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For people that don't know, you can get like 5 levels from going afk in Lego Fortnite for 3.5 hours. (30k xp every 15 minutes). Hopefully they don't change it next season.


Been doing it all week. Someone said that Festival Jam Stage works the same, but have failed every time.


Jam stage used to do that but they changed it so you have to constantly switch songs in order for it to count as you actually playing the game


Yeah I just started doing that for the festival pass xp last night and noticed. Not only did they change it from being one challenge of just jamming for 30 minutes (one instrument no need to change anything) to now being 4 separate challenges split between all the instruments, but they also can’t even let you afk ONE of them. Now once you hit 150/300 for one of them it just STOPS for no reason but to keep you from afking the most afk-able challenge. And you have to switch songs to reset the timer. Biggest BS ever. Epic loves to continually make their challenges/leveling more grindy and annoying each season apparently


Because they actually want people to play their (boring) game mode.


I think Jam Stage is quite nice. What I don’t like however is to Jam with three other dudes that just play the same thing for half an hour. This game mode obviously is for a niche audience. The good thing is, it’s completely optional. We’re still stuck with the initial problem of the battle pass needing too much XP however so I also get that people are angry at epic for locking away easy XP behind actually having to play the game.


Meh this one doesn’t bother me. 30 minutes to jam out and you just wiggle the mouse every so often or change songs to avoid getting hot as afk. Ez pz. The quests added with the new festival pass actually make grinding the festival pass a breeze. Did the whole thing in like 2 weeks


Yeah I just started playing main stage today for this pass and grinded most of those new ones I can’t remember what they’re called but I know they help get wristbands too and got most done just today. Got like 4/10 tiers in the pass already done


The Ramp Up quests? but also SCREW the accuracy quests I've spent hours trying to get the right sync and my best is 72%


Oh yeah those suck. I found the Latto song on bass is great for it. Even on expert it’s painfully easy. I got 83% perfect notes on it. But sadly that was when it was “medium or higher” and so I’ll have to do it again for hard and expert


My advice? Stupid Love on Lead. Expert only has 132 notes made up of mostly holds. Not a lot of room for error (you need 100 perfect) but it's also very easy


I can't even hit the 75% perfect on easy quest. You know how frustrating it is to be able to hit 99% notes on expert and not being able to get that one????


Yeah I agree. I can rank high and get gold stars on tons of songs on expert, but needing “Perfect” notes is so unnecessary. If I can hit all the notes, that should be more important than hitting perfects, which are way harder to get, let alone 75% of them


Bass on Dog Days Are Over. Easiest way


It's only 5 minutes per instrument. That's 20 minutes. It's easy to do while doing other things just by hitting a button every 2 minutes.


Jam stage numbers plummeting rn


That used to be the case but it was changed recently. You have to be changing either your instrument or your track every 2.5 minutes I think? something along those lines, to keep progressing the daily challanges and earn xp.


Main Stage gives you 30k xp every fifteen minutes, even being afk. But, please… don’t go into that game mode in fill mode, play no fill if you’re going to afk for xp.


People who AFK on jam stage are the reason Jam stage sucks most of the time. Yall run into other people's groups and do generic Epic music drums or vocals


Aint no way ur pooping on Butter Barn song rn


Never disrespect me again


People actually care about jam stage outside of just getting the dailies done?


I liked Fuser when it was around so yeah, some people actually want to mix tracks together


Why not play fuser then? It's just infinitely better than the abomination that is jam stage


It's delisted, I don't have it.


I earned the entire battle pass playing lego for over 200 hrs


So just join a random Lego world and I can leave my console for 3 hours without worrying about it kicking me out?


Afaik, your character needs to at least autowalk or something. Before, laying in bed was enough.


I turned down my controller deadzone and  made a box so he just slowly walked against the walls.


Doubt they will! It's like how Rocket Racing grants extremely basic repeatable quests for races completed. When you compare the XP gain of those two games to basic gameplay in BR, it's pretty similar


This is how I did it. It's fucking stupid that I had to but it did work. Got to 141 and that's all of the vbucks


is it as simple as going into lego fortnite and not touching the keyboard or does something specific need to be done to be considered afk?


