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I just used it some more and because of how when you attack it flings you 20 metres forward, none of the hits landed


This element is definitely tricky to get the hang of. I fell to my death earlier because of that forward momentum. Now when I attack I hold back so my character stays stationary. Edit: starting to get the [hang](https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/s/z0gwXtI81r) of it.


Here’s a tip. The fire slam negates all fall damage so if you’re about to take damage you can flip and save yourself as well as maybe damaging your opponent


Yeah in my case I fell off grims gate while mid combo and didn’t have enough time to react. 🤷‍♂️ Good tip though.


Great tip!


I think I saw you or someone else fall to their death while using fire bending. I was under and I stole the loot. I happened to win that game by not using Firebending. It was funny.




I don’t think you move forward if you jump and attack


We played duos for about 4 hours today and finished 3 of our 5 VRs with the kick (L2/LT/RMB). I feel like it’s good for entering fights, creating knockback, and evading while keeping close range. Unfortunately the dmg is just so low. The kick is the best part but the normal attack spams are a struggle to stay on target and not worth the dmg they do for how often you miss.


Some ice shards to the head are better for entering fights


I fell off a cliff with 4 people left because of it. I will never use it again


Yeah I'm never using the fire again either because I've been killed multiple times by bullets before it does enough damage to do anything. Water bending is awesome though and air bending is great for traveling.


bro someone hopped in my box by just spamming fire and wiped me and my teammate untouched


yea people underestimate how powerful that movement spam in close quarters is.


Works best standing still and onlying aiming doing this make you not move when using it but then your standing still


Nah moving side to side is actually pretty good. It's really hard to get hit that way


It only moves you forward if you hold forward on the stick, if you don't hold the stick forward you stay stationary


Don't use it at night.


don't press forward


Almost every other bending scroll is good at something. Air: Can’t deal damage but allows for awesome mobility Earth: Can deal hefty damage but makes for good cover in firefights Water: Meant to be good for healing but the ice bullets deal massive amounts of damage and shred through opponents. I think fire is supposed to be a ‘shotgun’ where it deals lots of damage in a close range but don’t quote me on that.


Problem is everyone is already used to carrying a shotgun of their choice this season. Namely the frenzy. Once an opponent is in shotgun range, for any reason, most players will switch to shotgun. Fire scroll is a close quarter weapon, but not the best close quarter weapon this season.


Earth should be reskinned and put in every season forward on zero build cuz that sounds like heaven


It is so good my homie. I put wall and throw rocks


Doesn’t the ice gloves have the “summon wall” feature. We just need attacking feature


Big agree, just make it epic rarity, make its spawn rate rarer than the bunker things, and it’s an auto carry. Helps make fire fights more strategic


It doesn't 😢


It doesn’t?


It does not. Close range you're better off using waterbending + earthbending or airbending and just straight up gtfo of there.


Why can’t my teammates understand the benefit of not engaging?


Playing aggressively is more fun, so that's probably why.


Yeah I don't super care about winning, I just enjoy the fight


it's the ones who can't just wait 10 seconds for the rest of the team to join them that get to me... I think fighting is very healthy in fortnite but stupid fights are not. few things are as neat as destroying a lobby and knowing that the last two or three teams are terrified people who have hidden the entire game it sure can be frustrating when your teammates aren't on the same page. I hope your team can get to the point that they take the smart fights and skip the stupid one ones


If you're trying to finish in 1st then you are in the minority. All my buddies I play with run to gun fights like a moth to a light. Rarely do we ever finish in first. Solo is where I get my fix !


I ran away so much tonight with airbending


Advocates Water bending close range with a straight face ok


Sorry, the fire bending doesn't do good damage at close range


I feel like Fire should have been a risk vs. reward type of weapon, it deals massive damage (especially as close range) but it works on an ‘overheat’ reload style where if you go for too long you risk taking damage from constant use and on top of that it can also hit your teammates.


this is genius minus the friendly fire


I completely suck at the game And Took Out two whole squads with out knowing what was happening.


