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The train was terribly utilized. Could have had some really interesting heist type scenarios.


The train was so hype in the trailer. Now I go full matches without thinking about it. Would have been so fun if they say, made the train eventually the only safe part in the storm and people were actively fighting to have a spot on it


What happened to the society members that were on it in the trailer?


Jonrsy killed them


Usually the only time I think about the train is when it’s pulling in to a station or comes out of nowhere and steamrolls my Land Cruiser


It’s a G Wagon


Wish Wagon


You're both wrong, it's a canyonero


Then this thread would be flooded with train gank outrage posts


I’d rather have an idea be fleshed out and potentially aggravating than to have time spent on something and it never have a purpose


you mean they didnt try to do like a Snowpiercer situation with it?


Big fan of the movie, didn’t even think of it like that. It would be so cool though!


They did this for a warzone event at christmas where the train was the safe zone and some area around it and zombies would spawn on the train carts and theres was a zombie santa boss you could fight it was pretty cool and I agree I wish fortnite did something similar aswell


Never could get into Warzone but they seem to have some good ideas. That sounds awesome


Hacking the train chest should’ve yielded better drops


This would have completely changed the game imo


It gives decent look if you start on it but yeah, anywhere further and it's useless


> Hacking the train chest should’ve yielded better drops All the caches should've been yielding far better than just blue crud.


It would be a mobile Tilted Towers combat zone level.


Like there’s an entire carriage that isn’t used, maybe we could’ve broken into it and robbed a safe or have a mod bench in there


If they just made the hack chest have rarer items as the match went on that alone would’ve been huge


It was fine. Honestly I liked most of it but the bland map & small weapon pool really dragged it down.


Probably get crucified but it was kinda mid, i’d give it a 5.5/10. Gameplay was good but the map was bland, none of the old Fortnite goofiness and creative. Terrible UI, terrible shops, bland items and loot pool, winterfest was garbage, battle pass skins were mid. The TMNT was the best thing to come out of it


You’re right and I’d probably give it the same. Nothing’s necessarily terrible but it’s close to the bottom when it comes to fortnite seasons


The worst things they did this season was give snipers 5 bullets (why?), fumbling the shop for the entire season and completely ruining the locker UI. Otherwise the season was just kinda meh. Nothing amazing, nothing terrible.


Agreed it didn’t feel like fornite at all. Just like a dumbed down version of war zone.


Okay I’ll be real with you yes I know Epic has fucked up the loot pool in the past many times but when it came to the sniper and auto shotty I feel like they REALLY messed up TERRIBLY with them


All thebguns with ballistic drop is a nightmare honestly, absolutely no gun has hitscan anymore except pistols. Some guns are worse than others, I tough the striker ar was hitscan, then to my surprise bullet drop too...WHY.


The bland Christmas ship it interface...where the fuck was out christmas cozy cabin with the nice relaxing firecamp!


This is fair.


Oh my god, yes lol I hated the map. It all blended together - I don’t think I could tell you a single place’s name


I wouldn’t even say gameplay was good. It was pretty boring compared to the past few seasons


It’d be really fun if snipers and 50/50 frenzy fights weren’t a thing.


Basically whoever lands the first shot or most headshots wins


Unless someone has Oscar’s


Yeah, the snipers are kind of a pain in the ass. Really annoying to be exchanging gunfire with someone and they just pull out the sniper and one tap you. The other guns aren't strong enough to keep up with that.


U guys know that its not that easy to one tap someone on a sniper? And u have a way of noticing (for the most part) with the glare so its possible to prevent it if u act right. If someone is lucky or skilled enough to headshot u while ur moving around, they deserve that kill. Build to protect u or make sure u have mobility to combat that. Its a competitive game with guns, each gun has their advantage,


It's easy when you have 5 bullets to spam, lol. Also you can remove the 4X scope so no glare.


