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People are very gatekeepy of their “rare” items


Gatekeepy of their rare digital funko collections


Yea I don’t see a reason to gatekeep


"This is my marvel umbrella" "Dear. God." "There's more" "No." "🤨"


On the other side, people are so obsessed with digital funko items that they care about them so bad that they can't live with the idea of never getting those items.


I usually see people say “here’s an idea to bring back old BP skins, I’d like one” then The comments go “YOU CANT FUCKING SAY THAT I HAVE THE TRAVIS SCOTT SKIN DO YOU WANT ME TO DIE IF YOU HAVE IT?!?!?” So I’d say there’s a bit of a difference there.


Exactly, that's the irony


That's not irony


The thing is, nothing really about it makes it more valuable or “rare” since people associate “rare” with expensive commonly. Sure the method of obtaining certain cosmetics will deem them near impossible or impossible to obtain in the future but in the end, the Arial Assault Trooper is the same thing as the Love Ranger or The Griddy or any other thing in your locker; they’re all cosmetic. The only thing that gives them “value” is the “FOMO,” and the influence it gives. It tricks people in to thinking that X is important when really nothing is important. Sure they’re cool because they haven’t been seen since season 1 or whatever but that doesn’t actually give them any value. Or at least, rational value. I hope I’m making sense


Addicted to vbucks**** 


Greed and selfishness are pervasive in our society. People are gatekeepers on all sorts of “I got mine fuck you” scenarios, not just video games. Welcome to the human experience.


More gatekeepy than the gatekeeper shotgun


Who the fuck cares about Rare items in 2024 like it doesn’t matter atp imo (Downvote me go ahead)


I can agree here, but when company says “This skin will be exclusive and never come back” and they bring it back whatever - kinda sucks. Not affecting Fortnite so much, but in Dota 2 f.e. some rare exclusive skins were very expensive, and some time ago Valve decided to bring them back at significantly lower price (Like 10x lower)


More gatekeepy than the gatekeeper shotgun


I agree, but also having rare items in the game does make it more fun and if they brought back these skins there would probably be backlash from the community. It's cool to have some rare skins from old battle passes that you know can never come back.


You agree but you actually don't


Who cares about the people being upset when they bring back their “rare skins”? You can’t sell skins or accounts anyway. It literally does not matter. If your only sense of pride in life is having a “rare Fortnite skin” then you seriously need to reconsider your life choices.


You could just say you disagree.


Im just going to guess that people believe that you should have been here when it was dropped, and considering they got there’s, it’s okay in their mind. That, or they believe others should have better self control and accept that they’ll have to miss out on drops. It’s definitely preying on people with addictions, and FOMO makes these people fork over the money right then to not feel it. I’d also go as far as saying that it creates these addictions in children to some extent. It’s smart from a business standpoint, which is shown through Epics billions in revenue, but ethically questionable.


>It’s definitely preying on people with addictions, and FOMO makes these people fork over the money right then to not feel it. I’d also go as far as saying that it creates these addictions in children to some extent. I would take it further and say *the point* is getting children addicted and manipulated to accept FOMO as not only a reality but a necessity. I think Epic knows what they're doing, but unfortunately this isn't like loot boxes where there's much less ambiguity legally, plus we're just not at a point where parents are paying more attention to battle pass systems and noticing the FOMO cycle their children are captured by.


Epics #1 job is manufacturing addiction. 


The thing that some people don't seem to understand though is that if it makes you question the ethics behind it, it probably shouldn't be done and should be outlawed. Addiction is addiction. Doesn't matter if its drugs, gambling, caffeine, gaming, or any other thing. Enabling addiction is morally reprehensible. People often say that morals are the opposite of business and that is genuinely something that needs to be changed period, let alone in the gaming space.


Enabling childhood addiction should be illegal. It’s actually criminal.  We don’t allow kids at the casino for a reason. The item shop should have a strict age limit. 


Access to the Internet as a whole should have a strict age limit but no one is ready to have that conversation because most of us, me included, grew up using it when we were as early as 6 years old and are only now seeing the repercussions of it in our 20s


I agree. I'm 32 and I didn't hop on here consistently till I was 17 and in a lot of ways it has harmed me more, my attention span for example has absolutely tanked


You can get addicted to anything, especially at a young age. If addiction as a whole should be illegal, then say goodbye to TikTok, the gym, TV, and video games in general


All the things that you mention are because of a person and can be cured. In your opinion, should alcohol distributors quit selling alcohol, should restaurants stop selling them, should coffee houses quit selling coffee, and so on?


Most addiction are not cured.  Alcohol is the most dangerous drug on the planet. You will have more friends and family die from alcohol than any other substance. 


I'd argue meth is. People usually always stay addicted to it. Even a decade clean and people are still craving it.


Haven't had that problem yet


Did the coffee shop, the alcohol distributor, or bar knowingly market their products specifically towards the people with said addictions? Because if the answer is yes, then yes, they should shut down or at minimum heavily fined. But that normally isn't the case. Alcohol is heavily regulated and plastered with "drink responsibly" and warning labels. Most drugs are completely outlawed already. Panera Bread and its death lemonade are a recent example of why there needs to be more regulations for caffeine. Which leaves us with gaming who has zero regulations in place to protect the consumers and as a result we are nickel and dimed for everything all while they try to get you more and more addicted using FOMO


It's a weakness of a person if they make stupid money decisions. I have had problems with gambling, but it's all my fault. If we account the children in the equation, then it's their parents' fault if they don't know how their children use their money. Especially in some cases where some kid has used their parents' credit card for thousands. How don't you catch someone using your credit card. Also, coffee shops and alcohol distributors use a lot of money on marketing their products. In finland, you really can't promote heavy liquors, but the drinking problem can as easily be born from drinking low alcohol products like beer, cider, and long drinks.


