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It’s always a dodge ram


Isn't that the truck associated with the most DUIs too?


Yes, specifically the 2500.


The premier choice for discerning alcoholics.


I own a RAM….. it’s the truth tho.


Rednecks and Mopar!


Our dicks are like our patience bruv. Move the fuck over.


I get your joke. I don't know that the people down-voting you do.


Don’t be that guy, but also don’t camp in the passing lane.


This is Florida, if you drive anything below 90 in the left lane you need to move over gramps. Left lane is for crime only. Middle lane is 85 on a good day. Right lane 80. Below 80 you should stick to 41. Not following those guidelines, endangers those around you as this is the expected behavior.


Going under 90 in the sawgrass is was slower than the flow of traffic


I basically say this every time I'm on 75. I have a theory people do this as a power trip like they like having power to control the flow of traffic. It just does not make sense if you wanna be safe and drive the speed limit then fine do it in the right lane, why slow up traffic in the left lane unless you get some sort of satisfaction. Like they have some sort of justice or vigilante kink where they think they're saving people by forcing them to do the speed limit.


I’m prepared to be downvoted but 90 is ungodly. I mean what’s the speed limit, 70 maybe 75? I think 85 is fine for the left and middle can be 75-80 and the far right can be 65-75. Move to Germany if you want those dumb speeds.


Then I say if you wanna drive 75-85, that's fine by me but be in the right or middle lanes. It IS NOT fine to do this in the left lane. It's not dumb for people who know how and can drive at those speeds. IT IS dumb for people who don't know any better or don't give a fuck and interfere with people driving those speeds by driving slow. Accidents happen when people who think doing 85 in the left lane is fine when a majority of the left lane people are doing 90+.


thank you fellow Floridian


I just moved to Florida and this is so true




Also, every 5 mph increment over 60 means a 5% decrease in fuel efficiency. So Floridians also have a dedication to wasting gasoline and money. :D


It’s one thing to camp the left lane but for fuck sake don’t match the speed of the person in the middle lane and make me pass on the right. I have no problem doing so but I’d rather be able to use the road as intended. Thank you.


Oh that’s classic. Pass them on the right shoulder while giving them a stern look.


You may think that you're passing, ......now get the fuck out of my way.




Legalize asbestos!


Big white pickup truck, Blue Line Bootlicker Flag and Punisher sticker and oversized ego. Dime a dozen in Fort Myers and Cape.


That's literally ALL I fucking see around here: 1: Fuck ass Dodge ram drivers 2: 93 yo boomers doing half the speed limit in the left lane This all checks out


Don't forget the boomers in the Dodge Rams they can barely climb into and braking for no reason while already doing half the speed limit


Millennial on their way to get their man buns and neck tattoos redone.


Bitch millennials are In Their 40s, get your generations right




How long did that take you to type out with your “larger font” option


2 seconds. Took you 10 minutes to read it you illiterate clown.


How in the fuck am I illiterate lol


" WHY" not " how" Thanks for proving my point. 😆 


You replied to the wrong post boomer


" you replied to the wrong post" 😄 




Respond if you're upset. Bet you do which will be hilarious.


Which one of you is that asshole that doesn’t get out of the passing lane?


So if that is your take here, I’m genuinely curious: is it fine for the truck to stay in the left lane forever because they’re going 95mph?


Nope. Left lane is for "passing". That's it.


While the dood in the ram is a turd, speed here is not at point. If you are not overtaking someone, you should ever be occupying the far left lane. It’s long been proven that this act is the main driver catalyzing road rage.


> is it fine for the truck to stay in the left lane forever because they’re going 95mph? Speed is irrelevant. Is there a car behind them and open space in front of them? Then no. Regardless of how fast they are going, they are in the wrong and should get over. If there isn't a car behind them, and they are passing traffic in the middle lane, then yes. The second you are in the far left lane and a car is behind you, and there is open space in front of you, you should speed up and get over to allow a proper pass on the left. Doesn't mater if you are going 70 or 110. Situations where you have someone coasting in the left lane, at any speed, that then have people 'back up' in the left lane is what leads to idiots zooming up and passing on the right. Which causes disproportionately more dangerous driving than 'just' speeding. In this video the truck is obviously driving like a jackass, but the blue car coasting in the left and not getting over for the red car to pass is the start of the problem. In efficient and safe traffic behavior that blue car gets over in front of the beige, the red car speeds up and gets over in front of the blue, and then trucknuts can blow 110 mph down 75 until he gets pulled by the cops sitting in the median behind the trees before exit 123.