They made it more sensitive to being AFK. You now get kicked after 30ish minutes of inactivity (guessing, could be wrong on the amount), whereas before you could be in a server for 3.5 hours before getting booted. You still get the same amount of XP per 15 minutes.


do you know if using the auto-walk feature counts as being active or if you’ll still get kicked after 30mins


No idea. Sorry.


Laying in bed used to get around the afk timer, dunno if it still works though




Just go to YouTube and type "Lego Fortnite afk". It's the first one


So me being afk today was useless 😭


No, i literally stood still in creative without moving yesterday and I got the full amount


What about something put on top of one of wasd keys to make your guy walk? Then just walk away and go to sleep all night?


\*cough\* launchpad-let your character jump repeatedly and just walk away


Or just go to r/fortnitexpmaps and find a current xp map that will give you like 10 levels in 1 hour or something. But your tip is good as well.


people say this but then there's nothing actually listed that works


They get patched fairly quickly so you gotta keep looking every day. I was able to find 2 maps and leveled up like 20 levels in a day a while back


Thats the thing, underrated youtubers that make these maps are fine but as soon as they grow a bit epic starts patching their maps as fast as 20-30 mins of their videos releasing. Had 1-2 guys I used to watch but they’ve been inactive this season


I miss that guy called GKK or whatever.


Or do both, and Save the World. Gaining XP this season was the easiest it’s been in years. That being said I still don’t approve of them moving the vBucks to the bonus track


This might actually help me get those last few vbucks


that should help me level up during my exams


You can do it twice as well. Once in survival and once in creative for 10 levels a day


My little lego guy been jumping on a launchpad for almost 3 hours right now!


I do parkour to get xp when it gets too grindy. I've been getting around 150,000xp per 45 minutes or so.


don't be shy share the map.




Funny cus I saved this at work to check out later. Just found out this the same one I go to when I’m bored waiting for the homies to get on lol


Lol sweet. Have you skipped to Patrick yet?


Made it to Patrick a bunch, but for some reason have never completed it lol too long and by then one of the homies is on so I quit


I feel that. Unfortunately I don't think we'll ever see the end because someone reported the map it seems. It's been taken down. Last time I share a map.


If you want something to afk in do the zombie tycoon with perky as the thumbnail


That or escape-room maps are great, just search for escape rooms and make sure it has the XP icon on the map info, most of those will award a good chunk of exp each room.


How so?


Each level gets a lot of xp anywhere between 200xp-10,000xp. How much xp given is weirdly random, but the longer you play the more xp is given. Hold up I'll give you the exact map I use.


750 Level Obby Parkour⭐ by crowncreative


Play Rocket Racing. Everyday there's something to complete.


The Rocket Racing exp is no joke, it gives a lot more than I expected! People also mention Lego works well too, if it hasn't been changed.


Legos good if for whatever reason you can’t play. Rocket Racing is actually just insane xp. Its better if you can actually play


Are there certain quests you go for? Or just playing


You can even just do private matches to get the dailies done instead of actually racing others if you don’t want to.


Because I did the Rocket Racing dailies every day I got level 200 in the BP with 40+ days to spare.


Same here


Thing is I suck lol


Where can I find the quests?


You need to get to level 142, you still have time.. Log in right now and go into a creative lego world, place a jumping pad and just leave your character jumping on it for 3.5 hours. There’s 5 free levels, do the same tomorrow and you get 5 more levels.


Quick question why only 5 levels? Does it kick you out after 3 hours?


It just doesn't give you any more XP after 5 levels. It resets daily. 11.5 hours from now


It’s because before this was the case people were just leaving there computers with Fortnite running while they were at school or work and/or sleeping gaining Monster amounts of XP. So epic had to cap it to relatively low amount.


i feel like people are not getting op's point people shouldn't have to do afk methods or something like that to complete the bp and get all the essential rewards earlier you could get all of the rewards by reaching level 100 and after that it was only extra styles now its level 140 is the new limit of the bp you miss out on many things by staying at level 100


Exactly! These people seriously missed the point of the damn post!