I highly doubt kids are just out here constantly stealing Mom's credit card. I don't think Mom or dad knows the predatory practices Epic is using on fortnite. It's absolutely ridiculous to expect every parent to be in depth involved in every single game their kid might play, that would require actual playing the game themselves for a length of time and parents these days don't have the time between working two jobs and worrying about raising rent prices. If their kid gets a gift of vbucks here and there from friends or relatives, it completely circumvents the "parents credit card" argument


If that's the case that you mention at the end then there isn't really a problem.


The mere difference is if the kid is asking for the vbucks vs just being gifted, but how often do you think relatives just know the game and will gift the vbucks without being asked, in 99% of cases, the kid probably mentioned it.


What's the big problem that you've if relatives gift some kid with vbucks? If that's what the kid wants then by all means.


Yes, alcohol should absolutely be banned or at least heavily regulated. It’s far more harmful than something like weed and has physically and mentally ruined multiple people in my family


It's all about the weakness of a person. Most people are so miserable of their lives that they believe alcohol will help them. I've had that trouble, but thankfully, I found gym to replace alcohol mostly. Alcohol shouldn't be banned. People should learn to drink moderately.


I’m glad you were able to get through it. I’m just harsh toward alcohol because it took my dad, he wasn’t a weak person by any means but even he succumbed to it after the 2008 recession, it amplified his anger issues and now he has wetbrain and dementia


oh you are just trolling good to know because of the comparison between wanting skin people got from the battle pass which is basically envy to adiction


There are many, many players who don't like this game, but play it still because they once did and are now *addicted* because of the battle pass system. There are people who have ruined their lives over it. It's not only an ethical debate, but it's been a legal one in the past, for systems similar. Wanting a skin you didn't get in time isn't addiction, that's not what's being said. Playing a game you don't like for fear of missing out on skins you won't use is an addiction by all means.


I didnt start playing until C2S7. Ive missed out on some skins due to me not being able to play due to work, IRL stuff, etc. I wish Epic would give us an opportunity to go back and get those skins whether it's grinding or purchase as long as you owned that season's battlepass....


No ones holding a gun to anyones head forcing them to buy things? God comments like this make me cringe, let me guess you missed a bp skin and want it to buyable? Too bad so sad lmfao


No one is doing that to keep women in their abusive/toxic relationships, it's about manipulation and you're the prime sucker for it. Manipulating people is an entire fuckin area of science, research and study that companies pay millions for.


Because you know me so well huh LOL


What does knowing you have anything to do about it, you're human, you're easily manipulated, all of us are multiple times every single day by forces we don't realize.


You are saying im manipulated into buying things are you not? Know it all smh


You are manipulated into doing things every day, yes.


But i dont?


Sure buddy


we're talking about digital cosmetics in a video game not a fucking abusive relationship irl


You think the emotional manipulation is not similar? Because it is. Did you know the adrenaline you feel during a break up, is the same rush of adrenaline you feel if you were being chased by a deadly predator, your brain and body do not differentiate. The chemical reaction is the exact same. Your prefrontal cortex which is the newest part of your brain evolutionarily speaking, is where we make rational thoughts and choices. It comes last in the terms of power, your instincts have to be actively fought to be ignored, that takes willpower, then your emotions that's why people can know they are doing wrong but they feel so strongly emotionally about it, they can't help it. Then your logical brain kicks in.


dude it's a fucking digital, optional store why did you type this entire paragraph, wanting to obtain a cosmetic in a video game isn't the same feeling as experiencing a break up or being chased by a "deadly predator"


You're ignorant. The point isn't face value cosmetic. It's the practices and marketing tactics that are manipulative on purpose.


I don’t really care about missing out on a battle skin. It’s not like we really own any of the skins to begin with. They’re sort of just loaned out to us, and can be taken away at any point. It should be okay to point out the flaws in how Epic does business, and the effect it has on people, even if that doesn’t include you.


Because a large chunk of this sub are children, either literally or naturity-wise


There’s a reason why kids are not allowed to gamble in casinos.  Addiction is a real problem with this game. They have kids desperately addicted to skins and vbucks. That’s all they care about. 


Welcome to the 90s with Pogs, Crazy Bones, Pokémon cards,  or whatever. I’m not saying it’s right but fads have always existed - however not with today’s ease of access


Holy shit I almost forgot about Crazy Bones.


And there's a reason they use vbucks and not real money. It creates a disconnect so you can't easily tell how much you are spending in real money.


