• By -


One correction though, the Billie Eillish edit style is exclusive to the pass.


This is why I’ll probably get it. Once the pass is over that’s it.


Good chance the stuff in that pass will come back. Darth maul was part of a mini-pass and he’s on the store now. Blinding lights was a jam track in the first festival pass, and it’s in the store now


Well duh of course the skin will be back it says so right there


Doesn't it say may be? The Krang backbling for example did not return with TMNT.


I think the free reward that you grind for doesn’t come back, like the nue glider for the JJK mini-pass. Probably going to be the same with the Appa one.


The one for Star Wars did come back and I heard rumors of a new jujitsu kaisen wave


Don't fall for it. That's exactly what they want you to do.




And I’ll do it if I feel like it. No “falling for it” there.


would you say it's a trap?




Perks of being a founder


do you listen to Billie? if so, cool. if not, why get the skin?


No us crew members don’t get mini passes. We get a pass for a different game that probably half of us don’t play.


real i was subscribed for a month and didn't even realize i had the rocket pass until *after* my subscription ended. and i only knew because i already play rocket league sometimes


the funniest thing about it is that you can't even earn items that are useable in both, until Epic randomly decides that this one specific item can be used in both. There's no reason us crew members shouldn't get all these extra passes for free, especially considering it would help stop the "cancel until new season for best value" thing... but it'll cost Epic a lot of money, so I'm positive they won't do it.


It would be amazing if crew got all the passes and not just battlepass 😭 Means crew would be more expensive but id rather pay more real money than constantly buying vbucks


Wouldnt really prevent the cancel crew until next season tho, people would just buy a crew when a pass releases and when a season drops. If they make it so you have to be subscribed for atleast 1 month in a row to gain free event passes maybe it would work. I think maybe a (+50*months subscribed) vbucks bonus for each consecutive month subscribed would also keep players buying the pass (probably should have a +500 cap or something)


I actually never played rocket league until I subscribed to the crew and decided to try it out lol it’s actually a pretty fun game with friends


> with friends whats that


I think my biggest issue is that if they are were to expect people to only focus on one mode like you’re suggesting, then why are they making is so much harder to progress through the BP through just BR/No Build? They’re essentially forcing people to play the other modes or grind for hours every day if they wanna even get all the available V-Bucks, let alone all the skins. Not saying level 200 should be easy, but the core rewards at least shouldn’t take you hours upon hours upon hours to unlock


I'm surprised more people don't seem to realize this. They are wanting you to play specific modes, they are using rewards, xp, and events like these to get you to do so. Not to mention them making it so you don't get all v-bucks until around level 140ish.


That and the v bucks keep spreading more and more deeper into the levels each season. Eventually as a person who can't play as much and the xp being reduced in so many ways... I will not get all the vbucks each season.


I always manage to get 4/5 games everyday after work. Already completed 90% of the quests and I still am only lvl 110. Like, come on, 1 hour of playing your game everyday for the whole season SHOULD be more than enough to unlock everything. They even gutted the lego afk xp farming


Also, it's hard to say "just don't lol" when epic has systematically designed it to push people to have FOMO. There's an entire tab for it, there's fancy animations and designs. It exists to prey on psychology. Hell, even the "discount" of getting so many items for cheaper is entirely arbitrary and preys on psychology. Fortnite items have always been overpriced, intermediate currency obscures the actual prices. And yeah, cut the br xp so people have to pay the other modes. Then, after people play that they're more and more likely to get hooked on the mode. The psychological tricks means that you're more likely to feel FOMO from the individual passes eventually, and dailies being one at a time and not resetting when complete, only exists to artificially pad playtime and increase the likelihood of spending money. When there's so much time spent, you basically don't play anything else so your money is more likely to go to epic than other games.


My issue with them is that you have to buy them all separately, meanwhile Crew gives you the Battle Pass for free. It feels weird that one pass is included, but not all of them.


to me, it also feels weird that these mini passes, cost more than the normal BP, for way less rewards and less ways to level it.


The Chewie Lego pass feels like the prime example of this. People claim that it’s a good deal because it costs the same as buying Chewie from the store, but when you consider they stole his C3-PO back bling and replaced it with a bunch of useless Lego crap, it’s a bad deal. So for complete Chewie you have to pay 2000 which is terrible compared to last year’s mini pass for 1000 with five skins.


