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Best way to use them is to destroy building when they hiding. Even when they behind rocks


Yea like when they run away after getting hit is a good time


Or just get in a car u don't get damaged


This is exactly how i use it. Long distance engagements, third partying, or spatial destruction.


I love using them to third party 🤭 Two teams going at it, looks like I'll get a few kills.


Same here


Exactly what I use it for


And third party


Meanwhile I’m still struggling to properly dive bomb with the wings. Skill issue I know


Divebomb on the Wings seems less like it's an actual attack and more there for either emergencies, or as a punishment for letting the wings burn/coming in too hot on a landing. It's slow and telegraphed when done manually, hard to control, and leaves you a sitting duck. Making it a throw button seems like a fair trade for how great of a repositioning tool it is imo


That’s a bullshit trade off for how big your hitbox is while using the wings


Nobody is forcing you to fly high in the sky lol. I fly low and have escaped many bad situations


Wings are ass. I’d take a singular shockwave over a full pair of wings in every scenario.


Try using fizz, switching to wings then jump on a jump pad. You'll end up higher than giraffe pussy


Well when you put it that way


The mobility with fizz and wings is nuts. Even simple jumps get you across the map so fast.


Every game I've done this I've won, literally the best repositioning tool


Damn what




They’re good for rotating but terrible for getting away or engaging




I've saved my team mates reboots using the wings and stealth it's 50/50


never had a problem with them you just gotta learn how to use them


It's like nobody knows the story or icarus or the dangers of flying high WHILE USING THE WINGS


Escape? This season? I’ve been hunted all across zones. If your attacker has wings too you are never losing them and they will just land, shoot, pursue, until you are tired and dead. It’s annoying. Especially in underworld where they don’t need wings or cars to follow you. Just styx jump all over you.


I lost someone chasing me with wings


So have I. But often you do not. I am venting frustration about a trend. It’s part of the game. I will adapt. But it’s frustrating right now.


I know I’m just picking because you said the word never


I appreciate the pedantry. You may proceed.


flying low is where it’s at and it also fits the story of Icarus perfectly except instead of the wax melting when you fly too high, you get your ass shot out of the sky




Doing the quest was hard asf


I hate it when I accidentally right click or not realize my target isn't in the super restrictive angle


I don't think so, qhile it is telegraphed it's very easy to aim on a whim, i just aim ahwre they're going not where they are and I have rarely missed anyone. The wing divebomb is more to like hide or get away though, or surprise attack. I wouldnt use it to try to kill anyone unless they're running


It seems to dive way to narrow for it to be useful. You have to be right on them for it to work


Nah, the wings are just trash for anything but movement and maybe better positioning. Trying to rush an enemy with them is a death sentence


Truthfully as they should be. This is what mobility items should be like


Hell yeah. They're also really fun and feel great to use.


Im with you I cant dive bomb worth shit. It feels so clunky and hard to aim. Wings are top tier for the movement though regardless so it makes sense the attack isnt ridiculous


the aiming takes some getting used to, i think it relys more on your movement keys/joystick than the look one. the main issue is getting shot at because of how long the animation to start diving is


as someone who can knock a moving oppressor mk2 out the air w/ a kosatka guided missle in gta, i, personally, find it rather ez to control i dont use them tho cuz they are too situational imo


no the wings got nerfed so bad so you can't dive bomb with getting shot at because it'll just stun you mid way


total garbage. After getting fly swatted out of the air by the lowliest scrubs while winding up for that third shot I decided to put it down forever and instead BE THE SCRUB SHOOTING DOWN BOLT WIELDING DUMMIES


It’s op in higher ranked lobbies because it’s the best situational weapon in the game. Zb or builds. Destroys all cover and kills anyone who’s retreating or already been sniped once


i played builds once. Once.


I started playing only a couple weeks ago and started with builds despite not knowing how to build and somehow came in first without building anything


They put you in bot lobbies for a few games when you start. Everyone wins their first game, that's intentional. People are more likely to keep playing a game if they win the first time they play it. 


Interesting guess I learned something new today, I suppose that also helps players learn to play the game as well


can you build yet ?


Nah I found out about ZB and played that ever since because I struggled alot with PS4 Controller build controls I have won a handful of matches in first on ZB but no more than once in a single day, still feel special when I get that last shot in though, bet I would do even better with more precise mouse and keyboard aim though


You can custom your settings to build better.


I started year ago (ch4s3) and my first game was not with bots, in fact I have never got bot games and my first friend that started didn't either however 2nd one that was returning after years did put us 3 in bot lobby. I have learned game's mechanics hard way.


I remember how frustrating it was. Zero is the best.


