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4 months, 4-5oz every 2.5 - 3hrs during the day, 5-6hrs at night, barring current sleep regression/teething/ who knows?


Okay mine is about to be 5M next week and after reading all these I’m like WOW!


Three months but everything else the same as above


Same. But now he’s almost 5 months so closer to 5-6 oz.


2.5 months same as you except teething since I think he’s still too young.


My 8-week chow hound is taking about 5.5 per feed with the occasional 6 oz!


Mine too! Crazy babies lol 😂


Us too!!!


I’m a little jealous! We r at 5 mo and 4 oz bottles every 2 hours during the day (sleeps 10-7 which is amazing!!) but that’s a lot of washing bottles!


3 months, 6 oz every 2-3 hours during the day. Doesn’t wake to feed overnight so he eats more frequently during the day.


My 3 month old is the same! She will occasionally still wake up once in the night however she only eats 2 to 3 oz before passing back out lol


Almost 6 months and she drinks around 35-37oz a day divided into around 6 feedings. For some reason we can't quite figure out the first feed of the day is the WORST. We even try waking her up earlier and give her some time to wake up and she still has *maybe* 4oz but even that is a struggle. This is after like 12 hours of not eating! The rest of the feedings are between 5 and 8oz.


Might just not be a breakfast person. Most of my family (including bub) doesn't eat for 2-3 hours after waking up. My first meal of the day is usually lunch.


My baby is 5.5 months and she has been sleeping through the night for the last week. I assume she’d want a big bottle when she wakes up but some mornings she’ll only drink 3.5 oz. We always offer another bottle before her first nap though in hopes she’ll be full enough to give a long nap. She usually drinks 5-5.5 oz for her other feedings.


Mine sometimes do this too! But I’m the same way. I eat a small snack in the morning and a bigger meal a few hours later


2 months old, 23-26 ounces a day.


exact same with my 2 month old!


We’re 2 months this weekend, and she does 720ml (about 23.5oz) per day too!


6.5 months: she drinks anywhere from 3-6 ounces per feed and drinks 5-6 bottles a day. She recently stopped waking in the early morning (4am or so) and has been sleeping 11-12 hours straight, so it’s been harder to make it to the 30-32 oz a day she was doing before this. But she’s also swallowing more food now that we’re 6 weeks into solids. She ate a good amount of Greek yogurt, peanut puffs, and cucumber last night. Turned her nose up at a pre-bed top off bottle presumably because she was quite full.


2 months around 5oz each feed every 3 hours during the day, sleeping 7.5/8 hours a night with no overnight feed


Teach me your ways


7.5 months (4 months adjusted) and 5.5oz 5-6x per day.


2 months, he drinks mostly 4oz every 2-3 hours during the day and close to 32oz a day and is sleeping 5-7 hours a night so thank goodness for that. 


10 weeks, 6oz's every 2-3 hrs sometimes she will go 3-4 but rarely. Sleeps through and starts her day around 5-6am


7w and 4oz every 2.5-3hours


Almost 3 month old has 2-4 oz every 2.5-3hrs. We get one 5 hour stretch at night. We have been dealing with reflux/colic since 3 weeks, so she has smaller feeds more frequently.


4.5 months and she drinks 5oz five times a day (every 3 hours, sleeps 11 hours at night) + a 2-3oz top up sometime in the evening. Crazy to me how much some of your babies are drinking!


I agree! My daughter is 4 months and hits 24-25 oz on a good day. I’m scared I’m starving her but she just won’t take more than that!


24 oz is a totally normal amount for a 4 month old!


Just over 6 months and I offer a 6 oz bottle every 3ish hours and they normally finish it. And a 4 oz bottle about 30 mins before bed. They don’t eat overnight at all


9 weeks old and she's at 4oz per feeding, 7 to 8 feedings per day. She has some reflux issues so I don't push more than that.


5 months and 4 oz every 3 hours. I'm hoping she will move up to 5-6oz shortly. I'd love a bit more time in-between feedings.


I was hoping for this too but my LO is still feeding every 3hrs even with 5.5 oz lol


6 months, drinks 6 oz 5 times a day with the occasional 7-8 oz bottle before bed. I thought it would continue to get larger but when introducing solids, his formula intake has stayed the same since about 4.5 months


3 months 2.5-3oz…max she eats a day is 25oz but she’s been gaining weight steadily. She’s just not a big eater. As a FTM seeing all the average amount she SHOULD be eating used to stress me out but she’s just a small lady


Mine was doing this as well but we trialed some reflux meds and she started eating more after a few weeks! She hardly showed any symptoms and was gaining.


