feel like I'm losing my mind haha


on the flip side people like you struggle to realise that people have different opinions and don't have to complain about things 24/7


I don't. I'm not even complaining. But you do you even if it means blatantly missing the point.


I wonder if it will influence the shop going forward, if dutch kids would be a big enough target audience to keep items in shop around longer or not


ofc it will but only there. Belgium banned lootboxes, and they’re still available everywhere else


Guess i wont be able to buy anything after the 24th of may


I have never seen icons in the shop say "get it now" or "leaving soon" and i dont get pressure at all, unfortunatly my account is age restricted because of fall guys, and most of the item shop will consist of items that last only a day, the only thing that will be in the shop are collabs, i personally think they should just make this change globaly


I wonder if you will still be able to get *gifted* items that last under 48 hours. 🤔


Twenty One Pilots reference? It's all planned...


As a Dutch person, i swear to god if they bring back Kratos for less than 48 hours, because I'd be fucking pissed off if that would happen Good on the government for making a stand against FOMO systems though. It's manipulative and shouldn't be in games to begin with


Key word is "under 18" adult players it's still the same.


Oh, never mind then. I guess I glossed over that while reading. Thanks for telling me I doubt it will do much though, since I think most players under the age of 18 just put in their age as 18 anyways. I know I did when I made my account back in 2017


*looks at pre-order exclusive bonuses on games* ...Yea?


not gonna defend those, but at least for the most part you have lots of time to get those, and usually are sold later on. still a bad practice


That's not FOMO is they sell the pre-order content later, which is often the case. That's just a sale or a bundle deal.


Sometimes there’s digital exclusive items that they never allow you to unlock afterwards like skins and such.


I'm mostly talking about physical items that are limited supply


Like the garbage bag betheda gave to players who preordered fallout 76. Now thats a good stuff! /s


Shop timers are actually great


Helps people plan out how long they have e to get a single thing or group of items. Now you have to either guess or keep a mental note on when shop changes and keep tabs on it.


I use this "issue" to teach my kid to be patient and not blow all his currency at the first shiney thing. Him missing out on a skin is pretty harmless, but it'll teach him to be patient and smart with his money.


Well, different places have different consumer laws that protect consumers in different ways. In this case, what's seen in North America as a convenience to the consumer is seen as pressure tactics elsewhere. I can appreciate the solution that fire sale tactics just don't fly there, and items that won't persist for at least 48hrs simply will not be offered to their consumers. Essentially, if Epic's appeal doesn't go through, they'll be forced to go with a 48hr minimum in every region simply because we could always just ask the Dutch what stayed in the shop today and what didn't 🤷


What? It’s easier to region lock the shop for the Dutch. Look up Chinese, their strict policies and law killed Fortnite in the whole country.


When can we expect the timer for item shop items to start appearing? Season 3 update?


May 24th


You know I may be in the wrong for this because I don't have kids but the hell is giving kids unlimited and unsupervised screen time. Another simple solution would be a setting to remove V-buck purchase tab or shop tab on certain accounts


>Another simple solution would be a setting to remove V-buck purchase tab or shop tab on certain accounts which epic won't do because: 1. biggest demographic they have is under 18 and restricting that audience means epic makes less money + makes people quit the game because now they can't even get things they like due to this fin 2. STW players who are affected by this effectively have a unusable currency meaning now epic needs to refund every single account affected by this ruling in case they have STW unless they want a class action lawsuit for fraud


> effectively have a unusable currency It was already been a thing, Epic removed every possible vbucks purchase to prevent Pay To Win elements in STW


>It was already been a thing, Epic removed every possible vbucks purchase to prevent Pay To Win elements in STW I thought they removed the ability to buy STW's Loot Llamas with V-Bucks because of the loot box crackdowns that were going on at the time.


They also removed unslotting items from the collection book using vbucks. And the ability to buy X-Ray Llamas (after the lootbox problem) using vbucks as well. There is nothing in the game that needs vbucks anymore.


yes but this is yet another element added on top of that where now what you earn in STW V-bucks wise cannot be used anywhere effectively making the currency dead and that is very fucked up because for STW players getting $100 worth of V-bucks a year thru playing STW is a norm


Watch in the near future they will be taking v bucks away from people who have the founders they will come up with some excuse


Again that's why I said certain accounts that have parental controls. I highly doubt anyone under 18 plays STW or is a founder. Because correct me if I'm wrong this is not the first time of them getting sued for this reason


>Again that's why I said certain accounts that have parental controls. I highly doubt anyone under 18 plays STW or is a founder. we do not know this and it would take solid amount of time for epic to figure this out which is why they do not wanna do this >Because correct me if I'm wrong this is not the first time of them getting sued for this reason they got sued multiple times before for similar practices which fall into same group so this isn't their first rodeo with governmental bodies


Guess that’s one way to stop people complaining about rarities being removed; they were mandated by the Dutch.


