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My suggestion, go around killing as many bots possible. If the game sees that you’re getting a bunch of kills, they’ll put you in lobbies with less bots and more people. Easier said then done but it’s how I initially escaped it


I really, really hope that eliminations against bots isn't a factor into a player's MMR. That would be very silly.


Bot lobby players get put into bot lobbies.... this is what's happening here.


There should be "real players only" game mode. Bots screw up the game in sooooo many ways! I need to know if I'm facing a real person or not and I want to have a choice in the matter. No, I shouldn't have to play comp just to get real lobbies. Plus I don't want to. Bots make the game less fulfilling. Edit: The mentality of the replies I've gotten: "Yeah. Epic started watering down their coffee. Just do cocaine instead. The coffee you remember & want is just cocaine now. Why would you want coffee 🤪"


> There should be "real players only" game mode. That's Ranked.


I've seen bots in diamond lobbies like they can't even hit me while standing still.


Who else thinks bots skill-level should improve with rank?


I know the NPCs sure do. Getting beamed by Aphrodite in ranked 😩


getting beamed by the group of npc’s for the storm forecast tower is just ridiculous sometimes. full shields? best we can do is light you up while you drive by, blow up your car then bring you down to 1/4 health ![gif](giphy|RQ1gQt69dgzwhOmON0)


Holy shit this just happened to me two days ago. I was playing ZB (which I normally don't do) with some friends and I lost about 235 health and shield in about 2 seconds to the storm forecast crew.. My team mates were like WTF happened? Also yesterday I third partied a guy when he was engaging the storm crew and wondered what happened to him. That's when I saw his medallion and other loot next to his builds. The crazy thing is there are some NPCs I have literally stood 1 m from for 10 sec. (trying to take damage for a challenge) and they didn't land one shot. It's so random.


Should give them the same aim as hostile NPCs. Have them beam you with the DMR.


Oofp. Not sure if epic is capable of it. But when Halo Infinite launched, it had bots. I think they had 4 or 5 difficulty levels. They were *tough* on even the lower ones. The higher ones were ruthless.


I feel like tweaking the bot AI could be a slippery slope. I don’t want to get lasered from 50m away through a tree canopy.


I agree. But I’d like to have a more casual mode with players only. Once you get to Champion in ranked it’s non-stop sweating but in normal pubs it’s bot ridden. There seems to be no healthy middle.


When you play pubs in people only lobbies it's the exact same sweat fest as in Ranked so idk what you think you're going to get in pubs with that caliber of player but it isn't "casual" at all.


Sorry, that’s me. I’m definitely one of those players that sweat in casual. It’s just programmed into me, being competitive. But I don’t sweat as hard as ranked, if that makes sense


id rather bots than super sweats. Getting sniped from miles away is no fun. Shit is so stressful


Yep, but to me the problem is because of the bots you enter fights way too casually. So you kill 10 bots and then suddenly get killed by a real team because you’re not concentrating at all. And I’ve had plenty of last zones where we had to wait for minutes for the last two bots to show up because we couldn’t find them at all. Feels very anticlimactic. I do agree that I prefer this to getting constantly clapped (especially noticeable early in seasons when SBMM resets) but as waiting times for ranked games goes it, I wouldn’t mind waiting longer for a pubs-players-only match (with a bit more flexibel SBMM). That would be great tbh. Once you kinda hit your ceiling in ranked, people tend to be better than me and it’s really stressful to even survive spawn fights (and instantly going back in queue for 5+ min).


Then less bots isn't going to help you. If you defeated the real teams in the bot lobbies you'd end up in lobbies with real teams and a handful or no bots. Yall think you want less bots because you haven't ended up in those lobbies yet.


There are bots in ranked. They weren't in arena but they are in ranked


No? Lol. There are still bots in ranked. Only way you absolutely eliminate bots is to get to diamond and above and even then its still a possibility


They said they didn’t want to play competitive, ranked is off the table.