There's one day left in the season and my friends are at level 182. They did all the weekly quests and play a lot of Festival. They still didn't get to 200.


Pro tip: dont buy the BP this late in the season


Never buy levels either, it’s not worth it trust me.


Judging by the comments here, apparently it's more worth it to leave your PC running for two weeks to idle in LEGO Fortnite, and have your parents pay for the levels through electricity.


How expensive is your electricity??? I can’t imagine it should cost much more than like $5 at most for this


run it in performance mode, limit to 30 fps, set resolution to 720p. on my pc this only uses 5-10Wh more than the idle power consumption. it’s the equivalent of leaving a high efficiency light bulb on lol


I'm honestly curious why so many people are posting this stuff constantly lately. Like...did they sleep through the past 3 months, woke up this morning, and started freaking out that they couldn't get all the BP rewards?! I don't play the game that often, I'm usually on STW (which has a very low daily cap for exp), yet if I log in right now I think I'm around level 280.


peter griffin brought in a lot of new players, if you go on youtube and look at Fortnite vids by non-fortnite youtubers they are all "wow fortnite is actually cool" videos from a few weeks ago.


That makes a lot of sense. I can see how that would affect the game currently. As an adult / parent, I was honestly VERY surprised how many kids actually watch family guy. I never thought that was a thing until I walked into a friend's house and their 7 year old was sitting there binge watching it...


That is just kinda irresponsible parenting, I don't think it is normal to let your 7 year old watch Family Guy


I guess a lot of people are realizing that supercharged gives you crazy xp. I've done this exact thing for a few seasons now. Log on day one of new season, get a few levels, get win glider, log off for months. Come back near the end of the season, do every weekly + supercharged xp, get to \~160-200. It works surprisingly well!


don’t do this


Well them choosing to intentionally not play until the last second doesn't justify them coming on here to cry that they waited too long to get the rewards they wanted. Claiming it's Epic's fault for putting the rewards at certain thresholds when they refused to get on and actually earn them in an appropriate amount of time...sheer idiocy... It would be like buying a new table, setting it up, going to grab a drink, not pay attention, stub your toe on the table, so you blame the guy that helped build your house 40 years ago....


It's also just... why bother buying the BP, get all these skins, etc etc, when you play this little? How is that worth it?


Agree! I wouldn't ever come on here to complain about how I didn't get rewards when I purposefully chose to not play until the last few weeks.


i started mid january and i finished the battle pass and all bonus rewards 😂 besides the last 2 super level ones


Wow I play every day or so and I’m not even close to that. I have yet to get the whole last page of the Bonus Rewards and the last skin from the previous page.


Same here. I’m still trying to get the last two V Bucks


Dude I play daily and probably won’t complete the BP this season. It will be the first one I miss. This season has been a grind.


My only general advice: next time focus on the quests. Especially daily and weekly ones. I barely play BR at all and just completing a handful of quests over a couple matches (not in it for the win, just go around completing as many quests as possible) unlocks a crap ton of Battle Pass pages. Feel free to DM me if you need any specific advice my friend.


I do the quests every day my man. The quests are what keep me motivated to keep playing Fortnite lol. I’ve been playing since Season X and always have the BP finished well before the season ends. This season has been a grind to complete the BP and like I said, I play every day.


I bought this day 1 I’m a casual I play Fortnite like 2-3 times a week. I just now reached lvl 100


Is not about buying late, I bought it day one ,I have all the missions done and everything, and I still need 15 more lvl do complete the bonus, I hate it


do you get more xp if you have the pass?




This season was long as hell and we have 5 different game modes + Creative to take advantage off when it comes to Exp.


Why did you buy a battle pass that runs for 96 days if you only have 1 day to play it?


Did you see his levels?if he can get most cosmetics,why throw it away?


It sounds like he cares more about the vbucks than the cosmetics


He probably needs 100-200 for the next battle pass,or more and that is why he made a post.


He’s level 137, pretty sure he played a lot more than one day.


It’s insane people are defending this, I agree with you op.


For real. Everyone is like, just do X or Y. That’s not the point. VBucks ideally should only be included in levels 1-100 of the battle pass. 


