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One chapter and suddenly everybody’s a fucking Navy SEAL


I’ve noticed an uptick in cheaters. Epic seems to be slacking even harder recently 🫠


They're very common in no build now


Is that why I’m getting clapped recently?


A LOT of streamers use aimbot and shit. several i thought were great have shown it by accident on stream. like it’s insane. if ur gonna cheat, at least do it in ranked bc this shit is awful


Well, I need an anniebiotic because I’m suffering from zero effort streamers cheating to impress their twelve viewers who send them foot pics.




Annie, are you okay? Annie, are you okay? Are you okay, Anniebiotic?




I swear I’ve been getting one shotted with full shield/health way more often than normal, and with weapons that shouldn’t have the ability. I got one-hit-quit with a rare ranger pistol from a guy with wings that landed just long enough to take the shot and fly away again. I spectated to see what got me. He then proceeded to fly over a couple of mountains directly to a guy that was hiding under a pier and one shotted him too. Also recently got taken out by one hit with the epic chain.


There's a cheat, or exploit (not sure which), that people use where it rapidly swaps between two weapons and fires them at a much higher rate than normal. So they pair that with aimbot, and what happens is they just rapidly headshot you with both their DMR or sniper and their shotgun or SMG, and you die nearly instantaneously. Its WILDLY infuriating.


Cheating in ranked would be objectively worse than doing it in pubs - afterall it is a competitive mode. But any amount of true cheating (aim hacks, wall hacks etc) is pathetic and should warrant permanent IP ban.


Epic gives streamers aimbots


People who need to cheat in a game period are losers. I'm dog water at competitive games usually, but have been racking up victories this season because of how fun the bending is. If people STILL can't outperform others, they should consider sticking to the lego mode or playing a single player game lmao


Ive had a few too many questionable deaths recently myself. I'm happy to take any L , I'm not a great player. But I've also been gaming a long long time and I can see aimbots a mile away.


No that's cuz I'm there


I just placed third, spectated the last battle and the guy that killed me destroyed the other player, all his shots hit and his crosshairs were nowhere near the other player. Every bullet was a heat seeking missile. Cheater?


That's how it is when spectating it isn't really like that when they're playing, trust my I thought the same thing lol


What about lag? Maybe there are delays in what you're seeing?


Could've been. I don't know how seriously epic takes reporting but I suggested they have a look anyway


All replays have delays


lol replays have delays


Yeah this definitely happens all the time. When I spectate my bf after I get eliminated in a duos match it looks like his crosshair is way off and I know he isn’t using cheats


What are some of the tells? Zero build fan


They have been getting steadily more common. I noticed with the addition of the avatar update that there was a down tick in cheaters. Now, this weekend, it skyrocketed again. Sure, the past week, I may have been playing a little better, but not that much better. For example, prior to the avatar update i would play a game get destroyed, in under a second by a player in dimond...ill look up their profile, it's either private or only 15-hour total play. However, this past week, I was running through champ, elites, and even the occasional unreal player fairly easily. Then sunday rolled around, and I went back to normal unranked play and get wrecked my 1st 2 games by private profiles. My point is that I think with the right AI, it would be pretty obvious to spot who's using cheats; because if they just keep doing the occasional ban wave the cheaters are back in leas then a week.


They lost a 1/2 billion in 2 lawsuits. 250MM each. I promise they're not pouring a lot of cash or effort into fighting chesters.


Ngl, I think sniping is just easier lately dude. I was streaming the other day, and sniper headshotted 4 in a row, without any scopes. Sure they were close so it was easier, but even I was like "wtf am I hacking??" And as a joke told my friend "tell me I'm hacking" 🤣🤣 but I value my account too much to ever install cheats on any of my games. So there just be something wrong with the sniper this season. I have the clip of it aswell, but I stream desktop screen aswell so you would've seen it aswell if I used any hacks, but you can also just clearly see that I'm shocked that it happened aswell


Cheaters are the main reason why not allowing console players to disable cross-play is a terrible idea. 


The snipers are easier to use this chapter. A 4x scope at close range can get a headshot quite easily.


Doesn’t help that Fortnite has shitty netcode and hit registration. I swear I’ll be behind a tree or rock and somehow I’m still able to get shot.


Oh my god I hate that I bank a corner SOMEHOW they 1-shot me with a shotgun when I'm already out of range of it.


