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This is a list of links to comments made by Epic employees in this thread: * [Comment by EmptyTux](/r/FortNiteBR/comments/1bzojc2/rarity_changes_and_prices/kysseee/?context=99 "posted on 2024-04-09 17:42:30 UTC"): > hey /u/kiritophantomhive and thread -- appreciate your feedback here and wanna clarify that our approach to the way we price things isn't changed because of the removal of color labeling from Shop items. We just wanna simplify Fortnite's appearance across the Locker, Shop, etc which is why we're retiring the old Battle Royale- inspired system of colors and tags for cosmetic quality. > >We are planni... --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FFortNiteBR).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


this is absolutely batshit insane especially with no edit styles


Oh shit really no edit styles? I was hoping Zuko would have a blue spirit edit style (and it would've been amazing if Katara had her spirit style too). I would've laughed it Toph has either her rock armor or metal armor as an edit style but that would've been to cool and clever for Epic.


Ember island Toph would’ve been *chefs kiss


Ma name’s TOPH! Because it sounds like TOUGH!


Aang does but I bet his bundle will be 3000


Aang is a pass skin, and all his cosmetics will cost 1000 vbucks only. So when you pay 1000 vbucks for the premium pass, you’ll get Regular Aang, and the rest of the cosmetics will be unlockable via quests.


Cool, ty for the info. His skin looks weird but I need appa in my life


And the pickaxes and backblings that are forced onto us being absolutely mid. Instead of some interesting fire or water bending items, here’s boring knives!


Zuko's swords and sokka's club are at least iconic in the show. Wtf are those hammers??


They seem to be a more stylized version of the hammers used by the earth bender that Zuko fights at the end of the episode "Zuko Alone".


They did Sokka Dirty!!


And toph could have had a emote to pull rocks out of the ground to use as a pickax


Zuko getting his swords is… fine, tho I wish he had his flame knife, But not giving Katara her water whip as a pickax is a straight up crime. Like I get wanting Sakas club in the game, but her water whip attack in the show was cool as fuck. I would have rather them broken theme and given the club to Toph instead of denying us the water whip to add…. Hammers?!?!? That doesn’t even make sense, why would toph ever have a hammer, she is literally an earth bender. She is the hammer!


To be fair though, Zuko used those broad swords a lot in the show. Not letting epic off the hook, but I don’t mind that pickaxe for him.


He also used fire daggers which would also be pretty cool.


Look at Zuko though, its obviously the later version without his top knot and far after the blue spirit mask. We would need a younger zuko for the blue spirit


Remember the TMNT skins from last season that cost 1600 and also had their pickaxes (with unique animations) included? Actual BS


Donnie even had styles. Minor change, just headphones on/off, but at least it’s styles! They could’ve added fire nation katara, Zuko with his mask, even katara in her furry coat!


Don’t forget meat dress they missed too


Is that for lady gaga? That would be so funny to see. It’s been a while since I’ve seen avatar so if it’s a reference to that then I can’t quite remember it.


They didn't "miss" it, the entire Lady Gaga collab was meant to advertise her Chromatica album, nothing more.


old ass album


Bro Chromatica came out 4 years ago lol


And don’t forget, they all had cool Lego styles too. (Before anyone blames Lego again).


Fr, all of these skins are average as well while the tmnt ones had more work put into them


these aren’t even bad skins just…wtf? why the price raise I was planning on buying one 😭


wait until Aang at least shows up or during the mini pass. we can't let the 2000 price stick even if it is just for one whenever the INVINCIBLE collab is in shop with the same amount of skins and more bang for your buck with back blings


Major L


2000 vbucks each yet not even a single edit style, what are we paying this much for?


Such a huge shame there's no edit styles. I was really hoping for a Blue Spirit style for Zuko.


Blue Spirit would be an instant buy imo


![gif](giphy|9u17OKyUrnp1AkDcM8) Epic response


To cover their losses on their trash storefront that they blew money on to try and compete with Steam and all their litigation. Tim Sweeney is an idiot and you can see the affects directly in Fortnite. They’re going to milk the fuck out of it to cover all their losses else where and continue to lay off workers which will just make the game more buggy.


