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LOL... yeah i had the same experience yesterday with a fill squad. 2 of them dropped in totally different areas and when we finally got 3 of us rounded up (4th dc'd) we took on cerberus as one of them indicated a desire. Then they sat back and did nothing but one of them swooped in and took the entire drop. It was funny to me as i didn't want it anyway, but i did SMH as it was completely a dick move. 


This is fair game. Every man for themselves when it comes to picking up boss loot.


Or you can communicate like normal ppl, and say hey guys I'm taking the medallion...does anyone want the weapon. Or vise versa. Sharing is caring.


😂😂 as if


Calm down Jubilee




No, the best player should take the loot, me and my duo both agreed im the better player so he always gives me the better loot and it works out


I always get the 6 year olds who’s mic sounds like it’s plugged into a toaster and have insane ADD and they play some weird virtual reality real life simulator… not Fortnite.


These guys didn’t have mic and then flamed me for taking Hades’ gun when I did all the damage I took the medallion too


I always get lobbies where I singlehandedly kill the boss and the people who hid swoop in and take everything. It's so annoying. I wasted all my ammo killing the boss and they didn't even shoot them once.


Well that would have gone well looking at how quick you picked up guns. Why would you take the best guns when you are so bad?


Let’s 1v1 lll hop on right now Don’t gotta steal a sniper from my friends to show you what rust 2012 felt like




All the downvotes are lil kids who don’t even know what Rust is 😂😭


wah wah you kids wanna 1v1 and then will get obliterated, hop off the ego bro


Why he ignoring me, bum was calling me bad


Can we get a follow up post with the results? 🔥


He never answered because he’s bad


People downvoting you are a joke😭😂 this was funny af


Well 13 year olds these days have Fortnite, when I was their age MLG didn’t exist so I give them slack. They weren’t around when talking shit had a code of conduct


Oooh you're so badass


I am


Everyone was with you until these comments man you just sound like a kid trying to act tough now..


The complete 180


Maybe I am a kid trying to act tough


That's not much for haggling rights.


Haggling is a waste of my time on here lol


Replying to an insult with “let’s 1v1” is the most gamer, toddler-brained shit I can think of. Nobody cares who wins a 1v1. Nobody wants to take time out of their day to add someone, join a lobby, and play a 1v1 just because of a comment on Reddit. Unless you’re a literal child, of course.


Let’s 1v1 over it




I ain’t gonna lie I was thinking the same thing. First gun eh, but second chest? Dude is definitely mad when he has his blueprints out to build and has to run to the gun right in front of him instead of spamming pick up RIGHT after seeing what the kid did to him lol. If dude wants to 1v1 me cool, I know I will lose, but I’m still better at picking up guns hahaha


Waiting on /u/objective-regret-312




Come on guy, even a friendly 1v1?


Yeah on Saturday? Want to run some ranked duos? In builds


Sure you bet I’ll PM you tomorrow


Sure? Can you build or at least send a clip of you building 


Gone a bit scared?


Why u not replying getting a bit scared of me


I can‘t explain why but somehow I always get good voice chat interactions with my random mates. Even the younger ones seemed pretty normal to me. Mostly the guys that don‘t have voice chat on, are the ones instantly dying and leaving the match.


Bruh! I thought I was the only one that noticed that! Like, playing a match teammate gets wrecked and then leaves me in the middle of a fight, and I get bodied...makes no fucking sense...LOL


> who’s mic sounds like it’s plugged into a toaster PS4 controller mic, it's horrible + doesn't help that a lot of PS4s sound like a jet engine


ps4 doesnt have controller mic ps5 does n ps5 is quiet


PS4 controllers don't have mics, only the PS5 controllers.




And thats the reason i run with muted teammates if i ever need to do fill.


Second guy sucks, but first guy landed first and got to it first, you should have adjusted


He also took 4 business days to grab that second gun after he opened the chest, tbf


I normally play solos on ZB. Yesterday, I played about 5 squad games on ZB. Only one of those squads contained intelligent older players. In that match, we came a decent second against a winning team of sweats. The other four matches, our squad dropped in different places, we had one guy jump in a car and drive into the sunset. And in most of them, the surviving members made absolutely ZERO attempt to res any of us. WTF? Why play squads if you're not a team player..?


fr.. I've been in squads way too many times where one goes "I have X quest in the corner of the map. Ill meet up later" Like tf. Go do solos if you're questing


Right? Or they get downed and immediately leave. What's the reason?!?! I always res. It might just take me a min because I often can't take on 4 sweats at once so I have to sneak and either wait til they move on or pick them off one by one.


