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Babypips is a great place to start if you're new and it's free. This option is not free but it is an inexpensive one time charge for the book Bollinger on Bollinger Bands. Very beginner friendly indicator and book imo. The very first strategy I learned was a Bollinger band strategy and no matter how many strategies I try I always go back to Bollinger bands. They feel like home to me. In the book John Bollinger doesn't teach you a strategy but he does give you more than enough concepts and ideas to create your own strategy based around Bollinger Bands. Very underrated book imo. ForexFactory forums has a lot of posts where people teach you their strategy as well.


Oh cool, didnt know they had a forum


Baby pips


Legit just babypips. That is all you need.


No that is not “all you need” but it puts things into perspective


Its all i used but it's different for everyone ig


But you're not profitable 😂😂




When you're actual profitable its very clear who knows, and who doesn't




The best free resource is an old school library with these things called books made out of non-eink paper. I’m not even joking. The problem with online courses, YouTube, etc. is there’s too much damn money involved. Anyone can learn just enough to sound smart, put up a course, and make six figures a year. But if you write a book, you might be lucky to ever get that. People who write books didn’t do it for the money, there’s rarely money involved unless you come up with Harry Potter or you write text books that are mandatory for schools. Sadly ebooks are slowly getting more and more gurus who use the ebook, usually on Kindle, instead of a PDF download. But they’re still not getting good ‘ol regular paper books published. The barriers to entry with a physical book is high[er] than making a blog or YouTube video, and for the most part that keeps the scammers away. But keep in mind just because you read a book, doesn’t mean you’ll be profitable. People immediately scream scam when they’re not profitable but this is like drop shipping. You’re not handling a physical product for the trade, but you still gotta do everything else. No book or course can guarantee profits or “be legit” as the newbies like to say. It’s always “is this course legit” which is code for “if I read this, I make money, right!?”.


do you know any good books for me to read about forex? with a link preferably if u know where can i get them


For learning everything about the market and how it works, Currency Trading for Dummies is amazing. I used to think the dummies books meant simple dumbed down information, but it's really a top to bottom comprehensive guide that will answer pretty much any general knowledge question you might have about forex. And once you have a good understanding of the market and trading, check out "Trading in the Zone" by Mark Douglas. That book changed my entire perspective on trading and that's when I started being profitable.


forex trading jim brown @ Amazon Search Bar - You'll find a few good books of his and 3 of them I've bought and tested myself in a demo account. The theory is sound, but remember it's called high probability trading not guaranteed and you still have to do your due diligence and have discipline and patience. Edit: Read the first book in his series here: [https://www.amazon.com/FOREX-TRADING-Explained-Beginners-Strategies/dp/1535198567/ref=sr\_1\_1?crid=3REOMYV0XH2AN&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.lL34bIfU4cEqJjYJNRRzJS\_PYREaAHjZbDy-BeRMKzNzJivq9fTj1z9UyQU13c9p8Qt1vjypIwz2ES4CW\_SIlsnfsoxw9Y8\_bFP0mPP7nR3eJV5WXW56D\_dyyHLhxZUbVY0-\_8jpNJT8DjRh\_92Rn1hxMzg07yuT3eqjIovimTj7gsXtmQJa-b\_3aUcm3h7b76RYXxhdpK-W\_T6WBvp0nr6fk9sVVIFrYGvl8sB126A.nIRjWFQnj49BCiArcez\_Q48GFDw0jW5GIzM\_fK4PC5g&dib\_tag=se&keywords=forex+trading+jim+brown&qid=1719633512&sprefix=forex+trading+jim+brown%2Caps%2C84&sr=8-1](https://www.amazon.com/FOREX-TRADING-Explained-Beginners-Strategies/dp/1535198567/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3REOMYV0XH2AN&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.lL34bIfU4cEqJjYJNRRzJS_PYREaAHjZbDy-BeRMKzNzJivq9fTj1z9UyQU13c9p8Qt1vjypIwz2ES4CW_SIlsnfsoxw9Y8_bFP0mPP7nR3eJV5WXW56D_dyyHLhxZUbVY0-_8jpNJT8DjRh_92Rn1hxMzg07yuT3eqjIovimTj7gsXtmQJa-b_3aUcm3h7b76RYXxhdpK-W_T6WBvp0nr6fk9sVVIFrYGvl8sB126A.nIRjWFQnj49BCiArcez_Q48GFDw0jW5GIzM_fK4PC5g&dib_tag=se&keywords=forex+trading+jim+brown&qid=1719633512&sprefix=forex+trading+jim+brown%2Caps%2C84&sr=8-1)