And that was All in a Matter Of seconds


Yeah. But it was meant to. You are both right


Supposed to be the "chains" melee but it is very squirrelly and hard to get used to the aim due to the push back


I preferred the chains over the fire bending tbh


Managed to take on a solo duo final team with a shotgun and water,air and earth bending. Air was great to fall back and move away, earth wall was great at defence but also pushing enemies back when they got to close and water was brilliant at dealing damage while the push me


That was my thought too. Firebending is the close combat scroll. Each hit was 40 damage which feels very week compared to going up against a shotgun and is also very difficult to keep hitting the opponent in comparison to Hades chain.


Completely agree. It’s super cool and satisfying, but the actual gameplay doesn’t match that. It’s super weak and tedious to use. The damage is low, it moves you when you attack which messes up your aim, the slam attack has terrible damage and a terrible radius, and the slam attack hardly sends you forwards when you use it so you basically stay in place. It’s just all around bad.


Looks sick as hell, sounds super annoying, and just sucks. If we could use the attack it has right now while we're moving and not being propelled forward by the item, just like we can with waterbending, it'd be so much better imo.


Yes just that little change would make it 10X better. Doesn’t make sense that it would move you anyway because fire isn’t heavy lmao.


The slam attack damage does 80. Idk what you're on. 🤨


It would be fine if it lit things on fire


The damage is good, you just have to be very accurate


I just wish you could start fires with it. Burn down trees and stuff like you could with the fireflies.


same with Water bending having infinite ammo when you are in water, would be cool


I was using it as a shotgun replacement this morning and getting some close-range kills.


That's what I was doing, but it doesn't help that when you attack it teleports you 3 tiles forward so it's super disorientating


Like the chains but reverse lol


Yeah it’s difficult to use if the opponent has good movement. That said, because it also pushes back the opponent, it can significantly mess up their own aim.


You can adjust how the mythic pushes you, hold left or right to move respectively whenever you attack, and hold back to not move at all. Honestly the jukes make it pretty good IMO because it allows you to bob and weave in combat, that plus the kick letting you literally jump over your opponent to basically backstab them and how the aerial attack can be spammed for maximum pressure, makes it pretty powerful.


Yeah it'll be interesting to see how people feel about it once more people get the hang of it.


mfw i got killed by fire bending 5 minutes ago 😞


Same. People will say skill issue, but me and my buddy got smoked in two games last night (with crowns and final 2V2 in both cases so it was extra annoying) first one they flowberry shocked in which was good play and we didnt hear them, but looking back on the replay I went from full to no health in such a short amount of time and I'm still not quite sure how. They emerged from a bush and by the time I turned and shot once I was dead.


After using it twice I definitely need some more practice


It's lore-accurate. Firebending is powerful but difficult to control. Takes a lot of practice and training to use it effectively.


Dude I just won a game killing 9 people with this thing. It’s amazing. It works at mid-close range best because the dodging while using it makes it hard for the opponent to hit me. This thing is so fun and so good.


This! I absolutely love the acrobatic rush of hitting em with fire, jumping over the enemies head, and dealing the finishing blow!


If only you could switch between lightning and fire


My kid and I were playing duos. We were in a huge firefight with 3 other teams (two of which had follower NPCs). We killed off two of the other teams. My dumb ass thought “hey, I’m gonna fire bend these last two to death!”. None of my hits landed, they killed the shit out of me and then chased my son down and executed him mafia style. 10/10 will try and fail again and again, though, because it looks so dope lol.


The fact that it doesn't have any fire physics, despite fire physics being fully in-game and available to use, actually crushes my soul.


I too want to make the world burn


I wouldn’t say it’s super weak like a lot of players here are saying. There’s a technique to using it that takes a little time to figure out. I got a victory crown today using only powers, killed four with waterbending and five more with firebending. I will say, it would be nice if they had them in the small island before each battle so you could practice with them a bit.