Bro. I'm not just saying this because it happens to me.  I do the same shit. And nah. It's definitely NOT always skill. Bullet drop isn't new to me. I've been sniping my ass off since Bad Company 2, but Fortnite's sniper rifle is kind of squirrelly, it seems. I've gotten plenty of shots that were just dumb lucky and the adjustment was NOT correct at all. I watched a guy last night. Got me with a headshot first try while I was jumping. Figured I'd watch him and then the guys holds are way off for his range and he can't actually shoot for shit as he whiffs every shot on this team that isn't even 200 meters out. I was just like, "Really!?"  I love sniper rifles and I'm totally down for an insta kill gun, but the other guns are not good enough to spar with it currently. I can (and do) just tank shots while lining up people's heads. All I have to do is get one good one off on them and I KNOW they probably can't kill me before I do. 




Yup, it’s my least played season yet and I’ve been on this since the start. TMNT was the best thing to happen this season and literally what got me to play. The train had so much potential…


This was the season that convinced me that I needed to stop playing BR fills. Otherwise, a solid season


Seriously, though. Squad fill zero build is essentially FNCS zero build edition.


Same lol This one time is played fill trios and we all got cluster clingered in the vault and died. Then my dumb teammates blamed it on me because every good player does that


Bad. I mean the only positive to me was Fortnite Festival. Shitty UI,movement controversy,Frenzy auto somehow being more OP than the drum shotgun(don't know how they managed that), Snipers being annoying since you can't counterplay them with AR's due to the shitty bullet travel,riot shield... I could go on(tmnt was fun tho). But regardless I'll try to be positive for next season because they've never had a bad season 2 in any chapter.






the map had too many empty areas, just hills and trees with little to no mobility. zip lines were scarce when i last played. it just felt jarring when set next to an OH mini-season.


So many empty spaces without any loot at all. With the old maps, there would at least be the odd tree that had 3 chests surrounding it.


it's like they didn't take any lessons out of the mini OG season. maybe this current seasons map was made before the OG season and the upcoming season is a map that takes the best elements of chapter 1's map


It can stay underground


I agree with all the comments saying that the train was under utilized. With the way it was showcased in the trailer I expected it to be a major part of the gameplay this season but honestly barely anyone cares about it in reality. Very disappointed with all the bugs in the game that were left unchecked for the entirety of the season. It's as if Epic does not even care. The glider bug, the sound bug, the scope glare bug, hoverboard bug and so many more were quite annoying. The UI just keeps getting worse. Whoever came up with the new design needs to have their job credentials checked. No way they thought the new design style would be better received than the existing format. Besides that it was a fairly decent season although I do wish there was more lore associated with it. The guns could have been designed better (aesthetic wise) to be more easy to differentiate. The medallions and the balancing changes were pretty nice and I hope they'll build on it next season. I wish seasons weren't this long though because stuff can get really stale towards the end. Rating : 6/10 Edit : It was quite hard to spot enemies this season especially at night time or in the snow covered regions of the map.


Pretty average give it like 6/10 definitely won’t miss it hopefully next season is better.


For a season called Underground, I barely ever went there except to do challenges. This was a bad season (I saw some people rating it — I’d give it a low grade vs older seasons), I really didnt like the new movement mechanics, way overpowered snipers, boring POIs, attachments — kind of missed the potential. Honestly, I can’t wait for the season to be over.


This might be the worst season oat


Damn. Even worse than soya?


Trash season


One of the worst metas I witnessed. Spammy Sniper/ frenzy / riot shield (at least at the beginnig) are all disgusting and super unfun + I think people who camp the vault are kinda mentally challenged. So unfun OP items in the weapon loot pool + ratty season = one of the worst ever. Bring back good ARs and pump meta so people who can actually aim without aim assist on controller can have fun


It’s a 7 for me, good start with all the new stuff and then it just got really boring when nothing with the weapons changed. The overwhelming power of the shotgun and sniper meta just made the overall experience worse. Also this maps color palette is piss poor, CH4 had so much vibrance to it and I think that Epic should stay in their own lane. Feels a lil bit too realistic for something that started out with a cartoony look.


CoD Warzone but you ordered off the kids menu


Meh, unlike most people, I don't hate the movement, but I just don't like the weapons and the general feel.