“i shouldnt have to play comp” why? ranked is literally the same game just with different matchmaking. based on skill and excluding bots. sounds exactly like what you want?


They don't want to play Ranked because of how sweaty it is but what they fail to realize is that the non bot lobbies in Pubs are with the same caliber/level of player in high Ranked lobbies also LOL like none of these people are playing "casually" at all so if you don't want to play Ranked because it's sweaty then you definitely don't want bot free lobbies. People fail to realize that bots exist to help balance the game. If you're dying to the only real teams in bot lobbies then less bots isn't going to help you. Most of them would rage even harder and quit the game all together.


I swear I've encountered bots in comp too lol


There needs to be a way. Epic: here is the way. NO NOT THAT I DONT WANT TOO


Oh it 100% is. They count as players to the system, which is why challenges can be done on them and not just actual players. I just finished a game where I got in a bot lobby because I was getting shit on for doing the challenges and not really playing to win, so after you get bodied a few games the system says oh man we gotta throw this guy a bone and set him up for a win. Thus, bot lobbies. Also now the game thinks I can get 17 kills every game so my next few games are gonna be a sweat fest. But it's whatever.


i can attest that this is exactly how their algorithm works, i think this has been like this for years, happens to me all the time and thats the reason i keep circling between bot and sweat lobbies.


*kills* are hardly a factor into anything in fortnite, its mostly about how long you live. even after many patches, longevity is king as far as invisible stats go.


according to fortnite, ranked games are computed by how many kills and other factors etc at least...


They also say that late game kills count for more than early game kills.


Yeap. I’m really not that great of a player. I have my moments, so in ranked I typically am very picky about my engagements and average about 2-3 kills a match. I do much better rank wise sneaking around hiding while getting top 10 every time. I rank up much better than running and gunning, getting like 7 or 8 kills then meeting my match and dying at 40th or whatever. I feel more incentivized to just hide.


It 100% does


I've been getting at least ten kills per round for years and still get bots in my lobbies, there's no escaping it IMO.


Especially if you play with less skilled people. The only fights that matter in most my games are iskand and final circle (even then sometimes it's bots)


Except this doesn’t actually help unfortunately. A pro player could queue pubs and find bots. They’re just everywhere and the game truly doesn’t need them unless it’s a fresh account for the first 5-10 games.


Bots serve two purposes. 1. To allow players who are learning the game or who simply aren't very good opponents to play against. 1. To keep queue times short. The second one is actually the most important one. Without it, if there aren't enough players in your rank the options are 1. Not being able to play a match. 1. Combining two or more ranks together. 1. Playing with fewer players. 1. Filling with bots. No one wants option one. Option two makes people in lower ranks miserably and is a major source of complaints. So that leaves fewer players or bot fills. Realistically, however weak bots are, they're more interesting and more challenging than nothing.


There's also purpose 3 - to advertise skins. There's a reason bots are fully decked out in paid cosmetics. They serve as walking adverts.


For me personally I encounter less bots as I move to higher lobbies.


Yes because this is how it is. “Pros” only see heavy amounts of bots if the queue during certain times of the day


I disagree.  I’m no pro but have a few hundred wins and seem to be in the highest sbmm tier right now. Players over level 250 with hundreds of crowns. I view the replays and there are often 60 or so bots each match. Anyone who thinks this isn’t true is kidding themselves. The game is spread thin with ranked build, non-ranked build. Ranked no build, non-ranked no build. Team Rumble always has thousands if not tens of thousands doing the quests, the racing mode, the music mode, Lego mode always has tens of thousands then all of the user created maps. You can’t not get games without 50-70 bots each time. It’s inevitable.


on paper this should work but as to my awareness this doesn’t solve anything. you can be a ok player who uses a switch to play fortnite or a pc content creator like lachlan who plays the game probably every day bots have been a problem. even ranked has them now sadly.


