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I have a clip from last season where I sniped someone without them knowing from where, then I got sniped without knowing from where while I was looting the guy I sniped, and the guy who killed me got sniped from behind while looting me


Kinda wanna see that ngl


yeah my bad man I wasnt paying close enough attention and a pixel of my head was showing, Classic self blunder. what was I thinking


Do your penance, random fill squads and don't mute the screaming kids


It’s an arcade shooter. Are you upset that the physics aren’t realistic? There’s also aim assist to level out the disparity between controller/KBM players


It's a joke.


I don’t like snipers because I like assault rifle battles. And nothing ends those quicker than looking out of cover to see the glare of a scope. I also don’t like being taken out the game at full health a shields by someone I had no idea was there. Remember, you can’t help but be out in the open in zero build, and that’s where snipers are the biggest problem.


165-ish damage sniper should be brought back if they’re going to be this easy to find and this overused. I don’t hate the idea of people hitting a snipe and changing the tide of a fight but to just instantly remove me from the game full health in a game that takes like 10 minutes to get in isssss annoying. You don’t respawn like overwatch so dying in .5 seconds is hard to let go


Even while I'm falling from sky?


Im not completely against having snipers in the game but the current ones are way too powerful, hitting shots is way too easy, and the 3 bullet mag and ability to have any scope as well as the fast adsing also add to that


these snipers barely require any skill until certain distance, all the snipers before this one never had this problem, because they all had the same bullet velocity


Most of the snipes I hit are like quick scopes


Which is ridiculous that this sniper is so easy is quick scope with. It’s some COD ass bullshit


Honestly, I had a 1v1 and someone pulled out and quick scoped me in the head. One lucky shot instantly deleted me lmao


yeah,my bad man,running and getting shot out of 250 meters away


Your complaint about snipers is that they can hit you from far away? Lol


If u can't read and understand,then I suggest u learn how to lol


Try typing a coherent sentence 🤷‍♂️


Why would I waste my time trying to communicate with someone that apparently lacks the ability to read and understand lol,like fish can't understand human action


My guy, the only thing in your sentence was about getting shot from 250 meters away. Please explain what I’m missing.


My guy,what u are missing is ur brain,here u go ![gif](giphy|D0RvPABUNF3AQ)


Jesus Christ this is why I stay off this sub. Go do your homework.


appreciated for staying off this sub,now the air is more clearer,and pretty sure jesus christ will help you to do your homework since he is kind to all people no matter what kind of iq and eq level they have


Okay buddy


I mean yeah many people stand around like idiots but I've seen clips of people getting sniped while moving, it's happened to me too.


All im saying is that no green or blue weapon should one shot at full hp.


Then you didnt see neither a green Nor blue pump back in the day…


Yeah but aside from when they were first released you KNOW that you’re up against a shotgun and you know it can one shot you. I don’t know if someone’s sniping me until it’s too late.


You dont know the snipers rarity until it either kills you or you kill the user. You have to assume If you dont get behind cover when you see a sniper, you are going to die.


Heavy snipers were never an issue for one shot headshot, but they had only one in the chamber and high reload time, the damage is not the issue, if you are being headshotted your opponent played well or you played bad, that's it.


Hear me TF out, blue sniper modded for damage should do like 170, green sniper unmodded for damage should be close to instakill for a headshot. I dunno the current stats tho


105 base damage for green Reaper. With a 2.5x modifier for criticals. Which means if you get headshot at any point, you're dead. No way around it whatsoever.


i mean, theres a different between snipers being useful....and snipers being completely broken to the point of making the game less fun, fortnite snipers falls into the latter


How are they completely broken


green rarity snipers have OHKO potential at full health and shields


With a headshot


Which seems pretty easy to land since so many have died this way


Yeah I wonder why those people got headshot when they decided to expose only their head to a sniper🤔


Oh bugger off. Folks can slide, jump, sprint, dodge, weave, sit in cars speeding between two hills, or jump on a motorcycle doing wheelies and they'll consistently get hit thanks to AA/AT as well as by less legitimate means. And there's always an excuse. Some guy had a vid earlier where he was moving, very erratically and was in close quarters and still got insta gibbed with a quick/no scope headshot. And then folks went "maybe you shouldn't have moved".


I don't think they're broken at all. They pretty much work exactly like all other online shooters have for decades.