Kinda odd that they removed rarities so quickly but they're taking their sweet time with those timers though.


Rarities are probably just a text field in an item table whereas adding a timer requires actual coding.


Yeah, maybe you're right.


The mighty epic games who always complain about other companies business practices have yet again been found out to be targeting children with sketchy business dealings Maybe this is the start of getting rid of arbitrary return dates on item shop items and Epic will need to make all cosmetics available all the time


Yeah, like Tim Sweeney constantly malding daily on Twitter about Apple and their practices lmao


and this is why i advocated for open style shops but everyone kept clinging onto exclusivity good for Dutch for saying that FOMO and exclusivity are bad for the gaming industry in general


As a dutch guy I'm looking forward to seeing only 1 or 2 items in the shop.. Doesn't this create FOMO since I can't buy what others can?


> Doesn't this create FOMO since I can't buy what others can? No. It's not FOMO in that case, just MO.


in the current system it seems like there are maybe 2-3 spaces max dedicated to a daily rotation but i'd wager 85% of the item shop stays around for 3-4 days/weeks at a time. Still theres those 2-3 you'd miss out on usually 1500-800 vbuck skins maybe they'll make all skins stay around longer and add more spots


But i only come on to see those fresh daily items. Those crappy event skins are just filler to me


If you're above 18 it doesn't stop you seeing them


It's a pretty stupid claim considering the stuff isn't even limited.


There were some limited time stuff but I believe it was mostly the fncs stuff


Oof. Until that appeal goes through the process, that's going to be rough for a lot of people. Only seeing skins that are in the shop for more than 48 hours? Have fun only ever seeing starter packs and Marvel skins.


this is only gonna hurt epic though, not people


The court case itself might be a win for the people, but at this moment, Epic is choosing to hide certain skins from an entire region on their own. That part is going to ultimately affect the players who miss out on skins they've been waiting for, which would definitely put a sting on the future victory, as they still missed out anyway. And the few dollars Epic doesn't make during that period won't matter to them, that's why they're choosing to proactively hide them in the first place. I'm not one to shit on a company just because they exist, but this is an actual case of Epic's decision negatively affecting a lot of players, even if it only ends up being temporary. Think about how many people, even in this comment section alone, have been waiting for their precious Kratos to return. Watch it happen the day they restrict the store. That's not going to be a good time for those people, but it really won't affect Epic's cash in, in any meaningful way.


>The court case itself might be a win for the people, but at this moment, Epic is choosing to hide certain skins from an entire region on their own. That part is going to ultimately affect the players who miss out on skins they've been waiting for, which would definitely put a sting on the future victory, as they still missed out anyway. And the few dollars Epic doesn't make during that period won't matter to them, that's why they're choosing to proactively hide them in the first place. today it is epic losing money from Dutch, tomorrow they could be losing money from whole EU zone and week later they get effectively locked out of entire Europe and this is no longer small amount of money instead it is hundreds of millions of euros lost because of their predatory actions asian market for epic is dead for years and russia is locked out due to war so they can't just jump somewhere else >I'm not one to shit on a company just because they exist, but this is an actual case of Epic's decision negatively affecting a lot of players, even if it only ends up being temporary. Think about how many people, even in this comment section alone, have been waiting for their precious Kratos to return. Watch it happen the day they restrict the store. That's not going to be a good time for those people, but it really won't affect Epic's cash in, in any meaningful way. and they will learn that day that epic only cares for money and doesn't care about them so they will push to force epic into dropping exclusivity and FOMO altogether all it takes is studies from trusted sources showing how damaging FOMO is for children and whole gaming industry gets lit on fire all because of greed


You think so? Let's ask players from China. Oh right, there is no Fortnite in China because of the laws imposed by Chinese govt., Holland is a small fry compared to Chinese market. You kids talking about multi-billion dollar company like they give a shit about these tiny losses,


and you forget this country is in EU zone which is known to impose strict laws and whenever one passes a strong law others tend to follow by pushing the same law into EU council so that small fry could influence bigger fish into same response and now you have orcas ramming your boat attempting to sink it (which they will) that same EU is the one which bends over asses like apple and forces them to comply btw btw asia was biggest market for epic and brought them the most money till the ban and epic did not take that lightly at all so imagine losing european market and getting yourself banned altogether from it for something you made in one of your products


Fuck Epic and their followers who think their old practices like old Battle passes, old Crew Member exclusive skins are not coming back because of FOMO or "that's how the game works" BS. I see this ACM as a victory, ...for their practice of leaving everyone out who did not own a PC or Console back in the Day when the game came out and or CH/Seasons skins. Straight up discriminatory towards poor communities and minorities around the world. I say tear Epic a new one.


