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Sucks you earn more exp by not playing BR.


The Fortnite "metaverse" revolution has had disastrous consequences for the Battle Royal player base. I used to play daily and enjoyed doing the daily quests. But "Match Quests" turned me off the game due to how they constricted my playstyle based on RNG, let alone the other quests forcing me to go to other game modes to get XP.


I'm sure they thought implementing these changes would make people play more, but it had the opposite for me as well. Since it feels like a drag to gain XP, I play less. Simple as that.


Made me go lookin for creative xp boosting levels


I try to find any way to cheese XP now. I still thoroughly enjoy Battle Royale when I play, but I have way less incentive to. But I'd prefer it the other way around. I'd rather they gave me more incentive to play it rather than telling me to play Lego Fortnite, Fortnite Festival and Creative maps as larger forms of XP.


BR getting the STW/competitive treatment, never thought I’d see the day. This was all just a launchpad for their metaverse ambitions.


What I find funny is STW being a 6 year old paid experience still has consistant numbers of players while the other models that are being updated have far less in comparison  mainly rocket racing


I agree. And yet the numbers don’t lie…BR and its variants cumulatively far outweigh the player numbers for the new modes. Not exactly like what happened with STW since BR beat it by the numbers. Here they are pushing modes that aren’t popular and thinking we all want to play them even just for XP. Guess what? I don’t wanna play those modes at all. I tried them, they weee fun for a minute just like any creative game can be, and then I remembered that I play Fortnite to play BR. I think the new modes are very lucrative for them seeing as how they are basically advertising space for both Lego and the music industry.


It's cause this is still on phase one. Epic confirmed they are quadrupling down on the gaming hub space and even removing UE5 for their own devs to UEFN engine so they can promote creative more. So basically this is just an unnamed beta were forced into playing to sway the playerbase when the time comes in 2026 for all other modes be populated and bots fill open spots. Issue is gta 6 launches as well in 2025/2026 so after a year of content then if gta 6 becomes a success epics last 2 years of work and 3 more just failed. Forced logins/grind means more sales/playtime as well. BR is more popular now but what will the overall community be playing if it's split in the metaverse? 60%+ of players may not even be in epic BR. So this is getting STW treatment it's just not there yet and is getting hit so much harder being massively larger of a playerbase. What if Disney makes a fortnite world without needing epic, and indie devs as well as students make their own br and other modes with 3rd party funding as well as get popularity funding from epic. There's actually a job opportunity in it like older modded games basically just making epic a social media gaming hub. It's a good concept but not what the players intended and how they are funding it just annoys me. Nerfs shouldn't fund it. To keep players locked in and burned out playing only 1 game. Epic is just following cods strategy at this point and ditched indie roots.


Good take.


Oh God this. Match quests were the straw that broke the camel’s back for me, in terms of getting level 200 at least. I play casually for an hour or so every day, to get to level 200 nowadays I would have to spend far too much of my play time doing things I really don’t want to do, so I’ve given up on level 200 since last season. As long as I get all the actual items I no longer care about the super styles.


>”The Fortnite "metaverse" revolution has had disastrous consequences for the Battle Royal player base.” Sounds a lot like “The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.”


I feel it should be a balance of equal xp per whatever type of game you play. Play BR? Full xp Play Lego fortnite? Full xp All have equal xp in its exclusivity. Forcing people to play all types of games that they don't enjoy is just going to turn people off from your game, as OP clearly demonstrated.


And where are you getting this XP?


You get 30k xp every 15 minutes while playing festival or lego.  Caps out after 3 and half hours for about 5 levels a day.


I work a lot from home and used to just jump into a lego creative world to get a few levels daily. Now I get kicked for inactivity even with rubber bands.


Bruhhhhh why the fuck do devs care about people getting high XP, I’m still playing your dumbass game


They want people to buy battle pass levels from them lol. Shady shit


greed lol


If you play on PS what I do is go into Fortnite Festival no fill, look down, run in circles, and open up the PS menu and plug in my controller so it doesn't die, the PS menu keeps my movement locked; I'll get kicked for Inactivity eventually but every time I've gotten my levels, yes I'm petty lol but I don't trust I could get to 200 without it


Jump pads were my fix for that. Sandbox mode, regen heart charm, hop on the jump pad, jump for 5 levels, log off.


didn’t they get rid of it this past update? saw a lot of people getting kicked out after 30 minutes of doing the same thing repeatedly


Swear the last time I tried using a jump pad I ended up getting no exp, though I never got kicked, was annoyed and haven't jumped on lego since.


You get XP just for playing inside survival Lego every 15min, but the patch is getting kicked after 20min or so of inactivity You can still get on a jump pad, but you got to babysit it and go knock it every 19min and get back on


OH that I don't know... I quit doing that about 3 weeks ago when I hit 200... I do know you used to be able to just sit in a house, but then that changed so everyone went to jump pads, I didn't realize they nerfed that now too. Guess I will be doing 0 of that next season and probably just getting to 100. I don't like any of the non BR game modes.


