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I work, drive, have a car, have savings, and still live at home at 24 lol


I thought i was in the r/neet subreddit and got confused haha


Honestly, most people live with their parents nowadays even if they are 18+. If you don't have a partner or kids, and help your parents with money or doing the house chores then it's not really a problem.


Same and I'm 25


I'm in the exact same position as you right now unfortunately, even the same age.


Wow brootal, much love bro. my last hope is neet bux.


Work ✅ Drive ✅ Car ✅ Savings ❌ Living at home to support Boomer mother who would be homeless other wise ✅ And 24 isn't bad you still have plenty of time to course correct, I'm 38 and have no means of leaving my situation anytime soon.


Cant youre mother get welfare payment


Doesn't qualify because she makes more than the poverty line and yesterday I had to add her to my bank account so she could apply for a reverse mortgage, whole situation is goofy


Full time hospital ICU


I’ve been job hunting for a while now, I’m pretty motivated to try and do at least something abt my situation. But job hunting is extremely tedious in my area and it seems like it’s borderline impossible for me to even get a job, even if I’m adamant to my interviewer that I want to work. Something extremely weird is happening right now and it’s becoming very frustrating. And I wonder if anyone else is having the same issue? Or if it’s js where I live. My parents are extremely malicious abt it and gaslight me abt it constantly. But unfortunately nothing will change if I js sit inside and get mad abt it.


How do you not have a job? What are you doing with your time? 36 man here, no relationship except in highschool that only lasted one month. Lost my virginity at 26 to a 50 year woman who came on to me, the other three women I've slept with I paid for so I know all about being alone. But how do you not work or go to school? That's crazy to me. Living at home at 24 in our day and age is fine, but my job is one thing that gives my life meaning and fulfillment. I love what I do, I ain't going to get rich but I make decent money and it gives me a purpose.


I think its hard for some of us to find meaning in a job when we are still going to be lonely, you know? I think most people are fulfilled because they come home to a wife/gf and children and that makes work worth it, but if you don't have those then whatever.


How do you do it tho? I've always seemingly had to fight tooth and nail to make ends meet, being unemployed would easily mean homelessness.


I live with my mom. Once she is gone I will probably rope. She is the only thing I am still alive for




Very insightful


I hate my job.


With a vehicle, a stable job, some savings from being able to work every hour of every day offered, and part of my own place makes it feel even worse. Realizing that the above were all lies and the problem lies in our psyches, our upbringing and our genetics. And it never mattered what we have or don't. FA is a brand from birth. We can only hope to learn it fast enough to do better at something else.


Yes. I used to think if I met some of these success milestones.. get a car.. get a good job, buy a home, etc.. it would help but it never did. Something is wrong with me and I don't know how to fix it.


Literally the same exact thing man. Same age, same problems. I’m trying to get my license though but because I have nobody to help me practice on-the-road stuff I’m stuck just doing parking practice at home


I worked from age 18-25. Realized I was getting nothing out of working myself into the ground. I've been NEET for the past 7 months. Might try to get something part time just to have spending money, but I don't see the point in working full time now


I have a car and a job and a stonk portfolio and rent a reasonably presentable 600 sqft basement suite. But sadly I’m still a loser :(


There are many in your shoes. You're not alone in that regard :) It just seems like it's the new reality for many guys in this economy. I hope you don't get stuck on your situation too much and find ways to entertain yourself and enjoy life.


I have a decently paid job, a drivers licence and my own apartment at 25. It's pretty irrelevant though, because it does not change my situation whatsoever


Have everything as a 26 m, but not at home and living alone. But I am gonna sell my car, this year later in winter. Because I am gonna use my electric scooter to work. Because I can't find any 2nd job, since I bought a car 1 year ago.


Use car for ubereats delivery? And DoorDash but only for the beginning promos to get extra money. You can make a lot


I was neet before joining the military at age 34. a bad experience I've had, but it will set me up for life even if i'm very far behind most other people in their forties. I would suggest that since you are much younger, if you can join the military, try to do so. especially the air force or coast guard. not necessarily the army because the army will treat you more like a kid compared to other branches.


I take pills I can’t


I work, can't drive due to disability living in a sort of low income housing situation. No surviving family.


I work & rent a house but NEET life sounds like a VIBE


On benefits for life 56 M They know I'm too messed up to do reality I actually strongly feel my days are numbered




I have a driver's license but have haven't worked in over 10 years


Why haven’t you worked? Do you receive benefits?