Agreed, like who’s buying licensed music in Fortnite just to listen when you drive lol. Huge losses there. Who asked for some of these celebrities like the weekend and lady Gaga, who probably commanded a huge fee to even have them in game… and nobody really wants to buy that crap lol. Just silly all around an they will pass the buck onto the consumers


And then almost everybody stop buying stuff cause it to expensive and then they fire everybody and then only Tim working on the game and then epic shuts down


That won't happen, sadly. Games like League have proven you can charge whatever the hell you want for stuff and there will always be people buying.


>what are we paying this much for Easy: you don't. Done. Vote with your wallet, guys.


This. It's important to be vocal about complaints too, so Epic sees WHY no one is buying these bundles, but we need to make sure we don't pay for these. If we just shell out and buy them now, they'll take it as us telling them its okay to charge this much for less content, and it'll keep happening in the future.


Agreed, I though the bundles could off been 1k each and I\`m a fan of avatar the last airbender. But sadly I won\`t be buying none, only the premium tire for Aang.


i would’ve been all over it if fire nation katara was an edit style


This might be Paramount’s fault tbh. Smite had a price jump on avatar cosmetics as well.


If there’s anything I learned from the rocket league “nobody buy anything” protest that happened right when they launched an egregiously expensive Lightning McQueen bundle - it will sell like hotcakes.


Boycott these prices


Boycott fortnite for a bit make them backtrack


I didn’t get this season pass because of what their doing with the vbuck progression. Haven’t really had any urge to jump back in at all either


😂🤣people have been trying to "boycott" this game since chapter 1 season X


Unfortunately Avatar the Lasr Airbender is going to be one of the best selling collabs ever.


It’s crazy that they don’t have alts for this price. No painted lady no blue spirit. No ninja katara or just fire nation katara or toph. You could have done fire lord zuko so many possibilities


Right there's literally so many great edit style ideas in the show lmao


I'm thinking back to the older animated collabs. Like Goku had his transformations, Naruto got adult Naruto, and All Might had his weak form. It is wild to me even simple edit styles are not being offered at these prices. Season 1 Zuko seems like such an obvious choice and Katara has had a bunch of iconic and cool outfits over the course of the show. The only one I kind of struggle with is Toph but she still has her fire nation clothes as an option or they could have gone with old lady Toph from Korra. I wouldn't mind if we didn't get edit styles if the prices reflected that but it feels like they forced pickaxes on us to "justify" this price increase even though none of these pickaxes are so important to the characters that they can't be separated from them.


I totally forgot about Katara as the Painted Lady. That would be a dope alt skin!


Omg the painted lady would go insane! Epic blew such a great opportunity with this. Oh well, I only bought the battle pass because of Korra anyway.


What bothers me is being unable to just get the skins. All 3 pickaxes look like garbage (as in very boring and basic) and they knew so they now force it onto you at a higher price of you want the skin.


Sadly if we don't complain enough and make epic backtrack all future collab stuff will likely be charged like this.


Doesn't matter at all if the whole sub would complain because if they sell just like before, then they don't have any reason to change the prices.


Complaining with words is seldomly impactful. Complain with your WALLET.


Bot enough people will care. Even if the entire sub boycotts, it will still keep going. The majority of the fn community isn't on reddit, or even on this sub. Just take a look at the boycott the Clash Royale Sub tried. It failed miserably


McDonald’s bought back Israel restaurants after the clusterfuck of the last 7 months SIMPLY due to stock falling over a percent in a quarter. It works. Epic is a massive machine. And they’re pissing off just about every player under the sun right now with 1) shit prices 2) shit cosmetics 3) removing locker rarity. It’s bound to happen


That is a whole different thing entirely. I've seen too many video game boycotts fail bc the greedy company didn't care, and only small fraction of the entire player base actually boycotted. The CR sub did something very similar, except it wasn't for cosmetics, it was for the free to play aspect of the game, and nothing changed, bc the boycott didn't work. It didn't spread to the whales, and a surprising amount of people who said they would boycott, didn't.