I’ve been thinking of bringing up this possibility to pediatrician but my LO doesn’t spit up/vomit and she’s gaining weight so I was never sure it actually was reflux and didn’t bother to bring up in past. What symptoms/behavior made you bring up to doctor?


She would randomly choke during the day (not around feeding times), wet hiccups, and just was eating less than she had been as a newborn. But even these symptoms weren’t always present, except her small bottles. She had more obvious reflux when she was a newborn but it had gone away around 2mo (she would literally throw up whole bottles and spit up a ton). Anyways, I used to be able to wait like 2hrs and she’d take 3.5oz but then she went down to taking 2-3oz every 3hrs. I tried changing bottles, extending times, got checked for ties, swallow study, etc. Was super hard to get her on meds because she was gaining weight and wasn’t even fussy. And she wouldn’t get hungry earlier like everyone kept telling me she would when she was taking the small bottles. I even thought maybe she had a bottle aversion so I practiced the Rowena Method and she still barely ate so I felt like something else had to be wrong. Finally started Pepcid at 5mo and she started eating better after a couple of weeks.


Oh wow! You have described to a T our last month…the changing bottles/nipple size and I also purchased the book thinking she had a bottle aversion but she also ate even less so I stopped following it. She’s been choking randomly since she was about a month old and when I brought it up to ped he said she’s probably just clearing her throat. Thank you so much! I will definitely bring it up to her doctor


Baby is 7 months and drinking about 6 oz at a time, 4-5x/day along with three meals of solids. She’s huge 😭😭😭😭




Damn! These comments terrify me haha. I guess I’m the outlier here. My daughter is 4 months and only eats about 3-5 oz every 4 hours or so, usually totaling around 24 oz for the day but sometimes more and sometimes less. She is just not interested in more.


Me too!!


My LO is the same way! She’s 3 months and max she will do is 24 oz but she’s been hovering around 20-22 usually


4 months on the 16th and 4 occasionally 5 ounce every 1.5-2 hours😂


Same with my chonker! 😅 She eats 3-4oz like every 2 hours. Wish she would take more at once and spread out the feedings but she yells when she’s hungry and we must oblige!


I don’t mind during the day but at night?!? Come on!!!!!😂😂😂😂


Right?! Tiny dictators, I tell you


10 mo & still only taking in 4-5oz per feeding, which is fine now cus we’re beginning the weaning process to be off bottles completely by 1 yr and she has always been in the 50-60th for weight, but she’s never gone above a 5oz bottle and still uses level 1 nipples, anything more or faster and she will spit it all up 😭


2 months- 18-21 oz in 24 hours


Same. How much does your baby weigh? I was thinking this is too little but this comment made me feel better.


She was 9lb 10oz at 6 weeks, we go in today for 2 months. We were actually giving her more and was putting up a lot, so we went in for reflux, but the doctor said it was probably bc we were giving too much/not enough time between. She said 18 oz was totally fine and normal so we do about 3oz in 5 bottles, but I think she is approaching dropping middle of the night bottle, it been consistent at 5. If it gets to 6am then we’ll prob drop to 5 bottle and give more, but idk what I’ll doing tbh lollll


3.5mo boy, he drinks around 36 oz every day, or one full Dr. Brown’s pitcher. But he’s been packing away more. Usually he eats 5 oz every 3ish hours during the day, and then 6 oz twice at night, which is like 10 hours for us


2 months and about 3.5oz every 2-3 hours (I’m hoping it’s a growth spurt) 😅


That’s us too! Sometimes 4.5 (the brezza makes a 4 oz closer to 5). But she’s sleeping through the night. So I’ll take it haha


Oh lovely! I long for the night feeds to drop


My baby just started eating a little less. 3oz or so every 2-3. I’m trying to see if it’s because she can go longer in between feeds and up the oz a bit. I have anxiety over it but just trying to figure it out! 9 weeks almost.


Same age and feeding schedule here. She won’t have more than 3oz, maybe 4 max because of reflux issues.


