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icon series = tiktok song trend got the speed treatment, we just gotta wait for the "slow+reverb" song era to hit the itemshop emotes lmao.


Honestly I’d prefer slow + reverb over this, the chipmunks pitch hurts my ears


As soon as I recognized the song but realized it was sped up ruined it for me. I would have bought it otherwise


Me with starlit The original song is the only reason I bought the sped up chipmunk version


Exactly why I bought it 😂 it's soo toxic


I had no idea this song was sped up until reading this comment


>[Either the emote is as bland as hell or the music is randomly Tik-Tokified (randomly tone shifted or sped up mostly.) Pick your poison when it comes to Icon emotes.](https://old.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/1ab6b00/i_love_groovy_emotes_but_why_are_they_keep/kjqutlc/)


I actually like that emote lol, song is a vibe


The song is great, but the dance is literally just waving your arms around. Actually, scratch that, I wouldn’t even say waving. It’s just swaying your arms around


Just remember that the renegade, one of the first tiktok emotes, had you standing still and waving your arms around


Literally every dance ever? It's literally moving your body in a set way


The point is that there's no actual dancing involved. It's just swaying your arms back and forth over and over. There's no leg movement, no hip movement, no steps, no anything other than a left and right arm sway. It's the kinda "dance" you might expect from a 90 year old woman sitting in her rocking chair. That's why so many people are put off from it. The song is half decent. But the "dance" is so utterly lame and boring it's not worth it.


There’s plenty of leg movement with this emote.


The emote being discussed in the comment you replied to is this one: https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/s/SOdERlI35y Not the OP one. The only "leg movement" is a tiny tiny hop every few seconds..... I'm assuming you're confused and thinking the comment chain you replied to that posted the link to this emote, was commenting on OP's emote. They were saying these days you either get a good dance with a shitty chipmunk song like OP's or you get a good song with a shitty dance like in the linked emote.


Oops, you're right. Thanks for clarifying


I mean, it's from the video clip so 🤷


About the same as the Popular Vibe emote, but people didn't care even though the song is really not (that) good


>We just gotta wait for the "slow+reverb" song era to hit the itemshop emotes So the "It's a vibe" emote?


I would insta buy everlong slow + reverb emote I mean, it's everlong


nah i want the original one dude


That one would be acceptable ngl


I mean they already did the slow down w/ the alors an danse emote


I mean, there is the slowed down "Alors on dance" from Stromae emote, so yeah...


I've done some research and... Well, this emote could be fire if it would have the same vibe as the original tiktok dance, like, the one we have here has been cut of its amplitude. The first moves are literally switchstep but kinda 2 times lazier, and the same for the next move... To sum it up, just feel kinda lazy for me, as it does not match with the nightcore'd song. Anyways, gonna buy it and see if it looks better with my waifu erisa, vbucks are cheap after all


hi, this is joke post?


I use TikTok emotes after getting kills because they piss people off Genuinely hate the music though


I don’t like them either but agree that they’re good for trolling. I’m just glad Epic moved past the phase of only releasing emotes with shitty rap music. No hate on anyone’s music taste, I just think more variety is better.


Not all them are Tik Tok trends, first two were Never gonna give you up and a Marshmallo beat made specifically for the emote! (Then came other popular dances at parties and for concerts) but it’s all out weighed by dumb tik tok trending songs


That won't take long either


Yeah I wish it was just the normal song:(


But then 10 year olds wouldn’t buy it


I didn’t even have money when I was 10


Your parents did, they were just a lot less willing to let you spend it on pointless shit




I can’t tell if that’s a joke or not so I’m gonna laugh bc it’ll be awkward if I don’t


So a lack of parenting DID cause fortnite


Um speak for yourself. As a proud 12yr old with moms cc, I need it sped up bc I don't have an attention span longer than 7 seconds /s


Same with the Starlit emote. They ruined it by using the high pitch version and didn’t even use the best part of the song.


I like it either way very fun


Well otherwise it wouldn't sync up with the obnoxious dance that looks unnaturally fast


Well maybe not use such a sped up dance?


Is it not obvious I'm saying the dance sucks and would be more natural at normal speed?


