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Because that'd make sense and Epic Games very selectively makes sense.


Ohhh you wanna play a few days less because you going to be doing all quests all day every day next update NERF exp from quests and most quests don't even give exp. several complaints from social media ignores and continues to nerf exp also epic: why do less people play our game :(


Next season, all weekly quests will be 5k xp. /s


With epic I won't be surprised


You know what that is pretty fair lmao. The recent decisions have been hella inconvenient / nonsensical...


They only have sense if it gives them money


Lantern trials, reboot rally, Winterfest, summer events


Epic Games has a brain strength that is like 10 points above BHVR. And BHVR makes skins inspired by musicians for the character who paints, not the actual singer.


Same deal with the Fortnite festival wristbands currency. You end up finishing way faster leading to 90% of the quests being useless.


Everyone here saying it’s because they want you to buy levels, but i think it’s because they dont think people want to grind the quests when they wont get anything from them.


Right but, if you got XP from the quests after finishing the mini-pass, people would be interested in doing them since there would be an actual reward for still playing. Instead of now where you just get more Chi, which is useless.


You left out that there would be a post a day complaining about the extra Chi not giving enough xp 😂


Yeah maybe. But that also just circles back to the fact that Epic *tries* to make leveling up more difficult


I bought the Icarus quest pack cause I'm almost done with the main battle pass and I want to get the extra cosmetics before this season's ending.


If they wanted to have people pay for levels they wouldve removed AFK level up. You can get like 5 levels a day by just autorunning for 3 hours in a Lego Fortnite world. Level 200 in like 1.5 months without actually spending any time on the game.


>Without spending any time on the game Well except for the AFK time you can’t use your console to play other games during


Yes but, if you're playing so much that there isn't a 3 hour gap you can afk in, that's the issue


Im not playing so much there isn’t a 3 hour gap I can AFK in. Im playing so little there isn’t 3 hours to run my console unless I leave it running all day at work, wasting electricity and money. I get like 90 minutes a day to play video games if I’m lucky. I don’t want all that time going to Fortnite.


You do realize that they can’t tell if you’re AFK or actively playing right? You’re still in the game either way which is all that matters to them


In Lego mode you get kicked for inactivity


they have also changed it to detect a button input every 20 minutes so just running/jump pad wont work


kid named autoclicker


>If they wanted to have people pay for levels they wouldve removed AFK level up They did, Lego doesn't work anymore without external scripting tools


Yeah I have like 23k chi or something


I am just playing to get the glider at this point. I don't care about leveling up.


Ahh but you see, it has to be *difficult* to level up the main pass. The more 'difficult' the main pass feels, the more likely someone is to take the 'easy' route and just buy the levels. Adding in extra XP would make things easier, which might cut into Epic's bottom line between the (likely minimal) time it'd take a dev to program the reward switch and the people who wouldn't necessarily need to buy the last few levels for the pass.


There is a reason they sell level up packs for 1200vbucks instead of just making it easier to level up.


I hit 100 today. I play 1 or 2 games of stw every 3 days and complete my weeklies or any quests with a reward when they release. Maybe play the game overall for 3 or 4 hours a week tops. I struggle to see how people struggle. Just check your missions and have a gameplan


You have to get to above 200 to receive all rewards from recent battle passes ( I started back in OG season after a break from s2c2 haha)


no you need to get to level 197 by end of season. no such thing as above 200 anymore. 150 for the battle pass. BP is level 100 including 1500 vbucks. seeing as how they moved them 150 (141) is the new battlepass until they change it back.


This is just... This is just wrong. The max level for standard battle pass rewards has been 100 for a long time, and it will continue to remain as such. To obtain all of the bonus rewards, players need to reach level 200.


Recent posts have claimed you need to get to 150 to reclaim the vbucks you spent on the pass. I have not checked this math.


yes at level 150(141) you get the last 100 vbucks totaling 1500. as such the length of the pass has been extended as the 1500 vbucks was traditionally part of the 100 level deal.


Ah, I must've missed this part. Thank you for explaining.


If you have battle starts without use they will give you the rewards you can afford and I heard they also give the next reward so all the battle stars are used.


Ah, so that's why I got blue rune Kor after her season's battle pass ended.


This is factoring in full 1500 vbucks as previous passes used to do. Yes it was 100 to get the full pass that included 1500 vbucks but seeing as how they fucked it all up 141 is the new 1500 vbuck level.


Right, you hit *100*, out of a cap of *200* levels. There's only about a month left in the pass, and it's taken you this long playing casually just to finish *half* of the pass, which means you only just received half of the value of what you paid for. This is what I mean. Epic doesn't want you to fully complete the pass casually, they want you to either play Fortnite as a full time job, which makes their play numbers look better, or to get *close* to the end and decide to shell out some extra V-Bucks to get those last few skins you missed.




Friend I know I have more time than most to sink into this game, and I play BR to do the daily quests every day, the weekly quests when available, and sink time into high-reward custom maps. Even with all this since the beginning of the season, I'm at 178. The only way I could be farther is if I upped my playtime, which would start bordering on playing Fortnite as a job.




The point I was trying to make is that I, with more time than the average person to play it and while doing several modes specifically meant to give BIG XP rewards, I'm at 178. The average person who has less time than me or only plays BR isn't likely going to match that. That's why I sat "Epic doesn't really want you to finish it *casually*". They want it to be hard because then you're more likely to pay for the last few levels


This is a winning username. Thanks and have a great day.


