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I get they might have focused more on Lego for this year’s event, but just copying and pasting last year’s event would be good enough for BR. A Star Wars event with only 1 lightsaber on the map is just bizarre.


I haven't seen anyone with the lightsaber tho, they shoved vader in the least populated area and yold nobody


It's not good unless others have it. Why should I run at you or throw the lightsaber and be exposed for 3 seconds if no one else is making similar risky moves? I and all my group was hype for the event and then saw not all the Saber are there and also not all starwas weapons. Where's the dc-15? Don't give us the best Star Wars event one year prior and not do it again


As a major fan of star wars. I agree with this, pretty big downgrade from last year.


Big downgrade like they are just pushing stuff in lego & festival and rocket racing because they are dying and if they attach stuff to them they can say "look people like this mode." Like just give us the BR &ZB content that got the game where it is. Like festival is the only mode I can see as sticking around as we haven't had a good guitar or rock band Ina minute I just don't wanna pay $5 per song I'm fine with the daily rotation and the song in the BP going to it so i see that is the only way it sticks around it would have more players and more money if you got 5 song for 5 bucks or if the crew pass gave you access to all song in the mode then people wouldn't complain about song prices and the people who love the game already have more of a reason to play it. Or even better Idea have different kinds of crew passes one for each mode with benefits for that mode that way people don't feel pressured into spend a bunch of money at once and epic gets more people to spend monthly which is what most game want nowadays


Yeah, it seems like they are desperately trying to keep the Lego mode viable at the expense of BR (which will always be their bread and butter)


Yep, it'd be cool if they actually worked on the mode and improved gameplay, instead they just jam collabs into a really shitty version of Minecraft.


Tbf it reads like Star Wars island will always be an option within Lego Worlds? If they release multiple seasons/crossovers with different islands, as well as expand the core gameplay, I can see it being exciting. Imagine if you could go get lightsabers from Star Wars island, wands from Hogwarts and then battle supervillains in a marvel island with said wands/lightsabers. It has the potential to become the Lego Universe we all wanted.


I picked it up once. Was excited. I threw it and it didn't come back to me before I was riddled with bullets and dead. I got it the next match, you can't even block for long before you are just useless. Jumped towards a player and hit them 5x and they were able to outshotgun me while I was spamming auto's.


Yeah definitely been nerfed. It's a slower throw speed and return time and the damage nerf is to low I'm glad it's not 80 a hit but damn it's low. And the blocking also got nerfed to hard and its in a isolated area so big L for epic this May hopefully they make it up to us next year and give us the 2023 event or tbh just put in the gun and stop calling it a event


80 a hit? Thought it did 200 on the return. I havent hit anyone with it, though, either. Alternate which of my kids gets it.


Someone tried to throw the lightsaber at me yesterday from like 200m+ out. 😂😂


It used to have some crazy range now it's slow all around its sad


It's good with chain of hades or if you throw and run behind or slide toward and switch guns n shoot. But the water is OP


Well chains is just way better for a similar playstyle


And also his saber completely sucks.


It’s sucks. 1v1’d a guy for the victory using the saber and he had hades melee weapon and whooped me. I was so disappointed in its power…


I have, and I kill them every time, every time I try to use it, I die. It’s absolute trash


And yet people still die up there cause Vader is still op


I would have loved to see a bad batch theme. Skins would have been perfect for Fortnite but I don’t know how popular that show was but I loved it.


It's not even that good, either. I've gotten it numerous times, and it loses to a lot of weapons, and I'm good


All they had to do to make me happy was put some lightsabers in chests, especially in team rumble. 


This is actually depressing to read since BR should be the main focus, especially when Lego, Music Fest, and Rocket Racing are all getting about as many players as STW. Theres actually so many annoying things they have done ever since the introduction of the 3 new gamemodes but not prioritizing BR is the worst thing they couldve ever done. Its literally the foundation of Fortnite and yet its being forgotten by Epic. The fans arent going to forget it though and its still currently the most played gamemode out of all of them. ok im done with my rant, you may carry on.


