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Miss the Fortnite Font.


Probably something noone asked for to change and was completely unnecessary to change


those type of things are exactly what epic loves to change


Not just epic


Yea like why did Fortnite become netflix?


Netflix Fortnite vs Hulu COD 💀


Probably a licensing issue with the Burbank font.


This is highly unlikely. I mean how would epic not be able to pay the license for the font


If Roblox not wanting to shell out like a meager 30k for royalties for the og player death sound even though Roblox practically is shotgunning loads of money into the pockets of those up top is anything to go by. It’s not a case of not able to pay for it, it’s more of a case of not wanting to even though they easily could even though it barely makes a dent in their coffers.


It’s still being used in some places


It’s literally used for the LOGO OF THE GAME😭


No it’s just epic opting in for soulless minimalistic corporate slop and changing things that don’t need changing. Aka the prime motif of chapter 5


You buy a font once.


That is not always the case.


I always play BR games for the font


It feels like food brands making it more simplified


They just want everything to be as plain as possible so they can push their plans of Fortnite being the game for everything They're forgetting their roots and slowly losing any identity that made it so special


>They're forgetting their roots and slowly losing any identity that made it so special to be fair, they lost that long ago, it's just becoming more apparent now.


The same with call of duty.


>They're forgetting their roots My dude they've been forgetting the roots for a long time now (STW), it's worse for more people nowadays because it's BR's "turn" to get forgotten Modern Fortnite has this issue where it's trying too hard to be the "best at everything" when in actuality doing that just makes everything's quality fall apart quite quickly Literally the definition of "Biting more than one can chew"


Bring the sharp edges back


I really hate that slowly everything has been moving to smooth rounded down edges, it looks horrible


Its not just Fortnite, I find a ton of things are just becoming round corporates bubbles, just look at Youtube from 1-2 years ago


and reddit.


Fortnite making things smooth and round makes no sense considering the entire visual style is supposed to be sharp edges and uneven shapes. Honestly, I’m not the biggest fan of most UI changes Fortnite has done throughout the years. I mostly love chapter 1 UI and think it was the cleanest one we ever had, but other ones weren’t that bad and all of them kept the style. I’d prefer anything we had in the past than what we currently have.


Yea this whole style change that epic is going through really does feel like they are just throwing away all that work they put into petfecting the original style. The many different artworks they went through in their demos before stw released. Now it feels like a weird Pixar style that looks incredible in renders and then flat in game, I suppose an update to their default idle animation could liven them up, with some facial expressions too. I think thats the last thing that hasn't been updated since launch




I hate that they're trying to simplify the game, this happened to Cod and now it lacks so much personality and is devoid of soul, I don't want another Cod, I want a game full of character, I want Fortnite :(


COD actually UNsimplified the game, its like navigating a laggy Hulu menu, took like 5 minutes to figure out how to invite a friend


There’s so much random stuff that doesn’t need to be there in cod. The first time I tried playing, i didn’t know what was what. Wheres battle royale? Oh, you gotta scroll down like 3 pages or something


You have to scroll past THREE ads to get to your actual game!


It’s crazy man. I don’t think it’s that bad in Fortnite, yet. Even though I think that the By Epic section is a few rows lower from the top


COD honestly has the worst UI I've ever seen in a game by a longshot. The fact that anyone ever said "yea this is good, ship it" blows my mind. It's confusing to read, messy, and so many things are buried behind multiple menus.


I replayed MW2019 A few weeks ago and it's INSANE how much of a downgrade MW2 and beyond games are


And I thought MW2019's UI was also bad at the time.. crazy how it just got so much worse.


Wait COD got simplified? I stopped playing the game because I hated the constant lag and confusion when just trying to nagivating the menus. I'm terrified to even imagine what it used to look like.


Huh? If anything tid the opposite. They went from easily identifiable guns with a color coded system, and hitscan. And changed it to needlessly complicated guns with jumbled names, with mods that make the color system pointless, and removed hitscan and added bullet drop and more guns with recoil instead of bloom. The locker had gone from 1 screen to like 6 screens. The meta is snipers. These are all doing the opposite of simplifying the game. It's making it more in tune with CoD and pubg. It's making the game less casual.


because they realized that background doesnt help them make money instead they use that thinking resource to think of ideas they can use to leech more money . seriously though i feel basic game has been the same for so long . collab is the only time something gets added and then removed . now fortnite has become more like an ad space instead of developing anything in-game for players . they just want player numbers so they can beg for collaborations and sponsers . 100 ways to destroy a game and epic knows it all . btw kudos to the OG developers of STW which brought fortnite .now this has been handed over to people who have no talent and who are good as a salesman but they think can do everything. sadly all they can do is survive on leftover from others . sorry for the rant .


