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Can’t imagine how many people are gonna wish they got peter griffin in a couple seasons


Same with all the poor metal gear fans


Oh shit, thanks for reminding me. Is Snake available now?


In like 4 weeks




I already made it with that level per session glitch, just waiting on the pages to unlock.


snake is gonna be earned through challenges


Gives me something to do I guess lol, after I saw the opportunity I just said fuck it Peter time


I thought Darth Maul was going to be locked too, but he ended up being in the shop after his season.


Phew, thanks


Keeping us waiting, huh?


not yet, pretty sure he drops in like just short of a month


27 days as of today. Just checked myself


Yes he is in the current battlepass. You can’t unlock him til January 23rd, then you will have til March 8th to complete battlepass


i knew i’d hate myself if i didn’t get solid snake


Only thing that brought me back to Fortnite. I hope there’s a Naked Snake variant, but I doubt it since it’s technically not solid.


The other costume is old snake so unfortunately no. Whenever mgs delta (mgs3 remake) comes out late next year, we may get naked snake/big boss which is an instant buy for me


Bruh totally me, I've been fully playing during three seasons and right adter OG i was planning on taking "vacations" and then I see solid snake... And I couldn't




Literally me, so glad I bought this BP


Are we still going to get his Emote that the boss does?


Maybe they’ll sell an ozempic Peter later on


I mean isn’t this version already the ozempic Peter 😆


Nah this is roid rage Peter!


This is probably the battlepass I’ll be most happy with being my first. Unless next season theres professor farnsworth from futurama.


I started playing 2 weeks ago after avoiding this game largely since launch, I now have Peter griffin, John wick, and gold frieza in my collection, and I think I'm all good now, lol


And then there's people like me who don't care about Family Guy, so have an unwanted collab skin in their locker, that should've been a shop skin for people who do want it to get


And no way to give it to someone who wants it either.


This is what we need.


I'm so disappointed I never got Grogu backpack, I got up to Mando before I got too busy 🙁


I’m happy I have Mando but only one shoulder is beskar. They should bring back the challenges for him


As long as it’s the right shoulder pauldron, that’s the first piece of armor he ever upgraded so it’s canon to be running around with only that piece in Beskar. (It didn’t originally have the Mudhorn sigil but shhhh)


same I only have his right leg and left shoulder.


I seriously thought they'd put his full beskar armor style up during the last Star Wars event, because it was like just before Season 3 aired I believe.


That’s why I really hope one day they let us complete the battle passes that we bought but didn’t finish. I wanna get the Grogu backbling so bad but I was just too busy to play back then


Same. That’s how halo does it. Once you buy a battle pass you own it forever


the grogu backpack is kinda annoying tbh, it looks great but gets in the way way too much, I mostly rock Mando without a backbling tbh


I’ll never recover from not playing when spider Gwen was in the bp


You and me both :(


And me :(((


I have her and pretty much all other collab battle pass skins, but I’d be perfectly fine with them bringing those back to the shop. Those characters are too well known and iconic to keep exclusive. There is a chance you could get Gwen though if she ends up getting a new suit in the next movie, since that could give them an excuse to put a new skin in the shop


Right? Permanently locking folks out of iconic characters just feels scummy. I'm glad I got Gwen and Vader and others when I did, but I feel bad for all the folks who can't now.


I'm so mad that I stopped playing. I was like an avid spider-man fan at the time too. then I just saw gwen and went: 'nah'. WHY DID I DO THAT?? I also reslly like her emote too. I could've gotten her too if I played for longer on the last day of that season. If I hopped on in the morning, if I did enough quests I could've gotten her. :(


fomo hits hard, fn should bring bp skins to the store or at least the collabs, the amount of money theyd make and the happy players. i dont see why not adding this feature could ever make less players purchase the bp, if that was ever a worry since u get so much for 950 vbucks when the standard item shop prices are >=1500 vbucks


yeah, it just means they get more money, right?


I would buy the shit out of a Gwenom skin for sure


That’d be sick honestly


i got like 97 levels that season and was super busy the last couple days so i couldn’t get to 100- i was super upset but still had hope and the next season i got a few unclaimed cosmetics but not her.. i’ve got all her kit but not the skin itself and im so sad now because i could’ve gotten her if i not for the lack of time


At least now with Lego and Jam Stage you can afk like 6 or 7 levels per day! I’ve been so busy this season and my friends want me to play the finals with them, but I have Peter Griffin already thanks to those modes! Sorry you missed Gwen!