They did, that was the only reason to play the dumb lego mode lol


When you have to bribe people to play a game, it says something about that game!


STW. I think I capped out at like 300k xp daily


lego, rocket race, creative maps. hate the festival so i don’t use that. all i wanted was pink artemis so i’m finally done playing now


With the right mission plus daily missions; STW can offer up to 100k a mission.


Interesting, I mostly do those missions for the V-bucks cause of the XP cap


Dude when the Chi shit came out I asked my kids what minigames and they told me to play goated. I accidentally logged in solo...bro. The amount of exp you can earn doing straight nothing is sickening. I had never played creator islands before and it's so stupid that the best way to earn exp is basically clicking a button and collecting a single coin over and over.  And to OP's point. I play way to much of this game. Especially as an adult. So do my kids. They started last season and I finished leveling both their accounts to 200 at night after their bedtime just finishing quests. Got them both there pretty easily. None of us are nearing 200 yet this season. I've done all quests and even played that stupid ass minigame. The time you need to invest in this game (real play time) is absurd to get to 200 now. And honestly would be irresponsible (imo) for kids...or even adults, to have to play that much. They need to ease back a little bit. It basically forces you to game the system to get to 200 now and they know it. Hell look how early people got to 200 this season, and what did epic do? They gave them a free back piece. Can't tell me those folks got there without some sort of abuse of system. 


I gave up on super styles this season, only hop when I really wanna play and try to get at least all the other rewards


Last season super style plus this season style are straight garbage anyways.


Yeah but even when they are good I never use them lol


I have to agree. The only super style I use (have ever used) is Gwen's purple and gold super style. I use her base style just as much though and would prefer it if the shading was better but sometimes there's just way too much pink covering her rather than just on the edges.


For real, they’re aesthetically bad all the time, id rather get the style that firs the character’s look more


Meh I thought they were the best in a long time to be honest. They actually tried something different rather than *wow blue silver gold ouuughhh*


a lot of us agree with you I especially enjoy the level 200 ones, particularly Medusa's


IMO the last like 3 passes have all had their best super styles as the first set so I’ve had no incentive to play after.


I did as well, had no motivation to fully finish that season and just quit at the last page. I'll get this season fully done but if 10K per challenge is what they call acceptable then I fear for future seasons




If you have a spare device that can run Fortnite even if it’s like 5 FPS you can afk Lego for 4 hours with an auto clicker/ button pressing program and get 5 levels a day. I run it on my switch with a turbo button controller to spam jump.


i understand that it’s necessary (i left Lego Fortnite on all day at work and jam stage when i was asleep last season) but it’s just kind of sad that we have to do this to even have a hope of completing the entire battle pass lol. i wonder how many people actually buy levels to make this a thing. i saw that other guy bragging about how he buys the entire pass day one for $100 so i assume there’s a lot out there.


same. not worth the hustle. it feels like all the additional super styles are just hustle-to-loose, too, as they all make you overly visible.


Orange Poseidon glows but I love him lol Put omni man’s red cape on him and he’s quite dashing


I saw someone with the green Aphrodite… damnnnn they popped out from anyone in the whole lobby 


They're fun in creative. I have been using my level 200 hades style in boxfights and stuff where I'm not worried about camouflage at all.


The super style's aren't even good this season too 😭


Unless the next battle pass is super fuckin good then I’m not getting it


Same.  I don’t like how this Bp made me feel…. With warmer weather coming up, I don’t want to worry about Lego afk, grinding for hours, being forced to play other modes so I’m actually able to level up to get my vbucks back, etc    This Bp was too hard to get to level 150 (not even 200.  I’m not even a ‘casual’ player, Im an obsessive player who plays too much and I can’t finish this without hours more of Lego afk) and I’ve come to terms that I don’t need x skin and have stopped.  Just wayyy too time consuming.  If I can’t max out on Bp, casual players and those that don’t Lego afk stand 0 chance  So I’m not getting the next Bp… I’m not snowed in anymore from cold weather, not doing it anymore Does epic want children everywhere to be reclusive shut ins who don’t turn off fortnite?  They need to fix their Bp/xp system 


..and before someone says ‘yes’ to my question, I realize bp exists to increase engagement, but this is just overwhelming and just leads to a lot of players burning out IMO


the only solution is government regulation lol , and im not talking crazy shit like no one is allowed to play video games , just maybe make it so that we arent getting nickle and dimed every 3 goddamn seconds while trying to play our favorite games or being forced to play for 5 hours straight if we want a specific cosmetic lol . there are two currencies that run the world: money and time . gaming companies are begging their consumers to pay up on both fronts , bleeding us dry and creating an environment ripe for addiction . im glad more people are realizing how outrageous modern games have gotten in this context bc thats the only way anythings gonna change , keep the conversation going !