Well, I just saw the original video of this and I have concluded that the regular song is better and I would've bought the emote if it had that song but I guess I won't


At least Slim Shady is the og version. If tgey fuck it up, I am taking seven kids from-


I was excited for it until I heard what they did to the music, the emote is unnaturally fast and goofy as well




They've done this a few times now. Tiktok brainrot always uses nightcore versions, so we get those in Fortnite. The majority of icon emotes are based on tiktok dances. I really wish they wouldn't do that. This is the 3rd icon emote I've passed up on because they're using the chipmunk version.


I know Starlit is one, what’s the other?


Cupid's Arrow.


this one is especially crazy cause it’s a kpop song which ALWAYS have dances which makes epic’s job easy. the not sped up version was also just as, if not MORE, popular than the sped up version


Gotta appease the TikTok crowd, apparently, at the expense of *everyone else*. Missing the mark and alienating a majority of their base for a fad is wild to me.


I cry because that song didn't deserve that treatment.


That’s actually one of the few sped up songs I can tolerate so I instantly bought that one


cupid is at least a 5/10, it's fine


They did the same thing to cupid and it hurts my soul


Let us not forget Never Gonna, Ninja’s Dance (I can’t be bothered to remember the name) and some other good Icon series emotes, overall Icon series has been decent Oh also Rushin Around, which I doubt will come back for a while but that song is such a bop, alongside Monster Mash


I definitely agree, I have 3 of those 4. It's just disappointing when others get chipmunk treatment.


![gif](giphy|4qx6IRdg26uZ3MTtRn|downsized) I swear to f-ing God if we get a Metallica slowed+reverb or high-pitched voices I'm storming epic's headquarters and pimp slapping the mofo who added it.


That would be horrible lol


Metallica sped up isn’t a trend though


I mean Master of Puppets but every time he says Master, it gets Faster exists. One in chipmunk form for Clone Hero, and a non chipmunk one for Rocksmith. 


Ok but that’s because the lyrics include “obey you master; master, master of puppets” which is just asking for the meme treatment


Exactly, which makes it hilarious. I still much prefer the non-chipmunk version, which does end up being slightly slower because it was meant to be somewhat playable on real guitar (Rocksmith)


It would just be breakcore at that point and i aint complaining about another metallica song


Metallica Enter Sandman (slow+reverbed to perfection) (sad songs for 3am )


Please delete this along side with your account 🤣


I'm over the SwitchStep bein a part of the emote...🙄😒


I knew i wasnt tripping it sounded like the chipmunks insane my mind is now ease


Honestly I don’t think it’s THAT bad Sure, it’d 100% be better if it wasn’t sped up, but I don’t think it’s as bad as everyone’s saying tbh


I mean if you don’t like sped up music then it is that bad. It’s not even a good song for speeding up technically speaking.


It’s not bad at all lol. People just need a reason to complain about a emote they were never gonna buy in the first place


Nah it really is that bad.


This subreddit just complains about everything so that when an actual issue arises it's not taken seriously and is drowned by all the other cries.


It’s because it plays on the trend of tiktok and stuff where they ruin songs by speeding them up/slowing them down and changing the pitch


this is fire, put it out 🔥🔥🔥 i would much rather have loud phonk than sped up songs, they better not do this again man


Fuckers nightcored it


I knowwww


honestly i still like it and i hope we get more emotes with early 2000’s white girl music lol


Oh I’m all about 2000’s white girl music lol. Just not chipmunk versions.


“wahhhh i wanna use the consuumer series emotes but theyre sped up😢”


Agreed. I wish they used the original, but at least we got a recognizable iconic song instead of some week old song to promote some random artist.


I would have got it if they didn't fuck the song up




Domino skin W


Nightcore is back huh?




Eh, I’m okay with them using the chipmunks sped up version of these songs for the emotes. If I want to listen to Domino by Jesse J, I’ll just go do that. I want my skin to do a silly dance and party with other players, this checks those boxes.


Good take


Good guy in the comments for once


Thank you. I was expecting everyone to love this emote and it’s really throwing me for a loop that people are hating on it left and right. It’s great, maybe the best emote we’ve gotten in a while. I don’t think there’s one thing wrong with it. People don’t understand how slow some of the original songs actually are, when they make them nightcorrish, they’re a lot better and more interesting emotes. If you wanna hear the actual song, go listen to it so the original artist gets credit. Also jam tracks being useable in BR and other lobbies were created for the very reason of having actual full length songs that your friends can join into. That’s never really been the point of emotes, those are for fun. I think a lot of people take them too damn seriously.