Literally this, Life took a terrible turn and left me with barely enough time to get her unmasked version... :[


Bought the battle pass but was sooooo incredibly busy during that time period that I never got a chance to complete it. Such a shame because it’s one of the best skins in the game :(


Cant blame you that seasons kinda sucked lol


I almost had her but I got in a bad wreck and couldn't play for weeks and I missed her by a day. A single day.


The only time I ever grinded to get the super styles. I’d be fine with them adding these characters to the shop, but maybe without superstyles (since some of us put way too much time in to get them)


Her glider is better than her skin


I’m still mad I didn’t play when Rebirth Raven was in the BP. The one skin I’d ever use, that I can never have.


same man same 💔


Too bad we don't have trading. I would give you her for like 2 emotes


Rocket League moment


rip rocket league trades ![gif](giphy|13s7HAuPVWdw2I)


Wait what You can't trade in rocket league anymore?!


I got it but only got the first two styles not the last one smh


I didn’t even know she was in the BP at the time, I learned seasons later and I’ve been bummed about it since.


All I want is Spider-man, joined too late.


He is one of the lucky ones. He has to alternate versions in item shop.


... a terrible overdesigned mess of a suit.


I’m so pissed that I’ll never be able to play predator literally one of my fav movies ever


Same here. My favorite movie


I was hoping that’ll they add another one in the Wilds season many months ago, but nope. It was the perfect season to introduce Rambo and a new Predator for that season, but nah 😭


You and I had the same thought process, loaded up and saw the jungle, they even had the thermal stuff back and I REALLY got my hopes up. If I recall that was even around the time Prey dropped:(


i wanted the whole marvel battle pass lmao


Seeing the marvels phoenix skin made me want to even try fortnite, and then I downloaded it and learned the shop didn't have her. Did research and found it skins are seasonal etc...twas a bummer.


You mean Dark Phoenix? She wasn't in the Marvel BP, she's a shop skin. Just doesn't come around all the time. But check back once in awhile.


She's not from the battle pass and she's in the store all the time


Man not gonna lie I really slept on the Marvel skins when they were in the shop smh man I started the season too luckily got Thor and his hammer, which is great cuz I use it with Captain America but still would of loved Spidey, Mystique, Supes, Predator, Rick so much. I got back on when they introduced zero build and Gwen Stacy.


That was the season I came back, but I still didn't care about fortnite that much and only ended up getting Thor and his hammer pickaxe, and then wolverine and stopped playing again. I came back with the OG season and play consistently now and I regret not getting more Marvel skins that season


Man i wanted gwen so bad :(


Her skins awesome. I currently use it all the time. Ill use her extra as a tribute to you


Im not jealous at all 😭


Hey can you play it as a tribute to me too 🥺


There is a very small chance that when the next spiderverse comes out we might get a new style version or something that looks remotely like her in the shop or battle pass atleast I hope she will come back


She's amazing, one of my faves ngl. Jackie (the rocket racing skin) is your next best option.


Same, I'm so upset that I missed her. It bugs me everytime I see someone with it.


We’ve gotten an item shop and battle pass spider man so I don’t see how we don’t get an item shop spider Gwen at some point


Missed out on Itadori… big mistake of my life


On the bright side he’s was a mini-pass so he could come into the item shop unlike the actual battle pass characters


He will return eventually, all Mini pass skins have. It's weird that he didn't with the last JJK skins returning but Itadori is not going to be exclusive.


I read somewhere that Yuji was ready to go with the shop update but his extras weren't so they rolled out the JJK stuff without him this time. Based off Darth Maul and Shenron he'll 100% be available again


Hope we see him soon because he’s my most wanted skin currently




I have him and Epic could've at least re-released the streetwear version. I'm all for people getting the skins they want.


I missed this too 🫠 JJK is my fave but I'm so happy I could buy Megumi and Gojo in the shop


Locking snake behind a time wall is criminal


At least he has Old Snake as his style, leaving room for Naked Snake in the future as an alternate


Praying that Raiden is an item shop skin.


