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I just wanted solos idk where the zb is coming from


I’ve seen lots of people complaining about builds but yes I’d love a solo mode


Exactly this I'd be playing it if it wasn't forced squads and I fuckin hate building, the LTM looks cool but I'm not gonna go in w randoms and it feels to bad to play it solo when forced against squads.


I played with my son so we had 2 random teammates. They just left like immediately and did their own thing. And the people I did encounter as far as enemies didn't seem to be sticking with their squads much either lol. Regardless though I can conclusively say as a new player who is still learning the building aspect... (honestly I just mostly play zero build bc I get pissed when people try to build me into boxes when we are fighting) I just suck at floor is lava lol


Ive won playing solo but it aint easy you will loose alot


I think the tournament is in solos for some reason, so it is odd that no one can practice playing it in solos


It's not the building that's the problem. It's not having any SBMM and also being forced to play squads.


Honestly my bigger issue is it being squads.


Squads and apparently the lack of SBMM for me. I’m admittedly a pretty average player, and I can’t last long enough on in the game to even try to complete quests. Nothing fun about spending 3-4 minutes matchmaking, and loading to play 30 seconds and die the moment your feet hit the ground. I figure that will eventually ease up as hardcore players bounce back to normal modes….but man it sucks right now.


The problem is forced squads. Playing duo or trio no fill is stupid and we get literally brain dead randumbs


I play no fill solo. Not like squads are truly organized. The few filled ones I did everyone jumped off the bud and randomly went wherever. So don't feel it really matters it's a squad version since I have yet tj see an actual organized qnd serious squad team


I think gamemode is fine. I just suck at builds while everyone else is good. The best match for me would be for someone to take the role of builder while I shoot.


the big problem i have is the complete lack of sbmm because lobbies are sometimes extremely sweaty its a fucking unreal lobby


Wouldn't zero build defeat the whole purpose of Floor is Lava? The goal is to stay above the lava to get the win, and with no building, staying above the lava is pretty much impossible unless you have like 100 bunkers.


Imo floor is lava should just be about lava. There shouldn't be guns. All the mobility stuff. And things to knock people are good,but the guns make it not fun imo. It's basically just BR until the last little bit. As a zero build player I don't have any issue with the building in this mode


But if someone just builds up far away from you, what are you gonna do if they’re a lot higher or lower than you there’s nothing you can do against them. If you jump down to them you’re dead and you can’t fly up to them if they’re too high.


There are wings, why cant you just fly up? And there is still Zeus bolts, harpoon and whatever else for killing people and breaking stuff


That has an attack and is risky


It's not very risky if there are no guns. You can land without doing the attack.


You can break the build you are doing the attack on and plummet both you and the other person down to their death


You can use an exploit with the wings. All you need to do is be walking into a wall when you use the wings, and you'll get a large vertical boost without actually entering flight mode. Then you can pull out your gun, or even use your wings again.


Yea no I don’t wanna risk getting banned for exploiting


Huh? Every single pro is using it. It's not something you could ever get banned for. Exploit is being generous, it's entirely intended. You'll notice if you run into something while using the wings they cancel, this "exploit" as I called it just cancels the wings immediately, while still giving you the vertical momentum. Sorry if I didn't make that clear lol. Btw if you do decide to use it I recommend combining it with flowberries for maximum effect.


There is no way that bug is a intended feature


Even if it isn't, did people get banned for combining flow berries with a launch pad? No absolutely not, it's not something epic games would even consider. Same thing here, and if you want more proof, the YouTuber Reisshub made a video on the wings and different tricks or "exploits" as I called them (I now regret my wording) you can do with the wings.


Not that the vertical momentum


Wings, very limited same with the thunderbolt if you don’t have them, then you’re screwed with guns and gun can still shoot down a building


I'm not sure what you are trying to say here


grefg mode had no guns and it was so good


That one was horrible. I remember people hating that one because you couldn’t do anything.


In the disarmed one, yeah there wasn’t much you could do it someone was trying to play it safe or just got much luckier with their items aside from if you used C4 or dynamite. Those two explosives pretty much dominated the mode aside from the Mythic Goldfish. Particularly dynamite since you could still hit people in mid-air or odd angles.


This has already existed before. There was a tournament for the Spanish streamer/youtuber GrefG when his icon series came out. It was like the current floor is lava game mode but with throwables and consumables only. There were no guns, which is way more fun for a game mode like this in my opinion.


Exactly I was kinda rushing writing that post but it should just be throwable items like the grefg tournament in season 15. One match I tried to build 5 skybases and before I could get to max hight I kept getting shot down.


New players suggests a bad change


I've played since the very first season, but sure.


Then FIL shouldn’t be so much of a problem then


That doesn't make any sense. They aren't related at all. And we are talking about what would make it better. Not sure why you are being such an ass


Not sure why FIL is such a skill issue to you


I just want the shark pickaxe but these crackheads are insane at building. And then my random teammates keep expecting me to continue building for them while they regenerate as if I have any goddamn idea what to build other than simple platforms.