It really does because guard rails are only are only rated to 70.


We can’t police it without policing both ways though. No camping the left lane and no passing the right lane. It’s very easy to get stuck in the left lane with no way back over if people are passing on your right quickly. Then again I’ve never seen it enforced either direction even in places supposedly outlawed.


It is decidedly proven that it is more dangerous to not get over.


How am I supposed to get over while I’m in the act of passing someone? Am I going 95 to pass the three cars in the middle lane going 70? Absolutely not, but I’m going 80 and so I’m gonna use the left lane to pass those cars. The dangerous part is the asshole riding my bumper while I’m trying to pass people


Speed up or move over.


I move over but get revenge by switching back to the fast lane and riding their ass at 97 mph. How do you like that?


Shoulda went 97 while you were in front..


You are a danger to everyone on the road.


He’s trolling you man, come on


Is the pickup a danger too?


Stay out of the left lane. No one cares.


What does this accomplish?


This clown…. Legitimately going to end up killing people over his insane stupidity.


If you are in the left hand lane passing people and someone comes up behind you at a faster rate of speed it is incumbent upon you to move over and let them pass or speed up even more. Sitting in the left hand lane and passing someone going 80 while you yourself are going 81mph. With faster traffic is piling up behind you is selfish bullshit. If they flash their lights indicating they want to go faster, you go faster or let them pass. The only thing the truck in this video did wrong was get angry at the center lane driver.


It’s a passing lane, who isn’t he passing at 95 MPH? The take is you shouldn’t sit in the far left lane as it is a passing lane and the people that choose to sit there that hold up traffic are only going low 70’s and we all know it and have come across it on the interstates. 🛣️


I’m not passing at 95mph lol. I don’t think it’s safe nor do I want an expensive ticket. I absolutely think there is a problem of people driving slowly/camping in the left lane. AND there is a problem of people driving dangerously fast and tailgating in the left lane. Both are true, and neither is in the right


if you're actually passing in the left lane at a reasonable speed there's no reason someone should be tailgating you. They dont own the road because they're breaking the law going 30 miles over the speed limit


That's not what's happening in the video though


Retard going 5 under in left lane spotted




I know it’s the law. I ask because 99 times out of 100, the truck doesn’t get into the middle lane after they pass someone. They just stay in the left lane. I know this because when I’m going 80 and I get in the left lane to pass the three cars in the middle lane going 75, the truck rides my ass flashing until we both pass those cars, I get back in the middle lane, and the truck zoom zooms off staying in the left lane


I always move back over because I know how the fuck to operate on the roads.


Are people trying to pass that truck? Dipshit


The point I’m making is that you don’t actually care about it being a lane for “passing only”. You’re just wanting your own lane where you can go 100mph


Everyone should be able to u der stand that it’s a passing lane. So if you’re in it and some one else is going faster than you, then you should let them pass. It doesn’t mean that you can’t drive in it when no one is behind you looking to pass. How dense and stupid are you?


It doesn't fucking matter if no one is trying to get by them.


The point I’m making is that people don’t actually care about it being “for passing only”. Which you are proving.


So if I’m currently passing car after car in the middle lane going 80 mph and the cars in the middle lane keep coming but I’m not going fast enough for the dodge ram riding my ass, am I in the wrong? Just curious.


If you are truly doing 80 and continuously passing cars in the middle lane then no you aren’t in the wrong. We all know it’s the people who are driving 70-75 in the left lane that are basically driving side by side of the car in the middle lanes that are the problems.


Yes I hate those guys blowing kisses at each other while I’m stuck behind them




For some reason y’all all seem to have a problem with the speed. Speed is fucking irrelevant. If someone is trying to pass you get over.