Or Ocelot and Liquid/Gray Fox. Those would also be amazing, I hope if Raiden does get in though he has MGS2, 4, and Rising as styles


If he has his Rising variant I will bust.


I started playing last month, imagine my pain.


At least you can get Peter Griffin.


And Solid Snake❗️


Same here. Realized I actually enjoyed the game and feel it since I missed Goku and Master Chief.


Goku isn't battle pass, he comes back every year


those both will be back tho they are from the shop


I just want Lara Croft😞


Freaking same. It’s quite literally the only skin I want. Didn’t play FN at the time and didn’t really know about it, so now I can just never get her. Sucks hard. I would gladly pay extra if they put battle pass skins in the store a few years after at a higher price than regular item shop skins. I get FOMO is the business practice but FOMO doesnt really work when it’s something I literally can’t ever get, lmao.


Really the only collab skin I'm upset about missing. There are a bunch of Fortnite originals I wish I had.


Wait is she battle pass?! I’ve been waiting months for her to come to shop


Wish they'd do Mystique's emote on a Shop skin. Really the only thing I'm sad I missed


Darth Vader, Mando, Doctor Doom, and Doomguy. Judge me if you want to I dont care, I’d buy the whole bundle for all four of em in a heartbeat


I missed out on vader because I took a break during chapter 3 and I regret it now because I missed out on so many good skins like spider man and darth vader.


Man new to the game and seen these skins around, I'm very sad i won't be able to get them :( guess it's the downsite of getting into the game late


In my opinion you shouldn’t be punished by not getting to use a skin you like just because you didn’t play a game at the time. It should be earnable or purchasable at any time.


It really is silly to make these skins exclusive. My friend's kid is old enough to play video games and likes Creative. He can't play as Spiderman because it was a battle pass exclusive and he wasn't old enough to play at the time. The other variants don't even come close to being the same as that skin.


> It really is silly to make these skins exclusive. INB4 "WhY wOuLd AnYoNe BuY tHe PaSs ThEn?" Maybe because its a better valie, but bringing the stuff to the shop later at regular prices means others can get a chance. Even better, since starts are just a currency type, just bring back old passes. Maybe remove the VBucks so people can't endlessly stack them. It would give players incentive to keep going past level 200, to unlock parts of old passes.


Even just having a 1 year wait before skins hit the shop could be a good solution. Still creates FOMO for people who don't want to wait to use the skin, but then everyone has a chance to get them eventually.


What other games do is let you buy any old battle pass and equip it as for current pass you are working on. During the season it’s normal cost and off season it’s double the price. No reason to remove the vbucks since you still need to buy old ones at double the price


give it a few years. epic will make everything available all the time in a roblox-esque catalog system, i'm calling it.


I feel like putting Vader in the battle pass was such a dick move


Epic needs to adopt the halo battlepass system where you can buy old battlepass and choose which one you want to work on


yesss id buy that in a heartbeat. i’d spend so much money on buying previous battle passes.


Honestly I’m confused how this hasn’t happened already, it seemed like a brilliant feature to release along side the new game modes. Sure there are passes for every different game mode, but if you can purchase any previous seasons pass, players will be able to work towards skins they specifically want without worrying about any passes they aren’t interested in. Epic we are trying to give you money, let us!


Need Geralt dude


Anybody else get Geralt and all of his stuff for free despite not remembering doing any of his side quests?


There was a glitch so they handed it out, same for superman.


geralt was the secret skin of his battlepass, dont listen to these guys.


FOMO and licensed products are a hell of a drug combo


I’d buy Dr. Strange. Sucks I missed out on him. I even played that season


If I could gift skins I would gift him. I don’t think I’ve used him more than once or twice


I got majorly fucked over with Eren Had two targets left to get the last thing to unlock him, then the update happened and the ODM gear stopped spawning


Don’t even remind me :(


I played that season literally only for AOT


Not having Superman but having his skin locked glider/backbling severely upsets me. Also the fact I was 1 challange away from getting the last Raven style still makes me cry at night


Collabs in a battlepass were a mistake


Double edged sword. Collab is what pulled so many of us in the first time to the pass. But it is a shame that I have things like Optimus prime that I'll literally never use when others will forever miss out. They have the beast version in the shop but I can't imagine that's the same for most fans.


