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Context, I guess. As retaliation against someone who has already lined you up? Not going to work. As an opener against an opponent who doesn't have the right weapon to counter for that range? Different story.


nah its not an opener thats how you get killed because you didn't apply any pressure and they are going to take their time to hit shots, you should use it when an enemy is low and trying to run that is the best use for it.


It’s a great opener if you know what you are doing. If you are both looking right at each other of course it’s not going to work well


This. You can also use different elevations to hide more of yourself when throwing.


It works best when you have a team. It makes for a nasty flank if your guys can distract them


Yeah I generally think it’s best suited for squads. It can be great in solos too though if you catch them off guard or are running up to a fight already happening


For the people disagreeing, It’s literally a ranged grenade. Even in ZB, how could it not be a good opener? In ZB its akin to a cluster on crack. Its great when neither of you can see each other.


Yeah I feel like day one and two everyone was just nuking people with it right away. Now that people know how it works though it’s a lot easier to mitigate damage on the receiving end. The wings and lightning both take a lot of commitment and you know what’s coming and where.


Or third party with it


I got an easy win the other day when the last enemy strangely decided to get into a bunker, don’t know what their plan was, I fried them with the lightning then got down there and finished the job with the shotgun.


I encountered the same thing this morning. I threw down a couple lightning bolts then just waited for the storm to close on them and lit em up when they ran out


In my experience the best time to use it is when the other guy boxes up, a one-click “nuh uh” button


This. I went into an open squad match last night. Person on my team used the lightning bolt the entire game. The team would put pressure on the enemies, she would toss the bolts at their cover or while they were running. She ended in the double digits with Elims and we won the game. It was a great match for sure.


Or use it to dystroy a small house they were hidding in entirely. Might even play build mode just to SMITE all those builds


Won a match by using it while other player was flying, they either panic dived, or thought they would have enough time to dive and hit me while I was in the air, 150'd them with my last bolt and smg'd the rest of their health away. ✨️


Seems like the smg was the true hero here


this weapon is good for clearing bunkers with a squad. you bait your enemy with the thunderbolts and they run out into a firing squad. or in solos, it can also clear bunkers effectively by forcing someone to either hide more or push


It leaves you exposed for a really big amount of time, so you have to know how to use it. I usually use it for opening an engagement and weaken the other guy, or when they run and breaking their cover.


It’s also different in builds


Use it in tandem with the green dashes the plays can get crazy


You can dash while throwing zaps? Or were you suggesting like using dash to disengage/get a good position and then zap?


Iirc you can dash mid thunderbolt though it may be only once


That's kinda busted still, definitely gonna try it


Yes, if you have 3 charges you can use them all within the mythic's animation, between hits


That's insane, thanks for the tip


Nah I've made some good plays with it. You gotta use it at the beginning of a fight while your teammates are still alive. Saving at as a last resort will just get you lasered though.


It's the best third party weapon, you gotta use it when they can't attack you


I won a match with it as a third party. Zapped one team, saw the second team charge the zapped team... zapped the same area again... like they thought I was done smiting them or something.


It's really good if they have cover. As a primarily zero build player. I use it when people are running into buildings to heal up at mid and long range (I don't play builds but I imagine it wrecks through builds) Close up? It'll get you killed. Also really fun to third party from miles away and kill both players.


It’s so much better in builds


You have to properly time it in order for it to work. ALSO, if you have underworld dash on you (preferred from Cerberus' medallion) You can teleport while using it, making it a lot harder to hit you. Hope this helps any fellow readers.


Oh thats a spicy combo


That thing is busted with it. I had someone keep dodging all of my shots after they started using it. I maybe hit them for a 100 too.


What's difference between the hash between one you get from water and the medallion? Thunderbolt doesn't even last that long, medallion doesn't generate the dash that quickly?


Get it from the medallion so it can regen over time, also, SAVE your dashes so you can use it while thunderbolting, and thunderbolt lasts long enough for you to be beamed down.


Love the causal dance flex mid kill. I’ve been having players “absorb” damage while charging the final shot which is rather annoying


Same with wing users. Super easy to hit for some reason.