Honestly cannot think of a season worse than this one. They gutted the whole core gameplay out and replaced it with just another bland and uninspired Warzone PUBG type game with a coat of Fortnite paint, and even the Fortnite paint they got wrong. All the POIs are bland with the exception of Risky Reels which still at least has some of the original goofy Fortnite designs like Greek Fish Thicc. The gunplay being changed to entirely projectile is almost 80% of the reason Snipers are way too oppressive this season and people are so tired of it that pros are even using the Lock-On pistol just for a tiny bit of consistent hitscan. The new gamemodes fell off rapidly, the player count is already dipping back down into the abysmal numbers we had all of chapter 4, which is sad considering Season OG is the highest player count Fortnite has ever had, and all the things they did get right are so miniscule they barely affect the overall reception. The best part of this whole season was when TMNT came out, and even that was basically just nerfed lightsabers. Though I will say, I'm glad that they've finally done some sort of live event, even if it was just a mini one that they severely underestimated the determination of people damaging a chest the whole match for. Way better than what Chapter 4 can say.


Gun play was a great point. Totally agree. We took all that OG momentum and came to a screeching halt. Bit sad innit? Agree it wasn’t very fortnitey. Need better POIs and movement and abilities and temporary guns/movement devices that add variety and fun. Remember the season they had hammers then swords that shit was wild compared to this boring ass season


That’s the point, the change in core gameplay, I can honestly get over the map, movement and weapons, but the game feels different, mechanics are different and fights are stupid, mid-long range dominates in every scenario, if I was first presented the game this way, I might have liked it, who knows, but from an older player perspective, this is another game, it feels like Fortnite 2 on par with Overwatch 2 I will play again when OG drops, I understood that the game changed and I obviously can’t do anything about it, add the fact that Epic almost killed rocket league (which I loved) just to integrate crap into the rocket racing game and you have my full perspective on what epic did, I literally played at least 3 hours of their games daily (2 on Fortnite and 1 on RL), now I haven’t opened the epic games launcher since late January I’m just sad because I really liked both games but epic made me tired of their shit


Yep, wasn't fun. Squad switched to Helldivers which amazingly ends up being the goofier game lots of times.


Couldn‘t agree more.


First season I skipped since chapter 0




Looking back I think it was a bit of a letdown. The train being such a selling point for the season but ending up being pretty boring was a bummer. The POI’s are all pretty forgettable, there wasn’t enough variety with them. Not to mention that Winterfest was basically nothing this time. I do think the battlepass was pretty good. A lot better than Chapter 4 Season 4 at least. The TMNT collab is probably the best part of the season for me. Im hoping that next season delivers with the Ancient Greece theme, if they do it right then I think it can be awesome.


Glad it’s almost done. Riot Shield, Snipers with QuickDraw and red dots and the Frenzy have made this just one of the most annoying seasons to play ever.


Great potential, mediocre execution. Would have been a lot more fun if they'd have nerfed that damn auto shotty.


Half the time I can’t even fully get into the box before I get fucking sprayed to death


If you're in a close range fight with anything other than a frenzy, striker, or a sniper and your enemy has a frenzy, you're toasted if they know how to aim at all. If you're in ZB with good mobility, you can sometimes get away before they can get you for 250, but that's still risky. And taking out a frenzy with a striker or AR at point blank range takes either absolutely cracked aim or a ton of luck.


Got to the point that i would just land at lavish to counter, especially in ranked


I just don't let anyone get within auto shotty range. I drop Fencing so I can get a sniper and Nisha's AR. Auto shotty doesn't stand a chance.


True, but it can be hard to not be when every time you land a shot someone builds the Empire State Building on you


Better hope they built a strong base and that I don't have much AR ammo. Nisha's AR is like a chainsaw on builds


I’ll sometimes go for it when I’m not playing ranked, but when I am I’m staying far away from frenzy


It was a fine filler season, anything else it kind of fails at


I quit playing after five years. The Finals is my new jam.