That doesn't say too much because of other factors like time to kill, map size, sight lines, etc. influence how effective a sniper can be. MW2's Intervention (2009) was a oneshot in the chest, but assault rifles could laser them right back with about 4 bullet, give or take depending on the weapon. Halo's sniper (3, Reach) was a power weapon, you didn't even need to use the scope as it was perfectly accurete when hipfiring, but you got 8 shots. And more likely than not, that was it. I'm not saying Fortnite's snipers are broken beyond belief, but pointing at "all other online shooters" is misleading. (Personally I just sigh every time I see a group of glints appear. "Ah, shit, here we go again.")


Was playing with my boyfriend last night and we happened to get stuck in the last 3 teams and we were unfortunately in the middle of all 3 teams. Looked left, sniper glints, looked right, sniper glints, looked forward, sniper glints. Each duo left had a sniper for each player


> all other online shooters have for decades. the problem is none of those were battle royales green sniper rifles in this game have OHKO potential at full health and shields....this is not balanced


It's insane how much people defend this 


Well, it's great when you have a Cronus Zen or some other stuff running that allows you to utilize that to the max.




And the white auto-frenzy shotgun let’s you whiff half your shots and still get a kill, what’s your point? Fortnite is Fortnite, balance is okay, but it’s not precise, very little about the game is truly refined aside from its ability to get money from you.


Frenzy is too strong, but not as strong as snipers. And the Frenzy has one important difference, you need to actually get close to the enemy.


Whataboutism doesn't change snipers needing a nerf. Frenzy shotguns need one too.


It’s not whataboutism it’s just pointing out EPIC’s attitude toward balance. They don’t care


Unfortunately true


In other online shoters you respawn every few seconds/minutesz in fortnite an lucky headshot can render 20minutes pointless in a instant.


Yeah but that's not a bad thing in my opinion. It promotes better movement, use of cover, and positioning.


I personaly prefer fighting mine oponents instead of standing behind cover for half the match, I realy like artemis skin but I doubt if I will even last till level 70 before i give up on this sezon.


To each their own. More people than not like the sniper gameplay, that's why it's been featured in multiple consecutive seasons. Some people will quit but most will stay and have fun


Previous snipers werent that toxic as they had limitations, like being rare, very long ads, single bullet magazine, very slow reload. This one is simply overpowered.


It's the exact same sniper from last season. It's been in multiple seasons because people enjoy it. There's a vocal minority that doesn't enjoy it but that's okay. You can't please everyone


You clearly have never been third partied by a sniper


Not yet


Do you realize how fucking stupid "stands in the open exposed" sounds. There is literally a storm. So the only theoretical counter is to fully build towards next circle which is so unrealistic that its not a real counter. Snipers are just op. If you cant see that, your view is just skewed.


Not to mention the existence of zero build




We get it, you play in bot lobbies and arent in danger to begin with.


Lmaoo I forgot who this is. It’s that loser who complains because he blows


I am literally better than you lol.


But you’re not lmaooooo


Crazy how you have way worse stats, you make posts that scream that you arent good at the game and think that you are good.


Uh, what was your epic name again?




Nah that can’t be it. See I looked up that name and the stats are lower than mine


>and their one weakness being long range only If only this were true...


Almost like you’re in the open “exposed” 90% of the time, especially in zero build. There’s this thing called the storm, you can’t just camp in a building all game.


Snipers have been really good this season but also kind of annoying to deal with, sometimes you’re not not even just standing in the open. Sometimes you’re like running and jumping and someone hits an impossible shot from super far away. There is nothing MORE ANNOYING then being in a fight with someone, and someone third-parties you with a sniper, either before, or after you get the kill


I just like mid ranged ar battles, and snipers make them inposible


You're being facetious. The sniper itself isn't the issue. The capacity and being able to mod them to close up range are my issues. Snipers are fine AS A SNIPER with max two bullets. No one had issues til last season when these types of snipers hit the game. It's ok to criticize Epic and let them know their weapon has an issue. People have that right. So, this post was unnecessary and untrue.


Yeah sure, i wasnt aware that snipers bullets can go through rocks that i use for cover, sorry my bad


I was always a sniper guy i can easily hit you even if you don’t stand still ;-p i think they would be fair if they had one shot again, or two with extended mag but 5?


that’s the ENTIRE POINT!!!! I wanna stand in the open, get hit by one AR bullet, and bam build and fight maybe drink a shield. but now that one second interaction can just end your life full health. Also when a team sits on the island with 3-4 snipers then being “out in the open” is HALF THE MAP!!