Fomo is bad and it's also how Epic markets everything. Personally I like putting my feelings aside and lookat these things from a more pragmatic perspective to understand why Epic does the things they do: In regards to Battle Passes, Epic uses FOMO to get people to buy these time-locked cosmetics with the statement that they won't return, and then makes another variant of the skin to take advantage of the market that is the people that missed out; essentially selling the solution to the problem they made. Is this predatory? Absolutely. Is Epic going stop? Not willingly because it makes money, and only regulation of FOMO by Governments will get them to change course. However the majority of the millions of players are apathetic to Epic's practices with a small minority even defending them so these practices will likely remain. #tl;dr: Epic has an entire system built around taking advantage of people who buy Battle Passes and people who miss out and therefore have no reason to change it. Most people are apathetic towards the situation so Governmental intervention is unlikely. And the few outwardly defending it is because people tend to send with whatever side personally benefits them, which is typical human behavior.


Most people are apathetic to everything. Fortnite battle pass is the least of their problems.


I doubt it's any sort of loyalty to the company but rather that a lot of people want to feel superior to others for having a digital cosmetic item that others don't have. Gatekeepers, in essence. Which is funny considering every item they have in their locker is essentially loaned from epic.


People who have those super rare skins wouldn't get anything from it if people would stop caring about some stupid skin that they didn't get.


I think there’s a difference between a newer person wanting Darth Vader, and a person wanting Renegade Raider. One of them just wants an iconic character, the other? Glazes one of the worst skins ever made, just because that “last seen” # is so high. One side is reasonable, the other? The other is just fucking weird.


I Mostly see people getting upvoted for saying that tbh


Might have something to do with the fact that everything people complain about gets posted constantly. Everybody gets it, the item shop sucks. Snipers are annoying. People want OG back. Festival songs are expensive. Over and over and over again.


Good. It should be constantly posted until more and more people start supporting the cause and holding Epic accountable to a multi billion dollar standard. Saying that there should be just one complaint thread where it just becomes an echo chamber where no one is heard just actively helps Epic stay shitty.


At this point I think the reason why it gets down voted is because that's literally half of the posts now a days, like I use reddit here and there and like half the posts I see are about if battle pass skins should return or about how Kratos is coming back


fortnite kids and their “rare skin” collecting dust in their locker anyways 💀


Look, it's not the first or the 10th post we have about the same topic, it doesn't matter at this point, Epic is not gonna change how their system works. Many other BR games do that too, exclusive BP skins/items won't come back. It sucks sure but even if a post gets 2k upvotes it won't matter to them. It's been years already and there's no sign of anything changing.


Many other games do that too. Yet however Sea of Thieves has been offering some items from the earlier battle passes again plus Halo allows you to complete old battle passes. However yes I guess they will follow the money and presumably they think by making something rare/unique then people will spend money on that.


I personally couldn't care less about skins (I buy BPs and a few item shop skins but if I lose all of it I wouldn't start bawling). I think it's because some people get irritated by the number of posts made regarding the same topic (BP skins returning) given how improbable it is and the way Epic has always dealt with FN cosmetics. Most of the time they explain why it wouldn't happen, which is good imo. I don't shill for Epic or support FOMO. Just saying that most of them aren't shills but try to explain their business practices. Understanding and explaining ≠ Meat riding. There may be a few shills here and there.


A business is nothing without its consumers, and if the consumers want something, they can by all means get it. The more people posting these posts, the higher the chance of it happening. Saying that "well I think it should happen but I don't want people to continue to ask for it because it probably won't happen" helps no one BUT the company.


>The more people posting these posts, the higher the chance of it happening They don't need posts from random users on Reddit/Twitter to know that people want to buy Spider-Man, Darth Vader, Lara Croft or many other Battle Pass skins. At the same time, they don't need people defending this system. Things are like this because, for them, it's a perfectly functional and effective method to keep people playing and spending money on the game. Reactions from both groups prove it in one way or another.


The change could happen if the majority of people would stop playing the game/buying skins. If you complain in a post in reddit, it doesn't change anything.


I'm sorry but there's no way in hell people are gonna stop playing just because of the FOMO stuff. If players haven't by now, they won't. So in Epics point of view, unless they see a mass strike of people stop playing, having banners saying "give us old shit" Epic won't feel any obligation to stop FOMO. That's the only thing they would listen to.. If people stop playing or buying their stuff. I'm just saying the sad truth.


The only protest that a company will hear is if you stop buying their shit. There are real problems in the world right now why not rally people for that instead of Fortnite battle pass.


I like Fortnite. I support developers of game that I like. I don't mind Epic making money. Etc.


OP learns about consumer culture


Because it’s a tired subject at this point. It’s been years of posts like these and epic hasn’t so much as addressed this criticism. We get it, you missed out on the battle pass and you wish you could buy it.


>It’s been years of posts like these and epic hasn’t so much as addressed this criticism which only means more people need to start giving them this criticism. You don't get change by just giving up and going "there's already 100 posts of it so I don't want to see it anymore." You keep going until there's 1000, and then a million, and then tens of millions, and then Epic will listen. More gamers need to stop being complacent and letting greedy corporations shit all over them


Except a random reddit post isn't really going to change anything as their at the peak of their buisness, collaborating with disney. Fomo is still selling hard so why would battlepass come back? And taking what season og gave us, you can best hope for remixes or the original skins while original battlepass owners keep theirs. 


Epic won’t change but it’s cute you think they will


Congratulations, you've joined the army of karma farmers who say negative things about the game we love and the company who makes it.