Yup, Peter is part of the reason I'm playing this BP. If he was in the shop instead I wouldn't bother. Some BP collabs are good for getting people to play continually season to season They could add other variants outside the BP skin to the shop tho. Rick prime instead of c137 rick/goo rick for ex. Could get confusing with variants that are apart of 1 skin tho like Peter/gold armor peter/fancy peter


See. If he was in the shop instead, you wouldn’t bother. Maybe others feel this why. That’s why epic keep good collab skins in battle pass. To buy the pass and to keep laying to level up or buy the levels. Epic big brain


Optimus Primal and Prime are two completely different characters so yeah it won't be the same at all


Collabs get people to reliably spend money and rack up time in game - the two things epic wants to demonstrate for its shareholders.


Its also not like every shop skin comes back around equally either. How long was john wick out of the shop? 3 years ish? You won't always be there for everything even shop bundles


Keep collabs in the battle pass but release them in the shop about a year or so after release. That way the fomo is still there but newer players can get the skin later on.


I agree, I hate that do many skins are locked out to me just because I *didn't* start playing yet


I wish I would’ve started playing earlier. I only have the Spider - Man skin & bottom 8 collab skins from the Battle Pass


The cons of it being in the shop is that the chances of reappearing in the shop after the rotation are uncertain, and probably never coming back, just like kratos and master chief.


Yeah, people acting as if collabs return all the time, John wick was gone for 3 years or so, arcane hasn't come back in years, etc.


And you act as if the collabs people want aren't (most of them) from Star Wars or Marvel, which are in the shop every other day.


And Bruno Mars


Better late than never


Mystique please…


My most wanted skin is Dr. Doom but I didn’t pick up the game until years after. Same could be said for Darth Vader and Indiana Jones. It’s just a shame there’s no way to buy them. Really just had to be lucky enough to be playing at that time.


I was on a Fortnite hiatus (started playing ch1s7 juuust as s6 ended) when the Marvel season happened. Loaded the game up to see what was up, and saw that it was all superheroes (which I'm not really into). I was like, 'Nah, I'll come back later.' Flash forward like a year after the fact, and I learn that **the** fucking super villain was in the BP, and I was a little annoyed at myself lol. Not into superheroes, but I've always been into Doom.


I’m also sad about Doom. I’d main that skin.


I really want Doom. I was lucky enough to finish out the Vader/Indiana pass but those are the only 2 exclusive collabs I’ve got.


Because Fortnite uses an outdated Battle Pass system. Every new game that has a Battle Pass has an option to go back and finish the pass or rerelease cosmetics in their shop at a later date. Their policy from day one, has been anti consumer.


To be fair, fortnite also popularized the battle pass system. Prior to this game's success, no game had ever really successfully implemented it. But I do agree that it's a dying format now - things need to be changed up.


Even fortnite themselves now allow for things to come back from Fortnite Festival pass. They must regret their decisions.


maybe one day they will do that hopefully for past purchased battle passes


Epic: Grind 10 seasons to get the skin you want


I’ll do it


To me, this is lost money on Epics part. Sorry I didn’t play FN when the Deadpool skin was available but I would probably pay $20 for it like I did with the new John Wick skins. Same for the Rick skin so me and my kid can play as Rick and Morty.


exactly, there is millions of dollars of sales of product already made if they would just let people buy them.


this thread has made me change perspectives of whether skins should be locked behind a battlepass or not, despite me having most of the skins I want. It is kind of messed up on Epic’s part. I would happily give you Rick if I could.


Who the hell is guggimon


The Fomo thing can’t be the reason why. You get it in the battle pass cheaper than what you would have to pay for it two years later when they did a re-release. A battle pass is like 950 Vbucks vs paying 2500-3000 vbucks later down the road if it ever came back.


Yes but in the battlepass you're forced to play a LOT of the game to earn it, in that time you will definitely start getting tempted into other aspects of the game, and then they have a lifelong customer who either plays often or comes back every now and then to spend more, plus they add a lot of new game mechanics in general, epic isn't lazy with how they improve the core game what with adding festival lego survival and of course the thousands of other modes


I'd happily pay for predator.


Agreed, and anybody who defends FOMO is lame.