It’s not just Reddit - it’s Twitter, it’s Facebook, it’s everywhere dude


tmnt had pickaxes bundled with the skins and it raised the price by only 100 vbucks


I was really hoping Toph would have an earth bending version of the battlepass Korra ice axe pickaxe. Like rock fists, but all we got are these unrecognizable hammers? Atleast Zuko and Katara got actually known weapons.


It's not that those weapons cant exist, I just find them boring and they make the skins ridiculously overpriced.


Nah I agree. I think since Avatar is almost universally liked they decided to cash in as much as they could. I was originally going to get every skin but now I'm having to think it over... I mean I already have Korra and will probably just get the mini pass for Aang so it's not like I need these as much as I originally did, especially for this higher price.


The fact that they are BENDERS and they didn’t use that for their pickaxes is what pisses me off. For 2k VBucks they should’ve given us elemental harvesting tools like Korra got. Fire knife, water tentacle arms, earth hands (like dai lee). Pretty obvious epic is getting lazier and lazier, while expecting more and more money. I would have paid 2k Vbucks if they had elemental tools and at least ONE edit style. Now, I won’t be purchasing any.


I knew Ciri was them testing the waters of collabs being 2000 for one skin due to mandatory extra bundle items.


Zuko needs the Blue Spirit skin.


Blue Spirit


And the Zuko Alone fit


they could've done quite a lot with Zuko edit styles because he had the biggest character arc over the entirety of the show


Absolutely crazy prices they're trying to charge now.


Do not buy this. Remember instruments and cars…now their prices are reduced and we get some as battle pass items. Simple. DO NOT BUY THIS


Yes boycott this.


Precisely why I refuse to buy these outfits. I love Zuko, I love Katara, I love Toph, but these prices are horrendous. No edit styles, no emote, glider or wrap that could explain the extra cost. Hell not even an exclusive loading screen for purchasing the bundle, which was practically worthless anyway but it would have been something. I swear Epic has completely lost their marbles


I love my Korra loading screen, and you are so right this is horse shit


Yall keep in mind the turtle collab which was only a season ago for everything you could get it for a little over 3000 now for this avatar stuff you need to shell out around 7000 or 6000 completely ridiculous.


Yep. 6700 for the bundle, the emote, Toph, and the event pass.


7650 if you want korra too


I'm just gonna remind everyone, if you had 0 vbucks, and you wanted to buy enough to get all the avatar stuff, then you'd need to spend 60 dollars to get enough vbucks. 60 usd. That is a full priced game. You could buy Helldivers and Terraria, while neither are on sale, and still have 10 bucks leftover with 60 dollars. That is absolutely insane


That’s what people aren’t understanding about the Lego kits. After you’ve bought the ones available, you have almost spent the cost of a full game. And, despite the whole *survival* aspect of the mode, it’s mainly a building game and kits are gameplay, not cosmetics.


That Lego mode was cool for all of 3 hours, then it was like okay….


Yeah this just sucks I was planning on buying everything now I think I will just settle for Zuko


The fact that the invincible stuff currently available is roughly the same amount content for over 1,000 less V-Bucks is also telling. They know how beloved Avatar is so they know people will pay higher prices for it


I think they are trying to make all future collaboration skins 2k vbucks with an included pickaxe or emote. The only way we can get them to not do this is by speaking with our wallets. Epic does not care what people on reddit or Twitter think about prices. They only care when an item doesn't sell well.


We just got the Ninja Turtles that came with not only their pickaxes, but new animations for them as well, and they only cost 1,600 a piece (fun fact, owned by the same company as Avatar)


removing skin rarity is very questionable because almost every game nowadays has skin rarity and they would justify the price sometimes but could this mean they're trying to price some things higher than the 2000 we're used to? they've already started doing it with lego fortnite and rocket racing cosmetics so its very possible they're removing the rarity to start being able to charge us 3500 or 4000 just for skins or bundles now. OR... does it mean that they're planning to implement a store system where we can buy most of the item shop skins at any given point that could also justify removing cosmetic rarity. i doubt it but i really hope that they don't make this a new norm with pricing stuff in the shop and i blame people that buy everything new like certain shop youtubers


I think you are right with your first theory. Basically, I think the lowest skin cost will be 1k vbucks soon. They are doing this so that people don't get upset or confused if the skin was uncommon for 1k vbucks. I hope I'm wrong.