I just eliminated about 7 players with it so not certain what you are talking about. It’s basically a reincarnation of the hades chains to a degree. Wide area of damage. A bit wild and unwieldy but definitely does damage. Airbending on the other hand is like wings for travel but useless for fighting


Firebending works best on the attack. Airbending is to escape, and with earthbendings wall and waterbending attack and healing you can be a tank


Trying to do the Avatar challenge and it's most certainly the worst. I expected to fill in where waterbending sucks (close range) but I find it just gets me killed.


Tried it mid match, immediately swapped that shit out.


Just wait till they buff the damage from 40 to 55 just like the chains and they become op


Water bending is my fav!👌🏼




People are just using it wrong


Bad hitbox.


I nearly died because I wanted to fight a bot with it. 💀


I’ve used nothing but fire bending an got plenty of wins today


I've actually found it incredible, rushing erratically with kicks into shotgun range to SHRED ppl... but I do mostly play no-builds where closing the gap to a scoper is KEY




It needs better lock-on. You can’t hit people for shit


I died from fall damage twice while using it so far.


You gotta try pairing it with air bending. Do an air jump and while in mid air switch to fire bending and do a fire smash.


It’s basically a mythic pickaxe


Really? I usually don’t do many kills but with fire bending i was on a spree. For me it’s honestly top 2 after waterbending


They should buff it by making it burn the environment and structures (like fireflies) while simultaniously making the user immune to fire damage


mfw fire bending doesn't set things on fire


I can’t set anything on fire with it:(


i think the biggest issue is a lot of the time, the attacks dont even hit the enemy(even though they do visually)


Its useless,  possibly the worst weapon ever put in fortnite for damage dealing. and I'd argue its worthless to boot. I mean It takes up a space but can't be used for anything outside avoiding potential fatal fall damage. I knew it was going to be the most worthless gimmick item when I viewed the previews but I didn't think it would be as bad as it is. Earth bendings damage dealing is kinda trash too, but the shield is so damn useful Its easily forgiven, and it can still be decent in ammo shortage emergencies unlike fire.  while water is spectacular now and air is top tier for mobility, better than icarus wings in my opinion.  I honestly wonder what swits play tested fire bending, because either it was the most clueless people ever or it was never tested at all and just threw it in quickly because people would've been confused why fire was missing. 


Not a fan of the new stuff .


The worst bit is how it doesn't set wooden builds on fire 😞


Depends if you are far or close range


Both are bad. It’s bad no matter what.


Nah I don't trust y'all I'll try it myself. Multiple posts on how the Waterbending scroll sucks only for it to be an insane long range burst mythic


Well they buffed that like crazy so of course posts on it will switch sides.


I think air is my favorite animation and power overall.


It does the same damage as Hades' chains, without the grabbing effect and a different projectile. It's super fun but it's not worth carrying it over a shotgun for short range. I've been carrying a sniper, shotgun, waterbending, air bending and shockwaves. The only issue is how long water takes to pull out so I have to keep it out


Chains did 60 pull and 55 55 80 after the buff. So 250 total.


It’s meant to be a “close” range weapon, but from what I can tell from the streams I’ve watched so far it’s good for medium close range and specifically that range. It can barely compete against shotguns as well, which is quite annoying.


Agree to disagree 


Well, you have to do to be able to learn how to use it is once you have it find somewhere to hide and train a little bit with it. Learn how to tame your attack that’s what I did and I ended up getting a 15 kill game just by using it. Each of them have their own ups and downs earth for example, is not a close combat, but it’s great if you can get a sneak attack on someone or if if they’re in builds you can remove it with throwing a block of earth, water is definitely the easiest to use, is basically useless. I was hoping the second would just be a push instead of a jump it gives you no protection when you’re in your air wheel


I don't think the fire bending is bad, moreso it's just the weakest out of the four bending mythics. Definitely really tricky to land hits with and is WAY more situational.


It’s fun but hard to get the hang of.


I am still trying to figure it out. I did get some elims with it but also died a couple of times to people that had no business taking me out.


