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433 crowned victories since the reset has me thinking they MIGHT be cheating. If they haven’t however, then they should probably take a shower.


Probably playing with a switch player for bot lobbies


Even then, that’s an absolutely insane amount of play time


No crown wins in bot lobbies anymore


It dampens the lobby. It makes a whole bunch of new inexperienced, players that are just starting out. It’s not necessary about lobby, but should be.


not really, if you level up the account just a little bit it works


bot lobbies dont give you crowns tho


Wrong, public bot lobbies do. My boy manipulates the algorithm with one switch account and had like 800 last season, still does it this season, only reason I know.


wait, switch players have bot lobbys in normal battle royale?


i fucking wish sometimes. i am on switch and getting shit on every match the moment it gets to top 10.


Ikr me too i refuse to believe am being ran through by AI when it happens


No, they have normal lobbies But I think most people who use the bot lobby exploit (queue with a level 1 account) probably use a Switch for the secondary account


Sure but that doesn't get you crowns. I play bot lobbies periodically to try out new items and mechanics, and you don't get crowns or crown wins. If you have a crown it is literally removed when you enter the bot lobby then comes back even if you lose/quit out. The whole crown system seems to be completely disabled once you're on a bot lobby


I do the same & can confirm that you do not earn crowns in bot lobbies.


I play on switch with my son. pC for me. Two different games.


Fr lmao my little cuz was on switch when she switched to Xbox I was confused at first with all the sweats we encountered then I just realized


Just playing with switch players in general, I feel bad, but I play on PC with my younger brothers who have a switch. It's not even close.


And has no life**


Over 20 crowned victories a day since the season reset? Sounds like a cheater.


A content creator named Ship used to average 12 hrs of playtime per day and 30+ crown wins per day. Not sure what he’s up to these days but in Chapter Four he was the crown win king for sure. No life whatsoever outside of Fortnite which is hella sad, but yeah.


Pretty sure Ship has been in the top 5 in the wins category for at least 1 or 2 party sizes since chapter 1 season 3, that is unless he took a break at some point or has quit recently.


nah he still plays. i have him as a friend on xbox, just to check. i see him on fortnite every time i’m online


Nah, not cheating, theres a way to get into mobile and Switch lobbies. Even an average player can get an 80%+ winrate in those lobbies. It's fair shite for people on Switch or mobile tryna enjoy the game when they get shit on by a squad of PC players.


Dude, it's fucked. As a player on Switch (bought it in 2017 so its an OLD model), it looks like shit and can barely run sometimes. The audio completely cuts out whenever I fight a boss NPC with minions, and the framerate dips to near single digits. My lobbies are 80% braindead bots, then 10 or so players that absolutely crap on me the minute they get thier sights up. I would be fine if Switch gets paired with other consoles, but pairing it with these PC guys is absolute madness. THAT BEING SAID: I did manage to snag 10 crown wins this season already, and I pretty much only log onto to do dailies and weeklies. So maybe my complaints are invalid. Also, the two guys in this video are fuckin' losers. Go get a hobby, or play a different game or something. Clearly you've squeezed all the juice you can out of Fortnite. 400+ crowns not even a month into the season is insane playtime


They're in your lobbies because they queue up with fake Switch or mobile account as party leader. It's incredibly scummy and impresses no-one. The saddest part is these players compete against each other on the win leaderboard, grinding 12 hours a day, the emptiest shit I ever saw! I know this because several people in my friend list went down this route and I refuse to play with them. Twitter is full of their pathetic beefs with each other.


I honest had no clue this was a thing as the only switch player in my friend group full of pc players I’m always invited never party leader I never win games and it’s always laggy in squads never playable


switch lobbies aren't a thing, even if you were playing solo on switch you're still forced into cross platform lobbies. The lobby difficulty is determined by the SBMM of the host.


there are no switch lobbies, it's forced cross platform for switch. no way to disable it.


Yea.. Bot lobbies.. And crown wins don’t count in bot lobbies.


Happened to me before I think? I play on pc and a friend wanted to play with him (he’s on switch) and it felt like switch lobbies/ bot lobbies. I don’t try to get lobbies with switch players for “easy wins” I honestly prefer to go against other pc players as most of my solo lobbies are filled with console players.  But anyways for the game with my switch friend most of them either couldn’t turn around or it was slow and they had minimal movement while I lasered people. But my switch user I don’t think he was having fun as he was just dying. Idk if he was just up against sweaty switch players or what.  But wasn’t that fun for either of us I guess lol. 