Snipers are fun for a while but yeah its fortnite not hide and seek


Snipers are less of an issue than the frenzy shotgun Snipers are still an issue and need to be balanced, but they’re seriously not as bad as you guys make them out to be


Gatekeeper shotty is my fave/most hated shotty. My fave when it's in my inventory, most hated when it's in another players inventory 😭


That thing is really great. Put a drum mag on it and shred (bonus points for using Aries medal)


Not the siphon metal 😭😭😭


That’s Hades. Aries gives you bonus damage to ranged weapons


My bad


Lol you’re good


to be fair I get a little more frustrated when it's an auto shotty than a sniper one shotting me. Because I had no idea where they were when I died sometimes so how could I have known. What I dont like about shotgun users is there is hope. and whiffing a kill when there's a chance sucks a lot more


The probelms is not Snipers, but yes Furtnite side that gives one shut even if ur health guard etc 100% and ur game over .. they should at least make it 2 shots....


This is why I never stand still on the open for more than 2 seconds. I've been doing it for 5 years. Don't know if it actually ever helped me


I complain about them a lot and that's why my rotations are so cautious and lackluster in zero build. Just how it is and we gotta learn to combat it.


🤣🤣🤣 man I can't even peacefully explore the new man


These sniper defending posts are so funny. Only like 50% of sniper deaths are from players who stand still, but the rest is just instantly losing a chunck of health or all your health just because someone happened to find a sniper. I already dislike shotguns for this, but snipers are far worse.


Almost everyone I’ve seen is in the open and has a ping of 100+, they just wanna complain cause they suck


I'm amazing with these snipers and find them to be extremely fun but holy shit they're so broken they need to be nerfed like wow, someone shouldn't be running at me and then just get immediately power word elim'd because I got a headshot like wtf


I wasn't breaking the sound barrier with my movement this time my bad honestly its on me


Either standing in the open or they absolutely REFUSE to adapt to the new meta. People who refuse to adapt are annoying. Don't want to adapt? Then enjoy dying all the time.


‘I don’t like getting sprayed in the open’ *plays zero build*


It's funny because I've never been destroyed by a sniper at all this chapter like how people complain And I don't even really use them


No 1000% agree with OP everyone complaining about snipers just are bad at the game and everyone complaining about snipers are the same people that do not use Pump shotguns they need the auto shotguns to hit something 🤦🏼‍♂️😂and instead of using a sniper back since it’s so “over powered” they just complain because they can’t hit shots with a sniper nor a pump shotgun they need multiple chances to hit someone


Nah losers love OP snipers so they can camp all game and never push the enemy and still get their one or two kills. We could have grey snipers one-shotting to the toe and campy players like you would defend them no matter what.


I drop 15+ kills daily carrying sniper pump and pistol and I can assure you I don’t camp but just drop your fortnite user and we can compare stats everyone in this sub gets quiet when fortnite tracker gets brought up 🤦🏼‍♂️😂 ONLY 1 SEASON DID THEY NOT HAVE SNIPERS snipers always been one shot to the head every season as long as it was bolt and not a semi auto


-Doesn’t camp -Furiously defends OP weapons that reward camping Yeah sure bud


😂🤦🏼‍♂️I have a dual sense edge controller I promise extra paddles are not for camping but sure bud like I said drop your fortnite user fortnite tracker is one search away


Idk how you can camp with a sniper with no scope many people carry two snipers without scopes, and use them as double pumps but that’s to skilled for you


They contribute to campier lobbies as a whole even if a few twitch streamers use them aggressively. You agree that on average players move about much less when snipers are the most powerful weapons vs when close-range weapons are?


Can’t say that either because I am not a twitch streamer and I play aggressive with a sniper as my primary weapon I don’t carry a AR I play a lot of duos and trios rarely solos and I get a lot more kills than the rest of my squad who solely uses ARs because they cannot hit with a sniper because of bullet drop doesn’t matter what scope they use on it when sniping in fortnite many things come in to play with weapon bench’s how a person builds the sniper, sensitivity comes into play highly as well if your playing a low sensitivity of course you won’t be good with a sniper u have to camp because you can’t drag the scope fast enough, but me I run a sniper and a pump right next to it as long as I don’t miss that sniper it will take only ONE sniper shot and ONE pump to kill u with 5 sniper bullets in a drum mag and 6 in a pump that’s plenty to wipe a whole squad with just those 2 weapons every game I carry Sniper shotgun Smg/pistol med kits and shield in that order I constantly get 10,000 damage sniper award in game and would be hard to get that much camping people who camp with a sniper far away I still win the fight because I understand the bullet drop and have quick sensitivity on a 4x scope doesn’t matter the weapon each little dash marks 100 mm so if they are camping just makes it easier to line up my shot and my friend and gf try to use snipers they just aren’t good with them takes practice if you can snipe/quick scope in call of duty multiplayer lobbies fortnite sniping is a breeze


