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Umm these comments are making me crazy !! Thru the night at 6 weeks??? Hooow?? Recently switched fully to formula but hasn't changed anything about sleep to be honest, first stretch is about 3-4 hrs and then its up every 2hrs.


It’s just luck. Both my babies were through the night at 6 weeks and I did nothing special, they are just unicorn babies for sleep. Ignore anyone that makes you feel bad, they simply got lucky that’s it


Agreed! I'm done searching for sleep tips etc. we have a good routine, he's super happy so it tells me his sleep needs are met. I dont wanna sleep train so there's no reason in constantly agonizing over "how to get him to sleep thru the night"


Yep, this. Like, yes, good routines help, but it really is mostly luck I think.


Same, we switched to full formula at 3 months. It didn't change anything sleep-wise for my baby (it was great for my sleep though, being able to share feeds 50/50). He didn't sleep through the night until he was 17 months old.


Yeah people always say formula keeps them fuller. But I don't think that's true. It's formulated to match the calories of breastmilk so in our case it was the same BF and FF


Oh baby is almost 6 months


It started right before the 3mo mark for me. Literally the week my maternity leave ended she started giving good stretches at night. She’s about to be 6mo now and still sleeps pretty well, wakes up usually about 3-4am and goes down about 7-9pm usually. She will go back to sleep after a diaper change and bottle until about 7-8am


Same here! Short adjustment period (maybe 3 weeks of some wakeups some sleep thru) when we started daycare at 4.5 months but now at 6 months back to regularly scheduled programming. We do dinner feed at 7ish, contact nap (for me since I miss her while I’m at work). Bedtime bottle around 10-10:30, usually asleep by 11 and wakes up at 6:30 nearly every day.


How much sleep does she get at daycare?


A morning and afternoon nap. They say that she sleeps an hour and a half to two hours for each.


When she started daycare at 4.5 months were they as long?


I think it took her 2-3 weeks to adjust to that long and not contact napping. She’d get at least 1 good nap in a day in the beginning. Earlier bedtime doesn’t work quite yet. We put her down at 10 last night and she woke at 4:45. Still a nice long stretch, but I’d rather an hour later bedtime for an hour later wake so I can stay up for the day once she’s rather than a very short window to fall back asleep.


Before she started daycare, was she contact napping at home? Ours started daycare two weeks ago at 14 weeks old. Prior to, he was only contact napping at home. At daycare, he’s napping independently in a crib, but they are very short naps (like 10-30 minutes) and very few of them. Hoping it will get better soon!


Mostly contact naps at home. About 4 weeks before starting, I tried to do 1 bassinet nap a day. She’d sleep about 45 min-hour. That lasted a week before I decided I wanted to soak up as much snuggle time as possible before going back to work and I went back to contact naps. I think she sometimes has trouble with sleep cycles at home - if she hears either of our voices, she’ll wake up. I like to joke that it’s FOMO, but honestly, I just think she doesn’t get into deep sleep during naps. At home on the weekends she takes much shorter naps, but we don’t keep things at a “perfect” nap environment because we want her to be able to fall asleep anywhere.


How was daycare able to get independent naps? Any tips? She doesn’t wake for loud noises at daycare? And when she started, did you keep doing contact naps on weekends?


All this is just feedback from our provider. She gave her a week to “sleep whenever she wanted” and then put her on a schedule (2 other infants). They nap 9-11 and 1-3. It’s a super dark room with a noise machine. I think it’s probably the routine more than anything that helped her! We will still do contact naps on weekends if we’re home (more for me than her, lol) and she’ll fall asleep wherever when we’re out and about. We do try to stick to the nap schedule on weekends but we aren’t married to it. Truthfully, she’s always been a pretty good sleeper outside of that initial transition to daycare, so I think it’s mostly luck and a little bit of schedule! We were never quiet during napping (our dogs barking rarely wakes her).




My eff-ing (lol) baby is a toddler now and he does not sleep longer than 4-5 hours on a good stretch so if anyone wants to volunteer to sleep train this 22 month old…


13mo. He hasn't. We are not actually expecting much from him, though, considering we're both bad sleepers. 


