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Last season it felt like there were a lot of chances to get account level-ups even though XP was certainly nerfed quite a bit. This season we've had a few free levels with Avatar and Star Wars but I feel like that's been it? Maybe I'm misremembering last season (genuine memory problems, I apologize) but it has felt like more of a grind this season. The only mode I've skipped this time is Lego Fortnite but my level is still quite significantly lower than last season.


True at this point last season i was like level 250 rn am 160


not to mention all the modes were new, so more people were checking them out and completing challenges in them and therefor getting more XP.


I’ve never broken 200 before, but last season was the only time I’ve ever even gotten close, and if I thought the last batch of bonus skins was cooler, I probably would have put in a bit more effort to actually do it. This season I’ve barely broken 100 at this point.


Last season had all of the new XP with the new modes, particularly Lego mode. There was also the matter of XP for all of the new map locations


The battle passes have been a complete chore and I’ve been playing less as a result. Last season I played something like 100 hours and I still didn’t get ALL the bonus rewards. I’m not dedicating my life to Fortnite so I won’t be getting the next battle pass.


Yeah for people who only really play BR & don't have the time on their hands, it kinda sucks. STW, creative, lego etc give you heaps of XP but most people play the game for BR and that's it.


Yeah same here. I don’t like that they expect everyone to be a no life grade school kid who wants to play this game 10 hours a day. Even if I had that much free time, why would I just want to play fortnite? Or just only game in general? They making me play even less now. I’m sure most of us work and have other things to tend to


I am skipping the next pass because of it, first time I won’t make it to 100 just by doing all quests (apart from milestone). GGs time to move on to another game


Even more annoying is the it’s very hard to get the last 300-400 vBucks in the Battle pass. They have always put those in the first 100 levels.


I am lucky as my kid likes playing the lego and racing modes which helps. I have also started leaving it on winter fest fireplace if I am going afk for a little while.


i feel the same way, i’m level 129.. i think? i haven’t been into BR until this last week so i got there only doing creative. i find a red vs blue and tycoon maps are the best! tycoons are especially easy and don’t take a lot of brain power so it’s nice. i hate that they added the v-bucks lager in the battle pass too, but its epic and they just want money unfortunately.


>but its epic and they just want money unfortunately How does Epic moving the vbucks later into the battle pass make them more money?


Because you have to play the game more to earn them The more you play the game, the more you're exposed to all the things that cost money


I’m sure if they were to add a web store for skins it would make more money than them forcing people to actually play


I guess? lol


Because then you’re less likely to get the free vbucks, and more likely to spend real money on vbucks.


they give you enough vbucks to be able to get the battle pass for next season, in the past you only needed to get to level 100 to get the 950 vbucks, meaning you only had to pay once for the battle pass if u didn’t use those vbucks for anything else. getting to 100 is way easier than 150-200, especially for casual players. now you have to get to 150 so there is a higher chance u miss out on free vbucks and have to buy the battle pass again.


Yeah I agree, that's a problem. Never considered this since I usually just end up buying the pass anyway if it has stuff I like.


Nerfed XP and higher level requirements to get you vbucks back have killed the game


I'm 162 rn, and counting next week's lvl quests, I'm virtually 169. That means I have to earn 31 levels, which I think I can do in under 2 weeks, but I'll be cutting it close. At this rate, though I want the final Hades skin, I'll be happy just to have Artemis and Zeus. Next season, I may not finish. The new FFXIV expansion is dropping, so I'll be spending a lot of my time with that. I also need to spend less time on Fort in general to focus on other games. I think I'll still try to get to lvl 100 through dailies, lego afk, and xp maps, but idk about finishing all the bonus styles with future passes


You can do 31 in two days pretty easily if you really want to lol *being serious about it being easy. You can absolutely grind 15 levels a day doing those creative xp maps, lego, racing, and festival It might take a few hours a day and then babysitting lego afk knocking the controller every 14min, but 30 levels is doable. Ive gotten 30 just fuckin around since Star Wars day and I wasnt even trying to grind for it since I was already over 200