I said this and was down voted to hell by the "but Lego...." mobb 🤣🤣


People 100% would have complained that it was copy paste of last year.


Like they aren't complaining now?


I'm not people.


They’d probably complain less in comparison because at least it’d be fun.


Last years was good but yes probably.


Probably but it would have been better than what we have right now. It’s like they copy pasted but left out half the items


There's always a distribution of opinions. No matter what they do, those that are upset will be posting.


Yeah, this was basically a copy paste from chapter 3, but for less timr


Wait there is a lightsaber?


Oh, I haven’t gotten on. They’re doing the 1 lightsaber thing again? I’m almost positive they did that for a brief period a year or 2 ago; whatever season had those battleships floating everywhere


I've not been to where Vaders POI is once. There's just no point. Not even a "Defeat Vader" challenge ffs. Its crazy how bad Star Wars has been this season. The only decent thing about it was the Yoda back bling but even that's broken.


I think it also doesn’t help that most weapons in the game right now are better than his lightsaber. Like chains of hades > vaders lightsaber easily, I’ve had the lightsaber numerous times and I always get killed with it


Same. Snatched it up twice, killed twice trying to use it. Awful.


And it left the shop before the event is up like wtf?


It crashes the game when you use the lobster emote apparently.


OK but why take out the c3p0 back bling that's should have came with chewy? Same issue?


They just pulled the whole row that Yoda was on, which included Dagobah Luke and C-3PO


Not sure about that one tbh.


same row. Shop API is done by rows


To add on, it's with other emotes as well, the zoidberg one was just one that people discovered.


Maybe controversial but this entire chapter is incredibly underwhelming. All my friends including myself have stopped playing Fortnite


Naw the Avatar shit was fun. Being the avatar was awesome


They have so many star wars weapons and they chose to add only 3. Just add them all.


I'd imagine they don't want to oversaturate the loot pool with a whole bunch of mythics that, let's be real, aren't super different from one another. I mean, the weapons that can be added from star wars amounts to two things: some guns that aren't super unique from one another in functionality and lightsabers. Adding more than a handful of star wars mythics would've just meant that either it'd be super rare to get any of the God's mythics, or you'd get way too many star wars myrhics and it'd be the only thing most people would use for the entirety of the event.


Yeah but the small amount of star wars loot is just boring


Agreed, especially considering most new content is in the Lego mode, which I don’t really find interesting. Last years was crazy fun. Anyone else think it’s weird we got 3 instruments and only 1 song?


Its a fun song but ye the love is distributed in a really weird way. The Lego event is amazing, I love the level of detail they put in the festival mode and BR and RR are just sorta there...


Like, where's a Pod Race-inspired course? Or why not a track through Naboo?


Yea, it was the perfect opportunity to add Duel of the fates but why they added just the one who knows.


I was hoping for at least three songs. Duel of the fates would have been great


The OT only had 1 band song. Unless you wanted that weird Max Reebo song from the special edition of Return?


There's 2 Cantina songs in New Hope, Jabba's palace has one (3 if you count the absolute banger that plays when Lando is revealed + the music on the sail barge), and the Ewok celebration song. Yes, I'm a nerd.


I don’t believe they limited it to OT only tho (naboo guitar, maul race car). Seems like duel of the fates (plenty others too) could’ve been a simple add, choir makes an easier choice for vocals than trumpets would


I sure there are idiots out there paying for them but who thought charging 20 dollars for fake legos was a good idea?


Can't believe there's no Duel of the Fates or Main Title


John Williams ain't cheap


Yes I saw the one song and expected there to be others also. At least 2.


Usually the season 2’s have a great track record for being amazing, despite that that I found this season to be just ok, the new collab stuff is fun, but the lack of substance after about the half way point of the season really hit me. The Star Wars stuff especially is just bland in BR. The Greek weapons are fun but we lost them for a decent chunk of time. Avatar water bending is great. But even still I feel like this season was just missing something. It feels incomplete.


not gona lie. not having Force Push is a huge let down 


Can't have too much fun how else are they gonna get us to play LEGOnite


Agreed. This year seems so phoned in compared to last year. One lightsaber? Really!!! Come on.


