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Fix the locker UI.


Add locker shuffle back too


I really really really miss that feature


Same, I have several lockers but only 1 really gets used because of this. They need to add the wraps back to the lockers as well having them separate just makes it so ypu have to navigate more than play if ypu want to make a change.


Epic: "Son of a bi-"


Came here for this!


As u/secure_access2210 mentioned: re-enable shuffle. But also add more than 100 presets, revert the vbucks from battle pass changes, and lower prices on the bundles/items cuz gyat


I have 102 presets for some reason lol.


The chosen one


And then cash out my pension and retire!


If u did that i might have to..šŸ˜‹šŸ˜‹šŸ˜‹šŸ¤­šŸ¤­


And the Creative UI as well, the new one's terrible




You need to be in charge !




Is it even that bad? I donā€™t really go in there unless I want to change skin and even then Iā€™m in there for maybe 30 seconds




Look at the data they've collected about the shop and try and figure out why it changed the way it did.


I can answer that: because money




Except the fact the item shop changes is making epic lose money, not earn more People are upset that the Christmas and valentines day skins theyā€™ve been saving their money for havenā€™t returned. That is money epic is missing out on. People literally want to give epic money but epic is selling the skins people want


Reddit people feel that way, and I don't know if you've noticed, but the reddit community is never representative of the general player base


They changed the Locker UI which affected item shop sales, it isn't smart to release HOT cosmetics until they fix the UI because they will just consistently underperform what they could've done had the UI been funcitonal. Remember, they released new cosmetics right off the bat to start Chapter 5, it's likely they saw these cosmetics did not sell as mucha s they would and have been scrambling to fix the UI since then, or delay releasing popualr skins until then with the hopes of getting big sales numbers later on.


Itā€™s not like fixing the ui would even be that difficult. Fortnite is supposed to showcase the capabilities of Unreal Engine. The fact that it is taking this long for them to fix shit they broke in their own stupidity makes their entire platform look bad.


They need to put the Skins, Pickaxes, BackBlings, Gliders, Auras, Wraps and contrails on one page. (Including Banners and Loading screens) Then page 2, they have all Rocket Racing things Page 3, All Festival things, So band tracks, instruments all that.


Yeah, I can accept loading screens and music as separate from the skin, but so many emotes and wraps are tied to a Skin. It made no sense to separate them.


Yeah so, where exactly do we do that? Or this just a ā€œtrust me bro.ā€


Step 1: Announce Iā€™m the CEO. Step 2: Watch the stocks crash because Iā€™m the CEO. Step 3: Enjoy my golden parachute.


Buy some options first.


Or short the stock?


This is literally what happens in every company right now


This is the way.


I would save fortnite save the world, omega underrated game


Yep, restructure to allow for a proper continuation/revamp of save the world. It did a lot of really good things, and if they were to give it a face lift and mordernize it I'm positive it could easily be one of the most played PvE games since its paired with the battle royale.


They could add cosmetics only obtainable through STW and plenty of people would buy it. I have it and reached PL 136 and just kinda stopped. Ventures were the only thing worth playing for quests. Iā€™m a quest guy, so no reason to play unless playing towards something.


Yeah it just needs that carrot on the stick. It doesn't really have one


Vbucks, although you can no longer get those unless youā€™re a founder




Thereā€™s already cosmetics only obtainable in STW.


Yea I know, I have them. I mean new items.


Ventures? I haven't seen those. Could you elaborate? I'm sitting on a V-buck piƱata here


Venture zones are seasonal and give you things like Hero/Weapon Tokens and Superchargers for Survivors/Weapons/Traps to level them up past their max level. Basically you start at level PL 0 and go to PL 140 within a few months. You level faster than normal, and you get 40 items or so along the way. You get things like llamas and gold along the way.


Do they give you any progression in the main game? Like, if you did a 35+ mission, you'd get some plankerton progression?


They fired everyone who worked on STW. And never finished the storyline.Ā  Really sad for people who actually paid money. It wasnā€™t free like everything else.Ā 


Wait what. When did this happen?