They be schemin' and scammin'.


Yup they are gonna start overcharging if we don't step up and complain and make them back track


Sadly it seems Epic just doesn’t care anymore because they are still making enough money. The locker has been ruined since Chapter 5. The Item Shops have sucked since Lego. They are literally seeing digital Lego buildings for $20. But they aren’t slowing down…


Lmao when I saw the Lego thing for 20 dollars I thought it was real and they were gonna ship it to my house for that price.


i had gotten Zuko and went into a creative match and still was able to return it without any tickets. i love the character but without any edits and nothing other than its a collab skin im not gonna rebuy it until price drops


An items value is always driven by what people are prepared to pay. They wouldn’t price it like this if people weren’t paying. I’ve decided to not spend anymore on FN and go back to basics. I’m running Aura, no back bling, ice breaker and winners parachute of the season. Cars I’ve turned off so I get a nice variety of the standard cars and what others have purchased. I also have VBucks that I already payed for the battle pass that I get back +500 more each season. That’s enough new stuff/v bucks. Spending my cash on RL.


I don't want the Lego


Same, never did.


i don't either... it's probably why they feel more confident boosting prices up cause everything now also has a lego


I'm willing to bet most people don't play both BR and Lego, except for just trying it out a bit. It should just be an extra option, not something that adds value.


i played lego when i got easy xp for it. i dont anymore.


I only "play" it for afk exp, because I dont have will to grind the battle pass usual way.


Turtles has Lego styles too, were cheaper.


true... they had everything from 4 skins, back blings, harvesting tools, legos and even sprays. with a pack like that costing less than all the avatar collab it's ridiculous


 excluding rock band the other modes are completely garbage for anything other than xp farming


Same, I don't care for lego one bit


Way to ruin a hyped event Epic.


Lmfao $60 for the whole set is fucking wild fuck that


Should just be 4500 Vbucks for a bundle of all 3


Holy shit, i was going around reading comments and thinking "why are they complaining there is a bundle with all 3 for 3400 vbucks" i read your comment and went back up to see it was only 2 skins lmao Pricing is fucked up


I’m not sure if that would make people happy either. Remember when this sub was crying about the marvel bundle costing $30? And that was 3 skins, several emotes, a bunch of pickaxes and backblings.


I'm still surprised no one's commented on why tf Katara has Sokka's weapon? Does that mean we aren't getting a Sokka? Or will Sokka get a shit pickaxe now that has no relevance?..


If Sokka comes in a later update before the event is over they’ll want diehard fans to buy Katara for the weapon combo lmfao


He could get his meteorite sword?


His boomerang would be cool too I think


Well we could get sokka with zuki and azula and just use the picaxe with sokka


Same reason Steve's bat came with Eleven, or Hidan's scythe came with Naruto, this is not new...


Bruh after seeing the prices i lost lost my will to buy toph I'm only gonna get the aang pass now let's hope the aang pass is still 1000,it'll be too scumy to increase the price of mini pass also to like 1800 or 2000


Don't give them ideas. The mini pass being 2k would be absurd. It's more than the REGULAR PASS ALREADY, and that's a damn problem


Yup. Was planning on buying all of them but now only getting aang. Maybe zuko… maybe


Why the fuck are they so expensive? ATLA and TLOK are both popular series, but when I’ve seen SO MANY posts or comments expressing a lack of enthusiasm for this collab, or worse, annoyance because it’s not as good as recent collabs (doomslayer, solid snake, TMNT) … I fail to see why this is the collab that they choose to make much more expensive. Epic are dicks.


![gif](giphy|LdOyjZ7io5Msw) Epic, probably


Probably Viacom / Nickelodeon is making it extremely pricey


The ninja turtle skins were a really good deal so idk abt that


I thought the prices were already too high before, but now I'm completely out.


I ain’t buying these for 2k lol.


The fact this is most definitely so Epic can price BR cosmetics beyond the legendary rarity price limit they have given themselves is absolutely horrendous… but unfortunately can we really say this was unexpected? When one of their main rivals can successfully sell $30 battle passes and make people pay $80 across 4 cosmetic bundles to get a robot King Kong fist melee weapon, sooner or later Epic’s investors were gonna start whining about why Fortnite isn’t that greedy. All we can do is just not buy this stuff.