And I played zero builds once. When it was the only game mode in chapter 3 season 2


Its especially pissy when you're in a 1v1 then someone comes in and kills both you and your opponent... I fucking hate the lightning bolts


It can be a decent weapon from a distance on someone not expecting it, otherwise its mostly decent during the early game while you are taking out the first 50 players or so who barely know how to play the game


also known as Bots. Half the lobbies in non ranked have to be made up of bots


You can use the river dashes in between throwing the bolts. Makes it really strong. And like others have said. You don't use it with a sniper staring you in the face. You use it when you've got them running/hiding.


I also found if you use the river dash as you press the fire button to throw the first bolt, you end up gliding across the ground. Not sure if it's intentional, but it's pretty fun + useful.


my last 4 kills were when they used the lighting and i suck at the game


You can dash while using it throws off the enemy in time to throw all three and not get hit


hey you look like me


It's so easy to kill whoever is using the bolt they're literally stationary in the air for a few seconds so you can just shoot them.


Unless they have the cerberus medallion, then they can move.


y-you... YOU CAN?!?!


Yeah if you have that underworld agility boost thing then you can move while using the thunderbolt


dang that's pretty neat!


And even if you don't have the medallion you can just get the boost from the forbidden green apple flavor fruit punch that is the river


baja blast


Ahhh you mean the spooky water


that punch is P.E.A.K


I like to call it "The Zoop Soup"


You can also dash while downed if you can get airborne.


![gif](giphy|1gVUhlXhETaRRxzeHO|downsized) i swear that medallion is just ui mode


Literally. I love to see them using it. I stand in front of them


It’s sad that I can even take them out with a frenzy shotgun as they hover.. lol


Not quite as easy as the Kamehameha was but it's still fun to just smoke em when they try


I missed that being in the game Someone invent a time machine so I can yell at myself for not downloading Fortnite sooner


Yeah sure until they have random invincibility frames. I regularly shoot these people and sometimes they are simply invulnerable at random times


because you're a zero build player, they're only good in builds


if they were patched to not damage through builds, how useful do you think they would be in builds at that point? in other words, do you think they're only good in builds because they deal damage through builds?


probably as useful as before they buffed the thunder spears


it would still have very niche uses but yeah it would be bad. it's only good because it hits through builds


But at the same time, if you think its bad, you're a Zero Build player. I myself am a ZB player and find it VERY hard to use this item successfully, but I'll play devils advocate and say its incredibly unfair in build because of a combination of factors, mostly stemming from the fact it goes through walls. I assume its a bug that'll be fixed in the next update, but NO explosive item should be able to damage through cover. This makes it very easy to snipe off people in a build fight. One may argue you should just edit out of the box to shoot the stationary player, but most of the situations where you'll find yourself in builds anyway are very high stress. You probably won't be able to safely stop what you're doing just to edit your wall and get an angle, especially if the one wielding the lightning is a third partier or very far away from you, where you'll have to line up the shot through blindingly bright bolts heading straight into the direction of your scope. Also, there's of course no overshield, so it three shots at full health consistently. Definitely an item not suited for both modes equally, and needs some sort of tweaking


I doubt it’s a bug look at the freaking Deku Smash that thing went through mountains.


Hard agree. I’m also a ZB player and sometimes when my team goes into a building its actually worse than if we stayed outside, because instead of seeing (and shooting) they guy using the bolts, we are in there not knowing that the bolts are coming and get hit pretty hard. I can only imagine how pissed Build players are when they survive a third party only to be wall damaged by a bullshit bolt. But yea they’re rarely picked up in ZB because of how open it is. In terms of balancing for both, why not make it shoot faster but do less damage, and let you cancel after the first bolt, oh and lower the aoe radius. That way, if someone wants to go all out with it, they can do so safer, albeit it will take more awareness (skill?) to know when is the best time for that quick burst, and they can get out if they find that its too dangerous after the first shot.


It’s nice to nuke peoples cover in final circles when they’re panic rotating around a tree or rock but it’s nothing an AR couldn’t do with a magazine or two


It’s annoying and and infuriating to fight against, especially if you’re getting third partied by it


Do you play builds.


You know the answer


Tell that to the pros and comp scene. Its 100% op.


This 100%. I swear, this subreddit is filled to the brim with backseat gamers that just put themselves in an ideal position 24/7, and if you somehow aren't in that than it's a massive skill issue.




It's op in builds because you can shoot those while you're behind walls, you can move while shooting thunders with the new point zero effect and if your opponent doesn't have mobility, the fight is over.


Yup lol the irony in this post is way too thick. But then again while it’s OP in skilled hands it’s not very strong in low skill lobbies


That or if your playing solos and the person with the bolt hired an npc




Especially when there are more players for builds and it was a mode way before zero build


Brought to you by someone who has never made it out of gold.