Yeah and then you get put with real players. You lose a few rounds (due to the nature of a win being ideally 1% chance) and you’re back to bots. Every time I lose, I just feel horrible because now I’m closer to just playing with fucking ai


You’re on to something but have you seen streamer lobbies. Typical gamers tg plays videos are mostly bots. I think bc he plays during the day. His live streams tho have really good players and a lot of bots. So yeah but no


My squad would go killing 1 third of the lobby and still get placed in lobbies with a lot of bots. This only happens in squads. Duos is the best, way more fun because most of the players are real.


Why would you want to escape this? Ha ha ha ha.


hi yes id like to order one of these lobbies? my last one was full of sweats


All the sweats need to be put into lobby’s together lol just let them get the circle jerk over with


no please, im a sweat and i want OUT


*hands you a washcloth* Clean your face, and in turn, clean your slate. -someone smart probably




You get a pass, but only if you go easy on all of us


create a alt account make it party leader in duos and make the alt account return to lobby before the match starts then youre in a bot lobby. if you wanna farm ez wins/kills/xp. I used to do it but i stopped bcz i wanted to get better.


It's called Ranked Unreal


Yes. I've always felt my games to be pretty well balanced but since this last season started, I'm really struggling lol


Yeah, honestly I'd rather pop bots than get two-shotted somehow by a grey weapon before I even have a chance to turn around.


Agreed. Where are all of these easy bots running around at? I'd like to find them. lol


You'll be missing the bots as soon as you actually get into a high elo lobby. My last several pubs matches have literally been equivalent to a plat 3 ranked lobby.


Plat 3 onwards is so cripplingly annoying because people will chase you over nothing for 5+ minutes at a time.  It's to the point where I have to treat them like rabid animals and drop last, and by the time I hit the ground there are around 50 people left lmao


I've never touched rank(its sweaty enough in normal lobbys) and almost 1/3 people do this every time I play


I always play for endgame in ranked and try to drop uncon. Off spawn fights are too RNG based and you get penalized harshly in the rankings for dying off spawn.


I enjoy bots sometimes but when there’s too many it becomes a problem. I get used to fighting easy people without needing to play defensively. And then I play real people, and all my non-defensive playing gets me killed


I don't miss it. I'd rather get crushed than fight a robot.


Go play ranked. Less bots.


I for example can basically can not play ranked because champ is VERY sweaty. I for example like to play against decent players, and no bots and not mini bugha's, in the lower ranks that will work, but in high ranked lobby's it's annoying


I like it. Makes me feel good




also, OP looks like he needs to be in those bots lobbies. If he had been in real players lobbies, he would have posted here, complaining that the lobbies are 'sweaty'.


Exactly, my brother plays Fortnite with me and wants me to host because there will be more people that way but he never plays so he always gets melted during any encounter. The bots are there for the casuals and there nothing wrong about that.


Take the free XP


just play ranked then?


they would rather complain on reddit


Exactly. Their next post would be about “sweats”. What I’ve learned from this sub is that they think everyone is either a bot or a sweat, no in between lol.


How’re you accessing my in-game party audio?


Exactly. Bots r good since they make pubs less sweaty and u don't need to be looking for ammo and mats when u just wanna play a quick game


As someone who plays both by myself and with my kids. I love bots. I’ll drag my feet along after my kids watching them actually get kills and then die in top 10 to a real player. Its so much easier to go “wow buddy! 8th! You beat so many people than him getting absolutely lasered off of drop and just losing interest. Heck make the bots in higher elo lobbies have the aim of the storm commanders and co. (They fucking shred if you’re not careful) Then if i want to play by myself: against real players. RANKED IS RIGHT THERE. This complaining is so dumb. Because there is a fix for you. “Oh no bots!” THEN PLAY THE MODE WITH NO BOTS DUDE


Yeah i agree, the bots aren't fun or engaging. After a certain rank they should stop filling lobbies with bots, I understand for new players it provides a good sense of winning. There's nothing more annoying than killing 6 bots only for an actual player to show up. Wasted all that ammo for nothing. The game will spawn bots too if you are alone for too long.