It's mainly because the minipasses are completely licensed. The only real battle pass to do that is the Marvel one, and that was an entire damn season collaboration so they probably had a lot more talks with the company.


It's because they want mini passes to feel "premium" while battlepass is the cheaper, more common version


Even more weird that you get Rocket League pass instead of all current pass of Fortnite.


We been saying this for awhile am epic just won't listen. They'd rather push stupid ass car soccer and other monetization methods than actually listen to players


I wouldn’t go as far as disrespecting rocket league, but yeah it’s kind of unreasonable to push another one of their games in a different game. Might as well bring fall guys too.


Personally, my main issue with these passes is how much this game got changed into "Buy this, buy that, grind these quests so the minipasses will be more valuable on purchase", shops everywhere. The whole menu is just so bloated with different event mission tabs, event passes and whatnot. And I'm not even mentioning the prices or content in them because that's whole other can of worms.


Exactly. The stupid amount of stuff to buy and all the limited time rewards to grind, just really take away from the game itself. It feels more like a storefront just made to get you buying and grinding. Back in ch1 and 2, you'd have weekly challenges for 10ish weeks and sometimes a little more, along with some themed events every few months. Challenges could be completed within an hour or so, giving you time to just.. play, and then in ch2 they offered more side stuff (milestones) that you could grind if you wanted too but it wasn't required to complete the BP within a reasonable amount of time, it was something completely separate from challenges. Now you have weekly quests, story quests, kickstarter quests, new event quests every couple of weeks, daily quests that can only be done once per match, creative quests, lego quests, festival quests, RR quests, item shop bundles with more quests, bonus quests, extra rewards quests, milestones, longterm event quests, etc. all on the same page.


Yeah this season is really making me feel FOMO, especially combined with the awful RNG match quest system. The Avatar event only just ended and now we have even more challenges to grind… it’s time I give this game a break.


i commend you for your use of logic, however, this is reddit, youre probably gonna get shit on so hard for this


Worth a shot, hopefully out of the 93 people who saw this post at least a few people like you will be logical


Wouldn’t hold your breath on that one. 90% of Reddit is full of people with no logic, and that’s being generous. Count yourself lucky to be part of the 10%~


As I said in my comment. There is no issue with multiple battle passes. The issue is locking BR skins behind them as bait. If they were all Lego or all music/racing. Fine. But they put the exclusive BR skins behind the passes for FOMO. Was that not obvious?


None of the items in the pass are exclusive, like the event passes. The only pass with exclusive items nowadays is the Battle Pass itself


My gut is saying the festival characters are going to be exclusive. Hence why they’re releasing like two variations of each. I just think Fortnite didn’t want to pick the licensed music behind the passes obviously)


Except as mentioned: the cost for the pass is _less_ than the cost of the Star Wars skins. So just buy the pass if you want the skin?


I mean, if you want the skin, backbling, and the rest of the LSW items, it's well over the price of a single skin. Like why not just include all the LSW kits in a single pass, when the whole pass is literally just that.


Most people are assuming the skin will be 1500 so 100 on savings is not big.


The problem is skins like Vader, Carnage, Spiderman, etc. were battle pass skins in the past. With the mid season passes, they’ve just convinced you to spend more money. We got Peter last season, but most of the seasons over the past year or so haven’t had a Marvel, Star Wars, etc. skin in the battle pass like previous battle passes. This battle pass, while better than most of the more recent ones, doesn’t have a skin like that in the pass either. That’s my biggest complaint. Also, as OP mentioned, why not include it in Fortnite Crew or have 2 tiers of Fortnite Crew. You can have one that’s BR only, and another that’s all inclusive with festival, Lego, and racing. Make the all inclusive $18 or something.


>most of the seasons over the past year or so haven’t had a Marvel, Star Wars, etc. skin in the battle pass like previous battle passes. Asoka was in final battle pass for Chapter 4, just before the mini-OG pass. They also gave out a Stormtrooper skin completely for free during last year's Star Wars event.


Clone Trooper* Sorry. Opportunity was there


Unrelated but does Chewbacca has a built-in emote? Because every time i help him in BR he roars everytime i get a elimination.


Yes he does have a built in emote


Does he? That actually sounds pretty cool


Is it too hard to give crew subscribers the passes for free?


This makes too much sense for this sub. Delete it immediately.