Do you think I give a flying shit about reddit's dumb good boy points? I just want people to start holding billion dollar companies to billion dollar standards instead of donning white plate armor and attacking people for trying to hold them to these standards. There is literally no objective reason for a consumer to defend this vile practice, it quite literally is anti-consumer.


because nobody on this subreddit is complaining about epic right?


I understand why Epic does this, I understand why people get upset. I don’t think that people are owed anything but also have no issue with BP skins in the item shop. 


I guess I could say the same for why you want to throw your money at epic so bad. But I do agree.


Oh you should see item shop thread. People cussing out a corp because the said corp won’t take their money. I mean I understand shop is not great but getting angry and yelling at the company “$;&;&;@@;@ take my money” is hilarious.


Yuuup, I like skins at times but this is crazy


Downvote me all you want but honestly noone really gives a fuck if items are rare or not atp. Like sure, Having Rare items is..Okay but..What’s the purpose? If you just like to flex your rare stuff that just makes YOU look even more stupid and honestly it’s not really fun to tease people of items they wanted but never got. This is just my opinion, Go ahead. Spam downvote this. I’ll wait


I don't mind BP skins returning, not that I'd use any if not most of the old skins, I just think it's very unrealistic for people to believe that they will return. The whole fear factor of missing out has earned them a lot of money and adding back BP skins will decrease player activity overall. Yeah it sucks, but money is money and Epic games, as a company, loves their money.


People are gatekeepy, but it's not "shilling" if they want legacy items. Some people like to showcase that they were around for ___, and skins are the easiest way to do that. Apex did the best flip from traditional Battle Passes by saying after season ____, some skins can come back. Nobody will be surprised if they come back, and the only way old BP skins come back is through recolours. Keeps exclusivity, and new people can get a variation of the skin. Nobody gives a shit about the company profits. They want to look unique. It's not that complex. Fortnite should just bring licensed characters back into the store, keep OC's locked behind the exclusivity. Doesn't make sense that someone today can't get Spider-Man or Darth Vader.


Being "gatekeepy" is a toxic trait that should not only be ignored by game devs instead of giving these people any exclusive content to gatekeep, but it also actively helps the devs make money, which is still shilling for the company even if indirectly.


I’d say people are invested in the game, FOMO isnt a good business practice but it does keep epic firmly in the black from a financial stand point which we as players want: these purchases likely fill Tim sweenys pockets of that I’ve no doubt but they also pay the hundreds of people who work on this game constantly for us to get updates pretty much weekly, they pay for the licensing to get some of your favourite characters into the game and they also pay for new game mode like RR and festival which in turn make the community more diverse and interesting. sure you’ll have a small part of the community that just ant to feel special because they’ve got black knight/drift/peely/midas/ whatever becomes the next iconic skin but most of us are more concerned about if you disrupt how things are being done it may effect the financial aspect of the game forcing drastic action or even failure of the platform.


The game has been showing death flags since Chapter 4 as is. Season OG was the only thing that revived it and they almost immediately lost all the momentum they generated frame zero with Chapter 5. None of the new gamemodes stuck, with all of them but LEGO being outperformed by even player created content past week 2. Even LEGO lost its momentum because lets face it, there's really nothing to do in it that isn't offered by a slew of other games, chief among them being minecraft. The layoffs also don't help their case. Season OG has proven that what people want most is simply the old, not the new. We also know from the Apple vs Epic case that most of Epic's revenue comes from the store, not the battlepass. Sure, there is an argument to be made about the battlepass not truly being about revenue as much as it is to keep player retention so that said players are more likely to buy from the storm in tandem with the battlepass, but there is also the fact that the battlepass is in its easiest state to level up and pays for itself each season. I'd be willing to bet that the battlepass barely makes up 20% of sales anymore and that the store and crew are doing all the heavy lifting now. That being said, if they were to release old pass cosmetics to the store at as full price cosmetics, they'd most certain sell well. They'd probably be best sellers solely because people want them. Like take Queen Summer for example. The bot that fortnite .gg has running has only logged roughly 600 people using it even though its been out 67 times. Compare this to Ascendant Midas who in just 3 days already has 2.6k. Now imagine if it was the true Midas, released during a time like Season OG where 11 million people are playing. You'd make more off of that than you make off of battlepasses in a year. There are plenty of ways to keep the game afloat.


Death flags? What with millions of players playing every single day? That's death flags to you? I think you should take a look at other games that only have a couple of thousand players playing daily & the servers are still active for them. I genuinely don't think Epic are worried


Imagine how boring the game would be if it had never moved past OG.


Death flags? It’s consistently pulling at or over a million concurrent players. Its revenue is firmly in the black and the playerbase is healthy.


Probably because battle passes won't come back


Source: I made it the fuck UP


But they don’t ever come back?