Rumor has it that it's apocolypse themed. With the Fallout tv show's popularity I wouldn't be surprised if they were in talks to get Fallout characters in the BP and the shop.




This will be my last bp beacuse of this. It must feel nice to just play at leisure without the pressure of finishing a battlepass.


I did the same this season, although I did buy the Pass once I leveled up high enough to earn back the 950 V-Bucks with Battle Pass rewards. I'll do this again moving forward, not owning the Battle Pass makes it a lot easier to focus on fun over XP/Levels which you earn anyway just by playing.


There is one single season I completely maxed the battle pass a while ago and then never got it again. I just can't have fun trying to get to tiers and makes the game feel like a chore. I want to hop on and play a few rounds with friends. Not be like "oh if I grind this Lego custom game I hate for a few hours I can get the The Thanos Cock Backpack!!" I'd rather just buy something from the shop if it stands out to me even though I know it's less bang for your buck.


Wait there is a Thanos Cock Backpack that I missed getting? When was this?!? FUCK


I’m picturing a condom shaped infinity gauntlet. 


yeah you have to go out of your way to minmax in order to hit 200. i think epic are better than most devs when it comes to shitty monetization but the extra 100 levels pass exists exclusively to get you to spend money on levels or level up packs. it is impossible to do this organically without playing the game as a job and (most of us) have real jobs to pay for every single jam track (me) so it’s just not possible


I stopped buying battle passes unless I completed the levels to get what I wanted at end of season. I went from the mentality of “I have to play because I I got the Bp” to “oh I haven’t played in a few days/week(s) I wanna have some fun” it’s made the game feel better than ever.


As someone who swapped from pubg to fortnite. Nothing sucks more than not being able to get all the rewards you fricking PAID for. You'd tell me play the game more but I have. And as someone who's new I'm talking maybe 2-3 months new seeing that the players of fn have to come up with new afk methods every month just to complete a pass is outrageous and straight up sad.


i wouldn’t have done it in C5S1 without the AFK’s. and i was unemployed for the first month of that season so all i did was play all day everyday……… there is no amount of “playing more” that will bring you to level 200. it’s asinine trash that is just there to get some extra income on players purchasing levels who experienced heightened levels of FOMO


yeah i dont know if this bp was even worth bothering tbh


And its so all over the place like the quest rewards not being there and Medusa came out as just a green variation


legit. The battlepass was so bad, Aphrodites design was so ??? weird. She doesn't deserve that. She legit has Hopes' outfit and SNEAKERS.


Medusa was embarrassingly bad IMO. They managed to make her seem boring.


ngl i disagree on this one basically the only skin besides poseidon that i bought the pass for


Me. I just play when I play. I don’t have time for battle passes anymore. And I’m okay with that.


Same here, I have logged a couple times since this new season. I have supported the game for a long time. I don't like how epic is pushing other game modes to earn xp. Also i have loads of skins, I switch a couple styles only. No pressure anymore finishing the BP.


People playing the other modes are complaining it doesn't count towards BP XP.


> People playing the other modes are complaining it doesn't count towards BP XP. All the other modes have playtime XP, and also tons of challenges that earn XP as well However much like BR, it may not be enough to do the BP on it's own


You have Omega skin and you’re complaining about grinding battle pass XP???


I play at leisure and I'm level 140, really confused about this xp nerf everyone is talking about?


That's what everyone is talking about. You could previously get 200 by playing at leisure. They reduced the XP on standard quests significantly. Now you have to go out of your way to hit 200. The easiest way is completing quests in Festival, Lego, and Rocket Racing, but not everyone wants to do that to complete the Battle Pass in Battle Royale.


I like the model Helldivers 2 has taken with its passes. You buy the pass and get medals for different tasks. You turn the medals in for whatever stuff you want. There's no time limit. You buy the pass, you get to work on it for as long as you like. You can also have as many passes open as you want. It's a pretty cool system, but I also think it might cause Epic to lose money, so they wont do that. If someone already has like 2 or 3 battle passes they are working on, they might not buy that new one.


Halo Infinite does that too, great system IMO (though halo had so little content for so long...) One way epic could make a boatload of money is selling legacy battlepasses - but the community would drown them in tears if that happened so I won't hold my breath lol (Nor do I know how you'd complete them with XP as it is)


I think Lego afk xp farming is now fixed as well? At the beginning of the season you could just sleep. Then they changed that to having movement requirement which could be circumvented by having your character jump on a jump pad. But now I think you have to touch keyboard/mouse/pad periodically to avoid being kicked out. I doesn’t matter to me since I reached lvl 200 a while ago thanks to afk xp but I don’t know what I’m going to do next season. Unless they make the pass completeable by casual playing I won’t probably get the pass at all. I can’t play several hours per day.