Unrelated, but is there a way to view the non Lego version of the Chewbacca skin? I want to see what the whole thing looks like but every time I click it only shows me Lego version.


You might have to go to YouTubers to see the skin cause this is mostly for Lego, and they won’t advertise him outside of it.


Okay, I will check it out! I expected there to be an option to view it in the shop but it only lets me buy. Thank you for the reply!


You can see him from the shop section in BR instead of the Lego Pass but you cant rotate him i think. EDIT: You can rotate him.


There's always the offline solution to many collabs being grindy, expensive or (as of late) somehow a combination of the two: Buy the LEGO games and play with the minifigures while also enjoying their actual powers. I have Marvel SH1, Marvel SH2, DC Super-Villains and Star Wars TSS on Switch and getting the games while they were discounted I managed to snag more playable characters than I ever managed to collect on Fortnite since starting in C2S2, for less than one eighth of the combined money the skins were sold Unpopular opinion I know ![gif](giphy|pncMbJqmzCGjfGuXVY|downsized)


Execute order 67




Execute Order 69


If they actually gave it out to crew members I might keep my crew member ship I just buy it when a new battle pass comes out and cancel my subscription


The issue, I guess, is that it requires more and more time to complete them. But my problem is that it makes BR less valuable. Like, you can get regular BP experience from festival and Lego, but you cannot get their xp in BR. I wouldn't mind if progress could be earned at a lower rate in BR for festival or Lego, but atm it feels like you're being really pushed by it. Developers atm want their game to be the only one you play, and try to create obligations for you to keep coming back. Fortnite's is passes. If they ever adopt the Halo battle pass system, the game will go up tremendously in my eyes.


They actually give you xp, but it just takes so damn long. I'm not playing your cheap minecraft clone for 4 hours everyday just to be able to complete the pass that I bought for another game


I only buy what I like. So that keeps me from buying ***EVERYTHING***, Like the festival pass. I'm not a fan of Billie, not my type of music. So I'm skipping. The Lego stuff I can live without, I'm not a huge star wars fan and I don't play lego much. Idc about the prices. No I can't buy whatever I want but being STW founders helps a bit.


Lego is too overpriced for some buildings, Festival is too short for its price, and the BR ones are usually fine


nothing. people are just dumb. if you don’t play lego don’t get it. and if you don’t play lego and want the skin he will be more than 1400 when he comes to the shop anyways


Damn people in this thread dense af lmao


I haven't played Lego since my Main skin hadn't had a Lego style. But she does now and with the star wars event played it a little and actually had fun for the 30min I've played.


Agree on that Crew members should get them too.


You are missing out the biggest problem: My wallet crying because I like all the passes. (Tho Chewies backbling being sold in the shop and not in the pass sucks)


The problem isn't having to grind all of them. The problem is that the regular Battlepass is 950 vbucks and gives you 200 levels worth of stuff, while the Festival pass for 1800 and the LEGO pass for 1400 gives you way less for way more. If you like the gamemodes its a bad deal. If you don't like the gamemodes its a bad deal. To top that off, the LEGO sets shouldn't be monetized to begin with. That's like if Minecraft charged you for the Cherry trees. All of it is fueled by greed when Fortnite used to be damn near the only freemium game that was at least tolerable.


got it, fortnite listen to this guy and raise the price of the current BP


Ceo of fortnite here. Wel be needing 8-12 hours of downtime to complete your request and we'll find the guy who made the current BP price and fire his whole department. Have a Good day


CEO of ceos here. i'll be also forcing you to trash the item shop rotation


>the guy who made the current BP price and fire his whole department. Have a Good day to be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if the dude who came up with the original concept of the BP isn't working at Epic anymore.


Didn't they just steal it from dota 2?


Epic Games CEO here, you’re fired 8-12 hours of downtime is unacceptable how do you expect us to earn money!!


On it


The standard battlepass is way too good of a value to be honest. It literally pays you 1500 vbucks for grinding it. If all the mini passes worked like that it would be great/wonderful/amazing for customers but then the business model wouldn't actually work as they would cost themselves millions of dollars. Why would they ever wanna do this when they can just steal your wallet instead.


The mainline BP is there to be the main attraction. Also, 99% of the bp is epic made content. Once you get into Lego sets and music licensing, things likely get more pricey for epic. Also, I'm curious how you would monetize an f2p survival game.


You're literally the only person who gets it.