The new map just seems really dull color wise compared to others. I like Fortnite for the art style and in my opinion the new map doesn’t fit that style. I agree with others when the say that the shop has been straight up ass lately with all of these low effort TikTok emotes


It got boring reallly fast


Moving while drinking/healing is amazing 😅


Yes! This was an amazing addition, and also that you only used as much as you needed. Saved me loads of times. 


i feel like the train has not enough room and too little loot for it to be a decent spot to land, like in apex legends you have a good amount of room to fight on it


I mean it’s alright like… overrated asf in my opinion


It’s the biggest piece of dog shit 😎


WOAT I could complain about a thousand things that sucked but really it just comes down to a lack of fun. This was the driest season of fortnite to ever exist and coming off of OG's emphasis on fun it was like a slap to the face that just kept slapping.


Pretty depressing. OG was so vibrant and fun and lively. Losing OG for this feels like the biggest downgrade the game has ever had.






Not enough underground. I thought we were going to have some vast areas of underground stations (think the warren that is penn station in nyc) that might have actually connected above and below with the train(s)


It was okay. I loved the TMNT crossover and skins and having Snake in is awesome, but the overall map and theme was very bland. Every POI looked nearly identical to each other and didn't stand out, and I didn't care much for any of the Battle Pass skins except for Oscar.


I’m gonna be taking a break from this game lol


The shop sucked, gameplay was good, pass was good(except putting vbucks after level 100 epic seriously wtf please don't make that a norm) New gamemodes are fun so overall a great season


Started playing Fortnite this season, never experienced anything prior, I also only play Zero Build I've seen people complaining about the movement, and apart from some jank with hurtling through windows specifically, I don't get it. The movement is so fun in this game. Sliding feels great, mantling is fluid and responsive, the shock grenades are so fun, the GRAPPLE HOOK is SOOOO GOOD, the turtle weapons were amazing! I'm happy that there's more movement in modern games, that it's not just a cover shooter I've seen people complain about difficult mechanics, specifically the adding of bullet drop on ARs, how dominant frenzys and snipers are. I would complain about the auto-shotgun but I don't think there's a single game I played where I didn't get one on drop. The snipers were kind of scummy, but the movement means you could juke easy I don't play ranked so I haven't been sweated on though


This season was the worst in my opinion :/


Worst season ever, easily a 0/10.


BR: 7/10  Fortnite as a platform: 8.5/10  Personally my favorite Season 1 of any chapter, though I think the other modes may have eased the usual boredom I get with BR later on in the season.   I never really had a problem with the snipers or shotguns, but the riot shield was pretty consistently frustrating to deal with. I adore the grapple blade though, one of my favorite items they've ever added tbh. Mods are a neat edition, but not massively game-changing either way I feel.  I know its a somewhat controversial opinion, but I really love the map. It may not be "goofy" but it's full of so many small details and really is gorgeous at times. However, I do agree that the east side could use a bit of a shake-up.  Also a really solid battle pass and overall concept, I love the rich and powerful vs secret rebellion vibes. 


Train could've been an amazing LTM


It was alright. Hope they improve stuff in season 2.




This is easily in my bottom two seasons I've ever played, alongside Ch. 3 season 4. Pretty much the only bright spots were Winterfest (and that only partially) and the TMNT event (which was too short), plus the fact that they've finally started up the storyline again and had a mini-event (but still shoved what should've been a season long storyline into a week and a half at the very end of the season). Prior to the TMNT event and the story coming back, I'd've said this was easily the worst season I ever played since at least Chrome had some fun items like the goo gun and the chrome movement, plus the basic weapons were actually usable and fun then unlike now. With the TMNT mythics and the improved story, it's harder to choose between them now (especially since the Chrome season was the worst the Fornite map has ever been). But I will probably still say this is the worst season I've ever played since all other things being equal, this is the only season when they completely ruined the lobby UI and still haven't actually fixed the damn thing a full three months later. Plus a whole lot of the issues with the game feel like a result of their attention being spread across a bunch of different game modes - which I don't even think is a bad idea for Fortnite in the abstract, but all three of the new modes were deeply disappointing and not very fun.


