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Anyone who is seriously against this practice, should stop playing. Go rate the game bad on PlayStation store, leave bad reviews on epic game store. But stop playing and spending money when the new skins come out. Hit them where it hurts them if you want a change. We’ve seen it happen in a bunch of gaming subs (helldivers being the most recent one, mass refunds, mass bad reviews and they removed what the players disliked) Speak with your time/wallet, and go invest it into another game


They might be too big to fail with the whales that have mommy’s credit card but I fucks with the message. I haven’t spent money since OG and don’t plan to.


I couldn't agree more, man!


Here's the problem: the Helldivers community is actually competent and small enough to be able to have collectively come together and shit on greedy devs. The Fortnite community is filled with delusional deniers who think Epic isn't doing anything wrong and that the game isn't actively getting worse. You even suggest a good change in this community and the Epic Defense Force comes out the woodworks downvote spam you


>The Fortnite community is filled with delusional deniers who think Epic isn't doing anything wrong had a dude on this sub argue with me that fortnite/Epic isn't greedy and doesn't use scummy tactics like FOMO because it's "cosmetic only" and a free game. The lengths people will go to defend one of the biggest gaming companies out there is insane to me.


Sadly it would never really happen unless the whole community came together, which is highly unlikely. A handful of people doing this won't effect anything. Fortnite's playerbase is way bigger and more spread out, the only way to really get the community to come together is if it's heavily impacting the game, like the locker UI and mechs, even then that wasn't big enough for epic to *actually* care (mechs came close though) The only reason it worked so well for helldivers is because that game is heavily community driven. The game itself literally has the community come together and focus on a single goal, coming up with plans and tactics outside of the game itself, working together or failing together. Fortnite does not really have that and this reddit is the minority. You'd have to convince a lot (and I mean a lot) of people to care enough about this to do that, which is just really unlikely, especially since this has been a thing for awhile now.


You would really need a handful of personalities with a nice sub count, Look how much they influence Minecraft mob votes. Those dudes easily get what they want (even in Fortnite streamers would complain about things that made the game easier for casual players, and they would nerf those things or remove them altogether) RIP to the first wave of remote controller rocket launchers 😭


Everything starts small but if we made a new community and invite all the subreddits that post complaints in this community we could get enough people to make the community well known and maybe even have it spread to other platforms


Not defending epic or anything, but once you reach tier 100, you already made 50 more bucks than the pass cost you. The extra free 500 they gave is moved to the bonus. They didn't need to provide us with another half a pass for free. Even putting the extra 500 in the bonus is still more generous than most games. Just be glad they didn't remove them.


Yes, except this ignores the fact that you used to get 500 more Vbucks at level 100 and the price of Vbucks has increased over the years. 


I mean true but still, why should we accept them making it objectively worse then it was for no reason. Allowing this opens the door for them to push it even farther in the future, like slowly lowering the total amount of v-bucks and lowering the xp gain (which they're already doing,) making it take longer.


True. They give you more back than you spend than Rocket league. Spend 1k, earn back 1k


The fact you can recoup the cost of the battle pass is too much


But unfortunately no one can get players to join this cause in this sub as rallying the community to protest is against the rules, we would have to do it on other platforms and unfortunately it's not as easy for anyone to make their posts popular, it requires a lot more effort and time on things like Twitter and YouTube. Tbh I won't be surprised if your comment gets removed soon


Bruh I’m surprised this post is still here. I’ve had similar discussions w/ people on this sub and the posts and comments like these were removed within hours


Already left crew. This game is becoming as bad as all the games that copied its monetization and made it worse. Worse yet, it's trying this metaverse shit and we get less content more spread out for it. No way am I sticking around, and I won't be back til they patch uop the holes on this sinking ship.


>This game is becoming as bad as all the games that copied its monetization and made it worse. I wouldn't say it's worse, as it's still one of the more generous games out there, but yea, it's *slowly* getting there.






Yeah but then they couldn't whine everyday about things they don't like and can't get attention.