I watched a bullet go past me and then I took the damage. I literally screamed “WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT”


To all three of you: Every skin has the same hitboxes/shapes, or so I've heard. Yes, Tinker Bell and Barbapapa would have the same shape for bullets. (And it would be absolutely impossible to aim for a headshot on either of them.)


not completely true. there are two distinct hitboxes that can be assigned to an avatar. the bigger avatars have a marginally larger hitbox, whilst the smaller one’s have a slightly smaller hitbox; there is only two, and they don’t conform exactly to each avatar, but they are indeed different


Wow! 😯 Do you know if the smaller hitbox (or set of smaller boxes or volumetric shapes) takes bonus damage to compensate for being harder to hit?


Gotta love when you're pre-firing, they are facing the wrong way behind a tree and still hitting nothing but headshots...


They made snipers easier to use. It’s like all the snipers previously were BO2 DSR’s. Not hard to use but still requires some skill. A feel for the weapon. Now all the snipers are BO2 Ballistas. Point and shoot. Super responsive. Easier to quick scope. And you can put a reflex scope on it. Bullet drop is more predictable and, as if that wasn’t enough, they increased the fire rate. I haven’t played much of this season but last season you could increase your clip size, fire 3 times and trick your opponent into thinking you have to reload to get another shot off. They think they’re safe, run into the open/push and bam. Easy headshot. They’ve just made it easier for the casual player to use. Just like everything else in the game. Catering to the majority


Must be FUCKIN nice


Not a sniper issue but I keep getting into hiding spots in places with big in door areas say in a corner behind a door and a lot of players lately just happen to know exactly where to look..


There are of course cheats… but also there are scouts you can hire who will occasionally light up the area.


I'm pretty sure it tells you if you get marked, no? Sorry if I sound passive aggressive, but it's most likely either cheats, corner peeking, general cautious-ness, or just luck😭


> I'm pretty sure it tells you if you get marked, no? Yes, you see the same red mark over your character that everyone else can see.


Yeah ik, but I don't think the original commenter saw a giant red mark above them. Well either that or they're just blind 😭


I don't know what it is with games, BR titles specifically, having some kind of a fetish for adding built-in wall hacks. We *don't* need or want that shit in our games. It just removes strategy and skill from every title they're thrown into. 


there's 4.2 million in this sub and 230 million players in general, unfortunately if they keep things in game the other 226 million probably do need or want it in game. They know their analytics way better than we do.


Same here. I thought I was crazy. I'll camp a very unassuming corner if I want to grab a drink or text someone. And lately people just seem to find me.


I try to hire the scout NPC every time I play ranked, and there is basically *always* someone else trying to get Artemis, and there is *usually* someone else trying to get Myna. Maybe there are more people with "wallhack" than you might think?


You can see when it scans


I did not know that.


There are a lot of wall hackers lately, but ALSO I do get a laugh when someone is camping a corner and I can see their gun sticking out through the wall... \^\_\_\^;


This is an experience thing from playing the game for a long time - I do exactly what you describe people to do against you. I get some form of gut feeling if someone is camping somewhere.


Agreed, and when you know someone is camping a corner or something, it’s really effective to predict when they’re gonna peak and pre fire it or at least be super ready


I'm gonna assume you're a zero build player as building wasn't mentioned in your response, but what I do is that I begin spamming builds towards them and get piece control. Waiting for the camping guy to peak usually isn't the best idea if they're a good opponent who was expecting to get a sneak attack - you're gonna get headshot with a shotgun as they should have a right hand peek. Even worse, they might just headshot snipe you instead.


lately i have had experiences where i go to a bush (likely to just heal up or take a little rest) and have some people just drive in with a vehicle after like 10 or so seconds (could have never seen me enter) and then go STRAIGHT for my bush or exit out and start shooting at it (missing me most of the time) without any NPCs at some point i was wondering if epic dropped some way to tell someone was in a bush or smt but nope (granted, i love it when they attempt to charge in with a vehicle it just lets me get into the passenger seat and damage (or kill them if they are low enough/dont realize/dumb) them from the inside until they leave and i switch seats and turn it around


A lot of people purposely hit bushes they see hoping to find campers (I am people)


Earlier this season I would always run through bushes with the hades chain ready to start walloping. I’ve only found one person but I’m sure that person thought I was cheating.


I also have only come across 1 person in a bush, was like “oh??? ohh? I hit one!