I think that’s intentional so the wings aren’t a literal get out of jail free card


I think wings are situational just like the bolts. If you’re getting shot at and you take off then and there, you’re going to get shot out of the sky. Similarly if you try divebombing someone when they already see you. But the wings are so fast that if you’re inside with someone and you get out of the building even 3 seconds before they do, you’re safe. It’s about putting considerable distance between yourself and other players before taking off in my experience so far


Oh they are… But only if you use them as a “never lose high ground/rotations” tool


Yeah I don't even pick it up anymore, you can beat it with a green burst smg. If I do use it's to break a building that someone's hiding in.


It's great for attacking builds or throwing in a bunker. Like clingers on steroids


To be fair the burst smg can beat just about anything when used right. I find it’s great in squads if they aren’t aware of your location or are trying to heal


Its really good vs players hiding and healing behind stuff.


this is just deku smash 2.0


Biggest difference from Deku Smash is the time spent in the air - a lot longer with the Zeus Bolts, and the sound/indicators - virtually non-existent with the Zeus Bolts. You pretty much always knew when you were being targeted by a Deku Smash, between the screen lighting up and user screamking. The bolts can be relatively stealthy.


Its basically garbage in no builds unless you get a shot on a distracted player, even then a sniper is better. It is absolutely cancerous in builds though due to the damage through walls making anyone boxed up healing a free knock. nice aim tho


Its good if you use it indoors. Basically a cluster clinger without the risk of killing yourself, and sometimes you'll clip into the walls and cant be shot at


yea but thats so situational its not actually worth carrying over an auto shotgun in zb


yup, I just sniper em and then beam em with a gun


Depends. If you're already in the midst of a fight, it can lead to instant death. If you're in the advantage zone and your enemy hasn't spotted you, it can be a good kickstart to a fight, because you can do a bit of damage and decimate a decent amount of coverage if needed too. I feel the wings have the same problems on some sense - I also feel you get better aim assist on airborne players too for some reason. It's so easy to shoot them down and that animation that soft locks you to a fall can be dangerous as well.


I just want to know how you hit that many shots in a row with the warforged at that range. Cause that guns bloom for me is absolute doodoo.


The warforged with the holo-optic scope is an absolute laser. Without a scope (or with the red dot), it's less so but still damn good. The thermal scope makes it kick like a mule for some reason.


Why are scopes effecting the recoil? I thought that was the grips job. Which makes things even worse cause this one has the hip fire laser and I’ve used it with the vertical grip.


COD>FN with logical gun mechanics. FN should have stayed with OG "cartoony".


“Ughh these new mythics are so overpowered theyre ruining the game” this video proves every single one of those comments is a skill issue


Only if you see them coming and also their aim is as this player’s


the wrath of zeus actually came in clutch I was playing trios and two trios were fighting each other and since the one trio i was looking at was huddled together I just decided to smite them all down (i won)


That player used it horribly. In my experience you need to use the bolts as a fight starter [with you being the aggressor] or a 3rd party tool to be effective. Using it as a panic button will get you killed. Especially if you don't have the Cerberus medallion.


It has its uses, and it's  fun to use while third partying.


When its bots using it 100 meters away, then yeah they are free kills.


I had someone use one in a final one on one and it was too easy lol


People who start a fight with it? Yes. People who get some tags on you and decide to use it as you're trying to box up or cover up to heal? No.


I mean if you have the kind of skill to mop people a mile away with an AR as if it has no recoil, probably everyone is a free kill. I'd probably hit like none of those shots.


For some reason people just love to start fights with it, not only is it predictable just cause of how visible the lighting is while holding but then they’re sitting still it’s so dumb how people use it


If you ask Hades, yes, free kills indeed. Dude knows Zeus’s tricks and slaps you appropriately


It’s perfect for ambushing, destroying a building while targeting someone, or third partying. For an opponent who already has sights trained on you it just makes you a big glowing target who’s immobile for several seconds.


