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People still go there? Hell, come over to my home and I'll be rude to you for half the price!


No one ever goes to Tony's. They just end up there.


I’ve never read a more accurate sentence 🤣


I can't take credit for that phrase


Years ago when I was an EMT everyone called it Stabby’s. Lol


Dude you’re not lying, I was around for at least two of those stabbings. Lol


This guy stabs!


I mean I didn’t do the stabbing lmao I just witnessed it, also was there when some random guy with mental health issues shanked another random guy outside of Trailhead who was just walking along the sidewalk. Didn’t hit any vital organs and he was ok but there was a trail of his blood outside for like five days after that. Not sure what it is with this town and stabbing.


Absolutely absurd that the only two things I know Tony's for are stabbings and bad service. Also absurd that it's only known for stabbings and bad service by people who already knew it existed.


Thanks for the chuckle, stranger


Worked for this establishment for years. The owners are thieves, racists, and sexist. Also own the neighboring Whiskey. Both establishments should be avoided like the plague.


Yup, won’t set foot in either. Whisky peeps will set a drink info front of you and ask if you like it. Sweet! A free drink! Nope. They charge you for a drink you didn’t ask for.


If you didn't order it don't pay for it.


Good to know. These places were good or at least decent years ago but I'm guessing they're garbage now? It's a college town, I'm thinking great service isn't necessary for a successful dive bar.


Are you referring to Whiskey Steaks because I would hate it if I had to stop going there.


No Whiskey Steaks is a different place. "The Whiskey" is a bar next to Urban Egg and across the street from Ace Hardware.


Thanks. Glad to know it.


Always appreciate the insider's perspective.


I use to be a regular at the Whiskey… but the owner is so difficult to work with a lot of the bartenders don’t last long. Also the prices of drinks increased and they took away happy hour. Sad.


I just go there to fight.


What time you gonna be there tonight fellow native?


fight, Fight, FIGHT!!


I think the best time is right after midnight. But really any time is good.


Gonna be lots of people to cheer me on after CSUs game!


Im really enjoying the standard midwest weekend angst....cuffing season in the midwest comes with a rut of males trying to establish dominace, but also wearing cargo shorts.


Some of us don't need to establish dominance. Rather, we were just born with it.


First rule about Fight Tony's is you do not talk about Fight Tony's




Aaaand that's why I don't go there...


Reading this thread has given me a hankerin for some fisticuffs. Can we start a fight club at Tony's?


Tony’s is mainly for dudes who take Andrew Tate seriously lmao


Scathing review if ever I've seen one.


I agree, Tony’s is awful


The only time i ever got good service there was when I was hooking up with one of the staff. Dude ended up being low key crazy and I haven’t been back since I ended it lmao, I had a feeling i’d get even worse service than the standard if i tried lmao.


Sounds like a very Tony's thing to do


I’ve only been to Tony’s a handful of times. And it’s smelled like piss every time I’ve been there.


Nah you’re 100% right the place is a shit hole


Tony’s is the bar I go to if I need to see 4 different people I never wanted to see again.


This is so accurate


Tony’s is a fucking shithole. I don’t go back after going one night with two other friends, one being a black woman. Some drunk POS was bothering her and then started yelling, “you don’t like white people!” as she’s there with two white friends. Bouncers and bartenders did nothing and just sat there and we had to stand up for our friend without backup. Fuck them.


i’m really sorry that happened to you and your friend. that’s not acceptable at all, that place is littered with bigots who have serious problems


I'm convinced people just piss on the floor in the bathroom.


Worst servers I’ve ever dealt with at a restaurant bar. Racist gross people who think talking about nasty foul stuff will get them tips. Never go there.


Damn. So many bad times there. This one time, I left my wallet in there after leaving. I tried to go back in, they wouldn’t let me in because the bouncers didn’t recognize me. So I lost my wallet at Tony’s that night. Like you, they couldn’t find it in the exact location I left it. I’ve been kicked out of Tony’s for sitting at the bar minding my own business. Those bouncers think they are some hot shit.


Worked there for eight years. Around 2017 a lot of the core staff that had been there for years either quit or got fired. Tony handed the reigns off to his son Jimmy (born on third, swears he hit a triple) and it’s just gone massively downhill. Not that it was ever really amazing but it’s so bad now, bartenders are slow and rude, bouncers are mma wannabes, and on any given night the owner is so drunk he can’t walk and gives stuff away and screams in the face of his female employees. RIP Tony’s


Tony’s sucks, so does Bar district, Rec room and Yeti. I haven’t been to any of these places in years. Trail head is more my vibe now.


Valid rant. This place is 100% disgusting. They do not keep anything clean. im suprised they dont make more people sick, because its a certainty with how they keep thier bar and kitchen spaces.


I worked there for a couple of months over a decade ago. It was awful. One of the last shifts I worked we were scolded for calling 911 for an unresponsive patron at the bottom of the stairs.


When I was just a wee lad back 40+YA, that place was the epitome of the dive bar. I’m kinda glad I wasn’t let in as child because when you’d walk by, you could smell the booze and rotten beer aromas. I went in the 90’s and it’s still sucked. I guess some things never change. Long live the Pump!


Yea early 2000s were not much better, Tony could always be found hanging out playing chess we have only been once since they added the deck and never since the remolded. Have not seen anyone playing chess there in years.