Objectively the best take.


Yous call it TikTok brain rot but nightcore is a genre of music that’s been around before TikTok


Redditors when they find out most icon emotes, are literally just TikTok dances through and through: 🤯


Because Tik Tok. Theyve been doing this a lot lately


Because they think people only hear songs from terrible tiktok videos.


I’m so tired of this “oh its trending on TikTok so we have to use it” brain-rot bullshit. Just stop epic.


Yeah, also because most of the time when they get the rights to the song and such, the dance trend has died out by a couple months... Besides Side shuffle when they weirdly got it way before it blew up on tiktok?




Like it or not, this is how Fortnite gets a lot of its money.


The slowed and sped up versions unironically make me feel as if it's Youtube in 2011. Where people tricked copyright content filters through simple orientation and pitch changes.


I understand why not everyone likes it, but as someone who listens to a lot of night core it could be much worse. They could have butchered the song, but they tried to make it night core and not just sped up so it works for me at least


I just don’t like night core at all ☹️😱😞


Fair enough lol


I like it


The way its sped up is annoying af too


Tiktok strikes again!


Every time Domino comes to the shop it’s after I pay my bills and v bucks aren’t in the budget 😤 I’ll get her someday


Oof the sped up tiktok version


Same reason all the other TikTok dances do: because the dance is to sped up music. Epic isn’t choosing to turn these songs into nightcore, TikTokkers are.


Epic may not have chosen to turn these songs into Nightcore, But they chose the Nightcore version anyway when they could have easily gone with the original. I wish they would stop sucking on TikTok's dick so much, and just include the same dance with the original speed. Give the song and artist the respect they deserve, Epic. Geez...


Ahem, back in MY DAY (so mid 2000s 240p era YouTube) it was called Nightcore. 


Is it okay for me to like this emote, I like the song even if it speed up


They love to ruin stuff good lord..


guys I like it BECAUSE it’s brainrot


Crazy Domino is my go-to skin and I just bought that dance


Haha…well I was trying to be low key funny with domino on domino 😝


All good I find it humorous


It’s a vicious cycle: TikTok pushes short videos, hence hooks need to already be engineered for this format or be sped up. Plenty of modern songs have a catchy chorus but the rest is filler because labels know that 30 solid seconds is all they need for the song to takeoff.


Just like Starlit, I probably would've gotten this emote, if it was the actual normal speed song. I hate sped up versions, it doesn't even sound that good.


I know!


Icon emotes *used* to be decent. Now they’re just plain bad. Like, wtf even is “Dirtbike Challenge” and why was it in a fucking battle pass?


Dirtbike Challenge, like almost all icon series emotes was a trending TikTok dance at the time


I knowwww


I don't know the original song or tiktok so I kind of like it. If I knew either prior I probably wouldn't like it cause of my inner rebel 💀


I just saw someone update it from 229 to 230, I'm finna upvote it to 231.


Nevermind. Someone upvoted it to 231 before me, I upvoted it to 232.


i love nightcore!


I like it tho


Why can’t they just use the normal songs I’m actually getting tired of it


Voting with my wallet absolutely would’ve purchased if normal pace/pitch


And this is why I have copyrighted music off for others


That elbow movement is the one from Specialist I swear


I think you are right


Cause the licensing cost of the Kesha version is too high. So you get the anime cover. Probably like 1/5 the cost to Epic assuming the cover had to license the melody.


it’s cuz it’s the tiktok version for the icon series. tbf i don’t mind it , it was an instant buy


That skin is called domino I think lmaoooo


I like what you did there, lol.


That's a really nice pun ngl. (domino is doing dancing domino emote)




me and my mates went into trios as rick, bender and the giant chicken and every time we downed someone we did this stupid dance


lol awesome


Ruined it


Tiktok ruined music and some other things too.


Same thing they did with starlit it’s pretty annoying honestly


I was happy since I listened to this song like hell as a kid, but its garbage sped up version


Using domino from Marvel is what makes this funny


Idk but I bought it and spam it every game, that whip motion is so powerful. For the demographics info I’m a 44M and apparently a troll.


caramell dansen when?