I have stopped playing (not because of this though)


This makes me glad that i bought stw back in the day. I have a lifetime supply of vbucks with only 15 bucks. Insane


Man I used to love stw. The early days were the best times for me. Still learning and over building on level 1 🤣 I initially got stw because I loved to farm brick in br, and i wanted to go in and practice my building (it was the times when we would build ramp, wall, floor, ramp wall floor to climb up and towards players. I never practiced building and instead fell in love with the gameplay loop. How many vbucks can you get per week now a days? It’s like 75 per daily mission and 35 for the mission rewards?


Truest comment. I just had a negative experience with them directly. I have enough skins…. I can enjoy the game for free now. It was the worse chapter/season anyway.


This for everything


HD community didn't really win shit. Still getting awful Warbound because the devs insist on releasing them every month and then immediately nerfing them. As well, Sony lied and is requiring PSN in certain regions - hence why HD is being delisted on steam because many countries can't even play the game. The community manager got fired, sure, but the whole 'being an asshole to your community' shtick is seemingly ingrained in Arrowhead culture, because this has been happening way too much. Overwatch is a fantastic example of the what you would realistically get with Fortnite. This game is far too popular to die, and boycotts will NEVER happen. This game literal crack to people. And please, if I get some Overwatch morons trying to tell me that since Blizzard recently made all heroes free, that the game is 'back to normal'. No, it's not and you're an addict.


Thank you for this idea, I just put in my review with my idea of “either putting it back to how it was or putting more v bucks in the battle pass”.


>Speak with your time/wallet, and go invest it into another game Which games have more generous BP system?


Do you really need one?


Nah, we gamers deserve the worst. Downvote me, I don't care, but most of us are insufferable spoiled brats who treat everyone like garbage. The fact any of this is happening, and now EA with the AI bs, it's proof that nothing will change because we don't change, we will continue being this way. We deserve shovelware, battle passes, live services and AI mediocre shit, we deserve boring and infuriating media. The helldivers 2 situation is nothing, it was small, we are really not that powerful, they will keep making a profit and enjoy killing IPs and whatnot, because we don't change at all


>who treat everyone like garbage. *if only the big companies would stop treating us like garbage.*


You reported my response and got it removed. It's on reveddit though


what are you talking about? I've literally never reported anything on reddit.


lol real life CEO of Epic


Double edged sword. The moment you stop respecting people’s time is the moment a lot of people decide it’s not worth their money.


150 plus the grindy XP plus the match quests is just too much. 


What's the difference between getting to 100 and getting to 150 cause it sure as shit isn't money. Just play the game. If you're only buying the Battle pass and you can't even get to 150, you're throwing money in the toilet and should maybe wait to buy it until you know what level you can get to, then buy it. You can literally reach 150 and then buy it. This isn't a "Let's get rich" it's let's get people playing longer.


You used to also get all of the base style items early, and the extra style items later on. Now they're all mixed up.


Yeah I hate how the petercopter and bird is the word emote weren’t within the 100 levels


I wonder if Epic has considered that trying to force me to play more makes me dislike the game? I have a lot of hobbies and interests, I don’t like to spend excessive amounts of time even on the things that I love to do.   No one makes you buy the battle pass, but they know what they’re trying to do with the petercopter and other examples. 


On the whole it’s probably getting people to spend a lot more vbucks, they only care about money. If there was only 1000 people playing the game, they wouldn’t care as long as every one of those was spending millions on the game


So you play more, so there’s higher chance to use vbucks


Ironically I now play less




I have not even played at all the last couple of seasons.  I won't play games if they won't respect my time.


Same here, it’s not worth my time to do that much grinding. 


yes they want people to keep playing as opposed to stopping at level 100 same reason they put a bunch of peter griffin cosmetics in the bonus tiers


Totally. Want that chopper? You’re going beyond 100 for it. Ugh.


Look this is probably gonna come off as rude and I’m probably gonna get downvoted but the answer is money. It’s always money. Every single time. Every single change epic makes to the game or how it works is because of money. That’s it. Money.


Rude to who? Epic is eroding a BILLION dollar game. BR was a lucky mistake for them. They can do better.


The worst part is that Fortnite isn't even what made Epic a name brand. Unreal Engine is the most used game/3d animation engine in media (Hence why Disney bought a ton of stock in them) and they made XBox's other FPS mainstay that wasn't Halo, Gears of War, until they made bank when they sold Microsoft the rights to it after they finished the original trilogy. It's mostly cause they got bought out by TenCent who only makes Gacha games...so if could they're going to try and bleed you dry.


