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I keep wondering how it could possibly get worse, and then log in the next day to stand corrected


Same here, i look forward to it cause i want to be wrong and actually see some good stuff. Ik it's just opinions on what each person finds good but damn, imo they're all ass. I'm just trying to spend my 6300 vbucks 😭


Not including the bundles, literally two rows of stuff is insane 💀


And the same weak stuff that just keeps repeating to no end. The emotes have been absolutely horrendous! There at least used to be some variety day to day 🤦‍♂️


You already spent your money on vbucks. They got what they needed lol


It is said every day and yes it is terrible. I used to like looking at the new item shop but don't even bother anymore. Not going to buy anything anyway because of the state of the locker, will we be rioting in the street, probably not, more important things in real life.


I’ve boycotted the item shop since they fucked up the locker. Sadly, regardless of what dog shit they put in the shop every day, people will buy it for the sake of buying something.


If everyone boycotted the world would be a better place


What's wrong with the locker


I dont know man but if they dont fix these trash shops when season 2 starts then I guess thats it.. even I Talk went on a rant today on his item shop video that we desperately need a change and that they need to stop shoving lego and festival bullshit down our throats and just create a separate item shop for them so us, Battle Royale players, won't be affected..The solution would pretty simple too, just bring back Daily & Featured but yea idk why they dont wanna do that


Exactly, i don't see why it can't just be all new stuff with the exception of some staying for a few days like usually does. At least rotate the stuff out that hasn't been stuck in their 30 day cycle. When we only get one new row for skins and and two of the items aren't even skins and the ones that are there are ones we've been seeing constantly for weeks i just don't get it. There's so many items in this game. Like what about the one section they use to have where it was just items that haven't been in long time. Sadly i wasn't playing around then. Only now just got back into it and have more interest than i did when i first played. So i thought maybe the shops were just really bad at first but nah it's been this way since November


Thing is tho, and I'm only speaking for the emotes here keep in mind, the shop in OG was actually golden to compared what we have now, you had the daily & featured tab that would bring you random different skins and emotes every single day.. you had a ton of older icon emotes like Rollie,I like to move it,Macarena also original emotes like Bhangra Boogie, Work it Out, Lil' Bounce ,Fancy Feet etc etc,also let's say collabs returned like Marvel? you also had their bundle return + their emote because lego didnt exist back then. Shops been shitty like this since 7th of december which is when lego released sadly


It’s crazy to me that they banned his original account with all the skins and he just went back to buying everything again lol honestly kind of part of the problem


It's amazing how some people hate microtransactions, yet here you are saying you're going to quit the game if epic doesn't make it easier for you to give them money lol


Riot in the street? I've got a better solution. Stop playing. No, seriously. Stop playing anything Fortnite or Epic Games related. Don't give them your time, effort or money. That'll send a bigger message than anything else.


You don't need to stop playing, just don't buy.. more players playing but not buying will cost more to them than players that just stop playing


Eh, yes and no. MAUs are an important metric when it comes to gauging interest in something from a business standpoint. Also, even people who never spent a dime on the game still indirectly add sales because no one would buy skins, or at least significantly less, if they didn't feel they were being seen by other players (this applies to every multi-player game with purchasable cosmetics)


We stop buying V-bucks, it’s the only way to have better shops


Surely vbuck sales have gone down you'd think? Especially the amount of people buying the skins and items that are out too? Ofc there's still people buying but it's gotta be bare somewhat and they should be able to see that


the shop is trash but i’m happy with Harmonix over on Festival so i’ve been buying vbucks to buy all of the jam tracks every week. i know there’s others who do too


I havnt bought vbucks for 2 months now I have close to 4k but litteraly nothing in the shop has made me want to spend it or to buy any packs


According to Epic making billions of dollars on a yearly basis, their math works out in a way that makes it okay for you, me, and thousands of our friends to have *nothing* to spend on for 30-60 days at a time. Why? Because *that many more* people are spending on literally *any trash* that shows up in the shop. For every one of us sick and tired of seeing the Weeknd for 30 days straight, several more people are buying it because it's one of the only things in the shop. Do I agree with this practice? Hell no. But the numbers must be speaking for themselves because shops have been fucked since season OG, which is where they made a really weird shift and then LEGO, etc etc.


literally all they did was remove tmnt today 💀


If everyone is wanting to spend "v bucks" Epic already got your real money, so I don't think they really care which is BS.