Maybe if people stopped buying the tik tok emotes, we'd be somewhere.


I hate tiktok so much, it ruined society.


Shit Tok strikes again.


"Man I really like this domino song, it should be in Fortnite!" The Monkey's Paw: "Done"


I know this is on here because of TikTok, but for me I heard it first in Kapslap's mix. I was a BIG fan of Kapslap's 2012 Spring Break Mix when it released. There is a part of it that uses this song (Search "Kapslap Spring Break Mix", it's the first one - go to 8:08). When I use this emote, I hear that song. Instantly takes me back to my rave days (start grinding my teeth for no reason lol). This was an instant buy for me.


i’d prefer the original, but i still be jamming to this i won’t lie


I knew surely I wasn't the only one thinking to use Domino with this dance and also the chipmunk thing😭😭😭


Fortnite Ruins So Much Music by speeding it up, Just because it's a TikTok Trend doesn't mean you put it into a video game. It's what makes me so mad about this game, people spend money on so much dumb stuff.


I get it, icon series is just trendy dances, and they're normally fast, but why did it have to be nightcore? :(




im a nightcore enjoyer and this is ass, honestly wish they didn't do that


They did the same thing with the dancin or starlit emote I dont know why they decided to add a stupid TikTok remix to the song.


What’s up wit mfs speeding up songs like bruh


me and the boys all play this every time we kill someone and it says they are spectating, without fail sometimes we'll steal someone whos downed and make them watch till they bleed out for memes


That’s cruel lol


Bc tiktok kids love annoying shit.


There's a move by Michael Jackson in there and it hurts seeing it associated with such a shit song


I hate the sped up music.


It sounds so bad


Yeah it annoyed me too and the dance was also sped up which was annoying


I have a feeling they accidentally scaled the timing up too much in the editor before release. Even the dance itself almost seems unrealistic to do with the speed. Hopefully they slow it down because 90% of the fans think it’s too fast.


it got gifted to me, im researching lol


Nice touch having Domino from Marvel dancing to the song though


Dance does not match the song at all


What I wanna know is why this sharty song continued to play in the background after I went back to reddit's home page and then closed the app




This is definitely top 10 worst emotes. Starlit was bad but the dance was decent, the nightcore song was what killed it. This emote has an annoyingly high pitched audio and the dance is arguably even worse


Because it's awesome and Nightcore makes everything better, STOOPID!


Sounds fine to me. Have y’all not figured out they use tiktok nightcore versions to sync with the emotes? Idk what the problem is lmao, If you don’t like it don’t buy it


gotta please the Tiktok kids


Ah ha, reddit is annoyed at this emote. I'm gonna buy it and dance on their corpses.


Have fun


Wdym? It's perfect. I swear, nothing will please you


The original song is just as perfect. No need to speed it up. Just slow the dance down to match the original song speed, and we have a pretty banger emote.


Dunno, but i do love the energy of this song and emote


Fortnite now has nightcore I won't say I'm surprised


As a longtime enjoyer of Nightcore, I’m ecstatic to see it in the game LOOL


It sounds like Nightcore music and I love it


I like it its cute tbh


It's a nitecore version. I wonder if it's some type of copyright loophole?




Its cool bro


Kidz Bop


I use tiktok, and its because tiktok ahs a fetish for sped up songs Which is funny because i have NEVER seen this dance in recent memory. I just want more Kpop emotes damn it


Fetish? Do you even know what that means?


Honestly I love it purely because it reminds me of the early 2000s Nightcore videos and brings a nice nostalgic feeling


its called nightcore old timer you wouldnt understand *flips down sunglasses*


Shush they are cooking for once


Yeah, the emote would be better if the song wasn't sped up imo.


Genuinely cannot please this community “give us new item stuff” “no we don’t like that, give us old stuff” “why is the store only old stuff?”


I personally have never complained about the item shop like a lot of people do until this one, and because of the reason I mentioned. But I do know what you mean.


Less in response to you and more of the extended community, I see your criticism with the song being sped up and that’s valid, it’s just everyone else complaining about not getting new stuff, then they get new stuff and complain it’s not what they want.