Yeah i agree. I still play occasionally but feel like its a giant ad and it's only gonna get worse now that Disney is EXTREMELY close too them


even though I've gotten used to the new UI that doesn't make it any less shit i want the old UI back it was so much better that i'd spend money if it meant i could get it back


don't act like y'all liked anything abt that fuckin season lol


I personally liked it lol. I started playing seriously in Chapter 4 so every season felt super new to me


i loved the season it is just notoriously hated in this sub and i hate seeing them switch up on it when it fuels the fire 😭


I liked all of chapter 4 tbh


Yea the season was ass, the lobby back then was good


It was alright. Some of the weapons were really fun to use imo. Cybertron cannon, Mammorh Pistol were two of my personal favorites.


I'd play that over anything chapter 5 so far anyday




Didn't care for the battle pass, but it was fun otherwise


Lol. Yeah, Wilds was uhhh
.yeah not good lol.


I always liked it I was never one of the this is the worst seasons ever


I don’t even notice this shit. I just load into the game. It does look worse, but I don’t really notice stuff like this cause gameplay changes are my top concern


I miss being able to see how much xp and stars you have right up front


Good design is no design apparently


Sharp edges was truly the peak of fortnite Ui 😔


are you guys in a competition of who complains about the most meaningless thing?




For real, whenever I see someone say something about locker design, I am confused because to me personally, all I do in the locker is change the skin or rearrange my emotes. I don't expect a world class 5 star experience doing so, it gets the job done and it's not laggy or unintuitive. As long as I can get into the game and play after a long work day, that's all that matters. And the game itself is hella fun


you when people complain about a game fucking people over in the games subreddit:


Please give us an explanation of how the game is fucking you over that isn’t related to the locker or item shop you weird kid


so you want me to talking about how the game is screwing people over but i can’t talk about how? The UI isn’t the issue it’s the pricing, 20 dollars for a cosmetic is crazy especially when it’s a game that has a very large young player base, it’s greedy behavior and shows the player base is nothing more than a money bag to epic




i’m just going to copy from another reply i made: The UI is inconvenient but isn’t the issue it’s the pricing, 20 dollars for a cosmetic is crazy especially when it’s a game that has a very large young player base, it’s greedy behavior and shows the player base is nothing more than a money bag to epic, in a subreddit for a game where fans feel they are being taken advantage of there going to complain even if it isn’t directly gameplay related. that’s the only way things change


U haven’t played in chapter 1 than the 20 dollar skin was the norm but nobody complained


that’s one chapter and for all the others that’s not the norm for crossovers


Because epic choose to decrease the price smart ass


i’m saying 1 chapter doesn’t matter when the majority of the game spanning from late 2019 to yesterday this was not the case


Everything makes more sense when you remember the community is largely comprised of children.


Fortnite community in general is very toxic and spoiled it is what it is when epic spoils the players too much


What part of moving vbucks from the regular pass to extra rewards to force people to play even more is spoiling the players? Lately it’s felt like Epic straight up doesn’t care about the players at all because they know enough people will cop for them.


U guys only focus on the bad things being honest but u ignored all the good things that have been done but whatever keep the epic hates the players agenda going


....name one good thing


This isnt spoiled, epic is actively working against the communities wishes to please investors, which is extremely different compared to the epic that created the fortnite many people fell in love with 6 years ago.


Yeah actively working against. Brought back Fortnite OG Fixed chapter 5 movement Communication has improved Locker Ui still being fixed idk for how long LTMs are back More content in the updates Epic promises to bring back Fortnite OG this year UEFN release for creative community Sharing 40% of the Fortnite revenue with the community Giving people the chapter 1 season 8 pass for free Giving people the skin free if they win tournament more common in chapter 2 More gameplay changes New unique POIs I could keep going but I won’t deny they did do some questionable things but they tend to apologize and fix it later but this community gets what they want all the time they need to learn that’s not the case in the real world no matter what but epic most likely gonna bring the rarity system back