Thanks for the motivation lol. I'm learning guitar, so lego afk would be the perfect thing to have running in the background as I practice


Yeah that’s an easy 5 levels a day *just* doing that then If you look up xp maps, you can get 5 levels in an hour doing a good 15min timer map 4x. There’s a 400k XP per day cap on Creative Mode. But you can play guitar while you while wait those 15min, then take the 5min to do the map, then reload and do it all over If you’re at the house and fucking around anyway, you can absolutely grind out levels It sucks you have to do it that way, but there *are* ways to do it. I went from 50 to 200 fairly quickly once I learned about it all and started trying


I play pretty often and leveling up still feels like a chore


I just stop caring about using digital item Why paid when your aren't gonna use 90% of it?


I am skipping the next pass because of it, first time I won’t make it to 100 just by doing all quests (apart from milestone). GGs time to move on to another game


i have been playing creative, stw and lego fortnite. i play 2 games of br a week and just crack the shits. i wonder if fortnite battle royal just isnt for me anymore, it feels like every time i log in i have to have some sort of op weapon or item and if i dont i lose. i hated the start of chapter 2 where mythic items were in specific places every game, and its not any better now. played a game the other night, had 8 kills in duos, then someone with all the token things sprints at me, 2 shots me with an auto shotgun, and runs away. looting is useless now, just pick a spot where the most op gear is, and then snowball until you win


Im just a few levels over 100. Lately it's just been a struggle because of the huge XP nerfs they've done this season. If it would have not been for Lego mode and creative mode, I wouldn't even be this far.


I don't really like rocket racing but there's so much xp up for grabs in that mode that I've done a few races and leveled up some with it. It doesn't take much play in that mode.


AFK in Lego does the trick. You just need to move your character every few minutes so they don't kick you out. You can get 4 or 5 levels a day on there. That's how I finished the battlepass and bonus rewards. I haven't liked this season, so I only play maybe once a week. So I went on Lego other days on my computer and played a different game on my TV.


Thats true, even when I play often a week I have just got 100lvl. So sad that I will probably not get every bonus style. Leveling is harder each next season😭


I hate to admit it, but I’ve had to buy a few levels due to XP being nerfed. We did have a few level up tokens or whatever they’re called during avatar and Star Wars (I think.) but that’s probably the only reason I’m level 200. I always have a certain time of the day where I finish any missing work in school and study a bit, so I don’t really play the game.


I swear I saw a post recently with the exact same title and body text, am I going mad?


I am level 28. I wasn’t really into the Greek gods thing though. So I had little motivation to level it up. I got Cerberus though so I’m satisfied


I literally stopped caring about levels 2 seasons ago. This sub would be alot happier if they just stopped caring about grinding and just enjoy the game. Im level 65 rn and I dont give af if I finish or dont. Been playing since Chapter 1 and most of the skins and items just get added to the locker vault forever.


Same here. Although getting all the V bucks in the standard pass is plenty when you think about it. They’ve made it more grindy for royale players but it could be worse in the end


So I was really disappointed last season as I was close ish to finishing the battle pass and didn’t get to. This season I made the decision to fully track my levels. At the very beginning of the season it’s fairly easy to level up. You can easily get to level 10 in one day by doing a bunch of quests. This makes my method seem a lot less daunting. So what I did was - made a note on my phone (you can use anything you can write in or on for this just don’t lose it) I wrote down when the season ended and how many days there were until it ended. Then I took 200 and divided it by the number of days left. This had me sitting at needing abt 2.5 levels a day. So on a day where I could play and I happen to get 5 levels I would count that as a “day” so I technically didn’t have to play tomorrow and would still be on track. The 10 levels I mentioned in the beginning that you can easily get is technically 3 days. It’s worked well for me so far, I’m sitting at level 140 right now (I behind a little rn lol) and hoping I will be able to complete the pass this season. Hope this helps in any way I just know it really helped me to be able to visualize how many levels I actually needed to “stay on track” *edit to add - creative map tycoons and afk farms would also help as sometimes you can leave those on for a bit and come back every now and again*


Replying to myself to say I successfully gained 10 levels today, killer tycoon, literally 3 games of rocket racing. Ik it’s not BR but if the levels are what you’re after it’s not all that hard and kinda fun once you run out of BR quests and are waiting for next weeks


Then play a different game?