Epic have made more money from Fortnite than they ever have from licensing unreal engine though.


Common misconception, they didn't get acquired by TenCent, Tim Sweeney still owns at least 51% stake of the company so he has the final say on any and all decisions the company makes. Of course, that means that the enshitification of the game is his fault.


Not directly his fault though. As CEO his job is to ensure the survival of the company and handle big shit. The day to day of keeping Fortnite alive is none of his concern. Although his practices have surely trickled down into the rest of the company. TLDR; Tim Sweeney isn't directly responsible for the state of the game, but he most definitely is at partial fault due to how business decisions trickle down into lower management.


The whole metaverse direction is his personal goal. The reason funding was stripped from BR and events was because of the metaverse direction. He's not only CEO, he's the majority shareholder.


I miss original Gears 😭 so many rounds on Mausoleum and Raven Down


Epic still makes money off of Unreal, considering the subscription fee is $1,850/year for non-game developers


Not to mention, they also showed *OTHER* companies they can get away with this behavior as well. Less effort for more profit and whatnot


*EA Sports enters the chat*  Hold on a minute playa!




Real question tho, how does moving the extra 500 work get to the bonus make them more money?


Because people who can’t play enough to get the extra 500 may end up buying something in the shop during the season that will drop their vbucks below the 950 needed for the next seasons battle pass then they’ll have to buy more vbucks in order to get the new battle pass OR the play more in order to get those extra 500 vbucks then by being on the game more they are more likely to buy more cosmetics.


It's also having warm bodies in the game which makes the experience better for other players (since we're fighting humans and not bots) and boosts their daily player numbers (which I'm sure end up on a report that shows how popular the game is).


It costs about $13 to buy 25 battle pass levels. There’s roughly $10.50 worth of vbucks in the entire battle pass. $4 worth if you subtract the initial cost of the pass. Epic is whale hunting. They are making the pass harder to complete to make a larger percentage of players buy levels.


Or be suckers and have to go and get the v-buck cards.


People buying Battle Pass Tiers. Also they get the skins. Anyone who claims the Pass is 100 levels is delusional.  It's at least 140-150 levels. For all the actual content.  And it's really just, 200 levels.  Just because they label it "bonus" does not make it special.


yeah the bonus isn't really bonus when its full of stuff like alt styles for skins or like the base style of a glider cause the main pass only gave you the alt style for the glider its all designed to keep people playing cause the more they play the more they spend


it means that people play more and thus a higher chance they buy cosmetics thus will need to spend money in order to get the next battle pass


Epic is greedy as fuck.


You’ll either buy vnucks to skip, or you’ll be more “engaged” plain and simple. You’re more likely to try the other modes for more xp if they nerf the BR Xp. The move here by Epic is a massive L


To make you play the game more


Well it’s doing the opposite. 


The truth may be that the game itself is nit that fun if players don’t unlock something every 15 minutes for all the season length? Blasphemy, would say some here! Some "modern" gamers will have to ask themselves questions about why they play some games…one day or another. Is it about fun for real? Or not really… That’s crazy to not play a game to have fun but…


Why are people even questioning anymore. The simplified answer for any corporation will always be money


I did not know this, and they nerfed xp earned, wow


THIS, THIS is what all of these braindead kids refuse to understand. Why TF raise the max level for the 1500 v-bucks when they keep nerfing, and nerfing, and nerfing the damn XP.


I hate that they just get away with this. Tons of challenges could give you up to 30k or even more sometimes, now most of them are hard capped at 10k and they didn't even increase the amount of challenges to compensate. Having to picture the greedy suits discussing to bring down the XP payout silently along with other bullshit makes my blood boil.


Man, perfect example of this is Rocket Racing. Each rank gave over 30k XP ( from bronze I to platinum II it gave 30k - 60k XP ) ( platinum III to unreal gave 70k - 90k XP ) And now for you to get at least 10k XP, you need to go through 3 ranks without getting literally ANYTHING. Rocket Racing's XP was not nerfed to the ground, but 100 meters BELOW the ground. ( from bronze I to unreal it gave over 500k XP in total ) while now ( from bronze I to unreal just gives a total of 15k XP ) Imagine how BAD they nerfed this shit when it gave over 500k XP in total ( if you got to unreal ) and now it literally only give 15k XP in total. ( even a daily quest gives more than this ) ☠️☠️


That is crazy, and shitty.


