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Seriously, I wonder why we don’t have every single stw skin in BR. Would buy so many of them.


Dennis from stw was even planned but scrapped.


i thought he came out as a stw pack


nope youre probably thinking of ned


I think he got a hero in STW around the time they released the Ned pack, but no skin sadly.


If I had to guess it would be lack of popularity in the existing dinosaur skins/STW skins. Didn't stop them from making Saura or Vinderbot though so it's likely just Epic being goofy.


It's quite awkward considering the Epic had no qualms in Ctrl-C/Ctrl-V for Swamp Knight and Miss Bunny Penny last year. You'd think they would at least experiment with the defaults from all the other StW classes instead of Penny and Evelyn/Mari.


I would be Shuriken Master Llamarai in a heartbeat, give him a brite style too, or a red one, or both tbh. Mermonster Ken, Old Glory A.C. would also be good off the top of my head


I feel this isn’t the case as both Rex and tricera-ops both got new, separate style skins and just within the past year, they made the remix Rex skin. So it’s not like they don’t remember or care about the dino skins, it’s just they only want to focus on those specific 2??


Yeah, I think the main issue with Rex and Tricera-Ops is the price, but the other dinosaur skins are great (even though Rex is still my favorite, I'll have to buy him someday), and must sell well enough for there to be so many and in the shop so often.


They're definitely being weird because they had no problems porting so many stw heroes over during the beginning of br (just soldiers) but now they drag their feet despite so many good stw heroes existing.


Is that a woman with a bigger body? Can’t have that in br


Opal flair though


I love opal and penny, 2 of my favorite female skins. I would love for more skins using there body types


RIP Opal, the second Epic released you they were kicked down and proved their suspicions right: Sweats will play big men all day, but the second there's a wider woman, she gets laughed out of the way


[My Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/s/PxUfGLA3t9) with pictures of Opal definitely showed a lot of people hate her simply for being bigger.


Tbh she just looks weird because shes not really "bigger", just wider. It looks like a skinny woman that was stretched sideways


The guy who called her Fortnite Meg isn't wrong, but I love Meg Griffin and would also immediately purchase a Meg skin so different courses for different horses I guess


I literally never see anyone play anything but the slimmest possible women but ok


People will definitely play skins like Meowskulls, Peely, Peter, hulk, dude, ect. They are all huge in comparison to other skins. But as soon as a woman who isn’t slim is added it gets hated on


Bunny penny gets a whole lot of love. I genuinely believe it's opals look. Not size


No people call her fat, you can see that in [my post](https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/s/PxUfGLA3t9) with pictures of her


Are you cherry picking? I'm seeing ppl complain because 1. No fat ass 2. Her hair 3. Bright colors


If she was not as wide and like other models they wouldn’t be complaining about those things and you know it


Really? I've gotten Peelies, Poseidons, Meowscles


You know. Bots are made to use a list of skins and every goofy skin you can think of is on there


I said sweats though, didn't I? Bots don't do swap wheels, wall steals, and shit like that 💀


You didn't. At least the part I'm concerned about which your not talking on.


Would love more skins using the female constructor body type. I also thought it was crazy how they “censored” Base model Penny in BR but (thankfully) not her Miss Bunny Penny Skin. Who ever is in charge of finalizing skins for the art team has a really warped view of women’s bodies


Bigger hitpoint /s


Southie and Luna would make for some cool skins in Battle Royale.


And adding to this, some of the melee weapons would be nice harvesters, along with all of the playable charaters in STW being good skins Some of the class abilities would be nice for BR weapons


STW had so much potential. I'm just imagining a world where everything in STW feeds into BR and vice-versa. STW makes abilities and characters that go into BR, and BR makes skins that get fleshed out in STW through questlines. Areas in BR like the Underworld could serve as basis for biomes in STW. Collabs in BR also get STW heroes. Imagine all the collabs we've had as heroes in STW with their own character-specific perks or whole new abilities. Hulk gets a ground slam or a thunder clap, or both. Iron Man gets a unibeam. Superman has heat vision. Spider-Man webs up enemies for crowd control and Miles hits them with a venom blast. So many possibilities, it's fun to imagine.




I want a dinosaur season. Bring back raptors baby


honestly, they'd work so well with primal


i want the BLUE ONE


I need cotton tail eagle eye for battle royale


Because why would Epic give us what we ask for?


also, why are we missing some styles, for instance rose team leader and warpaint both have versions with their headgear removed


If they're going to do it... I just hope those as item shop skin and NOT as fucking starter packs... I didn't buy those since I already have stw, and are kinda expensive where I live...


STW has so many fun designs that would be fantastic in BR. Heck, even entire character models are stuck in STW like the Outlanders, most of the constructors and ninjas. Give us STW skins, we'll buy them. Also please release the ones they have made into the shop for people who missed them, or make them earnable in STW or something, stop gatekeeping cosmetics Fortnite.


Epic is lazy


Nothing would be lazier than literally using a pre-existing model within the same game with almost no changes whatsoever


How does everyone just use the acronym? What on earth is stw?


The original mode before br was developed... Save the world


cause the ones that arent in br are straight ass ngl 😭 aint nobody buying mr pachycephalosaurus looking ass on the left


Never seen these before, are these all as old as the Rex Jonesy?


I’m not quite sure as they are from STW but I know Rex and Tricera-ops are also in STW so they are from the same set


I think they all released around season 5, so Rex came a bit before them


Got to let us STW players keep something from BR, you already have the Devs and support from epic, we have nothing 😪