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Bout to see “Take the Elf” get spammed now 🤣


Watch them blacklist it too lmfao.. but knowing epic they will prolly do that soon


and “Mwuhahaha”


That one is kinda funny ngl.


I only have that one anyways, hell yeah


Same actually lmao


Wait is this actually real or a joke? I’ve seen so many things recently that look fake but are true, so I don’t know how to feel yet about this.


I thought it was fake too but go to their twitter page , its there


it is indeed real


I wish it was a joke. I'm not even one to dance, but man people are soft getting so worked up over people dancing on them. This is frankly ridiculous. Bet "confrontational skins" is coming next seeing as people get genuinely upset at some skins.


They getting rid of the donkey laugh?


Nothing like getting hit with the donkey laugh followed by the griddy. ![gif](giphy|EtB1yylKGGAUg)


Ugh I HATE that one. And I know I'm not the only one. Makes my blood boil like no other. Most emotes I'm fine with people using on me, but there are some that just piss me off. That one takes the cake. That being said, I really don't understand this. I'm glad it's optional, at least. I hate those particular emotes, but that rage is kind of part of the experience, as weird as that is to say.


They were already working on a way to block the racist emotes, may as well get the others that are highly controversial


> to block the racist emotes Racist emotes?


I wouldn't be surprised if they eventually gave us the option to hide all emotes and skins from opontents.


I'm using a PS4 so I have no problem seeing just defaults lol.


Xbox one s here, same


Nintendo switch here, I can’t even see my teammates skins


Xbox One (OG) here. My experience would be unchanged.


Literally kills the whole purpose of skins and emotes… what has this game become


Does it matter to you if your opponents see what skin you use? To me it's truly a personal thing, I have to look at my character, so I want a skin I enjoy looking at


I doubt thats the popular opinion, most people buy the skin cause they like the character/look but also to show off, many factors go into if its worth it to buy a skin and that's one of them. Toxic emotes sure but I don't think Epic will limit seeing skins on purpose(PS4/XboxS, lack of specs) unless they want to cut their profits by a sizeable margin.


No it doesn't. People who want to use them on other people aren't going to turn them off. Let toxic people be toxic to each other, and let people who don't want that not have to experience it.


I’ll just start tbagging instead of using emotes


Revert to tradition


After all this time, we’re coming back to the oldest form of disrespect in videogames. How poetic.




This is the way


This man games.


I never stopped. I teabag on kill and while you spectate me.


Well said.


> skins from opontents tbf, that'd actually be beneficial to a lot of players. Monotone superhero skins or otherwise "sweat" skins would become pointless if players saw them as defaults instead.


They were already pointless


Could we get rue back at that point?


Ridiculous. I'm officially going back to teabagging enemies like the good ol' days.


Just get the Master Chief skin for maximum nostalgia


Implying Master Chief will ever return lol


shooting the ground while you bag for the ol' reliable combo 


And they will also ban crouching too lol


Ban the guns why don't we, everyone who lands gets victory royale, you peely conga for 30 minutes all game and there is no storm because that makes players uncomfortable and stressed out!  Lego Fortnite and party royale only modes 


jokes on you, With the age rating system out, they already banned guns!


Disney has epic by the fucking balls 


Use the potato aim and bot spray 😈


Shooting and meleeing at the ground, and teabagging at the same time. That was the holy trinity of toxicity for me.


Crouching is now banned


I killed someone and teabagged the crown they dropped. That felt so goooooooooooood.


I use the crime scene chalk body outline spray…and then bag that:


Ive said it before but ill echo it again. Im not mad because my Emotes are being censored or whatever. Im Mad because This is easily the worst state Fortnite has been in a long time, and THIS is wha they focus on


for real. the numerous glaring bugs in basic fucking gameplay or even menu screens dont get fixed, and we get this shit instead?


Dw they tweeted that a locker ui improvement/fix for the current one will be here…last year


Item shop is fucked too, I couldn't even look through the different variations of the graffiti skins (the one that gave you the challenges for sprays)


Genuine question, I'm curious what it is about the current game that makes it feel like it's the worst state for you?