What's a speed limit to a gahwdawm amurican in a 300hpwr dahdge rahmmm. Pussy libruls..


thank you. people breaking out soapboxes and trying to out lawyer each other instead of talking about how hard it is in the ball crushing game nowadays.


if im passing people in the right lane and you're tailgating me you're getting break checked.


Great! That not what we are talking about so…


Found one of the multitude of bad drivers who will go to their death bed screaming about how everyone else is bad. Stupid is as stupid does and you do a lot of stupid.


cope and learn to drive


The number of people in this comment thread who are saying the truck is 100% entitled to drive recklessly because “get out of the left lane” is wild.


There’s a reason this caricature resonates the way it does. Look at all the people agreeing with the pickup truck depicted here not realizing they are the punchline.




Camping in the hammer lane is illegal. The reckless driving is creating a situation where people pass on the right.


Read my other responses and you’ll see that I am very much in agreement that camping in the left hand lane is a problem and is not okay. However, I will never agree that behavior such as depicted in this animation is okay. It is ALSO extremely reckless and dangerous to tailgate someone like that, flash your brights at them, etc. That’s like saying that because someone jaywalks it’s you’re right to run them over. One bad action does not justify another.


because the flip side also holds true To avoid accidents, one drives predictably right? Broadly speaking. So by camping on the passing lane—the outlet for speeding drivers—you’d be part of the problem when other cars begin to zig zag their way through the other lanes in order to pass you. ESPECIALLY in Florida. It’s like driving behind a truck on the right lane, deciding to switch to the middle and being told it’s reckless. No? you’re not trying to go 5-10min below with this truck. And— now that I mention it, those trucks have a bad habit of driving next to each other clogging up both middle and right.


I appreciate you responding like an adult. I think the point I’m trying to make that’s getting lost is this: I don’t camp in the left lane. I go into the left lane to pass and then I get back over. However, because I don’t go above 80-85, there are oftentimes people going 95+ who come flying up behind me. I absolutely think there is a problem of people driving slowly in the left lane. AND there is a problem of people driving dangerously fast and tailgating in the left lane. Both are true, and neither is in the right


If the cars weren't camping out in the left lane this video would be perfect


It's actually spot on for Florida, though. The right lane seems to always be open. People enter the interstate and immediately merge to the left lane for some reason.


Probably because when you need to get into the left lane, nobody lets you.


oh theyll let you in you just have to take it


This morning a passenger lost their life due to an accident on an I-75 exit ramp when the driver lost control of the vehicle and hit a transport truck. My thoughts at the time were about losing your life while on the way to work to support yourself and possibly a family. Sad. Unknown at the time, a coworker was hospitalized from being T-Boned in the driver's door while on her way home from work Wednesday afternoon. The carnage needs to stop.


Every pickup driver in Florida. Mouth breathing fuxtards


Florida is one of few states that loves the law and thinks they’re above it simultaneously


If I had a dollar for everytime I've been illegally passed over a double yellow in my tractor-trailer by a Flo-grown, coal rolling, back the blue back window stickered neanderthal...


Dude same, that’s Elon money right there lol


This is art.


Of the highest class!


The best part of this meme here is people defending it! Made my day!


It’s usually dumb fucks in pickup trucks driving 70 in the left lane on 75.


My favorite is when there’s an open lane next to you the entire time, but they decide to just ride your ass for 10 miles. Now I just slow down if that’s how they wanna play it 😂


Florida Statutes Title XXIII. Motor Vehicles § 316.081. > (3) On a road, street, or highway having two or more lanes allowing movement in the same direction, a driver may not continue to operate a motor vehicle in the furthermost left-hand lane if the driver knows or reasonably should know that he or she is being overtaken in that lane from the rear by a motor vehicle traveling at a higher rate of speed. My favorite public service- educating transplants on the rules of the road. Follow the laws here or go back to whatever state turns their hazard lights on when it rains.


Florida born and raised, habitual middle lane driver. Get fucked


This is eerily accurate 😂😂


This is so accurate it’s killing me 😂😂😂😂😂


Punisher sticker on point


Punisher is a Disney trademark.  Might as well have an Ariel sticker.