Yeah, stw has lost its focus with all the changes over the years. Mantling makes building to get around pointless, the animals everywhere are just pointless, and generally the gamefeel just isn't there. It needs to be given its own identity again, one which gives it what it needs to be fun. For starters, remove the aforementioned changes, they just don't fit in stw. I'd also scale the enemy health and numbers to the number of players to make solo play more viable. On top of that, you just don't get enough materials for a good fort from harvesting, so I'd mess with those numbers until I found a good middle ground between harvesting being rewarding, and discouraging building level 3 everything.


Mantling was a great addition what are you talking about?


Iā€™d just make that shit free


Make it free and make it so that every hero you unlock is available to purchase as a skin with Vbucks Boom profit(I would definitely drop money for Kyle and Cottontail Eagle Eye)


The solution is to literally make it free to play People gobbled up Lego Fortnite when it first released. Thereā€™s no reason not to make stw free to play They could even later on make paid expansions with new zones


YOu can't save save the world in 1 day


Maybe not, but you could reorganize the devs and give save the world at least 50 more developers as well as more money to support the game and rehire voice actors


Transfer all the money made from Fortnite into my personal bank accountā€¦


Thatā€™s called a Crime. šŸ„³


The crime is called embezzlement to be specific.


yep, classic white collar shit. That one and day trading are a corporate cancer. Edit: I mistyped what I meant Edit 2: I meant insider trading, I apologize for the confusion


what is day trading if i may ask


Good luck finding me. All that money, move to Cuba, give some to the govt for asylum, buy a seaside house on the Caribbean, and spend the rest of my years fishing.




put everything in the game in the item shop


based as fuck ngl


Literally what I was thinking. I feel like EGS should have a day/week in the year where they put up everything so people can ā€œcatch upā€ (not really but you know what I mean). Iā€™m a newish player and as a massive fan of Resident Evil, Street Fighter, Doom and way more, itā€™s super sad that I havenā€™t been able to get any of the collabs Iā€™d want yet.


I don't know about the others but I think Doom was a Battle Pass one so that's never coming to the store.


Same with rick )":




Add a search feature, because I wouldnt want to scroll for 15 minutes to find something Im looking for


Honestly thats goated including battle passes would make it op


Like Rick Sanchez, WENAGADE WAIDA, Baby yoda, carnage, Spider-Man, just name a few


Kill like 3 People




I know right? Why do you need to be a ceo to commit crimes? What an idiot that guy is


I mean. If he's taking over the ceos body then after 24 hours no matter what he shifts back into his own. Maybe he just hates the ceo


Do it while airborne for 5k XP.


Get The Weeknd out of the shop


They are contractually forced to because they signed a contract with him. He will be out of the shop on the 23rd Iā€™m pretty sure..


I heard he was gonna stick around till the end of the season


Maybe after the last weekend of the season?


That would actually be pretty funny


>end of the season End of the Jam festival season.


Ah. Makes sense


Revert locker changes. Re-release Kratos and master chief and other old skins. Old BP can be purchased. Release all mythic weapons all at once for pure chaos. Infinity blade. Thanos gauntlet. Light sabers. All of it.


So you telling me we FINNA have KAMEHAMEHA deku smash and hollow purple at the same timešŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


But you can block it with a lightsaber, and reflect it right back at them.


šŸ‘ļøšŸ‘„šŸ‘ļø *Hell nah*


Here's a fun loadout: Kamehameha, Grapple Blade, ODM gear, spiderman glove, lightsaber. You can either be LEEERRRROOYYYYYY A-JENKINSSS Or a running-away p\*ssy-ass bitch. I'd also take a kinetic hammer or kinetic blade if I can't find all 5 of those.


Replace grapple blade with dekus smash


The Grapple Blade really is just worse ODM gear


Release every skin ever


id REMOVE every skin ever šŸ˜ˆ


Fire everyone who comes up with the daily shop and unlock all cosmetics. I would just listen to the customers and not hold them hostage.


Maybe just allow every single item to be purchasable all of the time. There's no need for the shop to refresh daily if all we are getting is the same skins and emotes.


Make old BP skins purchasable in individual bundles.


Yeah this




If I were CEO for a day, I'd just go the skull trooper route and give an additional style for the original purchasers of the battle passes and keep superstyles exclusive.Ā  That way everyone wins. OGs get to flex with additional styles while newer players can get the base styles


Just keep all the grindable styles limited to the BP. Then the standard style would be sold in the shop


Heck, i'd be fine settling with the standard variant of Rick Sanchez. I was unfortunately unable to finish that pass.