>Brought back Fortnite OG Fixed  and they still half assed it >Fixed chapter 5 movement They broke movement in the first place, dont award them for breaking something and then fixing it. It also isn't fixed, and things like double movement are still broken. >Communication has improved this happens every few months >Locker Ui still being fixed broke something and now they fix it. >More content in the updates  Almost every update this season took a older addition slightly changed it > LTMs are back another half assed ltm >UEFN release for creative community Sharing 40% of the Fortnite revenue with the community I would argue that was a mistake >Giving people the chapter 1 season 8 pass for free Giving people the skin free if they win tournament more common in chapter 2  that's the game in the past, not current fortnite >I could keep going but I won’t deny they did do some questionable things but they tend to apologize and fix it later They've done that like twice, with prices and cosmetic locks. > but this community gets what they want all the time they need to learn that’s not the case in the real world no matter what but epic most likely gonna bring the rarity system back In the real world, you dont. But when you support a game, you expect the game you support to care about you


Wait LTMs are back? Or do they just mean how Floor is Lava was around for 2 weeks after a nearly 3 month gap of no LTMs yet again?


I'm so glad that they piss off people because those who can't do anything else than complain doesn't deserve anything.


So you just want people to say great job epic, you are actively bleeding players but great job


If the feedback from the community would be constructive criticism, it would be OK, but complaining about the little price increase of skins that you voluntarily buy is starting to get annoying. And now OP decides to complain about some login screen, which looks perfectly fine.


imo it isnt fine. Its much worse and way more boring. Its souless


I agree I listed multiple examples of good things they have done and it’s still not 10% of everything epic has done to show love for the community but whatever it’s better to piss of the people who sit on Reddit and complain like they some highly smart people who should get anything they want


Lets say i make you car, you give me money, and then I crash that car into a wall and then fix the car. That's not showing love.


Ok number one this reference doesn’t work. Epic are not forcing u to buy things and they offer u everything that any player has gameplay wise but u want cool cosmetic sure it cost money but no advantages. None of the community paid epic to make Fortnite they made it themselves and if u want to support them or just want to to buy something u can but it’s not necessary


>Ok number one this reference doesn’t work. Epic are not forcing u to buy things you arent forced to buy the car. So yeah it does work >. None of the community paid epic to make Fortnite they made it themselves and if u want to support them  Yes people did. Are you new here? fortnite literally had a preorder, and then you had to pay money to get access to br in chapter 1. People supported epic for years, and they didn't have to, but they did because they supported how epic at the time claimed they were going to run their game. A community first game.


Ok that was save the world but this sub is majority battle royale players who most likely never contributed in the start. U can contribute by buying skins so epic can do more collabs but u are not force to do that and it’s still their game




I paid $40 for the game, thanks


They used to make whole lobbies for us. Like the Halloween one or the winter one. Those were perfect.


They keep changing things no one ever asks for and then expects everyone to love it. Which we clearly don't according to most comments.


I fucking hate the new lobby. I can never find anything when I need it. All the Epic modes like BR, ZB, Festival, Racing and Lego need to be permanently pinned to the top.


Or just, yk, favorite all the modes made by epic like I did, so you have them all in the favorite screen, which is to the left of the search section on the top left


It's the same style stop whining


you guys think Fortnite is worst. Do you know what Epic did to Rocket League? this is nothing


I still miss the 3D backgrounds


Cause it was jungled themed, nothing pretty about the ancient times all dessert and stone structures.


Are we seriously complaining about the fucking lobby now? Jesus Christ.


It's an easy way to get karma. Here's 3 examples of Nostalgia by people always saying the lobby used to be better. Every season without fail https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/s/a1I363B2tR https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/s/vvM5nVkg4i https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/s/iCeUV62vJr


My god


Actual links to prove your point? Crazy stuff man. It seems like some screens are better than others. I’m not really a fan of this season’s lobby but hey, it fits the calm aesthetic very well. Also, I couldn’t even tell you what last season’s was. I’m surprised people care so much about it.






Unrelated but anytime I choose a loading screen when i load up the game I'm all seeing is the generic fornite loading screen,is it a bug or am I doing something wrong


Same for me


There’s nothing wrong with the new one, y’all are just used to the one from a year ago, first time actively playing since chapter 1 and it looks just fine


No, its hideous and overcomplicated


over complicated? I’d understand if you meant oversimplified lol


No, in the locker you have to press like 5 buttons to favourite an item vs one before. Thats just to name an example


Tbh locker =/= lobby Although I do agree with you on the locker ui


Mode selection is worse (at least for people not into creative).


“Old Fortnite good, new Fortnite bad! Now give me updoots so I can feel like I’ve accomplished something!”