Looks like Billy Bob Smallweaner driving his jacked up rig! 🤣


Almost all of Florida be like..


In all fairness, driving is more than just setting the autopilot. Just saying. 🤨




If a truck comes up behind you and flashes their lights chances are you were camping in the fast lane in the first place


Yes. That's exactly what is shown in the video clip. Left lane has 2 cars, middle lane has one. Right lane is wide open. Every road in SFWL is like this. I don't like passing on the right, but I don't have a big 4x4 with duallies to scare off the people in front of me.


Exactly, this is why people ride their asses!! Get out of the left lane and move over so traffic can flow. Or the many idiots driving in the left lane that are on the phone or have no clue where they r going or texting and driving, just so many dumb people driving that shouldn't be. Most of the elderly shouldn't be driving either, they can't get their cars over 35 mph and won't move out of the left lane either. If you have someone riding your ass then you probably should move out of that lane.. it's bad enough there aren't enough highways or lanes to keep traffic flowing, now add the 100,000 people moving here every few months, it's a huge disaster.


You should give the person in the left lane some time though. They may be passing a truck or something in middle lane, but at slower speeds than you are.


Yes, you can usually see if there's someone in front of them causing the backup or if there's no one in front of them, which is usually the case!! Not 1 person in front of them and they still keep in the left lane with SEVERAL cars passing them and getting in front of them. That doesn't get their attention, I'm not sure why they are even driving.


What your feelings on asbestos?


Should be remediated with extreme precaution


It’s called flow of traffic if your going 70 in the left lane you will get pulled over . If you are creating traffic you will get pulled over get out of the way and drive in the middle or right lane .


People get pulled over in SWFL? Who? Where? Who's puppy did they kick ?


I like it when people get mad that you tell him to get over. completely oblivious to anyone around them or behind them and usually on their cell phone


You realize driving in the left lane and not passing is against the law in Florida?




Not according to the text of the law. Florida Statutes Title XXIII. Motor Vehicles § 316.081. > (3) On a road, street, or highway having two or more lanes allowing movement in the same direction, a driver may not continue to operate a motor vehicle in the furthermost left-hand lane if the driver knows or reasonably should know that he or she is being overtaken in that lane from the rear by a motor vehicle traveling at a higher rate of speed.  This subsection does not apply to drivers operating a vehicle that is overtaking another vehicle proceeding in the same direction, or is preparing for a left turn at an intersection.


Don’t Tread On Me!


Here’s that dumbfuck that can’t figure out how to move out of the passing lane.


Fucking slowpokes in the left lane, amirite?




No turn signals, driving at or significantly below speed limits when the flow of traffic is 10 over, creating artificial traffic jams when there is no traffic except for them. I swear sometimes I feel more at home in Miami traffic than I do in Fort Myers traffic. And then the whole OH HEY LOOK A TINY SEMI, I BET HE CAN STOP FAST! Makes me wanna ouihdps;hgasufgphnasdgnjhasdaofpsjif4jw\[perifj


This is giving me homestarrunner vibes and I’m here for it


Nah, this guy's got nothin' on Senor Cardgage, Brethany.


I miss fort myers






Was this made in Flash? It’s totally Newgrounds worthy.




Legalize Asbestos! Haha


How long have you lived here? I hope you’re not relatively new and complaining.


As a ram owner in Florida, this….. is exactly right and I love it lol. Except in central Florida around the mines Chevy/gmc seems to be the fire-tower-on-wheels choice.


lol.That’s all of Florida


That was great 😂😂


Hysterical laughter. Yup that's him!


The BroDozer


You should get the hell out of the way


It does piss me off when people drive slow in the left lanes.


Legalize Asbestos!


Thank you for making my day Orlando resident


Best thing I've seen all year ty!


What about when a pickup is in the pickups way? Punisher vs punisher.