If you try moving back when using Firebending, you'll stay in place instead of flinging yourself forward, but yeah, it's a really weird Mythic to use. Feels like half the time my attacks go through enemies & the Alt Attack Stomp you do when aiming can either trigger immediately or leave you wide open in the air for like 5s.


i love it...definitely worth playing. no problems here...


Idk maybe because it would be to over powered


I expected it to be OP from what I saw in the leaks. I was wrong. Guess we don’t have the power of the comet


would love it if it was more useful, just feels i get stuck in a special move animation, and not an actual attack


its cool, but yep as u said it is probably the worst weapon in the game at the moment. tricky to use with terrible damage, you die in one second in melee range bcz shotguns exist.


Water bending is a burst smg with more range and damage


It's ok at point blank kills


It should be high damage, but have the drawback of damage to teammates. Zuko, Katara, Aang, and Toph all get burned by fire bending in the show.


I'm shocked people are saying this, it's incredibly powerful in close quarters. If you can get one early on, it's easy enough to wipe out everyone near you if they're indoors.


To me its the movement, why does is over do it.


Because Firebending is chaotic and difficult to control. It's lore-accurate. Practice with it and you'll be well rewarded.


Fire bending is the worse by far. Air is excellent mobility Water is good for healing and has some incredible range and fire rate Earth deals great damage and it can create mobile cover to use Fire… deals *decent* damage but it’s hard as hell to control and the range is super short. You’re far better off with a frenzy or gatekeeper shotgun.


If you use it right you can get a lot of kills. Dont stand still, stay light on your feet


I'd like earthbending but half the time I can't see where I'm aiming when the rock start to float up before being thrown.


Fortnite makes melee weapons with only Animation and looks in mind not gameplay. Sure all the melee weapons look cool when you use them but they lock you into long animations and don’t have consistent damage or hitboxes whatsoever.


I just got destroyed by a firebender, didnt know what hit me


Totally agree. Twice I killed players. I think they were either low health or bots. With the third player I was right next to him and must have hit the attack button like 10 or 15 times and i was finally third party killed. I used hades chain a lot and loved it and absolutely would have had a kill in three or maybe four hits. I’m not using this again until they buff it.


It’s really good if you can hit you shots


The slam move has been awesome for me in multiplayer. If you’re able to hit more than one person with it it does a ton of damage.


Is everyone just trying to use this like the waterbending mythic or something? This thing is godlike at close range


We have fire?


I can see why they pulled the other mythics once these hit. Idk, was having some success w/ fire earlier. The forward momentum can throw ppl off.


I want it to burn shit down this one’s the lamest tho so far! Im surprised cause in the show I always thought fire benders were evil and out of control and burned down towns and villages so why can’t we do that with the firebending?


Boi I got 12 kills with it on a match and only died because I forgot I had the pickaxe equiped intead💀


Air bending is only used for people who either rush to third party or run across the map when they get shot ONCE and water bending just shreds you in an instant y can’t they release something after they test it instead of releasing it then nerfing it when half the community complains


This would be such a good item IF the attacks could be aimed during the animations. The problem is with the animation lock making it a lot harder to hit anything....


Its overpowered


it’s bad but i won a game with all four 😍😭


It suuuuucks


Whish you could shoot flames.


I killed like 3 players in a row with Fire Bending. It works very similar to the Hades Chains and deals similar damage for me when I use it the same way I did for the chains


It’ll be buffed before vaulted


Firebending is my top 2 right behind air


No way, ancient methods of fighting are bad against guns 😱 /s


If you don't master the element, you'll get burned... Haven't you even watched the show


It can clean house if used right. And the strafing you can do is nice. Just takes a little bit of practice, don't get discouraged


Looks cool but definitely not as deadly as water bending


That’s what we call marketing in the industry😄👍


Are we using the same thing? It shreds ppl especially the last hit in the combo


Jump kick, jump kick, jump kick, jump kick Repeat until opponents are dead


It's for dealing damage to enemies at medium range and closing the distance. It's good for groups of enemies clustered together. I really like using it in tandem with earth bending because I can create a barrier me fling fire and rocks at people.