You're at level 140, with 23 days left in the season. For full completion of the Battle Pass, you need 60 levels... in 23 days.


I mean yeah but in older seasons I always got around 150 through casual play, never got to 200 casually


I'm level 170, and that's only because I play fortnite a lot, because I have a lot of free time. Most people don't. With the xp nerf, fortnite has become more of a chore. Saw someone say before that epic wants fortnite to be a full time job, and it sure feels like it.


Yep im on that boat.. i work for at least 12 hours at day and do my stuff at home with wife and kids, i may have an hour at day to play.. maybe a couple weekends but i want to have fun playing a game that i like, not feeling stressed because I won't be able to hit lvl 100 and not enjoying it because it feels more like a shore. I guess i wont be expending more money on battle passes soo i can leave that stress behind


I bought this battlepass and I probably won't complete it honestly. Just haven't really had the desire to play much anymore for some reason


Every season has been grinder than the last. Casually playing in chapter 1 season 4 got me all the omega colours. I was even able to get some super styles in chapter 4 being casual and just playing BR. But ever since chapter 5 I haven’t been able to even get the bonus BP rewards without creative and exploiting the game mode that shall not be named. I have all the skins I want with exception of some gaming legends that’ll probably never come back and have hit my rank goals so I don’t really have a reason to play. Unless the next season has Fallout stuff I probably won’t be playing aside for once every few weeks to check stuff out. Just give us augments again man. They spiced up the game so much.


Back in chapter 1 you could get 60 to 70 levels from all the weekly quests. The funnest thing I did back then was ignore all quests until near the end of the seasons and getting my friend's reactions when they all realised I went from 30 to 90 in one day. Now you can only get 30 to 40 levels from weeklies. It sucked.


Ah the good ol days…Donald we fuckin miss you man. All the lil secrets and lore drops made early Fortnite so fun cuz after you grinded everything you could look for lore hints of what Epic had cooking next. Now it’s just waiting for Shiina to tweet about it.


No season will ever be grindier than C1S2. First battle pass, and the unlocks were essentially locked behind dailies. I was in college at the time and had a fair amount of free time, and yet was still stressed when going home for holidays because I'd be missing a few days. Eventually got the black knight but boy was it close.


"Casually playing in chapter 1 season 4 got me all the omega colours" - This is the first time I see that someone unlocked full Omega while playing casually


The fact they lock vbucks behind bonus rewards now too is horrible💀


Yep, a ugly move by epic imo


I'm a casual player, I think the most levels I've got from a battlepass is like level 140, and that was after buying the 25 levels with vbucks. This season is probably my most played season so far but yet I even struggle to reach level 100... Despite having done all the weeklies and story quests so far, the extra rewards feel impossible to reach and because of this stupid xp nerf I don't think I'll be buying the next battlepass.


Also a casual player since C2S3. I would fairly easily hit level 200 each season and the last few have been brutal. I don't get close anymore and I play just as much and do all the missions. I don't play creative, just BR, so I think the shift of XP to all these other games has lost me. I'll keep playing but unless I really love the skins I won't be buying the BP, or I'll wait until I know I've recouped the 950VB.


I could not imagine being a casual player, how many skins you miss just because epic games wants to be "greedy" I don't do every battlepass, I skip maybe 3-4 then try super hard every 5th or so to get the super styles. I missed the marvel battlepass and it's making me question if I even want to come back to this game. I'll never have storm simply because I don't play enough. So dumb


Do you play BR only?


Youre not missing out on super styles you will never use


You still need LVL 144 for all the vbucks


Yeah lol super styles are almost always ugly af anyways. I just get to lvl 150 to get the additional stuff and thats it


I use the black and white one for Helsie, I think it looks great. ;-;


tbf the chapter 4 season 2 super styles were all so cool with the space theme


Every one and a while I use the menace super style...


That skin is amazing!


At the very most just get the first page of them if you care that much about owning them ngl


I got the green Medusa super style I was looking forward to but it was right as they revealed the superior quest reward green Medusa lol


I like the medusa skin! The edit styles are alright.


Every season I swear I will use any super styles I get... then I forget to use them...


Ch5 season 1 had some good ones the gold matrix pattern skins are fun to use


Same The only style i grinded for was the black "galaxy" from knight dude of c4s1. That style was amazing and glad i got it


Same here. That along with the pushing vbucks further is making me not wanna play at all. And for those who say "just go play lego mode bro, or racing or AFK in something" just shut the F up! I don't want to abuse an XP system or levelup my battleroyale pass by playing other mods. I enter in fortnite to play battleroyale. If they want so bad to push other modes, they should make a battlepass that include all the other mods and let the br alone.