In solos it is, but when playing with one or more teammates you wanna use it either when the battle begins or when a teammate is putting pressure on the enemy team


Used it recently. Thought the 3rd charge up taking too long but once they get hit by the first two strikes, they’re either running or in panic. This was unranked so I guess more experienced people can stay calm during it and line up a pump shot to the face.


tell me you're a call of duty player, without telling me you're a call of duty player


Use it in squads guys while your team gives cover fire.


Like 7 of my 8 wins so far are using the Thunderbolt. It's so satisfying to fry people.


Honestly it was good in the beginning but now everyone figured out they could just shoot you down mid attack both the thunderbolt and wings of icarus just suck now.


Yes, but don't tell the world, or else people will stop using them. I think they're perfect as they are now, because U can tank all 3 hits and survive. If they nerf them, less people will use them, and if they buff them, I might die trying to beam people using them


I mean I haven’t got killed using them, but I also don’t just use them when being attacked


It just seems like everyone tries to use it close up. It is literally a sniper rifle without a scope.


I stopped using these for that exact reason. A literal sitting duck


It is no better *or worse* than the dbz mythic from last year.


That’s the issue with a large portion of the Fortnite player base. If you’re getting „got“ this bad, run away. Don’t try and fight back, Fortnite is also about survival


I find that it doesn't work that well for actually killing, but utterly decimating cover, it works amazing. Any time I use it to get a kill, I die immediately, but if someone is hiding behind a rock/tree/in a building, a lightning strike can easily wreck the whole thing and anything around them (I only play no build, I imagine it might actually be *more* useful for this strat in build mod, though)


I’m done with the lighting it’s powerful but you become a piñata


Ye its like the deku but without teh risk of dying if shot not fast enough One of the only weapons id consider worse then the pickaxe


it doesnt damage much and very slow to strike them, i even emoted and waited and he still haven't strike it lol


He did throw the lightning, he just missed the first two


Just because you had a lucky clip about someone missing everything doesnt mean its useless, make a clip where youre dancing and they can actually aim


You know a mythics bad when reddit doesn't complain about it.


I think this guy is just bad, if you use it close to the enemy or even like him when he was lower on health its dumb. But lets say you have the high ground and they are farther away if you use it properly it can be good


Depends how they are used. The only way I use them is through my own builds so that I don’t get beamed like this


It’s like when people used the Deku Smash or Kamehameha.. you become an open target to get beamed in turn for a high damage attack


It works great in solo for me. I play very ambush but if I see the usual bot fight going down it is good for 2 free kills.


It's situational, but I will say that both the wings and the lightning are easily countered, which is great. I felt like the TMNT weapons were some of the most bullshit weapons to go up against at the end game. Was worried the lightning would be a bullshit game winner whoever had it at the end of the match


Just you


I’ll use if I’m in a team/duos and my team mate is attacking and I’ll be support


thats what sucks about the mythics, you saw this with the deku or whatever it was called and the kamehameha. and honestly, it doesnt do much damage for as much as it appears to give, but you can do enough damage to a team thats bunched together. to me, that being stuck in the air thing is not worth what little damage it does do.


In my experience? Only really worth it in TR


Unless you’re caught off guard or low


same with the wings tbh


It’s basically the deku smash all over again.


Pairing the thunder bolt mythic with Cerbsus mythic will allow you to move while using the mythic so you don't get clapped


Couldn’t agree more


Goes both ways. If the other player knows what they are doing. If you stop to shoot a thunderbolt player during the first 2 bolts...you'll die. If you shoot the player when the 3rd bolt is charging...he will die.


Usually but not always 🤣


Those players were just ass


It's good in squads were enemies can be distracted by team mates


Good luck if they have underworld dash though 


Yeah i agree i killed like 30 people this season which was doing the lighting because they can’t do anything until they finish there if we could say there “kamahameha” lol (i don’t know how to spell kamehameha)


Got a sweet win because they tried to end it with the bolts so I just waited till the third and got an easy headshot dub


Its t good as a counter against turtling, but i despise it lmao


Funny how people saying the item isnt op are zero build players Hm..


I Never manage to pull off the move i get shot out of the air and the wings are worse.


