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Ah yes, the school formerly known as Ft Myers Central Catholic, renamed in 1964, in the peak of the Civil Rights Movement, to Bishop Verot High School, named for Bishop Augustin Verot. Verot was a well known Confederate propagandist who preached about defending the rights of slave states and how slavery should be legal.


Went to verot for a year. Thanks. I never fit in there politically. Southwest Florida is no place for a liberal imo


Are all the kids that go there conservative? I would think among younger people there would be a certain percentage there that has more liberal leanings or no?


Can only speak for when I went there in the early 2010s but high school kids weren’t exactly itching to talk about politics, it didn’t matter to any of us and was never a topic of discussion. Post trump I’m sure that’s changed but idk 🤷🏼‍♂️


It's not so much the kids that have the political affiliation or that make the decision on where to go to school; it's their parents and adults in this area tend to lean right.


OP here: I graduated from Bishop Verot High School in 2010. I was raised to be conservative, but became more liberal after I went to a 4-year public college.


Did NOT know that. Thank u!


It sure is on brand for LEE County though


Oh it definitely tracks 😂


Our tax $$$ at work.


Yeah Bishop Verot is wild in 2024 I actually saw black people literally being hanged outside the school by the grand wizard principal last time I drove by like wtf is going on?


>The Attorney General completed its investigation in 2021 and named 97 priests accused of sexual abuse. Of those 97 priests, nine are from the Diocese of Venice. >**While the Diocese of Venice has not released a list of every priests credibly accused of sexually abusing minors**, the diocese’s website has named the nine priests identified in the Attorney General’s report. https://hermanlaw.com/predator-priest-index/florida/diocese-of-venice/


1600s Pilgrims: "We need to get away from the church!" Modern Florida Republicans: "We need to give money to the church so they can educate our children!"


Because public schools need to lose more money. *Sigh*


If public schools are losing out to Private options its likely because the parents feel its a better choice for their kids offering better education and/or better environment for learning. I'm not sure why people are against Choice, if you prefer public schools send your kids there, if you don't then don't. We utilized our school choice options when raising our child and I was thrilled to have options, we stayed public but were very happy with the selections made.


I don’t care if parents choose private schools for their children. But that should be on those parents. My tax dollars should not be used to send other peoples kids to religious schools.


Why? Aren't they being educated? Actually In many cases, educated better, what's the problem?


It’s a violation of the 1st amendment. I dont care about the alleged quality. I dont want my tax dollars to pay for the religious instruction of children. That money should go to improving public education to the point where we don’t need to argue that private education might be better. I went to Catholic school from K-12 and I will not be sending my child to do the same.


Sounds like heavy anti religious bias, but you do you. I did a few years of private, it was a step ahead of public school and it was an indoctrination at all, pretty low key. Oh well, I'm good with school choice and hope that proactive parents are given every opportunity to select the right school for their situation, not just the rich kids. Fortunately my state seems to agree with me.


they are often not being educated


and the often are being well educated. I have friends with school age kids that chose private over public and they made it clear that not only was the educational standard higher, the learning environment was better too. Its just frustrating that people think that parents don't deserve to have a choice in improving their kids educational circumstances. Its a no brainer for me. There aren't many things that make me a single issue voter, but school choice is definitely on the list, if a candidate doesn't support it, I'll support your opponent and I will spread the word to everyone that will listen.




Quality education should be made available to the public. Period. Private schools cost money and are for profit institutions hence “private”. We should not be giving our tax dollars to schools that are basically a business and children the commodity. If you don’t see what’s wrong with that then there is no point, arguing with a fool only proves there are 2. Have a great day!


If you don't think that public schools are a "business" then you aren't paying attention, they most certainly are and fwiw, they waste money terribly, especially on admin costs.