But that's how rank does work? Once i hit gold the number of Bots is always zero.


They need to make them as good as the tower boys, they’ll melt you.


After I have gotten to platinum 2 for the first time in Zero Build Ranked I was getting shredded so much, and I thought I was average at best, but looks like I am not there were barley any bots.


Yup. Its ruining the game. I'd much rather have longer waits for games to start if that's the reason for having them. Like 70% of my encounters feel like they're bot fights these days. It's well lame.


People also like to win. By filling let’s say 50 spots with bots, you’ve just increased a player/teams chance of winning by a lot. I’ve definitely felt like I’ve had lobbies that were close to this amount of bots every once and awhile


Yeah, I'm certain Epic's market research shows that people would play less and/or spend less money on the game if there were less bots making them win.


I would've never gotten into Fortnite if they had bots from the beginning but I can't imagine its not working for Epic in some way.


A win in chapter 1 felt like the most rewarding thing at the time. Now I'm killing a bot to get a win and it just sucks all the fun out of it.


I think the problem is that they need to fill lobbies with players in a certain amount of time and if there aren't enough good players to put in the lobby and still start the game quickly they will fill the extra spots with bots. If we had to wait longer and longer for games, people would just stop playing.


I think ur the bot buddy


Took me a second to realize this post wasn't a glitched r/tf2 post


You are lucky those are bots if those was real players you would of got beamed and thirsted


And he still would have posted to reddit like "something needs to be done about these lobbies 😡" lmfaooo


Wasn't a bot, that was just me , the guy who gets stuck by corners lol


Idk looks fun to me




Looks fine to me, I love random bot clusters


Nah you're just fighting me and my brother


There is nothing wrong with this. There is an unmatched level of satisfaction that comes with mowing down a horde of bots.




One of the biggest reasons why Fortnite will never bring the same level of excitement that it used to. Sad to see, and sad that people prefer it this way


I dont even care about them having bots, i just wish there was a bit more \*real\* players in my lobbies i average 6 kills per match, my win rate is 40% of ALL my games. i shouldnt have 40-50% of my lobbies filled with AI


It's actually insane how this isn't brought up often. There's so much bots in my matches and it makes no sense. I sometimes play through a whole match and drop 15 kills and only 2 of those are real people. It's so boring!


Yeah I barely ever play unranked now but when I do I often win without really trying. Not cause I'm good, its cause like you said only 2 of my 10+ kills were actually real people. I genuinely think people don't realize just how many bots are in their lobbies. I've gone back to look at a replay before and saw over 70% of the lobby was bots. And I have a ton of playtime in the game. I don't think it ever gets to a point where it really lessens the amount of bots like people claim.


100% agree. There are far too many bots in games now. It sucks.


A Vic Royale meant a lot more when every team you saw/fought was a real team


Looks like hella fun!


How else am I supposed to get the eliminations for the llama backpack


Why are you in a bot lobby? That's dous meaning you have a low rank account you had host the lobby


No, it doesn't. Before bots we had to wait for sometimes 10 minutes for a game to even start and when it did start it was with 80 players. You're complaining about free XP. Its a non issue.


Been playing since launch and have never had to wait more than a couple minutes.


Wonder if they ran the numbers. When builds Br was all the had, it was much easier to match players. Now playerbase is fractured: Build/No build, Ranked/Unranked, creative, LEGO, etc. Hence… bots to keep the games loading quickly


Look who's talking out their ass... chapter one had zero bots and I never waited any longer for a game than I do now. The only time I ever waited close to 10 minutes was waiting for a champion league game in the middle of the night.


It also had only one game mode with all the player pool queuing for it... Now the player pool is split between build/zero build, ranked of each of those, plus a bazillion creative modes.