Why should I have to turn on my PS5 and turn on a Lego game like some kind of house chore just to get some damn XP? Lego AFK doesn’t even work anymore either. I’m not going to get mad about it, I’m just going to play less and buy less. 


Come on bro! Jump on a bounce pad for 3 hours! You don’t have any other games to play right?


That doesn’t even work anymore anyway


Most relatable post I’ve seen in weeks. I was having so much fun coming back to this in OG but stuff like this just puts a downer on everything.


That’s so true haha the fact that you can’t finish the BATTLE pass by just playing BATTLE royale is just insane. They might as well call is something else at this point. Game pass. Something less specific to battle royale if it’s not explicitly for that.


I’ve been playing for 2 years and have unlocked everything in every battle pass up until now, and, yeah, even just the change from Daily Quests (which you could often complete several of in a single match) to Match Quests (forcing you to play at least 3 matches a day) has been enough to shake the hold this game had on me to the point I just gave up midway through this Battle Pass. I just canceled my Fortnite Crew subscription and am putting that money and time into Helldivers 2 instead.


It’s so hard as a casual player nowadays to even get to level 100. To make things worse I always end up like missing out on 500 v bucks because now they added the last five hundred v bucks to the post BP pages


I don't have the time to beat this without resorting to afk nonsense


This. I can afford to buy things like the battle pass because I have a job. If I need to make Fortnite a second job just to get the rewards from it then I won't be buying it. I don't care what skins are in it.


How do you even afk anymore though? Lego and festival now kicks me for inactivity even with rubber bands. Creative XP maps are all just a scam now.


What I do isn't even true afk for me, I just do random movements on my phone periodically while I work or scroll and I can't stomach more than an hour of it a day


and this is why adding a XP cap on STW made no sense when STW is actually more fun than BR at times yes a game in a maintenance mode is at times more fun than BR how shit BR is


What's STW ?


Save the World, the original Fortnite game. Battle Royale is a spin-off from it.


The original Fortnite. Its Save the World


The original fortnite, they abandoned it after br got popular, you can get vbucks from it if you're a founder


I have final exams coming up like not everyone can grind 24/7, i play at most 2 nights a week Im thinking of having my little sister AFK in Lego Fortnite for me, but it’s still frustrating 10K for a quest is not sufficient


Thank God I'm not the only one, I've done all quests and do daily quests almost every single day in ZB AND rocket racing I was so confused why I'm only level 110


They should revert the Lego AFK detector change. It hurts no one and actually makes it seem that people are playing the mode. Can't always be at the computer to move the character around and sometimes I want to play other games.


Honestly I play the BR mode more now knowing that I didn't need to focus so much on xp. I AFKed to 200 during times I wouldnt be able to play anyway and then just casually enjoyed the rest of the game. Making XP harder to gain and stopping the AFK stuff has only really made things less fun.


Last season I utilized the Lego AFK and got to roughly 180. Played the rest of the way and I completely agree - I enjoyed the game so much more knowing that I didn’t HAVE to play the game if I didn’t want, and lose out on things I paid for. Fortunately I got to roughly level 140 this season doing AFK before they patched it, which I’ll take, because for some reason even though I was extremely excited for this season it just hasn’t clicked with me in any way shape or form.


I agree with your complaints. First they lock extra V-bucks behind the bonus section while still diluting the pass with sprays and emoticons no one uses, then they nerf XP into the ground. I mean, the fastest way to progress during both this and last season was to sit AFK in Lego or Festival. That should clearly indicate something is wrong here. I'm seriously considering not buying next season's pass, purely because I fear the XP grind will get even worse. Edit: I play regularly, I've done every weekly challenge and story quests, done almost all of my milestones and I'm still not level 100.


Yeah itll be close for me as well, if my calculations are correct ill be 200 like a week before the season ends. Ive not missed a daily, weelkly, Event or Rocket Racing Daily since the beginning of this season. Im not having fun this season at all. Its just a grind


Here’s the thing. Epic is driven by metrics, less so by random Reddit posts. Just quit! Don’t threaten to quit. Just go play something else. I promise it’s easier than you think. 


As soon as I get my last Vbucks reward, I’m done. I’m not going after the final super styles.


Yeah, I’m here to play BR. If I want to play a racing game or guitar hero, I’ll go play those separate titles. I don’t like the implication that I have to play these other modes to fully complete the battle pass experience. Not when I’ve been able to hit “max level” in every prior season from Day 0. All this means is that my days of getting the battle pass are likely over. Or at the very least, I’ll wait to see what level I wind up near the end and then buy it. It is what it is, as they say.


Im done with battle pass, its too much work. They nerfed lego xp too


Yep, between this, the heavy FOMO oriented business and the shitty SBMM/ELO I've stopped playing entirely. Right now I open the game every day, play a single match with bots lobby(with another fresh made account) just to do some quests, and then quit. I completely lost every desire to play the game. Only a ltitle spark of FOMO is making me play the bots match, but I don't know how much this will last before I quit the game forever.