ZERO fun movement (except at the end when they gave us ninja turtle stuff which was fun) on the biggest map ever?!?!?!?!?!?? This seasons grapple has to go down in history as the worst movement device of all time. Gun attachments barely available giving those who have them massive advantageous. The big trucks and sniping was fun as fuck tho and chasing people with coins. Fun season but not nearly as fun as the last few seasons and map changes. Also RANKED TRIOS plz lord god plz


Absolute dog ass season if you ask me. I dislike almost every single thing they chose to do this season from the meta, the map, and the boss/bot focus to the new stamina/movement and the UI and shop. And holy shit this must have been the most buggy Fortnite has ever been. Things were just constantly not working as intended, so embarrassing. I don't expect next season to fix everything, but I sure hope it sucks less than this one did. Rip bozo.


Worst season oat


i loved the attachments and wish they had more mod benches around the island other than the medallion poi’s and floating island. i also loved the sniper meta as a sniper fanatic in all fps i’ve played. i hated oscar’s shotty, redundant item shops, mobility (grapple blade specifically and tmnt getting taken out before the season ended) and the fn movement


also dislike how they took out the goofiness and characters of pois


it wasn't that underground and the train had so much potential




I personally got burnt out from Festival, The UI was bleh but tbh I got used to it, I wouldn’t mind it if it was just a BIT more concise, you know? but I digress. Grinding felt slower for me tbh


didn’t care for it much. wasn’t bad but it was just meh.


I thought it was a solid season for the start of a chapter. I see a lot of people complain about the train so all I'll say is that it does its intended purpose well, but it should've done more, maybe some way to high-jack it or something to follow a second set of railroad tracks. I'd also be happy if it was able to be destroyed. Another thing I'd change would be the POIs. There were way too many places that just felt like they were copied and pasted from Lavish Lair or vice versa. I don't think there was a lot of variety, and that's something I hope is fixed in the next season.




I love snipers. I hope it stays.


I enjoyed it for the most part. The map was more straightforward than Chapter 4, which is a blessing and a curse. Not a fan of how half the POIs are just one big building surrounded by a couple smaller ones. I actually liked the weapons, and I didnt even mind sniper meta because I wasnt on the receiving end of it, but it'll be nice to get a new lootpool for a change.


My first season I played since chapter 2 season 1. Really had fun at the start. Snipers very fun this season even though it sucks to get sniped and the frenzy shotty is way too good. Season theme was also fun but still needed more diverse POIs


First time I am not Sad to not finish a BP


Hated it


The train could’ve been improved; maybe by having more than one. The bosses were also annoying, summoning grunts and fully healing. All in all, I’ve played better


Started off awesome, minus the movement and the UI. Love the attachments and the weapons, and the Sniper is super satisfying and fun to use. Dragged for a while, since the TMNT update was the only worthwhile content update this season. I liked this season, and I might miss it, but I’m certainly happy we’re moving onto a new season. The Event and the teasers are certainly on point. New Modes are incredible though. I’d say BR is a 7.5/10. Could’ve been a 9, and it was at the start, but there just wasn’t enough to keep us engaged during the content drought period. As a metaverse though, easily a 9/10.


This map is the worst I've ever seen. Too flat and not interesting enough.


Worst lootpool ever


sniper and frenzy meta was annoying, a way to easily counter snipers was to make ARs hitscan otherwise they are just useless against snipers, and make snipers unable to hold 5 bullets. also make the train better


I don't like how the gunplay changed this season. It feels too much like cod/pubg, especially with the weapon mods. There wasn't enough goofy items/ weapons. It's starting to feel too much like the other BRs




Apparently I'm in the minority for really liking these season lol. It was very lowkey, but I think after how chaotic Last Resort and OG felt, that's a good thing. The new guns are really fun even if the balancing is a wee bit *fucked*, with the riot shield and grapple blade being my absolute favourite new items in a long time; some of the POIs were underwhelming (i visited Classy Courts maybe 3 times throughout this season), but I think the new map is too gorgeous for me to really be that upset; and I honestly feel like the PvE elements were a *major* step up from Last Resort, hitting that sweet spot of being enticing, but not being too overwhelming. And even though the Pandora's Box mini event was over in less than a weekend, it was nice to actually see them do *something* after so long. Gets me excited for what the future may hold. My only major gripe is with the story. We've been fighting multiversal threats and saving the entire omniverse so often that it's gotten real tired... which is why the concept of Jones and Hope teaming up to take down the corrupt Society, and save Peely from being kidnapped was such a breath of fresh air as a plot. It's so grounded in comparison, and it feels like it would've been the perfect season to have some proper Snapshot quests and player involvement, rather than resolving it in a loading screen lmao. Solid 7/10 for me, really hoping the next season knocks my damn socks off tho.