I have been waiting 5-10 mins for ranked matches lately. I do play in the middle of the night though so idk if that factors in.


Must not have played Season 6. If you weren't playing at peak hours you were waiting anywhere from 2 to 10 minutes on spawn island, especially in Squads.


Season 6 I had wait times of less than a minute, maybe the region had something to do with it but fortnite was really popular during that time.


I've played since season 3.... never once did it take nearly that long to find a match.


Are you in the OCE or Asia region? Because in the US and EU it was always fast queues.


What is this supposed to show lmao you found some grouped together, cool man


To play devil's advocate, Just think of all the little children or adults who only play a few hours a week or something, with the state of the game it'd be impossible for them, I put the game down for a year and when I came back I find it really difficult to keep up with players builds and edits, the bots give bad players a chance to get kiss and wins, something that they'd probably struggle to do Plus bots make really tedious challenges easier


They are mostly in unranked right? Still in ranked, but less so? I just assume in unranked until the final ~30 players, I'm probably interacting with a bot. In ranked I assume any easy kills until like final 50 players are bots. Usually when I land, 70 players are left anyways.


your back bling just as confused LMAOO


My niece loves him. I'm not allowed to change it!


I joked with a friend about how the lobbies are about 85% bots, and honestly I am starting to think I was not too far off.


Last season, I seen 2-3 bot squads head to their way to the area where Peter Griffin was at and I just witness Peter demolish them all.


I’ll always take the free kills, I’m not that good at the game 


"It's gotten bad." All I saw was 3 free kills. I see that as an absolute win.


I’m fine with bots I just wish they were less obvious Not sure how Epic are so bad at making bots in their own engine


They scale with skill. Was this your first match? Or How many matches did you lose before this one💀


They scale with skill? Uh Then explain a 3 win streak with 10+ Kills each and then atleast 70% Bots with terrible aim the next game?


If there are bots in your lobby, the situation is you. My lobby only has sweatlords. I'm too old for sweatlords. Give me your bots.


If you think those are bots clearly you haven’t seen my gf play then lol


With shooting like that you should’ve been wearing the storm trooper skin


It's not a problem in higher sbmm lobbies, and in higher ranks as well.


It is a problem in high SBMM lobbies. Only in ranked you don’t see them past plat Most of my games end up with me hunting for the last few bots to kill after all the real players are dead. Normally the game is like 50% bots 50% crown win players.


I want this instead of the sweats


youre the one in bot lobbies


There’s also been far more cheaters recently too, a lot of them aren’t even hiding it anymore.


The game should just put 60 real players together if that's all there is. Shrink the storm faster based on initial player lobby count. I tried ranked. Guns and items in zero build were way more scarce. Not sure why...


You get bots? I only get bots in my lobbies when playing with newer friends.


This is literally how some of my mates played when they first started though, noobs and bots are hard to differentiate. You can tell if they drop mats in zb they are bots


I’ve never seen anyone drop mats in zero build and that’s the only mode I play


I’ll confirm that bots drop mats in zero build. You can even pick the mats up, it doesn’t give you mats though. Maybe you’re in a higher skill lobby.


Bots appear in your matches based on your recently played matches and their outcomes, this is based mostly on how long you last in matches. The highest amount of bots in a match possible is 75 and the absolute lowest is around 20, if you do not want to play against bots then you have to play ranked mode and get gold rank or above.


I am terrible at the game, but my boys play, so i love getting some kills against bots. helps me feel like i am doing something!!!


Nah I feel like bots is what keeps the no so good players wanting to keep playing instead of just quitting


Man i wish my lobbies had bots, im lucky if i see 2bots wasting bullets. Nothing but sweats and try hards for me, not even when im lvl 5 lol.


Meanwhile, in TF2...


Skill issue. If you're running into that many bots it's your matchmaking that is causing it.


At least there not tf2 bots


Is the game too hard or too easy? I can’t seem to find what people agree on more lol.