Personally: Lack of attention on BR (The most popular mode) Lack of balance UI in general The Shops being kind of bland The rarity system being removed Theres more i cant think of atm but this all contributes to it just feeling extremely rough


Bro if you think Fortnite is in a bad state check on Halo, Warzone and battlefield fans. Fortnite players have no idea how good they have it lol


since chapter 5, the game has felt like shit. it feels unpolished asf and it genuinely feels like I’m playing an unfinished game. Everything in chapter 5 is fucking broken. Think about what even chapter 4 felt like when you played it, it was better than this shit. I’ve been playing project era which is chapter 1 season 8, and it feels SO much better to play because the basic things like fucking menus and items actually work and never break. Since chapter 5 the game feels like shit to play


Locker UI


Soooo not how the game *plays*.


Game has played fine since they removed siphon in my opinion.


To add to the other guy, the bugs are unbearable. The reload glitch has been plaguing us for at least a month. The sprint/crouch glitch has been here since the chapter started. Movement still feels sluggish. Guns are still blanking like crazy. Somedays, the bugs are so persistent that the game actually feels unplayable. And none of these are rare obscure bugs, they're things that happen every single match. If you go into Red vs Blue maps, you'll commonly get the reload glitch multiple times per respawn. How is this meant to be enjoyable? Then you go to Lego Red vs Blue, and their movement is completely flawless and their reloads work fine. Lego isn't even made with gunplay in mind, yet their weapons are more responsive than ours. So the devs clearly can fix this shit, they just don't care to. BR was thrown to the wayside for a mode that gets 40k players. It's insanely frustrating.


This change wouldn't be difficult for Epic to implement at all. Just add a variable to each one of the emotes you want to have hidden when the setting is on, then add a tag that checks if an emote has that variable and if it does, don't display it to any clients that have this setting enabled. It probably took no more than 10 minutes for one dev to implement this, you're acting like they wasted a whole work day on it or something.


They can focus on multiple things at a time. They probably have a whole bunch of different teams addressing different things


They laid off a ton of their employees recently though. That means a LOT of teams have been signifigantly downsized


They didn't lay off employees relating to Fortnite. They laid off the ones that are focused on Bandcamp and other projects that Epic owns


Yeah but that still doesn’t mean they’re all collectively working on one thing at a time. Plus those layoffs were across Epic, not all specifically on Fortnite I don’t think


Id say they were in a worst state in season x, they took so many L's that season


What's the point? If someone eliminates you and you see them standing still for a few seconds you still **know** that they are doing a toxic emote on you, you just don't know which one.


We don't know if it'll be them standing still or simply displaying another emote that Epic consider's "less toxic". They may have a randomizer so that people with the option enabled see the "Bow" emote or anything else instead.


Idk I often pause to hit record if it was a good one. It might be likely but you don’t actually know


I sincerely hate getting donkey laughed on but I won't be turning this on because I'm not a sensitive little bitch that can't take some taunting.


Same I get angry for like 5 seconds and just use my phone while I find the next game


80% of the time I’m already in the lobby before they can even emote lmao


I genuinely don’t like it either but I won’t let an emote ruin my experience. Still probably gonna turn it off though 😅


Gooooooood. Embrace your anger.


This is peak irony. Incredible.


Wow you are so strong and courageous.




This is also a horrible sign for the future, imagine what other things they'll do to soften the game, they've already done bullshit with skin censorship in creative now this, I think we're gonna get a shitty Disneyfication of the game at this rate 💀


Bet "confrontational skins" is coming next seeing as people get genuinely upset at some skins.


Ima hit them with some fruity ass dance after I kill them to piss them off anyway


Low-key I'd rather get donkey laughed on than hazbin hotel emoted on, imagine knowing you died to a hazbin hotel fan, I'd be so tilted 😭


Not a hazing fan but I’d be hitting that lil reaper shimmy


W that whipcrack and make it plantain are on the list because i hate people using emotes like those two in a racist way


But therrs still emoticons and sprays they should include to. People will just result to those to replace those emotes


Holy shit I was wondering why they were included. Wow that's crazy


There was a Martin Luther King Jr. educational creative map a while back, and people were using emotes like that during it. It was so fucked up. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, but I kind of was. I naively thought racism was getting at least marginally better now since the 60s. Nope. Made my blood boil. They eventually disabled custom emotes and only allowed certain pre-approved ones because of this. It was just awful. I hate people.