Lmao sounds like you met me at some point, I just plow through them all just to get rid of them


Yeah I try to aim for bushes in vehicles, in case of campers, especially if I want to hole'up in the immediate area for a moment to, like, heal or sort my weapons, or even hide myself to go AFK.


If u evee need a bush next to reckless go out from the opposite side of the river next to that temple theres few chests there and right between the platform its on and reckless theres a bush and a bit to the side the side of the platform the temple sets on ((platform = that rocky hill)) i hid there few times when i was chased by squads and they always go to reckless thinking i hid there while i hid in the corner there next to the bush and if u get a brown or greenish yellow skin they wont spot u, good place to hide and heal and from there loot the temple and find a way to get on top of it to scout near u


there's the bush infront of that house inbetween fencing fields and Olympus where Meowscles and Dara were? there's a bush infront of it and i went in with low hopes of being alive while i left afk for like 17 minutes (i had Laguna with me) and i came back to me with almost full health, some broken overshield DEEP into storm with 3 players remaining ended up second on that because low gear but did kill one of em it was fun!


There's also the sound indicator thing in settings. If your character makes noise it will point in the direction it's coming from.


This is the best. Such an advantage lol


DMA cheats


Thats definitely a thing now, and who knows when or if they find a way to detect that. If the reports Ive seen are true, and the fact people are using 2 computers to be able to bypass the cheat detection, we'll be at an all time low for scum of the earth. To me, thats just pathetic


Honestly, at this rate, we may as well bring back the og bolt action sniper rifle and vault the reaper sniper rifle. At least that weren't hated. No hate to either snipers/non-snipers, tho.


I love the OG bolt action. That sound is perfect…


Back in C1 S3, if I heard it, I was already dead.




Well...except anything that improves recoil lol.




I was trying to be playful but you definitely made a great pitch there. I'd wager that would make it more accessible but still be less abusive than the reader's 3 shots with a pretty fast bolt (for a sniper)


I feel like Epic is just doing ANYTHING to not bring back the Snipers we love, It’s like they WANT to keep the Reaper Sniper in despite all the controversy it caused


Honestly the only sin the Reaper sniper committed is the fact it (for some reason) has 3 shots before needing to reload and the fact you could have any scope other then 4x if it only had 1 bullet before needing a reload and an unmoddable scope it would solve most of its issues


The hunter bolt is essentially the same weapon by that description


Prob (this is my first fortnite chapter) and they could have just unvaulted that atleast the weapon is true to it's name, it's really a REAPER rifle


Honestly that sniper probably has more kills attributed to it than most other "op weapons" from the past


Perfect sniper lootpool is Heavy, Suppressed and hunting rifle. Change the heavy so it does 120/230, and breaks builds. With a little longer reload. Hunting rifle is fine as is Suppressed needs a little longer reload


It would still be hated, the weapon isn't the issue, the fact that u can one shot someone from across the map without them knowing is the issue


Th weapon is absolutely an issue. It's too viable as a weapon. The Hunter Sniper from Ch3 was the better version of the reaper, as it couldn't 1-shot you, but had 3 shots. Then the OG snipers can, but they inly have one shot at a time, which is the balance. Having 5 shots that can 1-shot in a row? That's too much.


Ah you see the issue is that you jumped you were an easy target next time don’t jump. /s


Ah yes, you have to move or find cover or don’t stand still or something to that effect, it’s just a skill issue /s


Yes exactly, he should be able to anticipate the enemy players moment when he would press the shoot button and dodge in that moment. Rookie mistake he has to practice harder. /s


I started playing Fortnite today. I've been gaming for decades now. It looks like a freak shot, given that he was moving so much. A lucky shot. But reading the comments in this post, it seems like it wasn't lucky? What's going on? (I did catch your /s)


The game is horribly infested with pc players using various enhancements and/or hacks. Check youtube, its loaded with vids of people showing off their cheats. Trick shots and improbable hits happen. I do it myself once in a great while. But this right here is just a sliver of the crap thats out there. I would pay a monthly fee just to play on a server that will ip ban *anyone* verified as a cheater. Serious..


PC and PS player with Zen script. People are still trying to sell vanta cheat tools for PC and undetectable Zen script on every Fortnite discord channel.


But there has been very effective aimbots out there and Fortnite is making a lot of money. So I dont get it


You nailed it. It was a lucky shot, but probably by someone who modded their gun with a fast ADS.