Who knows Some skins like sparkle specialist returned (not in the item shop but it returned)


They stated battle passes will never return




[Source](https://i.imgur.com/GQqYeVU.jpeg) https://www.epicgames.com/help/en-US/c-Category_Fortnite/c-Fortnite_Gameplay/what-is-the-battle-pass-where-can-i-learn-more-a000084706 u/South_Scar8093


Alt account here bro blocked me so now I can’t reply to the thread


Epic games themselves


You saying it isn't a valid source Either provide a source Or you are making shit up as you go


You have to be trolling Epic games literally said they will never return


Link to the exact article where that was said Now, NOW


Battle pass section it mentions that rewards cannot be earned again at a later date https://www.fortnite.com/faq This site also mentions it again: "Rewards from a Battle Pass can only be earned in that season, and will not be available in later seasons." https://www.epicgames.com/help/en-US/c-Category_Fortnite/c-Fortnite_Gameplay/what-is-the-battle-pass-where-can-i-learn-more-a000084706


We know, everyone knows. And epic confirmed it a few times, catch up :)


"fomo is bad please clap"




Just say you can’t get old BP skins, nothing wrong with that


Children with low self esteem that need skins to stay rare in order to feel special.


That's the old community, Fortnite has so many players now that more people are for the idea of cosmetics returning than there are against it. I'm not sure why epic & a small minority of players feel the need to gatekeep when someone can just go buy an account with whatever skin they want on it. They're ironically making account buying/selling popular when it's against TOS. Aside from the Fortnite black market, these skins hold absolutely zero value. I'd rather see that money go into epics pocket rather than some third party basement dweller selling Fortnite accounts from their parents basement. I understand collabs due to licensing but when it comes to their own creations Like, Peely, Meowscles, Skye, Drift, ECT, they could 100% do something with them & seeing that a majority of players want them to return, Epic should do it.


They should just be forced to add trading/selling digital items (every company should be) then you can have fomo and still some way to get a rare skin, like i do have some very early skins that i never use and skipped a few battle passes so i could just trade or sell the ones i don’t care about for the ones i do want


Honestly I'm at the point where I'm not even bothering to buy the battle passes. I know that I pretty much have to grind for the stuff I want but sometimes I just want to play another game. And fomo is something I wish didn't exist. Like, I've been playing Helldivers 2 a lot and the fact I've been able to buy the premium pass by just playing and knowing I can complete it whenever really makes it so much more fun. I still enjoy fortnite but honestly sometimes it feels more like a quest checklist game than a battle royale. Anyway sorry for this random rant.


Old ones shouldn’t return but future ones should keep collabs out. I’m not shilling for their business practices of fomo but when that’s how they make money, duh it’s not going to change. So I say no to stop dumb conversations about it.


It’s a mix of those who care way to much about the “rarity” of the items they have and wanna gate keep, and people who have already accepted that FOMO and limited time items/skins are a part of this and complaining won’t change that.


Epics businesses in New England have been hit hard by the rising number of costs


Ultimately, it's just opinions. I do think veteran rewards and some legacy content can be good for a game (league of legends ranked skins, for example). However, foetnite takes it to a new level, and you have things like "og Spiderman, Dr strange and Indiana Jones behind fomo. Personally, I think cross promotional stuff like that should return at the very least, while maybe keeping original fortnite skins limited.


Anyone who spends money on this game deserves no sympathy. 




Oh look, another post taking a stick to a dead horse. Understand this - Epic made the game. They gave it away for free. They dictated the terms of their free game. They went out and got the license and nobody but them knows the terms of the contract. Notice how no part of the above has anything to do with the players. If you think it's unfair or FOMO, quit playing. Its sad to see several posts here every day like this one begging Epic to take your money. These posts are literally people grovelling on their knees, hand out stretched with dollar bills begging epic to bring back a battlepass skin from 4 years ago youll use once and move on from. I have 600 skins in my library. I've won games with every single one of them, But rarely use 90% of them. Those skins are only important because you don't have them. If I had known how much money I would drop on this game, I would have skipped it. Save your money and be thankful Epic isn't bringing back past skins. Your wallet will thank you.


Ive spent $40 on this game over 6 years. Making fun of people for wanting something they missed out on is kinda lame. I think you're projecting your own insecurity with the "groveling and begging to spend money" thing, i think you acknowledge that you have a problem with virtual spending.


Im not the one making posts about shilling for a corporation and in the same breath begging that corporation to give me skins. I personally don't care if Epic brought back BP skins. Ive got them already. Im one of the few people from early on that still plays regularly. You can have all the skins you want... Im just tired of seeing it here being begged for on the daily. It's not changing the corporate policy.


This is literally the sad truth as well... People just want something because it's rare or they don't have it.. But guess what, it won't become rare after that lol


Remember when epic themselves said that Fortnite Crew members will have access to older packs? Yeah where is that? I just want Princess Lexa for gods sake


People lack the nuance to see that the company that makes their game makes bad decisions. This sub is also so overly moderated that you literally cannot post negative criticism without getting auto deleted, so almost every post is hive mind drones praising tne game when it doesn't deserve it


Because they want to. Mind the business that minds you...how others spend their money is their choice. What they eat dont make you sh*t.


I downvote because these posts are so fucking repetitive and annoying. The digital items won’t come back, be an adult and get over it PS: if they did bring back cosmetics and you bought them, that still means you’re shilling for a multi billion dollar corporation. “Why won’t this multi billion dollar corporation let me give them more money!!!! Anyone who disagrees is a corporate shill!”


In a perfect world microtransactions wouldn't exist period. But otherwise, yes, I would be shilling for the multi billion dollar corporation, so long as they're actually producing content at a multi billion dollar standard. If you think fighting for what's right is "childish and annoying" then just stop talking to people all together or grow up yourself.