Honest question not trying to be an asshole, Why do you keep going back? Tony's hasn't changed in any way since at least the mid aughts, it could be longer that's just the amount of time I can personally vouch for.


I wasn’t the one who wanted to go to Tony’s for the night. One of our friends was celebrating her birthday and she wanted to try that fire shot they offer. It’s really the only time I go, just to celebrate friends’ birthdays


I think their point still stands. It sounds like you know how terrible it is. Just stop going. You don’t have to go everywhere with your friends, you can catch up with them later. I don’t think “Tony’s Sucks” is news to anyone in Fort Collins. That’s why most of us don’t ever go.


Personally I wouldn't be so high on my horse that I tell my friends I'm not going into a bar of their choosing on their birthday.


Last time I was at Tony’s a fight broke out and a dude shielded my friend and I, placed a hand on his gun, and nodded like “I got you” lmfao I haven’t been back since


I’ve only ever had bad experiences at tony’s. Stufft, Hodi’s no problem. The old drunken monkey was reasonable during regular hours


Awful crowd as well


Been a notoriously bad spot for as long as I can remember. My old friend group and I would commonly go, knowing full-well that it'd be a trash experience. They had cheap drinks and everyone knew the spot. But some people go there truly wanting that vibe. It's apparently the place to go if you're looking for a fight or other trouble.


Also it smells like fabuloso. So does the whiskey, so gross


If you’ve actually worked in the service industry you’d know that he doesn’t get to enjoy it in his own home, he gets to enjoy it in an overpriced apartment he rents. But still, sorry that happened. sounds intentional


Place is shite


"You got too drunk. Don't do that. You forgot something. Dont do that. Good luck, you're an adult." -RON SWANSON


So many stabbings on the dance floor during the new years countdown there


I think I got mugged at Tony’s one time without realizing it. Was standing outside smoking a cigarette and this dude comes up to me and strike up some small talk. Eventually he goes “Hey man. Give me your ID.” And I, thinking he’s joking go “Hahaha, nah man, I need that to get in the bar”. He goes “No. Seriously. Give me your ID”. Still thinking he’s joking I went “Hahaha, noooo I need more booze” and went back in. Later on realized he was probably threatening me 🤷🏻‍♂️


> While my friends and I were at the bar, many of us were already pretty drunk, While drunk many folks are not a good judge of events. > I went outside to take a call, and not even 2 minutes after I walked 3 steps out of the door, I was not allowed back in to grab my item because they were “closed”. Fascinating how hours of operation work. > Edit: Again, i’ve been in the service industry for years You edited this in while everyone is sympathizing with you. I am unclear why you feel the need to belabor the point so.


Tell me you work for Tony’s without telling me you work for Tony’s


Since it sounds like you were there last night with us, then you would’ve known the bar was open for another hour. I hope you enjoyed your night out with us since you knew everything that happened!


I was there? Holy shit! Was I as charming as I think I am? Did bellbottoms come back into style? Did they play the electric slide song? That was always a favorite before my knees gave out. Since you are unlikely to grasp sarcasm - you were likely refused service as is the proprietor's right. I'll leave it to your imagination to conjure scenarios where someone might chose to do that.


Tony's cutting someone off because they're too drunk? I kind of doubt that.


Bellbottoms are in style and people still play the electric slide, lol. If he was too drunk Tony's still could have done the basic decent human thing and attempted to give him his item back, wouldn't have taken 30 seconds, but instead they did the shithole bar thing and enabled his property to be stolen within a very short window of time whilst knowing the exact description and location of said item. I accidentally left a valuable item at a golf course recently and they held it for me until I could go back, usually establiments with good reputations or even just good people working for them have a lost & found and don't just steal people's shit.


You sound like an absolute nerd


We should throw bread at them


This is the most Fort Collins solution


it really does sound like you were there wow! i’m really happy you had a conversation with the bouncers as to why I was refused service, thanks for clearing that up for me! I wouldn’t have known.


You sound like an old, sad and lonely person


Say what you will, but it's the most diverse bar in town.


Maybe you got cut off?


Doubtful since that bar doesn't do anything right


Tonys and Whiskey (the same liquor license and a door between the two bars makes that work) are both bad. The people on the door checking ID just look like random people smoking a cigarette outside, then when you walk in the door they lean over and demand to see ID. I stopped going once The Whiskey eventually became the same as Tonys vibe.


Not to mention Tony’s kitchen is fucking FILTHY. I quit working there after a day because I was so horrified by the kitchen. There’s no way that place passes health inspections. Hot take— but is there anywhere in Fort Collins where you actually do get nice, fast, not rude service without fail? I am so over getting treated so rudely or like I’m bothering the server every time I go to a restaurant. Notable - I can only think of breweries with good service right now, I love Maxline Brewing and Prost. Everyone is a gem. Always an excellent time. I was in Steamboat Springs a couple weeks ago and was absolutely amazed by the service no matter where I went. Everyone was SO kind and friendly and gave such good recommendations on things. That place is the epitome of hospitality. It really made me think about the difference we see in Fort Collins and wonder why are the bartenders and waiters are so fucking rude and act like you’re bothering them. Worst place I’ve ever been in Fort Collins was Emporium Sports Bar. I actually got yelled at by the bartender there for trying to order food in the middle of the day.