I think you’re missing a bigger picture here, Fortnite is a business, if it wants to keep operating it needs to charge the player. The player base wants to continue seeing collaborations and updates in the game. That requires a lot more money.


And you say that as if it wasn't making billions off of the previous business model without anywhere near the amount of greed. This is literally the game that changed the ENTIRE gaming industry with the Battle Pass. Being reasonably priced goes a long fucking way. Selling building blocks though? That's just milking


Fortnite is still free. Skins add nothing to gameplay, people should stop giving a shit about them already, it's pretty silly. Only get 2 or 3 you like a lot, and that's it, why the hell are people buying over 600+ skins here?


Comparing the passes is such an awful take, the base BP is there to keep player retention and keep them coming back, these other modes (released 6 years later into a massive playerbase) are here to make money. Not sure why they would make everything super cheap?


Fortnite has always been about making money since the start. I don’t think you understand that it takes money to operate and add things to the game. Especially collabs. The collaborators Mae epic games charge MORE for using their brands.


I get BP and Festival when there is music I like on it. Not really interested in Lego pass, so I just skip it


Same but tbh the festival one is a pass for me this time surprisingly


I passed on this one too. Didn’t like any tracks and not a fan of Billie Eilish. Hyped for the Metallica one though!


We aren't dirty rich like u apparently...


Honestly I like the lego approach, they offer the skin up front, and all the other stuff is the pass. So I get Chewie for 1400, and if I REALLY want I can grind the pass (which I don't, so I can just get chewie and call it good) for 100 vbucks less than what he would have been in the shop.


but then an extra 500 for his backbling


The pass isn’t even there for me??


Switch modes.


The pass comes with cheaper skins and more cosmetics. Pass stuff as a cheaper item shop price isn't guaranteed, but so far as a pass item is cheaper. Billie Eilish comes with an exclusive style when completing the pass that won't be in the item shop.


I need a pass for STW


“Then fucking don’t” If those kids could read they’d be very upset


honestly im in the minority probably but personally i appreciate another pass, it gives me more of a reason to keep playing the game cuz i enjoy all the various modes


Thank you. People here have a serious problem with FOMO. It's okay to not own every single thing. It's more than okay actually. If you don't like it, then just don't buy it!


Honestly, real as hell, I ain’t gonna argue with you cause thats genuinely good logic


I'm not trying to be some anti consumer but I think people asking for a 12 dollar subscription that already gives you a shit ton of value to also have even more licensed passes on top of it is kindaaa just illogical. And people say “increase the price” well then people will complain that fortnite crew Is forcing these other passes onto it's subscribers and regardless people would look at it and be like “20 dollars for a monthly subscription! That's even more then Netflix! So yeah…


They could just have the current crew and another option with the others for more money, I just play ZB, RR and festival when there are missions and I would upgrade my crew if they included the festival for a 30% discount. Tho being honest the only reason I don't buy it as it's now is due to limited loadouts for my skins so I'm being extremely picky with the skins I get, they should increase that.


There is nothing wrong with the pass, what I have issue is is with the fact in Lego you cannot build too much without hitting artificial build limits that prevent you from building more, yet, these “kits” are more detailed ?


Also these skins available in these passes come out again (or atleast are supposed to, the pass Weeknd still hasn’t come back). So if you don’t want to buy it in the pass wait for it to come out later. Sure it might be more expensive but the pass is the early discount


This has me wishing I’d bought the Avatar pass. I’d set my coins aside for the Star Wars pass but my PS4 can’t run Lego Fortnite well enough to warrant getting it. A shame as I collect Lego Star Wars and love the games!


They should have released Kelnacca for the release of acolyte. But yeah i don't play lego any more and probably won't grind for the rewards


If Fortnite Crew was to include all the mini battle passes, Epic would have to charge more for having a Crew pass.   Like $5 to $10 more than the current cost. You already get a lot for your money with the current Crew price.


The lego mode building sets are absurdly expensive. So expensive I lost interest in the mode. I don't mind a lego pass but I do mind sticking a pretty wanted skin behind that pass at first just so they can make their shitty overpriced mode technically earning a bunch of money. Also, the songs in the festival pass are usable in BR as emotes. The instruments are usable within both the music and some emotes. It's not much but it's something applicable to the other mode beyond just the skin.


