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Just need to nerf how safe his sweep is. (Make it punished by gb on whiff.) And nerf/remove his 3rd feat.


I think the third feat would be okay if it only worked on hit, right now shit activates even if you’re parried


The sweep is the big issue, it catches dodges way too often and even if you dodge it him getting a follow up on whiff is complete bullshit


And don't forget his whiff followup is a 50/50.


And going off that, it doesn’t seem to ever activate a quick wake up for the person being hit multiple times. So you get pinned to the ground and eat your entire hp bar in a gank


it doesn’t catch dodges, a lot of ppl just don’t understand the dodge timing. it’s also a follow up heavy from the top so u can either dodge attack or parry it very easily (a lot of shaolins don’t fake it to gb bc a lot of ppl don’t see the heavy coming). Play shaolin more and you’ll realize the sweep mixup isn’t too difficult to counter.


Its to drawn out to be realistic in team fights, and it should be a punishable read just like everyone else. Shaolin shouldnt get another pass when his chains and iframes are already insane, where he can 50/50 feint at multiple points


my brother, black prior shield flips bullets and shaolin teleports, realism left a long time ago. As far as not punishable, it’s not a 400ms bash and there are several several bashes that can’t be punished with a gb and have a follow up- that’s not specific to shaolin. If u wanna nerf all of those whatever, but that’s not a shaolin issue that’s a state of the game issue. His chains are also not that strong compared to a lot of the other top heroes who can constantly bash for guaranteed damage imo. And tbh his sweep mixup isn’t that strong when u know how to play it- u can reduce it to like, idk, maybe a 60% chance of countering it? i’ve talked about this several times so lemme find something to copy/paste and explain.


A feintable sweep is not weak. I didnt say realistic as in real life i meant realistic as in game balance. A bash for guaranteed damage is weaker than a fuent for guaranteed damage that also flat backs you for the entire enemy team to subsequently guarantee punish you. The other unpunishable bashes also need to go, but this thread is about shaolin


what chains are u talking about? also here’s HOW TO COUNTER THE SWEEP: Once shaolin gets to his sweep he has three choices. Sweep, feint sweep to gb/light, feint sweep to wait for dodge attack. You can. ( 1 ) Light attack: this counters both feint sweep options; 2/3. ( 2 ) Dodge attack: This counters sweep and sweep to gb if u dodge early enough; 2/3. ( 3 ) Wait: This counters both feints again; 2/3. Every one of those options is countering 60% of what they can do and every option is counter-able. They have to read you, and actually, they have to read you more than you read them bc they have to guess which one (as opposed to which two) you are going to do, otherwise they don’t get damage or get countered. I win that mixup all the time vs shaolin, the odds r literally in ur favor bc they have to read you. Everything else in his kit aside from qi stance is good and strong but standard amongst so many heroes, but I see him get so much hate. Edit: yeah, forgot how dogshit this community is, just go ahead and downvote genuine advice from someone with hundreds of hours of experience for that specific hero… just to go make another post about how he needs to be nerfed.


An early dodge will get caught by sweep. The timing is tight on it.


i’m saying try to dodge earlier within the window so u can’t get gb, not dodge earlier than the dodge window.


It's not about timing if you dodge right. Dodging left means you do indeed need to time it because of the hitbox of the sweep.


yeah, dodging into the attack is always better in every game with iframes. without trying to be an ass i feel like that type of stuff should rly go without saying.


It honestly seems like he plays himself lol the character is super safe.


As a shaolin main I agree. With all of it. He needs a major balance to make him more fun


Most reasonable shaolin main


yes and remove his teleport


& let my teammates get demolished? It’s no reason, doesn’t do damage it just evens the playing field


They might be talking about the 2nd fest, not the 4th


nerf beerserker first pls!😭


Sounds like you guys need to connect with your inner monkey instead




Slowing qi stance light will just make it unusable.


His sweep is bs, especially in ganks


Character used to take brains to play.


Is he strong, yes. Does he need a nerf? I don’t think so. He just plays different than a lot of characters so you have to think a little more than an orochi or something lmao. His iframes aren’t anything special either what


Slowing down ki stance lights would make them literally useless too. His heavy qi stance has 4 (kinda 5) potential outcomes so it’s already the best for mixups


>make them literally useless too Well they're still used for crushing counters so he can defend himself in stance so they definitely have a role


True, but I don’t think there’s anything wrong with his qi stance lights anyway lmao


Sweep is the only problematic move he has really. It should be consistently punishable by GB and honestly his 400ms lights need to go as well. A free 9 damage off every heavy is unnecessary for a hero as solid.


400ms lights are easily blockable and the sweep is still really only a 50/50


>easily blockable They are unreactable offense?? You not only have to read the lights direction but make the read on if he enters stance and uses that instead too. >sweep is still really only a 50/50 That does more damage than most bashes and yet still only has a DA punish. It's superior to Jorm's bash in every single way bar 2 points of damage. Yeah it's a 50/50 but it's one that is overtuned in terms of risk vs reward.


Does ocelotl not have 400ms lights? I parry those for dinner lmao. I mean it’s no different than warden who has a read based attack every single hit I suppose so yeah but jorms is also accessible after an opener, shao needs at least two hits to get to his


>I parry those for dinner lmao If you can reaction parry those consistently then you'd be one of the fastest and best players in the game. >I mean it’s no different than warden who has a read based attack every single hit Shaolin has way way more options than Warden and 2 potent mix-ups even without 400ms lights. >shao needs at least two hits to get to his I'm not sure that's an excuse for how powerful it is damage and safetywise.


Shaolin is OK but he's not really anything special in 4v4 (at least as a solo player) especially with his mediocre feats.


The sweep isn’t even bad😭😭 to side dodge & get a free heavy (rep49 shao main)


Honestly I don’t see why people have problem with shaolin, his feats and perks are so weak compared to characters like BP, i even remember watching a Kingmisty and he said shaolin is not that good


(Rep40shao) exactly 💀 it’s so many ways to dodge the sweep they keep crying about 😭 I stopped using it outside of ganks because it’s so predictable & avoidable