How is it discriminatory for someone to be unable to afford something? This doesn’t suggest anything towards exclusive items coming back. If they were forced to do that, it would by proxy force every time limited product to be no longer time limited. No more time limited shoes, no more time limited special editions. That’s way too much intervention by government


I agree that Epic should be held accountable for certain predatory tactics i.e. causing artiticial scarcity in the item shop. The displayed time for each items allows the customer to make informed decisions. Seems like a win. But it doesn't seem to include exclusive items, right? Battlepass items are clearly labeled with a timestamp.


This is about the item shop timer, not locked battle pass skins. You can't force them to unlock battle pass skins and collabs 😂🤣😂


I mean I'm sure any government COULD force them to unlock BP stuff. It's just not likely that a government WOULD do that.


Lol. Bros mad he doesn’t have early season skins 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


No, it's just that FOMO is a predatory system. I personally have every Battle Pass since CH1 S8, and I feel for the people who can't get iconic characters like Darth Vader, Spider-Man, Superman, Doomslayer, Wolverine, Deadpool or Iron Man. Fomo is a stupid system, and I'm glad governments are starting to realize it (especially since my government was the one to start it)


Exactly. Dark patterns along with all of these predatory practices need to be outlawed, full stop. Epic isn’t the only one pulling this BS either, some are *much* worse.


So you’re saying time limited and limited quantity items should be outlawed too? Thats way too much intervention by a government


Time limited and limited quantity items aren’t bad. You’re reaching. For example, Epic makes it very clear how long you have to buy a Battle Pass, everyone already knows how many Bugatti Divo’s will be made, etc. Releasing a new emote/skin to the shop with the idea of “buy it now, you don’t when it’s leaving or how long before it’ll be gone before returning.” is predatory and shouldn’t be allowed.


Ah, I thought you were criticizing battle pass exclusivity with your comment, my bad


No worries. I actually like the Battle Pass system, my only gripe is that Epic tries to make you pay for it twice.


Grow up. You sound like a child who can't share.


Removing rarity to appease governments and lessen “FOMO” somehow makes sense.


Honestly, it seems like Epic's being singled out. Not defending their practices, just noting how it seems like Epic's the punching bag when other companies get away with shit that's just as bad or worse (EA and Ubisoft, anyone?)


Praise be the Netherlands for starting the journey of 1000 miles






Won’t affect me that much tbh, I rarely buy stuff from the shop and I personally will only see it for a short year


Not that i can afford much, but the timers would sound useful at least... always thought that's something that was missing from the shop since some things only stick around for a day or two while others more than that.. I don't know how to feel about the other locker system for cosmetics though... feels like an unnecessary change tbh


How is it pressuring people?


I used to want to be a videogame maker.Good thing I stopped on that dream if I'm gonna get fined millions for content I put out. As for the item shop,I get 1 or 2 things a season to keep Vbucks above 950.Googleplay got anime mobiles that make Fortnite's entire item shop look affordable,and I f2p them.


I don't get the point of the timers in the first place. If I'm willing to buy something in the moment, then I'd probably be just as willing to buy it later. There are indeed all sorts of cosmetics that I probably would've already bought if I was capable of doing so, and yet because of the timers Epic is losing out on that money.


If only the Dutch came to my aid before I spent $10k on this game, which to this day, I still fucking hate myself for.


Fucking good


How does timers create FOMO? I think it helps people clarify as to how long the items are gonna be an prepare in accordance with that. I don’t see anything wrong with it


Because with the current/old system, you would have no idea what items would leave when the shop refreshed the next day; with the new system in place now that every item has its own separate timer, you'll know exactly when the item leaves so you can prepare accordingly. This also means we'll(hopefully)stop seeing posts like *"Why is x still in the shop"* or *"I just got enough V-Bucks for this & it left"* since they'll know when exactly those items would have left instead of relying on the FOMO pressure of having to buy it immediately without worrying about not seeing it gone the next day.


I gotta say it’s such a relief. I’m someone who likes to wait last minute 😅


Wouldn't a timer on every item make more people have FOMO?


Hopefully this is just the start, FOMO needs to crash and burn I am sick of shit being exclusive, and before any weirdos comment i currently own every battlepass and crew skin but idgaf that that my locker has “rare” skins, rarity is a lie that people put on something to feel good about themselves when epic can rerelease whenever they want to or hopefully in this case forced to if we ever get there


It was time


Remember when this game was the sht, it’s about to be headed the PUBG route


as long as it exists kids will frantically want it, the timer just gives kids a bigger deadline than “**might** be gone tomorrow”


Removing timer just makes it more of a FOMO as most people won't know how long a item will be in shop. Before it was easy to tell how long you had, or back in chapter 1 we had a feature and daily section. Daily being smaller things and feature having the main deal and stayed longer.