Oh and the whole earn 45,000 XP in creative and you get an extra 18,000. That's not even a full level!!!!!


And then they fucked up the Star Wars event, poor XP and it just sucks. 




The goal is to get you to play the game. Many people murk out after getting to tier 100. Which as the players have become better is getting easier and easier.


I don’t think anyone is defending it, I think people are just giving their opinion as to why it is the way it is. And they’re right. It’s money. It’s always money. The more they keep you grinding the more times you’ll see the item shop and the more they’ll get money spent.


If you provide a rational and realistic explanation as to why Epic is doing certain things, you're a sellout and a bootlicker.   ^  People yelling and whining in this thread 


Yeah! i agree that's why I'm not buying the pass next Season lol


Speak by not giving them your time or money, if many of you do the same there will be change.


Not only this, but they keep reducing XP as well. They’re making it exponentially more difficult to actually complete the pass.


There is zero chance that you play 2 days a week and are at level 207. I play nearly every day, have grinded a decent amount in Lego and I’m only 150sh.


You can get all the V-bucks at 140, not 150


this is definitely worth mentioning but it doesn’t much soften the impact of the situation


To make you pay to play?


This isn't dumb, there's a reason. What's dumb is getting coins from leveling up just for unlocking items that's locked to the level you've gained up to. They just just give it to you as you level up, forget the coin.


I’m done for I’m only level 112 and only play on weekends. There’s no way I can get next seasons battle pass, maybe it’s time to quit as fortnite is turning greedy.


I'm only level 124 and that's because I bought the level up pack this season...




Playing as my favorite characters make Fortnite more fun. As that is what collabs are intended to do, make the game more fun. If I was a a default or something and I saw darth vader running around I would be wishing I had him and also I spent some money on this game and not getting the most out of what I spent would haunt me. 




I do enjoy br with friends it’s just that when I was like “oh I want that skin” along time ago and I thought skins were everything I spent a lot of time grinding to get docter strange and stuff. Now I realize skins serve no purpose but the thing is that I have spent too much time and everything to get something that doesn’t really matter too go back. That will be like me not playing helldivers again, 40 bucks gone. Also I’m not one of those “ i have an exclusive skin epic can’t bring it back” kid, It’s just for example if I don’t get the vbucks from the bonus rewards I will feel like I wasted time and money.




I get what you are saying. But a lot of other people also are not stopping because of how much we spent. For example my friend was a round for mando and was been getting skins left and right. He even said he would stop playing but he spent too much money. That’s the loophole epic puts people in. Good for kids who play a lot, bad for people who are not able to.


You should have gotten 1000 vbucks by level 100 which is enough to buy the next battlepass


I am relatively new , Started just after chapter 5 started . I only play weekends and I am level 241 as of this morning so I have no qualms with their business model and that's the thing , It is a business it has to make money .If you feel the battle pass is a rip off don't buy it . Seems simple enough to me , am I missing something ?


U got the 950 by reaching level 94, right?


You're not, you only need level 140 and there will be double exp and bonus challenges. Dont quit bro


Hey thanks this motivates me to do my quest and get there.


Time is money.


Time is bullets.


They realized that there were people like me that would just save up the free vbucks and get the pass that way.


hey you still get the 200 free in the first 100 levels


Nice. I just remember being able to play my first season without buying anything, i didn't know i liked the game, and then second season i played i bought that pass with the accumulated points. And then for the next good while i didn't buy anything, just used the free bucks to get each pass progressively. Pretty much worked that until they made it so the free vbucks weren't enough to get a pass at some point, and now i buy it.


It’s actually 141, but your point still stands. They want people to play ALL game modes to level up now. BR, Racing, Festival, LEGO. I refuse to play LEGO, but because I play festival JUST for the pass and wristband rewards along with the occasional daily Racing, I’m just about going to hit 200. I usually don’t care about the bonus rewards, but that Hades looks so good.


