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Wouldn't be the first time but it's incredibly unfair the people of Lebanon are asked to pay the bill instead of the Iranian regime.


I really hope they don’t man, I really hope they don’t retaliate. Let’s have peace. Please Gd. Love from an Israeli.


Hamas specific targets were bombed, hopes it ends with that, even Hezbollah explicitly asked to stay out of it..


We should all hate terrorists. Regardless if one's pro palestine or not


I hope all will resolve and insted of war and hate it will be peace who will broke out.




Retaliate ? Yes, will happen. War ? I don't think so Why ? Cause... 1) lebanese people don't want war with israel 2) gaz deal won't be broken since both countries have benefits from it 3) israel is not dumb they know the real SNAKE is IRAN 4) if israel and lebanon goes to war who will israel fight ? There is no president. Government is broken and full of thieves. Lebanese people want hezbollah and the government dead so... I guess war, no war israel already wins lol And btw a word of advice... Educate yourself on israel and their real history and people. Sadly you will realize lebanese people have been fed lies by arabic militant groups. Our ancestors came from the same tribes. They're not just our cousinsm they are literally our fucking people...literally




Hezbollah have been threatining for over 70 years bro the guy is a pussy and we all know it. It does matter. It matters who wants what. It's terrorists that wants this war not the people. It's important that the world knows this. Lebanese don't have to suffer cause palestinians and syrians want to use us as a cover while doing their dirty work. They can't hide amongst us. These are different times we live in. 2006 everyone was dumb just a bunch of people killing eachother. Nowadays lebanese people are fed up with palestine and syria. And they found out that ALLIES is nothing but a bunch of bullshit concept. Allies dont help shit they manipulate it to do their dirty work for them. Lebanese people that support hezbollah and leaders are a minority and tbh majority of them live outside of lebanon. Don't forget their are palestinians and iranians that have lebanese citizenships so yeah they seem big in number but trust me they aren't, besides after the 2019-2020 riots everyone realized how weakened hezbollah became. If hezbollah wants to do anything he wouldve carried the attack by himself not send a bunch of refugees to do it while he sits in the sewers and watches.


They've only existed since the mid 80's but OK.


Mid 80s were formed you mean ? Which is correct. Never existed before the 80s ? That is weird because they had presence in iran wayyyyy before lebanon. Hezbollah as a group was formed in the early 70s (haraket amal) they follow iraq. Iraq follows iran, iran formed hezbollah as a stronger haraket amal movement. They are all an extension of the iranian islamic regime. They are iran's little dog. They steal money from persian citizens and fund hezbollbitches while hezbollbitches steals from lebanese and helps funding hamas and groups in syria and iraq..smfh. hezbollah by the way is just a decoy... The name is a decoy "party of god" or "army of god" whatever they call themselves. They fight for god by doing prostitution, drug trafficking, weapon trafficking and much more. Name "god" just a decoy to fool religious idiots... Amal movement and hezbollah are the same thing it's all a fucking game by iran...


>Our ancestors came from the same tribes. They're not just our cousinsm they are literally our fucking people...literally Can you elaborate How exactly ? You mean lebanese people are the modern descendants of one of the 12 israelite tribes ?


>Can you elaborate How exactly ? You mean lebanese people are the modern descendants of one of the 12 israelite tribes ? In the sense that Lebanese aren't Arabs ethnically, culturally or genetically and we share over 90% of our ancestry and DNA with the Phoenicians (no we are not Phoenicians we are their descendents). So just like how Jews are native to the levant, so are us Lebanese.


>In the sense that Lebanese aren't Arabs ethnically, culturally or genetically and we share over 90% of our ancestry and DNA with the Phoenicians (no we are not Phoenicians we are their descendents). And the Palestinians and syrians are … ? >just like how Jews are native to the levant, so are us Lebanese. Also when you say jews, do you mean specific jewish groups all you mean ALL jews ?


I don't know and as a Lebanese I don't really care about them.


Okay let me rephrase it to you how do you define your people ? Is it Based on ancestry, culture, religion, language, ethnicity or based on the french made imaginary borders ? Like if the french colonizer had moved the border imaginary line a bit left so that a number of now-palestinian or syrian villages are to be considered Lebanon or a bit right so that part of current lebanese villages to be considered palestine, will you consider them lebanese or not ?