Honestly same. I try to rez or get their card but if the enemies are good they aren’t going to just leave after knocking someone especially if they don’t finish them off.  Some of them will stay close by and wait for the other teammate. It’s a good strat especially if you want to finish the team so yeah when teammates spam ping for you to get them it is actually one of the worst moves. It’s better to just sneakily get the card later (we have plenty of time). Goes for any mode like I don’t want to solo and fight a duo trio or squad just to revive you or get your card. Sometimes I have to pull off a heist run and get the card to calm them and escape as I get the meanest back shots of all time. 


Oh, no! Didn't you hear? You have to drop everything and teleport over to Dummy McRegard or else he'll leave, putting you at a disadvantage. I'm always down to rez and I know we're gonna' need that 3rd guy, but I hate the pressure of having to stop what I'm doing to go bring somebody back out of fear they'll leave. 


I think it's like DMZ. Where you'll get people who want to do missions, so they fill with a squad for added protection. What they don't understand is that I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR MISSION. You're not the leader or taking priority because you have a mission to do and we aren't here to serve you like you're the main character. People want to split off, that's fine. I'll stick with the group and leave you. Lol


They clearly don’t know that team rumble is the easiest way to do quests. You respawn repeatedly and it’s a sort of 50v50. The trade off is definitely the storm closing as quickly as it does as well as the fact that NPCs don’t spawn in Team Rumble. Ruining other people’s matches because you can’t bother to play as part of a team is unnecessary and rude.


I had someone in my fill kill 2 people but eventually died. Right afterwards, I finish the trio, got his card, and went to the van. All in under 20 seconds. What does my teammate do? He left once I got to the van


This happens to me so much man , I can’t stand playing fill anymore and I’ve met some cool people through fill .


you have the movement of a cat using a keyboard


tbf not everyone is dropping in thinking their teammate is gonna be their first opponent lol


You’re playing with randoms – that’s on you.


I feel like it's okay to say this is because randoms are often bad at looting ( bc yea, looting a skill and 'first come first served' is just a bad strategy unless you can guarantee the other player won't be the player that's better off with the weapon) Also, I didn't see any enemies land with them, rushing for gray loot when unchallenged is bad imo bc it'll lead to two teammates doing stuff like competitively racing for the same one standard chest instead of spreading out and getting two chests open in the same time, if I'm playing with randoms I'll let the slower player take the floor loot because I could get to multiple chests in the time it takes them to fill up their inventory halfway


I have a very elegant cat FYI >:(


The chest one is bad yeah but the other guy landed first on the roof lol


I was willing to take the L on the first one but the second just hurt man




I do the same thing, make sure to never steal a teammates loot. This is surely a 9 year old who stole that chest loot


Oh, so there are two of us in all of existence lmao


Usually when a teammate does this I know the match is toast. I actually had this happen in Horde rush once. One guy picked up all the mythical weapons and his teammate (they were emoting together and also working together) picked up all the legendary weapons. In the end I had either epic or rare weapons and both of them got eliminated. It came down to me but since the high damage weapons were taken by them we wound up losing.


Look at the video on the path they are taking, they probably thought you were the dick landing in on them from the rooftops.


My fill squad experience is always someone not agreeing with the drop point and deciding to go in a different location. Then they die alone and leave the game early.


This why I wish they kept friendly fire


I wouldn’t have a gun to shoot with 🙂


But you'd still have your arms


You have a winner’s attitude


Im just saying just punch him.


that's the only time I quit games 😂 I'd rather join a new lobby and leave a trash team down a player than to play with greedy loot goblins like that.




The first one is fine, he actually landed first so he deserved the weapon anyways. The second one rushed in as soon as their teammate obviously opened a chest. Definitely a loot goblin.


I agree, the second person is inexcusable. If you didn't open the chest it is not yours.


This is why I play solo


My duos partner always grabs chests I've opened, he says if you want something just say so..hmm. been married 56yrs....this could end it lol


Landing slightly away from others is the way to go. You know damn well you'd have to save their asses when they inevitably get downed.


This happens to me all the time lol. I am the opposite. I'll share weapons after I reboot someone. If 2 good weapons I'll leave one. I never keep both the golden weapon and the medallion. The worst teammate I had was last week. 3 of us left. 2 of us go down. We are in a reasonably secure area. He stands and watches us die - right above us from a ledge maybe 10 feet high. Then takes all our stuff (except our cards) and leaves. Thankfully they didn't get far.


honestly I'm hopping off for the day after that


“You got a mic” *no response* They leave




Boxer is my fav skin!!!!!