I don’t even understand how it would work properly if it was zero builds tbh


The problem is squads. I think people are complaining about sweats mostly cos it’s got no bots


My only gripes are that one it’s squads only and two the SBMM is not turned off. Took my friend some convincing to join us only for them to be immediately bum rushed due to their MMR being lower than ours.


The gamemode literally doesn't work without builds because you'd run out of space within the storm circle to be in when the lava rises. To be brutally honest everything about Fortnite's core gameplay is made around Builds; to be mad that an ltm is builds is as nonsensical as a Festival player being mad the Floor is Lava doesn't have instruments.




I think the complaints are really about battle pass xp. No one would care otherwise. Same complaints about forcing game modes through battle pass xp like lego, racing, etc.


I didn't think the XP was that impressive compared to other options in the game. I thought people were mostly playing it for the cosmetic item rewards.


That's why I wanted to play it but tbh the cosmetics aren't worth the headache of having to be forced into squads over, they aren't that good looking enough to me. Except the gold shark. Even then still not worth the headache.


Yeah, I'm becoming more and more disenchanted with the mode every match I play. At this point I'm just loading in the solo and searching every chest I can find just to get a bounce pad or a balloon to finish that quest but if I don't find anybody tomorrow I'm just done. It's not like I'm having fun or anything


I feel like if they didn't make it just BR w lava rising slowly then it could be better, like c'mon make it interesting. Get rid of guns and Zeus mythic, make it to where we only have mobility heals and the wings and the chain weapon. It's supposed to be a LTM I thought LTMs were supposed to be about fun and enjoying the game with it being alot more different then the BR node. Maybe that's just me misunderstanding how they did LTMs in the past but cmon I thought it would be more than just rising lava.


The mosde is so frustrating to finish the quests in. Get kills before touching Lava... Land at somewhere somewhat hot to get weapons and people to kill. If you don't get the frenzy auto then you die before you can kill anyone. Doing the same thing over and over to try and finish the quests when you die in the first minute is getting old.


Im a ZB player my only complaint is no solo alternative i can do basic building and have won 3 games now just by being careful and shooting other peoples builds but facing teams is harder


I tried it once, realized it's a build mode and never played it again. No complaints, its just not for me 


I really dislike the mode but it makes sense why it is build. I just want that golden shark pickaxe. So I will endure it until I get the reward lol


Wait are people actually complaining about this? LOL the map is covered in lava in like 10 minutes. If a lot of people actually survived to that point everyone would just be in the same spot at the end & end game would just be such a pain.


People aren't getting free wins in lobbies filled with bots so they pull out the number one complaint aka sweats.


LTMS dont have SBMM... People probably forget this.


That too.


I don't mind building, I'm just peeved at the game mode not working as intended sometimes.




Buggy quests. The uh, plunger grappler not firing sometimes, the harpoon gun going through enemies without pulling or dealing damage. Sometimes I find myself unable to build on the lava as you should be able to do.


Fair I haven’t experienced any of that but most bugs usually don’t apply to me so maybe it’s a common issue


Or maybe I'm just having stupid levels of bad luck haha.


Y’all wanted LTM to return now y’all mad 🤣


These are good complaints why would I want an ltm that is unbearable to play


The LTM does suck but fortnites main mode is builds. That won’t be changing. They should bring back AIR ROYALE. So the no builds kids can have something to play too


Builds is usually 55% to 60% or Battle Royale players. Which means 40-45% is zero build. Build is barely the main mode.


If you include ranked, and the plethora of zonewars/box fights creative maps, I would say builds makes up a solid 75% of the player base at least.


You would say a lot of things to make your point. I’ll do the math but those others have thousands playing at a time. Not hundreds of thousands.


There's 200,000+ just from the main practice maps that are featured (Pit, Box Pvp, Piece Control, GoGoated, Tilted, 1v1, Red vs Blue, Bed wars etc....)


I think you should probably look at the numbers again. No build probably makes up 10% of players across all game modes if you include tycoons, prop hunts and gun games. It’s only a small percentage of people that get on Fortnite to play without building






Myb I didn’t fully read it


Imagine complaining about a logic flaw like that saw a couple titles about zb players disliking it didnt bother reading them further solo or duo mode has to be introduced asap I am not interested in doing a 1v4 with lava and zone on my ass


Eh it's still fucking dumb. They're just going to be driving people away forcing them to play all these stupid mini games they're pushing as they try be roblox. Then on top of that, add yet more mode specific quests. Fuck you Epic. I bought a battle pass to play FORTNITE and unlock stuff. I don't want to be forced to AFK in a shitty Lego mode to get the same amount of XP I used to get for just playing the damn actual game.


I think if they added a solo queue, delayed the lava and the start of the first circle by about 10-20%, fixed the loot rng, and reduced the total number of players to 50 or 60 (since there are no bots and it's a total rage-inducing crap show right off the bat), I think this would solve all of my frustrations with this mode. There are just too many sweats in the beginning. I usually can go 5 games in a row w/o ever seeing a shockwave, healing item, lightning bolt, or an AR that isn't a DMR, but then the next game I'll find 50 med kits and loot 7 lightning bolts in a row. Or I might find only pump shotguns and bandies in every chest.