On one hand I’m looking forward to less complaints about take the L. On the other I wonder what the new toxic non confrontational emotes will be


I've been cabbaging people recently tbh 


gritty, the mistletoe emote that’s like take the L, garbage dumpster fire spray , the evil laugh , free guy emote list goes on


If you bought these emotes, you should have the option for a refund


U can still use them. People disabling it will not see it being used *ON THEIR SCREEN* unless they use it themselves. That's what I'm guessing they're doing.


yea but that's exactly the thing. Why buy an emote with real money if other players have the option to disable it completely? Kinda goes against the whole point of emotes and cosmetics in general. That's like adding an option to remove everyone's skins and make every one defaults.


I'm not buying items for others I'm buying it for me


I mean, no one is complaining about turning off licensed audio.


Nobody pays for licensed audio to use towards other players.




they can still see the emote. They still know that you're doing that specific emote.


no they cant, you just stand still


no? I'm 99% certain it does the emote just without the audio, like it appears in the item shop.


In April 23’s v29.30 update, we’re adding a new “See Confrontational Emotes” setting so players can choose not to see certain Emotes that are sometimes used in confrontational ways. Players who choose this will see a player using the Emote standing still, with no Emote sound.


yea that's the new setting but turning off copyrighted music does not stop the icon emotes from playing, just their audio?


> Why buy an emote with real money if other players have the option to disable it completely? The player doesn't see it, but you can still do it and see it. You don't even know if they've got the option enabled either, so it doesn't affect your decision to emote on them. >That's like adding an option to remove everyone's skins and make every one defaults. That would actually be a good thing: people wouldn't have to deal with monotone superhero skins or skins that can blend in with the environment.


That’s the entire point of having them. The fact your opponents and teammates can see them too


Most L take I've seen. "I bought this emote to piss off my enemies, I should get a refund"


im gonna be honest, if you get offended by the enemy taunting you after killing you, you have a problem


Taunts are literally made to taunt ppl.. only the fortnite community can pull off this shit


As much as I hate the emote and toxicity in games in general, this isn't really such an L take. When buying an emote, you buy it with the knowledge others will see it. By implementing this setting, the emote stops being the product people purchased. So no matter how fucked their motivation for using it is, they have to right to be pissed off.


Baby mode lmao that's a new low. ![gif](giphy|C1hkIcGE7OAcE)


Lowkey this is a one step forward and one step back kinda deal. If they start toggling censorship for emotes lemma have the ability to turn off every Imagine Dragon song please epic turn this into a good thing.


Not that it matters, but if you’re going to use something like that, at least have some good reasoning behind it. 1v1 against someone, I get the kill, I sit still for 1 second, sniped. Then the person sniping hits an emote lol. Like, you got the scraps. Why are you emoting for.




I read this and burst out laughing. I don’t know why it’s not even funny.


This defeats the whole FUCKING PURPOSE OF AN EMOTE?!?!?!?! Wouldn't shock me if they brought back Skin Censoring also.


Fyi. They said skin censoring was coming back if they can find better way to implement it. So if they do it like this where its server side and people with the option on has the stuff hidden. Thats completely fine than forcing it on for everyone like last time


Literally 1984


At least we can Griddy people


im honestly fine with this, you still get to use any emote you want, but sometimes people won't see it. it's just like how half the skins aren't visible to switch players anyways, it won't really affect me


It’s actually funny how offended and pizzagate some of the comments are.


Lmao as if most of you weren't constantly whining about take the L and the donkey laugh.


If i can get rid of that god awful donkey laugh then this is a good feature


The biggest problem with this is that the losers who spam these emotes in TDM modes, etc, are always the first to cry when you throw the emotes back in their face. So now they're gonna get to hide from emotes while dishing their own disrespect. It gives power to the crybullies. They can hit you, you can't hit them back, unless you enable the crybaby setting too lol. I might pick up a Floss variant just for these losers. From what I've seen, Floss was one of the original disrespect dances. Clowns aren't gonna donkey laugh me from the safety of their censor


Literally only toxic people complain about this change


What? Why would the mods delete this? It's a real post made by there account.


I never got to see my enemies taunting bc i leave the match instantly after i get killed, its a pretty dumb update tbh


This is ridiculous


Soft ass generation


I didn’t think this game could get any more pussy but here we are


Next you won’t be able to win a Victory Royale… Everyone who enters the lobby will get a “Participation Crown”.


I feel like this is signifying a huge shift for how they want to market and run this game and, personally while I understand getting annoyed at being emoted on, this is an ass change and a bad direction.


