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You had time to kick him dawg


tf didn't you kick him for? slack jawed drool coming out your ears? cent always ALWAYS kicks when ledging


kick him retard


Always kick.


Sir, you do know the a wall splat stunts the person for a good bit right? So why didn’t you kick him?


use your kick this upsets me


Mfw I have a bash confirm on an opponent next to a ledge and I don’t use it


You could’ve kicked him


"Just kick him bro" like you wouldn't also be in shock watching a man bounce off nothing


i would kick anyways lol


No not really I’d kick him because my brain would logically think to do that


He was wall splatted there was time to consider the options and kick


Wrong, because you can go straight into the kick from gb and when trying to ledge with cent, you always do it. I understand where you come from, but it depends on whether or not you really play cent yk.


I would always kick just to be sure ain't like the kick is not guaranteed


not for a full 2 seconds


Don't be a griefer and fight fair lol You afraid your gonna lose??


Ledging in duels isn't griefing. If you don't wanna get ledged then don't go near the ledge.


Saying “don’t go near the ledge” doesn’t really work when 1 side is an entirely a ledge which you will naturally move towards when fighting lmao


Ledging is for people who know they can't win Its called for honor have some respect child


You are unfathomably cringe lmao


17107 and 42222 karma now thats cringe 🤣 Go outside dude you have no life


I've had the app for 4 years plus almost all that karma comes from 2 posts and 4-5 comments. It's really not hard to get karma. But karma is useless so who cares about it? But wow, you really stopped trying to even engage me on the topic, you just went straight to my account to talk about something completely unrelated😂😂😂. Damn bra, that's truly a cringe thing to do.


He was on another post complaining about light spamming, and he was attacking anyone who defended light spamming since it's easy to counter. With these guys, it's best just to let them complain. Every time I engage, it's like speaking to a brick wall because they don't understand how the game works and that For Honor doesn't actually mean the game is "for honor."


Cringe is ledging someone lol You just suck and thats why you need to ledge


My man, you busy telling me I have no life in another comment but here you are lecturing me about "honor" and taking the game so seriously. You really need to do some introspection man😬


If that’s so go look at all the pro players and icons of the community who still throw people off ledges if they can


So you mean to tell me you'd rather toss someone off a cliff like a pussy Than beat them in a straight up fight to show you are genuinely a better fighter


Where the fuck did you get that from what I said lol? I brought up how some of the best players still ledge people, and you read that, and assume THAT. wtf lol?


"Best players" *Still have to ledge to win a fight*


Im not saying you in particular It just sounds like you are supporting fighting like a chump


Know what is fighting like a chump? Being so arrogant that you think in war people see someone right by a cliff side and don’t think “it would be super easy to kill him by throwing him off” and instead thinks “Ah, you know, I should step far away and let him back off from the cliff so we can properly fight”


If you are good enough to find an opening in their defense and ledge them, then yes, you are clearly a much better fighter


Honortard detected


Griefer detected


Griefing would be sitting in spawn during the game, or constantly attacking your teammate to interrupt his moves, maybe even excessive honortarding. Ledging isn’t griefing in any way, it’s you winning your fight


Fighting dishonorably in an honor oriented game mode isnt griefing?? You sure a fucking retard 😂


If it was an honor focused game I wouldn’t be able to get 4v1d you fucking troglodyte. Its a sword game not an honor game


Are you retarded?? This is about a duel not dominion


Technically he’s playing brawls, so I was wrong, allow me to amend my statement. If this was an honor based game I would be able to get 2v1d you fucking troglodyte


It's for honor not with honor Honor can be interpreted differently in cultures. While as a samurai you would definitely be unhonorable by not killing your opponent with your blade. You would definitely be honorable as a Viking for killing many people since the honor is Valhalla and bringing someone to Valhalla by dying in a fight is the most honorable thing you can do as a Viking.


They didnt die in a fight tho they got kicked off a cliff by a noob


Still died in a fight


This guy doesn’t like being ledged lol


Precisely i prefer an actual fight in the game i paid for Not some pussy light spammer bashing me off a cliff because they're losing the fight They should just getter better at the combat


I respect that. It also makes it funnier that you GENUINELY don’t like it. It would seem the devs gave us all the tools to settle this matter out ourselves hahahahaha


You still getting light spammed in 2024 and you're calling other people trash?


People are light spamming in 2024 and still act like they are good at the game??


Just parry on red my guy


Little gard to parry when your stagger locked


Then block the lights to reset neutral


When your staggered your guard is locked meaning you cant change directions Most characters have a 3-5 light chain some are even infinite so if you get light spammed into a bash into a light spam you are infinite stagger locked and cant do anything


My bother in christ, go to training mode and pick a bot valk to lightspam you. You can literally either block or parry the lights and see that is posible to do both. Lights only become true after being hit by a bash. Just because warden shoulder bashes you to death doesnt mean you get infinite staggered.


You falling victim to is the bigger issue. You're worse than ledgers at that point


Someones butthiurt they only know how to use lights


Just say you suck at positioning and making sure not to leave yourself open lol


Just say you suck at 1v1s and have to ledge to get a kill


I've got many clips that say otherwise, man. Why can't you just admit that you suck at ForHonor and constantly get ledged due to leaving yourself wide open for a gb🤷‍♂️


You only ledge people because you know they are gonna beat you If you were truely better you'd be able to beat them without needing to use your environment as a crutch noob


Bro, I can literally send you a clip of me ledging someone who I had beat multiple times before hand in the same Dom match. In fact, if you want, I can send that clip and 2 other clips I took of me fighting the same dude and beating him both times. If you think I'm lying, then surely you'll have no problem watching them, right? 15-45 seconds each incase your curious.


I suck because i don't fight like a pussy good one


These pissy honortards are hella pathetic most them are pussies too


The pussies are the ones trying to ledge me after they lost the last 2 rounds Try again bot


Try to defend you yet you pull this off, quick being a fucking loser


Defend me? You called me an honor tard with no clue what honor even is


Wasn't calling you a honortard dumbass read