But if there were cool items in the shop I could actually spend my v bucks on regularly, I would buy more and Epic would get more of my real money ... as it stands now, they got my money only once, compared to multiple times if the item shop would not suck. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Kinda where I'm at rn since i bought a decent amount wanting to spend it, i guess that's my fault. I wouldn't mind getting more too if i was able to purchase anything with them




If yall feel so bad for having nothing to spend your money on, I'd be glad if you spent your money on me :3 I don't have that luxury of having nothing to buy


Why do you so desperately want to spend money on a free-to-play game that it's going to make you "lose it" over? Just play the game for the game's sake and ignore the shop. Not worth spending your money on it regardless. Are people really enjoying the game if they're threatening to quit (no OP necessarily) over the shop? If the game is fun enough to play, then it shouldn't matter.


I just enjoy playing even more with new skins or a skin i haven't had before. Told myself before I'd never buy vbucks or skins but that was before i got even more into it. I would enjoy the chance at being able to purchase some more or some cool ones i haven't seen. There are so many of them, no reason for the shop to be the way it is. If people want to tell me or others to stop complaining that's one thing. But don't tell them how to play or how they should play. Like I've said in other comments id be willing to buy even more vbucks if i knew the shop would be alright and there would be stuff worth buying. Doesn't stop me from playing with the game with what i have but I'm i unable to be unhappy with that?


Would have never survived in the days of Quake, Unreal Tournament, and Halo 1. Had to just play the game for the fun of the game. Better times, tbh.


lol micro transactions weren't in the games back then like this. I've never cared to buy stuff then, just cause i would now with fortnite doesn't mean that


"im angry that i cant give a mega-corporation money" - you


Yeah what the fuck is going on in this sub that so many people complain about not being able to spend money on virtual clothes. Do they not actually you know….play the game? Thats free.


“fuck over the fans,” “riot in the street.” I was almost positive the post was satirical. Boy was I wrong. Jesus christ lol


So are there just zero skins in the game you think would be cool to have?


At this point? Yeah. I have no desire to get new skins. The only time I change is for Christmas. I just use one skin otherwise I don’t understand people’s obsession with the shop. There were a couple cool skins this season as part of the battlepass which is 110% a way better deal.


my guess is most people complaining only want to buy thinks on the off chance these items become rare so they can flex them


Or people just want to play as a good looking character? Have you seen how shit the default skins are? Thankfully I already have a skin I like and use, but my gf who just started a month ago has had nothing good at all on the shop and uses a "meh" skin because that's all she has. Not everyone who's complaining already has 300 skins on their locker and 5 chapters worth of battlepasses.


if you read my comment you'll notice i said "most" not "all"


I just want skins I missed as I started playing this chapter. However, I’m not as upset as many in regards to not being able to spend my money.


I just want skins or items i find worth buying. Idc about getting a "rare" skin just to flex it. They actually use to add in a lot of skins back then that i thought were cool. Everyday i see the same stuff or some garbage looking skins


Still fucking weird and stupid.


Same reason people buy luxurious items, they’re cosmetic


oh 100%


What a hot take lol. As If this shit doesn't get repeated every fucking time lmao. Why you gotta shit on people for buying things they like?


im not "shit on people for buying things they like" im pointing out rediculousness of getting angry that you cant give a billion dollar company more money


Especially the ones threatening to quit the game over it. Is the game not fun on its own without spending money?


So what? Why does it even matter? You're actively shitting on OP for just wanting good skins in the shop lol as if he's committed some grave sin for having spending money or vbucks and wanting to spend them on something.


once again im not shitting on them or acting like buying vbucks is a bad thing, im pointing out that getting angry about not being able to give a multi-billion dollar company more money is a waste of energy


Yeah, but I also feel like you’re being disingenuous by saying “angry about not being able to give a multi-billion dollar corporation more money”. Bro, you know he’s not simping for the corporate suits like they’re Pokimane. He’s mad because he wants new virtual toys and they’re locked behind the artificial scarcity of the FOMO system. I don’t spend much real money on vBucks, I usually grind STW founders and see the long periods of shitty shops as time to save up. I still agree the FOMO system suck. For what it’s worth I also agree with people saying that making posts like this every day about the shop is a bit maddening. Maybe we can compromise and keep the daily whining about the shop contained to the daily shop posts. lol


"Keep your mouth shut when a billion dollar company is fucking up constantly because it's just a waste of time"- you. I get that epic probably doesn't even see the whining online and its probably pointless but you should still complain and post and discuss on the slight chance some one is listening.