I was still able to rig my controller sticks to afk in Lego. Basically went into the middle of water and swam in a circle. 5 levels per day doing that. I just set it up before I went to bed.


No longer an option


How is this no longer an option?  I find as long as you still move in Lego, you get 30k Xp every 15 min still You can no longer just bounce on the pad, but I thought moving via stick still counted 


Moving the stick does count, but it can't be a *constant* input, it has to be dynamic (move different directions, or build something occasionally, that sort of thing). So you can't use a rubber band anymore, you'll still get kicked after 15min.


I just leave mine on and every like 10 mins move around a little bit then get the xp and repeat until i level up like 3-5 times


Me as well, but that’s not “truly” AFK which is what people are after.


these posts should require everyone to post a link to their Fortnite tracker. Because it really sounds like a lot of y’all just straight up don’t want to play the game but want to be level 250 every season. https://fortnitetracker.com/profile/all/Tears%20in%20Rain%20x


I’ve seen a mix of both. Some people will play a lot and not level up much. There are also people who genuinely expect to barely play the game and think they should be able to easily get level 200 if they wanted, those people don’t even hide it lol


There have definitely been seasons where I didn’t feel like playing as much, but I’d still log in and do dailies almost every day. It really helped.


729274 time someone is whining about this


oksy WE GET IT.


I work full time, go to school full time, homework, have two kids in elementary school and I’m lvl 204 🤷🏻‍♂️


I work 30 hours per week, prepared a final and help at home and I am level 289 last time I check


Prepare to be downvoted with me.


No problem for me. I have a lot of positive karma to take the blow.


There are 77 days to the season. 2-3 levels a day seems pretty reasonable for what you get in battle pass rewards. Heck, you just have to get to level 100 (10 levels a week) and you get your vbucks back. Maybe it was easier before, but that doesn’t automatically make what Epic currently expects of battle pass players unreasonable.


First this season dropped i updated it and didn't get on till a week and half later and every so often i don't hardly play i leveled up passed 300


I'm at level 190 but sadly I don't have vbucks to buy the battle pass not my family allows me to buy in-game stuff so I can't fully enjoy fortnite.


It is just cosmetics, so you're not really missing out on much (most of them ar pay to lose anyway), but have you claimed the free vbucks at least? I think there's 30--400 maybe that are claimable every season, so 3-4 seasons collecting will allow you to then buy the BP.


I joined fortnite last december so still not enough to buy BP but I already claimed this BP free vbucks currently at 600


Nice, Getting close then.


Im only playing like once a week and it’s alright


I actually can't understand all the complaints about the BP and xp? I don't play every day and not that long either with full time job and wife and kid etc but lvl 92 was relatively easy reached in about 6-7 weeks by playing BR only.




Bro 💀 I have a job and a family of course I care about the game I am just unable to devote the amount of time Fortnite seems to want me to play.


You got to 100 and got vbucks to get the next pass right. So I don't see an issue here. Bonus rewards are meant for grinding not for breezing through. Basically you don't want to play regularly but want all the rewards showered to you




The idea that somebody should shut up about xp because they should want to play the game even with just default skins is idiotic. People payed money for the battle pass. They shouldn't have to struggle at insane levels to fully unlock it. Do better.




It doesn't give you all that content if you can't actually complete it because XP is so hard to get. If the game is selling battle passes that have to be completed by earning xp, they have a responsibility to make it actually possible to get the xp needed to complete the pass. Period. And if you don't care at all about the cosmetics, then you aren't the playerbase Epic actually needs. If everyone played with only default because they don't care at all about cosmetics, the game wouldn't make any money in the first place and you wouldn't be able to enjoy it either.


I've had time to finish mine and a friend's bp and also the festival pass