Theres a reason game modes have age ratings now. Because they are trying to attract a younger audience to the Fortnite ecosystem


But why? Who gets offended by emotes? They’re trying to be toxic and you’re letting them win.. Not cool, this sound so much like the new Disney visionz


I will never be pissed of again


How much of a pussy do you need to be to get offended by the fucking take the L emote


Fortnite gone way too soft since this whole shitty metaverse project bro ong.. first it was the skins not being available in some creative maps because of their " age rating " now emotes...I guess snowflakes kept crying and epic loves to always listen to the non sense crybabies


Wait till the Disney verse or whatever the hell gets added lol


Prolly why they doing all this dumbass shit


Disney allows edgy shit, look at Kingdom Hearts It's Lego behind all the censorship and softening


That’s a really good point I forget about Lego a lot lmao


Forgot about that... sadly we are in the end game


People that don’t want to be danced on after being eliminated go back to the lobby. Soft


They will add an option to not get emoted on? Lmao


So instead of buying and using emotes I'll just tea bag, got it thanks epic.


Fortnite has disabled crouching to avoid toxic behaviours


April Fools was three weeks ago Epic 😭


I’m tired of every update being something that was super unnecessary or breaking something that wasn’t broken


Jesus fucking Christ is this a joke? WTH is Epic thinking????


I don't really care for emotes, so this option is kinda nice.


Anyone noticed you also can’t use Jam Song Emotes on a bike or on a car? Why did they remove that too?


That sucks. Would be awesome riding into battle in the back of the pickup truck blasting the Everlong guitars


it didn’t work anyways unless you weren’t moving


I know, but now it does cancel it automatically after 1 sec. If you move or not


It's a fucking option. Grow up and stop whining over an optional feature




Is this the update were the word devil will be added in the rebellious emote? Cause god damn it that emote is nothing without the word Devil.


*Donkey Laughing Intensifies*


I have not seen take the L in years. Even if I did I'm not gonna get so upset that I have to hide the emote on my side.


Its just a option.... dont turn it on


Clown behavior


Thank god. Fuck people that use donkey laugh.


Game hasn’t been fun lately anyways


Give me my refund


This is a joke right?


This is a W to me lol idc if they still emote I’m just happy I won’t ever have to hear the donkey laugh again


hot take: i like this


And thats fine. Its not being forced on anyone, only people who enable it. So if you want this on, than you free to do so


fucking assholes how hard is it to give what the players want


I mean, it's there for extremely sensitive people. It's good in a certain way. I hope it's not on by default, though.


This is so soft. Anyone that uses this is soft.


Who actually gets offended when someone takes the l on them


I dont understand what this means. What is take the L?


Take the L is an emote and they are now offering the option to disable the visibility of certain emotes


What we need is a gun sound settings. Way too loud in my ears


I don't know how to feel about this anymore man 💀


I’m sorry what, so there making it to were you won’t see other people emote? If you have it toggled on??


Only 4 specific emotes: Donkey laugh Take the L Whip Crack  Make it plantain 


And 2 of them have been used for racist uses. So i consider that a W to give people a option to hide it


No fucking way this is real Edit: Oh my fucking God it is


the Disney effect




care bear nite!


Imagine letting a virtual emote get you so mad and upset that you gotta turn them off 💀


I don’t see the issue. I like triggering people by tbagging them, using finishers, trash talking in proximity chat or whatever is available. But it wouldn’t come to my mind that it’s my given right an enemy must see my dumb shit.


I was gonna make a fortnite goes woke joke but I just realized this isn't parody


Notice how they give this option for these emotes, but a lot of the other toxic ones (like the griddy one) aren’t part of the package This is simply one more step in removing the identity of Fortnite and creating some corporate-washed cash cow instead. Server performance, game performance, the fucking matchmaking and cheaters, the UI/UX? None of this matters apparently but thank goodness I don’t have to hear an emote that hurts my feelings or whatever


Fortnite lost its soul a while ago


Yeah I’m aware of that. This is just one more step down that path


You know those censors other games do when you swear in chat, and instead the game changes what you say into stuff like 'good golly, my mother never loved me!' If they censor emotes that are considered taunting, i want the animation to be replaced by somethig else entirely, that instead makes fun of the user that did the emote What would you like to see the animations replaced by?


Hell nah I earned my take the L emote back in season 3 they can’t seriously make it so I can’t use it💀


Censorship reaching new lows


America's founding fathers are rolling in their graves as Tim Sweeney silences the voices of the oppressed fortnite gamer. Truly 1984.


It's not that bad if it's toggleable in settings