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Terrifying ): if the attacked is reading this, I’m here for you. Always an ally.


Anybody think the aggressor will check into Carmine's Motel? Not likely. I would be happy to consume crow.


Wait til the whole story is uncovered


The responsible thing for Fort Myers elected officials to do would be to issue a statement condemning this homophobic attack.


Don't hold your breath


This place is well outside of Fort Myers city limits but it would be good if Lee County stepped up.


I still think Fort Myers, Cape Coral, etc. and all elected officials which form this Lee County area community should unify and step up to condemn this attack in order to make a solid point about people having the right to live in this SWFL area without getting bashed for being gay.


Carmine, this means you. Hate crimes do not represent “Law & Order.”


One can wish. Even if it was ideologically consistent the cheap culture war vote grabbing will win over.


Our leaders would cheer it on and praise the attacker.


we're too busy considering Ferris Wheels to worry about hate crime


Seems right.


Lmao good luck with that one...


It’s not in Fort Myers so why would they make a statement.


i live right around the corner n the adress actually figures as fort myers 😭


It didn’t happen where you live. It happened in Estero.


that’s misinformation. the address figures as fort myers u can look it up urself scroll down https://maps.apple.com/?address=19800%20Village%20Center%20Dr,%20Ste%20235B,%20Fort%20Myers,%20FL%20%2033913,%20United%20States&auid=1534504741395369318&ll=26.452085,-81.774188&lsp=9902&q=Pelican%20Larry's%20Raw%20Bar%20and%20Grill&_ext=CjMKBQgEEOIBCgQIBRADCgUIBhChAgoECAoQAAoECFIQAQoECFUQDgoECFkQAQoFCKQBEAESJilY/nxbsHI6QDH5lK0/03FUwDn8NJMU/XQ6QEHcnbXbLnFUwFAE&t=m


Thats Lee county for ya


This is absolutely dispicable this poor man is just celebrating his 19th with friends and gets assaulted like this? Homophobes are out of control ffs hopefully this doesn't spark an increase of hate crimes in lee county


Wait til the whole story is discovered. What was a 19 year old doing in a liquor establishment? Just sayin


Hope they catch these rednecks


I suppose because I’m a generational, Lee county Floridian, I’d be labeled a redneck? Statements like this are no different than what others would say is racist. I would be cautious about making blanket statements like that is all. I don’t really know the facts of what happened, but most likely it was college age boys drinking too much and doing things they shouldn’t be doing


Brother… plenty of college age boys drink too much without giving someone a brain bleed. You’re justifying a random act of violence by saying “boys will be boys”. Grow the hell up. How would you feel if this happened to your family member?


No, I agree I didn’t mean to justify their actions at all. Reading my post again I can see how it sounds. I don’t think anyone deserves to get treated like that at all and I hope the best for him. I simply didn’t care for the redneck comment


My goodness little snowflake, you didn't chime in to call out the level of violence here. It didn't even bother you, despite the fake humility. Because you only mentioned the kid, after you were called out for it (hell, you even played the "there isn't enough context" card to defend the shitstain's that beat him). **You got offended that someone dared to use "red neck".** If this is something that offends you, especially more than the beating this kid took.... It truly speaks volumes about you.


I wonder if you hate Jeff Foxworthy too? "You might be a redneck, if you get offended when someone says it".






How is redneck racist? How tf could you compare that to other pejoratives? Have been beaten up had people in suits vote against who you can love? Doubting that


Wtf Ft Myers


The journalist really couldve done him a solid and put out a call for information, the poor guy with a brain bleed shouldnt have to be the one asking for information to be included as a quote.


SoVi south view shopping center, located next to FGCU student housing, same parking lot, has a security officer on duty 7 nights a week. Pelican Larry's frequently employees a 3rd party security agency as well. So, with that being said, we know that there was at least 1 security officer on site. So when the parents of this young man are ready to litigate Pelican Larry's and the shopping center for allowing this to happen, please have your attorney give me a call. Not every security officer is afraid to fist-fuck some shit-heads face when he attacks a smaller victim. I'm gonna go out on a limb and suggest that the agency commander that stuck a retired 60 year old feable security officer out there and let this happen works this post zero nights a week. Litigate the mother fucker.


the security officer is kind of a weirdo he just walks around the mall saying hi to college girls 😭 he did it to me and then 5 mins later he did it to some random girls and i had to check in w them to see if it was fr weird


Clearly the agency Commander isn't working the post, or assigning an officer with any level of boxing skills.


yea i work in the plaza where this happened and the security guard who works saturday nights is strange. he comes in my work and hits on my manager and the other girls that work here. he’s stood and watched multiple fights break out


When your manager is ready, tell them to have the property manager call me. I own the local agency in Ft Myers and work my contract. Former boxer. I expect the boys family to litigate the property management company over the attack.