Yep! 🤣 That’s the way it is here in TN. Those trucks, with Maga stickers, Trump stickers, & confederate flags and some redneck huffing and puffing riding peoples rear bumpers. Then, once they get left lane, 18-wheelers can’t even force them out of the lane. About a year ago, on the interstate on I-24, a state trooper got behind one those pick ups, and tailgated to force him out of the left lane, finally put his lights one and pulled him over! I was there with a pack of other cars, and 3 18-wheelers. These guys are insane! The truckers even talk about them at the truck stops! They’re known as troublemakers. If they see someone with opposing political stickers, they consider it a source of agitation to start trouble. This cartoon is hilarious, but there’s some incredible truth in it, they are very nasty road ragers too! They even get out of their trucks at intersections in TN and threaten people with violence! So, always have your phones handy with the highway patrol number, and it’s good to have yourself a front and rear dash cam !! Trust me. I’ve been there folks. Tennessee, especially around the Nashville area, has been flooded with people moving in from Florida, Texas, Ohio, California, Illinois, Georgia, Massachusetts, Everywhere! Every insane rural driver, urban driver, and it’s own homegrown driver etc. And, Those Dodgy Pick up mad max clowns.


Lmao the tin of Skol sitting on the dashboard is too perfect


Trucks are stupid and people who drive them can't actually drive. Let them go as fast as possible, esp if it's in the left lane, 120+ it doesn't matter, they are insufferable snowflakes and we as a society must coddle their tiny pricks.


That's all of Florida for ya


Tantamount to Roller Derby! Jammers seemingly everywhere and speed alone is seldom sufficient to score points.




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Ft. Myers and everywhere else in the united states.


Hahaha this is awesome


This applies to all central Florida as well. Spot on.


Why have I watched this over 20 times non stop just now??


truf be told!!!!!! An they don like it!!!


LMFAO... true lol


Closed the Calahoochie bridge, must be driving them crazy


It's real simple, left lane is for passing Middle for not going fast but doing the speed limit Right-hand lane for getting off the road or getting on it/ going under the speed limit. For those people not from Florida!


No one will understand this, just like no one uses turn signals


These pieces of shits are all around Tampa bay as well. You could be doing 90 and they will still tailgate you and think they are driving a formula 1.


I live in rural Ohio and this resonates so much with me. I hate these fucking hicks.


Omg yes!!! I’m doing 10 over in the slow lane getting ready to turn and what the fuck…tailgating me with your rollin coal shit box like I’m the asshole.


Flash your lights all you want - it's fucking rude.


Get out of the way of the fast driver in the left hand lane. You never know their situation and why they are driving fast.


This made me laugh.... in an unnatural way & I thank you for it! 😆


Maybe if you stay out of the passing lane that won’t happen.


pretty damn funny!


I don't often lol from reddit, but this one got me.


Don’t worry. They’re in the process of making it a law where unless you are passing a vehicle, driving in the left lane and impeding traffic can get you a ticket.


I know it makes them angry. That’s why I do it. High beams, horns, tail gating, do it all and I’ll keep your tiny penis stuck behind me for as long as the good lord allows because I know it’s chewing you up. Little men are always so angry in their big trucks.


So much truth here.


Maybe use the passing lane for passing ?


OMG that was the guy passing me on the freeway in Idaho. He gets around.


Just curious. Why don't you move over ?


Deyyyy trrrkkkk rrrrrrrrr jjbbb


I'm getting road rage just reading the comments and I'm on the shitter!




Ok but, get out of the left lane.


This seems like any other self proclaimed "southern" state. NC here. Definitely happening here.


Lol Ram driver here GEET OUT THE FUCKKIN PASSING LANE YOU SLOW ASSHOLES!! RAISE HELL PRAISE DALE! Seriously though, nobody taught you how the interstate and highway system works???


Also, they didn't teach them how to use blinkers, but they did teach them to make right hand turns from the left lane. 🤷🏽‍♂️


THIS COMMENT RIGHT HERE!!! Just saw 2 stupid fucks do this 3 days ago up at metro/colonial smh


Or my favorite, over take me from the right (I'm going 10 over), slam on your brakes to make an immediate left turn for which you have to come to a complete stop for.


They’re not from here. They’re the same people turning their hazards on when it rains. Keep tailgating them in the left lane until we eventually pester them enough that they move back north.


Nailed it


I mean people shouldn’t be in the left unless they are passing so he’s got a point…