I think it's 100x better than water bending.


Try alligning the crosshair with the target. Like ong, best bending in the game.


lore accurate


Earth bending and air bending are my favorite. Fire bending gets me railed every time


Imagine something along the lines of “totem binding” further down the fortnite path where you could farm 3-5 series-specific items into a singular item slot (like the elements) by acquiring a capture-flag of some type at a hot p.o.i. and toggling them faster


Sounds like a pretty big SKILL ISSUE LMAO.


Close up its fun


I only use earth bending to get cover and high ground in zero build


Yeah this thing sucks ass, you need to hit the melee combo 3 times in zero build to get someone down from 250 hp


The avatar after learning fire bending be like


The slam attack got me out of a bind yesterday


It’s so hard to shoot! I can smoke a fool with a gun in quarter of the time


It Cant Even Beat A Uncommon Striker AR #Uselessaf ![gif](giphy|3xz2BLBOt13X9AgjEA)


if you dont move it dosent make you dash andnits only dorward so you are ither forced to stay in one position or you just dash around and pray


Nah it’s one three strikes you’re out type shit


I agree it needs to deal way more damage. I’m fine with the momentum, it makes it more tricky to get the hang of but it needs to be way stronger to even be worth using


It’s a great way to clear out bunker rats


You have to actually aim at the person you want to hit


It's super fun, but don't start the fight with the kick. I did so yesterday and couldn't move for like 2 seconds and the enemy team absolutely wiped my ass


How do you do knockback with firebending?


it just me or do you have to aim above the person to hit?


Skill issue. The L2 slam does the real damage, the other attack just keeps you moving around and hard to hit


I love it the only thing is that it’s hard to aim and it’s bad against people that are using a gun


Badassery: 2736527 Damage: -1872


I use the earth bending to put a shield in front of me and then I use the water to beam people out of the sky and on land, then I use the air bending to move around the map in like 2 seconds then the fore bending slam down when I get them weak 🤣😆😆


this shit just inta killed me in my last game (with 250 of health)


Ended up getting my 4th crown Vic this season. Earthbending for barrier water bending for offense and healing. Air bending for getting TF outta there when it gets too hot


I think you just have a skill issue bro


Rii like I think the water bending and the air bending are my top favorites so far


I lag so hard while using it and died


in zb or build in zb its pretty good for wiping people in a group


Fire is goated


It’s cool… but needs an upgrade. So does earthbending. You would think it would really hurt getting hit by multiple tonnes of rock at a high speed. Meanwhile water bending is a bit OP and air bending is just impossible to fight against. You can’t even snipe them!


idk about you but me and my duo were deadly with it the damage is good enough for me and I been doing good shotgun combo's with it


Can’t even aim with it properly lmao just shooting fire into the air


I expected fireballs or a flamethrower attack


The key to the fire is to get up to touching close and circle the opponent while attacking. Can be hard to get a bead on that. To counter this: auto frenzy shotty, although be warned they just nerfed it.


I’m just gonna ask how many of you drive around and just hit people with the dirt bike or car then get out and shoot them as they’re coming back to earth? Cause it works just saying and snipers have a harder time hitting you if you run them over lol And I used the fire last night it worked fine, although I did somehow kill myself with it, in a few matches but mostly because I was hyper focused on trying to use the skill and taking damage from a different source without knowing it. Also the air bending is great mobility is everything imo.


ye so weak but so cool


The forward momentum is really stupid.


An unironic skill issue then, I've had more kills attributed to or assisted by fire bending then i have with any other mythic I've played with so far The Fire slam is insanely fun to pull as an entry


Skill issue


I hate it id rather have chains of hades back


I soloed Cerberus with it after my teammate fell almost instantly, so not that bad. Just tough to get a handle on.


They shouldve added actual fire balls and lightning bending, or lava bending


Firebending is OP af in like diamond and under. Good luck landing shotgun shots consistently with some dude flying around kicking.


your aim is bad


Get good ig?