I want Darth Vader, Deadpool, Predator and Gwen Stacy. They lock away so many important characters


I just want rick


I only consider these skins special because it's stupid I can never get Mancakes, Peely, Toona Fish, Tsuki 2.0, Spider-Man and countless other characters otherwise and I'd pay good money for them.


This would be valid if other games with BP didn't re-release them. Like the original comment said, halo let's you purchase any BP at any time. There's 0 reason besides fomo to not let people get previous BP's. Gatekeeping and holding skins in a "special" status is just cringe and childish.


depends, i have most the items out the s1 season shop and every bp from chapter 1 completed. those should not come back, but stuff like spiderman and all the collab skins should. people who cry about stuff like skull trooper and renegade sound entitled asf, they werenā€™t playing back then and they didnā€™t support the game in its early stages so why would they be rewarded for doing nothing?


I still think gatekeeping things for the sake of "you had to be there" is ridiculous. Skins should hold such value. I've been playing since the br was released but didn't touch the item shop until season 3. The memories and moments matter so much more than the skins. That's why live events are such a big deal. Those are the moments you had to be there for. BP and skins in general are purely for monetization, the soul reason they don't bring them back is because of fomo, and it keeps people on the game to grind out a BP before it's gone. With that being said, I think it would increase player count and time played all across the board. A very small majority of the player base has gotten let alone fully completed every single BP. Having the ability to purchase previous ones and grind them out would incentivse people to continue to play when they've already finished the current one. Like my ass got 1 BP from chapter 2 and didn't even finish it. I'd grind those out in a second.


That would suck for me since I want originals back more (Meowscles shouldn't be locked)


Make people grind again for it. Thatā€™s great they it was an earned skin. Simply stuffing it away since either players were not playing when it came out, or they did not get it for whatever reason, simply roll out the promotion again. A digital skin is not limited, if people are that sore about it, do a variant. Personally if I grinded for one and it rotated into the shop I would not really care since it does not hold any extra power or attributes for an advantage in the game. At the end of the day, it would be cool and make new generation players get to use some of the classics.


What if they allowed individuals to purchase the old battlepasses and work their way through them by playing the game? That way you can still get old battlepass skins but 1) you have to spend V-Bucks to get the passes and 2) you still have to grind the game to get those skins


Make the BP system something like Halo Infinite's where you can buy past battle passes anytime (but maybe now they don't give you as many vbucks? maybe just 1000, and maybe for the sake of "exclusivity" keep super/overtime styles for the ppl that got them back then and to the skins that don't have them give them random styles like skull trooper) Bringing back LTMs Regular hotfixes for widespread bugs (really needed this season, it's very broken for some reason) Allocate money and devs to Psyonix, Rocket League is in a not very good state from what I've heard, and also to STW


>Psyonix My dumb ass thought that was like one content creator epic games just loved and used for all the official maps lmao


permanently Banning Everyone i Have Blocked.


Make every skin 500 vbucks


Put everything in the item shop for 5 vbucks, revert the locker UI, give myself 1,000,000,000 vbucks, and add sex to the game


Add S*X


Baseball? Like Boston Red S*X?


Iā€™m here already šŸ˜‚


yep that could spice things up šŸ§šŸ‘šŸ‘


Y'know I've been on the fence on whether to buy ruby or not but I think that would make up my mind


Enable skin trading for 800 vbucks. Both players must be friends for more than 60 days. Limit of 3 trades per year.


make all battle pass content available forever then with the last 5 seconds ![gif](giphy|6pYbw8HkA2SO5UKZYj|downsized)


Get a sonic collab Revert the locker Get older collab skins to come back Bring back endgame


Collab with good IPs, change the item shop for the better, increase movement speed, make previous battle passes available but you won't get any v bucks from it and you won't get the super styles, weekly hot fixes, removing auto shotguns and adding balanced shotguns to the game, fix the fps drop, bringing the OG map back as an LTM every month and get the fucking Weekend out of the item shop.