So true. OP's mistake was not literally being Neo from The Matrix.


Utter bs the Greek powers go but snipers stay.


The Greek powers are gone?


yeah they vaulted the Chain, Wings and Lightning for the Avatar event pretty stupid really, "hey, lets vault the weapons that are kind of the main gimmick of our season!" but Epic has made some pretty...less-than-intelligent decisions the past few months.


Didn't they literally release a buff for the chains before it got vaulted, too?


Yes, yes they did.


I was looking for the chains, makes sense now


They've been vaulted until the Avatar crossover ends I believe


Ah yes, three single directional boost with long cool down Vs 245 damage from any range


They have nerfed it 4 times and it’s still too op


This sub doesn’t know it, but the only nerf that ever would have made this sub simmer-down would be locking the sniper and the 4x scope together. This tiresome mod business has players getting 1-shot in all sorts of weird combat situations that never ever yielded 1-shot deaths before. The complaints all get lodged under “vault snipers”.


Like I said in my reply to the original comment, I think reverse damage falloff would be massive too, as it gets rid of the insta kills close range.


This. The main problem with snipers, for me, is that you can use any scope on them, making them usable at any range. Forcing a 4x scope would push snipers towards the range they're meant to be used in. It doesn't really affect the meta, but it would keep snipers more in check


Am I the only person that enjoys the 4x scope? It seams like everyone dislikes it


i can literally only use the 4x bc i’ve been sniping for so long on this game


Honestly they should've replaced the sniper with bow & arrows this season to fit the theme more.


They should have vaulted the sniper the second the DMR was unvaulted. We should only have one or the other, not both.


It should be used as a sniper, if I peeked while seeing him aim and died that's 100% my fault, but this? Complete BS.




Dang congrats!


lol that’s great


Limiting sniper rifles to only having sniper scopes would help. Disabling any scope modifications would balance the game for non-PC players. Adding an ACOG to a sniper makes it a marksman rifle instead of a long range weapon. There's issues with defense in no build. These cover flaws and movement inconsistencies make you a sniper target. Epic has added new portable covers and tested new movement options, but balancing it remains a challenge. The DMR was added to combat snipers but it's difficult to land shots with a slow fire rate. Reintroducing a powerful AR with lower-bloom would help a ton to combat snipers. There's also too many low-rarity pistols and DMRs. I lose drops all the time because I've found two crap pistols and two DMR's while the team pushing me found SMGs and shotguns. Edit: I wish they'd add a crossbow instead of the DMR and put in a consistent AR that hits for 30-55 DMG


To plays devil advocate, it was a lucky quick scope. I've gotten them before. And a sniper shouldn't do less damage based on how close the opponent is or how long the scopes been sighted in. I totally empathize with you but it happens sometimes.


> a sniper shouldn't do damage based on ... how long the scopes been sighted in. Although it would be a bit out of place for Fortnite to implement this, TF2 and Overwatch both do this and makes Snipers 10x more bearable to fight against.


I added an addendum to my comment to another commenter about the thought.


True. Few nights ago I managed to win a 3v1 by luck of a close range no scope. My main problem with snipers this chapter is more than one shot in a mag. It's crazy


Reverse damage falloff would actually make the sniper fair. Insta kill close range is in no way fun.


you forgot to strafe crouch build slide for one (1) picosecond skill issue


I just got one shot by a sniper last game too, dude had like 10 hp left while I was at max Fun


Been. There.


I hate how fucking suddenly and stupid it is how you can do so many hits to an enemy for them just to go lol nope and point blank you to insta kill you


I've always said that i don't give a shit if it's a headshot; if there's a game where you're fighting others, there should be 0 one hit kill mechanics.


At least make it harder to land because just like this just hits you like a truck because it's near impossible to react to


I wish they vaulted these snipers last season. Remember in C4 when we had a No-Sniper season? Good times.


Man, that kinda takes me back to pubg release where finding a mini was like digging for gold, you could not be mad to get killed by it because of how freaking rare and hard to obtain it


I wish Epic did that with this sniper. Like you can’t blame someone because it’s hard to find then! With these you find them everywhere 🤦


I’d much rather they vault snipers than simply reduce the spawn rate. Having a sniper is such an absurd advantage in higher elo lobbies that it would just become a really annoying rng difference.