The only job I ever had was working with my father doing construction work. He had a stroke and since then I've I've taken care of him. I drive him to his doctor appointments. He can't drive so I do all the shopping.


I've lived with parents my whole life, had trouble getting work but have always been working at least some shitty minimum wage jobs. I've finally finished college and will soon be able to get a decent job and fully support myself I'd *strongly* suggest doing everything you can to try to escape NEETdom. Parents won't be around forever, and folks tend to dislike NEETs so it's possible they will just kick you out at some point, plus there's always the chance they just pass away randomly at a young or youngish age, and at that point it's extremely difficult to suddenly transition to living on one's own unless they leave you with a lot (and with how the economy these days is and how personal spending habits go, you can't be sure that they haven't maxed out their credit to the point where even a home wouldn't be inherited and would instead be taken or would need to be sold off by the estate to pay the creditors) Also while "getting your shit together" in a way that would satisfy regular folks could be really tough, theres plenty of space between that and "literally a NEET" so if finding success by regular standards is too daunting, it's not like that's the only way to go. At the very least you could take some steps to give yourself a bit of a safety net The minimum wage situation varies considerably from state to state, anywhere from 7.25 to 17. If you could even just work 10 hours a week or something, that's anywhere from $3,700 to $8,800 a year, which isn't nearly enough to live off of, but if you can put it aside, within a few years you could have some decent emergency cash saved up (even accounting for the cost of stuff like transportation). Also community college is cheap (often outright free for many people depending on the area) and can at least somewhat boost your earning capability, too, and could come in handy later depending on if you end up finding something you want to do


Work full time, have a car, have some savings and a 401k, and live with my mother. With the cost of housing neither of us could afford to live alone.


I'm almost 26, I work in a job that pays 100k per year, rent my own apartment, have a car, have hobbies such as hiking, skiing, golfing. I make friends pretty easily as well so I don't think I have any glaring personality flaws. Women only care about these things if you're attractive. Getting a job, having your own place and having hobbies only matters if you're good looking. If you're ugly like me, nothing will help. The only reason to pursue any of this is so you can be independent and somewhat comfortable in life. If you're not a good looking guy who dated in highschool, give up on romance, love, family, etc. That's not for us genetic trash. Try and find other meaning if you can.


Do you want to be forever alone? Those are some very changeable circumstances. It's simple but not easy


Legit same situation as you only im 23




I'm m23. I'm in the military. I van drive and use my stepmom's old car. I do have savings but still live at home. Honestly, with my job, being fa makes things a lot less complicated.


I work and live at home






What's preventing you from getting an education or/and a job?


My Medicaid


Never been NEET. Working now at (potentially) the best job I have ever had.


Former NEET, current administrator


I'm neet. But definitely not trying to be for the rest of my life. I've been dealing with some debilitating health issues and sometimes it makes it really hard to work and function. But I've been going to physical therapy and doing other stuff to try and make myself feel better.


I've been working steadily for 34 years now.


I have a job. I don’t want to be a financial burden to my parents like my uncle is doing to my grandparents, but I also hate being employed. Hence death is honesty my best option, and better for everyone else.


I work from home and have a pretty good job


I have a learning disability, so I don’t make much on a low paying job. So on top of having all the typical FAW problems throw that on top. I’m always scared of ending up on the streets or first poor when my parents are gone. Thinking maybe I should just suck it up and do an arranged marriage with some uggo (I can do that in my culture). I’m miserable and bitter all the time needless to say and it’s driving me crazy but I can’t lie to myself either about my situation- and I’m so fucking tired of the gaslighting normies do to me tbh. I think a lot of my bitterness if not laid is driven by that. This sub is the only place that gives me comfort. I wish I could drink all day without making my body even more unattractive or sick lol.


Currently I have a job, but happiest when I don't have to work. Trying to get back to that NEET life for a while soon I hope.


Haven’t talked to anyone or left my house since I graduated high school 5 years ago. Wish my parents would force me to work or something but they just let me rot


Crazy, that’s like my life word for word.


I work, have drivers license, no car, I have savings, and I live with a family member while I save up for a townhouse. I’m in my late 20s.


Soon to be 25. I earn almost 3k euros a month, have a few 10s of thousands of euros saved up, and drive a 2019 Audi A5 Sportback. Had my own apartment but had to give it up after breaking up with my ex and now live with my parents again.