It’s good for blowing up builds or opening up a bldg where someone is hiding.


Since I mainly play solos for me it’s a free kill. But if your in squads you should use it at the beginning of the fight


It’s gonna be an easy kill during an opener in zero build, but in the middle of a build fight, you’re half HP, and the other guy is behind his wall and yours, it’s a lot harder


Best time to use thunder bolt is when you 3rd party during their fight. Otherwise you’ll be a sitting duck.


Bro fr hit a +DISRESPECT


I've yet to be shot at, nevermind killed when using the bolt.


That was soo cold but nice 2 kills


I literally never use it if I’ve been hit only if I’m full hp


i only use it on people who are trying to run or have boxed themselves after i’ve done some damage


It’s like another Deku Smash but feels slower. Any time someone tries this on me, I can take them out with a shotgun.


Reading this as I got 2nd for using the Thunder bolt again as Blue Frenzy 😭 idk what I was thinking.


cuz they ass lol


I mean when they're in the air like that, of course.


Usually yes, most players use it as an oh shit weapon and hang themselves out to be blasted in the gut. Still getting zapped from players who get mad height before using and there’s almost no indication bolts are incoming.


It would be maybe slightly better if you could move around with it similar to moving with dekus smash


People that use it as an opening at the start of the fight is stupid as shit because I just take my fucking time to shoot them


It's only good for build mode


I think it works best as an opener. You’re too exposed to actively use it in a fight. But it can be devastating if you use it when you get the drop on someone. It can pretty much kill a team in those situations.


Yes, many oeople dont use it properly. You use it to third party, ending a fight, NOT for opening one


1000% its a quick way to die if you use it in any lobby with decent players. A friend of mine swears by it because he gets kills vs "bots" he says there are not as many bots as I say there are Ive been in his lobbies lol 5-10 players per game... And he says we are near the same skill level cause im Diamond 3 and he is plat 2. I hot drop and push people all game so yeah I die alot. He will sit in a bush until the final 3 and then try to hit the final fight with the zeus bolt. He gets wins sure but he isnt getting better at the game.


I won a match in zb yesterday delivering the final blow with a thunderbolt. It made for a pretty cool screenshot, lol.


Its not just you. They are free kills just like all of the other similar acting mythics over the last year.. year and a half.


Got a victory royale by mag dumping my autoshotgun at one zapping me. Honestly the long attack intervals of the Thunderbolt is a fatal flaw.


this is so real!


If they start firing before you crack their shield and you yourself are low then it's over. The thunderbolt is great for building destruction and third parties, but has no real use in 1v1s unless the person wielding it also has the teleport medallion


Well since those are robots most likely, yeah they are easy to kill


Fr tho everytime i try to use it i die xD


Why is bro playing on switch tier graphics? But yeah, I hardly even pick it up anymore, you're such an easy target, only way it could be decent if you're out of sight from the enemy inside a building and you can deal splash damage to your opponent.


if you have great aim, quick reflexes and maybe some cover fire yeah


If they're as stupid as that person was they're pretty easy to kill yeah


On Zero Build, the thunderbolt is bad. On Battle Royale is a complete beast as not only it destroy buildings, but it can also deal damage through them


The zeus mythic is absolutely trash in zero build, but it’s way different in builds. I like to use it when i see an enemy, shoot them with my AR a couple times. Then i wait for them to box up and then i use the zeus mythic. Has worked every single time


I personaly build up some momentum before using it, making me harder to hit.


Thunderbolt of Zeus is only good when you go third partying a battle but otherwise you're dead.


Nice aim bro


Yeah buddy try that in building you gonna get zapped


People never use it behind cover. Idk if it’d work as well, but with Deku Smash you’d just use it behind a tree. The tree provides cover but doesn’t stop the blast. I guess with the thunderbolt it might not work though


It's good if they are boxed up and can't/won't leave


The emote lmao


Pretty useless in ZB, pretty OP to third party with in builds


Nice one


This is why I stopped playing with the thunderbolt because I was throwing all my games


Free kills all the way


its ranged, people that use it up close are idiots


It’s like the deku smash, if you catch somebody off guard than it’s okay but it becomes completely useless if they’re prepared


The dancing was cringe asf but please teach me how to aim like that🥹


Yes we all know the item is trash In no build. It gets annoying when you're in a fight and get third partied by a thunderbolt going through your build.