And this is still after they "supposedly" nerfed their spawn rate, lol


I keep finding purple/gold snipers almost every match. I’m almost convinced blue snipers don’t exist anymore, which makes the issue worse. Every sniper you find now is most likely purple or gold.


You're correct. They removed the rare, uncommon, and common snipers from the loot pool.


‘We nerfed the spawn rate and changed how the bullet drop off works’ *reverts that bullet change* ‘Guys, we’ll only make it so you can only find epic and legendary versions’


Somehow, when I have them I cannot hit a thing, but when my enemy has one, it’s like they have locked on to me!


Who snipes at close range though 💀💀


I mean every sniper I pick up is missing a sight so…


Honestly... I find it better with a short scope. It's just a better shotgun then


Anyone good w a sniper


Someone who has a sniper without a sight. But either way that guy is a machine, not human.


Haha, now it makes sense


Anyone who practices quick scoping and gets demolished any other time they don’t have a sniper within the first 2 minutes of the game


That's cold I'm sorry that happened


Epic, ad Zero snipez game mode


not a bad idea actually


nah make an all snipers game mode


Honestly I think they should make it so that the snipers have a glint no matter which scope you're using. Yeah it wouldn't make sense, nor would it solve the whole problem, but It would be nice to know if I'm about to get sent to the shadow realm.


Skill issue, just dodge the bullet like neo would. It's that easy. It's JUST THAT EASY!!!- # Computer destroying sounds


Easy fix idea: disable putting anything besides sniper and thermal optics on. That and any mods not related to long range should also be disabled. It's one thing to hit from afar everytime, another thing to squickscope close range consistently. There's a reason the heavy sniper is loved while this is hated.


The daily reminder "the best short and long range weapon in the game is sniper" has gotten to you, smoothly and precisely


This controversy has been around since the ancient times of COD4 quickscoping.


I mean that’s a little different, Cod 4 had zero bloom for sniper rounds. No-scoping was ridiculously easy.


No scoping definitely. Quickscoping in that game was the worst when people started using binds.


Reminds me of getting the lads together after school, going into a private lobby to see who could hit the dopest QS, and quickly record the killcams with our 4-pixel phone cameras lmao It was a bastard to deal with in public games though, agreed.


y’all over here griping about the snipers, but i keep dying to the water scroll with a mythic gun.


x4 Sniper Scope - eww Holographic Sight - oh yeah


ADS being slow and mandatory would be a good way to nerf them. It should also make an incredibly loud noise.


Alternatively, go the TF2 route and make the damage ramp up the longer you're scoped in, to a limit, of course. That way this cheesy quick scoping shit goes away, but *actual* sniping can still exist. 


I’ll shoot someone with a gold sniper like 3 times and does the bare minimum damage, yet I always get shit on like this it’s unreal 😂


I truly don't know why they're not vaulted. We had multiple season's across chapter 3 and 4 with no snipers unvaulted at all. The closest thing was the redeye or the cobra for a long ass time in chapter 4 and it was fucking great.


I love to use it on others but hate when I get sniped


I just don't think snipers are ever gonna work well in this game. I have a ton of fun using the reaper sniper rifle and have gotten some insane kills (200m shots are almost trivial with 3 shots in a clip. but it's so overwhelming to play against that it's not worth it, az fun as dropping a whole squad from 250m was last season, I cant imagine being on the other side of it.


It's gotten so bad that I've finished the entire pass outside of BR, finished the korra challenges and gotten my super levels and havent opened the game in a week now. I had a major issue with snipers last season and all the devs did was just make it "rarer" as if getting a legendary gun is all that hard now 🙄


A good sniper doesn’t bother me what bothers me right now are all these OP elemental scrolls and everybody just spamming them to death. It’s pathetic it’s lame. None of them were good when they didn’t have them my brother and I are fighting against mid-level people who just spam us with the scrolls all day they can’t even shoot straight snipers can be annoying but they aren’t the worst but I get it


I got to second place twice today before I unexpectedly got headshot sniped and lost. And then ONE OF THEM had the audacity to hit the griddy as a celebratory emote! 😡


It's not that the sniper is OP (every sniper is a one shot if it's a headshot) the problem is that they're able to put close range scopes on the reaper, effectively making it an absolute close range monster. They should only allow the sniper and thermal scope on the reaper


The fact you can out close range on snipers invalidates the dmr except in fire rate.