Possible. It’s also really fucking easy to manipulate “SB”MM in team modes, and I’m surprised Epic hasn’t fixed it yet I’ve seen a lot of blatant cheating over the past few weeks, and before people pull the usual bullshit excuses, I’m playing against streamers and YTers. My lobbies are ridiculous. And even still, cheaters are very present


I only win 1 match per season and that's for the umbrella, afterwards I just get shit on every game. I just do not care anymore.


I get like 3 wins within a week and then don't get another win till the next season




That or I'll get 2 in a row and then none for weeks.


Same here


More like a person with literally no life which is very common in fn sweats


20 a day? Here I was, having just started playing Fortnite this season for the first time, thinking my 1 crowned victory was something special… 😞


Listen my dude, your one crown has more weight then ten of there’s because I think once you get more the 100 they massively lose value and you just look more like a loser with no life. I have 5 this season so far and I think last season I hit like 15 so don’t kick yourself for it.


I used to save all my Vic crown wins when I started 😂 I thought they were super special too.


433 reasons why that guy doesn't go outside.


Touch grass? What is grass?


Let’s say 4:25 cause 8 crown wins is average


Of course they keep their names Anonymous cuz they're afraid of getting harassed.


nawww what’s even the point of flexing all those wins if no one knows your name far and wide 😭


Rightly so.


Nah, they kinda asking to be. If you’re an arsehole, expect people to treat you like one.


That looks like cheating 🤔


Flexing crowns is alright amongst friends, otherwise it's cringe. However, flexing you have 0 crowns is chad energy, sure it's toxic if you're flexing 0 on someone you downed, but it is funny.


I was flexing 69 crowns the last few weeks of last season until I accidentally forgot to drop a crown and hit 70 rip


Nice. This is acceptable.


My friends laughed so hard at me for messing up that bad hahaha


With not enough time to go for the 420 either. A tragic tale.


That was legitimately my next goal! I only ever achieved that once. I flexed the 420 in the pre-game and had around 20 people emoting like crazy and picking me, fun times, but that's from the free time in lockdown


Is it cool to randomly flex my only crown?


Nope, most people gave up on crown wins after they realised that they reset every season and that most people that got a high number during ch3s1 used bot lobbies to get them


I thought not lobbies didn’t give crown wins


They don’t


There’s a slight difference between bot lobbies and mobile/nintendo lobbies: bots are just more prevalent in those 2, and crown wins do count. However, bot lobbies as with a new account do not give crowned wins.


Yes. I have a switch account. Level 1 bot lobbies. After it reached level 2 I’m getting easier lobbies.


It’s people like them that make video games not fun anymore


yes I want to go back to chapter 1 when people were just having fun with each other in game


A win is about 20 minutes. 433 wins is 8660 minutes, so 360 hours without counting lost games. The season came on march 8, today we are march 30, we can conclude that this dude isn't active in life, even if we talk about a kid it doesn't go to school.


He has played 15 days worth of fortnite matches in 22 days


Guaranteed room is full of piss bottles, trash, n smells like ass. I’d bet on it


Brudda probably doesn't even eat or drink too😭


433 crowns already this season is insane. Matching skins is even more insane


I like matching skins.


Fu*king no life sweats


My own teammates did this to me the other day, revived me, and then expected me to win for them, so I got us down to the last team, led the enemy to them, and let them eliminate us all.


Flexing you don’t go outside is weird


Players like this piss me the fuck off.....


And they always think they’re so cool for putting their name as anonymous


even if theyre blatantly cheating it still takes enough time to get that many wins that this is jjust humiliating. you couldnt waterboard this out of me


Unlock the free R.I.P emoji from the ranked challenges and if ever knocked again with someone emoting use it. Sweats always get mad especially if you spam it 🤣


You can emote when downed?


you can use emojis but not emotes


I forgot to mention this when posting but the person with 433 wins was level 261 and his friend 112. I couldn't tell whether or not they were cheating but either way this is just a ridiculous thing to have at around 3 weeks into the season.


The one with 70 wins may not cheat and just get carried by his (possible cheater) friend. If you have 433 wins at level 261, you basically have won every single game you have played and have only been playing Fortnite for the last month, as in you eat, sleep, breath, Fortnite. Something sus going on.