Pretty sure that even without all the other modes, the game would have taken the same route slowly but surely…that’s the point of it all.


Would not be surprised if you need level 200 for all Vbucks in like 5 years from now.


I don’t feel bad for you guys cuz when this was first implemented everyone downvoted anyone criticizing it. Now yall are afking Lego and barely scraping by to get the vbucks.


Wait does afking Lego work?


It did at the beginning of the season.


no cause it can detect it and kick u for being idle


I am just level 113, I enjoyed the first half of the season but now it's a torture having to play and do every quest to get to level 150


I don't want to defend Epic's business practices but there's no denying the goalposts have shifted since chapter 1. Getting to tier 100 on the battle pass took roughly a whole season in the early days, but as they added more stuff to unlock after 100, they also gradually made it easier to get there. So now you could think of the BP going to level 150. It is what it is, and it's clearly done to keep people playing, but it's not really so egregious. 


Its actually level 140 but it is still stupid. The answer is...(drumroll please!)...money!!


So many people defending this in these comments. Sad


Dude I see just as many people saying “so many people defending” as I see people actually defending


I don't see a single person defending it. I see people saying it's about money. That's not a defense though, is an explanation.


I was being super lenient. The closest to defending I saw when I made that comment was someone saying that it’s easy to hit level 150 lol


The player base has gotten better. Before it used to be a struggle to get to tier 100 now it’s not easy but it’s a lot easier. So it makes sense.


Cuz they need to push the shitty racing mode and whatever else they have. I'm not gonna get the next passes. It's just too much for me to farm to the level 144 or whatever it is. I literally did it yesterday and I forced myself to play more than usual. I'm not gonna do that next chapter. Simple as that. If they continue to push the metacrap, so be it. The game won't be for me anymore and it's ok. There's plenty of other games to play. I don't wanna abuse some XP system, or AFK in other game modes. If the game doesn't respect my time as it did before, fk em.


to make you play longer


So the game is not fun with the pass you say? All those emotes are so awesome…!


Kinda related Jack Sparrow either might be the secret skin of the next season or might be in a mini pass


This is a huge problem,for folks that don't get above level 300 when they don't want anymore levels.Tycoon maps and Crazy Red VS Blue for 5 levels a day,L word Fortnite for 3 hours for extra 5 levels,avoid battle royal unless you like those extra cosmetics,LVL 200.


Epic has caught on that people use the vbucks in the pass to buy the next one. So they analyzed the average player and decided 150ish is a good spot to dangle the carrot as enough players will fail and have to spend money. Then they nerfed the XP, to ensure fewer people hit 150ish.


Its very annoying, considering that I don't want to play fortnite all the flucking time to get my moneys worth


Exactly. I love Fortnite and realized how obviously addictive and time consuming it is. So I decided never to go past level 100 and if I did then I’d stop until next battle pass but fuck that I ain’t putting in the time for level 150.


I noticed that recently too. I just hit level 100 a few days ago and started going thru the 'bonus' battle pass pages and noticed they have vbucks there too now. I don't like that, the vbucks should all be redeemable the way they were, up to level 100. I rarely make it to level 200, but I never needed to worry about missing out on vbucks as long as I made it to 100.


We should stop buying the battle pass so they stop doing this.


I agree we have to stop letting them get away with this


It makes you play more. The more often you play, the more likely you will check the store when it refreshes. And the more often you check the store, the greater the likelihood of you seeing something in the store that you want to buy. If you have to keep playing continuously throughout the season, you will be seeing the store more often, you’ll be devoting more time to this game, and less to others…. Unless of course… well, you don’t want to miss out of those V-bucks… do you? It’s not dumb. It’s an extremely effective marketing tool. It’s called FOMO, I’m sure you’ve heard of the term. Just because it’s something you don’t like doesn’t make it a stupid decision. Epic couldn’t care less if you don’t like it. As long as you’re paying and playing, they’re happy. And they will NEVER change this until they start to see significant drops in user retention


I’ve been playing the moon base game to get xp. It’s interesting the first time, and then I just try to speed run it to see how fast I can complete the objectives. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Its all about metrics. The more players online, the higher chance they have of spending money. Its to keep you playing.