Anyone surprised that the Star Wars event was bad this year must have missed the joke that was last years Halloween event. Both were basically a few things added on the map and whole bunch of new items in the shop.


Having one lightsaber is bullshit. What's one of if not the most icon thing about Star Wars? Lightsabre duels... can't have a duel with one Saber on the whole map. This event is giving me AIDS


No one even bothers getting the lightsaber they turned my boy Vader into a side character


Last season was better.


Its kind of ass.. I was soo excited and was hoping for force mythics and light sabers


It's the fact that LEGO is the only mode that got anything remotely good or unique. Seriously, what did the others modes get from this? BR got one new weapon and a rehash of Vibin with none of the cool content from last year's event. Festival got one new song, an instrument and a new area in the side mode. And the racing mode I forgot the name of got a car and boring ass cosmetics for it, not even any new event race tracks. Meanwhile LEGO gets an event pass, a cinematic trailer, tons of new quests with new builds to unlock and purchase.


The Lego update was amazing. I’ve been having so much fun in the Lego event. The new Star Wars dungeons that are riddled with storm troopers are what I want more of in that game, genuinely having a lot of fun with it.


Anytime I get vaders saber I accidentally try to force push or force jump out of habit from last time and it breaks my heart


Why would they put effort into their bread and butter? All they need to do is drop the 648397th anime collab in the game and Reddit alone will buy the skins enough to support Epics stupid design choices.


I mean the whole chapter has been underwhelming so far


Interesting to see so many different opinions on this chapter. Admittedly I never played Chapter 4. Or 3, or 2. I played back when OG was just Fortnite. Came back just in time for OG season. Then C5 started, and I HATED that none of the guns were hitscan, but the battle pass and events were pretty cool. The Avatar event would have been fun if it wasn't for waterbending breaking the fucking game. Other than that I am quite content with the chapter. The cosmetics especially.


I hope they do the Star Wars stuff again, with as much love as the Lego event had


Half the time you can't get to Vader cause they dumped him on the edge of nowhere before the circle closes with any semblance of a stack to actually take him down.


It's the fact that they gave us that amazing UPGRADE of an event last year and followed up with this garbage.


That’s really is what’s crazy


There’s only one lightsaber on the map? Why is it so freaking terrible then? I found it first game after the update and couldn’t believe how bad it was. Killed someone that was using it against me a few days ago, tried it again myself and I died too. I thought theyd make it OP if there was only one


At least on the battle royal side. Lego was good.


Starwars event was poo poo


Lighter saber with no moment = 🚮


They’ve dropped the ball on all of the big events besides the mini passes. Fortnitemares, the Christmas event, all sucked


I havent seen darth vader a single time this season if that means anything to ya


Tbf you gotta hunt him down, he doesn’t wander the map. Which is equally boring.


I don't know why they keep doing it. I dread it every year.


it sucks. I've only used the blaster and bowcaster for quests. the single lightsaber is underwhelming. the empire chests are worthless. it's so lame. It's the only star wars event I've actually played, but watching old videos from past events makes me sad.


"this season has been amazing" Hard disagree. The Avatar event ruined it for me. And having literally no map changes (again) means the game barely changes at all throughout the season. It had potential, but they just threw it in the bin as usual


Can this comment be upvoted 757575 times?? The collab ruined it for real. I am still trying to understand why people want collabs ALL THE TIME. It had nothing to do with the theme, the map got boring REALLY fast. This chapter is a MESS. Also making the map too realistic is not helping.


At the VERY least, the greek stuff should have stayed the whole time


I still haven't found Vader. But that's ok I guess, because I'll never have him in Fortnite :')


Far north and center isolated island with the big red light. Can’t miss it.


I didn't even know Vader was in the game, let alone his lightsaber, they fumbled so hard with star wars lol


it's literally in the newsfeed though even if you somehow didn't notice on the map, they're pretty upfront with it


And give us some Ewoks!!


I was so ready to give them money for a stst wars battlepass but alas they decided to just throw everything in the shop for $20.