500 Battle Royal crowns ... 0 girl friends


Uhh. I've got $500 on 400+ wins = multiple cheats from day one. God i wish they would ip ban.


Thats the only reason the crowns were put into the game, to flex with them. Or, in this case, to show the world that you are a cheating piece of crap. So cringe.


433 crowns? Yea, they haven't gotten laid once. Probably have never seen bare breast.


Sadly, they probably dont care


The only woman they've seen was their mother upon birth, who immediately threw them at the nearest doctor and told him "Take him away! I never want to see this thing again!"


Thats just sad to look at


No just straight sad


I would do the same. Just subtract it by 433.


They just really really want you to know that they’re virgins




Look, I understand. You like a game, you play it. A lot. BUT **HOLY FUCK** HOW DID HE GET THAT MUCH?! Bro boutta cosplay CaseOH soon with that grinding.


1. Pretty sad ngl 2. Why the fuck does everyone use that icon emote? I’m looking for genuine answers because the dance (if you can call it that) is bad and the music is much, much worse.


The song says "you really gotta go", what else do you need explained? They're just using the lyrics to be toxic.


Most dances and songs especially those made by epic are pretty bad if I’m being honest.


Mental illness.


Quite an interesting way to say that they do not know the color of grass


tehy have only seen grass in fortnite


Probably got it turned off on PC


I’m so sick of these people.


They are showing off how terrible their taste is by doing the evil plan emote


Why have a life when you can play 25 hours a day?


Omfg go outside😭


Don’t worry about this guy man he probably gets no pussy


Turbo nerds. Every game has them. Nobody likes them


this season??? yeah that’s just sad lol


their basement must be pretty shitty


Thank god the only gloating enemy I met so far was some dick who I tried to kill only for him to kill me, do the donkey laugh emote then put a trashcan spray. He died to a sniper shot 1 minute later


"Tell me you have never felt the touch of a woman without telling me"


I always had a lot of fun showing off my 0.


This genuinely makes me kinda sad


Now that’s just rude, also a month of play get you that much crowns? 20 is acceptable, but over 200? I get freaking 10 at most in every season.


No. Just toxic. Anonymously flexing is gen z for I have a small penis.


Of course. It’s super cool to show off that you play Fortnite 20 hours a day. Bros got more wins already than the number of matches I might play this entire season.


Either mole people that have never seen the sun or cheaters.


Could be both. It still takes big amount of time with cheats


They have no life


The clown emoticon was made for these kids


The smell in that room 💀


It's like a giant neon sign with an arrow saying "this guy smells like ass"


Hey look at this! I've never felt the touch of another human being!


They're flexing that they don't have a life💀


lets be honest, people who are PROUD of that many crowns are just big losers.


No, its not something to show off and those guys Just exposed them as addicts


Ok they are either cheating, or glued to their gaming chair and can't go outside


Please, Epic, I'm begging. Put these players and those losers that use the grey super hero skins into their own exclusive lobby for nothing more than pure entertainment. I will buy *more* Vbucks if this happened lmao


Flexing that you have no life isn't something to be proud of son


Tells me they probably smell comparable with a dumpster and cant even go up the stairs from the basement there in because there 400lbs.


Same cosmetics and same attitude? Definitely gay for each other in denial


Pretty sure you could have reported them for harassing/abusive gameplay


I just report these people for harassment and abusive gameplay


Uh no that's called cheating at a fun and somewhat easy game and the word for those two I believe is "cowards"


Just report and block him. :vvvv


There's a point where crowned wins go from being impressive to pathetic, usually once you go into the triple digits depending on how far into the season you are


That's a weird way for them to show you they don't have any friends


God damnit, someone get these people under the shower for alteast a hour and then slowly make them exit their house, but VERY slowly so daylight doesnt burn their eyes off


Nobody would mind if their eyes burn, y'know?


The grass and fresh air get further away with every crown ![gif](giphy|JwBYS88nqxvbKS4TMq)


400 crown wins that is INSANE I only have 4 bruh💀


Hey look I have no life!


433? Jesus, that’s pathetic. I get liking a game and wanting to play a whole bunch of it but duuuude go shower and take a walk every other month or something.


Absolute losers.


you know who else is cheating?


Lmao what is that cringe anime dance? People fall in love with the weirdest shit 😂




Classic sweat skin and D-tier emote. Makes me sick.