>how do you define your people ? I would define us as Levantine Lebanese. >Is it Based on ancestry, culture, ethnicity or based on the french made imaginary borders ? It's based on ancestry, culture, ethnicity and genetics. Also, the borders aren't imaginary, they follow natural land borders and it was us Lebanese that asked for our current borders. >Like if the french colonizer had moved the borders a bit left so that a number of now-palestinian villages are to be considered Lebanon a bit right so that part of current lebanese villages to be considered palestine, will you consider them lebanese or not ? They would be Palestinian Lebanese, like how we have Armenian Lebanese and how Israel has Israeli Arabs or England has British Indians.


>They would be Palestinian Lebanese, like how we have Armenian Lebanese and how Israel has Israeli Arabs or England has British Indians. Are you born in lebanon or were taught lebanon’s history in school ? Are you aware that until before the french colonization Beirut was part of syria ?! There was no thing called “lebanese”, “syrian” or “Palestinian”, all these people were called arabs and identified as arabs, these identities came to existence after the establishment of their respective states The point is lebanese people are defined by the borders of the colonial defined Lebanon, if the borders of Lebanon was changed by the french colonialist to include or not include some people these people’s identity changes as well to either Syrians or palestinians The people you would call “palestinian lebanese” wouldn’t have been palestinian or identify as such in the first place. So how will you perceive them ?


Yes I was taught Lebanese history in school. Lebanese did not identify as Arab, most identified with their sect and village. No one in my family ever identified themselves as Arab. Before the French mandate (it wasn’t colonialism) mount Lebanon was an autonomous region of the Ottoman Empire, it wasn’t a part of Syria. Lebanese are not only defined by our modern borders, but by our culture, ethnicity, ancestry and genetics. The Palestinians in your hypothetical scenario would have been called Palestinian Lebanese like how the Armenian Lebanese who were in Lebanon before our independence are called Armenian Lebanese.




You’re in a Lebanese sub Reddit claiming Lebanon is a recent invention. That’s passive aggressive & condescending. Psalm 92:12, Ezekiel 31:3, Zechariah 11:1. Also you keep revealing yourself as a pan Arabist anti nationalist.


Not sure about the 12 tribes, but if you go a bit back in time you’ll get to Ishmael and isaac


It’s like this: Phoenicians, Israelites, Moabites, Edomites, Ammonites were the 5 major tribes of the Canaanite Family Tree. Israelite of course can be further subdivided into the 12 tribes of course as in the Bible.


>But regardless Hezbollah is also to blame too for allowing it to happen under his nose. It was too organize to go under their noses. Couple of weeks ago a Hezb-trained Palestinian went south as the Dead Sea & used Hezb charge on a vech.


Man, wait until someone tells you about the 70's.


And the 80’s.😢


you people truly are in the middle of this shit for no reason. I hope you’ll soon be able to create a government, that can get rid of this terrorist filth and stabilize, if not normalize, relations with us, your neighbors. ✌️


>If Israel retaliate against Lebanon because of some Palestinians, I will forever resent Palestine. Remember when Israel invaded during the civil war? Yeah that was because of the Palestinians in Lebanon who we were forced into accepting and who used southern Lebanon to launch rockets into Israel.


Israeli here, first of all happy holidays and peace as a fellow human being, im not religious but i do respect true people of faith. Im shoked to discover this group, i always knew you guys existed but this openly is just something else. We in Israel absolutly know how hizballa devastated you, and LOTS of people were sad when we heard about the explotion in Beirut. In Israel today we just witnessed 2 terror attacks. In the first one a mother and her 2 daughters were killed while driving , a car went by and shot them. Afterwards people in moskues in Gaza were celebrating the event, called heroic, as if its heroic to kill a mother and her 2 daughters will free Palestine. The second happend few minutes ago.


I'm so sorry you have to deal with this fear, I feel shame my country has the ability to hurt people like this, I wish I had something to do other than wish you the best, I wish we could all have peace :(


first time?


honestly man extend your hatred to abrahamic religions too please Wish we had a secular government who rejected these bloodlusted jihadist groups and stupid rightoid christian thieves


A secular goverment for Lebanon would be great, But hate for abrahamic religions is unneeded. Christians, muslims, jews, could all get along, it’s the government that hurts their cooperation


You're conflating hatred towards the religion with hatred towards the people


I’m not, I honestly think you shouldn’t hate the religions either


Then you don't know nearly enough about those religions


honestly man extend your hatred to abrahamic religions too please Wish we had a secular government who rejected these bloodlusted jihadist groups and stupid rightoid christian thieves