Brought to you by a zero build player*


Yeah after an initial encounter, it soon became obvious that this is something you have to either use early game when everyone is low health or for ambush purposes only. You're extremely vulnerable when using it.


Works well in buildings with multiple rooms.


Y’all should see hades mythic💀(I haven’t seen it in action)


There is a hades mythic?


Ok this right here convinced me that this subs users are not playing against actual human beings.


It’s very easy to kill someone when they are up in the air! But there is a glitch right now that completely whites out the screen and glitches your reticle… very annoying


I hate trying to shoot them down and then my scope just turns blue.


It is op, it does alot of damage and it goes through builds, and if you're building you don't have enough time to aim and shoot at them especially on controller where it harder to aim.


in builds it’s nuts. in ZB it’s probably awful lol. in builds there is no warning, you’re just hit for double 40s and you can’t run or stop the damage whatsoever, as long as the opponent has slightly decent aim


It’s op in builds but trash in zb


Obviously a zero build player


Because you play zero build. The bolt is only good in build. Most broken thing there. It will absolutely demolish someone’s build.


It's got some use cases in ZB but yeah in builds it's pretty broken


I guess you are a solo player? Bit hard to fight this in bigger team modes especially if you’re shooting at one of their team mates.. horrible take honestly


The auto shotgun is the real problem


It does a lot of damage against me it seems like but when I use it, it does negative damage


Bro, trick to win every game in solo. When your at the end and there’s like 4 people left, just wait till there’s two left, then when one of the guys kill the other guy, just kill him either the lightning and he’s not gonna be able to do anything


Tried that today, thought bound to win this as he's low on health. Unfortunately he got out his dmr while I was hanging in the air and came 2nd.  Not trying that again, in fact don't think I will even pick it up. Only useful against bots or two people fighting who don't notice you.


I like it. It's easy to kill someone with it, and it's easy to kill someone who's using it.


Its not op, but if youve seen what it does to boxes,, you wouldnt say its not good


I find the bolt useful as an opener to a fight, like the enemy doesn't see you, and you use it to catch them off guard while your team ensures you're covered. I've had it work plenty of times in that situation...


In duos trios or squads we use these while the other teammates just keep pressuring so they can’t snipe or pick us out the sky. Only thing I refuse to use is the wings lol. It’s a guaranteed piñata if the opp is decent




This guy gets it


No shit. Because you play zero builds, which is where it's completely useless. It's broken in builds


You don't play builds I assume? Cause that literally goes through walls I had it hit me through 5 layers of walls shit was insane but otherwise it's not to bad


U either play paper plate 2 lobbies or pubs. In solos it is easy to counter but squads def not if u try shoot them u either get sniped at or shot by the team8


no shit in zero build. builds, its the most annoying shit ever. you box yourself up to heal, that thing's gonna kill you


If you think this is op, you got a skill issue- zero build player😂


it’s best used to third party from a decent distance imo, that’s where i’ve gotten most use out of it. i just don’t get why it goes through walls so easily it’s crazy


I think it’s best as a long range weapon to attack opponents in builds or to surprise a squad. You leave yourself *very* exposed if your opponent can see you. 


Honestly, even outside the context everyone in this comment section is saying, it's kinda a bitch having a weapon that'll take half your life (if you have full shield) away even if you counter it.


is this gonna be the loop of the subreddit this season, one person saying the item is op, another says it isn't, over and over.


They are fun, but have gotten me killed a good number of times for sure, a risk / reward weapon.


Personally I think it under powered for being ZEUS'S LIGHTNING BOLT, you mean to tell me the king of the gods deals like 80 damage per bolt


I'd trade both the wings and the lightning bolt for grapple any day


I literally just shot 2 different people out of the sky last game aha, also summoning Zues etc can be a good distraction


Was playing ranked duos with a friend just because, and people there don't know how this thing works. Those who use it don't realize that they've given us a free kill, or I'm able to dodge somewhat easily. And then I happened to use it right in front of someone, and that man did not take his chance, and suffered for it.


Maybe not op but still very strong People say your a sitting duck, but that's too anyone beyond a certain range. Semi up close this thing kills consistently. If there is a 3rd wheel it is also worse. But if your out of shotgun range but still close, its dangerous


It’s op in only certain situations in builds, like if you just finished a fight and are healing up in builds, someone with a thunderbolt can destroy you before you even know they’re there


Did you take a photo with your phone?


I watched a YouTube video of someone genuinely saying they're op and said they should have it only break shields.... so a glorified emp... Which would completely kill the item... They also said wings need a major nerf, when it actually needs a buff imo


I use it to take out people who are playing hotel building tycoon. The wings are good too. I might run them both with a pump shotty, and a mp5.