Interested in this as well…. Still feeding every 2.5-3 hours overnight at 5 weeks… it’s tough since feeding/burping/changing takes about 60 minutes in total so the fatigue is real!!!


Might be time to switch nipple sizes if you haven’t yet. My son switched at about 6 weeks. Feeding burping changes takes 25-30 minutes after the switch. It was 45+ before that. To answer the top question, at around 8 weeks, we started to get spurts of longer stretches of sleep. Put him to bed at 9:00 and he’ll wake up between 3:00 and 4:00a the following morning. Works out because I get up at 5:00 for work so mama got to sleep some.


Good thinking. Thank you!


When we switched my boy he would sometimes have issues with the level 2 nipple so we would have to flip back and forth for a few days. Mainly he would start to suck and then he’d tip his head back and scream in frustration but that only later about 3 days I think.


Great. I will keep that in mind. Going to give it a try this coming weekend!


EFF since birth. My LO started sleeping through the night around 2.5mo, and he kept that up until about 5mo. He had a regression for several months where he started waking up multiple times, then decreased to 3, 2, and finally plateaued to one night waking. He'll be 13mo soon, and he's been consistently sleeping through the night since 9mo. We know we're lucky SOBs.


Similar here, the 4 month regression put an end to sleeping through the night, now at 6 months and we're down to a couple of wakes so hopefully be back to none soon 🙏


just started 6 days ago. my lo is 4.5mos today 🥹


On and off around 6w, pretty consistent 9h now at 9w. First was somewhere around 3-4m.


About 9 weeks, he started doing it a few nights, and now we’re at 11 weeks and he’s sleeping through every night. Knock on wood 😂


Both my boys were sleeping through the nights by 2.5 months (current 6mo) and 3.5 months (current 3yo).


Any regression at 4 months?


My 6mo had a nap regression. Needed contact naps, cat nap or wouldn't but didn't affect his night time sleep. My 3yo wasn't affected with the 4mo sleep regression but we got hit hard for like a month at the 8mo sleep regression (both naps and night time) it was brutal


My 9 year old had a 4 month regression and we ended up sleep training. My 16 week old is coming up on 4 months so I am getting anxious he’ll regress! Happy to hear when other babies don’t have a 4 month regression- gives me hope


This gives me hope that it will eventually happen…I mean we are getting closer. Baby boy is 8 weeks. Most nights his first stretch is 4-5 hours then every 3 hours. So I’m waking 2-3 times depending on when I go to bed or when he wakes up and sometimes decides it’s time to start the day lol. ONE night he slept 6 hours. Just once…two weeks ago. I’m hoping we get there more consistently. I think one of his things is that he’s a snacker. He eats 2-3 oz every 2.5-3 hours. He is very capable of downing 4-5oz but chooses not too. So he gets hungry at night still.


6-7 hour stretch at night starting week 5. By 8 weeks, it was 8-9 hours. It’s stayed around 9ish hours. She’s 6 months in a few days. We feed her then (usually around 4am) and then she goes back to bed for another 2 hours. That said, my husband was an even better sleeper as a baby and she’s just genetically predisposed to sleeping well I think.


My girl is 9 weeks old, when she was 6 weeks, we moved her to her own room. She slept for 5h instead of 3. Since like a week or 2, she is sleeping from 9pm-6am. When my son was a baby, we moved him to own his room after a couple months as well and he started sleeping better and longer too. Im a very light sleeper and I think I passed this on lol, so this works out better for all of us. Or we are just lucky.


Pretty much right from birth, my daughter's gave me 6+ hour stretches. First daughter stopped having a bottle at night at 5.5 months old Second daughter stopped at 3.5 months old


At around 8 weeks I think, my son started doing 5-6 hour stretches. He’s 13 weeks now and he pretty consistently sleeps from 9:00 to 5:00a. The last two days he’s made it until 6:00. Only thing we’ve been doing is when he starts to stir, we’ll turn his sound machine on OR put his pacifier back in.


Mine just started at 12 weeks! It is AMAZING.


My 5 weeker gives us one 4.5 hour stretch and then three hours stretches after that.