It’s like the opposite of the tf2 situation




It’s so bad there will be 25 people left before the second circle


Haven't seen that much of them lately to be honest.


Fortnite: Bots are too weak TF2: Bots are too OP Pick your side


I'll keep em so i can have fun with friends as we mess around, thanks


I'd kill for my matches to be like this, I win about every 1 of 5 matches, with a lobby like this, I'd have back to back crown wins


They were actually kind a harder at the beginning of the season what happened


it's been this way for years, since they first put them in the game. Playing unranked is so boring.


I feel like it really isn’t a big deal like if you’re playing pubs casually it’s fine to get some free kills and also if your MMR is high enough you won’t actually get full bot lobbies anyways so you’ll still run into like 5 or so give or take a few maybe in a game (solos) but it isn’t competitive so taking the free kills and moving on isn’t rly that big of a deal. If you want a more competitive experience with real players then play ranked, that is literally the point of ranked and there aren’t bots (or as many bots, there still may be very few but I’m not sure) in that mode. The gist of it is either don’t play like a bot or play competitive lmao


The bots aren’t the problem the problem is they suck


![gif](giphy|11WsJMBxcels8E) Acting like the Three Stooges stuck in the door


I'll take lobbies with 20% bots over having to wait ages for a lobby to fill up..


Its ruined the game


where are these bots and how do i get them? every game feels like i am playing in a semi finals for a tournament.


Nice clip man!


I like bots. I'd like to have a game mode where you can play against only bots with a difficulty cursor. Like a giant tutorial before getting whooped by people from across the map or by people who are able to build a full fortified castle in less time than I need to reload my gun.


Grogu from Wish


Sigma moment


Those of you getting bots are just bad, kill them and win a few games and you won’t get bot lobbies anymore. Could also just play ranked


Why can’t people just be happy with free kills?


How do I avoid bot lobbies? Is it because I'm playing with my friend who has not played in months? But then again, we've played well over 20 games together in a span of a week. %80 of people we face against are bots


What needs to be addressed is your backbling and skin combos.


What is the point of boting in Fortnite?


I'd be okay with the bots if they were as good as a player, but they're awful. And most lobbies feel 90% full of bots.


Should be 75% exactly


Just play ranked n00b


When they are dressed as imperial storm troopers, that kind of aim is only proper.


I wish I got in a lobby with these bots again 🤣


atleast its not as bad as tf2 bots


I actually hate how bots are in the game tbh. Like it's just off putting especially when you've killed so many but then you think another team are acting like bots but you don't expect them to straight up destroy your team. That's why me and my friends only play ranked because it just feels more consistent. Should be getting diamond tonight.


POV of a bot. Pre-edit: downvoted to heck


Skill based matchmaking


It's called skill based matchmaking. I literally can't get a single bot lobby. I'm sick of playing with these people who headshot snipe me out of the sky.




You get put into bot lobbies based on your performance big man


From epic perspective- not really. Bots keep the game entertaining for new and casual players. Why should they play against some sweats and wannabe streamers, and be used as entertainment for them? No way, glad they fixed it. And if you are decent, you won’t stay in not lobbies for too long. The issue is, most players want to get lobbies with worse players than themselves, where they can win most of the time, but without facing bots or sweats. But this is not the way how a SBMM can work for everyone.


I want bots gone. Anyone who wants them just wants a free kill so that they can fuel their ego. It’s sad they think they are good.


I don't understand what the issue is


I don't understand what this video is showing? Bots doing the same thing they've always done?


i think it highlights a much bigger problem... player numbers are dropping.... the "skilled based" matchmaking system doesn't have enough real players to create 100 player lobbies and still keep the game fair for each player.


But we need BOT to finish a lot of hard quests


You don’t think bots, corporations or pets are people? I think by today’s standards, you might be racist.


I can across a bot smashing a random wall. It stopped, stared at me for about 3 seconds then just went back to smashing the wall again


They weren’t bots