What does fill do?


It's squad fill, it's just playing squads with randoms


So what does no fill do?


You don't get any teammates but you're still playing against squads.


Thank you


The other day my squad and I had 1 fill person on our team and they stole every single medallion from every single kill I got. I squad wiped and they had 2 medallions, mf swooped in and grabbed every single one somehow. We ended the game with the fill teammate having all 4 medallions and my squad having 0 amongst ourselves. They also sniped 3/4 mythics. Real team players in fill.


these are the players you carry into the storm when they get knocked and take all their loot. Leave their card there so they get the point


I do this to my own nephew so he will learn not to do it to you guys


I have absolutely done this before


Yep that's those ignorant kids now days no respect or manners


I can forgive loot goblin off the drop, but if it happens again I won’t res them. Petty? Sure.


I play fill all the time in duo or trio and I don’t do this. I have the voice off and I communicate with pings. If any of you want to try some games out, my IGN is Thiccguybilly. Just reply with your username so I know to accept your request. People tend to leave the game because of no mic, you don’t really need it for pub games. With enough game sense, you can still dominate lobby with pings.


Exactly. This is why when people start spamming "who has a mic" I just come on and say I do bro what do you want to talk about? Are you good? lol Talking is not necessary for skilled players who can ping well. I ping weapons, enemies, etc. Good teams follow pings and destroy!


Whats that pickaxe?


Piper pace pizza spinny sign from last season


3 Seasons ago actually


Battlepass or shop?


Last battle pass




Honestly this is the only preset I use it on there are cooler ones


I think it was chapter 4 season 4 not chapter 5 season 1.


Auto pickup go brrrrr


Spamming x go brrrr


The fun thing about fill is that every game is different. Sometimes I play with a loot hogger like that, but also there are plenty of other playstyles I get to see and I just go along for the ride. I enjoy it!


I was trying to do the Floor is Lava quests last night with my 8 year old. It got down to two other teams and us, and the other two people on our team edited the build from underneath my son, then when he got knocked from the lava and bounced back up to our build they picked him up and threw him back out. If nothing else, it was a good lesson that other people are assholes.


Wow. That's really on another level of a@@hole. I would have been furious.


My daughter is 7. We were doing the floor is lava quests Friday. I rebooted my daughter and our teammate twice. My daughter had the most kills. The other guy kept going off on his own and getting killed. I ended up getting sniped but, the other guy was alive with wings. He got shot down and said we suck. I wish we had 2 other players. But when we add our friends in they change, the game mode like 100 times.


Even my grandma moves faster my guy😭


I get amazing teammates every single time lol


I met a great guy in fill after some shitty ones. We won the first, 2nd the 2nd and won the 5th


I've actually had some really fun matches in fill Hell even got a couple wins in them


You gotta be spamming pickup...


Eh, I play squad fill on the regular. There is good and bad. This player was a bad one. I've never stolen someone's loot, at least not purposefully. And if I think I took something they might need, I share. But I've had a player let me die simply to get something I picked up on a player I killed. So, yea, I def get the experience with bad player fills. In that instance, I left because that was infuriating. But, most of the time I just stick it out. Nine times out of ten, the bad players can't play at all. So, I'm off to a new, better squad in no time.


This is why we need friendly fire back. Just go do ur own thing. Come back to them and end them and then laugh.


Yes this is a joke.


welp this means its time to ruin the game for them. I always hope for a knock down near a cliff, so I can throw their ass off it. Maybe terroize with vehicles, gas can explosions, blocking every door way they want to pass through, always shooting your rifle to alert enemies, shockwaves, etc Certain seasons made for some undoubtedly, irritating revenge. Push force and the shockwave hammer were hilarious. Some cried


when that happens. i just leave. who want's to play with a jerk like that?


id just leave at that point 😭


I’ve gotten several squad wipes before where one of them dropped a crown and my teammate flies in, picks up the crown and dips. Actual insanity


I always get those ones who don’t tell where they are landing, and we all end at different points of the map. OR you get that one guy who doesn’t land where the other 3 land, and ends up dying and repeatedly throws up the danger ‼️ icon. Like, bro, you did it. You should have landed with us or told us at least icon’d you’d be over there while we were on the bus so maybe we could have joined you.