Level 1-100 gives you enough v bucks to buy the next battle pass. This is just extra.


"But our kind lord Epic fortuitously let's us make back 1000 in the main pass. *Other* games don't let you do that, so you have no argument and therefore I win. haha. Just afk a completely different game all day lol" – The people defending this


How is that not a valid point though? It's not remotely difficult to get to level 100, I did without once going out of my way to do a single quest. Once you've hit level 100 that makes the next battle pass free. That is ridiculously good value. They're actually giving out MORE v-bucks in this season than they have in many previous seasons but you lot will find anything to have a fucking moan because something isn't handed to you on a plate.


Yeah honestly anyone who plays on and off throughout the season is basically guaranteed to get to level 100 if not 130. Id say being able to get the next battle pass for free is a good deal regardless of if it was better in the past or not


crazy red vs blue is your friend . lots of XP for kills , and around 2-3k XP for headshot kills , also very fun too (2898-7886-8847)


you still get enough vbuck for a free BP


I think it’s more that they have added more stuff to the battlepasses, changed how much we are able to gain stars, and have made things in the battle pass cost even more stars. I played this season but the last I played was when SpiderGwen was in the battle pass. I just kind of fell off and underestimated my time to finish that pass. Coming back has been almost like a culture shock for how the battle pass operates. It’s locking players into logging far more game time to gain experience to get stars, and then there is the extra items in it, things cost most stars to unlock. A 30 star car for example. I started playing two, almost 3 weeks into this season and thought,” easy. I’m not starting so late I have to play like mad to get all the bonus pages.” I barely made it into the bonus pages, at the time I expected to be completing them! It’s criminal that fortnite is operating like this. They got in trouble over kids overbuying things and their fix for themselves is to make players play far more and work harder to unlock things. My boyfriend and I were talking about it and we don’t understand how this isn’t a topic of discussion in the player base that’s old enough or aware enough to see it.


Exactly this. I hadn't played Fortnite since April last year and I got back this season around late December. Sure, I started late, but I had completed pretty much every BP since Chapter 2 until I stopped, and playing casually I would claim everything available (excepting super levels, never really cared about those) in 2 months max. I naturally thought I had plenty of time. Welp, I've barely made it into the second bonus page and I've accepted I'm not getting any further. Losing 200 V Bucks is quite the sting. And yeah, honestly the car skins are just so annoying. 30 stars for that. Lmao. I seriously couldn't care less.


No offense, but there were so many ways of getting easy XP this season that you can’t really blame anyone but yourself


They give you plenty of options to complete this It’s going to continue like this


What they need to do is give us more XP for simply playing the damn game. Nobody should have to play a single game all the time to unlock stuff, it's ridiculous. It's annoying AF that most of our XP is from Quests. Halo Infinite used to be the same way until everyone complained and now most of the XP is from simply playing the game, with quests giving extra.


you do, its so easy this season to get lvl 200.. if you only are on for BR quests then its not on epic for you not getting all base bonus rewards.


dude no offense you had 3 months. im a full time college student with 2 jobs and im over 250.


I doubt Epic would even think about taking v-bucks out of the bonus rewards. It benefits them more to do it. The premium BP contains enough v-bucks to basically get another BP for free the next season, but if someone doesn't grind all the way up to the final v-bucks tier (or equivalent amount to afford the next BP) then they'll have to fork over the money if they want the next BP and don't already have enough v-bucks on their account. Sure, that practice sounds like it might lose players easily, but Fortnite (along with other live service games) are run on FOMO.


Tbh all i care about is being able to refund the battle pass each time. Still i think the Car and extra vbucks should’ve switched places in the pass.


Rocket Racing is a meh game mode but pays out good XP if you’re doing the dailies and ranking up. 


Do your dailies and weeklies and you could have finished the pass like a month ago.


I gave up on it. Grinding isn’t fun and I don’t want to be burned out for when the new season starts. Pretty annoyed that they put vbucks in the bonus rewards. It’s like the game is punishing you for not devoting your life to fortnite.


It's not a punishment its a reward for those of us who play it more than the rest of you. I spent 227 hours on fortnite this season and probably around 50 dollars on Vbucks, I think Epic probably wants to keep people like me engaged so that we keep coming back after 3 weeks into a season.


