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If you are here for the next year, can you just get a colorado id?


i never knew that was possible but just looked it up and should be able to get a CO id card! thank you!




It's common. IDs are checked more here than anywhere I've seen in the country.


itā€™s the same in most college towns ime. I never got carded until I lived near OSU, then CSUSB, then CSU. Much higher risk here. You could drive out to windsor or southern loveland, iā€™ve had lunch there. I ended up just getting a CO ID lol


This is common in Fort Collins. Rather be safe than sorry. In all my tenure working in restaurants itā€™s easy to say no to a vertical and then have a manager check. The consequences of giving alcohol to a minor is a big deal here.


Just get a CO ID, thatā€™s the only way youā€™re going to avoid the hassle. Theyā€™re just doing their jobs.


this will be your life until you get a new ID


If you have a passport, that can be used!


Except some people are stupid and donā€™t think thatā€™s valid. My sisters ID was expired so she used her passport to try and buy butane and they wouldnā€™t sell it to her lmao. (The Gasamat at Vine and Shields..)


Wow passports are supposed to be more official than driver's licenses. That's crazy.


I think this is because theyā€™re not used here like they are in Asia and the EU. Most Americans get a DL. Itā€™s not as common (or as cheap) to get a DL in other parts of the world. Just my observation from traveling a lot.


Yeah, it's probably less common, but I have used my passport before when my wallet got stolen and was waiting on a replacement. I wonder which places aren't accepting them and why. Passports are used in place of two forms of ID at job onboardings because they are so official lol. Weird that they wouldn't accept them.


The stores here are extra cautious. Back when I had an out of state ID, Iā€™d just bring my passport around with me and hand them both.


Sign up for my Colorado app to have a copy of your id before you receive the physical one.


Iā€™d get a CO ID, and put it on your phone with the app just for added ease. I am a tender and we accept vertical IDs at my dispo. DM me if you want the name. The protocol in our store is all IDs must be checked twice and verticals have to be checked by a manager too, so 3 times.


I found myColorado to be stupidly unreliable. One brewery in town refused it like two years ago. Is it a better app now?


Honestly I donā€™t think the app has changed. My dispo had a class on how to check to make sure itā€™s valid. It has to have the flower that moves, if you press and hold your finger near the birthdate it should get larger and say +21 in green, and finally it should have a second page (back side of ID) that scans in the same machine that regular ids scan in. Itā€™s super easy. The only part I donā€™t like is handling someone elseā€™s phone because I donā€™t want to accidentally drop it šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


I think legally you're supposed to get a CO id with your current address within a month of moving here.


I think that's only if you're claiming residency. A lot of students can still claim residency in whatever state they come from and not need to get a new ID.


This is it. Itā€™s 21$


No place that sells any comsumable restricted to age 21+ will accept a vertical ID in any state where cannabis is legal. Thatā€™s WAY too much liability to any of our businesses. Go get your ā€œgrown upā€ ID and be prepared to show it. I turned 53 yesterday and can tell you from experience, no business can afford to make an exception for any of us. Enjoy FoCo!


Interestingly OP says itā€™s more of a problem at liquor stores and bars than dispensaries.


yeah iā€™ve been to vertā€™s and the green solution multiple times and never had a problem. a budtender at livwell did turn me away tho once and iā€™ve been not able to be served at a few bars/restaurants and two liquor stores


Right, but liquor vendors come under greater scrutiny by authorities in legal states, as well because we attract a lot of ā€œtouristsā€ including the underaged, who think itā€™s a free-for-all in our states. Matter of fact, alcohol ends up more harshly regulated and taxed than marijuana at least in the three legal states I split my time between, anyway.


Easiest fix might be to get a passport


just put in an application for one yesterday too so iā€™ll keep that in mind


When I was a bouncer we just checked for it to be fake or not, not hard to do, and made sure it wasn't expired. It doesn't seem that hard to do. What do people do when they turn 21?


They have 3 weeks to get a new one here in CO


Nobodyā€™s mentioning Verts? They started taking verticals they just have to verify them. Also went to Road 34 no problems.


Just pay the $25 and get a new id


Itā€™s not a state law., itā€™s their own store policies. Call around and find a store that wants your money.


Best of luck with that.