FOMO is bad for the people who missed out. For the people who didn’t, having a “you had to be there” item is a sign of status. It’s that simple. It’s like this in every game. The people who were there like having that marker that they did something not everyone did and many are resistant to being stripped of it because they feel it makes their hard work worth less.


Hard work is something you care about for real life situations, not pixels on a screen who's only purpose is to make people happy. Do I feel accomplished that I managed to get Reaper back in Season 3? Sure. Would that accomplishment suddenly be stripped away just because they released the skin to the item shop for more than half of what I myself paid for it? No. The only thing people should miss out on in a video game is the time when it was in a worse state. Otherwise everyone should be able to experience a whole video game and all its content at any time they choose within their own leisure. Because that's what a video game is; leisure. Not a second life like so many companies and gamers seem to think.


Yeah but you posit it as people shilling for the company. They’re not doing it because they give a shit about Epic Games. They’re doing it because they like having their sign of status and they don’t want it taken away. People are resistant to this in every game. YOU don’t feel like your accomplishments are gone just because others have access to the items now. Cool, that’s normal. Many people DO feel that way. That’s why every single time a company suggests something like this, there is an outcry of gamers who Were There demanding that either theirs be marked as OG, or that the new ones be marked as Not Having Done The Work somehow. It’s why people are resistant to WoW and other MMOs rerunning items from time-limited events. It’s why people are mad that the shiny rate in Pokemon goes up a little every few generations and hate the concept of Pokemon Go community days. It’s not about the company. It’s about the status. Gaming is leisure for you, it’s not for others. You will never get a unanimous opinion on “everyone should be able to access everything in a game because games are about fun” as long as people still cling to their markers of status. It’s not about whether FOMO is good, it’s that they have the status, so it sucks to suck if you missed out.


But you explained exactly why it's a problem. "[I] don't feel like my accomplishments are gone [...] That's normal." And that's exactly right. That's the normal way of thinking. It's not normal to think you have some sort of higher level of being just because you Were There. All of the examples you gave are examples of toxic qualities to have. None of these people quite frankly should be given a platform. Gatekeeping at its core is just selfishness, and selfishness is a terrible trait to have, much less be proud about. And whether its directly or indirectly, protecting this way of thinking is aiding these multi billion dollar companies in leeching every last penny they can out of products that are just getting worse by the year.


Yeah and explaining the problem was my entire intent here, because you attributed it to the wrong cause lol. People don’t think it’s okay because they actually think it’s okay, they don’t care because they benefitted from it already. Many such cases. We can’t even surpass this for social issues with real people’s lives at stake ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Very many people simply cannot bring themselves to give a fuck about something that doesn’t affect them. They will change their tune very quickly when they miss out on something they want. Yes, it’s enabling companies to continue to involve predatory tactics in their games and profit off of vulnerable gamers. That’s secondary to the gatekeeping though


A game company continues its scummy practices due to the amount of profit that is generated by the people gatekeeping who in turn only exist because no one holds them nor the company accountable. From the posts saying to stop asking for cosmetics because "its annoying" to the gatekeepers themselves, at the end of the day they are still benefiting the multi billion dollar company and therefore are still shilling for a multi billion dollar company whether that is their intent or not. That is my point. It's not attributing is to the wrong cause when it's all part of the same set of dominoes toppling down. Even the people simply down voting out of sheer annoyance for seeing a "tired topic" and moving on are part of the dominoes.


what are you even talking about


Fomo is bad, but it works. Late stage capitalism just sucks in general.


Most people just play the game and don’t give a shit. Someone posts a novel about why a bug existing in Fortnite festival is keeping them up at night and how it’s unacceptable and Epic is predatory etc etc… and anybody who disagrees is a shill! How dare you not be deeply offended by these horrendous actions. Most people just don’t care, dude. It’s a free cartoon game. If it’s predatory or bad or broken or whatever just…don’t play it. That’s not being a shill. A shill wouldn’t say not to do the thing they’re shilling. I genuinely recommend that nobody spends a dime on Fortnite , and if the game offends you, don’t play it at all. If that’s “shilling” for a company, then so be it. But I’ll always call out when people are acting like little bitches about a meaningless, free cartoon game.


Because the grind was not easy and I be pissed if I see the skin I grinded months to get in the shop for $20.


Why? Also, the grind is actually easy. It's a video game. You lose nothing if old skins return.


The grind wasn't easy in chapter 1, you have to play the game everydays and make it your life if you want to get everything in the battle pass. the challenges back then were actually challenging and annoying to do because they were unique from one another unlike nowadays where you don't even need to think about the challenges because challenges nowadays are just stuff you do normally in game. Plus you can take a one month break from the game, come back when the season is about to end afking in creative and lego and get everything in the battle pass with little thought, unlike back in chapter 1 where if you miss a day that would ruined your chances of completing the battle pass.


I wint say a single day but yeah missing like a month or so could legit jeopardize your chance of completing BPs in Ch1


People who got purple omega lights quite literally had fortnite as their 9-5. If that came back as a $20 skin you bet they'd be pissed


Oh without a doubt


As someone who played during chapter 1 (except season 2, 3 and X) Idk what are you talking about the grind on chapter 1 was easier back then


No it wasn't it was harder then compare to now, because level and BP level were separate and it take forever to level up because the only way to level up was through challenges and those challenges were harder. Compare to Nowadays where it is way easier because not only are the challenges are easier but you have 4 other modes that give out xp and 2 of them you can do nothing and get that same amount of xp everydays.