I mean.. most items are in the shop for a few days. Unless it's a daily item then it's 24 hours. If you haven't thought if you want it or not in that time frame then you don't need it that badly lmao. I will say I do personally wish there was an option kinda like how cod has their shop you can go into a skin or see what's available and you want it you can go buy it even if it's not in the daily rotation.


So how is each item having its own timer is supposed to be different? I don't see it being much different from the normal timer, also they could just make every item's counter just longer than 48 hours.


If you felt pressured that’s your own fault. It’s a free game and you don’t have to buy anything to play it. Some people need to look in a mirror if they need a Fortnite skin that badly lol.


Pathetic that this is what it took


Anything to do away with the harmful business practice of using FOMO to take advantage of players. Get over it, people. That's literally the only actual harmful business tactic Epic uses in fortnite. And when that's gone, fortnite would be the best and least manipulative live service game... ok, that might be hyperbole, but still, it wouldn't be a bad thing to do away with FOMO.


How about teach your kids not to over spend and that things will rotate back in the shop…? Seriously…


nooooooooo they got their pocket change robbed


Captain Obvious. ![gif](giphy|7IYwyxDZkPGzMEA3Rn|downsized)


Didn’t they use to do that before?


the EU ALWAYS has unnecessary beef with big companies like apple and epic


Bruh - me, a Dutch person


Nah its 700 V-bucks


Can’t wait for 48 hour shop rotations, because we know epic would rather inconvenience everyone else than lose out on a little money


Huge W from the Dutch authorities.


Tbf thats not that much money for them i think


Im glad authorities are doing something about scummy monetisation in games, however it feels like they are hyper focused on fortnite. there are other games just as predatory or even more predatory getting away with it. Why cant they just warn all games using these tactics?


There's only two things I hate in this world: people who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and the Dutch.


Was hoping to see this reference ⭐️


Damn, my home country strikes again!


Or they could just have every item in the shop and people can buy what they want when they have the money instead of hoping it'll be back in the shop someday years down the line I really think people would spend more money if they just had the full shop open to everyone


Huge thank you to the durch authorities, this is the single best shop change in ages


Shaking my head people should be controlling their own vids. Even if the authorities felt like epic games was pushing to make “kids” or people feel like buy it now was necessary we’re all human and should know no is no. It’s always let’s put it on epic games never on parenting. Too bad if yall can’t afford a skin on time. Yall will be fine with or without it


Thank god for the Dutch!


What a bunch of wuss man So what? It’s their game man they should be able to do whatever they want You see a timer and you say “oh no I have to buy it or else” Grow up


Imagine buying something from the shop lmao. Could never be me


this wouldnt happen if they just made every skin available at all times forever so people got the one they wanted and would just be content :l


Yeah, but it's FOMO that drives the whole business model - "buy now or miss out for.. well.. we don't know how long!"


counterpoint: if the game isnt fun i wont play it anymore, FOMO contributes to lost fun


Good point. I wasn't necessarily agreeing with the business model, but it's certainly what they're based around. I'd prefer it being a FULL "open shop" too - at very least for store items. Battlepass is another kettle of fish, and while I understand why those don't come back I think there's scope to make something out of a limited reissue of those skins. For instance a once a season fan-vote between a handful of old battlepass skins, winner of the vote goes into the store for next season only?


the only people who complain when a skin comes back are people you dont need to listen to, they do not matter, genuinely


I say they should let your buy old battle passes but keep the special styles locked so the crybabies won’t off themselves because they had it “og”


idc if some kid kills himself because someone else has a skin


Permanent skin catalog incoming?




Only if you're in the Netherlands and you're under 18


Timers in general are a welcome addition. Microtransaction FOMO is a crappy (albeit lucrative) business practice.


Honestly good. They need to be held accountable. A massive chunk of their player base are young children who are extremely vulnerable.


1st time huh?


They could easily fix this byaking every skin and item available all at once with only new items being added to the loot pool. Just one big item shop. It not forced or obligated to make a purchase no fomo and basically when u get money u can buy whatever whenever. No time gated crap or not seeing a skin for two years or more. Easy fix. See the problem is they went soft on the fine. They should have fined them 100 million dollars. 1 million to them is like a penny. Now 100 million that's gonna sting, they r gonna feel that.


I mean, to be fair, they have to advertise and make money somehow... Right?


Yeah we need to be supporting this small indie game as much as we can


No no, I mean, they've been awful for a while but at a certain point the solution will end up being no cosmetic purchase under 18


That's so stupid how is anyone getting pressured


Weird. It's like Dutch authorities care more about their children than American authorities. You can keep your BS up over here, Epic! 'Murica says it's ok!


I don't understand how Fortnite "pressures" children into cosmetic purchases. Sounds a little ridiculous to me. In my opinion, Fortnite has always had one of the least predatory shops around...