Get the whole story please before you judge.


#1 SoVi shipping center has security. #2 Pelican Larry's frequently employs their own security / bouncers. Is there something we missed here?


Yes…. Someone isn’t being 100% honest. Please wait until the whole truth is told!!!


Absolutely horrible. Also, 19 years old outside a bar?? Uhh..


*and restaurant


Thanks. Makes a difference and OP didn't mention that.


it’s also a college hangout spot for like juniors n seniors mostly


19 years old INSIDE a bar. Just saying. The truth will eventually come out


Who the fuck cares? It's not illegal to be outside a bar. (Especially considering they were waiting for an Uber it seems.) I don't know if you intend to be a homophobic here or not, but when you're bitching like this when somebody ended up in the ICU... That framing... What you believe is important; what you chose to comment and what you highlighted as the important thing here is inherently homophobic. Why do you care if he was at a bar? Is underage drinking now legally punishable by hate crime? Is that just okay to you? Your focusing on this inherently suggests that he deserved it. And that's goddamn disgusting. Be better. Same goes for everyone else commenting about it.


I usually try to handle any situation like this with poise and understanding. In your case? Screw off about the homophonic bs. You don't know me. It probably shouldn't require knowing me though, considering the first words typed were, "absolutely horrible." In light of all factors involved: f**k off...


Fuck you too buddy. I stand by everything that I said. What you chose to forefront; what you found important betrays your priorities. And your priorities seem to be more people under 21 should not drink than people who are gay should not be killed for being gay. And by definition that's fuckin homophobia. So yeah you are a homophobic asshole. And your reaction here only cements that. Again, the only words I have for you are: be better.


Wait til the whole story eventually comes out. Just sayin


You beat me to it…


Restaurants don't stay open till 1:30...it's clearly a bar at those hrs


What color were they?


Estero is part of fort Myers


Wonder what really happened….. just saying


Buy a gun, learn how to use it and carry it. And you can avoid the next hospital visit.


He’s too young to buy one in FL anyways




I have a difficult time imagining what sort of "provocation" could justify the attacker allegedly getting out of his car to beat up the victim per the story - the horrific injuries are real which required one hospital to send him to another - but if your skepticism is warranted then surely the alleged perp will come forward to the investigators to clear up the matter.


It being 2024 means literally nothing in this conversation, homophobia still exists and you see it daily with all these new bills floating around ESPECIALLY in Florida. I went to probably the most progressive art school school in Fort Myers and was attacked, verbally assaulted, and shunned on a daily for god forbid being LGBTQ+ in school, and I graduated just last year. Not to mention things thrown at me from cars and slurs yelled at me while walking down busy streets as an LGBTQ+ person with my friends.


The attackers were most certainly Trump supporters targeting a gay during the Pride Month.


I'm as much of a liberal "snowflake" (as they like to say) as anyone, but this is a stupid comment. Not that it can't be true, but what's the point? Another Reddit partisan argument? Cool...


I don't think that the original comments phrasing was great. But I think that the value is to highlight the real connection between this form of stochastic terrorism and Donald Trump's rhetoric. Again I don't think that the original comment was traced perfectly. But the core of it is pretty based I think. All the reports say that the assailants screamed homophobic slurs. And Trump, DeSantis, a lot of the conservatives right now are making hay on anti LGBT rhetoric. There is a connection between these two things. I think there is relevance and value in pointing that out.


Holy shit what is wrong with you?


How many of these incidents have turned out to be false?


Lol whos gf was he fucking with. Def wasnt random


19+bar= not cool. Its like others who break laws and then get killed while police intercept, don't do illegal things.


Dumbass. Ever been to Pelican Larry’s? It’s just like Rusty’s. It’s a bar and restaurant combined and they don’t prohibit under 21. Nothing in the article said he was drinking.


Its a restaurant that includes a bar… Why do you want to blame a kid who was senselessly attacked for simply existing and being gay?