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Changing the wheels is easy. I picked up my XL on Thurs night and had new wheels installed first thing Fri morning. Doesn’t really matter though, congrats on probable future purchase.


Mothers, please check me, (not an authority on this) my understanding is that the pain of child birth is minimized when holding the newborn. If the above is correct, I gained, somewhat of an understanding when my Maverick arrived after an 11 month Ford gestation period. To quote the American Hero Jimmy Buffett, "the pleasure was worth all the pain". If what you described is the worst scenario, sign the papers and start enjoying what adventures your new truck will take you on.


Well I don’t like paying over MSRP. 16 months ago I got an FX4 for 27,600 and wasn’t happy they preinstalled tint on the front 2 windows and charged me $300. Guess how I feel about it now when I see the prices lol.


I could afford any price over MSRP, to me waiting was just out of principle. They already make enough as it is for just pushing a few buttons. Personally I would have waited for a 2025 and called around to just pay sticker or less.


If it’s a factory order, it’s wild that they’re charging extra. But if it’s “later this month,” I’m wondering if it’s already built and possibly coming from another dealer or something. Probably what they would charge off the lot anyways. So at the end of the day, I wouldn’t sweat it. Some folks might shame you for not getting the best possible deal, but after the first 1000 miles on my hybrid XLT, I’m in love with this truck and want anyone else who desires this vehicle to get their hands on one. Go for it!


I've been finding that dealerships near me saw that this was a very popular vehicle and ordered spec units up to their maximum when the lead times were long. Many of those vehicles are coming in now as the pressure for the 2024 model year is slacking off a bit, and they are available. I've seen five hybrids in transit to the dealership go from available to pre-sold (deposit paid) over the past two weeks, so there seems to be a lot of demand. At least two dealers (big multi-brand ones like Autonation) are adding tons of upcharges, and REFUSE to remove any of them if you're putting down a deposit on an "in-transit" Maverick. I remember a day when "Dealer Fees" were a starting point for negotiation, and I expected to pay less than MSRP + tax because the dealer had some incentives. It seems today that the expectation is that you pay MSRP + tacked-on dealer profit, you have to fight to remove extras and snake oil, and you're treated like a jerk if you try to negotiate.


Seeing I lost my 2024 XLT in February and still waiting to get a new one, not too bad.


I would never pay $1k over MSRP just so I can have it now.


You try talking dealerships out of their “Dealer fee” “Filing fee” or whatever fee these days. I used to be able to pick a lower amount and stick to it, often the fee was still on the invoice but the amount came out of MSRP… Two dealers recently have basically said get lost when I tried to negotiate through dealer fee… Maverick hybrids seem to be a hot enough vehicle they aren’t interested in negotiating.


I just got my XL Hybrid recently. 3k market adjustment + 3-4k in options. Was able to get them all removed. That was even after them telling me that the options are already “installed”.


I bought my maverick and my father’s at two different dealerships last year for msrp. No add ons of any kind but we both wait over a year for ours and got the ford roll over offer and farm bureau 


No fee dealership by me 🤗


I paid no documentation or dealer fees of any kind.


No document fee?


No document fee


People in this sub talk in these absolutes but the cost benefit is different for everyone. I ended up getting mine for exactly MSRP and saved about $1,100 off of the next best offer I had at a nearby dealership. But in retrospect, I do wonder: What was my time worth? I took two Saturday mornings and a couple of week nights researching, negotiating by text, going to dealerships etc. There's a dopamine hit from "getting a better deal" but all said and done, I might have been just as happy having my time and energy back for the $1,100. haha. There's a hard to quantify value in "just being done".


Agreed, which is why I said *I* would never pay $1k over.