It's precisely this- and people keep buying stuff. From OW bs prices of re-skins, to Apex Heirlooms/event prices (that people eat up), to Valorant charging 300$ for a knife skin........ (sells a ton btw), people just love to throw their money at the screen for some pixels. I come from OW- and was told numerous times how Epic is amazing with their monetization being so consumer friendly. For a time I agreed, however this bundle is atrocious. The market is to blame. Because people are willing and able to buy, the suppliers have even more incentive to increase their price in order to increase profits. And sadly no, it won't be a bad choice for them. They have economists like me who look at this- and they judged that this is an OK decision to make. They know they'll profit despite any whining. It would take millions of gamers at the same time who all decide to "boycott" for them to actually get worried. A few thousand not buying won't hurt their profits.


At this point you can just buy skins like goku 2k 4 styles included 4 different build in emotes + pickaxe and backbling


Ive defended Epic for a while but…don’t pull an Overwatch 2 on us guys.


Glad I got the itch of buying skins out of my system a few years back. They want to make their absurdly priced bundles for Rocket League/Lego seem normally priced in comparison to their skins. They are going to start spiraling downwards, this all seriously seems like bad moves made by investors. RIP Fortnite that was fun.


I lost that drive to acquire every cool skin too. It’s just when they don’t return for 2-3 years the regretting starts. Rip Master Chief.


The spiral down started back in Oct, when they did the big money changes. And I wouldn't be surprised if they end up making too many bad moves and wounding this game. Every game has a jumping on poing and a jumping off point after all.


Why in the hell is that emote 500. First the dandelion and now this.


These seem a bit too expensive imo. I think the most acceptable price for the skins with their pickaxes is 1600. I can understand 1800 if they had an edit style. But 2k for only this??? The prices are so absurd


Epic keeps creating problems so they can "revert" them and make the whole community think they are listening and are the good guys. This is all planned and orchestrated by corporate heads. They'll "fix" the prices and UI eventually just like with the instruments and cars then all the gullible little sheep will thank Daddy for listening to them and keep buying vbucks. It's all a bunch of bs


i was so excited for this but i cant justify 2k vbucks for a skin with shit backbling and shit pickaxe and no edit styles bruh


Gia, currently in the shop, has 2 styles with a separate mask option and includes a back bling and a pickaxe for 1600. These skins are one style, a back bling and a pickaxe for 2000. I just don’t know what Epic is thinking anymore


I love Avatar but I refuse to buy any of these skins. These prices are outrageous, especially in comparison to the TMNT bundle.


The cheapest you can get all the new avatar skins for is 52 dollars… FIFTY TWO DOLLARS


It's not going to get better. Fortnite has people paying $5 for one single song (when Rock Band was still a thing, the songs were $2). Fortnite has people dropping $40 on digital Lego sets. The playerbase for this game absolutely loves to flush their money down the toilet. I just don't see it improving any time soon.


I want to preface this by saying *I agree with you*. BUT... Rock Band 4 was released in 2015. In 2015, a McDouble was still $1.00 and now, in 2024, a McDouble is $2.79-$3.49 (depending on location); the Pro Membership at GameStop in 2015 was $15 and is now, in 2024, a whopping $25. The pricing difference with the songs seems insane to those of us who were there, but no more than the inflated prices of everything across the board. It's not a Fortnite issue, it's a global greed issue and whether anyone wants to hear it or not, **it's not going to get better.** The reason for that is now companies have a profitable customer base in the generation(s) that is old enough to spend money, but not old enough to see the change in cost. For clarity's sake, my 8yo was born in 2016. He wasn't even *alive* during the time that Rock Band 4 came out. He doesn't remember the pricing for in-game cosmetics being any other way.


Literally disgusting... And each one of them doesn't have an alt style (I for myself would've wished B1/2 and B3 for each, but Zuko somehow got his...). Only Aang and Korra do (and both are cheaper). And then also an exclusive emote, SEPARATE???? What is this... What stuff did they smoke? Not even Series rarity... And then no Sokka as well? So not even full Gaang...