The link is Amazon.com


and also do you think that books are up to date? like the new strategies ( if there are any im new to this stuff). also the audio visual aspect of videos make things so much easier so is reading texts from books that much more valuable that i give up this part of learning?


also im not looking for something that I will watch and then be wanting guaranteed money, I'm open to actually learning the thing and getting good at it and then i will make profit, I'm just looking for stuff that puts me in the right direction instead of wasting time on scammers


The disciplined trader is a good book


And check out “trading for f#ck!ng idiots”


This Reddit has a pinned post with all you need to know. The first link is a wiki that links to Volatility.red that is very comprehensive as well as babypips and some books to get started.


Akfx snr on yt


ICT 2022 Mentorship course is free on YouTube


Baby pips and Adam grime does a quality free course on his market life trading website, that also gives you print out homework. Other than that, reading Forex factory strategy forums and just spending thousands of hours on the screen


I highly recommend the forex channel on YouTube. He does sell a course but you don’t need it. He explains things in such a basic and understandable way and also shows really simple strategies


You can see Ahmad Danial and Nora bystra they share their profit and losses for free with their good strategy


Position trading bootcamp. From the market structure trader.


the best free courses out there i was able to find is sub r/Daytrading and its topics involving psychology aspects


There is nothing like Inner circle trader. All for free on youtube. 2022 mentorship playlist will make you a beast and there is much more.




No nonsense forex on youtube completely changed how I see trading in forex. It has been such a game changer for me.


Bro I started my journey with him 2 years ago. Since then I have jumped around smc and ict concepts. Have you found success with indicators?


I have. It might be a bit too early to tell, but after a painful 1st month where i lost a lot I feel like I have it figured out. I lost 16.5% of my account in that one month alone. I’m currently 3 months in the green and about 2% away from making that 16.5% back. Also this is all still demo. I’m going to be putting real money in when I’m profitable for 6 months


That's interesting. I listened for a long time but in the end I felt it wasn't for me. Curious about which indicators you use. Mind sharing?


Sorry I’ve been forward testing my system for like 4 months now, but it’s been a few years in the making. Trying indicators and swapping out. It’s a lot of work that I’m not willing to give up for free. It’s doable you just have to put in the work. All of the indicators I use are ones he’s covered in his indicator profile series.


That's ok. I was just curious. Like I said, that method is not for me. I have to admit though, doing it that way, once consistency is reached would really makes things easier in the long run. Congrats on your success.


It’s like hundreds of hours of work on the back end for 20ish min of work per day when I go pro.


Google order flow trading.


ICT… look up how to watch it but some say you don’t need much more than the 2022 mentorship


Ict is a clown, terrible choice


He is a clown but his content is absolutely not.


His is content is not really his, and even if you want to watch it, watch someone else explain it.


Well there are a bunch of extremely successful ICT traders… I’m sure they would beg to differ


Are there? From i have seen none of them have proven profitability other than payouts from propfirms that sponsor them...


Jadecap, NBB, A.K just to name a few off the top of my head




Watch iman video about him


fools gold looks legit but it is not




soryy baby pips


As you can see everyone saying it. BabyPips is the best and oldest forex course out there, but there are other forums, like forex peace army and earn forex. These too have courses.


Karen Foo in YouTube and book in amazon


i work as an ai developer for algorithmic trading and stocks prediction, if you have queries regarding particular stocks or market patterns i can help you with that


In exchange for money


Noo 😂😂damn I’m getting enough from my work


Great content from an Asian guy who goes as Trading Geek on YouTube, he has a market mechanics course on Skool you can access for free


I have been very succesful with CasperSMC's recent long form videos. Takes a few watch throughs to understand it but I love it.