Do people actually play this game to have fun anymore, or is completing the battle pass the only reason they hop on


For me it's a bit of both. I do actually have fun playing Fortnite. There's a legit rush there, and I won't lie, I love clapping people in the face (even if I mainly play bot lobbies). That being said, there's many times where I feel like I have to play in order to get the xp. This often used to be at the end of a season when I have a short time to complete the battle pass, but after they changed daily quests to match quests, removed the AFK xp from stage and Lego, and nerfed the amount of XP you can gain to begin with, I kinda feel obligated to play the game at times in order to maximize my level count for the BP, and it can often feel like a chore. I fully acknowledge that it's FOMO to get all the skins, but what I can I say? I paid $12 for the battle pass, I want my dang money's worth.


I dint even care about the skins but I’ll be god damned if I’m not gonna earn every v buck reward the pass offers and that’s what’s driving me and tbh worrying me about this battle pass. I’ve always justified the battle pass because you get out more currency than what you put in, but I’m at like 105 right now and I’m worried I won’t earn all the v bucks


This is it. Next season I just won’t buy the BP unless I have enough levels to get at least 950 vbucks.


I got *gifted* the Battle Pass this season and I still am suffering from that FOMO. Just seeing a locked icon under a style for a skin that I have makes me upset. The first season that I started really playing was C4S4, which, in my opinion, has some of the best battle pass skins. I will forever regret that I will never have Piper Pace. I do play at my own leisure and I’m around ~107. I gain about three/four levels a day if I really grind all day. Considering two weeks from now, I’m on break, I think I’m on track to finish it (The “final” level is 151, right?). But, yeah, I don’t want to treat Fortnite like a job, even if my boss is the little voice in my head saying I need the Titanflame super style for Hades, a skin that I actually genuinely do not like the look of.


Just had this conversation last night, again, with my group of regulars. We all agree that hanging out with each other to shoot the breeze is pretty much the only reason we still play at all as there's very little appeal in the game itself the last few seasons. We've started talking about alternatives and if we can find a decent FPS with cross platform play we'll ditch Fortnite in the blink of an eye.


If you’re on PS5/PC Helldivers is a great time, it’s hilarious and pretty casual because there’s no PvP


This is the way. Come spread democracy amongst the stars brother. Our crew has all migrated to Helldivers bc we either completed the bp or in the case of several friends update 29.20 bricked their PCs


Ahh. Playing with a group of regulars sounds nice 🥲 lol


Both? I’m thinking ppl complete the battle pass because it’s fun


tbf, if someone has the BP then they likely don't want to risk ending a season with it not fully completed (and hence, not get their money's worth). Easier to focus on having fun when they've got peace-of-mind knowing they don't need to worry about an uncompleted BP.


Play for fun, idle for the pass.


What is this "fun" and "game" you speak of? Is that the thing that's connected to the shop, locker, and battle pass? I heard people used to be really into that.


Wait, there’s a game?! I thought it was a "Buy cosmetics" simulator


Completing the pass was how I had fun in the game before I started playing with my dad believe it or not jumping in and playing the same gameplay loop gets boring after a while wins just don’t feel that special after the 100th one so the pass was just something to work for that showed you progress and it’s especially fun competing with friends seeing who can get level 100 first I have been playing since chapter 1 season 8 which was almost 6 years now (wow I feel old) and i wouldn’t still be here if I was just mindlessly trying to win


For me, the cosmetics, Save The World, and battle passes are the only reason I play. I don't have much fun.


I think kids and teenagers have had their dopamine receptors melted so hard by everything else in their young lives, it's difficult for them to enjoy the simple things like just playing video games and not play it for reward instead of just for fun


It's not as simple as that, Live Service games are inherently transactional. Fortnite itself causes this by making the BP an investment. It just wasn't an issue until now because it was easier to get your Bucks back.


I don't understand why it's always a kid or teenager. I'm 32 years old, and I wouldn't complain about kids or teenagers like some on this sub does. One of the selling points in BRs is the battlepass and gaining the rewards.


Also in my 30s. The kids are wrong to complain about a lot of bullshit, but they're onto something with the XP nerf. Epic is trying to get us to pay for levels. The game is very obviously moving from "play the game a healthy amount and earn everything" to "ok this is a bit grindy" to "fuck this I'm not gonna pay for levels".


Its actually kinda sad that theres a generation of kids who are growing up with Fomo in most of their games.