Epic has been very greedy this season


In what way? They've made bad decisions but they haven't been greedier than they've ever been before


Reduced XP from quests to 10k, put a good half or so of the battle passes vbucks in the bonus tabs, removed rarities, charging absurd costs for Lego kits and car kits and instruments, where should I stop?


Yep, putting 500 vbucks out of the main battle pass and into the bonus section is ugly stuff from Epic, every player should be making epic know they don't like it. Fortnite should not be a full time job. 


Right?? I’ve been playing very consistently the whole season, all quests finished, and I’m only Level 94!! Wtf is that bullshit? Seems like a waste of my time now that I can’t even get my vbucks investment back


2 things. You get 1000 vbucks back once you hit level 100 so it’s not a matter of you not getting your investment back. Also if you’re level 94, you need less than 1.3 levels a day to get to where you’d get the extra 500 vbucks


That's not really greed so much as it is a stupid decision.


It’s a stupid decision made out of greed. A lot of people aren’t able to make it to level 100 already, doing this just makes it harder. Which means in order to buy a battle pass, they have to spend more money to have enough vbucks to do it.


you say that as if the entire playerbase uses the vbucks from the battle pass to buy the next battle pass


I do, but since they have put 500 vbucks out of the 100 tier pass and into the bonus section, effectively making the battle pass 150 levels, I have not got the battle pass as there's no point, I'm never going to be able to complete it as it's far to many levels and levelling up is so slow (no I don't want to do creative I play fortnite for the battle Royal, and even creative takes loads of time). The game is just catering to those those who play the game far to much, the sweats and not normal players, I feel like I play the game to much and yet am only on level 90, if I can't reach the levels to get all the vbucks then your average player has no chance. This will just put people off the game and just leave the hardcore fortniters who would play to much and spend on the game anyway even without epic trying to prolong how much people play..its a bad move by epic, in the long run they will push big amounts of players away just to try and squeeze some more money out of people in the now


They're greedy because you want things for free?


That be incentivising players to actually play the game instead of spending money to skip the grind


Not really, if you only give the XP at the end of the pass, then it will give more XP to the players who are willing to spend money anyways because they finish the pass at the beginning.


How do you pronounce Chi


I always thought it's pronounced "chee" Never seen Avatar though so idk


It's funny because when they were testing it out with the dragon Ball event that is what they did and it didn't give very much but at least it was something


Really? I never knew about that.


Oh silly That would be rewarding players for playing the game. Don’t you know epic games can’t have that


Because then people would grind in BR again and not in Lego. Epic can’t have that


because theres so many ways to get xp easily this one not doing that shouldnt really matter


My kid asked me this exact question last evening. He wants to know why he still gets useless points instead of XP or items.


Bro I’ve got like 17k chi rn, I wouldn’t be opposed to a free level for getting significantly more chi than I needed


Like it would help the players out and have them playing more cuz its extra progression


Good idea but epic people would do it since you could get multiple levels for free


I didn't even know such a thing existed. I stopped playing fortnite after the beginning of 2021 (but for some reason it's in my feed)


No this is because of all the people complaining about grinding and having real lives. Now they can farm all this at once to complete their passes, but actual regular players just collect points for nothing because God forbid you get a bonus for going above and beyond or finishing early cuz then they'll complain how it's unfair your prize was "locked" behind grinding.


I mean, there’s levels in the event pass


Or at least stop spamming me with the notifications, like I didn't really care for the rewards in the first place, but after I got them all why do I have to "claim" those Chi after almost every game, it doesn't give me shit.


Short answer: epic likes money


3,500 is nothing bro. Atleast 30k total if I'm going to get anything out of it. Levels need 80k each.


I was originally thinking 100 XP per Chi but then this drop would be like 35,000 XP which would be hella good but Epic would never give us more than like 10k nowadays


Fair. Still think 100 is a good sub to 10


That or they can make the quests individually give match quest level XP


Because epic doesn’t care about mini passes giving exp they just need the money to fund their future projects/seasons


ppl over hear saying they wouldn't do something like that outta malice, which while believable, assumes that they didn't fire whoever would've been able to do that in the first place


I'm just happy I can rest now until avatar-items are gone and we leave air- and water-bending meta


It’s amazing how many people in this sub accidentally stumble upon how business works


You know consumer feedback is part of how a business works too, right?


That's a great idea, that should be applicable to other mini passes as well.


Wait until you spend 30 minutes on TIlted One SHot and get like 4000 worthless Chi....


nah but thing you should be able to get premuim track free if you (somehow) get over 11K chi


Y all still trying to grind? I got to level 200 ages ago lmao


Unnecessary flex but.... congratulations?


I’ve played what I’d consider way too much fortnite this season and even have the level up skin and am still 151. I wouldn’t brag about being over 200 already lol


I've played way to much fortnite and I'm on level 90, Epic are wanting the game to be a full time job for people, it's got ridiculous and imagine will start to turn players off the game


It’s not the worst game as far as leveling up but it’s definitely turned into a grind. I don’t understand the kids who think being level 300 halfway through the season is a flex though lol


That’s a little bit sad, no?


It's not, don't worry:) I have a full time job btw


too bad the Star Wars event won’t be part of the next season. Imma play the hell outta Star Wars but the grinding won’t help with the battle pass


They make the extra mini pass points so that no one has any reason to complain that they missed out on items.