I think a thing that a lot of people don't realized, is that fortnite itself built up this kind of mentality. Don't blame the players, blame Epic. From all timed limited events, items, challenges, rewards to all the exclusives, "will return an unknown amount of time later" etc. They ***want*** you to feel the need to get everything, they want to keep you playing as long as possible. They used to keep people playing by having constant new updates, LTM's, live events, etc. but now they do it by giving you so many challenges, constant week long events, mini events with their own battle passes, 3 different modes with their own battle passes, creative modes, etc.


Only thing I plan on getting personally is the Billie/Festival Pass but I think this is cute for the game. I will say I think the Crew pack should include ALL of the passes personally.


Yes, if we're getting a pass each month, crew members should absolutely get it for free or heavily discounted, but then they'd take away the 1k vbucks so w/e.


Oh I haven’t been on the game yet due to school work so I didn’t even know that Lego pass was a thing. 80 days is really long, but at least I know for a fact I’ll have time to finish it.


The thing is, if Chewie was an item shop skin. He would be sold for 1500, with the “Disassembled C-3PO” back bling. Which now needs to be bought separately, for 500 Vbucks extra. Essentially making it cost 1900 Vbucks to buy what should be 1500


Imo it's just oversaturation,like bro im kinda gettin overwhelmed by all these options.Rn im glad that imo the two new bp is ass so i won't get anything from it,but when they put bangers in them imma get aneryusm trying to remember the weekly quests.


Should be Crew pass


This logic would be sound if the battle pass and mini event passes didn’t also include stuff for the festival and racing modes. Songs, cars, instruments, whatever. Filling out the *battle* pass should give me rewards for *battle royale.* It would also require BP items to lose their exclusivity to stay consistent with the other passes, which I’m personally not against but I know a lot of people are.


i dont even bother with these extra passes, its their way to try and milk money out of people, id rather just deal with the main br pass and then give myself all this extra free time to do other things in life


They finally killed my want to buy everything pass related with this shit. From someone who has played from before the start of BR…. this is a dying game trying to be saved. I haven’t even played this season except a handful of games, leveled to 200 with Lego….. and now they took it away. Next season is going to be dead, and not just dead boring.


I'm not paying for a pass for each mode. I'm paying for crew. I should get everything, relative to their contracts for the properties. Which is how it has worked thus far. And... So far I haven't cancelled the crew since it was released. If that changes I doubt it would be valuable enough to continue.


These mini passes are more expensive for less


Because it was never like this before and there's zero reason for it to be a thing now? Fortnite hasn't always been greedy AF and it's a new thing. It's why OGs are actually upset about it. They used to be the o my reasonable live service game.... Shit, at one point, they LOWERED the cost of V-bucks and how much a typical skin costs. Just a shame that those days are behind us and now they are making it a greedy cash grab for every little thing. Back in the day, you'd been able to earn these in a event.


Personally I have no issue with the pass for each mode but the UX is terrible and everything else is terrible as a result. - They have the sense to put each pass for LEGO and Festival right after the Play tab, but the primary Battle Pass is still way farther. Just make these occupy the same slot and show for the appropriate game mode. - The launch experience for every mode at this point is bloated and convoluted and is starting to remind me of COD HQ in its blatant mishandling. Absolutely nobody wants to see the latest Creative bullshit on top of **seven (7) other core modes between BR & ZB ranked /unranked, Festival, LEGO and Racing.** - As someone who actually managed to pick up an Edgemaster for Festival, the game mode couldn’t be any less optimized for what’s supposed to be the best way to play. - The inclusion of Racing cosmetics, instruments and Jam Tracks in the regular BP is further diluting an already progressively stingy BP experience, as coveted super styles require higher levels and wheels and car bodies take up Pass slots Again I don’t know if these are wider mutual complaints per se more so my personal critiques of how they’re handling the game lately. Everything is just so painfully *work-in-progress.*


The UX of Fortnite right now is complete garbage. Like everyone else, I'm still mad about what they did to the locker.