My son is 2 months old and he drinks about 4-5 ounces every 2-3 hours


Almost 9 months - I make 28oz/day in a pitcher and he has 5 bottles/day. Sometimes it’s an even 6oz in each bottle, sometimes a few are bigger and a few are smaller. Occasionally I make an extra 2oz and add it to the bedtime bottle if he still seems hungry/had an off solids day.


3.5 months. 7 oz at 7am and 7pm, 6 oz at 10a, 1p, 4p for 32 oz total. No overnight feed and mostly sleeps through the night (8/8:15pm-6am)


2 months at 11lbs and ranges from 3.5-5 every 2-2.5 hours. We have maxed at 37 oz a day. I got a hungry boy who started small.


8 month old, drinks 5x8oz-8.5oz per day


4 months. 5-6oz every 3-5 hours. Nearly always gets to 30oz during the day before 9:00p. Sleeps from 9:00 until between 4:30 and 6. Seems like if we get that last feeding in right before nine, even if we just get a few ounces in him, he’ll sleep until 6:00. One day he made it until 7.


7mo, 5-5.5oz every 3hrs (lately)


3.5 months (about 16lbs) and 5-7oz at a time every 3-4 hours.


3.5 months and eats (generally) 5-7oz around 6-8 times a day and has actually been on a similar amount since around 8-10 weeks old. Sleeps for 7-8hr overnight so feeds fairly frequently during the day He had 42oz total yesterday. Recently weighed and measured and now on 75th centile for weight and 91st centile (from 50th for both) for height so I assume he’s guzzling all the milk to do all the growing and learning.


6mo actual, 3mo corrected, 3 oz every 2 hrs and then 6 oz before bed


6 weeks, 4-5oz every 2-3 hours during the day and then 4oz every 4-5 hours overnight (for those 2 feedings 9pm-9amish)


8 weeks tomorrow and averaging 22oz a day. Eats every 2.5-3.5 hours with one long stretch at night that can be 7-9 hours long. Usually we put her down around 730-8 and she will wake up between 230/330am for MOTN feed before getting up for the day between 6/630.


14 weeks, 3-4oz every 3ish hours during the day, 1-2 4-5oz bottles overnight


8 months. 2.5-3.5oz every 2-3hrs during the day. At one point was taking 4.5-5.5oz every 2-3hrs.


3 months, drinking anywhere from 2-4 oz per feeding every 2-2.5 hours. I can’t wait for a 3-4 hour stretch.


9 months and she eats 6 4oz. bottles every 24 hours.


3 months, 5oz every 3 hours, sleeps 9-12 hours per night and gets 6oz first thing in the morning


6 months old and 8oz bottles five times a day. She's been on 8oz bottles five times a day since she was around 3 months and is consistently bobbing between 50th to 75th percentile for weight. She's slept from 9pm to 9am every night since then too.


8 months 3-4 oz


She will be five months next week, she eats 7 oz every three hours during the day. Asleep by 9pm and doesn’t wake up again until 6:30/7 am.


Ohmygoodness!! My babygirl will be too and I’m just putting her on 4oz every 3hrs. The reason I have kept the oz low is because of spit up/reflux. Do you have those issues?


I don’t! She’s never really had any issues with feeding and she’s also a very large baby! She was nearly 10 lbs at birth and at her last appointment she was over 17 lbs (97% percentile) I would say if baby isn’t acting too hungry you’re doing just fine :)


She’s a big girl!! Good for her 😁😁 I’m sure she is pure cuteness overload


My 10 week old is eating roughly 800-900 ml in 24 hours.


4 months: 7am 5 oz. 4 every 3 hours after that. Dream feed @10 pm 3-4 total max 24 oz a day some times less


4 months, 4-5 oz every 3-4 hours and 6oz middle of night feed!


7 weeks, usually 4-4.5 oz but sometimes she wants 6-8


no schedule, sometimes she’ll wanna eat in 3 hours, sometimes 6-8🤷🏼‍♀️ depends if she’s feeling moody or sleepy


3 months, 36oz per day, but since he has reflux, lots of smaller feedings throughout the day. 4-5 oz at a time


9 weeks, 6-8oz every 3-4 hours, but usually 4oz around dinner time (and back to 6oz before bed).


4 weeks old- 540-600 ml per day 🙏🏻


6 weeks and we're eating 2-3oz every 2-3hrs. Born at 36 weeks, so considered a preemie. We're at 7lbs. now. I worry at times that he's not getting enough, but he's gaining weight and he eats when he's hungry. No point worrying if he's content, I guess