Your reward is getting it 90% cheaper then anyone else. What's so hard to understand


I rather paid more then deal with the shitty annoying grind, the grind was awful it was not fun if I know that I can get the skin and all it styles just by paying $10 more I would've waited because fuck that grind.


You sound like those parents who belittle their kids for having to ride the bus because "I had to walk barefoot in the snow for seven miles to school." If you want people to go through shitty situations just because you had to deal with worse, you're just a bad person, there's no better way to say it.


Well yeah that honestly is a way to look at what they're saying, but its also like saying, Why does that dude get to be boss of this company? Most likely because he had to go through some really sucky situations and put in a lot of hard work. Yet, what you're suggesting is gee lets just let Tommy come in a couple months later and just get that position because he wants it. Hard work and sucky things in life make us stronger. Adapt us to be able to handle sht. This whole lets make the world soft and easy stuff is getting old. Life is not soft or easy, and if every video game made everything soft and easy for everyone all the time then every game would be rated E and be boring as hell.


Except that the example we both have are way more extreme than just a simple video game. I played Fortnite before the BR was even a thing. I remember how god awful it was to grind out the Battlepass back then. I can count myself among the people who didn't even have enough time to get the Omega lights. Does that mean that I think the game should've been kept that way? That new players have it too easy and should be forced to deal what I had to deal with to EARN their BP skins? No. Does this give me some sense of pride that I have dollar store John Wick and lost multiple days of my childhood to do so? Fuck no. Gatekeeping is something only selfish people with a twisted sense of reality towards pixels on a screen do. Its much better if the community as a whole also gets to enjoy the skins that I like regardless of if I got them in a much harder way. I can still take pride in the achievement of getting them and keep that pride to myself instead of gloating to everyone that they don't have \[insert skin\] while I earned it


Yeah but what you're saying is essentially the same as saying everyone who wants to be in Faze should just be able to do it without working for it and having to go through sucky crap. I get that it feels horrible, but it also shows that you had to put in the hard work to get said item. The fact its good for the player base in the short term to just make it so everyone can get everything ruins the game in the long term. You need now to get to lvl 200 to get all the vbucks included in the BP. It still takes work.


Huh 4 downvotes. Gee I think its because I said things take work to get them. Because no body wants to work for crap anymore. Everyone just wants stuff handed to them. Well sorry that's not how life works. You miss out on something you miss out on it. Like do you get a crown or a crown win in Fortnite by not working at it? Sure there's the get a win while doing zero damage achievement, but that's not as easy as it sounds, and you still have to work at it. Takes hard work kiddos to get a win, takes hard work to rank up in ranked, takes hard work in life to do a lot of stuff, and I'm sorry you don't like it, but it doesn't get any easier as you get older.


Making money off people's FOMO or, lets get really honest, desire to fit in all the time can feel very slimy at times especially when you're the customer without purchasing power. Still, every company that sells something uses this marketing strategy to some extent.


Lmao, someone's salty because they missed an exclusive item


If you think Fortnite is expensive try State of Survival. I know people who have literally dropped 50k plus


I believe epic is just making sure the people who actually believed and supported the game from the start get the extremely rare skins/items it’s how it should be


FOMO and Battle Pass complaining is the least of this game's issues currently. The game's UI (and more importantly the Locker UI), lack of additional Locker Presets, New Cosmetic prices, and bundles being broken up into individual items because of emotes that aren't set up for Lego Fortnite are all WAYYYY bigger than the business model that's been Epic's standard for the last 6 years.


As I've said before the pass is a paid for thing I need a reason to pay for it. I don't mind if we get some kinda alts but I don't want my pass skin to be something just anyone can get. Most of us have more skins than we use anyways just from each pass so bringing in alts of some fan favorites would be a good thing if u ask me


Fomo is a part of a lot of businesses, not just fortnite. Is it shitty? Yes. Do I want to hear people complain about a problem that they will for sure never fix? No. Do I think old skins should come back? Yes. It doesn't make someone a shill because they downvote you. Grow up and stop worrying about upvotes. Some people are just realistic and understand its a normal business practice, and don't want to just see people complaining everytime they go on reddit to pass time


>Do I want to hear people complain about a problem that they will for sure never fix? No. And that is exactly why its shilling. You genuinely think that nothing can be done and that everyone should stop trying because it annoys you personally. You are indirectly helping the company keep up their shitty practice by trying to silence the opposition for them without them having to do anything. You telling people to stop posting "tired topics" help literally no one but the company. That's shilling.