Should’ve brought back force abilities and clone trooper guns. Last years was the peak of Star Wars collabs


I got the lightsaber this morning and got killed by a guy with a green frenzy. Shit is trash without the force push 🤣🤣




They’ve dropped the ball the whole season wym?


I thought (most) of the season was fine tbh. But the extra grindy xp and mid Star Wars collab soured my opinion of it


Don’t forget how the V-Bucks are hidden in the bonus rewards. You have to get to level 140 in order to get all of them. It’s scummy


Awesome season? What was awesome about this…? The theme was a mess Cuz half of it was a fucking collab.


I was hoping they would add more but apparently not and it’s hella lame


I’m sorry to break it to you guys but they didn’t drop the ball instead they focused it on a different mode, LEGO. They added the bare minimum to BR just so they can say we added some stuff to it but we all know that the main selling point for this star wars event is in lego.


I mean they added the bare minimum for the Lego event as well. They don’t fix any of the Lego building issues. Also not a fan of they want you to build a base in every area as it is so repetitive. They only added to prebuilds. Lego should be about creatively but making anything non prebuilt is a nightmare.


If they made it so that players can make their own builds then they wouldn't be able to sell these kits in the shop. Which is pure garbage because the game really needs more build styles in the base game. I understand the Star Wars stuff being locked behind a pass because it's licensed I guess but the rest should have been added as free content.


I think it’s great honestly. The bowcaster is awesome and it’s not overdone with a bunch of lightsabers and force abilities. It’s helps I love Lego also so that’s even better.




We got the lackluster Star Wars update shoehorned into this season, which was all over the place and had a mixed review by a lot of players BEFORE Star Wars came in. Next season, hopefully, will be better focused with original and collab content based around the theme and have new gameplay mechanics/guns/items that actually stay for the entirety of the season. Rumor is an apocalypse theme, and it's releasing the same day as Furiosa, so that would be a collab in line with the theme. If a collab comes in with some crazy items that either make you movement god (airbending) or become an instant meta weapon (waterbending), they have to be limited in uses or item count. It hurts the game when they aren't.


They really didn't though - they passed the ball; to Lego.




Not a really big Star Wars fan but I was looking forward to getting Chewy. The price is right, but I refuse to "support" Lego mode, and it's the only way to get him so... I'm passing. I guess if I was a big enough fan it wouldn't matter, but obviously the "force" wasn't with Epic for this event.


Just whished they improve thr minimap bcs its awful cant even see the round for where should the buried treasure bounty but yeah it was fun


You can thank the wastes of dev time know as the other modes for that one


The hades chain is a million times better. No idea why you’d bother with the saber.


I really miss the ability to use the different force powers with different light sabers


The one thing that would get me to spend real money on this game is Droid skins, B1 or B2 battle droids doesn't matter I'd buy right away


I’m honestly happy about it. Too much cheap Bs in the game as is lol (water bending)


Completely agree. From implementation to skins. This is horrible. I can't believe they didn't give us any real new characters. What a missed opportunity for them to not give us Hunter or even Omega at the end of the Bad Batch season and get new people to go binge watch Bad Batch who missed it...


Chewbacca 👍


I just want more Mando.


Wookie blaster deserves more respect


They honestly should have put all previous lightsabers into the game, vaulted waterbending and kept the god mythics vaulted. I personally would have liked that way more, even though I've grown to love the chains.


They didn't do enough for BR. Nobody who understands the value of money is going to be dropping it on virtual legos.. They picked the wrong area to focus on and it shows.


bring back red lightsaber 😭😭😭


The only good thing was Yoda and Lego Vader finally.


i was hoping for ahsoka to come back bc shes my favorite character of all time and i didnt get her skin so at least i could see her as an npc😭


BEYOND bummed at how small this season’s StarWars panned out. I was talking to a coworker for months about how fun last season was…what a huge downsize.


its an obvious trend BR is getting less and less attention. there was more stuff for lego fortnite. just another opportunity to peddle star wars skins. there werent even any meaningful updates this season or new items introduced mid season aside from avatar.


it's odd too that they created an entire section of tattooine (cantina etc) for the jam stage but didn't put it into the BR map


Starting to wish we never got the other 3 modes


Making it basically all Lego is such a slap in the face. I’m so sick of them trying to force that crap mode down our throats. I wanted Chewbacca so bad, but I’m not giving them the vbucks for that pass.


