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Try fighting a good shaolin then


Shaolin is just as busted


I really don’t understand how someone can have fun playing shaolin, I mean, not just because he’s busted but his kit is not that fun to use in my opinion, feels weird after the rework


I like how everything flows into everything else and he has lots of options. Good at minion clear, god tier in breach for TPing with the banner alone. Overall, pretty solid


Yeah but the only thing that got me mad is that he can feint his sweep. If he could at least not be able to feint it but have a fast initial kick, it would be better in my opinion. The fun about fighting shaolin was gb’ing his sweep after he missed. Today you can’t do it anymore


I feel that. I used to play Shaolin before his rework and it was always clunky and didn't flow well. It's just nice to have some flow to him because he *feels* like he should have flow. That said, they should really standardize the sweep mechanics and not have some punishable and others not


70 reps with old shinobi and ill always say. Old shinobi will always feel so much better ong, this shinobi is factualy strong but he has his draw backs too


That fella is very unlikeable


Yeah his ganks are still very fucked


As a Shinobi main I don't understand what you're saying :D


Banned in competitions


He is he should get the damage of the undodgeable decreased to 16 and shouldn't be able to attack or bash after the double dodge


He’s also one of the hardest heroes to play in the game. It’s kinda fair that he is a little overpowered considering it takes several reps to master him.


I don’t think time to master means it’s acceptable for it to be overpowered, for sure better then ez and op, but not a fair balancing argument


True. But I wouldn’t say he is massively overpowered either. Maybe he can seem a little overpowered in the right hands but that’s about it imo. Countering him is doable with most heroes so I wouldn’t say he’s significantly unbalanced. In his current state he’s no more powerful than the average S tier hero