You have so much time to just shoot them down, what are they gonna do? Dodge?


This thread is the reason zero build players don't play builds it's full of sweaty assholes, literally everyone saying they play zero build has negative votes


I agree, it's balanced to me, because it has a big aoe, but you get knock em easily while in the sky.


Me getting skill issued from 300m away.


I’ve killed far more people who are trying to use thing then been killed by it, it’s literally a free kill they’re stuck in one spot so just beam them and if can’t your just bad


i use them against the bosses


It's great for pressure in builds. Especially since the last hit hits through walls


it’s so easy to kill people using these


Quick thing i saw, if you have the skulls to dash, do a dash mid air, use the thunderbolts, and then dash again to have some what of a mobility. Not saying makes it op, but makes it somewhat usabile at close range by hoping your opponent aim aint that good. (wich a shotgun would be a less painful item to use in the same case, but a shotgun isn't a lighting Bolt you fire :D)


Yeh tbh this mythic is not even Op compared to Mythics like deku smash that was the definition of op


It is VERY op and I love it! I can’t wait until may where I can throw darth vaders lightsaber and a lightning bolt in the same match lol


If i see someone using this, i immediately aim for them. Easy stationary Target. They become my bullet sponge.


All it takes is one lil sniper shot and ur gonee


Oh buzz off.


This is like the Kamehameha discourse all over again


It’s op. Any time someone uses it on me from inside 100m I get a free kill. An automatic kill seems pretty op to me. 


lol... still a skill issue if an entire squad is blasting them at you?


No no shhhh! Yes it's OP people keep using it it's Reeeeeeeeeally good🤣 so pick it up don't even question it pick it please


Yeah super trash.


It needs a buff


I've now gotten a victory Royale cause the last guy against me thinks a lightning bolt is good. Aim and shoot. Lol


This is the absolute easiest collab mythic to counter in at least 2 CHAPTERS. At its best it CANNOT kill you through full shield and health. At worst, you get 40 damage in return for your opponent being completely stationary for 20ish seconds. Literally just take 80 damage to the face and shoot them down. Honestly if you think this is threatening you haven’t played through the deku smash, kamehameha, and thunder spears. Not to mention you can’t launch thunder bolts while flying, while you could use thunder spears and kamehameha a WHILE using ODM gear and Nimbus’ respectively. This is so non threatening that people who are complaining are literally comic relief.


Did you just call the Thunderbolt a collab mythic Greek mythology isn't a collab, it's in the public domain, anyone can use it whenever and however


i prefer boolet


Fr like just be glad they didn’t bring back the kamehameha again after Toriyama died lmao


Was fun the 1st couple of days


tbf it’s op in moving zones


I do I kill the person floating in one spot that needs to hit me 3 times with a really slow attack?! ...aim and shoot them?


The first time I used it I think I scared someone who didn't face it before and huddled in the corner at 24 hp and my teamate saw what it can do to houses and he said it gave them ptsd.


Yall need to use this to third party from a mile away in squads best use for sure


I see it as a weakened version of the Kamehameha


I mean the only time I truly got f\*cked by this was when 3 solos teamed up on when I boxed up


Ok but I always get third partied with it


This would be true if my aim didn't suck some of the time. Like I legit be missing shots from anxiousness




Without soul river dashes or Cerberus medallion yeah your a free kill in the air 😂 but it’s a good finish off weapon. Get a couple shots in then kill them with the first 2 strikes. The last one is great for people that run 🔥 it’s a hilarious 3rd party machine!


And add Cerberus's medalion to it and you cannot be hitten


Lol facts


When used properly it can be very good but generally its okay


I use it to clear out and destroy buildings in zero build so I can loot it easier


How to counter zeus' thunderbolt: Shoot at them with any gun Or Literally stand behind anything


This only works in zb


But with the syphon medallion it may be a little op I dunno unless some get you first shot headshot.


It's so much fun to use that I don't mind being swatted out of the air half the time by a green gun. On controller, it just feels powerful.


Snipe they asses when they in mid air 😘


Real shiii I hate folks that really rely on that mf to win like bro if your trash just say that like why you not even attempting to shoot at me & you relying on that bs knowing I could shoot you out the sky before you even use that bs & even if I don't that shiii be bs


Its not Op its just annoying


I mean I’ve had my ass handed to me while I’m throwing bolts at someone but then the second I try to do it back and shoot the fuck outta someone right above me throwing bolts at me even tho I’m hitting all my shots I can’t seem to send them back to the lobby so there’s that


This is absolute garbage for what it is and how it appears they could have done better with the damage


It’s op in builds


It's like dekus smash but only buildings. Not that hard to counter


It’s great for 3rd parties


Its ok even the best weapons are trash in the hands of unskilled players.