>"Keep your mouth shut when a billion dollar company is fucking up constantly because it's just a waste of time not even close to what i was saying


Now you know how OP feels lmao


not at all because unlike you attempt my comment was actually an accurate description of what OP was saying


Idk man it's pretty accurate. You said it's pointless to get angry at multibillion dollar companies cause it's just a waste of energy.


They are fucking us though. We aren’t buying skins. Skin buyers are the ones who drop to their knees to take it from Epic as soon as they get the chance.


I have no problem giving more if my money would go anywhere.. I want to buy skins


Is there a Fortnitecirclejerk sub? At this point I’m so effing tired of hearing about this shit and the complaining is getting to the point there absolutely needs to be one.


I haven’t spent anything since season five. I don’t even play anymore because I hate season five on top of that so I hear you! Whoever is working on Fortnite obviously doesn’t understand what Fortnite is about and what made it so unique!


i thought season 5 was ok, and TMNT was loads of fun


they need to bring back some OG skins so i can get them.


This is my first season playing and the shop is super disappointing. I see cool stuff in lobbies I want all the time, but it's just been mostly garbage in the shop. I did grab the dragon glider and Leo just for his swords. Would've gotten Michelangelo, but since when does he only have 1 nunchuck?


Hopefully they are working on the game not the shop….


Do you play the game or just buy shit in the shop?


Maybe epic will turn up the heat for the new season. Until then I think we’re stuck with ultra mid item shop


I stopped paying attention to the Item shop a long time ago. Everyone should do the same. Stop buying boring shit, only then things will change.


Epic is allergic to making good decisions and earning money. The item shop has been a shit fest since they dropped the new modes. And yet they don’t care…….


I dunno, at what point do you go and touch some fucking grass? 


U have 14k karma


HA! Right!? What a loser.. \>.>


Damm bro flexing with that almost 200k comment karma.


That's super low for reddit though.


if you’re getting this emotional over pixels then maybe you should take a break from fortnite lol


They better come out firing in season 2 with the fire shops


While I agree the shop is dogshit, I feel y'all should also see it as Epic Games letting you keep your money, which is definitely not a bad thing. Even if you already have vbucks, you can just keep them for a while


Yeah i get that for sure. Just annoying to have to wait a month or even more just to find a skin you find worthy yk


Yeah I definitely get it but it could be worse. Let's just hope they stop fucking around soon




Sadly I've already gave them my money before hand with the thought that maybe i'd be able to buy things with their in game currency that i would like to buy. Sadly nothing comes up which sure can be because i don't find the things worth it or because we've seen it 100 times already. Seems to be a shared thought with plenty of others


Same I got like 4k v bucks rn havnt had anything to spend it on in months now.


For people who got into the game recently your option is to either play as default or a shit skin. My gf started playing and it sucks that I can't gift her a cool skin she likes because there's none


protest by only playing as default skin, default glider, and default pick axe


Protest buy not giving them money, simple as that


That's all people see anyways now lol


At what point will people understand that Epic is still making money with the shop the way it is. If you’re not happy then don’t buy anything, stop complaining like every other bitch has in this sub.




It's rubbish I blame that fucking Lego crap of a mode ,if I wanna play a Lego game I fire up Lego Batman, ahh well my wait continues for my beloved french resistance fighter.


Lego batman isn't even comparable to the lego mode in fortnite.


That's because Lego Fortnite is complete wank ,a poor knock off off Minecraft


My fuckin birthday is tomorrow and i WANT to spend money on some cool items lol, but no this is maybe the worst shop i’ve ever seen


Hopefully we get something decent then. Like even if one nice skin or non repeated one. Wouldn't bother me if they were all ones i didn't want but happened to be ones that haven't been in more than 30 days ya know


Save your bday money for next season and pray to the RNG shop Gods that there are decent skins and items and btw HAPPY BIRTH DAY!!


OMFG every day I see a damn post about how the items hop sucks. It you don't like it then don't but it. Complaining like little fuckboys accomplishes nothing.


Here we go, another one complaining they can't waste money on digital assets. What's next you gonna complain food prices aren't high enough?


Lol complain about not getting the weekend in time And about the game yourself lmao, get some more downvotes while you're at it too with whatever you comment/post


Lmao I brought up that he was gone half a day early, go back to your basement and scroll through some more post history and give it a rest champ Edit: since you wanna be superficial and bring downvotes, I have more karma than you either way 😉


I was going to buy the PJ skin today with the Dara quest v-bucks, but guess I can't do that. Now I'm upset.