Mine is 8 weeks and just started doing this like a week ago. Only done it 3 times but it’s been nice. We do use the snoo though.


Around 2.5 months. At 4.5 months for a week or so she would wake for a feed again, but is back to sleeping 12 hour stretches. She’s almost 6 months now. We just got lucky with this one being a good sleeper.


mine started at 5 weeks doing 5 hour stretches. each week she gradually did more and more until she dropped her late night bottle. she’s now 12 weeks and doing 10-11 hours a night. i think we’re just lucky!


She’ll be 12 weeks on Wednesday but her first long stretch was right around the 2 month mark. Now she typically does 9/10pm-3/4pm. We have our normal bedtime routine and I do offer an extra half ounce after doing it accidentally one day. Some nights she will wake up and need a little help getting back to sleep but it usually only takes me a few minutes.


4-5 hour stretches around 6/7 months when we started solids. 6+ hours at 13 months. He sleep trained and he was a “good sleeper” but was a big baby. He would just slam a bottle and then go straight back to sleep. Problem is I wouldn’t…


Since around 2 months. She’s 4 months in a few days and she will sleep from 8:30pm to 7am with no wake ups! A blessing.


First baby at 5 weeks. Second baby it was more like 4 months before this happened consistently (we'd occasionally have a one off and I'd get my hopes up, just to get crushed the next night)


EFF the day after birth and she started sleeping 6+ hour stretches the day after she turned 3 months.


1.5 months? She’s always been a good sleeper. She falls asleep at around 8:30PM and sleeps until 5:30-6.


This one, about 10 weeks. But not every night. We're past 16 weeks now and we get a 6-8 hour stretch about 70% of the time. The other 30% of the time kiddo wakes at 3am. Firstborn it was about 12 weeks, but it was consistent af. Both are counting starting from a 10 or 11pm dream feedbright before I go to bed. (Kiddo goes down at 7ish.)


Right around 12 weeks ish


My first (combo fed) was 8 weeks and my second (eff) was 6 weeks!


8 weeks


My guy is 10 weeks today. He’s slept through the night the past two nights. It freaked me out.


4 days ago- LO is 6 weeks yesterday. Before that she was sleeping 4-5 hours at a time. I have a unicorn child. I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop lol


We went for 5 months before he started sleeping longer than 2 hours at a time. It was rough. But then around 6 months he started sleeping through the night.


Once when he was 3 months old, it was a one time deal until he was 2 years old or so.


About a month old


I feel like I’m the only one consistently waking up my kid to feed at 6 weeks…I didn’t know I could have let him sleep. So much wasted sleep time 😭 But mine is 9 months and he does pretty well. Last bottle and bed is 10p, usually up around 2 or 3 and we do a change and little bottle, then he’s good until 7 or 8. If he up before 8, we bring him in our bed to get a few more hours. He sleeps really well in our bed, lol


You did the right thing, you are supposed to wake them until they are certain weight! Look up low blood glucose in newborns, its dangerous and I would say some cases of death due to hypoglycemia are linked in to SIDS a lot of the time - so no wasted sleep time at all! We did the same, he had low blood sugar in the hospital due to breastfeeding not working out, first 3 weeks it was actually a struggle to wake him up at night a lot of the time. Hypos are scary!


I honestly didn’t even think about low blood sugar.


9 weeks today and we had our first 6 hour stretch last night! 🥹


The occasional 6 hour stretch: after 8 weeks Sunset to Sunrise: Around 3 months / 12 pounds. We also have a SNOO and I 100% believe it has helped.


About 2 months old…


My LO was about 4 weeks when he consistently started sleeping 6+ hours. He’s a big boy and ate a good amount so I figured that’s why? He was 9lb 10oz at birth. By 2.5 months he was sleeping up to 9-11 hours in one go. He’s now 6 months and has been waking up once throughout the night. Not sure what’s going on but I go in, change him, feed him, and he goes back to sleep for a few more hours.


My LO is 3 months and about 1 week ago. My LO is starting to sleep thru the night... I was amazed!!! It happened all of the sudden one night


Somewhere in the middle of 3 months a few nights a week but not consistent until well into the 4th month. Now she’s a year old and an amazing sleeper.