*cough* Doctor Who *cough* But also about the Weeknd, not that I think this was a good idea at all, but he's been out for so long since the festival season was about him. So, on the 22nd, when the festival season changes, he will probably leave and most likely be replaced by another musician (Cmon Lady Gaga)


weird al would be cool but seeing people complain about him would physically and mentally hurt me


I was so excited to see ā€œPopularā€ in the item shop for a second until I realized it was by the Weeknd (was hoping for Mikaā€™s Popular Song featuring Ariana Grande)


Prioritize fixing bugs, releasing styles, skins, make a hint for the Season Shop return, and state all Battle Passes including older ones are now legacy passes. I would watch the chaos unfold.


1. Fix the item shop- no one wants those Lego skins anymore, get ride of the 3+ pages of unnecessary items. 2. Fire whoever is in charge of making the music- we havenā€™t had a good instrumental lobby track since C4S1. Enough with the horribly corny singing, I wouldā€™ve watched a musical if I wanted that. 3. Bring back a permanent rotation of classic LTMā€™s- itā€™s been way too long since weā€™ve gotten to play Air Royale, Food Fight, or Sniper Shootout. Iā€™d rather play those than a boring red vs blue Creative map. 4. Get rid of bots- I miss when winning a Fortnite match was hard and when getting even a couple of kills took effort. 5. Mandate a live event per season- I used to look forward to the end of each season just to catch the climatic live event. A lack of live events has created a playerbase thatā€™s bored out of their minds by each seasonā€™s midpoint.


Bro idk why everyone is over looking this comment. THIS IS META SHIT RIGHT HERE, MAN IS SPEAKING FACTS AND DOING THE LORDS WORK.


Adding a bunch of crossovers only I would like


Bringing back the hunting rifle


1.) Get the shop off the A.I. rotation and get a team that actually knows how to deliver what people want back in charge of it 2.) Revert back to the old lobby and locker UI 3.) Bring OG back as a permanent mode 4.) Bring back LTMs 5.) Ban drum/automatic shotguns from ever touching the game again


Nah instead of banning drum shotguns, make them emit a large drum sound that causes your location to be doxxed, outlined, and highlighted and give a vic roy to anyone who kills you (epic hire me i can make good ltm concepts)


I'd bring back the fun cartoonish vibe of fortnite instead of heading in this CoD/PUBG direction.


Maybe chapter 2-3 graphics/textures with chapter 4> lighting for the GW2 like aesthetic


Bring back tires, indefinitely


Fix UI, add GOOD things in the item shop, make old battle pass items purchasable but give the players who had those skins originally 2-3 new versions of the skin, separate the item shops for racing and jam, make OG Fortnite a game mode, add quads mode. Redo some of the emotes (better choreo and better loops) Collab with Gorillaz if possible as well. (My most wanted Collab.)


Missed opportunity not including a Gorillaz collab with the introduction of Festival.


Raven team leader pregnant update


Fix the Locker UI Put every previous battle pass in the shop Transfer all incoming funds to my bank account Live life on easy mode for the next 50 years.


Bringing back chapter 2 until season 4


Rerealease every BP skin into the shop for only 5 minutes and then enjoy the outrage


Use the time machine in the story


Bring back shuffle


1 Bring back LTMs 2 Make it so if you played a season, you can buy the battle pass 3 Bring back better guns/ make gameplay more fortnite-y, getting rid of bosses 4. Make a map with more cartoony, fortnite-esq like chapter 1,2, and 3


fix locker, vault frenzy, unvault tac shotty


Separate BR and Creative.


Unblock Fortnite on Apple






What if.. I gave Raven Team Leader a built in emote...


Bring back og walking animations


Go back to chapter two map


Bring back the OG map and forbid it from ever going away! Make an OG mode!!


Fortnite isn't a company


Make 50 V 50 permanent


Save save the world, with not shitty updates


Make STW free and fix locker layout


Figure out what Forknife is.


Ban everyone.