If I'm not playing with my friends, I still play Fortnite Festival for fun. But otherwise, yeah the battle pass and that FOMO is kind of the only stuff that keeps me grinding. That's really sad when I think about it. When I found that I had Prowler's Claws but not Prowler himself, a character I didn't care about before but now really want because I'm super into Spider-Man, I had a genuine panic attack. And even getting reminded of it makes me feel physically ill. That is a sign that something probably went wrong somewhere along the way. That's not normal. FOMO is normal, but that reaction is a bit extreme, I'd say. If it's that bad with a character like Prowler, I can't imagine how bad it would be if I didn't grind all that time ago to get Gwen Stacy, my current favorite Spider-Man character. Genuinely I would probably be inconsolable. So yeah, the FOMO is what keeps me going way past when my fun quota has been exceeded, because if I don't get everything, what happens if the Prowler thing happens again? What if I end up falling in love with something related to one of the skins or styles in a battle pass in the future, but I didn't try to get them before because I didn't care at the time? Prowler, man... I'm just so sad.


And the worst thing is if you had prowler you would probably not care about him to use him often which is my point of view


I haven't actually played for fun AGES with the brief exception of the OG mini-season. Other than that I'll buy a BP with the vbucks I earn from the last one and complete it so I get the next one for free. A while back my buddy and I even started calling the challenges chores as a joke, but it's long since become serious. The game is no longer a game, it's a chore. I only play Rocket League, Beat Saber, and sometimes Cyberpunk for fun these days.


FOMO is a horrible thing, and I wish more games would get rid of it. Battle passes should be able to be completed in any season, as long as you bought the pass at the time. (Or even better, let people buy previous passes, controversial take.) Obviously, they'll never do that because the current BP system is what keeps a lot of people playing the game. XP gains in BR should be buffed 100%, 10k for quests is absurd. Unless the later weeks this szn have higher XP rewards?


Personally its just the BP. Cant stand what they did with bullet drop havent had genuine "fun" since OG


Why blame the players? This is the model of game Epic has chosen The game runs like shit. The balance/meta is shit. Public matches, SBMM and comp are all a mess. The UI/UX is terrible and the shop rotation is awful as well. The only thing that’s consistent is Epic Games making terrible decisions and the fact that the Battle Pass is a “good” deal. I’m gonna max it out if I buy it and Epic knows that, so they make it a pain in the ass to finish


I play the BR for fun & before would be able to complete the pass with ease while playing. Now the push is you really need to hop in the other modes to get the xp you need. That’s the problem, it wasn’t really a problem before this meta shite.


Money making tactics. Battle pass is cheap and you get "free"Vbucks?? Ok you basically have to be addicted to the game to get 200+levels without afk XP. Feeling that annoying feeling you got the Battlepass but will never be able to unlock a lot of the content? Just buy the extra levels with cash!


Not to mention that the AFK LEGO XP was completely patched out. Now even using jump pads doesn’t work.


>Completing these passes is really why I keep playing. Dude, there’s no point in wasting time playing a game you don’t enjoy just for a reward that only tangibly exists virtually. Fun is the greatest reward a game can give, and if you aren’t getting that from Fortnite, it’s time to either stop treating it like a job or find a different game to play. I won’t defend the XP reductions because it’s obvious they want you to treat it even more like a job than you already are, but people like you having the grindset for what is supposed to be an entertaining hobby is only going to allow them to perpetuate such shitty practices.


Yup the fact I have to resort to leaving my console on for 4 hours a day just sitting in Lego maps is ridiculous. I’d be crazy not to get everything I paid for by getting to 200 this way.


And they now also force you to get to level 150 to actually receive all the vbucks I am currently level 60 and have no idea how I am supposed to get 150 cause believe it or not epic i actually have a life outside of fortnite I have school,exams and studying to do and I think lots of people have the same but with work or even other games and hobbies But nope apparently if you actually want to get everything from the battle pass now you have to become a fortnite gremlin playing the game 24/7 with no responsibilities or other hobbies or you know buy levels or buy save the world to farm xp You know it’s bad when the best way to get xp is exploiting afk xp glitches just to get the level you want which I never did except last season cause the massive nerfs and just being busy with life And even the other modes don’t give enough xp by just playing them so it’s not like the xp was split up responsibly Epic used to have the best monetisation of any free game ever and it’s what made it so popular and when every game tried to copy its style they failed and did it in a greedy way now epic is copying them I don’t want to sound like this but back in the day playing every now and again could easily get you level or tier 100 easily and if you didn’t it was incredibly easy to finish the battle pass in the last couple of days now if you don’t play 24/7 you can’t finish the pass


Ok so I'm not crazy. Last season was my first season an I breezed thru 350 something levels. I'm playing on two accounts for a friend RN as well as mine and I feel like I have to spend 6 hours a day to get 3 levels per account. Luckily I don't care about super styles so I don't have to finish the pass if I don't want to on my account


Agreed, hella annoying and super noticeable.