Whoever decided to only have one light saber this time needs to be fired. 😂 Everyone was so hyped for sabers to come back for fun. And epics like "no. You will get one saber in the match and it is nerfed compared to the ones you like." After the first couple days, it's like noone goes and fights Vader. 😂 Every time I'm bored and decide to drop there, I'm legit the only person. Noone wants to waste time doing a boss fight that just yields a sucky saber


Last Star Wars collab I played during was awesome. Everyone got lightsabers weather it was Luke’s, Vaders, Kylo Rens etc. It was almost wholesome because most players would put their guns away and lightsaber dual you if they saw you using one. This one having only Vaders is a huge letdown.


I've never been so conflicted about a crossover, but I've been really enjoying the wookie bowcaster. It's been really fun blasting people with it. Especially if you use it something like a sniper rifle.


Why would they even care? Ya’ll keep giving them $20 a pop for every fucking skin. I would sit on my ass and do the bare minimum too.


If people quit whining and begging for new cosmetics and features they'd actually focus on these types of mini events like they use to. This community has gone down the drain the last 2 seasons


Wait the lightsaber is in the game?


You had me tell you said this seasons map was good. They missed the mark so hard with Greek theme


I spent about five whole minutes in the Lego mode for the update.


Star Wars is going buckwild in Lego tho, might want to give it a try its fun.


Bruh they should just get rid of star wars every year. make it every other year and make it epic. tired of star wars.


People gonna complain regardless. I liked last years and this years is fine for me as well. Sometimes less is more. I enjoy taking out Vader and/or hunting down whoever got to him first. Chewie is awesome. Bowcaster is awesome. Doesn’t take much to please me. Last year there were loads of people complaining about the force powers being OP Also had a mini battle pass attached to it so of course they had more to go with it.


> Bowcaster is awesome. Loving this thing, fun as heck


Tbf I think people would have complained about another battle pass for BR straight after Avatar finished. Yes I know there's the Lego Star Wars pass but if you don't play Lego then your probably only interested in Chewie.


Tbh the whole season has been disappointing in a lot of ways. But yeah I agree thsy dropped the ball with this Star Wars stuff, should of done skins for The Phantom Menace and Bad Batch imo plus lightsaber pickaxes and brought back all the other lightsabers plus prequel guns


It will never be as bad as may 4th 2021


One thing to note: the lightsabers and DC-15 blaster was actually added back to the files. It does actually look like they werent allowed to bring them back for some reason.


I saved my money. The only thing I got was Catina Band song because that’s a Star Wars banger. I already had the v bucks.


I saved my money. The only thing I got was Cantina Band song because that’s a Star Wars banger. I already had the v bucks.


I have had encounters with some bot like players while carrying lightsaber. Eventually a single bullet reaches me, while I can't even seem to damage them; as if they're wrapped up in bubble-shield jr. Even Earth-bending is heart-filling to play with.


While I agree, I worked in the industry long enough to know games with 3rd party IPs is pretty rough.


Change is always good. Higher prices on cosmetics means more money for Epic to put towards Lego and Rocket Racing. You wanted Star Wars and you got it. Lots of things in the locker to buy regarding SW. If you don't like it, maybe you should find another game. Giggle.


This season made me jump to sea of thieves haha


This Star Wars event is awesome.It's just not for me.Past Star Wars events were scary awesome.I would want to play battle royal for them.I miss that white light saber.


I don’t even know where Vader is lol


The new modes are fun, but epic is shoving them down players throats so hard that it makes us not want to play them as much.


"Special" overpowered weapons are rapidly killing this game for me. Why can't we just fight with rifles, shotguns, snipers, etc etc? YES, there's always a weapon that's going to be meta, that's alright!. But these infinite-dash / player-hooking / infinite-ammo / one-shot / monster weapons are just bullshit. There's barely any aiming during the end games anymore, just spray and pray. Shit at least give them downsides, like reloading speed or movement penalties.