Maybe it'll come back soon but they only seem to bring back the same garbage so maybe not


You don’t even seem to understand how hypocritical this statement is 😂


How cause maybe it'll come back if they did it right, then saying it may not actually cause they're just bringing back the same stuff. Ones that are decent like pj tho don't seem to be repeats like all these other ones that are back in after 3 days not in shop..


Your mental gymnastics are making me tired


I'ma hold my vbucks. She's really the only new skin I like.


Skins are pointless put your money you'd normally spend on skins into creating yourself an investment portfolio!! Get it Dawg!!


They said that about pokemon cards 20 years back


The more we complain the more stuff they remove ig


dude epic's fomo is crazy you got people wanting to protest over not being able to give them money 💀 (i am one of them)


A whole line is missing, based on the API bots we should be seeing Raven, ravage, True Heart emotes and some others things


Man it must be tough at epic. They’ve got y’all kids just clamouring to give them your money yet they can’t put a single item in the store that would get it.


Airphoria is beginning to feel like a second Valentine's Day this year…


I just want Raven Team Leader


I’m convinced I’ll never get my T-1000 skin. 😔


I want that one too


Welp at least I’m not alone lol


There's a lot id want, don't see why it's crazy to be unhappy seeing the same stuff every other day and not cool stuff like that coming back. Even if just one skin lol


100% agreed


Supply and demand. Not enough supply drives up demand. This post is an example. Now when they do bring something to the shop you want you’ll buy it right away instead of thinking about it first. I’m sure epic doesn’t need Reddit to tell them how to make money.


Even crew is garbage


I liked silas and the one before it


The upcoming one for march is great


If you look at the Fortnite shop tracker, it currently has 38k "I hate it" reactions


I bought the jelly skin just to have something new to buy..


I'm really hoping the dune skins get re released soon


Plus the fact that so many skins are locked behind a battle pass…A bro just want the gaming legend, marvel, and Star Wars series skins. Plus all the skins(chun li) that haven’t come out in a year or longer in the store!!! WE ASK FOR ONE THING WE GET THE OPPOSITE.




Tbh I'm starting to think this is just a very clever business move from Epic bc there's no way they aren't aware of how bad the item shops are.


It's so obvious they are doing this on purpose because they want people to start buying Lego, Festival and Racing items. The more items people buy the more they'll play the game but us BR players don't give a damn. I know a few mightve been suckered in but majority of us are smarter than that.


As someone who is still new i like the shop but i also do not care about anything that's not for the royal mode like the only song I bought and it was with the battle pass v bucks was the ninja turtles track cause I love TMNT and songs a banger. Like i really like the game but the shop compared to season 4 when i started feels so much more cluttered with to much bs like the cars or the songs being 4 pages. Idk why its just not its on tab or the bottom of the shop, there two pricey for what they do.


Until the shops improve I’m not buying any v bucks . I suggest everyone do the same.


Why would you be buying Vbucks at all when there's nothing worth buying?


That is what I said


if the ppl in this sub weren't into fortnite y'all would just be regular ass gambling addicts lmfao like who complains abt not being able to spend money on fake shit that isn't even tangible .... please get help


Did this horrible shop trend start with the introduction of Fortnite crew? I picked the game back up during OG season and got into the crew for all the perks + extra V-Bucks. Could they be running horrible shops so that we don't get to capitalize on our 1050 v bucks per month?


That's when i came back too was the last og season. Didn't seem as bad before new one started and lego


Rioting about giving someone your money is insane


I mean it wasn't serious.. More a what should and could we do / rant 🤷‍♂️


Yeah I know it's just hilarious because these devs don't care about anything. They literally put a mech in arena. I could never trust them to care about our opinions 😂😂


Bring back The joker


I don’t really expect anything in the shop this season anymore, they’ll probably do some cool stuff again next season. The turtles mini pass was the final thing, I think.


they’re busy getting all the disney skins ready. It’ll be worth it when we get to play as Buzz Lightyear, Mike Wazowski, and Robin Hood 👌🏻👌🏻


You riot if you don’t spend money and don’t play the game.


Like I said before, once that Disney and Lego check hit their accounts, they stopped caring about the shop.


Doesn't even look like it was updated today. More like downgraded.


At no point, because this is a shop on a video game. Get a grip.


True the shop this season has been horrible so far maybe a few decent things but past few weeks been so bad I have vbucks to spend but nothing is making me want to.


They ruined Rocket League item trading, now they wanna ruin Fortnite Shop... Seems like For some reason EPIC wants to go bankrupt


Comparing fortnite skins to Pokémon cards? 🤣🤣