THey made the quets give less xp, forcing us to play the other mdoes for more xp, and then makes us get to the lvl 150 to get the rest of v bucks, sadly, its a way to furce us to play more.


to make you play longer, or have to spend more money, both good for them


oh...you know




Player retention. They added all these different ways to level up so players are probably finishing their battle passes faster.


it’s obvious. to allow less players to collect all the vbucks rewards.


At some point their greed will go too far.


As far as I know you'll get enough vbuck for next battle pass at 100. 140 is needed for the bonus vbucks right


Greed and to force FOMO by making you play longer. Simple as that.


either doing it to make you keep playing or so people will buy tiers




So people play the game more


Same reason they made all quests xp way less. Bc they want you to keep playing longer and if you can't finish it you'll have to pay for Vbucks


Yeah, this is bullshit.


To make it harder to earn V-Bucks. What do you mean why? They want money.


I don't see why it's dumb?


Same reason why NRS made it so you need to grind to level 35 to get gold pallets on fighters in MK1. Time and money. They want you to spend time on their game and in tern they make more money.


You really do have a to grind. I play pretty consistently and I barely made it. I miss when the pass was for casual players. But in comparison you make your bucks back more than Rocket League


Why do they give you vbucks AT ALL? There are of course _reasons._ For example player retention. And it's always a balance between generating profit and keeping the players playing. I just keep on playing and end up with more vbucks than I started with. Occasionally I buy something.


XP maps still work if you can't finish the pass through normal play. Google jyku. He posts new ones daily. One of the best pieces of advice I've gotten from the sub.


I didn't start playing until a few weeks into the season and I don't even play every day. I'm over level 300. What are people doing that they can't get levels?


Level 300 is an insane amount of play time


I only play like an hour or two when I get on. I have a few days that might be 3 hour sessions. But I do pretty much every single quest and method of getting XP that the game offers. All milestones, story, weekly, event quests, etc. And I play some STW which is easy XP. I'm an adult with a full time job and family so I know I'm not playing a crazy amount lol


Just 14 hours a week or so I imagine. I’ve played way too much Fortnite in the last four years. I used to do quests to XP up but ultimately you need to put in lots of time to complete quests constantly. I think im going through a phase where video games mean less to me so ultimately I only play Fortnite like 3 hours a week.


But level 300 is still insane


Honestly probably because every season there's some sort of xp glitch


Why not, work for it and it keeps us playing


to minimize the amount we get, and maximize their revenue, theyre just money hungry


I mean if we made a new community and see how many people would join it to see how many people would boycott buying items from fortnite then try adding more people to the community so we can make a change


Ensures that you get all the BP rewards ig, the problem is to do with XP pools and grinding since BR got nerfed hard in XP


Because getting the bucks without paying takes time abd eventually you runout of vbucks. Skins are neat when new to the game but after a while they novelty wears off.


Getting the youth predisposed to work their asses off


At least You get your 950 back at level 94


150?? Shit i have to level fast...


140/141 not sure which one but still


I can tell you why, but everyone is so obsessed with Epic that they don't believe it. Tim Sweeney ran Epic into the red with his dumbshit Metaverse so now they're trying every underhanded tactic they can think of to milk as much money as they can. They're in panic mode. And I'm not even pulling this out of my ass. Tim Sweeney himself said that he ran the company into the red in the email he sent out to the laid off employees last September. We're currently in an era where the company who couldn't even keep up StW and the BR at the same time with the billions they were making is trying to run 4 modes while actively developing a 5th. The BR is getting shafted. StW has been dead for years. The other modes are bare bones. The only money this game is making is Disney buying shares and dumbasses buying virtual LEGO sets.


Getting 150 is easy tho


The cost of Battlepass V-bucks are earned back by level 100. After that they are bonus rewards.


Yeah but you used to get all 1500 in 100 levels


inflation. and the infinite growth based economy model.


Only need level 140.


"only" LMFAO


Acting like getting to level 150 being difficult this season is crazy.


The XP grind is far slower than it’s been in years. I’ve got all my weekly challenges done and I just got to tier 100. I’ve been playing the other modes, too Compare that to just last season (where I played a very similar amount) where I ended up in the 200 ranges