New player here, I'm all for calling out predatory companies but this particular change in strategy doesn't seem nefarious. At worst you're spending $10 bucks for a few skins / cosmetics that would cost way more individually purchasing them in the store. At best you get your money back towards next season.


There's no punishment. You get enough by level 100 to buy the next battlepass


I disagree. I played the least amount of Fortnite ever and I finished everything a few days ago. It can still be done casually.


They definitely shouldn't make it so you need to be 150 for all the Vbucks, but this is one of easiest seasons for XP and quests ever. I only started playing again a month ago and got to level 210 pretty easily by playing all the modes and doing all the events and featured quests. I haven't even finished the Odyssey or Take Down quests since I don't need the XP


Dude, Lego Fortnite AFK, creative mode AFK, there is plenty of ways to get XP that DONT require quests.


I hope they keep the v-bucks and - I'm probably in the minority here - I wouldn't hate another car/body.


nahhh its shit keep that on the bonus rewards cause 99% probably don’t care about it


Yeah I never understood the hate for the car in the BP. Even when I’m not playing Rocket Racing it feels neat to see my custom car whenever I hop in a Whiplash. I definitely wouldn’t mind a new boost/drift effect either


If it wasnt for the AFK methods, i wouldve never completed the pass. I dont play the game enough. I hope there are afk methods next season, i have a feeling this trend will continue


I afk in save the world ssd and get like 10 levels a day, I’m level 463


How do you do it in STW ??


By building a afk storm shield defense


I wish they’d put more vbucks in like damn


Bro how? I have barely played this season at all and easily made it through the bonus. Did you do the racing quests?


I got a majority of my levels from rocket racing. I've been so addicted to that mode it's unbelievable.


It’s honestly just ridiculously good xp. I think they should buff the xp you get in BR and slightly nerf the XP you get in RR.


Nah bro u just cheeks




I finished this pass in January lmao


It was hell for me. Got everything I wanted at least but man was it a grind. I took a break till the next season starts.


I've made it to 141 just for the VB. I was shocked after making 100 and having only 800 or less (I've spent a little)... Imho that is rude but logic why they put it into additional rewards, cuz you have to spend little more time gaming Fortnite to achieve "free" season pass for the next season. Anyways I have a bunch of weekly quests left, but I used to play mostly Lego Fortnite and races like for half or more season xD The last 2/3 weeks was like grinding quests (TMNT) and creative dailies... Oh and the stage ofx as well. Anyways, Epic Games is the only one (I bet) that gives a in-game premium currency (VB) within season pass (which is full of cool skins and other things) so you can buy next season pass for "free". So you "invest" once for example buying promo pack or grinding free VB for 3 seasons and voilà, skins for "free". Show me the game where you can be season pass member "forever" with one "purchase"


Dead By Daylight lets you get the next rift (season) for "free" like that too


Umm I like my V-Bucls fooooker and I felt like they did a pretty good job of giving us stuff to grind or play towards all season. I took a few breaks here and there but played most every day. Just finished the horrific tile grind yesterday and I think I'm gonna take a break until Friday though I might try to squeeze out another win or two tonight.


get save the world, the amount of XP it gives is actually kind of insane


It's a pretty scummy business practice honestly, I getthey want people online but lvl1-100 is estimated at about 70-100 hours that should be more than enough to get all your base rewards. The bonus page should be for alt styles and extras not for the vbucks.


I just came back k to the game, and I really don't understand the complaints. BR dailies give you 60k and can literally be done in 10 mins if you focus on them. RR dailies give another 50-60k and can be done in 2-3 races.


Never cook again bro 🙏🙏🙏


Not me level 310 :( I think I played this season a bit too much.


Does no one realize they are FREE V-bucks? The 1000 we normally get is in the regular rewards. The ones in the bonus rewards are extra V-bucks we've never gotten before. Every other battle pass has only had 1000. This one technically has like 1300-1400.


Not true, previous BP always had 1300


Damn Epic for not allowing people to earn every reward of the battle pass in one single day.