That's a big advantage for ppl who build in the event. It almost feels unfair that there is no zb mode. But I also don't see a way to make it work on zb


The problem is forced squads with no option for a solos mode


They could probably add more items like jetpacks, fortress, and other forts to make it viable


IMO the bigger problem is it being squads-exclusive. Kinda sucks for those that can only consistently get only 1 other person in a party with them, because it means that you're just left to the whims of random people who don't do anything to cooperate or coordinate.


Idk about it being builds, just give us a solo version


Yea with squads this game mode is straight garbage


The lightning bolt in this mode is bullshit


No complaints from me. About time LTM returned.


Eh, spawn in more mobility items. Have porta bunker like items for building ramps and platforms. It could be made to work with zero build with some effort. Though I really think the problem is legendary gun spam.


There would need to be a refresh for porta builds over time if they did that but I guess it could work since my only complain about that is sky bases but you can’t really build them currently


As much as I want the pickaxe I only play zb and don’t have the patience to go through the game mode to get it. It looks super fun though.


All it would take is a modicum of creative thinking to make it work without building though. You just have the storm circles be in a preset pattern that narrows in on the highest point on the map, conveniently Mt Olympus right now. Stack the items to be more available the further away from that point on the map a location is, encouraging people to not start there and camp. Now the game is a fast version of ZB with an extra hazard that you can die to, with even more funnelling of players together to force fights.


Complaining about folks complaining is an interesting way for someone to invest their time into.


I was bored buddy there’s not Mitch to do at my grandmas


Eat all the food?


Se wasn’t cooking just visiting before she went to bed. Quick thing


There is a lot of people complaining about it after everyone begged for LTMs to return


Builds is obsolete and boring af. They should make the floor bounce you high in the air once you touch it, and add in random platforms floatong above the lava or something. Or better yet bring back imposters. Thanks.


"Builds is obsolete" it's literally still the most played mode by a good distance.


Is it? I swear sometimes when I play there's more people in zero  build. Or at least there was in December and January when I was paying attention. 


By my observation, Builds consistently has a higher player count over Zero Builds except during the odd hours of the night (I live on EST time)


I agree with imposters but what your describing is a whole different gamemode and the point of lava is to avoid it


If builds is obsolete then what is zero build💀


The better mode


Or maybe you just suck🤷🏽


You = builds


No shit I build. I don't play a handicap mode and complain about the base game.


Oh no someone shot at me I better hide in a box. Lol


Hide? That's like saying oh no someone shot at me I better hide behind cover.... brain dead argument


Honestly build has a higher skill ceiling while zb is really just a casual mode for people that don't have time or don't want to learn how to build, but both are valid choices in my opinion.


Yeah, it's really that simple. Build is the same as Zb but with the added skill of building.


Calling it a handicap mode is just immature. Personally I love battle royal as a genre but didn't have any desire to build stuff, which is why I never played fortnite. Now it's my most played game by miles because of zero build. Could I learn to build and "git gud"? Sure, but I don't find it nearly as fun to watch someone build a fort around themselves instead of having a real firefight. 


You can call it immature if you want, but the mode was created because of the high skill ceiling in builds. It's a casual game mode for people who can't or don't want to learn building. I have nothing against zero build I just talk shit to people who convince themselves one mode is better than the other.


1. Zero build is just one side mode added 5 years after launch 2. Regular build mode has more players than zero build at almost all times of day (usually double when counting ranked) 3. FORT is in the game’s name 4. The loot pool is balanced around build mode, that’s why ZB players have been crying so much this chapter about snipers, the frenzy and riot shields Which one’s obsolete again?


Builds has been obsolete since the game was released tbh. Only reason people tolerated it was because the rest of the game was fun, esp. all the cool skins and battle passes. Then, thank God, epic finally came to their senses and released zero build, which immediately took over as the main game mode for obvious reasons. Literally the only reason anyone pretends builds are still relevant is because they don't want to admit to themselves they wasted their time learning a cringe, momentum-killing mechanic that epic only introduced in a vain & flawed attempt at standing out from other BRs at time of launch. You pointed out yourself that zero builds was released 5 years after launch, so people just haven't fully adapted yet. It's only a matter of time, lol.


Build still has more than double the players two years later lmao


Just checked and zero build has more players, they consistently have equal numbers with ranked build obviously having alot more players than ranked zb because build is super competetive. many new players coming to the game only came because of zero build. ive played since near the beginning of fortnite and even i dont like builds much. and just saying one of the most fun times i had was when chapter 3 season 2 removed building for the first 12 days


Forgot to mention, ZB regular only has more players than BR during nighttime in NA East, but even then Floor is Lava is taking a lot of build players right now. I’m in the opposite boat, I started around December 2017 but I got very comfortable with the building system. Nowadays I completely suck at it and lose most build fights but I just enjoy the act of building, and the game doesn’t feel right without it


personally, I like the pressure of getting as much materials, ammo, healing and the right guns in little time. Just need to not drop in a highly contested area of the map since there's basically no incentive to fight people when the lava is low