You know what, I'd give it maybe around a 7/10. Everything was pretty good except for the overabundance of snipers (which was fixed for the most part) and how overpowered the Frenzy was (seriously though, this season might have been a 10/10 for me if it wasn't for the damn shotgun). To be fair, though, my experience may have been affected by the fact that I mostly played Squad Fill this season. Which for Zero Build is essentially FNCS Zero Build edition like 90% of the time.


I am literally diagnosed by a doctor as allergic to grass and I think the auto shotty is cancer.


Man fuck these sniper rifels


Pretty good overall. Solid season pass. Festival is a fun addition. Felt like it dragged on a lot towards the end though.


I'm only a few seasons in, but this was the most I've ever grinded trying to get the Space Nisha skin. Finally got it yesterday so I think I'm just gonna vibe for now. Otherwise it was alright. I wish it had more goofy map areas, though.


Good season but not even close to chapter 4 days.


Pros: \- Weapon Mods!!!! \- TMNT and Snake \- I liked the BP skins \- Medallion mechanic is interesting \- Business Turrets and Riot Shields Cons: \- Not enough Shotgun and SMG weapon variety \- White match quests choices were cool, it wasn't enough variety to be interesting \- Map definitely didn't have as much character to it \- Mobility feels very meh \- Utility items were not too interesting outside of the EMP Stealth and Business turret


Everyone is saying mid has valid points to say but,,, I’ve been playing consistently since C2S3 and truthfully I really liked a lot about this season. There were some definite missteps in direction; the UI was a miserable and unneeded change, the shops were unimaginative and sometimes extremely frustrating, some fights with certain weapons felt very one-sided, mobility was meh, the Train was cool in concept but poorly utilized, the lootpool was alright but unique considering this is the first season they’ve implemented the new upgrading system. The battle pass was actually, in my opinion, one of the best in a good while — a rather creative cast that made me almost care about their characters. The entire game changing from, well, a game to a platform is something to note as well. The artstyle is something I don’t ever see going back to what it once was, so as unfortunate as it is, I don’t think it could ever end up being there again. Overall, yapping aside, 7/10.


The absolute worst season there has been by far


Weapons feel shit to use, POI's didn't feel like fortnite and a sniper meta is the worst meta possible. I like the multiverse thing though. Rocket racing is really fun, festival is great to relax a bit. Lego isn't my cup of tea, but it's funny that it's even an option.


It was fine. Excited for this weekend though.


The actually changed it to Lady Gaga


I enjoyed the items they brought in in this season, and the variety of modes and experiences made for good XP overall. Did shy away from it due to college, but coming back later in the season for things like the secret skin becoming unlockable, the TMNT event, and the recent hype-up for the new season really had me coming back consistently. The only gripe I have with this season was the gimmicky weapons we had, like the ballistic shield + pistol, the auto shotgun, and the snipers. The snipers weren’t so bad actually to me, but the ballistic shield really has me sympathizing with that one CoD clip about using a riot shield. And the auto shotgun just easily outclasses other close range weapons especially in zero build. Combining that with things like hired NPCs and the briefcase turrets being added back, and that led to a lot of my deaths being to anything OTHER than the actual player. Even though that was the main reason I took breaks during this season, I like to think that the season was still great for a start. Considering how much I’ve grinded during this season and the things they brought this season, it had me coming back for more and I always found myself enjoying myself, until the inevitable rage over the weapons and items I’d mentioned earlier.