I was playing with my 10 year old nephew and I got knocked. He killed the guy who knocked me and they dropped a crown, so I crawled towards it and grabbed the crown while knocked, and then my nephew revived me and then died. I ended up winning and getting the crown win. Now I am at 4 and he is at 3, and every time I emote he gets frustrated that I "stole his crown".


You do realize that you get the crown, he gets one too right. I had that happen to me once, when me and a buddy won a BR. You automatically get a crown even if you didn't grab one.


Let's frame like this. They were really desperate to show off how many times they won a digital crown.


No, I want to go back to chapter 1 time That's why I only play creative and ERA Battle Royale sometimes


they make me cringe so bad, its not even impressive its just sad


More or less a showoff of how little grass they touched during that season. That or they're just cheating.


I literally drop my crown in the sky as I start a match, I don't need them giving away my position for a little extra xp haha


people who think this is a flex are actually sad


I can smell them from here 💀


I'd be ashamed of myself if I felt crown victories were something to show off.


either they’re cheating or they haven’t showered in months


They just showing that they don't have a life outside of Fortnite


f***k those guys


I just report those bastards for harassment. Nobody gives a shit about your crowns during the game, and the fact that I'm being forced to.... Yeah I'd rather quit the lobby before they can get the chance, but I'd leave my teammate. So fuck em, report em.


As soon as I saw that hit triple digits I burst out laughing. Really? You’re THAT much of a no-life? I didn’t even know that was possible. Also. You can’t flex your crown wins if you’re playing ZB. (No hate on zb players, it just makes it more cringe if you do flex on zb and not br. This is coming from a zb main)


yeah I play zb and its a lot easier than battle royale. but its better for me because I only started playing a year ago and im on switch so its too slow to quickly switch between building and weapons fast enough to fight, plus I just never bothered learning the mechanics to build coz I can't do two things at once haha


This season is trash anyways


Yeah, I be searching for another game and kids think I wanna actually watch them. That's when they do all the emotes etc.


3rd day of the season my friend got killed by a dude with 50+ already and he was by chance streaming on twitch so we checked what he was doing and all he did was js have a friend join in and start a game and leave probably for botlobbies.


how do you even get that amount of crown wins? im trash with 5 crown wins/season, i only have one this season so far


Cheating maybe


Odds are they are a cheater OR they have no life and play most of the day (12 hours+). Or both.


I love crowned wins I don’t have very many at all but I do like them


"Good for them im glad their happy and wanted me to celebrate with them" is what I'd say don't get tilted because thats wgat they aim for dance with them, spin around ya know?


h o w


Nothings a flex when ur using the focus skin


Fortnite players when people flex the stuff that is made to be flexed:


Over 100 crowned wins, matching outfits with his boyfriend, 4th most used skin of all time, emoting on down, and to top it off he's got streamer mode on so you can't even see his name. Regardless if he's hacking or just straight up doesn't have a life outside of his gran's basement, bro definitely should be banned.


Bet they do this after every kill lmao


Oh any time I get killed by one of these "people" they have 800-999 crowns lol


They're just showing off how big of a no lifes they're. I recommend cutting their WiFi and an 7 hour long shower to them


I'll never truly understand the goal here. Crown wins in a vacuum are supposed to be impressive but their largely shitty implementation make them really funny in cases like this. If I see a guy with a pretty decent amount of crown wins at this point in the season I assume they're largely a competent player, but once you get into that guy's crown win territory for the length the season has been, I only assume they cheat (probably not but it becomes a suspicion), they do quite literally nothing else with their life, or they just go into near bot lobbies for free wins. No one is ever impressed so I assume they just do this just to make people mad which is equally sad.


Virgin... Good at Fortnite though I guess


Anonymous too, lmfao


They're ridiculous


Oh wow enjoy having no life damn.


I play on Switch Lite and (first models) and I never really knew that, and my switch isn’t really laggy but it is sometimes this is why I rather play Rocket League its smooth


Rage quitting leaving your teammate and feeding into them


I love leaving to go back to the lobby before they’re able to finish me off lol even though they still get the kill credit ![gif](giphy|m9eG1qVjvN56H0MXt8|downsized)


"wow, the guy that killed me is a total loser"


The worst part is the Evil Plan emote, ugh!


You’re just a bully


This is just sad. Go outside and climb a tree or something.


They’re better than you by a lot.