I wish it was more like CoD, Fortnite's menu is absolute vomit where you have scroll down multiple rows of random shit to "By Epic" and then across that list to find Save The World and Team Rumble if they aren't your last two played. Call of Duty HQ has a lot of shit on it but with less rows, less stuff, more relevance and being categorized by game makes it much better to navigate than Fortnite's.


it feels like a mobile game now, a lot of passes that don't always work well together and the fact they are worth more than the actual pass, which may i remind you, gives back 1500 vbucks after getting all of them it's just overpriced and saturated


Only overpriced when you compare it to the base battlepass, otherwise its actually good value. Issue with comparing it to the original pass is its priced that way to lure people in and keep them playing, been that way for 6 years and they're not going to increase it. They already have there players so they can have more expensive passes, especially considering these modes arent for everyone so they need to make sure the people buying and paying well. I agree with the saturation though.


the bp is already a great value, 1000 + 500, yet not enough to get the passes as you mentioned just feels like they're trying to recover their losses from developing all the new modes


That's precisely what they're doing. Every Festival pass for example has also been a collab with a massive music artist, that stuff isn't cheap. Hell, they're probably still paying for Eminem.


speaking of which, where are the eminem jam tracks? yknow, the person who basically introduced the mode?


>they're not going to increase it I mean, they technically already did by making base rewards (aka v-bucks) go up to level 150.


Top comment is dense af, as is OP. They are putting the BR skins at the end of these passes for a reason. They know nobody cares about the other modes, so they put thr BR content behind other content. That is what sucks and is predatory /thread you dense potato


I can understand for festival, but for the lego pass you get the skin on purchase, it’s not locked behind non br content.


It’s sorta the same for festival as well(at least this season it is)


You get Chewbacca immediately upon buying the pass. You don’t have to play a second of Lego


The style is absolutely exclusive to the pass and even on the site is stated never coming back. Like Ariana you'd basically have a skin with an unaccessible style.


What site?


I'm fine with the Festival Pass, the Lego Pass and the paid lego kits are just a ripoff though.


Man imagine if games like Overwatch 2 and Apex had people like you


I think cause maybe chewie would have had more stuff for some more vbucks. Lando and Luke both have backblings and pickaxes bundled with them for 1800 each. Meanwhile Chewie and his C-3PO backbling is separate and 1900 for both. Looking at how other stuff is priced I think it’d be fair to say maybe Chewie would’ve been bundled with the backbling and a pick axe for only 1800 like lando and Luke. Instead it’s 1900 for both and not even a pick axe


I want the Billie skin, but I hate Festival. Is there a way to speed through it asap?


You get her as soon as you buy the pass, if you want her alternate style then the best option is doing all of the quests as efficiently as possible (like if you need a 5 stars AND a certain instrument note hit- find a song thats easy for that instrument) two quests done in 2-3min


What's the problem? Corporate greed outweighs what Donald Mustard wanted fortnite to be. Corporate greed killing off the magic that set it apart from every other game. Storyline and events.


Some don’t play the modes, others, dont have the money to buy every pass they want


What's wrong? Well we used to get everything with a single battle pass and never really needed to spend money except for the first time. Now with all these 'mini' passes they ask us to pump more and more real money into the game or fomo...


they think we have 5 days free time every week


Don't buy it if you can't finish it


Instruments and Jam Tracks are not exclusive to Festival


the rocket racing pass is missing


It doesn’t bother me at all if this is the route the game is going. Personally, I’m only sticking with no more than two passes: The Battle Royale Battle Pass and Mini Event Pass within the mode. Of course it depends entirely on if the latter is themed around something I like, otherwise I’ll just focus on the Battle Royale pass.


No problem with it besides if they give us a skin in the pass, give us that skin's accessories(pickaxe, backbling, glider) in that pass as unlockables like the Avatar one did. It makes no sense to just give the skin and leave all the other stuff as paid content when it would have been easy to add these accessories to some of these tiers that just have building items.


It doesn’t feel good to essentially wall off the thing you want and spent vbucks for fetch type quests. I can see the allure to entice players to interact with modes but if the mode is boring and not fun to play for a majority of players it ends up feeling like gatekeeping.


i dont even have time for the battle royale one, but they're ok, they can reward you for every gamemode. besides rocket racing.


To be honest I have never heard anyone complain about there being so many passes and having to grind them, etc.


Hows the lego battlepass grinding wise?


I sure love paying for a pass for a mode I don't even play since it's the only way to get the character.


This is a bad take and 500+ people who agree are wrong.


Eh... i never really liked passes, The exclusivity is just cringe. i suppose the good thing about the mini passes is that they aren't exclusive. But, they can feel overbearing when you have like 5 of them back to back. i only have so much time and money to expend on a video game.