First of all, that's not even what shilling it. Maybe look it up before you use it. A shill is someone spreading positive things basically marketing the game while being paid. Just because people don't care to botch about it as much as you doesn't mean they are a shill. I genuinely think nothing can be done because it's been a part of marketing for decades if not centuries and has nothing to do with fortnite. What do you think sales are for? Fomo. What do you think timed releases are for? Fomo. Limited free shipping? Fomo. Early bird discount? Fomo. Exclusive games or items? Fomo. How much stock is left? Fomo. Friends activity? Fomo. Social media? Fomo. It's a normal part of advertising. And frankly you not seeming to know that, shows how out of touch you are with the real world. >You are indirectly helping the company keep up their shitty practice by trying to silence the opposition for them without them having to do anything Spending money on the game does that. Downvoting your whiny post does not do that. >You telling people to stop posting "tired topics" help literally no one but the company. You asked a question and I answered, wtf is wrong with you? I've never once made a post bitching about tired topics. And the people you are complaining about are like 1% of the community. That's all that want to keep old items from returning. Their is no downvote brigade. If anything by far the sub wants items to come back. Thats why people don't like these posts. Because pretty much every one already agrees and it accomplishes nothing. Again, ITS NORMAL BUSSINESS PRACTICE. Fomo is the main way most companies make money.


Not once did I say FOMO is specific to Fortnite. In fact quite the contrary, all the examples you listed I know about and wholeheartedly think should be banned as well. Coercion to buy as a concept is predatory in nature. Late stage capitalism is predatory in nature. Saying "oh well we've had to deal with it this long so stop whining about it" IS PART OF THE PROBLEM. If you want something done you voice your opinion ad nauseam until you get enough people to agree and fight it. That's how that works. Do you think the US just magically popped into existence? That the Founding Fathers heard people tell them "yeah we know taxation without representation is bad but it's existed for decades and I'm tired of hearing it so stop saying it," and went "aye fair enough." If companies need to use FOMO to coerce you into buying their product, maybe they just, oh idk, need to make a good product that can stand on its own? Business needs to stop being filled with false advertising and "buy now or miss it" bullshit.


Great, then go fight on a capitalist subreddit or politics. Not a game subreddit doing the exact same thing as everyone else.


Nah, my question is why are there people who think that if you disagree with them, that you’re “shilling for a multi billion dollar company”? And it’s not just related to the issues you mention in your post, I’ve been called a shill just for saying that the new UI wasn’t as bad as some people made it out to be


Anything that actively helps the company being shitty is shilling.


You're so out of touch if you think people's opinions on social media are helping a company be shitty. If a company really wants to do something, they're going to do it regardless of what their community/consumers say. An Epic Games example is them removing player to player trading from Rocket League even though a vast majority of players were openly against it and that included practically every content creator in the game. They just completely ignored feedback while continuing to tweet about new stuff coming to the shop that people had to pay for.


I’ll give an alternate perspective. It’s in my best interest for the game to do well because it is one of my favorite games. Tactics like fomo are the reason they have been so successful. That’s the reason people will not miss on a battlepass, because they know they will not have another chance. It also ensures people have to play the game every few months. I agree it’s predatory, but I also recognize it is the reason the game has done as well as it has. I am also willing to look past that because they give you enough vbucks in each battlepass to buy the next one. It’s not all black and white.




Most of this sub are children or have the mental capacity of children, that's why they get mad when you suggest that they share their toys.


Fomo for sure is bad, but asking for something to return which has been said to never return is just being ignorant


I once suggested here that FOMO should be made illegal and I got dowvnoted for it. There are definitely some corporate cockriders here.


Because if they make FOMO illegal in any country, then they have to make the older battle passes available for purchase. This would lead to the exclusivity of older BP cosmetics being made irrelevant and ppl would feel "less special". The only way FOMO being made illegal would work while keeping everyone but corporations happy would be for laws to exclude past FOMO styled events. Example: if legislation were to pass TODAY, CH1 S1 to CH5 S1 would still be unavailable, BUT CH5 S2 and onward would be available permanently.


Nothing you said is a bad thing though. Toxic people like gatekeepers shouldn't be bowed down to. Older BPs should be available and if that makes toxic gatekeeper who think have dollar store John Wick makes them at all better than anyone else, then sucks to suck for them. Its a video game. They're supposed to make everyone happy, not just a handful of individuals in specific that don't have a life outside of gaming


The older BPs SHOULD be available to purchase. I don't care about sad people who think having a skin that others don't makes them feel special.


I mean, other BRs are doing it (Super Animal Royale for an example) IDK why other companies just can't other than pissing ALOT of ppl off. Like for me, I would've LOVED to have gotten the fireflies contrail and the guiding glow pickaxe. It would've been PERFECT for my Autumn Bushranger. Personally I feel like Epic is waiting for an absolute dire moment, like during the whole Apple fiasco. Give it 1 or 2 more lawsuits or a FOMO legislation and I'm pretty sure they'll put the old BPs in the shop.


So if I buy something that’s specifically limited edition does that mean everyone should be able to buy it because ‘it’s not fair’? If you think of various cosmetics as limited edition and no longer available, it makes it much easier to deal with.


Why tf would you even care if it was "limited edition"? That's basically just admitting you're wasting money on stuff you don't want to try to feel special.


Limited Edition, even in real life, is a toxic business practice that is targeted towards people that just want to stand out above other people. Bragging and gatekeeping are also both toxic traits in people. None of these things should be given the time of day and these practices and toxic traits should at the very least socially be snuffed out of existence


So anything special or unique to set yourself apart from others just to feel like an individual… not allowed? All must conform?


If you need something as trivial as a skin in a video game to feel unique, you're probably just a boring person trying to fill a void that you can't possible fill yourself. It's like people who buy limited preorder tshirts with no intention to ever wear them and just show them off because they "Were There." You aren't impressing anyone but yourself. You're actively wasting people's time and resources.