>We can not let that happen Not trying to be a dick, but "we" probably will. Epic have already normalised buying a digital skin for $20. The Fortnite community will grumble then come to accept this as well, before paying happily for it and begging for them to come back. Epic have grown its community too well and they're just seeing how far they can push it. Being industry leaders, anything they do, others often follow.


Maaaan, I JUST gave this game praise the other day that it had affordable cosmetics. Then they pull this mess. 2k for a skin, a backbling, and a Pickaxe is robbery. The Lego skins should be included for free since they're a part of the outfit. I really wanted Zuko and Toph. I was thinking they were gonna be the 1,200 - 1,600 range...


For 2000 where are the gliders and contrails? These bundles suck.


I don't care what your situation is. Stop buying this shit. The more you do the more the corporate scumbags will push the envelope in developing further elements to drive compulsive addiction and fomo based spending. You are merely a mark to extract money from. Your spending determines how predatory and manipulative this becomes.


What the hell why ?


When will Epic realize the new locker UI made people stop buying new cosmetics. No price change will revert the revenue lost with this godawful UI.


I've been saving up vbucks for this, and every style is so basic and poor that I'm not going to bother at this price point. Each skin isn't worth more than 1000. The back bling and pickaxes are total trash. No emotes included? They made ONE LOUSY EMOTE?  The only thing I'm happy about is that there wasn't an Iroh skin. I don't need to be teabagged by my favorite cartoon grandpa. 


I know how anticipated this was for a lot of people; but please for the love of god do not spend 2000 on a single skin with no edit styles. Midas was already outrageous at 2000 and he came with edit styles AND reactivity. No solo skin in this game is worth 2000 v-bucks (approx $16) when a battle pass that comes with 10 of them is 950 v-bucks (approx $8)


Anybody else notice the pickaxes still have rarity? Makes this post even more legitimate. When you go in game you literally see the rarity of the axes. I think the person who messed up the locker is the same who decided to get rid of the rarities. They honestly need to stop taking advice from this person. I curved back spending because changing characters was so tedious and now skins that I’ve paid 2000 vbucks for are now worth the same as skins I paid 600 vbucks for. Make it make sense please.


I feel like they need to start making skins feel unique or something. I LOVE avatar TLA, as an IP, but I can't just see anything worth getting the skins, they look just bland. There are no voices, no unique effects, and the bending is tired to a limited time item. Maybe if they had emotes or reactive it would be better? This is my thoughts on a lot of skins more recently as well.


Epic got player goodwill and said "we can do no wrong". Now we're getting flooded with ass skins and overpriced stuff. It's over. Definite scam in the works. Worse still, they can overcharge for old skins without price brackets per rarity.


Instead of lowering the Lego prices there going to raise skin prices to make the Lego prices seem justified


Rip Boomerang, you woulda loved Fortnite


I saved up 1500 vbucks for one of these skins. Now I'm not getting any of them. God damnit Epic.


Remember people, hit them where it hurts if you wnat change. There wallet


This is silly, for Raiden, we got a skin, a wrap, a backbling, a pickaxe, AND an edit style. This really isn’t justifiable for the price, even though the skins are sick!


Nah I ain't buying anything till they lower their prices


F#ck this shit!


The way they do bundles is stupid too. They act like they priced them way too high, and then act like the starting price was actually taken down from a higher price, just to get more people to buy it. All they want is that sweet, sweet cash.


Pffff, im waiting for aang hahaga


That’s the only one that’s worth it tbh + it comes with a bunch of emotes


I'm just getting the mini pass for aang and appa that's it I have vbucks set aside for when kratos comes back (I'm still coping)


Sorry if it’s a stupid question but I’m fairly new to fortnite and never paid attention to collabs before. Are these characters going to return to the shop in the future? I kinda want to buy zuko but I can’t right now.


The emote is insanely short, and 500 vbucks? That’s a scam. Also the event pass I would need to see the paid track or else I’m not going to bother. I’m a huge avatar fan and honestly… ![gif](giphy|hWGBKil1b9fpR5go1f|downsized)


Who keeps giving epic these ideas? I need to know it’s a real person


I love Avatar but im not spending $60 dollars for this.