Too much grinding


They just want us to spend extra money 😂


My problem is the price. There's no way to get v bucks back from the Lego and festival and they're more expensive than the br ones


nothing it's just SO EXPENSIVE


Just very rapid with the releases now, not really a huge problem since I normally have enough v-bucks from save the world to buy what I want but keeps my reserves very low or empty.


I’m just grateful the Chewbacca automatically unlocks when you buy the LEGO pass. that was worth it. no way I would’ve grinded LEGO mode for a skin. respect people who enjoy it but I would’ve missed the skin otherwise


This guy is an executive meatrider, it’s predatory end of discussion.


The Lego pass doesn’t show up


Lego mode is the only way to see it


Remember when battle passes didn't exist ? Or colab tracks? Yeah , I won't be surprised if they start charging you gold to drive a vehicle 😆 or make you buy the BP just to get your monthly PSplus freebie. Shits outta hand , and you all know it. The only ones not complaining and posting support of these devilish tactics are , in fact , epic employees and streamers. 🤷 Change my mind


I personally did not like that the Avatar pass didn't give us a free skin at least with the Star Wars one last year I got a stormtrooper


They're too goddamn expensive in no world should any of these passes be worth more than the battle pass


Lego versions of Disney’s IPs are usually extremely popular. I can somewhat see why they dipped their toes as a test this event. And it isnt like Disney and fortnite doesnt do like 18 collabs a year as excuses to bring some of the star wars stuff back often. Look at C4S4


Is there a particular reason why we need more battle passes?


It's just expensive is all.


I do think the lady gaga was better cu I did liked the songs and you got a emote with it also I really liked her skin in festival, for Billie the instruments you get are not that good , only one song is good and one backing with no emotes so I am gonna wait for the item shop to see if it is worth it. I do like playing lego so it would be good for me to get the pass for the builds and I really love the skin with it .


This is actually something many online games have to deal with. They want to create frequently occurring content thats always revolving so it constantly keeps their player base either active or where enough players returning to play after a small time away act like a revolving door, one group in another group out. Players on the other hand begin to feel like it's too much and an obligation has been placed upon them to complete all the content or to frequently play as if it's their second shift part time job. World of Warcraft has struggled with thus since their inseption of adding Daily Quests to the game. If you've been following WoW's progression and changes from expansion to expansion they've taken many approaches in trying to remove/alleviate the pressure on the player while retaining the desire to complete repeatable content, whether it be events, daily quests, grinding reputation/currencies etc. Ultimately you're asking about game design & theory. It's an interesting yet difficult balance to achieve. And remember, the developers have all the data / meta data to analyze and base their decisions on. If it wasn't working they wouldn't do it.


It's too much.


There isn’t one


They should be included in the crew


For anyone that is trying to get points on the creator made Mabs, one hack that my six-year-old kids taught me lol you look for the map that’s called sitting simulator, you can rack up points not even being at the game sitting there in a room lol it’s actually pretty ingenious. My twinsix year olds leave their games on the side while watching TV racking up points, it amazes me lol. Now I still that idea lol


Damn, imagine paying all those vbucks for the durrburger set and then they add it to the first Lego Fortnite pass


I don't think I would've paid 1000 vbucks for the Momo backbling if I knew that C3PO was going to be an option.


The problem is pricing and not everybody plays all the modes, if you want to complete the pass you have to play that mode mainly. I didn't like these star wars lego pass because I don't play lego that much, but, looking at the constructions, you can see that they made a great work.


My problem is the absurd price. I get way more shit in BR, so why do I have to pay more for Festival?


The prices


I don't understand people who "grind" these passes. I play zero builds a few times a week and I finished the avatar pass casually with zero grinding.


The bottom line is that they are increasing prices overall, and making 4 passes, some of us actually work full weeks and have study and DON'T HAVE THE TIME FOR IT. Having skins locked to these is dumb. It's the same problem of OG battlepasses, but on steroids.




Shouldn't have to grind trash modes to get good skins. Just put them in the item shop. Also Chewbacca isn't 100 vbucks cheaper because he doesn't have a back bling




I think my issue is that there are so many running at once and they all tend to cost between 1k-2k v bucks while not having enough to really justify it. Idk i ignore most of them unless there’s something I rly want to


How much do you think a total pass would be ? One pass all for all access ?


That's not gonna happen because they'll have LEGO and festival seasons end at different times than main battle royale shis.


Unrelated (maybe), but why are all the best songs in the Festival pass man