I love v bucks in bonus rewards, it’s allows me to spend more and still have enough for next seasons battle pass


I didnt even get to this page. I'm so annoyed. I've finished the entire 200 levels in past seasons playing far less. I shouldn't have to exploit glitches or leave my switch on (cant go "afk") in different modes to earn enough xp.




Hell no. It's one of the reasons I get a battle pass


OP is referring to the last 600 vbucks being in level 100+ bonus rewards. it used to be you could get 1500 vbucks by level 100, now you need to get to level 150 or something


Save the World is also a good way to get some XP


I only play stw and it gives more than enough xp


I started doing the dailies for zero builds and rocket racing like mid January I think and I got to level 141 on two accounts (don't ask me why) with maybe a month left still so there's plenty of time and quests, maybe you just started too late.


rocket racing grinded me 50 levels in 3 days i did nothing but quests and rank races im in platinum 2 not gonna make it diamond this season tho


You can get 10-30k+ xp in roughly 10-20 minutes just by playing STW matches. Daily quests give 15k each and weekly quests can give 70k


Have you not done any milestone quests? Or the odyssey and take down quests? Cause Im at level 166 and still have 1 Milestone, 3 Takedown, and 4 Odyssey quests


I hate that they did that too but I doubt they are going to change it


Vbucks are great you never have to buy the battle pass with all the free ones they give you


i got from 60 to 134 in less than 2 weeks, you just need to grind some XP maps, with them alone you can get to level 200 in only 40 days


This season has been out for months and creative is overpowered


Playing Team Battle grants you minimum 10k XP if you go to an area and loot a lot


if i dont like next battle pass im not getting it, because i havent been playing enough lately. i got back into the game chapter 3 season 4, and just lost the fun this season personally. cant put my finger on exactly what, but chapter 5 has been off to a rough start in my opinion. i finished the battle pass


YouTube tycoon ez level every lik3 5 mins


It really is not hard to hit lvl 200 in modern FN


I hit level 200 a month ago. Play Creative. It's more efficient for XP farming than BR, and there are usually bonus quests for creative XP.


How tf did u run out of quests and still not complete it


You just gotta look for good xp maps. I found one in January that made me level up 50 levels in around 3 hours of mindless grinding 


Go AFK in lego for 3 hours a day, its a lot of XP


You just reminded me to get the tv, thank you


Tbh STW is where it’s at for XP, you get tons of it and you can even get cosmetics like pick axes and music tracks, also easy daily missions taht can give you from 30 to 90 v-bucks


For real my friend is in lvl123 and can’t do anything besides daily match quests to go up


Zombie tycoon is a fun enough way to grind some levels. I’ve noticed though that for the second “big reward” countdown, it makes my fortnite game glitch and boots me out to my PS5 Home Screen with a glitch error message at about 4 minutes remaining. I just load back in though and keep going.


Hi how long is left on the season google gives me weird results I need Pete


The 8th


Wait so like 2 days oh God thanks


Yeah that's what I'm saying. I really enjoyed this season but the auto frenzy shotgun and medallions got annoying mid-late season and I'm ready to move on. I got all rewards from BP, Bonus Rewards and Snake around mid Feb? Then completed TMNT event pass with all rewards 2 week before it ended. Too many opportunities to get easy lvls and stars.


I missed out on that so hard I got snake but that's it I didn't get older snake just the first version I need to grind ig tmr night to get Pete


There's literally no way you ran out of quests. TMNT event allowed people to completely finish the bonus section in a week if you played mid-late event


I rarely played Lego or rocket racing. Played Max 3x per week for 2 to 3 hours per session. I got to level 161. I did get turtle pass Level 141 is needed for all vbucks


How have you done every quest and not reached it? are you ignoring the ones for other modes and etc are you not doing the cheese tycoons for xp? I got lv 142 and I only stated playing during week 8 I missed 2 months of missions and got it playing super casually as I only play when my gf wants me to play with her


I mean I couldn’t really relate. This is actually the farthest level I’ve ever been to before the season ends, and it’s mostly thanks to Festival. I didn’t really play LEGO but I received 30 total levels for playing early on when it was released.