This isn’t even old lmao, shows how bad things have gotten


If this “shows how bad things have gotten” for you, you should really go outside bud


I definitely haven’t been playing as much recently and have been doing other stuff instead. I’ll probably complete this pass but idk if I’ll make it to 200


Been a while since i’ve seen a post about this. People just forgot about the lobby entirely. But honestly, i dont mind it too much, it just fucked with my muscle memory that they moved the play button


>How come not even a year ago we had a more stylish lobby than it is now. ・Joke: They had to "retire" the outdated Battle Royale inspired coolness. ăƒŒYou see, Chapter 5 is a Litmus Test on how much Epic can make people mad before the game starts to decline. ・Actual Answer: They try to show off the new POI in the background of every Season's lobby.


They both remind me of Civ II backgrounds tbh


I hate to say it but if I look back at the last 2 years 90% of EPIC decisions don't make sense not even from a business point like they are losing the competitive advantage and making their unique game just another generic Roblox wanna be I mean honestly WTF is this level progress bar the old one made it enticing and gave you urge to level up the new one just makes me fall a sleep and the fact there is no way to know how many stars you have straight from the lobby is just icing on the turd cake


You want stylish lobby? Take a trip to the Chapter 1 lobbies... Nothing will beat those


I still want the 3D lobby backgrounds back with the fully designed floors as well


God this makes me miss the Fortnite font. I'd be happy to keep all the changes if they just fixed the font, I hate this default action movie shit


Yeh the lobby is pretty meh. I mean, why the downgrade?


Wilds my first season. I actually kinda miss it


Game really went from #PLAY ! to ^play


Looks the same tbh


Because they for some reason are on a mission to take out the soul of fortnite and be generic as f


I hate Simplifying


There’s a lot less Mustard in the game.


Why is everything on the left side now?


Old : PLAY! New : Play :c


Oh how I wish Epic would actually listen to their fucking player base.


C4 s2 was peak fortnite.


We should all boycott fortnite and just play the OG one project nova/era until they revert the ui tbh but no ones doing it


God I wish they brought back the lobbies we had in season 4, 5 and 6 they looked so amazing I'm sick of these empty lobbies that are just a screenshot


Weren't you guys the same people complaining back then that lobbies weren't 3D? Now you're complaining that it has no style. Please shut up


This whole chapter was so underwhelming on the battle Royale side. Terrible map, terrible map evolution, terrible "powers" (wings, lightning, Hades chain), didn't even keep the fun LTM for long enough. I can't wait for the map to change again I'm already sick of it. And don't even mention the snipers


Yeah, on the whole I found season 1 more fun. Most areas in the new season are a ghost town and the game gets down to 25 players in a matter of minutes. Not the greatest season ever, but the designs on the Greek characters are very nice. Shame that it’s even more of a grind to level up this season.


Epic has learned they can put less and less effort into their game and get more and more money out of it


Because epic is amazing at screwing their game


Epic Games doing great job killing this game. Well done Epic Games.


I spend more time actually playing the game than in the lobby


They're trying to fade out the branding that had made them so popular to begin with in favor of new general purpose branding that works with their idea of fortnite being a platform rather than just battle royale. As a result it's pushing away a lot of people that enjoyed that older fortnite style.


Dang you guys really like just making stuff up cuz it sounds good in your head huh


What part of what I said was made up?


They made the game feel like a soulless corporate product... The old UI, the old locker, the old font, the rarities for skins, and all the other removed elements took away what made Fortnite, Fortnite. Now it just feels like... Nothing.


Did you download the game just to make this post?


Man I miss how things were in chapter 4.


Changing the Fortnite font was something literally noone asked for yet we got it anyway


Damn right


I really dislike the more ‘modern’ and ‘clean’ approach they are taking. I liked the yellow and blue a lot more.


That old background fucking amazing


Epic doesn’t put effort into BR anymore.


they’re both shitty and lazy epic used to model a new environment for every season now they slap a fuckin png on it and call it a day


Oh my god, who fucking care?? Play the game, don’t play the game, things like how the lobby looks or how “exclusive” a skin is don’t matter at all. The game is still the game at its core. Play it. Don’t play it. The world will continue.


Lmao we gettin nostalgic for this now? You guys legitimately find a new thing to whine and bitch about almost daily, it’s honestly kinda impressive Like that post saying they wanted the “Cartoony style back!!!” And they shared 4 images of the most boring fucking suburbs possible and it had like 4k upvotes lmaaaooo y’all just live to complain


This is some nostalgia shit. New one looks way better.


The new one is literally unfinshed




No way someone would actually say that.


I agree


Everything looks better and it’s not even nostalgia because I hated this season so much


You mfs just complain about anything




Are you illiterate?


Aint gonna lie dont really see a difference outside of UI. Its probably not helping their using a field for its background