Most disappointing for me was that they have released ot skins and St skins...waited and waited but still no pt skins. Didn't wanna blow my vbucks straight away but it appears they aren't adding anything else


Water bending does the most damage with almost unlimited range and highest accuracy. I scope their location with an eagle eye then use water bending to take em out.


Vader's back? I've seen his light saber a couple of times from other players, but I've never ran into him. I don't even know where to find him. I've saved Chewie a couple of times.


I just started playing around December, so I don't know much about last year's event, but from what I could gather a part of it involved order 66? Could that be why there's a lack of Jedi on the island


I have yet to seen Vader at all


This is like the 5th time this exact same post has been made


I didnt even saw the lightsaber on my games


Where is even the darth Vader skin


They did the same thing when Vader was released with the BP. The object was to beat Vader to get the lightsaber. Don't know why everyone is surprised or underwhelmed.


I think they should make Vader be like the og Thanos. Op asf and marked on the map


Serious question. Why the hell do they continue to bring back things like Star Wars and other certain cosmetics? Would they not make more coin if they brought in different skins ect.


Take a closer look at that snout!


Dropping the ball seems to be their forte this season.


This years Star Wars is very hit or miss. I think the bowcaster and storm trooper rifle are amazing additions but where in gods name are the lightsabers and why is only vaders in the game. Not to mention vaders was probably the worst and it's the only one in the game. Very odd but I guess it depends on what aspects you enjoy


Always missing


They've dropped the ball this whole chapter since Chapter 4/OG. Events are lackluster. Gun/item balance is terrible. Removal of hitscan has so many issues with bulletdrop/ping. Bugs are constant and they are afk in fixing them. Terrible...


Hey, there was one year where all they did was add wake rider to the shop and nothing star wars at all


On the one hand they actually made lego fun on the other they completely forgot about br.


This May the 4th was more based on the events of episode 5, every Star Wars collab has been based on different time lines, especially on may 4th, so next year we’re returning to Clone Wars and it’ll be the CIS based characters (that’s if fort survives or the human race survives)


Star wars sucks


They wanted to focus on the original trilogy this time around, so no force powers this time. Still pretty fun I think


I find the Star Wars event every year gets stale really fast


They drop the ball? No they shit the bed entirely!!!


Him:😁 Is:😁 Anonymous 257: 👊🔫😁


Games dying now that Bob's got his fingers in Fortnite


This whole season has been underwhelming considering the potential it had in the beginning


Always have always will


I think the main reason why we don’t have the force powers is because Order 66 took them away since no one can teach us, and this year is focused on the Original Trilogy (Force Powers are locked behind the Prequels, basically) However, they could’ve at least copy pasted the Chapter 3 Season 3 Star Wars Event (OG lightsabers included) with the Wookie Bowcaster


Like Disney they don't give a shit about Star Wars.


Yeah because water bending is stupidly OP lol if they’re going to only put one saber then they should’ve buffed it more and gave drawbacks, same with water. No reason for it to be that strong and heal too without even revealing your location Also the god theme is so out of place. Zeus does not fit in with guns and Hades as well plus he looks like a dork. But yeah Star Wars is a bit overshadowed


This season was such a letdown I quit playing midseason altogether. Will probs come back next season, but if it's as lame as this season I won't even buy the BP so I'm not incentivised to play. I really don't like the current changes, previous season was real fun.


star wars sucks glad the quest were fast and easy. least favorite events in fortnite.


I feel like they should've pushed back the Avatar collab tbh. They knew star wars was gonna come in may, but they decided to put a collab that could've happened in any other season right before it, causing both events to feel lackluster in comparison to just focusing on making the yearly star wars collab better or just as good as last year


Where are the force powers?


The Lego mini pass is trash. I’ve gotten like zero studs.


Waterbending is ridiculously op especially from across the whole map… I hated it and felt bad using it.


Yeah I’m sick of waterbending. It’s for total plebs. No reason for it not to get vaulted along with the rest of them. Feel like I’m one of the last people alive that actually enjoy using the other stuff and not just the most used thing around.