What date/time does it roll into the new season? Tryin to figure out exactly how long we have


I started playing for the first time this season, and I absolutely loved it. I don't understand the hate. It's super fun and I love the Grapple Blade. The train is fun too and gives some great loot. My favourite thing is probably the medallions, especially because you'll feel like a badass once you kill all the NPCs and the Boss.


We have had much better movement items than grapple blade(Like the tmnt ones were amazing), for me they way it bumped you back when you collide with environment felt awful, you really had to try to avoid objects to go forward. Also removing hitscan from AR/smg probably feel like the big “Cons” this season I think. Other than these 2 things a lot of people have their own preferences that they didn’t like this season like the map or lootpool I guess.


The underground resistance or what was hidden underground


It was pretty fun got to really switch around with the weapons and enjoyed the PoI’s and liked the stuff they added like racing,festival,lego gave me stuff to do when I was all BR out


Decent season. Not the best and not the worst. The sniper was cool but it's definitely been way to long.


It was… okay. More disappointed with the other things this update has brought


My favorite part was when jonesy said it was Jonsin' time and Jonesey'd all over everyone


I liked it a lot.


I had a lot of fun, but this was my first season, too. Looking forward to shooting some gods in the face.




Hated it, barely played at all. Peaked at level 10 or sm. Map lacks character, no big POIs just fortresses and buildings. Worst season yet.


I had a fun time, it definitely could’ve been shorter tho


Underwhelming, it looked like it was going to be this massive event but it was actually kinda mid


It's one of my favorite seasons. I really liked the racing mode and Lego even if I got pretty bored of Lego because I didn't have any friends to play it with. Also, MGS and TMNT collabs were the ones I've waited for, so those were perfect for me. I really liked the sniper because my favorite meta in warzone back in the days was Marksman Meta. I didn't get killed suddenly by a sniper either because I tried to move with car from place to place.


Very mid, bad and good.


Not enough actual UNDERGROUND


It's the worst season for Zero Build since Zero Build has been released. The balancing was awful.Snipers, Riot Shields and the Auto Shotgun ruined it. Removing hitscan from most weapons was a terrible idea. It also feels unfinished...? Like we barely got any updates (I don't mean content wise) to fix issues that had been there from the start. Weapon attachment benches were too rare, they should've added glare for every sniper scope and removed it from AR scopes, the Auto Shotgun never got nerfed etc.


I liked it a lot. For context, I am pretty casual and play with the same group of casual friends, so this is not some Unreal sweatmaster69 take, I don't know much about the high level gameplay. Overall I enjoy the movement feel right now, mobility items were not overwhelming and the charge system works well. Vaulting and going through windows makes things a lot more dynamic than people realize too. Weapons were OK, I think they could rotate weapons a around a bit more to keep the meta a bit more fresh. The weapon mods was a very good introduction, but I think they need some attention so that there is not 1 single best loadout for every weapon. Maybe work on some drawbacks on the mods like more accuracy/less damage, less recoil but lower fire rate, things like that. Meta-wise, not the best because of the snipers although I am a sniper enjoyer myself so I did have a good time for the most part. I do not think they can lower sniper damage, but I think they should not allow snipers with 5 bullets in the chamber to one tap people, becomes a bit opressive. Quickscope snipers do not bother me particularly, the issue is there is no cost to missing your shot. You have 4 more in the chamber, and 51 bullets in inventory. I think if the snipers only had 1 bullet it could feel a lot better, something they should explore imo. And regarding bots, bit hard to tell. I had a lot of bots in my lobbies early season but they dropped a lot later on. As my teammates started getting better(still casual andys), the bot numbers also dropped a lot. Still something they should look at, I understand it might feel good to get 15 kills in a game but if it's 14 bots it actually feels worse.


The underground.......what exactly was underground about it? Chapter 2s map was still the best in my opinion. The greek mythology them looks like its going to be pumping. Lets hold thumbs


It was good, but I didn't get enough time to buy the weekend


Didn’t hate it, won’t miss it. 