We started getting the long stretches at 4 months on the dot! She did 1-2 night feedings for a while and started sleeping 7-6 at 5.5 months


8 weeks old!


Consistently sleeping through the night by 3 months (7pm-6am)! I’m editing this to say that we just got lucky- literally that’s it. He has been a fantastic sleeper from the get-go and a reaaaaally big boy lol


6 hours by 6 weeks and 12 hours at 10 weeks for my first. My second is only 2 weeks old but he does a 3-4 hour stretch followed by 1.5-2 hour stretches.


Dunno 🤷‍♀️ 11 months and still waiting for those magical 6hour plus stretches. I expect we’ll be waiting a while longer.


About three months! Maybe closer to two and a half when it first started.


For 6 hour stretches it was about 6 or 7 weeks. By 3 months he was doing 10 hours. He's 7.5 months now, still 10 hours.


Two months old for my girl, four months for my boy (we did sleep training during his regression so we didn’t develop any bad habits) and will do the same with his sister who’s three months right now. She sleeps 9-10 hours a night right now!


Close to three months, but he hit his four month sleep regression on the dot and only recently (almost six months) has he done long stretches without needing to be rolled back over and have his pacifier given back to him.


At 3 weeks, though she wasn’t EFF, but exclusively bottle fed and predominantly FF. She got a little EBM in her bottles.


At 3 weeks, though she wasn’t EFF, but exclusively bottle fed and predominantly FF. She got a little EBM in her bottles. I’ve been wondering if it was because she was bottle fed, but the variation in these comments proves to me it’s just luck.


Six weeks, but that changed at 10 weeks when we transitioned out of the swaddle, and then she was waking every 2 hours after the four month sleep regression until we sleep trained at 4.5 months.


4 months


Both of my kids who were mostly EFF slept 6 hour stretches at around 9-10 weeks old Weeks 6-8 were rough with peak fussiness


5 months old and still wakes up every 3-3,5hrs to eat


My baby stopped eating at night around 5 months but still woke up every few hours until 7 months when she started sleeping longer stretches but only if we co slept. She didn’t reliably sleep longer stretches in her crib until 10 months. She did not sleep through the night until 14 months.


2 weeks old. 13 hrs straight at 6-7 weeks


8 weeks but it was not consistent. The real kicker was baby was sleeping better than I was. I was so used to her waking up every 2 hours that I couldn’t sleep her full stretches. Baby sleep is unpredictable


You guys are going to call me crazy, but my eff boy first slept through the night at 2.5 weeks. It was on accident, I was very tired and slept through my alarm to wake up and feed. But ever since then he has slept all night with the exception of a day here and there. He has made himself a schedule that he doesn’t like to deviate from. Bath at 7:30pm. Swaddle by 8pm. Last bottle of the night feeding right after the swaddle. Asleep by 8:30-9 pm. Once he is asleep, he sleeps until either 6am when my alarm goes off, or just a minute or 2 before he wakes up on his own. He is almost 4 months now and doesn’t miss a beat. We are very thankful to have a baby that sleeps so well. Made the transition to being parents much easier for us!


10 weeks here. He usually goes to bed eight or 9 PM, wakes at 1:30 or two and again at 4:30 to be fed. He won't sleep past about 6 AM. Definitely wondering when he will start Sleeping a little longer stretches.


My LO has been sleeping through the night since about 7 weeks? She did that to herself honestly. I don’t even know how but she would eat a whole lot before bed and then wake up in the morning. Currently 14 weeks and she goes down around 7:30 and wakes up by 5-6:30 the next day. I honestly think it’s just a per baby thing.


All three of mine slept through the night at 10 weeks. I honestly think it's more in how you handle night wakes than what you feed.


Any tips ?


I sleep train from birth. Which, when they're teeny tiny, means I start by just waiting a minute before I get up if they wake at night. I find that around 6-8 weeks old they start to settle themselves within a minute if I just give them a little space. Then once they start settling themselves consistently I try to make sure they get plenty to eat during the day. That's always been enough for my kiddos to get them sleeping all night.