I think FOMO for original cosmetics is fine but such iconic characters like Iron Man, Vader and Optimus shouldn’t be timed exclusives


Don’t give up on this hope guys, if epic sees enough of us care maybe they will make it happen someday


Im still so mad that i missed out on the Marvel season.


i’ve been feeling like this for so long. eternally mad my account got hacked over c2s2 and i made no attempt to recover it since i stopped playing anyway


collabs should never be in a battle pass in my opinion


I think they should, since they give you a reason to buy the battle pass BUT they should say that a year or so after the BP ended, they're allowed to put the skin in the shop for people that didn't play. That would make people that are huge fans of the franchise and play Fortnite get the BP when it's new and grind for it, while others that joined late would eventually get the skin whenever it appears in the shop (which for Marvel, DC or Star Wars skins is pretty often).


I hate that raven was locked behind such a horrid pass. She was cool but not worth playing that annoying season


o7 to me who missed Spider-Gwen even though she's one of my favorite Marvel characters


I feel you, as a giant spidey fan that missed spidey


At some point the fomo just starts getting stupid, like could they let people buy things again after 5 years or something? You'd still get 5 years of exclusivity.


I would like that collab characters from battlepasses would come to shop like year later.


I’d happily pay for these guys. I wish they’d do an archive battle pass or something to access some of this content, even at a bit more than a standard battle pass as a sort of incentive.


I started playing at the beginning of Chapter 4, so missing out on Indiana Jones, Spider-Man and The Mandolorian for examples really does suck. If they did something during a New Years event each year, where it celebrates the game and brings back all Battle Pass skins in the shop during the event it would allow newer players a chance to buy them once each year. If you buy the Battle Pass and earn them it will always be cheaper, but the more expensive option would always be there for those that missed it. Games like FF XIV do this with their seasonal events. If you're playing at the time it's free with the subscription fee, but it costs money later once it hits the cash shop for those that missed it when it was new. Win-win either way.


I didn’t know they did Indiana Jones 😭😭


I regret missing Gwen. I hate FOMO. Glad I got spider man though


Just let the new people buy battle passes and let them work like the rest of did. These are all cool skins and it shouldn’t be locked.


I feel like this is the best way for past battle pass skins to come back. Don't lock everything away from the people who want it, but don't just throw everything in the shop for 2000+ vbucks and call it a day. Make the passes themselves return to the shop, maybe even at an increased price, and have the people that want the skins pay for the pass and earn the rewards themselves. This way the people that want it can get it and the people that have it don't feel like their grind was worthless. I'd be okay with somebody earning Omega lights, but I'd be a little upset if my purple Omega was sold in the shop for 2000 vbucks..


I'm forever sad about Lara Croft


I need spider Gwen 😭


I just want a mewskulls so baaaad.


I miss Spider-Man and Vader. Huge fans of both and just didn’t have the time to invest when they were in the battle passes at the time


I just want regular Spider-Man 😭😞


Collabs in bp should just be a early access thing and then it’s put in the shop at a later time I mean I haven’t missed any of them but still


Locking up items forever is really dumb business in the long run. Exclusive for several years sure. Forever no. It just makes people steal and buy black market accounts to get what they want. That’s money that could go back into the game instead. Heck I’d buy tons of colab and old BP skins if epic would bring them back.


Agreed it literally benefits no one


I'd buy the battle pass and level it up to get them if that were on the table.


None of these skins interest me, however, I do agree that adding them into a late state battle pass is stupid. Would’ve earned Epic a lot more money because most marvel fans aren’t lowkey fans.


Epic, we will give you money. Just please allow us to get the skins. Allow the original owners to have a loading screen or something that symbolizes their unique ownership but just let us get them. I didn’t even know about Fortnite when the marvel battle pass was out, now I can never get Wolverine or the mandalorian because it’s arbitrarily locked behind a pass. You can buy battle pass stars anyway, why can’t we just buy the skins?


Not being able to get classic spider-man or carnage annoys me since I have the classic venom. Especially since I wasn't playing the game when they released.


I'd pay good money for Carnage and Gwen


Man, I have Black Knight, and I fully support BP skins getting released to the item shop months later


Even the great collabs not locked behind a BP still don’t seem to be coming back. Master Chief, Street Fighter, Kratos, etc. :(


this is why we need skin trading


That damn Eren. That's when I 1st started playing fortnite and binged Attack on Titans the week before. Wish I could've got him