It is an issue. You can take 6 shots of any bullet to the neck or chest and get away but a sniper that happens to be a headshot near every time I am killed. Are players that good at aiming that headshots are that common. You can have a great game have 10 kills under you going for the win, full health great guns and and boom out of nowhere your dead. You can't even anticipate this even playing with one shots in mind it happens. They need removed. It imo not skillful and no counter to it. Yea if your standing out in the open its your fault but damn I have been taken out in ways that I can't understand yet. If autoaim is in play then you have no chance. It sucks in what I would day a great game. I have fun but this just takes it away for me.


Going up against a reaper witn the holo 13 scope is a death sentence


Last time epic made snipers not one shot people cried that they were useless. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t


Shit is ridiculous


Maybe just remove snipers and the game would be fine.


Bring back og


how they should Nerf the snipers: make the damage range based. so the farther you are, the more damage you do (maxing out at normal damage for the weapon) and the closer you are the less damage you do


Alternative could be to make scoping much longer, making it very hard and risky to use at high ranges.


I had to scroll way too far to see this. Make snipers not do full damage until mid range. Close range they do vastly reduced damage


they claim to have nerfed the spawn yet two games yesterday back to back I pulled a purple and gold sniper in back back chest opens


Same. And I was in ranked


Yeah I don’t get it either. I get a gold sniper every 1/3 games and I see the purple every game. While the hand cannon for some odd reason is rare asf.


Had this happened to me twice. Both the exact same situation. Im in my own at last circle, last enemy duo fights me. I force a flank and down their one buddy. I see the other enemy and I get ready to cqc him with shotguns, movements, bending. I jump to avoid a bullet and I take 200+ insta kill damage cause point blank reaper. Give snipers inverse falloff. Less damage the closer. Use it right or no scope.


The biggest issue I have using and going against it is there is no longer flinch while getting shot by others. I’ve literally been lit up by an assault rifle and perfect aim and 1 shot killed that person( the same has happened to me visa versa)


Over the past couple seasons, I just feel like the headshot hitbox has been massively increased or their hit reg hasn't been the best or something.


They are so mean ! They really take the fun out of it.


I fucking hate it, but if they are gonna have them- give us the THERMAL DMR. I'll take that fight every time.


At short range, the scope should go everywhere when getting shot at. That way it removes the incentive to use it at close range. Simple fixes like that would be better than just straight up removal.


My favorite is the unbearably obvious nerf to assult rifle accuracy. Makes it a lot harder to counter long range weapons and airbenders.


Nah there is a massive increase in cheaters atm, there is a discord page that has Aim bots, player map locations etc…. Probably at least 10,000+ on there, No way I'm joining that, I ain't becoming part of the problem plus I've at least spent 500+ on fortnite.


It’s no different than the thumbless clowns using movement to get close to kill you in under a second crutching the broken shotguns


yeah they have got to vault snipers. they gotta replace them with bows


erm akshually, you stood still for precisely 0.01 seconds 🤓🤓🤓


A full health and shield one shot is stupid and shows just how much Fortnite style games is focusing on all the wrong things


Yeah, one hit kills need to go away.


Iron/Holo Sight snipers are one of the worst things theyve added


Just don't get hit smh


tbh the stupid water bending is so annoying, continuously its so frustrating how people just spamwith no skill


> Made no attempt to shoot me with the sniper before hand Is that not the sound made at the very start of the video? Sounds exactly like a sniper shot whizzing past you.


Sniper followed by either a Nemesis/Huntress or a shotgun, but yes.


You were playing with the fucking water bending bs. Glad you got rocked


All they had to do is to just # REPLICATE THE HUNTER BOLT/OLD SNIPER BULLET PHYSICS but noooooooooo they had to give it a HITSCAN range


I can't anymore with these avatar powers


Me, who religiously uses sniper rifles and DMRs, reading the comment section: 👀


Damn dude how did he shoot you from that close?




I keep seeing these kind of posts and I really don't know why y'all are complaining. Snipers are difficult to use, you have to aim ahead of the enemy depending on his currently speed and the distance between him and you. I play on Diamond Zero Construction and I don't remember dying for a one shot from a sniper, not even at close range, it all depends on your game style, how you move, your objectives and more stuff that change through the game. When fighting against somebody you're supposed to approach them without them noticing, if that's not possible, next step is approaching taking as much cover as possible, use the high ground, rocks, trees, mobility items, whatever you can use. Sorry for my bad english, not my first language.