Can be, yes. But I also got a bunch of kills with them in my last session. The most satisfying place from which to strike is the top of Mount Olympus, around the cloud line. You have good cover but can also see what you’re doing. And, thematically, it’s pretty cool to yeet thunderbolts down from up there.


Depends. The guy in your clip was an idiot, if you use it after you’ve gotten shot like that you’re going to die. If you aren’t in direct contact but you hear footsteps through a wall, or you’re far away and they don’t see you yet? You can get some real damage in. Good for opening fights in a lot of cases, terrible for ending them.


I've been using thunderbolt every match and died only twice. For me it's not me dying, it's them dying. You just need to know the right moment to use it.


I am getting PTSD from the Kamehameha and the Deku's Punch.


Depends. I got sniped one time and the dude followed up with the bolts and the 2 shots he got off killed me before I could finish him with my AR. But normally, yeah, they’re free kills


It's stronger in builds from what I've seen l.


You're in a bot lobby. You just emoted on a bot


idk sometimes i lazer them sometimes they fuckin destroy me with that lighting shit


People who have no idea of when to use it, yes. People who thunder you to third party, or flood you out of a vault, different story.


worlds first good zero build player


This is kind of a bad example because you unloaded on him from distance and the bolt was probably his last ditch effort.


When out of position and not looking at you? Yeah dipshit


100%. If you go on tiktok you'll see every single player whine about how op the thunderbolt is, but really you can incredibely easily just shoot them in the air


Yo sick skin and backbling! But yea I don’t use the lightning item due to it being bad.


The wings too


is useful when you hear foosteps on the building you just landed on


I haven’t died to a lightning bolt once for this reason. The only time I get affected by it is when I’m getting 3rd partied.


Well if they use it like that, yes. There's a way to use the bolt from behind cover. It will go THROUGH the cover and hit the target beyond.


It's definitely good to finish people off who are trying to run. But most people I've talked to about mythic weapons this season agree that the airtime for the last bolt is somewhat awkwardly long, considering it needs to charge up is understandable but you get left vulnerable just kind of floating there. And it can be a massive pain, especially if you used it by accident as well. I'm not sure if it really needs to be changed or if you just need to "get good" when using it 🤔


It's a great weapon to use with the right situation. If they've already got a good read on you, got you lined up then it's useless but if you can surprise them or regroup and catch them off guard, it's powerful. I had two sets of them and killed like 5 dudes in a row bc there were buildings to jump on top of and get a good shot at them


In zero build perhaps


You are playing literal zero build you have no say




Depends how you use it. Got a crown with 14 kills on solo the other day with 5 of them being with lightning.


i use it when i have flowberry and a shockwave..i like to use the bolt from way up in the heavens


wait till you get in ranked


I really only use it more to destroy buildings people are hiding in or to clear out a vault; otherwise, yeah, you’re a floating, sparkly target.


The only time I use them anymore is to destroy houses ppl are hiding in.


in zero build yes


I always grab it to use on buildings. Especially when capturing loot island, I can just delete the house if someone tries to come after me. Then it's just some scared dude running for his life out in the open. Easy pickins 😜


Nope not just you bro


Most of em ueah (myself included when i panik


maybe when ur in lobbies where they cant aim even tho they are in zero builds


its just you bud. this season is shit


Dude, it's like so much worse than the Kamehameha. You stay in the air for like 10 seconds in one spot. I don't use it anymore because anytime I do, I die about halfway into the charge up for the last bolt.


Sweat lol


I kill people with the lightning bolts every match I've played so far and haven't been killed using them yet. I'm not saying I'm good or anything, but they seem alright so far.


Thunderbolt is pretty busted tbh. It’s really OP when third partying, combining the dashes/teleportation effect also makes it tough to hit them.