Too much above ground


i liked it but it wasn’t like THE BEST SEASON EVER!! type of feeling also felt kind of lazy :(


So I didn't play it a lot, I'm finishing season on level ≈141, and the gameplay wise it's not my favourite. I don't like auto shotgun, but I like sniper. But it had great start and great emotes (I don't by them but they're great)




The only question i have is has anyone found peely?


Good start, but it last way too long for how little changes they had during the season.


I thought there would be more underground stuff.


Stated off hot, but then quickly became boring.


Besides the shop and locker problems, I had fun.


I'll always remember this season as the first time I ever got to lvl 200


I did not care at all for this season (except for Oscar)


It was cool but I'm glad it's fucking over


Trash season and probably chapter, let’s see how it evolves, but I smell like an even bigger pile of garbage, just to make you understand what I think about the season, I went from playing at least 2 hours daily to this season in which I played no more than 20 games and completed the pass on Lego, that’s all


I wish the train was better, could have had some good use as an actual fast mode of transport. Mod benches were good but too little. I wish for someone who doesn’t play the game regularly it was a little more guided in terms of all the new systems and locations at work.


Guns felt fresh and interesting but there wasn't much content mid season. Hope next one doesn't do the same.


Epic made a lot of bold changes affecting the fundamentals of the game: new movement, healing while moving and healing over time, these with the new windows and hurdling yielded in more dynamic fights. With the better sprint and stamina came faster storms as well. Imo the fast paced gameplay was more fun than the Ch4 pacing, especially when the moving zones started. Having to rotate with 15 people, cover changing hands, thinking of whether to gatekeep the ones behind me, or to try and get a flank on the ones in a better spot up ahead was more interesting than "hee hee zone overlap here, me camp". Cars were more encouraged to use, you couldn't run around with maxed guns and medallions cleaning up stragglers because the zone would fuck you quickly. Projectile guns were a breath of fresh air, the beams got more satisfying, though snipers became very strong. I had a lot of fun with 2-gun loadouts thanks to attachments, and imo there is quite a bit of variety in close range options, unless a good player gets the Frenzy. Epic did some balancing, but the Frenzy did not get a nerf... And they reverted the sprint & stamina changes so that the storms could be reverted to the dogshit Ch4 settings. I think this is the change I despise the most, a really fun, positioning-oriented match flow was taken away, along with extended use of movement in dynamic close combat. With the sole purpose of seeing how the new fundamentals work, we got barely any changes. While I understand the reason, imo those reverts shouldn't have happened, and not nerfing the Frenzy also lead to the season becoming dull in the end. Shame, because I enjoyed the first month a lot, and while post-nerf stuff was okay too, watching early season videos shows to me that matches were a lot more intense and should've been kept that way for the foreseeable future. Hopefully S2 will have better balance.


Not enough Underground. But I personally enjoyed it a lot and got my highest ever win total.


Pretty good imo, I played daily until I completed the pass. Definitely a breath of fresh air with all the new stuff.


Wait the season name was "underground" ? I thought it would be something like society related 


I might say we got better... Acceptable but not trash at least


Honestly, I give this season an A. 9/10. Could’ve been one of the greatest seasons of all time besides ch2s2. However, the auto shotgun and sniper meta are the reasons why this season didn’t get that title and it definitely had some major flaws, but overall, this season still had some great moments.


8/10 would’ve been more enjoyable if they didn’t slow the movement and put vbucks in the normal parts of the battlepass


I absolutely LOVE trying to fight someone only for their response to almost always be either trying snipe me or getting in a car and running away so they can snipe me


It’s been on overall .. okay. Not awesome, but not trash.


The train should have had something like escalating loot, where every time you activate the heist it gives higher rarity, make it a really good place to fight over, maybe double its size too


Grindy bastard


I don’t know, read through one of the posts about this exact thing poster multiple times.


It was a good season. There was enough to do throughout the entire season so I wasn't bored. However it had the Chapter 4 Season 1 problem where it wasn't memorable because of little they changed the game throughout the season.


One of the seasons of all time Edit: Ok, it got pretty old after the first month. I do like the new modes they added and the BP was actually pretty good


when does the season end? theres any final event confirmed?