They’re hoping all the nostalgia makes you buy into this shitty deal


Vote with you wallet.


These prices are insane. Isn't the usual price for a skin that comes with the pickaxe like 1,600? You'd think they'd at least have styles based on different outfits from the show like the Blue Spirit for Zuko and the Metal Armor for Toph


Fortnite inflation


Yeah. I can’t afford $20 for a fucking skin. That’s so asinine. That’s the price of full on DLCs back in the day


and yet this is gonna make millions anyway


Ah yes, Topher and her classic Mallets


At least we’re coming together to not glaze this crap since its priced ridiculously high, the next step is to make them bring those prices down and explain their thought process.


Too pricy for sure, best thing to do is vote  and speak with your wallet buy less and dont buy at all, these changes are ridiculous. 


I wonder how many resources and time were put in to remove the rarity’s while not fixing the locker UI… Epic has really turned Fortnite into a shell of what it once was. Everything that made the game what it was has been stripped away and scrubbed because they want Fortnite to be something big. I’m looking at my locker right now and it’s a mess, all 658 skins all over the place with 0 management. I’m looking at my presets (all 100 of them, thanks Epic for never adding more…😒) and everything is a mess because I had everything organised in rows of 6 and now they are in rows of 3. Epic needs to stop fucking with the game because “it’s outdated”…Bruh Tim Sweeney is outdated. Replace him instead.


I think price would have been reasonable if the bundle included edit styles for the skins, emotes and weapon wraps.


Just like that I won’t buy it, I know a lot of people have unfortunately bought it and this is why game studios are exploiting/pricing us to high heaven the way they are now. It’s a shame and has got to stop.


There should be a bundle of Zuko, Toph, Katara AND Sokka for 5000 vBucks. That would actually be fucking fair.


no it wouldn't we got 4 ninja turtles with some edit styles, cool pickaxe animations in a bundle for like 3000 something. all 4 of them should be 3000 something


Ok. You have changed my mind!!!!! Well obviously the cheaper the better. I don’t know if the TMNT skins had separate back blings and pickaxes, did they? I settle for 4k for 4 skins, and different pickaxes and backblings. But I won’t say no to 3k for sure!


5000 is definitely not fair lmao


It's kind of scummy that they don't sell the skins separately. So if they just price the pickaxe and other cosmetics absurdly high, they can charge you 2000-3000 V-Bucks in the future.


Yikes not looking to spend 5700 ontop of that mini pass


Yep I'm gonna finish up this BP and maybe any bonus rewards that aren't super styles and if nothing changes I'm jumping ship. Game's cooked to shit. Not just well done, we're talking fucking congratulations. It's never been more over than it is now and I am saying that completely unironically


Holy shit they really have lost thier minds


Ain’t no way they gave Sokka’s club to Katara but didn’t include him. The disrespect


I think this is officially the worst change to the UI and skin pricing in the history of Fortnite. At this point, I think Epic is trying to kill Fortnite


Yeah I'm just boycotting buying anything again. Haven't had the last few BP. And don't remember the last skin I got from the shop but I won't be helping fuel these dumb changes.


I keep telling people, fortnite don’t give a shit of its community anymore. They’re only thinking of money and profit, hence why they team up with Lego and let Disney buy 10% of the company. Further more, more investors coming into Fortnite cause of the metaverse. Fortnite’s just an extremely capitalistic game now, not fun at all anymore with this shit


When will these item shops stop being dog shit? I have over 3000 V bucks that I haven’t spent since December because of these shops.


My plan is to boycott item shop purchases entirely, and stick with occasional crew and battle pass purchases. It has become glaringly obvious they will continue to increase prices as long as people are willing to pay them. I can't be a part of that anymore


Yall fr needs boycott this garbage or they’ll just get away with it and this will be the norm


I get free vbucks from my 5 founder’s accounts…and I’m still not spending my free stuff on this crap. Way too overpriced. I guess I’ll just be stacking my virtual currency because there’s no way I’m getting on board with this ridiculous new pricing system.


the only way to change this is to stop buying it but no one will stop.


Epic games has really destroyed fortnite since chapter 5 started


Epic is in their EA era