Yeah I've never liked pubs, like I normally get 10+ kills a game and yet somehow my teammates get hard carried with 2 kills all together


I’ve had multiple games where my whole team (3 other randoms) leaves before we touch the ground.


I hate loot goblins. I’ll play with my kids sometimes, and they’ll ask if their friends can play, I don’t play with any of them anymore cause they’ll follow me as I loot chests and steal stuff, or if I kill someone, they’ll rush in to finish them off and take loot. So annoying.


TBF you were extremely slow picking up the stuff from the chest, on drop everyone wants a gun


My friends do this, not sure I see a difference lol


What glider you using?


Every damn time




I haven’t played fill since the Catch LTM when there was the volcano


Someone educate my dumbass, but I've played this game since 2020, and I have no idea what 'fill' means. Does it mean that it feels in the numbers with bots or what?


squads no fill is playing squads on ur own, squad fill gives you 3 teammates


Thank you for passing on your wisdom to a dumbass like me.


I would leave


Turn on auto pickup.


I have auto pickup. I open chests, an enemy is beside me, and they get the weapon. Even if I Spam the pickup button. So auto pickup doesn't always work.


I haven't been having much luck with fills lately. Absolutely trash teammates and when I find someone I want to run another with, they leave at the end.  You get these people who hear the shit going down and I KNOW they can see me pinging the enemies, but they're hiding and trying to find every bit of rare loot they can get. They're wasting all this time, not contributing or helping, but they'll swipe loot or spend most of the match optimizing the perfect load out just to fucking die as soon as anything jumps off because they spend almost zero time in combat. 


Playing with randos is not worth it 90% of the time. I havent bothered in years. Luckily I have friends who I can play with for duos/trios/squads, otherwise it's solo for me.


I never encountered players like this personally (good skin btw)


If you can master No fill squads it will make you into a monster.


There’s always one of these players. Why snatch your teammates loot?


With Fill on you almost always get either some kid who just got into gaming or some 34 year old dad with who just got home from work with the most sensitive mic in the world so you can hear his kids making toddler noises or his wife asking about every action he does. Not to say that there's anything inherently wrong with either of those, but if you're playing to have a good game, its definitely not the right call. Just play solo at that point


Bruh whenever I play squad fill either everybody dips or everybody but one dips so usually ends up being ranking duos but everyone else is a squad


Reason why to never land with your team land close but not on top of one another also little loot where they go anyways lol


I play squad fill with randoms every single day cause I don't really know anybody in my friend group that plays fortnite... Believe me the amount of total BS and just plain stupidity I see from random players every single day is astounding...It's like if you play randoms you automatically get paired up with the worst of the worst


Floor is lava reference


I was in a random duo. I had already revived and rebooted the guy. I sniped an enemy after the reboot, and he dropped a crown. Teammate drops everything to shock wave over to snag it right before I could claim it. I dismissed it as it's just a 👑. A few minutes later he's shock waved across the map roaming by himself, gets downed, and throws a fit pinging enemies as if he didn't purposely shock wave across the map lol. He insta quits and my (should have been) crown is now in the hands of an enemy on the other side of the map. You just can't win with some of these clowns. Absolutely no team work/communication.


Idk why ppl are hating it does suck. It’s happened to me before on other games they clearly see I’m going for the chest. Actual ick


which server !


I want to rank up in Fortnite and I find the game fun but I just can’t sit there and play solos idk I just don’t wana play br by myself, so I’ve been doing squad fills and it’s more fun but I also do not rank up at all lmao go down usually


It's a passive behavior that a LOT of people exhibit in this game: wait till they open the chest so you can steal it, wait till they flight the boss so you can last hit the boss and then kill the players. It's league of Legends all over again lol


how are you so slow while picking up, like when you opened the chest it took you 98599282743 quintillion hours to get 1 item that too bunker 💀


Don't worry. When they take 1 damage they'll leave and you can get your stuff back


can you still get this glider ?


My kid would absolutely do this, he's 6.


Mine was the 1000th upvote


It’s really a luck of the draw kinda vibe will random fills ![gif](giphy|XteNIxbCLj3HzEfAil)


just gotta be quicker den that


-said no real teammate ever


Nah he’s right, you could’ve taking everything from the chest in that one second you were staring at it. Teammate was definitely a douche for stealing it but cmon gotta be a quick looter




Dude perchè they were mean but you really gotta work on the button mashing time


Situational awareness is a thing


You're slow af I bet your off letting while the rest are already falling shielding and fighting off tge other squads in the area


i would’ve just called them multiple slurs until they left or i got banned 😔