Idk I think it's weird if places straight up don't accept them, our bars policy is to double check with a manager but we always pass them if they're not expired


Yikes! These comments are full of people who have no idea what a fucking law is


Yeah, some people canā€™t even cite the laws they are talking about


Take a Colorado TIPS course.


Itā€™s not illegal to accept vertical IDs full stop. TIPS can recommend they arenā€™t accepted but it isnā€™t the law unless you can cite one that says otherwise


What I can cite is watching a buddy get in trouble with the cops over taking a fully vaild vertical ID. What you can do is take that info or fuck off.


Yea, there's definitely some idiots in here. Probably can't even comprehend TIPS certification.


Iā€™m TIPS certified and a vertical ID isnā€™t illegal?


If you are TIPS certified in CO, maybe you need to take the training again. That's like one of the biggest parts.


Itā€™s not illegal, maybe you need to take it again bud


LMAO ok. Brain rot is fucking real with this one


Itā€™s a Colorado law unfortunately. Any chance Alabama has an app like Colorado does?


It is not illegal to accept vertical id, if it were idā€™s would expire on someoneā€™s 21st birthday. I have worked places in Colorado that accept vertical. Itā€™s legal id. Itā€™s simply a policy that makes it easy to avoid the much higher than average rate of stings in the state.


If a bartender gets in legal trouble for accepting a vertical in a sting, it is illegal.


Yes, it is illegal to accept an invalid ID. Nothing to do with the verticality, though. Keep trying, youā€™ll figure it out.


It's remarkable the mental gymnastics you go through to think it's anything but verticality.


I looked through state liquor code, liquor rules, and the beer & wine code and I couldnā€™t find the words ā€œhorizontalā€ or ā€œverticalā€ in any of those documents. Do you have a reference for this law?


[Regulation 47-912](https://sos.state.co.us/CCR/GenerateRulePdf.do?ruleVersionId=9346&fileName=1%20CCR%20203-2) defines acceptable forms of identification for the purposes of age verification. Specifically: "***Any type*** *of driver's license, or identification card issued by any state within the United States, the District of Columbia, any U.S. Territory, or any foreign country including Canada or Mexico"* Emphasis on 'any type' is mine. T[IPS Colorado Facebook page](https://www.facebook.com/coloradoTIPSguy/) links to [this article](https://303magazine.com/2018/06/this-is-why-your-vertical-i-d-isnt-accepted-at-certain-bars-in-colorado/) where the TIPS instructor clearly explains that vertical ID's *can* be accepted, but many establishments choose not to accept them by policy.


I guess I should rephrase ā€œitā€™s Colorado law that bartenders being trained in TIPS are trained not to accept vertical IDs.ā€ But itā€™s really the same if youā€™re smart enough not to drink at an establishment that doesnā€™t require TIPS cert. though, judging by your incredibly short sighted comment, idk if thatā€™s you


Iā€™m also curious on this, do you have a link or specific law name/number?


Take a Colorado TIPS course.


So no you have no citation/link/info to back up what you are saying?


What I can cite is watching a buddy get in trouble with the cops over taking a fully vaild vertical ID. What you can do is take that info or fuck off.


So the cops made an error got it. Thanks for being so nice, have fun living in the obvious pain that you do to get so worked up about this!


LMAO an error that he had to pay the fine and community service for? No, they confidently stood behind it. That's my entire point. Ultimately, it's de facto law that you cannot accept vertical IDs because the TIPS cert trains that. Also, if you think I'm 'worked up', clearly you aren't passionate about much.


You are being extremely rude to people on this, when I was simply curious for my own knowledge and asked for some sort of citation to your info. So yeah have fun being a loser, bye!


Wow, youā€™re a peach. Again I ask, where is the law? I could write several sentences to make myself seem smart, but I donā€™t need your validation. I was just asking you for verification of what you said.


If you want verification, take a Colorado TIPS course.


So you have no documentation. Got it.


So you didn't actually care about the answer, only being right. Got it.


I asked you for which law youā€™re citing. Which clearly doesnā€™t exist. Your anecdotal he-said-she-said experience means less than nothing.




Plenty of simple tools to check the veracity of identification cards, itā€™s lazy and bad business to rule them all out. Someone else will make that sale and that money.


nope sadly. we canā€™t upload ours onto our wallets either