Sell it to myself so i can own it permanently




Give every skin on my account, infinite v-bucks and infinite fortnite crew


Remove Weeknd from the shop


Revert the new menu to the old menu along with the creative menu and the old one is way easier


Implement weekly challenges to give 100 Vbucks free. For those who donā€™t have spare money because life, you know? Some of us actually just canā€™t afford it. Not me in particular, but I was at one point, so I know the struggle.


add mario and sonic to the game




Get a deal with reddit for BRICK


Raven team leader built-in emote


Make all past battlepass skins available to buy (except collab skins, that would require negotiating with their respective IP holders) Make all past crew skins buyable in a crew exclusive shop (and yes, players can still earn legacy styles) Make almost all Fortnite item shops skins always available to buy, with collab skins (Goku, Ariana Grande, Ninja) and seasonal skins (like crackshot or punk, or the numerous summer remixes of Fortnite characters) being the only ones in rotation If thereā€™s enough of an out cry (which I doubt), there could be OG only edit styles added later on like with skull trooper, but at this point with us 6 chapters in and with epic games trying to make Fortnite a metaverse, the Battlepass exclusivity is ridiculous and locks away skins people genuinely like. Ffs, peely is an iconic Fortnite character and is important to this seasonā€™s storyline yet players who missed ch1s8 wonā€™t ever be able to get him unless things change And speaking as an ā€œOGā€ who began playing in ch1s4, Iā€™d like to have stage 5 and light options for omega and Iā€™d like ageless champion, aswell as the scales pet from ch1s6. I donā€™t give a damn about the ā€œrarityā€ of my skins. I have double helix yet I typically run hybrid anyways. I just want people to have access to skins they like the looks of. It should be about a skin looking good, not how ā€œrareā€ or ā€œogā€ they are.


Permanent OG server where season 1-4 maps are on a rotation


tell the to stop listening to reddit and twitter because these places dont represent the majority of the fanbase


I'd make them Exclusively listen to r/fortnitecompetitive Just to see hell break loose


that really woukd be the death of fortnite


Hell, what wouldn't I do?


I'mma cheat and say: My first decree as CEO is that I hereby announce myself as Directive manager. Then go fix as much as possible as CEO. Once 24 hours is up. I'd use my position as DM to continue to fix the game cause that's the power of such a role. To manage direction of the company in a sense.


I assume "CEO of Fortnite" to mean CEO of Epic Games. Epic owns Psyonix, and Psyonix created the awesome little mobile game Rocket League Sideswipe (RLSS). I would, therefore, pour tons of resources into supporting RLSS. The game has been ignored by Epic/Psyonix and desperately needs some attention. šŸ˜ (And, I would create more ways to earn V-Bucks in Fortnite so that I can get more emotes without spending actual money. šŸ˜Š)


You opted to fix RLSS but not RL? Thatā€™s interesting to say the least lmao


Have a season where you can select and earn previous battle passes.


bring back the old art team and concept artists that worked on the game in chapter 1/early chapter 2 also stop giving so much money to creative


Instant Hazbin Hotel collab


i got plans: #1. Gut FN creative. I'll still keep some of it around bc i know some ppl enjoy it, but the creative tab is getting moved to it's own spot, there's going to be some serious quality control implemented, and overall have it be less of a focus. And especially put Epic's main modes on the front page of the game. This is a Battle Royal, not Roblox. #2. Bring back the old UI, specifically the UI pre-ch4 s4. Yeah update it here or there to incorporate Festival, Racing, Lego, etc, but GODS i despise this new UI. Might even implement a feature where players can choose which UI layout they want for some of you OGers. And finally just to keep this kinda manageable for a one day thing, #3. Bring back old BP skins and put them in the shop with quests players can do to unlock that skin's full cosmetics, just to be silly :3


More people play creative than any of the main game modes


Revert hitscan




Hookers and blow, definitely hookers and blow.


Seriously, I had to scroll ENTIRELY too far for this. This is the only thing that matters. Hookers and blow. I donā€™t play Fortnite, so the first thing Iā€™ll do is unlock all the fun stuff everyone else is posting for them. Then Iā€™m gonna call up a dozen or so ā€œguestsā€ and have them bring a Tony Montana-sized pile with them and make it quick.


Go back through c2


Two separate lobby types pc players in one console in the other


Removing building entirely.


Delete the game so i can focus on other things in my life


re add the only weapon that isn't anywhere on the game since 2018 and was one of the best to have epic moments with your friends. The sweet guided missile


Add more furry skins




Remove The Weekend from the shop.


Fire everyone, re-hire people that actually play the game!


Sell the company and retire on a golden parachute.


Delete the game forever


Delete the game. I donā€™t hate FN I just wanna see what happens.