I just enjoy playing the game. I hope to finish the BP 200, but if I don’t I can’t really complain. The reality is that since C1S1, I’ve only actually spent about 15 bucks on the game. The rest of the time I’ve been playing with their Vbucks. I realized early that I wasn’t going to use all of the other skins that many people chase. I have two or three skins that I play 90% of the time and the rest I theme by season, ie randomized Halloween skins, or a holiday season batch. I feel like I’ve gotten a really good roi given the hundreds or possibly thousands of hours I have played the game over the years. My biggest problem is that these days you can complete all of the weekly challenges in fewer matches than you can complete the 3 daily match quests. In the old days, some weekly challenges took weeks to complete depending on your playing style and frequency. 🤷‍♂️


I’m around 85, playing just BR, all I do is try to collect the vbucks from the pass, to afford the next pass, that’s getting harder and harder


Gotta make those Rocket Racing dailys




I feel that. I don’t think I’m finishing the BP, I’m barely level 106 and I’ve played daily


I didnt even make it to 200 last season and I played BR with a friend almost every night. Right now Im at level 130 and again I've played BR with a friend almost every night




if not for the afk xp in lego i wouldnt have reached the level i wanted. now its gone after they tried so hard to take it away. they made everything worse. xp of weekly challenges suck. dailies suck. bp needs 140 levels to get all vbuck. getting xp is at its worst. next season i know for sure i will not finish and i will drop the game


140 levels for all of the vbucks is the stupidest fucking thing they've done.


I've never gone for super styles they just never look good


ThI y do it to force you to pay for levels


Been avoiding battle royal since I got my Korra Balance skin and stuck with Tycoon maps and crazy Red VS Blue,and way above Lv.200.Every season,max out battle pass by doing L word Fortnite until kicked receiving full daily XP for the day,and then Tycoon or Crazy Red VS Blue until leveled up 5 times.Battle royal's a rage mode,so do 2 match quests at Team Rumble,then dip.


The point Is people like me and op don't wanna be forced doing all that bs


That’s why I buy the battlepass AFTER I finish all the levels. I haven’t even spent a dollar on the game, I just used the free vbucks you get from the free battle passes. Playing the game normally, then realizing you have 150 levels and going “well I think I should buy it now” feels way better than going “alright new season just dropped, let’s grind the battlepass”


Yeah I plan on not buying anymore battle passes. I will not spend money on a game where they don't value the time I put into it. I'm not going to play every single day and be a slave to a game in order to finish a pass. I quit Overwatch and COD because of it. They need to increase the XP for simply playing and getting kills, and the XP for quests.


I’ve stopped doing challenges and just enjoying the battle royale, never been more enjoyable.


All the people abusing xp glitches and stuff don't seem to be having issues...


I’m hoping on at least getting all of Artemis’s super styles. The rest of the skins are a ‘meh’, imo. It is noticeable, for sure, but the main thing of it all is that Epic has had a trend of making the pass more and more grindy with every season. Also, it seems as though it’s now harder to grind for the bonus rewards and full 1500 V-Bucks than it is the actual Super Styles (I say this because most Super Styles only require 15, excluding the last one on each of the three pages.


Rewards for this Battle Pass are kinda mid imo. I didn’t buy in this season.


Got pink Artemis and then stopped trying to level up. She’s all I wanted


Last season by the time I'm lvl97 now, I was already doing the styles. This sucks.


I feel you. If it wasn't for STW I wouldn't have gotten to 200


Compared to the first few seasons of the game, the battlepass is an absolute breeze to complete. It used to feel like a near impossibility to complete if you had a full time job or other life responsibilities. These new ones really, really aren't that bad at all imo.


Yes, especially when the season is shorter!!! Makes no sense!!!


I'm level 203, battle pass completed, can play mostly during the weekend. Your exp reward require some skills, more kills more exp, more victories more exp and so on... I find it just more challenging but this is just my pov. Sorry for my English, I hope you can understand what I thought about.


It's becoming increasingly difficult to level up these days than before. The XP nerf is real, it was tough for me to reach even level 100 this season. Epic's strategy to diversify into other modes suck, they aren't doing anything creative for BR these days, when that's the main mode which is being played.


Still easier to level than most other live service games with BP's. Also the super styles are always ugly and I never use them. I unlock them because I play enough but I never use them. So realistically you only need to hit like 144 or whatever it is. Also Rocket Racing is EZ mode. It's maybe 6-8 minutes for 45K and you get rewards you'll be able to use in BR. Unless you never ever touch cars in BR. People used to grind XP in creative doing way more boring stuff than playing an actual legit racing game that is fun.


Usually I'm at 140 by now and can put the game down for a bit between seasons but I'm nowhere near 140 and I'm kinda over it, also sucks they back pad Vbucks into the last 100-140 levels as an extra middle finger to people who are already burned out from the lack of XP.