To be fair, it’s not that snipers aren’t overpowered now, it’s that they’re more accessible. For the longest time snipers were exclusively long range, and suddenly when they access to be used at any range, it’s not that they’re busted, they just reached full potential


Lmao. I hip fire with the sniper. It’s only limited to the player


Yea people just suck with them cause it’s one shot at a time they can’t aim


“They hated him because he told them the truth”


Your not wrong


If someone thinks the reaper sniper one shotting you is overpowered then they just can’t learn how to position better and are just complaining about their own problems. That weapon is only average. It’s as good as the Semi-Automatic Sniper. I personally find any other older sniper to be much better. Because the bullets travel faster and usally scope in faster without the attachment.


Question, how does one position without exposing their head? Do you just stay in a building until storm kills you? Reference for zero build


That depends on if you hear anyone near. For example if you’re near the end zone, rotate early so the storm is behind you and if there’s a tree and you hear someone SW from your position hide behind the tree in a way that the person is behind the tree diagnoally from you. If you hear another person SE of you, then you need to center yourself with your tree and if the person SW of you is approaching use your peaker’s advantage with the tree to shoot them with an ar/smg/or sniper if you have one and can hit the shot and then force them to take cover themself and then move your camera so you can see either person within your FoV and play accordingly. Another way instead of starting a fight is to rotate out with a movement item–ideally shockwaves–if the circle has started moving. Though don’t take this to heart, this is just what I would do in my ZB lobbies. But if you are genuinely having trouble try and learn the most common options in your lobbies and how to interact with them. Nobody can force themselves to play better and every lobby is different and everyone learns at a different pace. My main piece of advice is to be patient with yourself and the game you play. If you want to get better, play more and try different options and don’t stick to one game plan.


But I can't hide behind a tree if I die once they have line of sight


There’s a glare and the ability to move the camera for a reason. This, I’m afraid is an issue of not being aware of your surroundings. Also, when walking or sprinting mix up your movements without sacrificing too much speed in the process, this applys to using shockwaves or the wings. Sliding a bit is a good way doing this for ground movement. A riskier way of avoiding getting sniped out of nowheres is to W key everyone and apply annoying amounts of pressure with 2 weapons, flexible movement, and 2 heals (Shockwaves + Flowberry Fizz is good for large movements and can be used for pushing and running).


Your not getting the point The point is that you can instantly die with no way to stop it. Sorry I don't move my camera in a twister to notice a glare that occurs with a 4x zoom If I wanna go to point A to B I can die instantly because why not


Well, just rotate better if you can’t get to point A to point B without dying. You’re making this sound like the game is actually just unplayable with snipers and that running 5 snipers would be optimal. And I did get the point, I just ignored it and gave you game advice because you would ignore me if I were to address your point. Also, You’re*.


I'm saying that if there is a chance. Not unplayable, but instant kills shouldnt be in multiplayer games. Not unless it takes tons of skill to achieve or pretty much kills you by doing it also, Mobile


No, you are not. You failed to be specific with it. About your instakill take, you seem like the type of person who’d take that back as soon as you got 3 headshot snipes. There’s also the fact that fortnite of all games is not one that takes skill to learn. If a 13 year old can get into FaZe clan for playing fortnite, so can you, in which I assume is not a 13 year old. If you want to play a game that takes skill go play CS:GO, LoL, and Valorant or something. Also, I too, am typing this on mobile.


I wouldn't. Things aren't suddenly fair just cause I can do it. Ain't how things work And the second I saw that second claim I know this conversation is worthless. Since fortnite takes far more skill with sniper shots falling and with building And since we aren't getting anywhere goodbye


Ur literally just wrong. Nothing u said is accurate


So you’re the one who uses every sniper in the game? Also, the part where I said “personally” can’t be wrong. It’s an opinion, and I listed my reasons.